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ECOINDUSTRIA PAGINA 14 Supplemento a: “A.A.A- Il Giornale della Meccanica & Subfornitura” n° 511 Giugno 2016
ecoindustria MACCHINE UTENSILI macchine per finitura superfici e lavaggio
A.M.C. MECCANICA S.A.S. di Sandèn Cristina e C. Repaired your tools should be better "Destroy your tools and let them repair" Such a statement would be enough to earn the nickname crazy. Instead, it hides more than a grain of truth. Indeed, A, M.C. MECCANICA has developed a special procedure that allows you to repair damaged or defective tools. Almost all tools subjected to this treatment showed a longer period than those that characterized them going out from the factory.
TEKNOX con su experiencia de 40 años en el campo del lavado con agua, se ha distinguido por la calidad de su producción y por sus soluciones técnicas innovadoras que le han permitido imponerse como líder del mercado en tratamientos y acabados para las superficies de piezas mecánicas. Las instalaciones de túnel TEKNOX pueden ser de una etapa o de varias etapas con secado final según las necesidades de tratamiento a efectuar en las piezas. Se pueden llevar a cabo diversos procesos de desengrasado, pasivación, fosfatación, decapado, etc. VENTAJAS: - Automatización del ciclo de lavado y optimización de los parámetros de tratamiento sin el control constante de operadores especializados.
a la salida de las máquinas de elaboración (MINITÚNEL) - Mejores resultados especialmente en las piezas difíciles de lavar, ya que el lavado se efectúa de modo calibrado pieza a pieza según su particular conformación física. - Nuevas tecnologías de construcción para el ahorro de energía, la mejor calidad de lavado y la reducción de los contaminantes.
You can to repair tools products from almost any company in this market, whether it's cutting tools used for turning, boring, milling and drilling across all manufacturing sectors . The tools repaired with the procedure regenerates are guaranteed to fit, tolerances, and highlight an optimal wear resistance compared to the base body of the tool, and this is true regardless of the degree of wear or the type and extent of the damage. In any case, it is necessary that it is still present 10% of the insert seat. The customer in this way finds its tool in original condition, is not forced to bear excessive costs. at most, the cost of repair is around 40-60% of the price of the tool again.
- Versiones de ciclo cerrado sin emisión de vapor y regeneración continua de las soluciones de lavado.
Obviously, it is possible to repair the tools several times and this can only bring benefits to the budget foreseen. Today almost no one can afford to throw in the wreckage of the damaged tools.
- Instalaciones construidas según las más estrictas normas de seguridad.
Only the correct material allows to obtain the expected yield.
- Se respetan los niveles de limpieza requeridos por las más importantes casas automovilísticas y aeronáuticas a nivel mundial.
why the tools recovered differ from those new to quality? In this regard it is important to recognize the source material used, since each manufacturer uses different materials. A.M.C. has extensive experience in the field of identification. In this way, it is possible to effectively prevent internal stresses or cracks repaired on the tool caused by the use of an unsuitable material.
- Ahorro de mano de obra para el desplazamiento interno de las piezas y del personal encargado del lavado, ya que es posible conectar estas instalaciones directamente
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The choice of the proper material and its application, respecting a suitable thickness allow to reach, in combination with the surface treatment, a hardness between 43 and 52 HRC (Rockwell hardness). At first, it is convenint to repair all the tools, from simple turning tool to the mills and drills. The lonely difference is that with the complex and expensive tools the saving is higher.Whether you use standard catalogue tools or Specials, we guarantee all our repairs to perform as new and we aim to SAVE CUSTOMERS UP TO 75% ON THE COST OF NEW TOOLING. SEGNA
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¡Atención! No echar los utensilios de insertos dañados Es mejor darlos a nosotros Vosotros ahorraréis aproximadamente el 50-70% del costo de un nuevo utensilio!
solo el 10% de pequeña placa de asiento es suficiente para hacer una regeneración exelente!
Antes: Esto utensilio será regenerado de manera barata
Por ejemplo: después la regeneración A.M.C. MECCANICA S.A.S.
Via Monte Grappa 40/32 – 20020 Arese (MI) – Tel. 02 9383983 – Fax 02 93583066 - correo electrónico: Per avere maggiori informazioni sui redazionali pubblicati e sulla pubblicità t e l e f o n a a l n u m e ro 0 5 1 6 0 6 1 0 7 0
P e r l a t u a p u b b l i c i t Ă s u M E C C AT R O N I C A
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ecoindustria MACCHINE UTENSILI macchine per marcare
NUEVO SISTEMA DE MARCAJE LASER XL-BOX SIC MARKING presenta la nueva estación de trabajo para el marcado Laser XL-Box, con la fuente láser de fibra pulsada Ytterbio marcando en profundidad códigos alfanuméricos, códigos de barras y Data Matrix 2D, en todo tipo de metales y algunos plásticos, marcas de alto contraste en alta velocidad, legibles a simple vista, con un lector o cámara de visión. El XL-Box tiene unas dimensiones interiores más grandes que el modelo anterior: 550 x 550 mm Dimensiones exteriores compactas, con un ancho de sólo 653 mm. Funciona a través de ordenador portátil conectado a través de
USB con el software SIC láser en un PC Windows, ofrece más maneras de configurar el marcado con interfaz fácil de utilizar. Es posible el marcaje de componentes muy grandes, de hasta 370 mm, se puede ajustar con una mesa con ranura en T y orificios roscados para facilitar la inserción de equipos para el apoyo de las piezas, mientras que la seguridad está garantizada por una puerta de accionamiento neumático que que se cierra al inicio del marcaje y se abre a la finalización del ciclo de marcado. El sistema es de Clase I según EN 60825-1. Los ajustes del eje Z se llevan a cabo de manera intuitiva gracias a la motorizado eje 235 mm, con el foco facilitado por dos punteros. Distribuido en España por SIVART - SEGNA
