Length: 123 mins Director: 薛曉路 Cast: 湯唯、吳秀波、海清、宋美
Length: 94 mins Director: 黃宏 Cast: 黃覺、林心如、丁勇岱、孫敏
「敗金女」文佳佳(湯唯飾)曾經是美食雜誌編輯,對 愛情充滿了像電影《西雅圖夜未眠》一樣的浪漫幻想。 而在現實中,為了給自己的孩子一個「美利堅公民」的 身份,她不遠萬里隻身來到西雅圖的月子中心待產生 子。在月子中心,文佳佳炫富的作風引發了房東(金燕 玲飾)和其他孕婦周逸(海清飾)、陳悅(買紅妹飾) 的反感,倍感孤獨的她只能向司機郝志Frank(吳秀波 飾)傾訴心聲。而看上去木訥老實的「落魄叔」Frank並 不是一個平庸的男子,他在中國曾是一位一流的心血管 疾病方面的名醫。在相處中,Frank的體貼包容漸漸融 化著文佳佳的刁蠻任性。當文佳佳的富豪男友突然失蹤 後,一夜之間變成窮人的文佳佳得到了Frank無微不至的 照顧,跟Frank和他的女兒Julie(宋美曼 & 宋美慧飾)一起生活的這段日子,讓文佳佳找到了 家的溫暖。當經歷了變故的文佳佳,生下了孩子,就要結束她在西雅圖的生活⋯⋯
某西南小城老街派出所便警王老石對五年前逃脫的銀行盜 竊犯劉川一直耿耿於懷,發誓要親手抓獲。劉川東躲西藏 了好幾年,放心不下八歲的女兒,他回到小城老街,沒想 到與王警官不期而遇,在抓捕的過程中,大地震發生。藉 地震逃脫的劉川,穿上警服進入災區,本以為這樣比較便 利,沒想到這身警裝給他帶來更多的麻煩。叛逆女青年秦 肖雄因災難與劉川相識,進而產生情愫,劉川怕暴露自己 的身份處處躲閃⋯⋯ Wang Laoshi, a community policeman in Laojie (Old Street) Police Station in a small southwestern town, had been always keeping in mind Liu Chuan, a bank robber escaped five years ago and swore to arrest him with his own hands. Liu Chuan, had been hiding himself from place to place and had been worried about his 8-years-old daughter. Then he returned to Laojie (Old Street), where he met Police Officer Wang by chance. Unfortunately, at that moment the earthquake took place in arrest. Liu Chuan, escaped due to the occurrence of the earthquake, wore the police uniform and came into the disaster area. He had thought such dressing would be relatively convenient for him, however, the police uniform made more trouble for him. Qin Xiaoxiong, a rebellious young woman, was acquainted with Liu Chuan in the disaster and regarded him with sincere affection, however, Liu Chuan did not respond to this affection just because he was afraid of the exposure of his identity...
Wen Jiajia, which only worship money, once was editor of a food magazine. She was dreaming to be the heroin of a love story, like the one in Sleepless Seattle. In reality, in order to give her baby U.S. citizenship, she had to fly all the way to a nursery center in Seattle from China. In the nursery center, Jiajia likes to show off her wealth. It bothered the house owner and other two pregnant women, Zhou Yi and Chen Yue. She got no one to talk with but Frank, the driver. Frank was not a no body as he looks. In China, he once was a famous doctor. Gradually, Frank changed Jiajia from a mean girl into a nice one by his understanding and caring. When Wen Jiajia's rich boyfriend disappeared, she lost everything and without a penny. Frank decide to took care of her. She lived with Frank and his daughter, Julie, for a while. It made her find the feeling of home.
小時代1 TINY TIMES 1 Length: 112 mins Director: 郭敬明 Cast: 楊冪、柯震東、郭采潔
致我們終將逝去的青春 SO YOUNG
講述以經濟飛速發展的上海這座風光而時尚的城市為背 景,講述了林蕭、南湘、顧里、唐宛如四個從小感情深 厚、有著不同價值觀和人生觀的女生,先後所經歷的友 情、愛情,乃至親情的巨大轉變,是一部當下時尚年輕 人生活的真實寫照。
Length: 130 mins Director: 趙薇 Cast: 楊子姍、趙又廷、韓庚、江疏
大學生活正式開啟,一次誤會使鄭微與陳孝正結為死 敵,在一次次反擊中,鄭微發現自己愛上了這個高材 生,歡喜冤家終成甜蜜戀人。四年時光匆匆流逝,陳孝 正卻迫於家庭壓力選擇出國留學……多年後,帶著悔意 和愛意的陳孝正和與鄭微青梅竹馬的林靜同時回到她的 生活裡!這個昔日的玉面小飛龍,將怎樣面對生活和青 春賜予她的迷霧和抉擇……
The story is based on the novel Tiny Times by Guo Jing Ming, who is one of the most popular young writers in China today. The story is a keen observation of today's social structure and culture in China, told through the lives of four college co-eds and young professionals with different values.
Life of college just started. Because of a misunderstanding, Zheng Wei and Chen Xiaozheng became enemies to each other. With the fighting between them going on, Zheng Wei found out that she loves this smart kid. Eventually, enemies turned into sweet lovers. Four years of college life flys by. Chen Zhengxiao had to choose to study abroad due to pressures from his family. Many years past. Chen Zhengxiao and Lin Jing, the best friend of Zheng Wei from child hood, came back to Zheng Wei' life. How will Zheng Wei, the beautiful and smart girl, face confusions that life and youth gives her.
激戰 UNBEATABLE Length: 116 mins Director: 林超賢 Dante Lam Cast: 張家輝 Nick Cheung Ka-Fai、 彭于晏 Eddie Peng Yu-Yan、李馨巧
過氣香港拳王程輝(張家輝飾),在拳壇沒落後,沉迷賭 博,負債累累,為躲避追債人,逃亡澳門。在合租房中, 程輝遇到了一對母女,這名母親(梅婷飾),患有精神 病,小女孩(李馨巧飾)不但要上學還要照顧媽媽。程輝 和小女孩很投緣,兩人時常扮成小動物,排演小品,逗小 女孩的媽媽開心。與此同時,富二代林思齊(彭于晏飾) 遭遇家庭變故,他的父親(高捷飾)生意失敗,變得一無 所有,整日在酒吧糜爛。為了鼓勵落魄的父親重新開始生 活,林思齊報名參加了MMA。為此,他在一家拳擊俱樂 部報名,在這裡,他認識了正在俱樂部打工的程輝,並拜 他為師,學習拳擊。⋯⋯
邊境風雲 LETHAL HOSTAGE Length: 100 mins Director: 程耳 Cast: 孫紅雷、王珞丹、張默、楊坤
講述了在中緬兩國的邊境,因一起毒品交易的意外事件, 毒販(孫紅雷飾)劫持了女孩小安為人質,撫養其長大 (王珞丹飾),兩人相愛,並結為夫婦。多年後欲金盆 洗手的毒販帶著女孩小安在員警(張默飾)的追捕、黑幫 (楊坤飾)的追殺、小安父親(倪大紅飾)的怨恨等重重 包圍下試圖幹完最後一票,絕境求生。
After a stint in prison for participating in fixed boxing, former boxing champ Fai (Nick Cheung) is knee-deep in debt with no solution in sight. To escape his debtors, Fai escapes to Macau and works in a gym as an assistant instructor in weight loss classes. With no money, Fai is arranged to share a house with recovering mental patient Gwen and her ten-year-old daughter Dan. Even though their co-existence starts out as hostile, it slowly turns into a family-like bond – with Fai acting as the pair's protector.
The story happens at the boarder of China and Burma. Because of an unexpected incident during a drug dealing, the drug dealer kidnapped a little girl and raised her up. They fallen in love with each other and got married. Many years later, they want to stop being a drug dealer. They try to finish the last deal and survive from pursuing of police, killing spree of gangsters and the hatred of the girl's father.
Hot-blooded Qi (Eddie Peng) was once the son of a rich man in Mainland China. However, the family business failed, sending his dad into alcohol-fueled depressing and forcing Qi to take up construction jobs in Macau. To inspire his father to stand up again, Qi enters an open MMA competition and starts training at Fai's gym.
Length: 113 mins Director: 王競 Cast: 馮遠征、戴立忍、錢學格
Length: 106 mins Director: 陳力 Cast: 孫維民
明末,瘟疫大流行,死亡無數,遊醫吳又可捲入了一場 醫療訴訟,無奈輾轉來到陝西潼關。此時,農民義軍包 圍開封,京城告急。崇禎手中已無大將可用,遂重新啟 用已入獄三年的孫傳庭,令其帶隊出征。等到了潼關任 上,孫傳庭發現,獄中三年的時間,全國的局勢已發生 了巨大的變化,他從京城帶來的五千精兵根本解不了 開封之圍。在他加緊訓練新兵,籌措銀兩趕製武器的時 候,瘟疫大爆發。傳統醫學束手無措。吳又可為找到致 病原因,誤打誤撞進了兵營,孫傳庭請他為士兵診病, 吳又可治療瘟疫見效,但所見大明江山不保,為安心鑽 研治療瘟疫之法,他逃出軍營,潛心治學,提出「戾 氣」傳播說,並所著《瘟疫論》一書,成為中醫溫病學 派的理論基礎。在準備完全不充分的情況下,多疑的崇禎帝強命孫傳庭出潼關,從而直接導 致了明朝的迅速解體。
影片通過周恩來總理身邊隨行攝影記者的獨特視角,巧妙 地講述了上世紀60年代初,正值我們國家遭遇三年自然災 害時期,周恩來總理來到河北革命老區邯鄲武安縣伯延公 社深入調研,貼近百姓,順藤摸瓜層層剝筍,四個晝夜水 落石出。第一次直面表現了拆除大鍋飯,把吃飯的自主權 還給百姓的過程;第一次表現了我們的領袖敞開胸懷真誠 的向我們老區的人民道歉的動人場面。影片通過一系列富 於地方特色的鮮活的生活細節,令人信服地展示了老區人 民在困難面前和領袖們將心比心,以隱忍對抗苦難的質樸 情感和頑強精神,刻畫了周恩來等黨的領袖對人民疾苦的 關切,對扭轉困難局面的擔當,改變錯誤決策的自覺,一 切以人民苦樂為根本執政方向的博大胸懷。 With a unique perspective of the accompanying cameraman of Premier Zhou Enlai, the film tactfully tells the story that Premier Zhou went to the old revolutionary base area of Hebei Province at the beginning of the 1960s when our country suffered from the Great Chinese Feminine. He made in-depth research in Boyan commune of Handan District, work closely with the masses, followed up a clue and seized the culprit in four days and nights.
In 1642, Sun Chuanting, the last almighty general of Ming being locked up in the jail ,was released and asked by the emperor to defeat the rebels.Infectious disease was spread across China. Doctor Wu Youke believed there must be a thing, he named as ‘liqi’, floating in the air. Liqi, we named it as virus today, can be transferred between human being by breathing. He developed a whole new treatment and diagnosis method based on his assumption.
Length: 105 mins Director: 胡雪樺 Cast: 黃曉明、郭采潔、金亞中、馮德倫、 埃里克.馬比烏斯、陳建州、黃奕
Length: 106 mins Director: 蕭鋒 Cast: 李宗翰、李立群、劉芸
電影《咆哮無聲》通過當代人視角去尋找因戰爭逝去的 英靈,耳聞目睹二戰時期日本侵華戰爭給人類帶來的滅 頂之災,進而對人類戰爭有了深刻反思。影片呼籲每一 個生存在當今這個充滿暴力的地球上的人們,用人性的 溫暖,用反省和寬容來化解戰爭帶來的民族仇恨,和諧 共處,同享幸福美好。影片運用詩畫風格的敘事形態, 將當年為抵抗侵略者保衛家園的八百名年輕人戰死疆 場,為了維護生命尊嚴勇敢跳崖投黃河的悲壯故事展現 給當代觀眾。
冰山是一位遊戲軟體發展的高手,生活中酷愛籃球。胡 椒與小黑都是冰山開發團隊的同事,也都是籃球的狂熱 愛好者。新的公司CEO上任,帶來一款意念籃球遊戲的 開發專案——「神奇」。但是原來的開發團隊中只有冰山 一人可以繼續留下,原有的團隊必須解散。面臨好友被 辭退,冰山也不想繼續留下來,可是與胡椒、小黑共同 創業的原始資金卻遠遠不夠。而原公司開出的成功開發 「神奇」後的獎金卻是相當誘人。於是冰山決心為公司 開發「神奇」。當「神奇」即將要對外發佈之際,冰山 卻發現目前的「神奇」仍然存在漏洞,虛擬賽場管理員 維納斯演變成了「藍色水晶病毒」,會對眾多玩家造成 神經損害。因此,他堅決反對「神奇」發佈,並與CEO產生巨大的分歧。此時,女友伊琳與 CEO之間的曖昧關係也被他發現。一時間,情感、事業、生活的種種矛盾困擾著他。CEO仍然 一意孤行如期發佈「神奇」……
Through the perspective of contemporary people looking for the heroic people died in the war, who sees and hears the disaster brought to the mankind by the Japanese aggression against China in the World War II, the movie “Hushed Roar” thus gives a profound reflection on human warfare.The movie appeals every people living in today's earth full of violence to employ the warmth of humanity, introspection and tolerance to defuse the ethnic hatred brought by the war, to live in harmony and to share the happiness and goodness. By using the poetry and painting style of narrative form, the film shows a tragic story to the contemporary audience that eight hundred young people struggled bravely on the battlefield in order to resist the invaders and defend the homeland and then jumped into the Yellow River to safeguard the dignity of life.
Bingshan is an expert in game software development and he loves playing basketball. Pepper and Blacky are in his software development team, and are both basketball lovers. The company’s new CEO arrives and brings a new AI game project “Amazing” – a basketball playing game. Of the whole development team, only Bingshan can stay in the company; the others will be dismissed. Bingshan doesn’t want to stay. He wants to start his own company together with Pepper and Blacky but they don’t have enough money. The bonus for developing “Amazing” for the company is tempting, so Bingshan decides to stay and develop the game. Right before the launch of the game, Bingshan discovers a bug in the game – Venus, the virtual game administrator, has evolved into a “blue crystal virus”, which might damage the nerve system of players. He disagrees with the CEO and is firmly against the launch of the game. At the same time, he discovers some intimate relations between his girlfriend and the CEO. All of a sudden, his love, his work and his life are in trouble…
暴走媽媽 ONLY WALK Length: 90 mins Director: 高博 Cast: 方青卓、黃英、張大禮
婚禮現場熱鬧非凡,學校禮堂裡,同學們在緊張的排練, 直到女兒臉色煞白的倒在眾人之間,陳桂賢放棄婚禮趕到 醫院。陳桂賢趕到醫院,得到的卻是驚天噩耗——女兒先 天肝臟不全,需要進行肝臟移植手術。媽媽堅決的放棄婚 禮,也沒給老霍更多的解釋。一向膽小怕痛的媽媽決定給 女兒做親體移植,為女兒捐肝,但是在做了院方全面檢查 之後,卻得到一個似乎天意弄人的答案 ……
Length: 95 mins Director: 李欣淩 Cast: 崔若涵、陳睿哲、郗茜、商樂
5歲的楊柳依依與父親楊震相依為命,幾年前,媽媽柳思 語為圓自己的舞蹈夢拋下女兒去了美國著名的舞蹈下,通 過自己的努力在美國創立了首支紅舞鞋舞蹈團。家庭解體 導致依依孤僻、自閉……
The wedding rehearsal is full of fun. In the ball room of school, classmates are busy on wedding rehearsal. Until her daughter fainted and falling on the ground with a pale face. Guixian Chen gave up the upcoming wedding and rush to hospital. She received a horrible news from doctor. Her daughter' s liver did not fully developed innately. Liver transplant surgery is the only way to save her. Guixian Chen decided to give up the wedding and without giving Huo, her fiancé, any explanation. As a mom that is always lack of courage and being afraid of pain, she decided donate her liver to her daughter for the transplantation surgery. However after required medical examination, she got a astonished and unexpected news.
Yangliu Yiyi, a 5-year old girl, lives with her father along. They are counting on each other. Few years ago, her mom, Siyu Liu abandoned her to go to America to fulfill her own dream of becoming a renowned dancer by studying in a famous dancing school. Because of her hard working, she organized the very first Red Shoes Dancing Group in America. However the destruction of the family hurt Yiyi greatly. She became a solitary and self-closing girl...
