Sea lice in Chile: historical analysis of surveillance and control programs
R. Ibarra*, A. Tello, J. Campisto and M. H. Medina Ins9tuto Tecnológico del Salmón-‐ SalmonChile September 2014 INTESAL
Sea lice monitoring and control programs
• Private: Supported by Salmon farmer associa9on since 1999. – Voluntary ac,ons (always according under Official programs) • Zone management un,l 2009 • Ac,ve surveillance un,l 2012 • Today is limited into passive surveillance and analysis
• Official: Supported by Na9onal Fisheries Service since 2007. – Mandatory surveillance and control ac,ons under specific sea lice program. – Use of therapeu,cs – Food safety INTESAL 2
Sea Lice in Chile
Surveillance and control Measures 2012 -Salmosan -Harvest control -Enclosed systems -Private coordination JU
35 Surveillance Program
New PSEVC New PSEVC • Level for treatment • Level for treatment • Coordinated treatment oordinated treatment • Classification of• C sites/consequences • Classification of sites/ • Alternation of products consequences • Enclosed systems
20 15 10 5
Control Program *10 CT *6 AT
*3 AT
• Alternation of products • Enclosed systems
SalmonChile Measures PSEVC DFZ Cáligus
9 AT
1,5 F
• Coordina9on • Zoning
0 ene-07 mar-07 may-07 jul-07 sep-07 nov-07 ene-08 mar-08 may-08 jul-08 sep-08 nov-08 ene-09 mar-09 may-09 jul-09 sep-09 nov-09 ene-10 mar-10 may-10 jul-10 sep-10 nov-10 ene-11 mar-11 may-11 jul-11 sep-11 nov-11 ene-12 mar-12 may-12 jul-12 sep-12 nov-12 ene-13 mar-13 may-13 jul-13 sep-13 nov-13 ene-14 mar-14 may-14
Promedio Caligus
30 25
Winter Treatment
Winter Treatment
Winter Treatment
Mes - Año INTESAL 3
30 Total Caligus Biomass
Control measures
0 200000
Biomass (Ton)
abr-09 jun-09 ago-09 oct-09 dic-09 feb-10 abr-10 jun-10 ago-10 oct-10 dic-10 feb-11 abr-11 jun-11 ago-11 oct-11 dic-11 feb-12 abr-12 jun-12 ago-12 oct-12 dic-12 feb-13 abr-13 jun-13 ago-13 oct-13 dic-13 feb-14 abr-14
Total Caligus/fish
Biomass and Sea Lice
Varia9on i2D n TGraph ime 9(2009-‐ 2014) 500000
20 100000
Month - year
Levels of IPM Integra9on Where is Chile?
Levels of IPM integration
Level III
[same as previous +] Control of other fish diseases included
6 Level II
[same as previous +] Implementation of several non-medical measurements
[same as previous +] Surveillance incorporated into a decision support system Dynamic host/sea lice models
4 Level I Threshold of IPM
3 2
1 a)Point by point treatment b)Single medicine available
[same as previous +] a)Resistance surveillance b)Wild salmon surveillance c)Use of non-medical measurement (e.g.cleaner fishes)
[same as previous +] a)Area management areas b)Planning and coordination
a)Sea lice counts surveillance b)Alternation of medicine
(Adjustment to sea lice from Kogan 1998)