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PARAZZA S.r.l. Gears and racks construction News 2016! • HOBBING PFAUTER 630 CNC 5 AXES - CONTROLLED - Gear up to Ø 650 mm - BROACHING VRV From 25 – 30 tons; length1800 mm - SLOTTING 4 AXES CONTROLLED Ø 2500 mm x 800 mm - HOBBING MAAG SH 300 / 500 Gear up to Ø 5000 - HOBBING PFAUTER 750R For rotors We have been specialized for many years in manufacturing of gears and complete construction of small and large sizes, according to customer requirements. The experience, our qualified operators and our machines allow us to meet EVERY NEED FROM THE DRAWINGS OR SAMPLES required by the customer, ensuring quality and precision in gears of every structure, size or material (available on request with internal certificated dimensional inspection). Small and large GEARS, with: External Gearing Straight M 0.5 to M 45 with diameters from 10 to 5000 Helical M 0.5 to M 45 with diameters from 10 to 5000 Internal Gears Height up to 550 Straight M 0.5 to M 30 with diameters from 20 to 5000 Helical M 0.5 to M 16 with diameters from 200 to 5000 Gears with rounded teeth Gears with bi-helical toothing Gears of rotors for compressors of various sizes according to drawing Splined shafts of any type: DIN, SAE, ... Worms screws from M 0.5 to M 25 or with Trapezoidal profile (TPN) Crowns for worms screws Pulleys for toothed belts Cog wheels for roller chains P e r l a t u a p u b b l i c i t à s u M E C C AT R O N I C A
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Racks with straight / helical teeth from M 0,5 to M 25, also refaced Slotting of any type, with control over the 4-axis, for a working height of 800 in head of shaft diameters up to 250 and length 4000 Broaching with useful length up to 1800 mm
IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS, send them to us!!!
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Greater rapidity in the substitution of the utensil. This object, thanks to some shrewdness, which have determined the possibility to depose the brevet, it allows to replace the male utensil wear or broken without duty to get off hands male necessarily stings her/it from the
collet chuck. In the body of the it stings ER I express there is a center to lodge you a ring of estate whose principal function is that to prevent the entry of dusts of workmanships. The kept instructions in the realization and in the construction of the same, guarantee a
good reliability. Also with this product the Meccanica ARNES intends to give to all one further possibilities to exploit to full the characteristics of speed of cut that the new technologies on the construction of the tapping. Guarantee a notable demolition of the times of positioning and workmanship. We remember you that already from a few years the Meccanica ARNES has begun a process of restructuring of his/her products and his organic, continuing to evolve in positive way and technologically advanced his/her range of products. For further information you visit our site SEGNA
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PINZA ER COMPENSATA La Meccanica ARNES continuamente impegnata nell'innovazione dei suoi prodotti e nella ricerca di nuovi, ha di recente sviluppato e brevettato a livello internazionale un nuovo prodotto ( PINZA ER COMPENSATA)che garantisce una migliore qualità e sicurezza nella fase di maschiatura. Maggiore rapidità nella sostituzione dell' utensile. Quest'oggetto, grazie ad alcuni accorgimenti che hanno determinato la possibilità di deporre il brevetto, permette di sostituire l'utensile maschio usurato o rotto senza dovere necessariamente smontare la pinza porta maschio dal mandrino. Nel corpo della pinza ER esterno vi è una sede per alloggiarvi un anello di tenuta la cui funzione principale è quella di impedire l'ingresso di polveri di lavorazioni. Le avvertenze tenute nella realizzazione e nella costruzione dello stesso, garantiscono una buona affidabilità. Anche con questo prodotto la Meccanica ARNES intende dare a tutti una ulteriore possibilità di sfruttare a pieno le caratteristiche di velocità di taglio che le nuove tecnologie sulla costruzione dei maschi consentono,garantendo un notevole abbattimento dei tempi di piazzamento e lavorazione. Già da qualche anno la Meccanica ARNES ha iniziato un processo di ristrutturazione dei suoi prodotti e del suo organico, continuando ad evolvere in maniera positiva e tecnologicamente avanzata la sua gamma di prodotti. Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il sito
Costruzioni Ingranaggi e Cremagliere COLLET ER COMPENSATION With traction The Meccanica ARNES continually in the innovation of his/her products and in the search of new, it has recently develop and patented to international level a new product (COLLET ER COMPENSATION)the guarantees a best quality and safety in the phase of tapping.
051 682 12 58 (r.a.)
• Ingranaggi con Dentature: • Dentature di Rotori Esterne - Interne • Alberi scanalati Bombate - Bielicoidali • Viti senza fine
INTERPELLATECI! • Corone per viti • Pulegge • Ruote dentate
• Cremagliere • Stozzature • Lavorazioni di brocciatura
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ecoindustria attrezzature per macchine utensili
Sistemi di presa e bloccaggio pezzo estremamente flessibili e di qualità I sistemi di presa e bloccaggio pezzo di Cosmec sono dispositivi affidabili e precisi, studiati per rispondere alle nuove esigenze produttive di mercato. La progressiva tendenza alla diminuzione dei lotti di pezzi ha indotto l’Azienda a progettare nuovi sistemi di presa pezzo flessibili e di qualità, per abbattere i tempi di attrezzaggio e preparazione macchina. A seguito di un’elevata attenzione ai processi produttivi e alla richieste dei clienti, Cosmec si propone sul mercato Italiano e internazionale con serietà e dinamicità, offrendo una vasta gamma di prodotti.