Length: 95 mins Director: 曲江濤 Cast: 夏雨、周泓、徐潔兒
Length: 120 mins Director: 李寶生 Cast: 祝希娟、陶玉玲、高明、王慶祥、 陳素琴、王凱
有這樣一個地方,據說可以讓相愛的人儲蓄愛情並收穫 名為幸福的利息,這就是愛情銀行。然而,愛情銀行的 老闆何沐陽,實際上是一個不相信愛情的人。一段失敗 的戀情,讓他封閉了自己的心,把愛和過去都鎖進了保 險箱裡。直到有一天,一個名叫余小魚的女孩闖進了愛 情銀行,同時也闖進了何沐陽的生活。率真的余小魚深 陷在一份無望的感情中,努力地想要讓自己從感情桎梏 中解脫出來,而她當初和戀人存在愛情銀行裡的東西就 是打開桎梏的鑰匙。為了得到這把鑰匙,余小魚和何沐 陽展開了曠日持久的拉鋸戰。在這場妙趣橫生的「戰 鬥」中,余小魚走出了陰影,也讓何沐陽灰暗的生活透 進了幾縷陽光,一種特殊的情緒在兩人之間慢慢滋生, 愛的味道再一次在愛情銀行裡彌漫開來……
本片以老年申紀蘭回憶的方式,分四個段落講述了申紀蘭 和西溝六十年的風風雨雨。西溝女兒申紀蘭在建國初期, 為帶領婦女們投入到社會主義建設大潮中,在全國第一個 提出男女同工同酬,成為全國婦女代表參加了在丹麥舉行 的世界婦女大會。為中國婦女掙得了榮譽。七十年代,申 紀蘭被推選為山西省婦聯主任,她卻不要戶口不要級別 不要工資不要住房不要專車,卸任後依然回到西溝參加勞 動,保持勞模本色。申紀蘭一生公私分明,卻也是對丈夫 對婆母對兒女親人深懷親情。尤其與丈夫結婚五十年分居 兩地,直到丈夫罹患癌症,申紀蘭床邊照料,生離死別。 從此獨自照料雙目失明的婆母養老送終,情深意切。新時 期,申紀蘭重新帶領西溝尋找綠色發展的新途徑。與時俱進,拒絕保守,體現出一個人大代表 的責任與高瞻遠矚。
He Muyang (starring Xia Yu) opens a cafe named “Bank of Love”, where lovers can come over to video-tape what they want to say to each other and will be required to store the video tapes for one year without knowing the content. If they break up after one year and do not come back to pick up the video tapes, the tapes will then be destroyed and the deposit confiscated. A girl named Yu Xiaoyu (starring Zhou Hong) wants to retrieve the video her boyfriend recorded, in order to figure out what he said in the video. In the process of dealing with the cafe owner He Muyang to get back the video tape, she encounters challenges from He but also develops a special affection with him…
The film with the elderly Shen Jilan recalls the way, divided into four paragraphs about thegroundless talk Shen Jilan and West Ditch sixty years. Xi Gou daughter Shen Jilan in the early years of the Republic, to lead the women into the tide of socialist construction, the first in the country put forward the equal pay for equal work,become the country's women representatives attended the World Conference on women held in denmark. To earn the honor for the Chinese women. In seventy, Shen Jilan was elected as the director of the Shanxi provincial women's Federation, but she don't account not level do not pay not housing do not car, after retiring to work back to the West Ditch still keep ecru, model workers. Shen Jilan life is private and clear, but also to her husband for her relatives of children with deep affection. Especially with the husband married fifty years apart, until her husbandsuffering from cancer, Shen Jilan's bedside care, death. This alone care blind mother-in-lawthrive, affectionate. New period, new way to lead Shen Jilan Xi Gou looking for green development. Keeping pace with the times, refused to conservative, reflect a National People's Congress of theresponsibility and look far ahead from a high plane.
阿佤山 MOUNT AWA Length: 96 mins Director: 馬會雷 Cast: 張海、李萬年、趙紅
小小飛虎隊 LITTLE TIGERS Length: 91 mins Director: 錢曉鴻 Cast: 趙澤文、張一山、丁柳元
某城市房地產公司總經理楊志達為了尋找紅毛樹,回到 曾經工作過的西盟阿佤山,遇見當年的初戀情人葉娜, 並圍繞一棵古老紅毛樹的買與賣引發了一系列故事,通 過人與人、人與木鼓、人與樹幾組矛盾的交織,揭示人 與自然和諧共存的主題,展示神奇美麗的佤山風光和豐 富獨特的佤族文化,讚美阿佤人山一樣質樸寬厚的胸 懷、火一樣奔放熾熱的情感。
《小小飛虎隊》曾獲得了大眾電視金鷹獎最佳兒童劇 獎,飛天獎三等獎等眾多獎項。幾個主要兒童演員此前 幾乎都沒有表演經驗,為了挑選到合適的小演員,劇組 在京、魯、豫近40多所學校選擇了三萬多名孩子。故事 講述了抗戰時期的魯南,交通員老吳(果靜林飾)在給 山裡八路軍送情報的路上突遭日軍的追殺,在萬不得已 的情形下他將情報編成兩句暗語告訴了正在蘆葦蕩玩的 小主人公:大壯(趙澤文飾),自此,膽小、笨拙而又 「一根筋」的大壯拉上同村的虎子(小叮咚飾)和小銀 (胡天陽飾)踏上了前途未卜的送情報之旅……
A real estate company's manager come back to Mount Awa, where he once worked at, to find a kind of tree, called Red Feather Tree. At here, he met his first love, Ye Na. the story starts with a business deal of a Red Feather Tree. The film tells audience the theme of coexistence and harmonious between human being and natural through contradiction among people, wooden drum and the tree. It shows amazing and beautiful scenic view of mount Awa and profound and unique cultural of Wa. It describes the passionate and generosity of Wa.
During Anti-Japanese War, the messenger Lao Wu has to rely upon a playing boy when he dying in the reed marshes. Thus, bearing in mind the two-sentence code word that Lao Wu has passed on, Da Zhuang, a coward, unskillful and on-track minded boy, journey with his friend Huzi and Xiaoying. Nobody knows what will happen during this journey…
電梯驚魂 LIFT TO HELL Length: 90 mins Director: 寧敬武 Cast: 藍正龍、周秀娜、謝君豪
全城高考 MARK OF YOUTH Length: 92 mins Director: 鍾少雄 Cast: 方中信、譚傑希、喬喬、吳俊
靈異事件頻發的半島醫院,守門人胡師傅的自殺,像多米 諾骨牌倒下的第一塊。死亡像病毒一樣開始蔓延。馬護士 最先收到沒有落款的字條,上面寫著:「你也有今天!」 不久,馬護士的屍體在地下室被人發現,在她死之前,竟 被電梯帶到了地下18層,而醫院電梯本來只有地下2層! 離奇死亡案件接連發生,主人公林飛竟然也接到「你也有 今天」的電話。只有找出真凶,林飛才能死裡逃生!
影片講述了示範校的高三九班班主任「范義本」帶領全班 同學在高考衝刺的最後階段中發生的一系列決定學生命運 的精彩故事。任雪是班長,理想是弘揚中國文化的她卻被 父親逼迫到海外學習建築,與父親的關係也瀕臨冰點。林 葉因為突然得知父母已經離異很長時間而倍受打擊決定放 棄高考。賀帆是學習委員,家裡籌備大學的學費被奸商詐 騙,在追討中,父親賀江海為保護兒子打傷人被拘留。秦 鵬是文學天才,陽光自信卻不拘小節,最終因為作文跑題 而導致高考失利。在這四位學生處於人生難關時,「范義 本」老師以自己的知識、涵養、原則、能力和獨特的人格 魅力將四個家庭的問題一一化解。本片展現了青春叛逆期 的同學和老師之間的「矛盾」和「鬥爭」,讓人會心地回
In an old-fashioned hospital, Matron Ma received an anonymous note that read: "Today, it’s your turn!" This piece of paper reminded her of something horrible happened twenty years ago. Soon, her body was found in the basement, frightened to death. But nobody knows that Matron Ma was brought to the “-18” floor by the elevator before her death. However, the hospital only has 2 floors underground! After Ma’s Death, ghost story spread in the hospital. Dr. Lin Fei, the son of the dean, doubted at Ma’s death, and accidentally discovered a white phantom in the hospital corridor through a telescope; Horrible things happened one by one. Finally, Lin Fei surprisingly received a phone call himself at home, "Today, it’s your turn!” Will Lin Fei be able to unlock the mystery and save himself?...
憶起高中生活的點點滴滴。 The film tells a series of wonderful and life-determining stories that happen to the high school seniors of Class 9 led by Class Counselor Fan Yiben at a century-old, prestigious school during the final stage of preparation for the College Entrance Examination.
哺乳期的女人 FEED ME
Length: 94 mins Director: 陳國星 Cast: 馮遠征、劉樺、郭家銘
Length: 90 mins Director: 楊亞洲、楊博 Cast: 余男、陶澤如、林浩
2008年1月26日到2月5日,突如其來的寒潮,使花城廣州 呈現一片北國風貌。數十萬旅客滯留在廣州火車站,故鄉 在召喚每一個遊子的心。沒有人知道,滿載團圓之夢的列 車什麼時候能夠到來。這是廣州交通史上最難忘的一次春 運,無數旅客暈倒、哭泣、吶喊。危難時分,數萬名公安 幹警以自己的身體組成人牆來維持秩序,保障安全。11 個不眠之夜,他們的眼睛充血了,嘴唇乾裂了,聲音沙啞 了。11個不眠之夜讓警民的心緊緊地聯繫在一起。
影片根據畢飛宇同名小說改編。 一條船,三個人,一段曠世真情。三個人處於人生拐點 和生理特殊週期的人,在古樸的斷橋,在斑駁的老船 上,在開滿油菜花的陽光下,演繹了溫馨壯美的人性故 事。(反映改革開放三十年來,江浙一帶農村青壯年勞 力大多外出打工,到海外務工的農民也比比皆是。他們 在辛苦勞作改變命運的同時,也造成了大量空巢老人和 留守兒童。本劇正是在這樣的大背景下,以小見大構建 故事)。
Jan.26th - Feb.5th 2008, a sudden cold wave made Guangzhou a northern city which was a frozen world. Hundreds of thousands of travellers waiting to go back to their hometown were detained at Guangzhou train station. No one knew when the trains will come. It’s the most unforgettable Spring Transportation in Guangzhou traffic history. Countless travellers fainted, cried and shouted.At this emergency time, thousands of public security officers lined up a wall to maintain order and keep the travellers safe. After 11 sleepless nights, they sailed through the crisis.
The film is adapted by the novel of the same name which written by Bi Feiyu. A boat, three people, a great true emotion. The three people who on the life turning point and special physiological cycle, interpret the warm and magnificent humanity story at the ancient bridge, and in the mottled old ship, even on the full of cole flowers field with sunshine.(The film is based on the background of that 30 years since the chinese economic reform and opening up, there are a lot of youth labour from country migrant to the city or oversea as worker in jiangsu and zhejiang area.while they work hard to change their fate, a large number of old people and children are abandoned at their hometown.)
少年林祥謙 THE LEGEND OF LIN XIANG QIAN Length: 99 mins Director: 齊為民 Cast: 藍天、王寧、黑妹
她們 CRIES AND WHISPERS Length: 85 mins Director: 陳兵 Cast: 許紹洋、徐熙顏、庄慶寧、謝冰、喬崢
影片講述了工人運動領袖林祥謙12到14歲之間發生的事 情。他在家鄉結識進步青年、在私塾讀書識字,在馬尾造 船廠做學徒工……少年時期發生的種種事,奠定了他不畏 強暴,敢作敢當,始終為工人階級利益奮鬥的品性。
畫家米白因為幼年受過性侵犯,自我封閉。二十年後, 她決定重回鳳凰鎮,尋找解脫。在鳳凰鎮她結識了客棧 老闆娘冷紅,以及裸體模特青梅,三個人分別有各自不 幸的遭遇,對她們的傷害來自父親、情人、以及陌生 人,她們每個人都以不同的方式處理男性對自己的侵 犯,自閉、殺人、報復,又各自為付出的代價以及內 心的魔鬼隱秘糾結。三個女人開始互為牧師,傾訴、懺 悔、寬恕,完成自我救贖之路。她們以不同的方式面對 新生,開始充滿陽光的人生……
This film is basic on a real hero in China. He is Lin Xiang Qian, a early worker revolutionary leader. The movie tells a legend in his early years living in his hometown,Fu Zhou, a town in the south of China.When he was 14 years old, Lin had learned the truth of the corrupt government. He started his dream of being a brave man conflict those greedy land lord in his home town.
Artist “Rice White” - Mi Bai – is closed off to the outside world after a traumatic childhood of sexual abuse. Twenty year on she resolves to return to Phoenix township to confront her demons. Here she meets “Cold Red” - Leng Hong – who runs a guesthouse, and nude model “Green Plum” - Qing Mei. The three women have all suffered at the hands of men, whether father, lover or stranger, and have resorted to different means of escape and restitution. They share their tales of woe, together explore their feelings of guilt and forgiveness, and their struggle for redemption. This proves a cathartic experience, as each in her own way gropes towards a new life filled with sunshine...
Length: 93 mins Director: 周偉才 Cast: 吳樾、徐熙顏、信鵬
天津青年卜六瞞著家人到北京學習撂跤5年,拜在善撲營 高手小鬼崔門下,學成後回京。家裡有等著他的老娘、孫 大毛和青梅竹馬孟素雲。回天津後,他直奔三不管跤場。 巧遇來踢館的著名跤王張璧,張璧被日本人收買。卜六憤 而出手,由於哥哥的阻攔只和張璧打成平手。面對著聲淚 俱下的母親,孝子卜六無奈答應母親不再進跤場。可是, 哥哥被陷害欠下巨額賭債,為了還錢,卜六只好去洋人拳 台打拳,簽下英文合同,賣身給蒙塔尼和球場,打死勿 論。卜六越挫越勇,偷偷研究拳擊。最後,他無視蒙塔尼 必須輸給洋人的規矩,打敗了洋人拳王,事蹟傳遍整個天 津衛,鼓舞民心。挨打了三個月的卜六終於想通,老娘和 撂跤可以兩全!他向張璧奪回跤場,卻由於打架,被警察 追捕,無意撞進了當紅旦角白瑞霜的化妝間,在白老闆的幫助下躲過一劫。而白瑞霜卻因為拒 絕了日本人川口唱堂會的要求被抓,最後死在川口手中。
暴走吧女人 RUNAWAY WOMAN Length: 110 mins Director: 董董 Cast: 范文芳、李斯丹妮、范逸臣、王莎莎
巍峨壯麗的崇山峻嶺之間,來自四川的女孩牛牛(李斯丹 妮飾)奮力攀爬,在被野狼威脅之際,幸虧來自新疆的驢 友沙拉(范文芳飾)出手相助方才脫險。她們共同的目標 是如夢如幻的聖雨湖,沙拉此前和幾名網友約好同行。在 約定好的家庭旅社,沙拉、牛牛和分別來自北京、臺灣、 上海的珊珊(劉添月飾)、果凍(鐘欣怡飾)、小瘋(王 莎莎飾)相會。不管出於什麼契機,五個女孩結伴踏上徒 步旅程。歷經25天總長12000公里的暴走,祖國邊境瑰麗 絕美、懾人心魄的原生態地貌,步履之間都市女人忘卻心 頭煩惱,又在爭吵、碰撞過程中體味著從身體到心靈的聖 潔洗禮……
Liu Bu studied wrestling in Beijing, as an apprentice of Master Cui, and returned Tianjin 5 years later for family reunion. At the wrestling club, he coincidently met Bi Zhang, a man worked for Japanese. Liu Bu fought against Bi Zhang indignantly, restrained by his brother, so they got a draw. Liu Bu’s mother, talked in tears, requested him stop wrestling. Committed to his mother, Liu Bu stayed away from wrestling. Unfortunately, Liu Bu’s brother was deceived and in a huge amount debt. To pay off debt, Liu Bu signed a contact and made money by boxing for Montagny. According to contract clause, he would bear all consequence alone, even death. Liu Bu unremittingly did research on boxing skill, though he was defeated many times. He denied to follow up a widely accepted unfair regulation – ‘No Chinese Winner’ set by Montagny, and finally won the foreign King of Boxer. His story was spread over the city and greatly inspired people. Liu Bu realized that he can make his mother satisfied as well as continue his wrestling career. He fought with Bi Zhang again and won back wrestling field, but chased by police. Liu Bu unconsciously hidden in Ruishuang Bai’s dressing room. Assisted by Ms. Bai, Liu Bu succeed in escaping police’s chase. Ruishuang Bai, the famous drama actress, was arrested and killed because she refused to perform for Japanese Chuankou. To revenge for Ms. Bai, Liu Bu killed Chuankou, thus chased by police in Tianjin. However, Chinese people applauded for Chuankou’s death. The Japanese felt insulted and tried to kill Liu Bu through a fight between Liu Bu and Japanese best wrestler, and demanded Liu Bu sign an agreement. Trapped in dying dilemma several times, Liu Bu managed to end up the fight with a victory...
