My donation is in memory/honour of:
Please send notification of my gift to:
Gifts in memoriam, in tribute or in honour can remember someone lost to cancer, or mark a special individual or occasion. Including the Canadian Cancer Society in your financial or estate planning will ensure your legacy of contributing in the fight against cancer. You can support our efforts with a gift through our direct mail program, Partners in Hope monthly giving program, or by purchasing a Canadian Cancer Society lottery ticket.
You can also support us with a gift through your charitable workplace giving program, community Donors Choice canvass, or at one of our fundraising events.
Postal Code:
❏ American Express
Postal Code:
When you donate to the Canadian Cancer Society, you provide a lifeline to everything we do: from research to advocacy, and maintaining our community outreach programs.
(Please Print)
❏ Other $
❏ $25
❏ Mastercard
Expiry Date:
Your donation to the Canadian Cancer Society can be made as a memorial gift, honorarium or to commemorate other special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and other important milestones.
Fundraising Events
The Canadian Cancer Society hosts a variety of fundraising events in communities all across Manitoba. Participating in these events is a great way to have fun, build community spirit and raise money to fight cancer at the same time.
Manitoba Dragon Boat Festival (September)
Volunteering with the Canadian Cancer Society in Manitoba is a great opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, be part of a team, share your experience, learn new skills and develop lasting friendships.
Daffodil Days (March) A daffodil gives hope…Imagine what a bunch can do! For more than forty years, the Canadian Cancer Society has been selling live bunches of daffodils across Manitoba to raise money in the fight against cancer. Over 200 volunteers will sell daffodils in major malls, clinics, hospitals, recreation and retail outlets, senior homes and in their workplace.
Door to Door Canvassing (April) Thousands of volunteers head out each April during Cancer Awarness Month to knock on doors and collect funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Racing the Red for Research! This event is a weekend of excitement, entertainment, racing and above all, fun! Every summer at The Forks National Historic Site, over 140 teams race Dragon Boats down a 500-metre course on the Red River to raise funds for cancer research. Don’t miss the boat; register today!
Whether you help advocate, provide emotional support, administrate or fundraise, your volunteer time can save and improve the lives of Canadians fighting cancer.
Get To Know Us We Fight For Life
To learn more about how you can get involved in the fight against cancer, call us or visit
Community FUNdraising Events These are special events organized, managed and executed by members of the community to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Cancer Society. Community FUNdraising Events allow the Canadian Cancer Society to save on resources, ensuring the greatest part of every dollar raised goes to support our mission. To find out about events in your area or to learn how to go about creating your own event, contact your local Canadian Cancer Society office.
Relay For Life Please sign the card from:
Make a Donation...
❏ $100 ❏ $75 ❏ $50 Method of Payment ❏ Cheque ❏ Visa
Card Number:
Please make cheque payment to the Canadian Cancer Society Charitable # 1182 9803 RR0005
Fundraising Events
Celebrate…Remember…Fight Back! Relay For Life brings together family and friends to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and fight back together. Teams are encouraged to walk around a track, throughout the night for a 12 hour period and raise funds through pledges and corporate matching gifts. Cancer doesn’t sleep, so for one night neither do we!
Advocacy Network Join us in making a difference. Sign up for the Canadian Cancer Society Advocacy Network and participate in our work to improve care for cancer patients and speak out on cancer related issues. To receive email updates and participate in our Public Affairs work, register your interest with us by emailing
Let’s Make Cancer History 1 888 532-6982
193 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B7 (204) 774-7483 / 1-888-532-6982 415–1st Street, Brandon, MB R7A 2W8 (204) 571-2800 / 1-888-857-6658
Let’s Make Cancer History 1 888 532-6982
Our advocacy efforts ensure that key cancer issues receive the attention they deserve from our elected officials. We use our influence to encourage governments to pass policies that help prevent cancer and help those living with the disease. This can include policies that better our environment, health, and help those affected by cancer by getting them higher quality and more affordable treatment.