MORSETTI PER AUTOCENTRANTI Cosmec produce morsetti teneri e duri di svariate dimensioni e vari materiali per qualsiasi autocentrante in commercio; inoltre su richiesta dei clienti costruisce morsetti personalizzati, a disegno, basculanti e con settori intercambiabili offrendo una vasta gamma di soluzioni di bloccaggio del pezzo da lavorare. SISTEMI DI PRESA E BLOCCAGGIO PEZZO SPECIALI Oltre a quanto indicato in precedenza l’Azienda progetta e produce qualsiasi
sistema di presa pezzo speciale, fornendo al cliente disegni in 3D dei particolari studiati e realizzati da un attenta analisi del pezzo da bloccare e dei suoi processi produttivi. LE MORSE MULTIBLOK E I SISTEMI DI BLOCCAGGIO SINGLEBLOK E DUALBLOK Le morse Multiblok sono l’ innovativo sistema di bloccaggio meccanico progettato da Cosmec per prese multiple. Proposte in 3 misure : 50x50 70x70 90x90 e in varie lunghezze, le morse Cosmec si distinguono in primis dalla loro dentatura
bilaterale che permette di avere una maggior rigidità e un posizionamento semplice e pratico lasciando liscio il piano di appoggio pezzo. Cosmec propone il sistema di bloccaggio doppio a cuneo Dualblok di varie misure e con ganasce di diversi modelli per la presa di particolari di varie geometrie. Per i cubi morsa verticali,
l’Azienda ha provveduto a progettare il nuovo sistema di bloccaggio singolo Singleblok in grado di risolvere le difficoltà di posizionamento del pezzo da lavorare. MORSETTI DUALPEND I nuovi morsetti Dualpend Cosmec risolvono, grazie ai sei punti di contatto pezzo e all’oscillazione del settore basculante, molte problematiche durante la lavorazione di pezzi tondi, irregolari e soggetti a deformazioni assicurando una presa sicura del particolare da lavorare evitandone la deformazione. MORSE AUTOCENTRANTI Studiata per i centri di lavoro a 5 assi, la morsa autocentrante Cosmec permette di lavorare il pezzo su 5 lati. Il suo design la rende una morsa precisa, rigida e rapida nei serraggi. Progettata in 3 dimensioni : 75, 100 e 125, la nuova morsa, grazie alle ganasce integrali e la sua costruzione solida e compatta, garantisce un massima rigidità e un ingombro contenuto.
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COLONNE MULTIBLOK Create in particolare per i centri di lavoro verticali a 4 assi, le Colonne Multiblok sono state ideate per poter serrare contemporaneamente un notevole numero di pezzi. Su richiesta dei clienti l’Azienda fornisce platorelli e controsupporti per il bloccaggio della Colonna su qualsiasi tavola girevole. CUBI MORSA Un notevole sviluppo e diffusione dei centri di lavoro orizzontali e sistemi pallettizati ha indotto Cosmec a produrre cubi porta morse per il posizionamento delle morse Multiblok. Creati in Acciaio e in Alluminio Ergal E7075; l'Azienda progetta attrezzature per rispondere a qualsiasi esigenza del cliente.
Sistemas de toma y bloqueo pieza de trabajo extremamiente flexibles y de calidad Los sistemas de toma y bloqueo pieza de Cosmec son dispositivo confiables y precisos, estudiados para satisfacer las nuevas exigencias productivas de mercado. La progresiva tendencia a la disminución de las partidas de piezas ha inducido la Empresa a planear nuevos sistemas de toma pieza flexibles y de calidad, para derribar los tiempos de utillaje y preparación maquina. A continuación de una elevada atención a los procesos productivos y a las demandas y solicitudes de los clientes, Cosmec se propone sobre el mercado italiano e internacional con seriedad y dinamismo, ofreciendo una vasta gama de productos. PEQUEÑOS TORNOS PARA AUTOCENTRADORES
P.E.I. s.r.l. - Via Torretta, 32-32/2 40012 Calderara di Reno (BO) Italy tel.: +39 051 646 4811 (r.a) - fax: +39 051 646 4840 P e r l a t u a p u b b l i c i t à s u M E C C AT R O N I C A
Cosmec produce pequeños tornos tiernos y duros de variadas dimensiones y diversos materiales por cualquier autocentrador en comercio; además sobre solicitud de los clientes construye pequeños tornos personalizados, a dibujo, basculantes y con sectores intercambiables ofreciendo una vasta gama de soluciones de bloqueo de las pieza que trabajar.
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segue a pag 8 <
Equipos mecánicos para máquinas herramienta MECCANICA ARNES s.r.l Via Prati Vecchi 21 / H - 42025 CAVRIAGO (RE) ITALIA Tel: +39 0522370945 - Fax: +39 0522374886
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ecoindustria ¯ segue da pag 6
SISTEMAS DE TOMA Y BLOQUEO PIEZA DE TRABAJO ESPECIALES Además de cuanto indicado en precedencia la Empresa planea y produce cualquier sistema de toma pieza especial, proveyéndole al cliente dibujos en 3D de los detalles estudiados y realizados por un atento análisis de la pieza de bloquear y de sus procesos productivos. TORNOS MULTIBLOCK Y SISTEMAS DE BLOQUEO SINGLEBLOCK Y DUALBLOCK Los tornos Multiblok son el innovativo sistema de bloqueo mecánico planeado por Cosmec por tomas múltiples. Propuestas en 3 medidas: 50x50 70x70 90x90 y en varios largos, los tornos Cosmec se distinguen en primis de sus dentaduras bilaterales que permite de tener una mayor rigidez y un posicionamiento simple y práctico dejando liso el plan de apoyo pieza. Cosmec propone el sistema de bloqueo doble a cuña Dualblok de varias medidas y con quijadas de diferentes modelos por la toma de detalles de varias geometrías. Por los cubos torno verticales, la Empresa previo a planear el nuevo sistema de bloqueo individual Singleblok capaz de solucionar las dificultades de posicionamiento de la pieza que trabajar. PEQUEÑOS TORNOS DUALPEND
gurando una toma segura del detalle que trabajar evitando su deformación. TORNOS AUTOCENTRADORES Estudiada por los centros de trabajo a 5 ejes, el torno autocentrador Cosmec permite de trabajar la pieza sobre 5 lados. Su diseño la devuelve un torno preciso, rígido y rápido en los cerramientos. Planeada en 3 dimensiones: 75, 100 y 125, el nuevo torno, gracias a las quijadas integrales y a su construcción sólida y compacta, garantiza una máxima rigidez y una intrusión contenida. COLUMNAS MULTIBLOCK Generadas en particular por los centros de trabajo verticales a 4 ejes, las Columnas Multiblok han sido ideados para poder cerrar al mismo tiempo un notable número de piezas. Sobre solicitud de los clientes la Empresa ofrece platorelos y contrasoportes por el bloqueo de la Columna sobre cualquiera tabla giratoria. CUBOS TORNO Un notable desarrollo y difusión de los centros de trabajo horizontal y sistemas paletizados indujo Cosmec a producir cubos lleva tornos por el posicionamiento de los tornos Multiblok. Creados de Acero y de Aluminio Ergal E7075; la Empresa planea aparejos para contestar a cualquiera exigencia del cliente.