Among the great mountains, Niuniu, a girl from Sichuan province, tried her best to climbing up. At the moment of being threatened by wild wolf, Shala, a girl from Xinjiang, saved her. They have the same destination, the beautiful Shengyu lake. Shala and some of her friends that she got to know through the Internet agreed to travel together. At the hotel that they agreed to meet with each other, Shala and Niuniu met Shanshan, Guodong and Xiaofeng that is from Beijing, Taiwan and Shanghai. No matter what kind of reason it is, these five young girls start their travel on foot. After the trip of 25 days and 12,000 kilometers, by walking through beautiful places and danger of death, these city girls got rid of their troublesome and cleaned their heart by arguing and confrontation with each other.
Length: 89 mins Director: 沈好放 Cast: 楊鈞丞、金柯、張迪
Length: 96 mins Director: 朱趙偉 Cast: 于蘭、寇春華
《古城會》講述的是封建社會末期,一對昔日肝膽相 照的兄弟在國家貧弱、社會動盪的歷史背景下情義,榮 譽與犧牲的故事。故事發生在1905年辛亥革命前夕, 皇上派侯孝天到奉天城捉拿革命黨頭領,人稱白狐。白 狐身份不明,甚至白狐的同黨都不知道他是誰。侯孝天 到奉天后遇到了奉天城軍守備長官,自己多年未見的兄 弟雷飛鵬。在奉天,侯孝天得到消息,白狐從日本帶回 來「蓮心」要對抗政府。到底誰是白狐?「蓮心」是什 麼?所謂的計畫又是什麼呢?
長媳春蘭賢孝,卻遭婆母虐待,終於在次子娶親之時被驅 逐。安家尊長安二爺設計,讓冬梅在花燭之夜打鬧洞房, 即以其人之道,還治其人之身,令安母吃盡苦頭,幡然悔 悟,將春蘭接回,夫妻重聚,婆媳團圓。 A contemporary interpretation of a classic Chinese operetta, Story of Chunlan and Dongmei is the tale of an abusive mother-in-law Mrs. An who nit-picks and mistreats Chunlan, the dutiful wife of her elder son, and ultimately kicks her out of her household. Dongmei is warned beforehand about the tough mother-in-law and she turns the tables on her on her wedding night.
A historical thriller set during the waning years of Imperial China, Sworn Brothers is a story of brotherhood, sacrifice and honor. It is 1905 in the eve of the Chinese revolution and tension is in the air. Hou is sent by the emperor to the city of Fengtian to capture the leader of the revolutionary forces, code named Baihu, whose identity is not known, not even to his own followers. Hou meets his younger sworn brother Lei, the commander of the forces of Fengtian, whom he had not seen for years. Hou has received reports that Baihu is bringing 'Lotus Heart' from Japan to use against the Imperial government... Who is Baihu ? What is 'Lotus Heart?' And what is the diabolical plan?
溫州保姆 PRETTY MAID Length: 93 mins Director: 海達 Cast: 馬翎雁、張洪杰、馬躍
從溫州碗窯村來的春枝,隻身來到北京。和其他來城 裡打工的人不同,她來北京是為了能讓女兒上一所好 學校。春枝成為了藝術史教授何淳安的保姆,兩人看似 偶然相識,實則是春枝的「有意為之」。但不想,個性 執著、充滿活力的春枝,與古板、固執的何教授水火不 容,何教授對她異常冷漠,想方設法把她趕出家門。 原來,此時的何教授正在遭受人生中最大的打擊:不久 前,妻子在家中自殺,而他陷入了自責甚而自閉的深 淵。何教授的女兒田田在美國工作生活,對父親的遭遇 顯得有心無力,因為她自己的婚姻陷入了困境。何教授 就這樣被「扔」給了突然闖入生活的陌生人——保姆春 枝。一個農村女人,一個藝術史教授,兩個人的相處是 一場不見硝煙的戰爭。何教授極端排斥外人,春枝則厭 煩教授的酸腐氣。但她必須在北京立足,並完成她對女兒的承諾。
Length: 70 mins Director: 彭士剛 Cast: 趙執鈞、李景麗、呂昌山
八家子是中國東北一個普通的美麗村莊。村裡的人紛紛 進城,村裡唯一的小學只剩下了四個老師和一個學生, 四個老師被調到了縣城三小,學校打算把最後一個學生 劉亮勸到其他學校去,然而李麗老師在家訪的過程中, 卻被孩子的父親告知他已經決定不讓孩子繼續上學了。 在回城的路上,李麗老師遇到了正在放牛的劉亮,劉亮 可憐的神情和對上學的渴望感動了李麗,於是李麗決定 放棄回城的機會,留在村裡繼續當劉亮的老師⋯⋯ Bajiazi is an ordinary but beautiful village in Northeast China. The villagers are going to the city for jobs or schooling one after another, leaving the sole primary school therein with only four teachers and one pupil. The teachers are transferred to the No. 3 Primary School in the county seat, whereas the only pupil, named Liu Liang, will be advised to go to another school upon the school administration’s decision. However, when Miss Li, one of the four teachers, visits Liu Liang’s home, Liu’s father tells her that he wants his son to abandon schooling. On her way back, Miss Li encounters Liu Liang, who is pasturing the cattle. His pitiful look, together with his eagerness to go to school, touches Miss Li, who is thereby determined to give up the opportunity of her return to the city. Instead, she will stay in the village to go on teaching the boy...
Chunzhi, a girl from Wanyao village of Wenzhou, came to Beijing alone. She came here with a different reason from other people that come here to seek job opportunities. She wanted to have her daughter to go to a good school. Chunzhi became a baby sitter for art professor He Chunán. It looks like that they know each other by accident. Actually, it was Chunzhi's plan. However, due to different personality, they cannot get along with each other. In fact, professor He was undergoing the most painful time by then. Not long ago, his wife committed suicide. He blamed himself for it and became autistic. Tiantian, professor He's daughter, lives in America. She wanted to do something for his father but she cannot because her own marriage was falling in trouble. All professor got is Chunzhi now. A village girl and an art professor, it is very hard to have them to get along. Professor He closed him away from everyone. Chunzhi hate professor He's attitude. However she must survive in Beijing and kept her promise for her daughter.
索道醫生 CABLEWAY DOCTOR Length: 93 mins Director: 雷獻禾 Cast: 哈前生、胡麗芝、華秀益
劉老莊八十二壯士 82 WARRIORS
在中國雲南怒江僳僳族自治州,怒江天險把村莊隔成兩部 分,當地村民僅靠幾根溜索往來通行、運輸生活必需品, 人或牲畜經常會由於不慎墜入洶湧的江中。鄉村醫生鄧阿 木在此堅持行醫28年,被當地村民親切的稱為索道醫生。 他的妻子娜瑪葉在種包穀時不幸摔斷肋骨,必須到省城醫 治,鄧阿木發誓用三年時間攢夠兩萬元錢給妻子治病。但 由於當地土地貧瘠,村民種地一年僅夠糊口。鄧阿木不忍 向困難的村民收取醫藥費,還經常拿錢幫助治不起病的村 民。最終,鄧阿木沒有攢夠給妻子治病的錢,他對妻子懷 著深深的歉疚,而村民因此對他更加擁戴。
Length: 100 mins Director: 楊虎 Cast: 趙毅、劉鑒、白雨、池源
1943年3月18日,新四軍第3師第7旅第19團第4連82位勇 士,在江蘇淮陰劉老莊的一場狙擊戰鬥中,為了掩護主 力部隊和黨政機關安全轉移,作為力量懸殊弱勢的一方, 頑強抗擊日軍一千多人10多次的進攻,82名指戰員雖然 全部壯烈犧牲,卻換來日軍亡一百七十多、傷二百多的巨 大戰果。這裡無高山丘陵,無森林沼澤,無高大建築物遮 擋,對敵實施兵力武器裝備不對稱的作戰,在不可能的情 況下,取得了超常規的戰果,打了一場超限戰⋯⋯
In the remote mountainous region of southwestern China, populated by the people of the Lisu minority, a village is divided into two parts by the Nujiang River, also known as the Salween River. Local villagers have to rely on a few cableways for transportation and for delivering living necessities. Residents and livestock sometimes fall into the running river by accident. Amu Deng, a local doctor, has worked there for 28 years and was called the “Cableway Doctor” by local residents.
82 Warriors mainly told a story that 82 warriors in 4th Company, 19th Regiment, 7th Brigade, 3rd Division, New Fourth Army, toughly beat back the attacks of over 1000 Japanese enemies over 10 times with far weak forces in a blocking action in Liulaozhuang Village, Huaiyin, Jiangsu Province on Mar. 18, 1943 so as to shield the main forces and the Party and government organizations from safe transfer. All of these 82 warriors were dead, as a return, over 170 Japanese enemies died and over 200 injured. There was no high mountain or hill, no forest or marsh, no tall building for shielding, the battle against the enemies with asymmetric troops and weapons achieved trans-normal victory under the impossible conditions...
One day, his wife Namaye broke her ribs when planting corns and needed to go to Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan, for treatment. Amu promised to save twenty thousand RMB Yuan (about USD3,200) in three years for her treatment. However, because of the barren land in the area, villagers could merely earn their bread after years of hard work. Amu did not have the heart to charge those villagers that were already badly off for his service. Moreover, he often treated the villagers who could not afford medicines out of his own pocket. After three years, he still did not save enough money. Regardless of his sincere apology, his wife left him.
Length: 92 mins Director: 張玉中 Cast: 劉之冰、郭曉冬、徐箭、張曦文、 李幼斌、侯天來
Length: 100 mins Director: 甯海強 Cast: 吳其江、甯寧、聶遠
他們是王牌軍中的「野狼」部隊。他們戰功卓著,所向披 靡,卻在一次現代化戰爭演習中遭遇到前所未有的慘敗。 在新任主官的帶領下,圍繞目標中心戰術,他們經歷著 「步兵特戰化」的生死裂變。但是,在一場突發事件中, 這支精銳卻被特種部隊「飛狐」再次擊入谷底。軍人的 榮譽,男人的尊嚴,要求他們必須洗刷恥辱,擊敗特種 兵。成功突圍後,他們面臨著一次新的現代化戰爭演習。 潛伏,偵察,突擊!每一個戰士都成為戰場最前沿的指揮 官,他們通過衛星調控著導彈的發射、戰機的轟炸、鐵甲 的奔襲。目標陣地化為一片火海,千軍萬馬以雷霆萬鈞之 勢奔湧而襲。「野狼」與「飛狐」聯手,鎖定目標,向敵 軍司令部展開一場「斬首行動」……
一九二七年四月,中華大地腥風血雨,背叛革命的蔣介 石勾結帝國主義勢力,大肆屠殺共產黨人和無辜民眾。 面對困境,登報脫黨者有之,投敵變節者有之,腐化墮 落者有之,已經發展到五萬九千多人的中國共產黨的組 織面臨嚴峻考驗,建立一個中央一級的監察機構監督黨 員、純潔組織已成當務之急。時任全國鐵路總工會書記 的王荷波和中共廣東區監察委員會委員楊匏安以五大代 表的名義向黨的第五次代表大會提出議案,排除各種困 難和干擾,終於成立了中國共產黨第一屆中央監察委員 會(中央紀律檢查委員會的前身)⋯⋯ In April 1927, China was in a foul wind and a rain of blood. Jiang Jieshi, the betrayer of the revolution, colluding with imperialistic force, violently killed Communist Party members and inculpable mass. Facing difficult position, some members of the CPC put notices in the paper for apostate, some went over the enemy, and some became villainous. The Communist Party of China, with more than 59000 members then, faced severe test. It was a pressing matter of the moment to establish the disciplinary inspection organization to enhance inspection and purify organization.Wang Herbo, the Secretary of the federation of trade unions of China Railway at the moment, Yang Paoan, the Supervisory Committee of Guangdong District of the CPC, and some of other members, made a proposal to the 5th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the name of the delegate of the congress to promote the birth of the 1st Central Supervisory Committee of the CPC (the former CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection) against difficulties and disturbs.
They are the trump card army troops "wolf". Their outstanding military exploits, carry the world before one, but in a modern war exercises encountered hitherto unknown fiasco. In the new class leadership, around the target center tactics, they experience a "infantry special warfare" and fission. However, in an emergency, it is the elite special forces "Fox" hit bottom again. The honor of the military, the man's dignity, they must wash shame, beat the commando. Success after the break, they faced a new modern warfare exercise. Latent, reconnaissance, assault! Every soldier has become the forefront of the battlefield commander, they control the emission by satellite, aircraft missile bombing raid, iron. The target position into a sea of flames, a powerful army with an irresistible force potential rushing attack. "Wolf" and "flying fox" jointly, locking, the enemy command launched a "decapitation operations"...
雷鋒1959 LEI FENG IN 1959
小時代2 —— 青木時代 TINY TIMES 2
Length: 91 mins Director: 甯海強 Cast: 鐘秋、葛曉鳳、甯寧
Length: 112 mins Director: 郭敬明 Cast: 楊冪、柯震東、郭采潔
1959年8月20日,雷鋒響應號召,離開鞍山,來到條件 艱苦的弓長嶺,參加焦化廠的建設。雷鋒用火一樣的青 春,燃燒著自己,溫暖著別人,在弓長嶺度過了他一生 中最為重要、最富情感、最為輝煌的142天。雷鋒用感恩 的心投入到焦化廠的建設之中,他樂觀地面對常人難以 想像的艱苦的工作和生活環境。在修建「乾打壘」職工 宿舍的工作中,他不顧天氣寒冷,赤腳在結著冰茬的泥 草中踩踏;雷鋒大公無私,為了國家財產不受損失,他 毅然用自己的被子為7200袋水泥遮擋風雨;雷鋒熱愛生 活,他在弓長嶺的142天,弓長嶺的處處留下他寶貴的青 春身影。
講述了《小時代》之後的故事:畢業製作圓滿落幕,顧 里的生日宴會也隨之到來,這其實是一場槍林彈雨的鴻 門宴。顧里與南湘的男友席城的一個骯髒秘密被揭開, 導致姊妹反目、兄弟鬩牆、顧父事故、林泉出現等一系 列變故接踵而來。 In TINY TIMES 2, the story continues to follow Lin Xiao and her three best friends. After successfully finishing the fashion design project for graduation, Gu Li's next plan is hold a lavish birth day party. The party, however, is actually a showdown between these best friends since a dirty secret is about to be revealed. A chain of events soon follow and the girls suddenly find themselves in an unprecedented crisis.
On August 20, 1959, in answer to the call, Lei Feng left Anshan for Gongchangling District with hard conditions to participate in the construction of the coke plant. Lei Feng, with his warm-hearted youth, burnt himself and warmed others and spent the most important, most emotional and splendid 142 days in his lifetime in Gongchangling District. Lei Feng, devoted himself to the construction of the coke plant with a grateful heart and optimistically faced the unimaginably hard working and living environment. In building the staff quarter through dry brick building, he trod barefoot in the muddy grass in spite of the cold weather; Lei Feng was selfless and resolutely kept out wind and rain of 7200 bags of cement with his own quilt to protect the government property from losses; Lei Feng loved life and left his valuable figures everywhere in Gongchangling District in the past 142 days.
女將軍李貞浴血瀏陽河 THE LEGEND OF THE FEMALE GENERAL LI Length: 88 mins Director: 張玉中 Cast: 郭雪、徐箭
蕭紅 FALLING FLOWERS Length: 120 mins Director: 霍建起 Cast: 宋佳、黃覺、王仁君
女將軍李貞作為新中國成立晉升的第一名女少將,出生在 湖南省瀏陽縣小板橋鄉的一個農民家裡。由於家境貧寒, 小的時候李貞就被送給人家當了童養媳。1926年春夏, 大革命的洪流湧入瀏陽河,李貞毅然剪掉辮子,參加革 命隊伍,加入瀏陽遊擊隊,同敵人進行過多次戰鬥,李貞 經過了生與死的考驗。一次,這支遊擊隊被敵人包圍在一 個山頭上,子彈打光了,倡狂的敵人喊著要「抓活的!」
影片講述了民國四大才女、當代文學「洛神」、著名作家 蕭紅在民族的災難中,經歷了反叛、覺醒和抗爭的經歷和 一次次與命運的搏擊過程。 The film tells the story of the four women,contemporary literature "Luo", the famous writer Xiao Hong in the national disaster,experienced combat process rebel,awakening and resistance experience and a meeting withdestiny.
