7 minute read
The Fervor To Stimulate
By Rizwan Zulfiqar Bhutta
e catch a lot of stories of accomplishments and fascination, Individuals enfolded in a luxury lifestyle. That could be the one side we see. There is always a background story and some have a really special one. Paola Mlle is one of the most inspirational stories to convince you that it is never too late to make a start. Because she took starts, again and again, faced glitches but she never put her gear down. We decided to write this interview differently. We know a lot of entrepreneurs and their success tales, but no one is aware of catastrophes or hurdles they went through. The only thing people see in today’s modern world is the social media feeds.
We decided to pen down a note, with a view that we get a bit too less in our viewpoint about what was there, before the glory? Effective business visionaries who have figured out how to dominate the challenges of business and have developed their organizations are the real greats. Other than writing about several experienced businesspeople, We decided to write about an individual and her efforts before the triumph. There are business visionaries who quite recently started their businesses but We must speculate that by reading about the perspectives of Paola Mlle you are in for a demonstration of intriguing understandings.
Paola el Sitt is a Lebanese entrepreneur, born and raised in Lebanon in a very challenging environment. she started by developing her family business from physical stores into a digital one www. mllepaola.com (accessible evening wear and accessories platform) it was her senior year project in the university and later became the starting point of her career. Talking to Edgy Paola Said, “As I kicked off my journey, I saw the emerging opportunity in transforming active followers into buyers through social media so I
started venturing into different product introductions, some of the significant ones were my collaboration on a lip kit with ‘’Maybelline” New York and later my perfume brand.

At the End of 2019, the Lebanese political instability and economic crisis hit us hard and the unofficial capital control imposed on us caused me a lot of financial loss so I felt as an entrepreneur I no longer can function in this toxic environment, Where I succeeded a lot but the government defrauded us. They did not just steal our money but stole I am the brand ambassador and the partner too. We own the distribution rights in UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Of course, I have always been and still am working with local and international brands on different collaborations as a digital influencer, businesses, and products.” She Said “People always have a misconception about the influencers they expect them to be just another pretty face with cool content. I started as an entrepreneur turned into an influencer by sharing my journey with whoever is interested. As for their reaction, it’s a positive shock. It was easier for me in Dubai a multicultural society. I believe the blended societies are for a free-spirited person like me the best and healthiest place to be in, multiculturalism feeds my creativity and my perspective. This is where I belong, in a happy peaceful flexible place where we celebrate and explore our differences. Life is a precious journey we are here to leave a mark and a positive impact, no matter what we choose to do we should always think about how will this impact others and me. this is my ultimate value. Life is always more generous than us whatever we give, it gives back 100 times more that’s why I always say do good I STARTED AS be positive and give a lot because it will AN ENTREPRENEUR come back to you it’s TURNED INTO AN as simple as that. I am our dreams and inspiINFLUENCER by sharing my journey with whoever a free soul, A person with a lot of energy to give, and very eager rations. Still, I was not is interested. As for their to learn to evolve and the one to give up on reaction, it’s a positive explore myself while my visions. I took an impulsive decision to shock. making use of the best version of myself.” relocate to UAE and started all over again in early 2020. I Talking about her plans, Paola Said, came back with a lot to rebuild right “Right now I am focusing on my projbefore COVID hit but gratefully I landed ects as an influencer while working in at an investment company, which was parallel on my newly launched product interested in my story and adopted my that we started within UAE and currently perfume brand. Now our brand is into penetrating both Saudi and Egyptian the elevation of the expansion phase. I market. Along with my perfume brand also just launched with other partners and another confidential perfume brand a new product “Qwell collagen water”. too. My theory of success is the balance

between working hard, living my life, and reward it back. This is where I feel most accomplished because we can not neglect any of the above, Yet people always tend to lose balance and the biggest loss is losing yourself along the voyage.”

On the topic of influencing, She said, “There is a major difference between an actual influencer who is influencing and affecting people positively and what I call a billboard just an ad roll. We have a mix of both but mainly lots of amazing Arab influencers who are doing very well and honestly I cannot compare because I don’t see the difference in today’s world where everyone is global via the internet. Social media is an amazing place where you can enjoy a lot and benefit from if you do it right and when I say do it right it’s when you truly be yourself because the online audience is way smarter than you think. you only “People always have Lifestyle is the way you touch them when you A MISCONCEPTION see yourself and how are genuine. I also always say learn how to balance between your ABOUT THE INFLUENCERS they you want people to see you too for me my lifestyle is a reflection of private life and public expect them to be just my character simple yet life so it doesn’t affect your energy too. I enjoy creating genuine another pretty face with cool content” refined I love the good fine things in life and I also enjoy the simplicity content the most I of the little things too. love sharing my everyday details on my It shows in my style that is very flexible stories and I also enjoy my glitz and between simple and lavish whether in the glam and I love sharing culture because places I go to or in the way I enjoy and I’m fascinated by history culture and translate the experiences I choose. Now I art and this is something I also enjoy am at peace with my family even though sharing I don’t have a preference as it wasn’t a very stable one but I learned long as I’m sharing it from my heart. how to make peace with it and this played a big role in the healing process for me.” About culture and lifestyle she said, “I love my culture so much the Lebanese In her message to readers Paola Said, “I specifically and Arab too, Lebanon is would like to say as a passionate entreprerich in culture and this shaped me, neur don’t seek money only, seek a positive my taste my preferences, and a lot of impact and money will come along. Life aspects of my life. Lebanese women is about achievements, good energy and are known for their style and their this is the true prize from everything we strength and resilience. aim to do.