Los nuevos pequeños tornos Dualpend Cosmec solucionan, gracias a los seis puntos de contacto pieza y a la oscilación del sector basculante, muchas problemáticas durante la elaboración de piezas redondas, irregulares y sujetos a deformaciones ase-
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SENCILLO PERO GENIAL... Un producto italiano a la conquista del mundo. Poliangolar ha sabido maximizar un invento especialmente interesante y eficaz, sentando sobre este las bases de su éxito y confirmando el elemento que ha distinguido nuestro país a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, el famoso «genio itálico». Un producto típicamente «Made in Italy», completamente proyectado, fabricado y confeccionado en Italia; una empresa muestra de forma eficaz su propensión a la inventiva y al carácter italiano: Poliangolar de Settimo Milanese, al
del material a trabajar», analiza Bremi. «Además, la ausencia de órganos internos de transmisión y la máxima sencillez constructiva garantizan una larga duración del aparato».
lado de Milán, en cuyas oficinas encontramos a Sergio Bremi, hijo del fundador y actual administrador de la sociedad. «Hace más de 40 años mi padre inventó un dispositivo para realizar diversas secciones poligonales: el “Poliangolar”. «Desde entonces este invento ha dado la vuelta al mundo, literalmente. Sencillo pero genial», dice el título de este artículo: y es precisamente el primer pensamiento que nos viene a la mente al observar el invento de Bremi.
«El Poliangolar es un dispositivo de movimiento rotatorio pendular para la ejecución rápida de orificios ciegos o de paso y de perfiles externos con secciones poligonales regulares o irregulares» comenta Bremi. «La operación se realiza rápidamente y el orificio prismático obtenido presenta un excelente acabado con aristas vivas, idénticas a las del utensilio utilizado». La capacidad productiva no se limita a las tradicionales ranuras hexagonales y cuadradas. Gracias al Poliangolar se pueden obtener también formas de estrella, acanaladas, ovales, rectangulares, trapezoidales, de engranaje y muchas otras. «Todo ello con un tiempo de ejecución reducido, que depende del tamaño de las ranuras y
INVESTIGACIÓN CONTINUA… «El Poliangolar tradicional permite realizar cualquier tipo de sección, a excepción de chavetas individuales», explica Bremi. Siendo conscientes de esta limitación, hemos decidido invertir recursos en la búsqueda de una nueva solución: el «Polikey». Gracias a la última creación de la familia Poliangolar es posible realizar acanalados y orificios para chavetas. Los inventos de Bremi, originarios de Italia, están presentes actualmente en todo el mundo. «Mi padre estaría muy orgulloso a día de hoy si lo supiera.»
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ecoindustria apparecchiature per macchine utensili
O.M.A.P. "Tribloc " high precision mechanical workshops since1963 We would like introduce our Company O.M.A.P. Srl. was established as a precision mechanical company specialized in tool machines construction and special works, and we produce successfully: • Manual Self-centering chucks - Tribloc with 3 jaws single and double tenon flange cupling, - Tribloc with 4 jaws, single and double tenon flange coupling, - Tribloc with 4 independent reversible jaws, - Tribloc with 2 sliders single and double tenon flange coupling, - Tribloc with 3-4 jaws double tenon integral coupling ISO 702/I - ISO 702/II-702/III ASA A2 DIN 55026 CAM-LOCK 55029 – DIN 55022 - Tribloc with 6 jaws for sharpening machines, - Tribloc with 6 jaws for sharpening machines + cone ISO 50, - Tribloc a 6 + 6 + 6 clamps for sharpening machines, • cast iron and steel Independent chuck and flanges with long and short cone for lathes; • “autofretting” face drivers and “patented” displaced-axis bench vices • special clamping systems
colaboración con la “Colombo & Lenna”, desde siempre marca de referencia en el sector, ofrecemos platos de absolutas robustez, precisión y duración.
La calidad del made in Italy desde 1963 Es un orgullo para Omap afirmar que sus productos son realizados completamen-
te en Italia: ninguna fase deelaboración es llevada a cabo por terceros y la manufactura tiene lugar enteramente en los propios talleres. En un mercado global hipercompetitivo donde la guerra de los precios la ganan solo los competidores asiáticos, Omap ha optado por seguir apostando a la producción local, defendiendo la calidad de los propios productos italianos. Omap ha obtenido la certificación ISO 9001:2000 otorgada por el ente RINA relativo a la actividad de proyectación yconstrucción de mandriles autocentrantes de mando manual. Dicho reconocimiento garantiza que la empresa se ajusta a un rígido protocolo para mantenerse dentro de los estàndares de alta calidad organización y profesionalidad a fin de ofrecer a los clientes un producto en linea con las propias expectativas.