Female general Li Zhen, the first female major general of the new China, was born a farmer in Xiao Banqiao Township, Liu Yang County of Hunan Province. When she was a little girl, the poor family sent her to rich people as a child bride. During the spring and summer of 1926 , the Revolution took place by the Liu Yang riverside. Li Zhen cut off her braids and participated in the Liu Yang guerrillas. She had many battles with the enemies and passed the tests of life and death. Once this guerrillas was surrounded by enemies on a top of hill and had spent all their ammunition. The furious enemies shouted "catch them alive!"
Length: 85 mins Director: 褚紅霞 Cast: 謝志斌、陳昭函、湯惠德、王瓊芬
Length: 73 mins Director: 朱晶
每年農曆新年的正月初六,福建省安溪縣境內的蓬萊 鎮 —— 這 個 中 國 版 圖 上 的 小 角 落 就 會 變 成 整 個 閩 南 人 精神世界裡的焦點。無論在本土還是在異邦,大約有幾 千萬閩南人都沉浸在同一場盛大的集體狂歡中。相隔千 里或者萬里的人們能夠在此刻心意相通,是源自他們對 同一位先人的群體追憶。從一千年前有血有肉的人, 到今天萬人矚目的神。清水祖師作為一枚民間信仰的符 號,之所以能夠長盛不衰,並不在於他由人到神的飛 升。關鍵是,他雲淡風輕的一生為後世留下了一個大寫 的「人」字。這是衡量理想道德的尺規,也是中華民 族精神世界裡共有的財富。而清水岩,一座並不高大的 山巒,也註定因為清水祖師的緣故,成為人們心中的聖 山。年復一年,倘若青山有情,那麼他一定會向每一位過客,去講述那段史詩般的傳奇……
銅鼓與鐘、鼎,並稱為華夏三大青銅重器,它是惟一在今 天仍被使用的傳世禮器。動人心弦的鏗鏘之聲,帶我們回 到久遠而輝煌的青銅時代。兩千年前,誰創造了銅鼓?兩 千年後,又是誰用鼓聲穿越壁立萬仞的大山群落,重新奏 響先人傳向天際的音符?該片找尋的正是那個時代中國西 南眾多古國的「國之重器」銅鼓。青銅時代所誕生的諸 多美器伴隨著古老民族和古國的消亡湮滅於塵土中漸行漸 遠,或擺放在博物館與觀者靜寂對望。唯有銅鼓,在當下 西南民族的凡俗生活裡永生,成為連結歷史的活化石。攝 製組深入其中,在科技考古專家的引領下,拾起散落在時 間長河中的文明碎片,解讀銅鼓前世今生的一個個謎題。 Bronze drum,bronze bell and bronze tripod(ding) are called "The Three Great Bronze Artifact of China".Through the millennia, bronze drums are the only Ritual vessels still in use.Touching sonorous voice, takes us back to the Bronze Age long and glorious. Two thousand years ago, who created the Bronze Drum? Two thousand years later, who is looking for the soul of ancestors following drumbeat? Today, many beautiful bronze artifacts already have been discontinued and out of use, we can only meet them in museum,but in southwest of China, bronze drums are still being produced and in use as ritual vessels by the locals.They are living fossils linking the past and present, having eternal life. The movie <The Mysterious Drumbeat Form Ancient China>, is to discover the history and secret of those mysterious bronze drums. There are comprehensive points of view about the discovery,the ornamentation,the history,the special significance,how morden locals treat bronze drum and so on.
On January 6th of the Chinese lunar calendar every year, Penglai Town inside Anxi County of Fujian Province—this small corner on the territory of China becomes the focus of the spiritual world for the whole Minnan people. Both in the native land and in the foreign countries, about tens of millions of Minnan people are immersed in the same grand collective revelry. The reason why people who are many miles apart can have their hearts and minds connected at this moment is that they share the group recollection of one ancestor. A person as a body of flesh 1000 years ago becomes the god which attracts the attention of many people. As a symbol of folk religion, the reason why Master Qingshui is able to enjoy an everlasting fame does not lie in his elevation from man to god. The point is that his peaceful and stoic life has left the later generations a word “person” written big. This is not only the scale which measures the ideal moral, but also the common treasure in the spiritual world of Chinese people. Qingshuiyan, which is not a lofty mountain, is destined to become a holy mountain in people’s heart thanks to Master Qingshui. Year after year, if the mountain were a sentient being, he would be bound to narrate that epic legend to every passing traveler...
紐約客在上海 SHANGHAI CALLING Length: 98 mins Director: 夏偉 Cast: 丹尼爾•海尼 、伊麗莎•庫伯 、耿樂
上海:21世紀全球貿易中心。每天都有更多的外籍商人 來到上海,渴望瞭解到中國做生意的方式。這些外國人 中有我們的同事,老闆,鄰居,客戶……當雄心勃勃的 紐約律師山姆(丹尼爾•海尼 Daniel Henney飾)被意外 的派到上海時,他立即陷入了法律泥潭,使他差點丟了 工作。但隨著一位聰明性感的助理(朱珠飾),一個機 靈的上海記者(耿樂飾),一位漂亮的遷居專家(伊麗 莎•庫伯 Eliza Coupe飾),以及一個人脈廣泛的老前輩 (比爾•帕克斯頓 Bill Paxton飾)的幫助,山姆可能有 機會保住工作,尋找到愛情,並且學著去欣賞他美好的 故鄉……
Length: 99 mins Director: 焦波
本片通過深入到沂蒙山區的一個小山村,去探尋當今中 國的農村現狀。通過跟蹤記錄幾個人物和家庭一年的生 活軌跡,勾勒出一幅農村生活畫卷,展現了在時代脈搏 下農村面臨的問題和發生的變革,以加強社會對農村的 關注和重新認識。杓峪村位於沂蒙山區,這裡保留著一 些傳統習俗,同時又與外界有著密切的交流。文化人杜 深忠、村支書張自恩、大學生杜濱才,他們的生活充滿 了酸甜苦辣,但無論如何,他們都對生活報以極大的熱 情和信念。
Every day, there are millions of foreigners come to Shanghai and try to find the way to do business here. They might be our neighbors, colleagues, boss, or client......When young and successful lawyer Sam was sent to Shanghai, he fallen into trouble right away and almost lost his job. However with help from his assistant, moving specialist, a local reporter and a veteran, he not only saved his job but also found his love and learned to enjoy this place.
While the year 2012 is a special one for China, it’s also a special one for a group of people from a small, quiet village in northern China - villager Du Shenzhong; head of the village, Zhang Zi’en; and college student Du Bincai – for all of whom life is full of joy and pain and the year is one long journey that takes a lot to get through. The documentary records the moments of their lives during this special year.
青春派 YOUNG STYLE Length: 91 mins Director: 劉傑 Cast: 董子健、秦海璐、詠梅
奈河 NAI RIVER Length: 136 mins Director: 羅斌 Cast: 陳曉霞、朱璇、趙樂怡
講述了男主角居然因為失戀導致高考失利,不得不重返校 園複讀。在這一年的複讀生活中,居然面臨一次又一次的 挫折,幾乎找不到正確的方向;他的同學們也面臨著形形 色色的問題。這群少年的內心,被現實生活和成長的煩惱 擠壓著,他們徘徊在未成年和成年人的臨界點,在支離破 碎中享受成長的快感。高考、複讀、愛情、升學、功課、 人際關係,只不過是孩子們生活中壓力的表象;對未來的 恐懼、對美好的認知、對自身價值的體現,才是他們內心 最深處的話語。
在中國的傳說中,有一條分隔陰陽兩界的河,死者的靈 魂,度過它,就可以進入輪迴,而不度過去,就有復活的 希望。強強和母親秀芝一起,在去上學的路上遭遇車禍, 成了植物人。母親堅信強強能夠醒來,於是想盡辦法,希 望喚醒他。棄嬰新新患有重度腦瘤,被送到了嬰兒臨終關 懷中心,在這家關懷中心的孩子,幾乎都註定會死去,但 院長惠姍希望,這些小生命在人間的短暫時間裡,能夠感 受到世界上的真愛,能夠在溫暖中有尊嚴地離開。叛逆的 少女盈盈,離開城市返回在農村的家中,和爸爸強叔、弟 弟小蝦一起過起了平平淡淡的生活。她被村裡的無賴強姦 了。強叔鼓勵盈盈面對困難,並告訴盈盈,其實她和弟弟 都是棄嬰。他也檢討自己,的確沒有能力給予盈盈母親一 般的關愛。這是一家幾代人的故事,冥冥之中,似有輪廻。
How can you call it young, without crazy? Ju Ran expressed his love to the girl, Huang Jingjing, that he likes for three years in front of all of his fellow students and teachers right before high school graduation picture being taken. He won her heart. Shortly after that, his first love was broken by his mom that heard about it and rushed to school. Because of his mom, Huang Jingjing left him. He tried to stop her but fall off from the wall and got a broken bone. Because of loosing his first love and wound, he failed his college entry exam. When he saw Huang Jingjing left for Fudan University, he decided to work extremely hard for next year's exam and tried to get her back by then. In memories of every young age, there will be a hidden love, a bunch of closed gang, few strange friends. This is called young style. A period of time that will always shine.
In China, the problem of abandon babies has become a series social problem. Qiang had a car accident and become an invalid. The abandoned baby Xin had a serious brain tumor. It was inoperable, so he was abandoned to die. Ying, a rebellious country girl, left the city where she worked and returned home. This is a story of a family about the HOPE, FAITH,and LOVE.
Length: 91 mins Director: 易曉鐘 Cast: 吳晴、扎西頓珠、楊瀚
Length: 90 mins Director: 王酒 出品人: 王俊
拉尕山上的藏族少女佐瑞姑娘和妹妹佐吉正在籌備中華 藝術大賽,扎西路途中帶來一位臺灣客人林志傑和一對 從蘭州騎車旅行的老夫婦,佐瑞邀請三位客人到自己的 家鄉拉尕山上參觀。從小和佐瑞青梅竹馬的扎西因為 佐瑞對林志傑的關心而吃醋,三個人的感情一度陷入僵 局。藝術大賽堅持用民族舞蹈的佐瑞和喜歡現代舞蹈 的妹妹產生爭吵,佐瑞壓抑不住內心的委屈,向奶奶哭 訴,自己曾經答應母親,要將拉尕山的民族文化推廣出 去,所有人為佐瑞的故事而反思,林志傑也最終釋懷, 坦然面對自己犯下的錯誤,重新回到鼓手的舞臺,幫助 佐瑞一起參賽。蘭州來的老爺爺也感受到家人的可貴, 決定和奶奶去看望因為支教的兒子。扎西和佐瑞也解除
本片通過剛畢業工作的大學生村官—小余的視角,講述了 一個沿海發達地區的村書記—王華響應上級號召,先富帶 動發展,為村民做事的故事。王華自己主營貿易,企業年 收益上千萬,卻放手公司轉向村內事務。改善村民住房條 件決定對村進行農房兩改,被妻潑冷水,遭到反對。王華 力排眾議,走訪反對意見村民,並就村民提出的疑惑進行 解答。另一方面,王華從農民公寓規劃到設計到建設,每 個環節親自抓,並親力親為勸說村民,合理做村民思想工 作,從而用最低的成本建成了優質的惠民工程,做到了公 正、公平、公開,使分配方案獲得了絕大多數村民的認可 和支持⋯⋯ From the standpoint of a just graduated village official— Xiaoyu, the film tells a story of an affluent village’s mayor—Wang Hua follows government’s calls, promote the development and work for the villagers. Wang Hua used to be a businessman with more than 10 million annual income, decided to become a village mayor. In order to improve villagers’ housing conditions, he decided to destroy villagers’ farm houses and build new apartments. However, he was strongly against by a lot of residents and even his wife. Against all the odds, Wang Hua visited the objected villagers and answered their doubts. At the end, Wang Hua’s allocation plan was approved and supported by most villagers.
誤會,幸福的生活在一起。 In Tibet LAGA Mountain, the beautiful Tibetan girl Zuo Rui and her little sister Zuo Ji are preparing the Annual Chinese Art Contest. One day, Zha Xi who was brought up together with Zuo Rui, brings three guests when he is on the way back. The guests include one Taiwanese, which named Lin Zhijie, and an old couples which traveled by bike from Lanzhou. The hospitable Zuo Rui invited three guests to have a tour on LAGA Mountain. During this period, Zha Xi feel jealous when Zuo Rui paid more concern on Li Zhijie, their relationship had come to a deadlock. However, what bothered her even more was the fighting with little sister Zuo Ji, which wants to participate this contest with modern dance. But Zuo Rui had promised her mother to make the LaGA national culture out of the mountains, so she insists to use folk dance. After hearing this, all the people begin to rethink theirselives. Lin Zhijie begins to face his mistakes, and back to the drummer stage to play together with Zuo Rui. The couple who came from Lanzhou also feel the families’ precious, and decide to see their son. Zha Xi and Zuo Rui, who remove their misunderstandings and have a happy life together.
煙花戀人 FOREVER FIREWORK Length: 85 mins Director: 王菁 Cast: 包貝爾、喬振宇
稚子童心 CHILDREN INNOCENCE Length: 89 mins Director: 王俊 Cast: 孫錫堃、侯耀華、馮琪兒
一個關於成長的故事,一個絕望的人內心復甦的故事。 A story of growing & a story of inner heart’s anabiosis challenging limit of physical life caring scar of inner heart showing hope forever exist.
農村娃陸小川是村子裡出名的好學生,因為父親在城裡 務工,陸小川隨母親一同來到城裡。新來到城裡的陸小 川覺得城市的一切都是美好的,只有自己不美好,衣 服、書包都是舊的,陸小川漸漸有些自卑。城裡的孩子 似乎對這個平時少言寡語但是學習又超好的農村孩子很 好奇,漸漸的同學們知道了小川的媽媽賣包子,小川的 爸爸送水,調皮的胖子和瘦猴沒事就喜歡拿陸小川開玩 笑。本就有些自卑的陸小川此刻更加自卑。媽媽在市場 與城裡人吵架,明明沒錯,爸爸卻要媽媽認錯,爸爸送 水,城裡人的鄙視的眼神。小川開始討厭城裡⋯⋯ Due to his father’s job in a city, Lu Xiaochuan, a wellknown good student from village, relocate to the city with his mother. At first, he found everything is so amazing in the city, only him, with the old cloth and old bag, was not so good and felt inferior. Children from city are curious about Xiaochuan. After they found out that Xiaochuan’s mother sells steamed buns, his father deliver bottled water, his classmates fatty and skinny monkey began to make fun of him. His mother had a fight with a city people, although it’s not his mother’s fault, his father insisted his mother to apologize. Xiaochuan became more inferiority and began to hate the city...
星願下的足印 THE FOOTPRINTS Length: 60 mins Director: 梁德森 Cast: 梁藝齡、黃智賢、梁進龍
一晚放工途中,家榮駕駛著電單車無辜碰上車禍,家榮 瀕臨生死之間,最後人救活了,右腳大腿卻嚴重受創。在 醫護人員和妻子的悉心照顧下,家榮終於出院,但卻要好 一段時間不能自由活動。看著嘉瑤除了要照顧自己之外, 還要擔當起家庭內幹粗活的角色,家榮一點也不好受。今 天,是他最後一次的複診,於是他和嘉瑤滿懷希望的去見 他的主診醫生。然而,醫生卻告訴他們一個壞消息:家榮 的大腿骨有枯化跡象,要重新開刀做手術!⋯⋯
Length: 60 mins Director: 梁德森 Cast: 關德輝、鍾舒漫、苗苗
張可愛是一個孤兒,在一間基督教的孤兒院內長大,成長 以後,愛亦回饋孤兒院,協助胡院長打理院內事務。愛相 貌醜陋、但卻非常善良和有愛心,她相信上帝會有一個最 好的安排,並會給她一個最理想的伴侶。終於,這一日來 臨了⋯⋯
One evening, Promise returns home from work on his motorbike. His vehicles got smashed in a road accident and Promise has a narrow escape from death, but his right leg is severely injured. Under the intensive care of medics and Shadow, Promise is discharged from the hospital, but lost his mobility.
