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that he is allowed to uphold federal law in accordance with his Constitutional responsibilities. What is uncertain and a little unsettling is if he can choose to act based on his actual Constitutional responsibilities or what he thinks are his Constitutional responsibilities.
Currently, cannabis is a Schedule I substance and because of this federal classification it prohibits cannabis businesses from benefiting from bank loans and tax deductions afforded to other traditional businesses. It’s this Federal stance that keeps the marijuana industry having to jump through hoops in order to function like other businesses in the United States can. It also deters other countries from getting involved with US based Cannabis companies. The goal of a thriving cannabis industry is still a long way away if there is no change to how the federal government views weed, which is not likely to change if Trump wins a second term. The U.S. Cannabis industry is prospering despite the lack of federal funding and help from the government.
The Coronavirus has sent the US economy into a tailspin. The legalization and investment into the cannabis industry might be one of the ways that the US government can help stimulate the economy with jobs and real long term growth…pun intended. Once federally legalized, cannabis can be taxed as well as resources can be made available to help with medical research and job creation. The presidential candidate that recognizes how beneficial a federally regulated cannabis industry could be for the economy and the country is going to be the President who wins the next election, I hope.
Trump's administration is under intense scrutiny with its response to the COVID-19 outbreak. His campaign promises have all fallen short. During his presidency, Trump’s administration has had the biggest stock market drop, the highest national debt, the most convicted team members, an impeachment, and the most pandemic infections in the world to date. Although his stance on marijuana has been “business as usual”, his other policies might be what causes him to lose the 2020 Presidential election no matter what he says about Marijuana.