Desde 1963 Tribloc™ es sinónimo de Calidad, la Calidad del “Made in Italy”. Un producto industrial fabricado mediante procedimientos artesanales con el fin de ofrecer el máximo de la perfección y del rigor en la elaboración de cada pieza. La atención al cliente está a cargo de una calificada oficina técnico comercial siempre a vuestra disposición para satisfacer todo tipo de pedidos, ya sea estándard o personalizados. Para ponerse en contacto con Omap envíe un correo electrónico a: Gerente Comercial Sr. Luigi De Pra +39 0437 990044 SEGNA
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The development of advanced technologies and the use of specialized personnel allows the company to offer quality, patented and certified products. The customer care is guaranteed by a qualified technical-commercial department that is constantly at your disposal, in order to satisfy any standard or specific request. Herewith enclosed we are sending you our company catalogue and details concerning our production.
O.M.A.P. “Tribloc” Talleres mecánicos de alta precisión desde1963 O.M.A.P Talleres mecánicos de Alta Precisión nace en 1963 en Ponte nelle Alpi y se especializa en la construcción y producción de dispositivos para máquinas herramientas y elaboraciones especiales. El constante desarrollo de tecnología de vanguardia y el personal calificado y especializado ha permitido a la empresa ofrecer, tanto en el mercado italiano como al internacional, productos de calidad, patentados y certificados construidos integramente en Italia. O.M.A.P. produce mandriles autocentrantes Tribloc para tornos, rectificadoras, fresadoras y divisores... Arrastradores frontales autoforzantes, platos y bridas para tornos y contrapuntas especiales. Equipos y piezas de repuesto para máquinas herramientas.O.M.A.P. • Mandriles autocentrantes Tribloc™: los mandriles autocentrantes son un producto de gran confiabilidad, precisión y tradición. • Bridas de interposición: completan desde siempre nuestra gama de mandriles autocentrantes y no autocentrantes. • Brida con amarre standard ISO y bridas especiales para todo tipo de requerimientos y exigencia. • Arrastradores frontales autoforzantes: nuestras puntas de arrastre frontales autoforzantes son sinónimo de tecnología y eficiencia al servicio del torneado en general de las más reconocidas empresas metalmecánicas. • Platos para tornos: gracias a la histórica
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ecoindustria LOGISTICA, TRASPORTI, MAGAZZINO, MANUTENZIONE barriere metalliche e protezioni anti-infortunistiche
SHIELD X-Y PEI The X - Y LM SHIELD composed of thermic-welded bellows with steel laminations, represents the cheapest solution for protecting the working area in horizontal spindle machining centers where there is a large production of hot shavings. This system consists of No. 2 horizontal bellows and No. 2 vertical bellows, protected by movable stainless steel plates guaranteeing a very functional product for Quality/Price.
used on every kind of machine tool. They are frequently used in machining centers and chip-removing machines. In order to protect the bellow exposed to hot shavings, a shielding made by metal elements, called “plates” will be necessary. The steel laminations are fixed by special clamps keeping the plates adherent and loaded one on the other to prevent contaminants and shavings from entering.
Accelerations up to 1 G
Speeds up 120 m/min.
The thermic-welded protection bellows are largely
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S.A.I.F.R.A.® Construction of special tools for advanced applciation since 1978 S.A.I.FRA.®, established in 1978 has a thirty-year background in drawing and construction of special tools. The highly innovative character of the company has resulted in remarkable achievement even for standard tool production and large batches.
Continuous research of new technologies, highly qualified technical staff, an efficient consulting service and the careful selection of suppliers have allowed S.A.I.FRA.® to become a reliable and well known partner. Also thanks to technologically advanced machineries, products guarantee exceptional performance in terms of finishing level and duration, while maintaining a very competitive quality-cost ratio. The production is set to various sectors: industry, aviation, motor, precision mechanics, hydraulics, jewelry and any sort of chip removing process. Further, S.A.I.FRA.® also provides a special recoating service for its clients. Their technical support is available to analyze your problems and to help you optimize the conditions of use of tools. The production includes provisions of special tools for the machining of the following components: gearboxe, engine cranckcases, swirl, cydler heads, basements. P e r l a t u a p u b b l i c i t à s u M E C C AT R O N I C A
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ecoindustria S.A.I.FRA.® designes and manufactures fully carbide tools, PDK, brazed, machanically fastened, both special and standards. Starting from the customer design, S.A.I.FRA.® team develops the work cycle, designs and produces the tools and then test them with him. The production is destinated to various sector: automotive industry, aviation, engines, precision, machinery, hydraulic, medical and all maching operations with chip removal. S.A.I.FRA.® makes a post-production certification with pre-setting Zoller of all the tools produced. Every tool produced by S.A.I.FRA.® brings a personal certification that attests the dimensional conformity to customer requirements and the origin of the raw material.