Kawaii Cheung is nobody’s child grew up in a Christian orphanage. She determined to reciprocate the kindness she has received and dedicate herself to serve the orphanage, working as the Assistant to Pastor Wu, the orphanage warden. Kawaii lacks a pretty face, but she has a loving heart that cares and shares. She believes God has the best plan for her, and someday her prince charming will appear. Then one fine day...
Watching his wife silently takes up the duties of a caretaker and handles all the household chores. Promise is in deep agony. It is a final medical visit and the couples are hoping for some encouraging news. The result of medical examination is disturbing if not devastating: the femur (thigh bone) shows signs of osteonecrosis (cellular death of bones), and Promise has to face another surgery...
Length: 60 mins Director: 梁德森 Cast: 林文龍、周永恆、張文慈
Length: 90 mins Director: 梁德森 Cast: 江華、黃明慧、龔慈恩
家潮是一個二十出頭的少年,由於終日與黑社會為伍, 他的父親決定把他交託澳門的朋友代為照顧。家潮來到 澳門,卻變得更壞!一日,家潮和朋友又在賭場輸光 了,為了還賭債,家潮居然爆竊朋友的家!當他們要離 開的時候,卻碰到了朋友的小女兒珍妮回來!為了要滅 口,居然活生生的把珍妮打死了!家潮終於獲大赦出獄 回到了香港,十多年的監獄生涯中,他成為了基督徒, 認識到自己的罪行,他越發痛苦。⋯⋯
程子材是一個牧師,在新加坡事奉著一個逾萬基督徒的教 會,妻子美蘭都熱心教會工作。程子材同時亦是一個魔術 師,透過魔術作為橋樑引領人信主。無論是牧師,又或是 魔術師,程都能把手上的工作打理得頭頭是道,他亦相信 自己是上帝一個稱職的僕人,直到他的女兒愛珊告訴他: 「爸爸,我懷孕了!」愛珊只有20歲,未婚,而且不肯講 出經手人是誰。作為牧師,程素以排解別人家庭問題而見 稱,但當自己家庭出現了問題的時候,程第一次嘗到了苦 頭!而一向挑剔程「雙重身份」的人,亦以此為話柄,乘 機攻擊程,甚至程亦開始懷疑自己:作為牧師,又當魔術 師,我是否真的錯了?
Fong was in his early twenties, a typical rich delinquent, hanging around with triad members all day long. Because of Fong’s rebellious behaviors, his father decided to send Fong to Macau and entrusted him to a friend to become his mentor guardian. But after he has settled in Macau, his situation was even worse. One day, Fong decided to break into his guardian’s house to steal. When Fong and his accomplice leaving the burglary scene, they were discovered by Jenny, the young daughter of his mentor guardian, so he beat the young girl to death. Years later, Fong was eventually released from prison under a mass amnesty and returned to Hong Kong. After spending ten odd years in prison, he converted as a Christian. But his religious faith has not released him from the agonizing remorse of sing he once committed....
Rev. Ken Ching is a Christian minister and the pastor of the congregation of a church in Singapore with over 10,000 members. Ching and his wife, Nancy, are called to full-time ministry and laboring with passion and love. Nancy engages herself in an outreach program for young teens that get in trouble. It is a program that based in the outlying islands of Hong Kong that gives teens a second chance on life. Ching is also an illusionist performing stage magic. As a form of performing arts, he brings stage magic to huge audience, thereby opening up opportunities for his evangelical work. Ching has been enjoying his success both in his church ministry and stage performance, and is confident that he serves God well – until his daughter, Phoebe, came to him one day with the news that she’s pregnant. Phoebe is twenty, unmarried, and unyielding to tell who’s the father of her unborn child. Ching is devastated, feeling like the physician who failed to heal himself. Facing an unmarried mother and a beloved daughter, Ching suddenly found himself in a rage of malicious attacks from detractors who always dislike and criticize his unconventional strategy of evangelical ministry. Ching’s integrity is challenged, his reputation smeared and marred. In his darkest hours, Ching casts his doubts, questioning himself that he might have done wrong in maintaining his role at both the altar and the stage.
我的生活我做主 LIFE . DECISION Length: 96 mins Director: 涂京江 Cast: 戴澴雨、秦漢擂、周嶺南
富二代李子健(戴澴雨飾演)從小就在其父(某公司董 事長)的安排下長大,父親一直希望他能接手自己的生 意。但李子健從小就喜歡音樂、喜歡搖滾,長大後瞞著 父親和自己的夥伴組織了一個樂隊,雖然條件不好,但 李子健還是樂在其中,時常翹班出來和樂隊的哥們兒一 起玩音樂,和女友周楠(周嶺南飾演)偷偷約會。李子 健之所以要和女友偷偷約會,是因為李父除了不願兒子 和樂隊裡的人來往外,還反對李正在考電影學院的女友 周楠。這使父子倆的關係越發緊張。樂隊因擾民而被限 期搬家,李子健想到要做一個自己的錄音棚專心做音 樂,可謊稱和朋友弄網站向父親要錢的計畫被看穿,沒 有得到父親的資金支持,錄音棚的事陷入困境⋯⋯
翅膀下的風 WIND UNDER THE WINGS Length: 90 mins Director: 韓志 Cast: 王迅、李勤勤
這是一部關於養父母的真實故事,一個貧窮的家庭撿到了 一個孩子,用所剩無幾的金錢養育了這個孩子,雖然孩子 誤入歧途,不過最終養父用自己的行動感化了孩子,讓孩 子回歸了正途。 This is a true story about the adoptive parents, a poor family picked up a child, running out of money by raising this child, although children go astray, but eventually their actions probation father of a child, let the children return to the right path.
Wealthy Li Zijian (Anthony Tai) grew up under his father’s (a company’s chairman) arrangement, his father always wanted him to take over his business, but Li always liked music, especially rock ‘n’ roll, Li organized a band without his father nocticing, although the conditions weren’t good, but Li still loves it and often skip work to come out and play with his band buddies while secretly dating his girlfriend, Zhou Nan (Zhou Lingnan). The reason why Li secretly sees his girlfriend is because Li’s father never thought Zhou Nan would be a good girlfriend and didn’t like Li to hang out with his band buddies. This made the relationship between father and son more and more tense. The band had to move away from the apartment due to disturbing the neighbors, Li wanted to own a recording studio to concentrate more on their music but did not get any financial support from his father…
HEATHENS AND THIEVES 異教徒與盜賊 Length: 109 mins 57 sec Director: John Sinclair、Megan Peterson Cast: Gwendoline Yeo、Don Swayze、 Andrew Simpson
目擊者 WITNESS Length: 95 mins Director: 高則豪 Cast: 高捷、賈孝國、淳於珊珊
員警、流浪者、以及槍手齊聚位於北加州的一個農場。他 們相信農場的中國主人擁有一批偷來的黃金。當兩個流浪 漢聽到了這個關於一名中國鐵路工人帶著黃金出逃並在北 加州的荒野上擁有了一個自己的莊園的傳言,這兩個深陷 絕望的人做了一番精心的計畫準備將那些黃金偷出來變為 己用。兩人中年輕的索爾希望能贏得農場主和他美麗的妻 子坤華(音譯)的喜愛。索爾應聘進入農場成為了那裡的 一名工人。同時,他的搭檔比爾則躲在暗處隨時準備尋找 機會下手。然而隨之而來的是一撥撥更加邪惡的匪徒,他 們都是為了奪取黃金發大財。於是,一幕幕致命的恐嚇、 豪賭以及背叛在多方的爭奪下展開。
小城裡,老宋夫妻開了間麵館謀生。老宋向平哥借了筆 錢,可麵館經營不善,這筆錢越來越難還上。平哥看出老 宋無力還債,便逼他將唯一值錢些的店面讓出,老宋原本 就窘迫的生活被攪得更加不堪。絕望的時候,老宋想到用 自己的死亡騙取保險費,他試用各種方法:食物中毒、溺 水,可惜,死也不是那麼容易,他還是活著,活得更糟 了。當平哥的人對女兒也不懷好意時,這個素來安分守己 的老實人被激怒了。他幾乎一無所有,家人是他最後需要 保護的了。他不想死了,他可以選擇讓平哥死。他做好了 種種殺人準備。正在他要動手時,他發現自己成為一起車 禍的目擊者——那是幾天之前的事,他目睹了行人被車撞 死,卻聽任肇事者逃之夭夭。怕事的老宋此時突然發現, 那輛肇事車的主人,正是平哥。這個「目擊者」身份讓老宋的想法轉變了,他開始制定新計 畫。當他開始執行這個可怖的計畫時,老宋也漸漸地變成了另外一個「惡人」。
Lawmen, drifters, and hired guns converge at a Northern California ranch believing its Chinese owners possess stolen gold. When two drifters hear rumors that a Chinese railroad worker has escaped with gold and now owns a remote ranch in the wilds of Northern California, the desperate men set a plan in motion to steal the gold for themselves. Saul, the youngest of the drifters, hopes to win the affections of Zhen and his beautiful wife, Kun Hua. Saul hires on as a farmhand, while his partner Bill lurks in the shadows and waits for the opportunity to strike. However, waves of worse men arrive seeking the stolen fortune, setting in motion a deadly multi-sided face-off of bluffs, gambles, and betrayals. Heathens & Thieves is a western crime drama set in an American era when the riches associated with the 1849 Gold Rush, the fallout of the Civil War, and the impact of Chinese immigration were fresh in people's minds.
Song is an honest man who owns a small noodle restaurant. On a night, drunk, he witnessed a hit-and–run traffic accident. Since then, his normal life has been totally disrupted by creditors’ demands, the restaurant’s collapse, attempted suicide, blackmail, before he is finally driven into desperation. Life irreversibly out of control, Song has to face the cruel fact all on his own.
Length: 81 mins 01 sec Director: Rodrigo Reyes
Length: 80 mins 48 sec Director: Steve Myung Cast: George Cheung、Elizabeth Sung、 Lina So Myung、Steve Myung
雷易斯的這部影片將美墨邊境想像成了但丁筆下煉獄一 般的神秘地域。拋開政治不談,他從一個全新的視角審 視著美墨邊境殘酷的美以及那些身陷魔咒的人們。
一位美籍韓裔男子Harry胡首次要會見他美籍華裔女友的 父母,過程充滿了戲劇、文化衝突以及笑料。最後有情人 會終成眷屬嗎?
Reyes’ provocative essay film re-imagines the Mexico/ U.S. border as a mythical place comparable to Dante’s purgatory. Leaving politics aside, he takes a fresh look at the brutal beauty of the border and the people caught in its spell...
Harry Ho, a Korean American man meets his Chinese American girlfriend's parents for the first time. Drama, cultural struggles, and laughter ensue. Will she be Anita Ho?
FOREV 我們結婚吧! Length: 88 mins 28 sec Director: Molly Green、James Leffle Cast: Noël Wells、 Matt Mider、Amanda Bauer
STARTING FROM SCRATCH 重新來過 Length: 89 mins 25 sec Director: James Huang Cast: James Huang、Elizabeth Sandy、 Charles Kim、 Billy Beck
蘇菲與彼特像是對情侶,但事實上他們只是鄰居。兩人 在去彼特妹妹潔西的大學女學生聯誼會接她的路上,開 了一個有關結婚的玩笑以及發生車子拋錨事件。在他們 認清一切之前,他們訂了婚…且陷在沙漠之中。當潔西 與一位鬍鬚男消失後事情變得更加複雜。FOREV《我們 結婚吧!》是描述愛情在無法真誠溝通下如何維持的浪 漫喜劇。
一對年輕的夫婦在遭到國稅局的審查時陷入了離婚的邊 緣。在他們必須梳理自己的情感危機並試圖繼續他們的 婚姻生活的同時,他們還得整理好去年的發票面對審 查。隨著稅務審查地進行,他們終於發現了一切問題的 根源。
Sophie and Pete are kind of friends, but mostly they're just neighbors. On their way to pick up Pete’s sister Jess from her sorority house, a joke about getting married escalates and their car stalls out. Before they know it, they're engaged...and stranded in the middle of the desert. Things only get more problematic when Jess disappears with a bearded drifter. FOREV is a romantic comedy about how far you can go without saying what you mean.
A young couple is on the brink of divorce when they are audited by the IRS. As they cope with their roller-coaster of emotions and attempt to move on, they must sort through the last year of receipts. Through the audit process, the couple begins to understand what went wrong.
COUNTERPUNCH 還擊 Length: 96 mins 51 sec Director: Kenneth Castillo Cast: Danny Trejo、Steven Bauer、Alvaro Orlando
真實故事改編。埃米利奧是一個懷抱贏得金手套拳擊冠軍 的大夢想的年輕拳擊手,但是發展不順遂。在一次被捕之 後,他驚覺他面臨一個人生的十字路口。最終,他努力地 戰鬥,再次把握贏得冠軍頭銜的機會。
Length: 88 mins 27 sec Director: Tamar Halpern、Chris Quilty Cast: Johnny Carson、Llyn Foulkes、George Herms
Based on a true story. Emilio is a young boxer from the wrong side of the tracks, with big dreams of winning the Golden Gloves boxing championship. He finds himself at a cross roads after being locked up. Eventually, he fights his way back into the winning circle, where he gets a second shot at the championship title.
在這部時間跨越7年的影片中,藝術家、音樂家Llyn Foulkes經過創作、銷毀、再創作的過程最終完成了一對大型 的三維畫作。為此,他犧牲了自己的婚姻,並試圖在這個 變幻無常的藝術市場中存活。影片通過對1960年代洛杉 磯藝術節的名人鄧尼斯•郝普爾(Dennis Hopper)以及喬 治•赫姆斯(George Herms),再現了Foulkes前景不妙上 下起伏的職業生涯。他曾被知名的費魯斯展覽館(Ferus Gallery)掃地出門,並且放棄了他曾經十分成功的洛杉 磯流行音樂藝術家的職業。該片就像是那幅Foulkes持續 不斷修改的畫作一般跟蹤記錄了他在藝術上的掙扎。最 終,在他77歲的時候,Foulkes終於再次被國際藝術界所 發現。此時,Foulkes用他自己所創造的、大型的、華麗的、獨有的、自稱為「機器」的樂 器演奏出由他自己創作的音樂並征服了世界。「Llyn Foulkes 的一人樂隊」向人們講述了一個與 自己內心的惡魔以及藝術屆世俗眼光中的惡魔不斷鬥爭的藝術家的故事。
形影不離 INSPARABLE Length: 96 mins 39 sec Director: 伍仕賢 DayYan Eng Cast: Kevin Spacey、吳彥祖 Daniel Wu 龔蓓苾 Beibi Gong
一個身陷工作壓力和家庭煩惱雙重麻煩的年輕小夥子,李 先生。查克挽救了這位瀕臨崩潰邊緣的李先生並成為了他 的另類的良師益友。但是查克到底是誰呢?
During the seven years chronicled in the film, artist and musician Llyn Foulkes creates, destroys, and recreates a pair of large-scale, three-dimensional paintings, one that costs him his marriage, while trying to keep afloat in the fickle art market. With interviews from veterans of the 1960s Los Angeles art scene such as Dennis Hopper and George Herms, the film reconstructs Foulkes’s uncompromising, up-and-down career as he was kicked out of the legendary Ferus Gallery and walked away from a successful career as an L.A. pop artist. Structured like one of Foulkes’s constantly reworked paintings, the film tracks his artistic struggles, ending as he is at last rediscovered by the international art world at age 77. With music written and performed by Foulkes on a massive, fanciful, self-invented musical instrument he calls “The Machine,” LLYN FOULKES ONE MAN BAND is an intimate portrait of an artist battling his own demons as well as the perceived demons of the art world.
A troubled young man, Li faces pressure at work and problems at home with his moody wife. Chuck, rescues Li from the brink of despair and becomes an unlikely mentor. But who is Chuck really?
Length: 60 mins 24 sec Director: Chris D. Nebe Cast: Louis Fantasia、Chris D. Nebe
這部紀錄片記述了中國和西藏之間歷史悠久的關係。它生動的描繪了西藏發展了 百年的歷史細節以及成為中國不可分割的一部分。 This documentary chronicles the historic relationship between China and Tibet. It portrays in vivid detail how Tibet has evolved over centuries as an integral part of China.