The Canadian Cancer Society funds many programs and services to help people living with cancer, their families, and their friends. Here are some of the programs the Canadian Cancer Society of Manitoba funds on a yearly basis:
Smokers’ Helpline
40% of females and 45% of males in Manitoba will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime. Many are in for the fight of their lives, but with your help they will not fight alone. Every year, Manitobans help the Canadian Cancer Society raise millions of dollars for research that finds better ways to treat cancer or prevent it altogether. Nationally, the Canadian Cancer Society invests approximately $50 million in leadingedge research across Canada, including scientists working right here in Manitoba. We carefully select only the best research that has the most promise of making a difference in the fight against cancer. And research does make a difference. Today, 62% of people diagnosed with cancer will survive compared to only about half that number in the 1960s. The Canadian Cancer Society, Manitoba Division also provides more than $2.5 million for prevention, advocacy efforts, and support and services every year. By creating awareness about the disease through educational and preventative campaigns, we are empowering Manitobans to lead healthier, cancer-free lifestyles.
We are Canada’s largest fund-raising organization in the battle against cancer, and we rely solely on the support of donors and the hard work of volunteers. Together, we can win the fight against cancer.
Where Your Money Goes
Support 21%
Prevention 21%
Admin 7% Research 29%
Info 14% 8% Advocacy
Have questions? Need support? You’re a phone call away…
1-888-939-3333 Cancer can be hard to understand and coping can be stressful. It often helps to contact someone for reliable information. Our caring information specialists will take the time to reply to your questions and they can follow up with more information by mail, e-mail or fax. For those who could use support coping with cancer, the Peer Support program matches people who are living with cancer with others who have had a similar cancer.
Callers receive information and tailored advice from trained specialists about quitting cigarette smoking and other tobacco use. Quit Specialists will help callers develop strategies to quit and can move them along the path toward living tobacco-free. Individuals wanting to help friends and loved ones quit smoking can also call this confidential, bilingual and toll-free service. Smokers’ Helpline Online is an interactive, webbased version of our service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offers tips, tools and support to help with quitting smoking or other tobacco use. Please visit for more information.
Info And Publications
Volunteers are available to attend health fairs and expos to provide information about the Canadian Cancer Society. Displays can be tailored to the specific theme of your event.
Individuals seeking more information about cancer, treatment, prevention, and the latest research can call or visit We offer a wide variety of printed information on a number of cancer-related subjects, including specific cancers, healthy diets, and regular exercise in the fight against the disease.
Transportation Service
Knowledge Exchange Network (CCS KEN)
Winnipeg: (204) 787-4121, 1-888-532-6982 Brandon: (204) 571-2805, 1-888-857-6658
The Knowledge Exchange Network (CCS KEN) is a service for Health Care Professionals with the following goals: To bridge the gap between research and users of research information and to build capacity in community groups to use research evidence in their program planning and policy development. For information packages or general information on CCS KEN visit
Health Fair Displays
The Canadian Cancer Society of Manitoba strives to provide access to safe and reliable subsidized transportation for people living with cancer. If you are receiving treatment for cancer and do not have access to transportation, a volunteer driver can pick you up and take you to your appointments in Winnipeg or Brandon. Service is also available in some rural areas. Please call for more information.
*Pie chart is based on financial statements from 2007/2008
Cancer Information & Support (CIS)
monthly giving form
At the Canadian Cancer Society, every year we move closer to our goal. And we do it with the help of our volunteers and our donors.
You CAN quit… we can help
Partners in Hope
Imagine a world where no Canadian fears cancer. It is possible.
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I understand that I may alter or cancel this authorization at any time, subject to providing notice in writing to The Canadian Cancer Society. To obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information on my right to cancel PAD Agreement, I may contact my financial institution or visit
Support And Services
The Canadian Cancer Society Respects Your Privacy. We do not exchange or trade our donor's information. ❏ If you prefer not to receive communications from us that invite you to support our fight against cancer, please tick this box.
Support And Services
I am aware of the Canadian Cancer Society’s need for a dependable source of funds and agree to make a monthly tax-deductible donation. I’d like my monthly gift to be ❏ $5 ❏ $10 ❏ $20 ❏ $30 ❏Other $ ❏ Option A: Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) I’ve enclosed a cheque marked “VOID”, I understand and authorize that the amount I’ve specified will be deducted from my bank account. Please withdraw the above amount from my bank account on the ❏ 15th or ❏ 30th of the month. Signature Telephone Date ❏ Option B: Credit Card Payments I authorize that the amount I've specified will be charged to the following card each month: ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard ❏ American Express Card Number Expiry Date Signature Telephone Date
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