altri eventi
METALS - the Machine Tool Alliance for Skills A new initiative by CECIMO The new initiative METALS MachinE Tool ALliance for Skills is being set in motion by CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries. METALS aims at providing machine tool builders with the sought-after applied skills they need in line with disruptive technologies in the advanced manufacturing sector. METALS is a three-year project inaugurated under the EU’s Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance initiative, designed to promote education-industry partnerships at European-level within a specific sector of the economy. New manufacturing technologies generate business opportunities for machine tool builders, but the develop-
ment of new skills is not commonly supported by vocational education and training (VET) programmes. Therefore, finding a workforce with the right practical competences remains a challenge for many machine tool builders in Europe. Under this light, CECIMO’s German (VDW), Italian (UCIMU) and Spanish (AFM) national associations have developed METALS to improve the relevance of VET in the machine tool industry by bringing together industry representatives, VET providers and regulatory bodies from the three countries. The Alliance first analyses emerging technologies in the sector and builds a skills panorama highlighting the future skills needed by European machine tool builders. In
the second phase, the Alliance will design a sector-wide curriculum and gather relevant learning materials which will be available through an e-learning platform for the European machine tool workforce. Metal additive manufacturing, a disruptive technology, will be under the spotlight of METALS. By bringing together partners from education and industry across Europe, METALS is expected to improve the sector’s labour market intelligence. It will provide policymakers with the sectorial insights they need to design policies and programmes boosting the competitiveness of European machine tool companies and the employa-
bility of its workforce. Throughout the initiative, the consortium will also organize skills workshops in Germany, Spain and Italy with the participation of relevant stakeholders. The European machine tool industry, composed of over 80% of SMEs, is challenged by the increasing complexity and cost of training programmes caused by breakthrough technologies generated by actors beyond the machine tool industry. “The upcoming machine tool workforce should be trained on new applications, like metal additive manufacturing, to support the global technological leadership of the segue a pag 12 <
Dal 1978 costruzione di utensili speciali per applicazioni avanzate La S.A.I.FRA.® nata nel 1978 per opera dei soci fondatori dispone di un background trentennale nella costruzione a disegno di utensili speciali. Il carattere fortemente innovativo che ha sempre contraddistinto l'azienda, ha portato un riscontro positivo anche nella costruzione di utensili standard e di grossi lotti. La continua ricerca di nuove tecnologie, uno staff tecnico altamente qualificato, un efficiente servizio di consulenza e l'attenta scelta dei fornitori, hanno consentito a S.A.I.FRA.® di diventare un partner conosciuto ed affidabile.
impianti e materiali per saldatura
Grazie anche al parco macchine utensili tecnologicamente avanzato, i prodotti garantiscono performance eccezionali sia a livello di finitura che di durata, mantenendo un rapporto qualità prezzo altamente competitivo. La produzione è destinata a vari settori: industria, aeronautica, motoristica, meccanica di precisione, oleodinamica, oreficeria e per tutte le lavorazioni con asportazione del trucciolo. Inoltre per la propria clientela S.A.I.FRA.® ha organizzato anche il servizio di Recoating. Il reparto di assistenza tecnica è a disposizione della propria clientela per analizzare i Vostri problemi e per aiutarVi ad ottimizzare le condizioni di utilizzo dei nostri utensili. La produzione comprende la fornitura di utensili speciali per la lavorazione dei seguenti componenti: scatola di cambio, carter di motori, turbine, teste motori, basamenti. S.A.I.FRA.® progetta e realizza interamente utensili in metallo duro, PDK, saldobrasatori, a fissaggio meccanico, sia speciali che standard. Partendo dal disegno del cliente il team di S.A.I.FRA.® sviluppa il ciclo di lavoro e ne progetta gli utensili per poi realizzarli e testarli insieme a lui. La produzione è destinata a vari settori: industria automotive, aeronautica, motoristica, meccanica di precisione, oelodinamica, medicale e per tutte le lavorazioni con asportazione del truciolo. S.A.I.FRA.® effettua la certificazione post-produzione con pre-setting Zoller di tutti gli utensili realizzati. Ogni utensile prodotto riporta una Certificazione personale che ne attesta le conformità dimensionale ai requisiti del Clinete e la provenienza della materia prima.
ORGANIZZAZIONE DI VENDITA FIORENTINI WELDING Sede e Uffici: • Villanova di castenaso Bologna 40055 Via Ca' dell'Orbo Sud, 8/2 Tel. 051/78.20.00 (3 linee r.a.) - Fax 051/78.20.90 Sistemi automatici di saldatura Posizionatori standard Impianti speciali Isole robotizzate
• •
Filiale forlì - Via Keplero, 2 - 47100 Tel. 0543/72.46.71 - Fax 0543/ 72.36.39 Filiale Modena - Via Emilia Est, 1420/13 - 41100 Tel. 059/ 28.22.00 - Fax 059/ 28.00.99 Saldatura Taglio-puntatura Inseguimento giunto al laser
Torce TIG-MIG e ricambi Deposito FORLÌ - Via Keplero, 2 - 47100 Tel. 0543/723679 - Fax 0543/ 774743 S A L D AT R I C I - P E R M U TA - V E N D I TA U S AT O C O N G A R A N Z I A
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European machine tool industry. With METALS, our sector has made use of the framework provided by the EU’s Sector Skills Alliance initiative to develop new channels to influence the curriculum delivered in Europe and to supply the industry with the skills actually needed with a longterm strategy” says Filip Geerts, CECIMO Director General. It is especially important for European machine tool companies to build a good skills’ supply considering that, according to forecasts, the global machine tool consumption is set to grow from the current level of 60 billion euro to 80 billion euro over the next five years, and the market for additive manufacturing is expected to quadruple by 2022. (Source: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) The European Commission recognizes the advanced manufacturing industry as a sector with skills imbalances. Co-funded by
the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, METALS develops an educationindustry partnership coordinated by CECIMO and involving: • Germany: VDW Youth Foundation (, University of Bremen ( and Detmold Government ( • Italy: UCIMU (, AFOL Metropolitana ( and ECOLE ( • Spain: AFM (, IMH – the Machine Tools Institute (, IVAC-EEI ( and TKNIKA ( SEGNA
H2020 project NEREID collected recent application needs to map the future of European Nanoelectronics Using an interactive workshop methodology, experts from technology and application combined technology push with market pull. The NEREID project ("NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination") has held its first General Workshop on Apr. 12-13, 2016 in Minatec, Grenoble, France, organized by Grenoble INP and
SINANO Institute. The distinguishing characteristic of the project is to combine technology push with market pull, building technology roadmaps starting from application needs. Following this approach, the General Workshop has involved in a lively dialogue 50 international research and application experts, coming from about thirty institutions out of eleven countries.