SUMMER IN FEBRUARY 二月之夏 Length: 100 mins Director: Christopher Menaul Cast: Dominic Cooper, Emily Browning, Dan Stevens
藝術家的搖籃紐林學校在20世紀紅極一時。本片講述了一群來自這裡的一群狂 熱的波希米亞拉莫納派藝術家們的故事。這群藝術家們包括有阿爾佛萊德.慕寧 斯,勞拉以及哈羅德.奈特等。被普遍認為是英國最炙手可熱的,狂熱的反現代 主義藝術家慕寧斯陷入了與知名藝術家佛羅倫斯.卡爾特伍德以及拉莫納山谷的 地產經紀吉爾伯特.埃文斯之間的三角戀愛之中。在世界大戰即將爆發之際,在 美麗迷人的康沃爾海岸上演了一段真實、感人的故事。 The Newlyn School of artists flourished at the beginning of the 20th Century and the film focuses on the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group, which included Alfred Munnings and Laura and Harold Knight. The incendiary anti-Modernist Munnings, now regarded as one of Britain's most sought-after artists, is at the centre of the complex love triangle, involving aspiring artist Florence Carter-Wood and Gilbert Evans, the land agent in charge of the Lamorna Valley estate. True - and deeply moving - the story is played out against the timeless beauty of the Cornish coast, in the approaching shadow of The Great War.
Length: 88 mins 28 sec Director: Molly Green、 James Leffler Cast: Noël Wells、 Matt Mider、 Amanda Bauer
約翰.克里斯藤森是一個 小鎮教堂的牧師。隨著時間 的推移,約翰已經開始這個 世界的東西產生欲望。他的妻子薩拉試圖激勵約翰回到追求精神 上的熱情,但收效甚微。通過一系列的事件,約翰有一個願望是 希望能了解神,但發現他的會眾過著世俗的生活。約翰意識到他 是問題的部分原因。約翰開始引用經文傳教,但受到教會理事比 爾.約翰遜及會眾的抵制。在教會,尤其是比爾.約翰遜的壓力 下,約翰依舊堅守他的方向。他失去朋友、家庭與教會的一切風 險,帶領自己和教會重回神的方向。 John Christensen is a pastor of a church in a small town. Over time John has begun to desire the things of this world. His wife Sarah tries to motivate John back to the spiritual passion with little success. Through a series of events, John has a revealing of God's desire but discovers that most of his congregation is living worldly lives. John realizes he is partly to blame. John begins to speak from the scripture but is resisted by Bill Johnson, the church board, and the congregation. Under pressure from the church, and especially Bill Johnson, John perseveres. He risks everything, his friends, family, and church, to bring himself and the church back to God.
IRON MAN 3 鋼鐵人3
MAN OF STEEL 超人:鋼鐵英雄
Length: 130 mins Director: Shane Black Cast: Robert Downey Jr.、Guy Pearce、 Gwyneth Paltrow
Length: 143 mins Director: Zack Snyder Cast: Henry Cavill、Amy Adams、Michael Shannon
一位流浪的人當地球遭受來自同星球的成員攻擊時,他被 迫面對他本身秘密的外星遺傳能力。
當湯尼史塔克的世界被一個稱為滿州人的巨大恐怖組織 所摧毀時,他開始像奧德賽一樣歷經苦難重建與討回公 道。
A young itinerant worker is forced to confront his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race.
When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
FAST AND FURIOUS 6 玩命關頭6 Length: 130 mins Director: 林詣彬 Justin Lin Cast: Vin Diesel、Paul Walker、Dwayne Johnson
Length: 132 mins Director: J.J. Abrams Cast: Chris Pine、Zachary Quinto、Zoe Saldana
哈布抓了多米尼克而布萊恩則將組織他的車隊去打擊橫 行在12個國家的傭兵車隊後的主腦。費用呢?找他們算 吧!
當企業號組員發現內部有一個不可阻擋的恐怖力量,寇 克船長帶領大家前往戰區世界追捕個人操作的大規模殺 傷性武器。
Hobbs has Dom and Brian reassemble their crew in order to take down a mastermind who commands an organization of mercenary drivers across 12 countries. Payment? Full pardons for them all.
After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.
愛,西施豆腐 LOVE, XISHI TOFU Length: 6 mins 35 secs Director: 何緯豐 Cast: 袁滿、康恒濤、蘇德倫
Length: 8 mins 30 secs Director: 高博 Cast: 勃小龍(法國)、善婷(法國)、 喬什(美國)
影片講述了一對相戀七年的都市情侶,在面對是否結婚這 個問題時產生了巨大分歧。女方隨著年齡的增長,對穩定 家庭的渴望與日俱增,希望用婚姻的承諾和男方建立一個 安定的家庭。但是作為男方,雖然也深愛著交往七年的女 友,但面對大城市巨大的生活壓力,他希望能夠用更多的 時間,給女方更多的物質,再來組建家庭。
故事的主人公是一個賊,確切的說是一名「雅賊」,他 熱愛美酒,品味不凡。熱愛「工作」,鍾情於偷竊帶給 他的滿足感和刺激感,十足是一個熱愛生活的賊。他沒 有信仰,所以一直都很順利,心靈上著實安寧得意得 很,從不對自己的作為有任何懺悔。但是事情永遠不會 那麼順利,正當他正當他略有收穫得意地開始享用美酒 之時,卻在二樓的臥室裡發現了一具「屍體」。於是, 原本只是來偷東西的「雅賊」為逃脫殺人的嫌疑想盡一 切辦法⋯⋯
週末,兩人開車去見女方父母,不巧路過西施故里諸暨車 卻壞了,需要到傍晚才能修好。來到附近一家餐廳品嘗遠 近聞名的西施豆腐卻因為男方的冷淡不歡而散,兩人不約 而同來到附近的西施殿受到了西施和范蠡故事的啟發。回 到輪胎店,看見年輕的輪胎店老闆和老闆娘在小店裡餵西 施豆腐給自己的小寶寶吃,忽然覺得能夠像他們這樣簡單
He is a thief, precisely considered as a gentle thief. He in fancy of kinds of drink and has a great taste, he focus on “working” and is absorbed in achieving satisfaction and irritation from stealing. He loves life so much. However, he has no belief thus he never ever feel guilty or sorry for anything. But things would not go smoothly all the way, he suddenly discovers a “body” in the bedroom when enjoy drinking after breaking into a house. Finally, the thief tries every efforts to waive himself from being a suspect......
的生活在一起也很幸福。 This film tells about a modern couple of 7-year long relationship could not reach an agreement in the matter of marriage. The woman wants to establish a stable family with the promise on their rings, because she grows a stronger desire for home years by years. However, the man regards substances as the basis of a family. Though he is deeply in love with his girlfriend, facing great pressure from living in metropolitan city, he still needs more time to afford a home.
向上70,80,90 UP 70, 80, 90
On one weekend, the couple drove to visit the woman's parents. Somehow they got their car broken when passing by Zhuji, the hometown of ancient beauty Xi Shi, so they had no way but to wait for the car repaired till dusk. They came to a nearby restaurant to taste the Xi Shi Tofu, only to ruining that date because of the man's indifference. Separately, both of them went to the Temple of Xi Shi and inspired by the story of Fan Li and Xi Shi. And then, back to garage, they saw the young owner and his wife feeding Xi Shi Tofu to their little baby very happily. Suddenly at that moment, they realized simply living together can be the true meaning of love.
Length: 12 mins Director: 胡竟之 Cast: 王金洲、劉桑桑、蘆鑫
七十年出生的金洲擁有事業卻透支著健康,八十年出生 的桑桑擁有工作和樂隊卻遇到了對乎,九十年出生的蘆鑫 擁有夢想和熱情,卻離夢想很遙遠,三個不同年代的主 人公面對不同的困惑,是堅持還是放棄? 是選擇沉溺還是 向上?
《看中國》系列之《古往今來》 THEN AND NOW Length: 10 mins 3 secs Director: Hakki Saad、馬海華 Ma Haihua
《古往今來》是一部試圖通過展現城市建築細節的變化, 表現北京這座古典與現代共存的城市,在漫長歷史中變革 過程的作品。
老丁的理想 DREAM JOB Length: 23 mins Director: 胡竟之 Cast: 關景利、王振
Then and Now is a movie about the evolution of Beijing. From its start 3000 years ago, and through the different steps it lived, during the war between dynasties then become the capital of the empire, then finally in 1949 became the capital of the PRC.
老丁期望通過自已提前退休讓女兒得到更好的工作,卻 發現女兒並不領情,隔閡在這一刻爆發,女兒的夢想在 這個時代如此不切實際,又喚了自己曾經們的心,父親 的期望,女兒的夢想,當夢想照進現實時,老丁和小丁 的選擇是?
愛回家 LOVE, RETURN HOME Length: 7 mins 40 secs Director: 陳雙印 Cast: 霍泥芳、安宇、郭程程、嚴影
Length: 8 mins 35 secs Director: Julia Grimm、韓明 Han Ming
能否愛回家?愛能否回家?愛如何回家?是困擾當下中 國家庭的重要話題。本片主人公在短暫的回家之旅中,卻 遇到了不得不抉擇兩難境地。父母的期盼與失落,子女的 心願與無奈,在短短的八分鐘裡背推向極致。愛是一份期 盼,也是一種無奈。
本片揭示中醫療法及其背後之哲學理念。鏡頭聚焦於中醫 與西醫之差異,探尋醫道於中國的未來興盛之路。 This film unveils Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques and philosophies, the differences between TCM and Western medicine, and where the future of medicine both in China and abroad may be headed.
Whether you love to go home? Can you go home with love? And how? These questions form a contemporary important topic for present Chinese family. The film hero had to make a choice dilemma in a short trip home. The parents' hope and loss, the desire of the children and helpless, becoming extreme in a short span of eight minutes. Love is a hope, also is a kind of helpless.
《看中國》系列之《親愛的中國》 BELOVED CHINA
Length: 4 mins 11 secs Director: Manou Febvret、李子甜 Li Zitian
Length: 7 mins 20 secs Director: Benjamin Galvan、李可心 Li Kexin
通過被採訪者用以描述北京這座城市的三個詞語,來表 現這些生活在北京的普通人眼裡的北京。
一個國家的人對他們國家的看法是什麼?他們想改變什 麼?
My project “3 Words for Beijing” is about how the Beijingers see their city, but I just asked them 3 words to describe it. The interesting thing is that I can also show my opinion through editing, and my point of view is across these people’s words.
How do the people feel about their country? What else do they want to be changed? China is a country growing and opening to the world. This country is being rich but also have some people that we have to care about.
《看中國》系列之《手之舞》 HANDS OF CHINA Length: 7 mins 23 secs Director: Enora Loffet、王文京 Wang Wenjing
《看中國》系列之《夏日驕陽》 FUN IN THE SUN
手是人類表達自己的感情的工具。它是人們工作、藝 術,甚至日常愛好的一種通用語言。影片通過展示手的 優雅與美麗、粗糙與脆弱去發現獨特的中國。
Length: 6 mins 38 secs Director: Frank Marasco、姜丹 Jiang Dan
Hands are the instruments with which human beings express their feelings. They are a universal language used for work, for art, or even for the everyday hobbies. I wanted to link several Chinese activities by showing the grace and the beauty of hands, rough or fragile, in this video, the way to discover China.
中國和美國的女人在夏天對待太陽截然不同的態度,是 一個既奇怪又有趣的現象。這部短片將向你展現這種有 趣的不同。 There's a strange and fun difference between the way American and Chinese women deal with sun during the summer. This film seeks to explore that.
《看中國》系列之《北京夏日》 A SUMMER DAY IN BEIJING Length: 8 mins 40 secs Director: Jade Engelhard、于瀛 Yu Ying
作品是關於北京的城市生活,我想表現的是城市中人們的 生活方式。 This film is about real life in Beijing.I wanted to show how the city live, how people live.I wanted to highlight their habits. I tried to do a realistic movie,i filmed different people in different places at different hours of the day.
《看中國》系列之《梨園一夢》 LAYERS OF LIYUAN Length: 4 mins 48 secs Director: Molly Forman、雷雷 Lei Lei
該紀錄片近距離觀察京劇中的妝容與服飾帶給人們的美 的感受,從細膩的敘述過程中探尋文化內涵。 This film provides a close look at the narrative qualities and cultural significance of the uniquely beautiful costumes and makeup in the Beijing Opera.
Length: 10 mins 9 secs Director: Lynn Chandler、安思穎 An Singying
通過一個北京孩子的眼睛,展示他在幼稚園中一天的生 活,揭示中、美文化異同。
《看中國》系列之《玩酷進行時》 PLAYING
Looking through the eyes of a Beijing toddler, a school day at China's best kindergarten reveals the similarities and differences between U.S. and Chinese cultures.
Length: 6 mins 01 secs Director: Gaby Grossman、邵宗藝 Shao Zongyi
這部電影主要探討了中國年輕人的課餘活動和他們娛樂 消遣的方式。通過一個美國年輕女人的鏡頭,在她畢業 後的這段時光中,也尋找到了自己的身份。 Just Playing' explores extracurricular life and recreational culture amongst Chinese youth, through the lens of an American young woman as she explores her own identity during the transitional post-college experience.
Length: 7 mins 56 secs Director: Maximillen Rivolet、史夢雪 Shi Mengxue
Length: 8 mins 32 secs Director: Mangiameli Jules、黃若菡 Huang Ruohan
北京是一個古老與現代同在的城市,也是一個多元文化相 融合的城市。在這樣豐富的文化背景下,音樂成為連接古 老與現代的紐帶,讓北京成為一個會唱歌的城市。
本片講述一個關於太極哲學的故事。在個人主義盛行的社 會中,通過這個作品,也許我們可以從中尋找一個解決問 題的有效方法。
Beijing is an ancient and modern city; it also has a lot of different culture, and these cultures mix together. In such an abundant cultural background, the music could be the linkconnecting .the ancient and modern, make Beijing becomes a singing city.
Wang Laoshi, a community policeman in Laojie (Old The documentary is about “the philosophy of Tai-ji” . We live in an individualism society, according to this documentary, maybe we can find a way solve this problem.
Length: 10 mins 32 secs Director: Jake Frankenfield、王婭姝 Wang Yashu
Length: 8 mins 26 secs Director: Heid Hugo、官璐 Guan lu
本片聚焦於中國運動員,關注其在實現自身的目標方面 有何共性或相似的經歷,並且探究其同一的深層精神。
我們的短片是關於傳統京劇和現代戲劇的聯繫。兩個劇 場的排練、化妝和服飾雖然不同,但都是戲劇文化的一 部分,相輔相成。
This film explores the universal experiences athletes undergo to achieve their goals and what is unique about Chinese athletes.
Our movie is to highlight the link between the traditional Peking opera and the modern Chinese drama.From the perspective of rehearsal, the costume or the make-up, we can see that these two theatres are different but they are making one part of the culture together.
《看中國》系列之《木之語》 THE WOOD SPEAKS Length: 9 mins 04 secs Director: Ian Reddick、張曉麗 Zhang Xiaoli
《看中國》系列之《好•愛•好》 PLEASANT HOBBY
不同的地域,不同的言語,相同的工具,相似的紋理,同 一種木語,同樣的期許。
Length: 10 mins Director: Zarina Kissikova、馬柯欽 Ma Keqin
Traditional carpenters from different sides of the world may not speak the same language but through their tools and their hands the wood speaks to them with one voice.
上海,是一個可以延續愛好的地方。在這裡生活的外國 人,他們喜歡上海,喜歡中國,並把這裡當成自己的第 二故鄉。 They both consider nothing else but Shanghai had an effect on their hobbies. Now Shanghai is their second‘Home town’ and they can’t imagine their lives without shanghai.
《看中國》系列之《上海•寧》 SERENITY IN SHANGHAI Length: 10 mins 36 secs Director: Myles McCrary、楊帆 Yang Fan
公園是上海人生活中不可缺少的部分。我們嘗試捕捉人 們活動時的動作與神情,最終發現一個共性,公園帶給 他們的是極大的幸福感和自我滿足感。 Parks are an important part of many Shanghai people’s lives. In this documentary we attempt to capture both themotions and the emotions of park people. We found that the park brings people profound happiness and inner satisfaction.
《看中國》系列之《初始之終》 THE END OF THE BEGINNING Length: 9 mins 19 secs Director: Sarah Greenwald、張夢舒 Zhang Mengshu
這部電影探討一個即將畢業的學生對於初入社會的觀點, 與面對著同樣情況的中國學生對比了他們的想法與憂慮。 This film explores a graduating college student's perspective on life after school, comparing herthoughts and fears to those of Chinese students who are experiencing similar transitions.