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The workshop methodology, already proven in the FP7 CSA project NANO-TEC (, on Beyond CMOS, and in the ITRS organization, has been to combine general presentations by experts, with discussion in mixed working groups. Application Experts presented the scenarios and the requirements for future products in the areas of Security, Automotive, Energy, Digital Manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Medical/Health while Technology Experts gave an overview of the evolution of the different technologies in the fields of Beyond CMOS Technologies, Nanoscale FET & Connectivity, Smart sensors & Smart Energy, System Design & Heterogeneous integration, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing Science. Then, mixed Technology-Applications Groups discussed in parallel sessions the priorities for technology development in order to satisfy the different applications. Finally the conclusion of this first analysis was reported in the plenary session. The Workshop's results will be the base of future activities, involving a larger number of technology experts, to build a European Roadmap on the future of Nanoelectronics. Further General Workshop will extend the base of application domains covered and focus on the most promising technologies for each area. About the NEREID Project: NEREID is a Cooperation and Support action that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685559, with the objective to develop a roadmap for the European Nanoelectronics industry, starting from the needs of applications and leveraging the strengths of the European eco-system. In addition, it will aim to an early benchmark/identification of promising novel nanoelectronic technologies, and identify bottlenecks all along the innovation value chain. Highlights of the NEREID project, which has a duration of three years, will be three general workshops aiming at gathering the needs of the main application sectors, and specific workshops that will define the roadmaps of the different technology domains, with a broad involvement of leading experts from industry and academia. The project consortia of NEREID is distributed all over Europe and consists of AENEAS, CEA-LETI, IUNET, EPFL, edacentrum Fraunhofer, ICN2, INP, SINANO, imec, PoliTo, VTT and Tyndall. Read more about the partners and the project on
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ecoindustria ECO INDUSTRIA fiere e mostre di settore
International Festival for Business showcases innovative technologies to help meet COP21 targets Following the climate agreement reached at COP21 in Paris, the International Festival for Business 2016 (IFB2016) has unveiled a week of events to showcase commercial solutions to climate and emissions challenges. Energy and Environment Week 2016 will take place during IFB2016, beginning Monday 20 June. Innovative new technologies will be required to bridge the gap between current industrial practices and the technologies needed to fulfil the joint commitment at the Paris conference to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees celsius. The International Energy Agency has estimated that the value of investments in lowcarbon and emissions-free sources of energy will reach $16.5 trillion by 2030. This represents a huge opportunity for UK businesses working in the energy and
environment sector to play a role in achieving the targets stipulated in the Paris agreement. The Energy Institute, one of the IFB2016 event partners, backs UK businesses to tap into the commercial potential of their innovative and energy efficient technologies. Marta Kozlowska MEI, Development Director, Energy Institute (EI), says, 'The historic COP21 agreement places energy efficiency at the heart of national commitments to meet the ambitious climate change targets that have been set. Energy efficiency standards will play a crucial role in enabling UK companies to achieve greater energy efficiency performance in their operations, and the EI’s conference at IFB2016 will aim to give them the knowledge and support that they need to make the most of those tools for their benefit and that of UK plc.'
Ian McCarthy, Festival Director, International Festival for Business 2016, says, 'The Paris agreement is a historic milestone and represents a new beginning for a lot of industries. Achievement of the targets will require a long-term approach and solutions driven by the private sector business around the world. IFB2016 will provide an international platform to develop new ideas and foster innovation. The Energy and Environment Week at IFB2016 is devoted to showcasing innovative renewable technologies and other essential technological solutions. We are very excited to have built a great platform for international collaboration and partnership. This will help lift the barriers to development of new technologies and doing new deals in the energy and environment sector. If your business is in the environment sector, there’s every reason to be at IFB2016.'
UK businesses working to develop these technologies for commercial application will have an opportunity to display the latest technologies at IFB2016’s Energy and Environment Week. Ten events during Energy and Environment Week 2016 will tackle sustainability and energy technology from a range of angles including industry processes and techniques, government policy, water and environmental impact, and sustainable cities. These include: UKTI: Government Policy and Thinking in Energy, 20 June Oleofuels 2016, 21-22 June UKTI: International opportunities in Oil and Gas, 21 June Energy Institute: Energy management meeting the standard, 21 June
UKTI: International Opportunities in Nuclear Energy, 22 June International Eco-innovation and lowcarbon matchmaking event, 22 June Shale UK: International Shale Conference 2016, 22-24 June UKTI: International Opportunities in Renewable Energy, 23 June UKTI: United Nations Buyers, Water & Environmental, 24 June Visit for more information. SEGNA
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energia rinnovabile e sostenibilei
Sustainability Software and Corporate Social Responsibility Nowadays, it's important for businesses to include strategies that focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Eco-friendly business models help establish trust with consumers, and provide strong values for a company. A sustainable business means providing products and services that satisfy the customers without jeopardizing the environment. Companies that build sustainability into their business models are the ones that are long-lived. To help businesses achieve environmental efficiency, ISO 14001 was created. It's the world’s environmental management standard which provides organizations with a framework for protecting the environment while delivering value to customers. Consumers don’t have to worry about a company that is simply going to walk away. This is important so that each consumer can develop an ongoing relationship with the companies that they choose to work with. Fortunately, with sustainability software, companies can set environmental objecti-
ves and targets to achieve sustainable business practices. This type of software helps sustainability leaders streamline their environmental, health and safety operations while reducing costs and carbon footprint. It is of best practice to frequently monitor, manage and report on resource consumption and sustainability key performance indicators. ISO published the ISO 26000 standard to provide guidance to organizations on how to achieve social responsibility. This benefit is intended for organizations of all types, regardless of industry.
EHS Insight provides an Environmental Management System, which provides a unified portal environment for organizations to improve environmental performance by incorporating environmental data into their daily activities and elevating risk management decisions in a timely manner. This allows organizations to define and distribute corporate-wide environmental policies, objectives and goals.It provides a central repository for data related to the organization's environmental aspects, making it easier to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance.