《看中國》系列之《墨韻》 SPIRIT OF SHUFA Length: 7 mins 57 secs Director: Isaure Desvernay-Ferte、曹飛鵬 Cao Feipeng
本片從一個外國人的視角去瞭解中國書法,試圖為大家展 現中國書法的精神,以及那些和書法有關的中國人的故事 與情懷。 This video shows the beauty and spirit of Chinese calligraphy by a foreigner’s perspective and tells stories about Chinese calligraphers.
《看中國》系列之《喝茶時間》 TEA TIME Length: 5 mins 02 secs Director: Maxime Dugot、雷藝璿 Lei Yixuan
《看中國》系列之《白兔囡囡》 THE DARLING RABBIT
我的電影是關於茶藝的,因為我想強調北京的這種藝 術。茶藝是一種很美的藝術,但是在法國並不是這樣。 我在一個茶舍進行了拍攝,拍攝了做出好茶的所有的步驟和動作。作為一門藝術,我將茶藝 和書法進行了聯繫和比較。北京,有著驚人的藝術。
Length: 9 mins 25 secs Director: Emily Holst、陳妍娉 ChenYanping
My movie is about the art of tea, because i wanted to highlight the art in Beijing. And the art of tea is a beautiful art, not considered as well in France. I shot a tea house with all the steps of making tea and all the movements that you have to do to make good tea. And as an art, i made a comparison between calligraphy and tea. The amount of art in Beijing is astonishing.
主題是關於在上海的國際兒童,我們收集了不同種族背 景的幾個孩子的鏡頭,來展示上海是一座多元文化交融 的國際化都市。 The topic we chose for our short film is international children in Shanghai. We gathered footage of several children with different ethnic backgrounds to show the wide range of cultures prevalent in the city.
JOURNEY 旅途 Length: 17 mins 40 secs Director: Song Song Cast: Nina Xining Zuo、Ron Terry、Daniel Chun、 Yulianna Lopez
Length: 8 mins 37 secs Director: Yongmyung Yi、李慧研 Li Huiyan
在中國,學英語的理由有千千萬,小朋友、青少年、老 師等都與英語有不解之緣。另外,有個特殊的群體也對 英語有著非同一般的熱情。
人們總是追求生命中的改變,但總是要經過許多痛苦的 過程,才能找到真正的自己。 People always want to change something in their lives, but they have to go through a painful process. So finally they can truly find themselves.
There are many reasons to learn English in China. Young kids, teens, and teachers all share their experiences. However, there is a special group of people with great passion for learning that you have never noticed before.
《看中國》系列之《少年氣息》 YOUNG SPIRIT
Length: 3 mins 34 secs Director: Morgan Spurlock
Length: 6 mins 33 secs Director: Naina Ardinet、張洋Zhang Yang
一位中二的學生傑克.安德拉卡研究出胰臟癌的測試方 法。我們要重視科學的未來其實掌握在下一代年輕人的 手上。
現代化的中國社會散發著一股年輕的氣息。在這裡,青年 人和老年人做著不同的運動。我的短片的目的是在青年和 老年的不同精神氣質之間創建有力的連接,並去拉近兩代 人之間的疏離。
Jack Andraka, a high school sophomore, has developed a revolutionary new test for pancreatic cancer. The future of science is in the hands of our youth.
Young spirit takes place in a modern and human China, where sports bring generations. We met some elderly who were young-minded, and full of vitality. This is why my video's purpose is to create a powerful link between the spirits, and to fill the gap between two generations.
THE SCORE 樂譜 Length: 5 mins 54 secs Director: 王尊致 Cast: Sophia Medley、Toni Trenton、Max Lichtig
凱西是一位尋找居處的大學生,他搬進了莎拉的家中, 然而莎拉有許多不合常理的規矩要凱西遵守。莎拉家有 一部鋼琴,但是凱西卻被禁止使用。一晚,凱西偷偷地 帶了男朋友回家並摔壞了錄音機,這使得莎拉勃然大 怒。凱西再也無法忍受並準備搬出這個地方。可是,故 事從這裡才剛開始⋯⋯
《看中國》系列之《戀愛的形狀》 THE SHAPE OF LOVE
Kathy is a college student looking for a place to live. She has moved into Sarah’s house. Sarah has ridiculous rules that Kathy must listen. There is a piano in the house that Kathy is not allowed to touch. One night Kathy secretly brings her boyfriend over and breaks Sarah’s recorder, but she didn’t mean it. Sarah is getting crazy. Kathy gets impatient. She is moving out. However, the story is just about to start.
Length: 12 mins 15 secs Director: 稻生紗也、李文婷 Li Wenting、 張葉 Zhang Y、曲一公 Qu Yigong
作為一個日本女孩,在中國生活的日子,我發現兩國青年 人戀愛的相處模式非常不同,但在愛情中深愛彼此,為對 方付出這一點是不變的。 As a Japanese girl, on my life in Shanghai, I found big difference of young people’s love between china and my country. Now I know this two country’s behavior and expression of love has big difference. But depth of affection is same.
NEIGHBORS 好鄰居 Length: 20 mins 05 secs Director: Rachel Goldberg Cast: Kelli Garner、Edi Gathegi、Sasha Roiz
當一個古怪自閉的住客遇上了活潑外向卻又陷在受虐關 係中的變性女子,奇異的組合產生的友誼讓她們掙脫彼 此的束縛。 When a quirky shut-in gets a feisty new neighbor – a transgendered woman in an abusive relationship – they begin a strange friendship that allows them both to break free.
TRYOUTS 再試一下 Length: 13 mins 53 secs Director: Susana Casares Cast: Kimya Marefat、Marissa Clifford、 Johanna Trujillo、Joey Naber
一位穆斯林美籍女孩奈拉,因為頭巾的緣故而被拉拉隊 的徵招所拒絕。她會選擇追求夢想之路還是對宗教信仰 妥協呢?
Length: 5 mins 12 secs Director: Lawrence Gan, Jonathan Moy Cast: Rane Jameson、Bryony Grace、 Amanda Mendoza
After being rejected from cheerleading tryouts because of her headscarf, Nayla, a teenage Muslim American girl, will have to find her own way to follow her dream without compromising her beliefs.
肖恩對於新戀情有所遲疑,所以尋求他的朋友們的意見。 Sean, having doubts about a new relationship, seeks advice from his friends.
Length: 8 mins 38 secs Director: Rachel Goldberg Cast: Daniela Bobadilla、Charles Robinson、 Elyan J. Taylor
Length: 19 mins 09 secs Director: Adam Rubin Cast: Kelly Perine、Geneviere Anderson、 Seth Ginsberg、Byrne Offutt
This short film was created through Film Independent's signature diversity program, Project Involve. Each fellow was given a theme -- democracy and California – and was asked to create a short film. Sponsored by Panavision, NBC/Universal, Wildfire Post-Production Sound and Color Space Finishing, each team was given a package and a limited amount of time to create a short film.
一個計畫進行一場大屠殺的少年在他即將實施起暴力計 畫的早上遇到了一個陌生人,一個唯一能夠阻止他的 人。這是一個簡短但卻十分有力量的短片。它講述了兩 個平凡的陌生人。他們生活在同一個美麗的社區。他們 註定要在這個改變命運的時刻相遇。他們面對著我們每 一個人都同樣面對著的心魔。這部影片講述的是一個從 焦慮到諷刺最終充滿了希望的故事。這是一部銳利的、 快節奏的影片。該片通過精美的拍攝和感人的敘述向觀 眾展現了一個具有深刻社會意義和社會價值的故事。 A teenager on the morning of his 'going Columbine' is confronted by an unlikely stranger, the only person who can stop him. It's a timely and powerful short film about two seemingly ordinary strangers existing in the heart of 'perfect' suburbia, fated to meet at a life-changing moment, both confronting the demons we all share. The film is a tale of angst, of irony, and ultimately of hope. It is an edgy and fast-paced thriller, beautifully shot and told, with large implications and strong social value.
CAN YOU HEAR ME? 聽到我了嗎? Length: 4 mins 35 secs Director: Isaac Ravishankara Cast: Isaac Ravishankara、Sean Foreman、 Kevin Hayden、Melanie Knigge
MEDITATIONS: ITS OKAY ITS OKAY 胡思亂想 Length: 10 mins 26 secs Director: Jonathan Ade Cast: Nicholas Neve、Graham Sibley
埃薩克和肖恩決定在他們的房子之間用罐頭盒製作並架設 一個簡易的傳聲器。他們邀請了埃薩克的室友凱文和肖恩 的女朋友梅勒妮。他們的傳聲器將要跨越650英尺的距離。這也許是世界上距離最遠且能正常 工作的罐頭盒傳聲器了。
一位生病的小男孩在半夜鼓起勇氣去找爸爸。 A young, sick boy must seek his father late at night.
Isaac and Sean decide to construct a tin can phone between their houses, enlisting the help of Isaac’s roommate Kevin and Sean’s girlfriend Melanie. At around 650 ft, it may be the longest working tin can phone ever.
EMIT 時光倒流
Length: 9 mins 04 secs Director: JS Mayank Cast: Jack Coleman、Katelyn Hunter、 James Keane、Sherri Parker Lee
Length: 4 mins 22 secs Director: Jonathan Sheldon Cast: Rik Barnett, Rhoda Pell、Altara Michelle、 Evan Ferrante、Josh Grayson
在時光倒流的世界中,我們跟隨一個家庭迎接祖母回到人 世上,以及7歲女孩所面臨的「回歸」。
In a world where time flows backwards, we follow a family as they gather to welcome their grandmother into the world, as the 7 year-old daughter contemplates her looming mortality.
Without warning, wealthy, good looking Christian Grey comes to mother and Edie’s home to evict them.
Length: 2 mins 40 secs Director: 曾聿萱
Length: 12 mins 56 secs Director: Peter Chen
這是一部有孩子們完成的動畫片。它改變了我們對地球的 看法。你將發現人生充滿了精彩。甚至是最讓人們覺得厭 惡的事物也有美麗和有趣的一面。該片用撿拾到的物品和 可回收的廢棄物組合成了一幅幅關於大地、海洋和天空的 美麗畫卷。我們希望人們愛護並珍惜週圍的一切,因為這
戰爭是人們最痛苦的記憶。這是一段真實的故事。僅以 此片獻給世界和平,祝願人類永遠遠離戰爭。1943年4月 18日由吉米.杜立多上校率領的16架B-25型轟炸機從大 黃蜂號航空母艦的甲板上起飛了。杜立多東京轟炸機隊是由一群志願者所組成的。他們包括 了來自社會各界的80名勇士。他們都清楚這是一次充滿了危險的戰鬥任務。他們將要飛臨日 本的領空投下所攜帶的炸彈,再從日本飛回仍未被佔領的、自由的中國領土。中國遊擊隊用 了兩個星期的時間將降落在日本佔領區的美國飛行員營救回被稱作「自由中國」的安全區。 當地的中國百姓也參與到了營救的行動中。本片採訪了當時參與營救行動的劉唐勝(音譯) 先生的後代。劉先生是當時參與營救杜立多機隊飛行員到達安全區的眾多中國人中的一員。
是一個可愛的世界。 This is an animation made by Children. Change the way we look at the world; you will find that life full of wonderful things. Even the most obscure stuff can become very beautiful and interesting. Use found objects and recycling to construct the images, to depict the scenes from the Earth, sea and into the sky. We hope that people cherish things around them because it is very lovely world.
Wars are horrible events to be remembered. This is a true story. Dedicate this to world peace and to avoid wars in the future. On April 18th 1943 sixteen B-25 bombers took off from the deck of the USS Hornet, led by (then Col.) Jimmy Doolittle. The Doolittle Tokyo Raiders were a group of volunteers, eighty men from all walks of life, who all knew it was a very dangerous mission. They were to fly over Japan, drop their bombs and fly on to land in a part of China that was still free. Chinese guerrilla two weeks to get all the American Pilots out of Japanese occupied territories into safe area called "Free China." The Chinese locals rescued the Americans. Two descendants of Mr. Tung Sheng Liu who helped saved the Doolittle Raiders during WWII. Their father Mr. Liu was one of the Chinese who were there to bring the Raiders to safety.
FIRE WITH FIRE 火焰對決 Length: 3 mins 43 secs Director: Ross Kauffman
有誰敢利用一個致命的疾病去對付在六歲病童體內的另 一個疾病?結果出人意料。 Who would dare to pit one fatal disease against another… inside the body of a six-year-old patient? The results will shatter all expectations.
Length: 19 mins 54 secs Director: David Crabtree Cast: Nathalie Antonia、Jessica Borden、 Dixie Perkinson
Length: 3 mins 25 secs Director: Leslie Iwerks
Paul Stamets相信我們已經進入地球的第六次大滅絕。他提 出蕈類是避免這問題發生的關鍵,包括清除遭汙染的土 地,創造新的除蟲方式,治療天花甚至是流感。
每個人都暗自希望有一個生日驚喜,但不曾想過會來自於 一個疏遠的老爸。
Paul Stamets believes we have entered into the 6th major extinction on our planet. He presents mushrooms as a solution to this problem, including cleaning polluted soil, creating new insecticides, treating smallpox and maybe even the flu.
Everyone secretly hopes for a birthday surprise, but not usually one from their estranged father.
THE INVISIBLE BICYCLE HELMET 隱形的自行車安全帽 Length: 3 mins 36 secs Director: Fredrik Gertten
設計學院生Anna與Terese選擇了一個巨大的挑戰作為她們 的學期作業,一個從來沒人完成過的事情。如果他們能跨越,那將是革命性的成就。自行車是 改變世界的工具,如果我們能安全地騎車,生活將會大大地提升。
Length: 3 mins 53 secs Director: Jeremiah Zagar
“If people say it’s impossible we have to prove them wrong.”
《停止心跳》是講述Billy Cohn與Bud Trazier兩個來自德州 心臟中心有遠見的醫生,在2011年3月成功的利用他們所 創造的機器替代一名垂死病人的心臟,證明生命是可以不 用心跳的故事。
Design students Anna and Terese took on a giant challenge as an exam project. Something no one had done before. If they could swing it, it would for sure be revolutionary. The bicycle is a tool to change the world. If we use bikes AND travel safe: Life will be better for all.
Heart Stop Beating is the story of Billy Cohn & Bud Frazier, two visionary doctors from the Texas Heart Institute, who in March of 2011 successfully replaced a dying man's heart with a 'continuous flow' device they developed, proving that life was possible without a pulse or a heart beat.
OPERATION FREE LUNCH 免費午餐行動 Length: 3 mins 23 secs Director: Lixin Fan
對於中國超過兩萬五千名貧窮兒童來說,「免費午餐」是 他們每日生活的一部份。2011年記者鄧飛發起了免費午 餐的行動,僅用一年時間在中國的社群媒體用戶中募集到 了390萬美元,並率先利用微博的力量對抗中國的不平等情況。
Length: 12 mins 19 secs Director: Glenn Kiser Cast: Ross Marquand、Michael Carbonaro
For over 25,000 poverty-stricken children in China, a “free lunch” is their daily reality. Journalist Deng Fei set up the Free Lunch Campaign in 2011, raised USD 3.9 million from Chinese social media users in just one year and pioneered the power of micro-blogging in China's battle against inequality.
菲力浦和山姆決定一試經過一段分離之後再次重逢之後重建感情的想法。他們同意承擔這個 由他們共同作出的決定所帶來的後果。一段感情,無論多麼強烈,能否經得起分離的考驗? 分離會加強兩人間的感情還是會成為分手的開始呢? Phillip and Sam grapple with the concept of taking time apart from each other, and dealing with the consequences of coming back together after a mutually agreed-upon separation. Can a relationship, no matter how strong, survive that kind of independence? And does being apart strengthen bonds, or is it inevitably the first step in saying goodbye?
MEET MR. TOILET 遇見廁所先生 Length: 3 mins 25 secs Director: Jessica Yu
如果沒有一些簡單的廁所裝置,大便可能成為毒藥。從商 人跨行到個人衛生業的超級英雄Jack Sim對這個有關26億 人口卻又被我們經常忽略的危機進行對抗⋯⋯
For those without access to a simple toilet, poop can be poison. Businessman-turned-sanitation-superhero Jack Sim fights this oft-neglected crisis affecting 2.6 billion people...