Remember, sustainability is the capacity to endure. With the right strategies and tools in place, companies can provide quality products and services to customers while maintaining sustainable growth. Many successful companies focus on both sustainability and social responsibility – and they have a lasting brand because consumers trust them.
Carbon and Energy Promote sustainable practices. Accumulate data from across the organization and summarize the impact on the environment Measure energy usage and identify opportunities to improve Calculate and report greenhouse gas emissions Set goals and track progress toward reducing energy usage Monitor cost and consumption and react
It is possible to request a demo and get a free trial of EHS Insight's sustainability management software.
to changes in trends Regulatory Compliance Impress auditors with instant access to all records. Depend on automated workflow to ensure compliance with permit obligations Use reminders to better manage expiration and renewal dates Produce regulatory reports with a single click Store, access, and automate emergency response plans Provide managers with instant access to records during audits ISO 14001 Automate key processes vital to compliance. Provide workers with access to the most current revision of environmental policy Define and enforce your environmental management system (EMS) elements Identify and manage significant aspects and impacts Set objectives and targets, and track progress
Monitor, measure, audit, and review your EMS Waste and Recycling Reduce your impact on the environment. Promote waste prevention, recycling and reduction Track solid and hazardous waste accumulation and transfer Implement a recycling program with measurable goals Measure water usage to reduce waste Monitor trends to empower management decisions SEGNA
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eco mobilità
"MOVET", the lightest Magnesium quadricycle in the world at the service of the eco mobility "MOVET”, il quadriciclo in Magnesio più leggero al Mondo al servizio della eco mobilità Promoted by Mg12 Magnesium European Network - the innovative quadricycle to pedaled assisted MOVET in version Classic has been introduced in first preview on Friday 12 February in the Lingotto Exhibition in Turin, in the AUTOMOTORETRO' magazine setting. MOVET is the acronym of Electrical Tehnological Vehicles Mobility and it is born in the heart of the Motor Valley near Bologna, with the precise wish to produce a new concept of eco-mobility. The Classic version presented in Lingotto Exhibition is inspired by cars of excellence in 1920s and 1930s that are cars rich in charm and constructive solidity but revisited in a eco sustainable and modern way. The result derives from an elevated and extremely ecological contemporary technology, a team job with primary importance technicians and firms of the sector. They have presented a unique concept product that is suitable to circulate in the historical old town centres which have an elevated historical, cultural and architectural importance. Novelty and peculiarity of the vehicle is the framework structure totally made by different magnesium leagues. A mix of technological processes were used to its assembly and its innovative components that are made by lightest and most ecological structural metal in the Earth. Thanks to its highly optimized employment, the quadricycle total weight
doesn't even reach 50 Kg! Movet is not only available in the Classic version but other very interesting versions have been already announced, like Forestry truck, Red Mile sports car, Seaside touristic. For further information visit
Promosso da Mg12 Magnesium European Network, è stato presentato in anteprima mondiale, nella giornata di venerdì 12 febbraio alla Fiera Lingotto di Torino, nell’ambito della rassegna AUTOMOTORETRO’, l'innovativo quadriciclo a pedalata assistita MOVET in versione Classic. MOVET, acronimo di Mobilità Veicoli Elettrici Tecnologici, nasce nel cuore della
Motor Valley nei pressi di Bologna, con la precisa volontà di produrre un nuovo concept di eco-mobilità. La versione Classic presentata in Fiera si ispira alle auto di eccellenza degli anni venti/trenta, vetture ricche di fascino e di solidità costruttiva ma rivisitate in chiave ecosostenibile e moderna. Il risultato è frutto di una elevata tecnologia contemporanea estremamente ecologica, di un lavoro in team con tecnici e aziende di primaria importanza del settore, che hanno presentato un prodotto di concezione unica al mondo, adatto per circolare con disinvoltura nei centri storici ad elevata importanza storico culturale ed architettonica. Novità e peculiarità del veicolo è la struttura del telaio costituito totalmente in differenti leghe di magnesio, utilizzando un mix di processi tecnologici per il suo assemblaggio e la sua innovativa componentistica, con il metallo strutturale più leggero ed ecologico del pianeta. Grazie al suo impiego altamente ottimizzato, il peso totale del quadriciclo non raggiunge neppure i 50 Kg! Movet però non è solo Classic, sono già state annunciate altre versioni di grande interesse, come quella fuori strada Forestale, o quella sportiva Miglio Rosso, oppure quella turistico-balneare Marino. Per informazioni Mg12 - Magnesium European Network Ufficio Stampa e Relazioni Esterne
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Direttore Responsabile: Massimo Fortuzzi Direttore Editoriale: Silvano Ventura
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A cosa serve MeccatronicA? • Far conoscere nuovi prodotti e nuove soluzioni • Fare incontrare “domanda” e “offerta” • Ottimizzare gli investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. • Per raggiungere un target selezionato di aziende meccaniche medio e medio grandi dei settori meccanico e automazione.
Chi legge MeccatronicA? ECOMONDO 8-11 Novembre - Rimini
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Chi può pubblicare redazionali su MeccatronicA? • Tutte le aziende del settore metalmeccanico: - automazione, - costruzioni meccaniche, - elettronica, - software - hardwar, ecc che vogliono far conoscere ad altre 12.000 aziende le novità sui propri prodotti. A chi e come è distribuito MeccatronicA MTA viene inviato in abbonamento postale, a tutti i costruttori, produttori, progettisti, distributori (a livello nazionale), aziende utilizzatrici, enti,
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associazioni, che operino nel settore meccanico ed automazione industriale. Viene inoltre distribuito a tutte le aziende di settore nelle fiere specializzate. Perché leggere e consultare MeccatronicA • Per avere una panoramica sulle novità di settore • Per poter approfondire rapidamente le sole novità di proprio interesse • Per l’immediatezza e la sintesi delle notizie proposte.
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