Length: 13 mins 03 secs Director: Amy Seimetz Cast: AJ Bowen、Amy Seimetz
《當我們住在邁阿密》是講述一個女人當住家遭到颶風 後,如何維持全家不分崩離析的一段故事。《當我們住在邁阿密》是在熱帶風暴艾薩克來襲時 所拍攝的,手法如同Seimetz導演的另外一部廣受好評的電影《Sun Don't Shine》。知名編劇- 導演-演員Amy Seimetz(作品有「Upstream Color」,AMC's「The Killing」)以真實的颶風 為背景,打造的一部簡單卻令人難以忘懷的故事。本片由AJ Bowen及6歲新人Fiona D' Avis主 演,油Jay Keitel以超級16mm影片拍攝,由Andrew Hevia監製。
With a hurricane threatening her home, "When We Lived in Miami" is about the lengths one woman goes to keep her family from falling apart. Stylistically similar to Seimetz's critically acclaimed feature film "Sun Don't Shine", "When We Lived in Miami" was shot on location during tropical storm Isaac. Using the real life storm to great effect, writer-director-star Amy Seimetz (“Upstream Color”, AMC’s "The Killing") crafts a simple yet haunting narrative that is deeply felt and powerfully realized. Featuring AJ Bowen and six year old new comer Fiona D'Avis, the short was filmed on super 16mm by Jay Keitel and produced by Andrew Hevia.
一位青年記者試著去寫一篇真實的英雄故事。但是在他 進行收集資料時,卻發現了一個令人想不到的秘密…
Length: 12 mins 30 secs Director: Yazhen Zhang Cast: Brett Emanuel、Shondale Seymour、 Burt Culver
A young journalist is trying to write a “hero” in real life. But while he is doing the research, he finds out a secret that he never expected...
Length: 16 mins 52 secs Director: Wesley Du Cast: Jesse Wang、Jake Won Lee、Anthony Chang
Length: 15 mins 55 secs Director: 李雨夕 Cast: Jacob Fuentes、Joshua Velazquez
一位前拳擊手一心想要與他唯一的兒子有更好的關係,在 他兒子21歲生日時送了份禮物,卻改變兩個人的一生。
兩位被母親遺棄的孩子相依為命長大。Eugene辛苦工作養 活自己和弟弟,弟弟Fabian不知何時掛上吸毒和販毒,哥 哥屢勸無效。一日弟弟被打,哥哥約他在母親生日時去海 邊勸解。弟弟說決定放棄吸毒與販毒,不知回家毒癮又 犯,搶了哥哥的錢去買毒,錢被流氓搶走,哥哥去搶回, 被劫匪認為是弟弟的人搶的。在第二日哥哥上班時候弟弟 被殺手殺死,哥哥回家看到卻笑了。其實哥哥知道劫匪一 定會回家殺死弟弟,他覺得這樣自己的生活會變得更好。 每個人都有人心的黑暗面。
An ex-boxer desperate to connect with his only son gives him a gift on his 21st birthday that will change their lives forever.
Two children, abandoned by their mother, grow up together depend on each other. Eugene works very hard to feed his younger brother and himself. Without knowing from when, his younger brother Fabian started to use drugs and became a drug dealer. Eugene tried to stop him but failed. One day, Fabian was beaten badly. Eugene ask Fabian to go to beach on their mother's birthday to try to persuade Fabian to give up using and selling drugs once again. Fabian agreed to give up. However, when he got home, his drug addiction affected him extremely bad. He robbed his brother to buy drugs. When he tried to buy drugs, he was robbed by bunch of gangsters. Later, Eugene helped him to fight with the bad guys and got back the money. The gangsters believe that it's Fabian send his own guy to fight for the money. The very next day, when Eugene went to work, Fabian was killed by the gangsters. When Eugene came back home and found out what had happened, he smiled. Actually, Eugene already knew that those gangsters surely will come to kill Fabian for revenge. He thought that if Fabian been killed, his life will be getting better. Everybody has a dark side.
OH WILLY 喔 威利 Length: 16 mins 42 secs Director: Emma De Swaef、Marc James Roels
威利在荒蠻探索中回到了原始的天體的懷抱。 Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery.
Length: 5 mins 39 secs Director: Alexander Powell Cast: Alexis Mickens、Hayley Smart
Length: 21 mins 03 secs Director: 廖子豪 Cast: Joshua Leeson、Matthew Mikita
一個名叫尼爾的少年整天獨自一人在家裡用畫畫打發時 間。他渴望尋找自己的朋友。於是,他寫了封信放入瓶 中並投向了大海。令他意外的是,一個名叫艾妲的女孩 從一個快樂的世界給他寫了封回信。在那裡,艾妲是一 名周遊世界的流浪者並在閒暇的時候作畫。隨著不斷的 相互通信,他們之間建立起了友誼並產生了某種全新的 東西。
一名懷揣夢想的同性戀舞者迎來他人生中最重要的一天。 生長在小鎮中的Francois收到了來自紐約的舞團面試通 知。他興奮地準備去參加面試,然而Francois的同性愛人 Louis卻執意讓他留下,繼承他父親的畫廊。從未想過要離開男友的Francois陷入了兩難的境 地,他留下一封訣別信,選擇了逃避。當他看著觸手可及的夢想與自己擦身而過,一個有靈魂 的舞者在現實中失去了靈魂。 A gay dancer who had a dream to go to New York to develop his career has to face the pressure from his beloved boyfriend. Without his lover, this dancer does not have the courage to go to the audition, but to choose to leave the small town by leaving a goodbye letter to his lover.
Neil, a teenage boy, spends most of his days in solitude drawing at home. In desperation, looking for a friend, he sends a message in a bottle out to sea. To his surprise, a girl named Ayda replies from an animated world where she travels as a nomad and draws in her free time. As they exchange letters, a friendship begins along with the start of something new for both of them.
Length: 16 min 10 sec Director: Anqi Liu Cast: Brian Faherty、Caroline Gottlieb、 Tiziana Guarini
Length: 3 min 07 sec Director: Caroline Cox、Becca Meaney、Nan Marsh Cast: Sarah White
故事講述一個單身母親和一個叛逆的十幾歲的女兒,在女 兒導致媽媽死亡後,她終於學會如何愛和感謝她的媽媽。
A young couple faces a tough decision in this music video for singer-songwriter Sarah White.
A story about a single mother and a rebellious teenage daughter, the daughter finally learns about how to love and appreciate what she has after she causes the death of her mom.
Length: 5 mins 56 secs Director: Conrad Lihilihi Cast: Maynard Okereke、Anthony Washington
Length: 13 mins 03 secs Director: Timothy Tau Cast: Feodor Chin、Archie Kao、Kelvin Han Yee
一個神秘的裝置將兩名盜賊捲入恐怖又無法解釋的事件 中。
FILM THREAT評論《陸錫麟》是一部混合了舞台劇、重 現好萊塢及歷史的優秀短劇。本片是回顧與表彰陸錫麟 先生的一生與他的職業生涯。作為一個早期的美籍華裔 演員、藝術家及畫家,最知名的是1940年代首位在螢幕 扮演青蜂俠中加藤的角色(甚至在李小龍之前)、1930 年代以陳查理在全美播放的《第一兒子》中飾演李春、 以及1940年代在《唐人街魅影》中飾演神探詹姆斯李 皇。在他飾演過的兩百多部電影電視的角色中,成功的 創造了《功夫》中裡的寶師父、《Gremlins》裡的永老 闆、以及《Space Ghost》裡的Brak配音和動畫系列片中 Charlie Chan的角色。
A mysterious device sends two thieves on a horrific and unexplainable journey.
WHAT DO WE HAVE IN OUR POCKETS? 口袋裡有甚麼? Length: 4 mins 02 Director: Goran Dukic Cast: Azazel Jacobs、Diaz Jacobs
“A mix of stage play, Hollywood re-enactment and historical lesson,” as well as a “quality short film, period,” (FILM THREAT) KEYE LUKE is an examination and celebration of the life and early career of Mr. Keye Luke, a pioneering Chinese American actor, artist and painter most known for playing the first on-screen Kato in the 1940s Green Hornet, (before Bruce Lee), the All-American “Number One Son” Lee Chun in the popular Charlie Chan films of the 1930s, and Detective James Lee Wong in Phantom of Chinatown(1940). With a career spanning over 200+ TV and film roles, Mr. Luke would go on to star as Master Po in “Kung Fu”, Shopkeeper Wing in Gremlins, and voice Brak in Space Ghost as well as Charlie Chan in a cartoon series.
當一個男人口袋裡的東西都活過來所產生的非常愛情故 事。 A most unusual love story unravels when the objects in a young man’s pockets come to life.
劇長: 45集 導演: 董亞春 主演: 黃志忠、張豐毅、柯藍
劇長: 50集 導演: 徐小明 主演: 胡軍、唐國強、呂良偉、佘詩曼
六十六年前,在世界反法西斯戰爭太平洋戰場的中、 緬、印戰區,血與火的洗禮下,以中國軍人付出的巨大 犧牲,和美英兩軍的鼎力合作,三國軍人共同鑄就了一 曲不畏強暴、熱愛自由、熱愛和平的壯歌。
西元1215年,忽必烈出生在危機四伏的蒙古草原。此 時,窩闊台(忽必烈的三伯父)的妻子脫列哥那視忽必烈 的父親托雷為阻擋在她取得權利之路上的最大阻礙。年少 的忽必烈顯示出種種與眾不同的氣質。父輩的爭權奪利似 乎還沒有對他產生什麼影響。隨著托雷戰功越來越大,脫 列哥那對自己的丈夫窩闊台能否接替成吉思汗成為蒙古的 大汗越來越擔憂。不拘小節的托雷屢屢讓兄弟窩闊台感覺 是在向自己挑戰;加上脫列哥那的挑唆,窩闊台與托雷的 間隙越來越大。
66 years ago, in China-Burma-India Area of Pacific Theater for Anti-fascist War, withstanding the cruel situation, military men from China, who suffered the tremendous sacrifices and cooperated with the soldiers from United States and Britain, created a great epic which illustrated the courage, desire to freedom and peace.
In year 1215, Hubilie was born in the perilous Mongolia. During that time, Tuoliegena, wife of Hubilie’s uncle Wokuotai, believed that Tuolei, Hubilie’s father, is the biggest obstruction on her way to get the supreme power. Meanwhile, everybody noticed yong Hubilie’s unique disposition. It seems that fighting between his uncles and his father didn’t affect him at all. Because Tuolei achieved more and more military exploits, Tuoliegena worried that his husband, Wokuotai, would lose the opportunity to get the dominion power after Genghis Khan’s death. On the other hand, Wokuotai treated Tuolei’s generosity as a big challenge. With the inciting from Tuoliegena, the contradiction between them became worse and worse.
山裡娘們山裡漢 THE MOUNTAINS ARE MOUNTAINS LIHAN NIANG 劇長: 35集 導演: 張光北 主演: 張光北、陳煒、何政軍、王小利
李松和王子強,一個是土生土長的大嶺漢子,一個是中 共派往林區的優秀幹部。一個粗獷暴脾氣,一個細緻講 原則。性格迥異的他倆在建設大嶺的長期合作與摩擦中 逐漸形成了左手和右手的關係,缺一不可。兩個人也漸 漸血脈相通,不是親兄弟,勝似親兄弟。兄弟倆都頗有 女人緣,特殊時期的特殊愛情每一段都讓人唏噓不已。 李松與結髮妻子華薇攜手走過六十年絕非一番風順。兩 人幾經周折終於走到一起,卻因為兒子的教育問題爆發 了從未有過的爭執。王子強的前妻在解放前的地下工作 中不幸犧牲。敬他愛他的梅蘭菊主動接下了照顧他生活 的接力棒。哪知這個梅蘭菊嫁進王家還帶著一個巨大的 身世之謎。而解開謎底的鑰匙就掌握在王子強手裡⋯⋯
劇長: 40集 導演: 于榮光 主演: 秋瓷炫、于榮光、潘虹、呂良偉 《木府風雲》講述了明代雲南納西木氏土司在當地統治 時期,木氏家族內部腥風血雨的爭權奪勢和權力更迭的的 恩怨情仇。秋瓷炫在劇中飾演木府家族的女當家人也是血 刃仇敵阿勒秋,她身負家仇潛伏木家二十年,心機城府極 重,卻褪不去天生的善良純真。與木家嫡孫木增相愛不能 相約殉情,卻在最後一刻懸崖勒馬救人性命。經歷重重 磨難嫁給愛人木增後忍辱負重與各色勢力人物斡旋暗鬥, 帶領木家突圍困境,最終獲得信任和尊重,化解仇恨成為 木府當家女主人,書寫了一段傳奇女子的情仇愛恨故事。
Li Song and Wang Ziqiang were growing up locally in Daling. One of them was outstanding officers. One of them was rough and lack of patience. One of them is detail oriented and follows the rule. Although their personality is very different from each other, they become close friends and brothers during the process of building Daling. Both of them are handsome and attractive. However, during that special period of time in China, every love story is full of challenges. Li Song and his wife went through tough times and challenges. However, after they finally got together, they were falling into the trap of conflicts and arguing for their differences on their son’s education. Wang Ziqiang’s first wife was killed as an undercover intelligent agent. Mei Lanju, which started to take care of him after the death of his wife, married him with a huge hidden secret. It is Wang Ziqiang that has the key to open this secret.
The Mu Saga tells a story that happened in Naxi, Yunan. During the reign of Mu Chieftain, Mu’s family members were fighting with each other for the power. Actress Qiu Cixuan played A Leqiu, the hostess of Mu Family. She came to Mu Family over 20 years and had her reprisal hidden deep in heart. However it never changed her as a pure and kind woman. She was in love with the heir of Mu Family but being forced to give up. They were trying to commit suicide because of the separation. At the very last moment, she changed her mind and saved his life. After undergoing all kinds of tribulations, she finally married Mu Zeng. After that, she had to deal with variety of challenges from different people and power. Eventually, she lead Mu Family out of hardship and earned their trust and respect. With reprisal being solved, she also became the head of Mu Family. It is a legend of a woman' s love and hatred.
葉問 IP MAN 劇長: 50集 導演: 範小天 主演: 鄭嘉穎、韓雪、宋洋、元華、梁小龍、于榮光 電視劇版《葉問》預計2013年登陸各大衛視,在2013年電視螢屏再造武林神話,掀起新一股中華武術的熱潮。 與《霍元甲》《精武陳真》《少年黃飛鴻》等武 術宗師題材的電視劇相比,電視劇版《葉問》將不再僅僅關注一代宗師葉問自身,而是要通過葉問傳奇的一生來折射那個動盪年代的整個武林人的命運。總編 劇張炭表示,「我們說的不光是一個關於葉問的故事,更是一個關於中國武林的故事。我們應該記住那些與葉問一樣生活在那個年代,並且深深相信武術強民 強國的武林人士。」 TV series, IPMAN, will broadcast in China in 2013. The drama surely will bring new wave of heat for Chinese Kunfu. Comparing with Huo Yuanjia, Jingwu Chenzhen, Youth Huang Feihong, and many other martial arts TV series, IPMAN will not concentrate on IPMAN's own life. It will tells people the life of martial arts master's lives in that unstable time. Script writter, Zhang Hui, said: "we are not just telling a story about IPMAN. It is a story about Chinese Kunfu too. We should remember those, just like IPMAN, which lived in that same unstable time and believed martial arts being able to build Chinese people and China strong.
中國電視劇介紹 CHINESE TV SERIES SYNOPSIS 風雷動 FENG LEIDONG 劇長: 35集 導演: 姜凱陽 主演: 王雷、涂松岩、程煜、劉歡 《哈爾濱往事之風雷動》講述了二十世紀上半葉。李家兄弟少年時代失散,大哥忠信與小弟忠和來到哈爾濱。偶然機會,已經成為皮毛商人的忠信與流 亡女孩娜嘉彼此相愛結婚。霍亂疫情在哈蔓延。李忠信收購毛皮染病,臨終前與失散的二弟相認。葬禮後娜嘉將店鋪交給忠孝管理,李忠孝卻將她趕 出門。哈埠富商巴森決定返回巴勒斯坦,將油廠交給淩家經營。中共黨員馬林有意向淩家大公子奉系軍官雲驍灌輸進步思想。三弟李忠和加入中國共產 黨,受命返哈護送六大代表前往莫斯科。淩雲驍憤然參加了抗日義勇軍,為保衛哈爾濱而戰。日軍的逼迫,讓他家破人亡,他決定參加抗日,他能為了 保護自己的家園而戰,他能放棄這⋯⋯ The story happened in early 1900's. Li brothers was separated from each other. The oldest brother, Zhongxin, and the youngest one, Zhonghe, came to Haerbin. The occasional chance, Zhongxin met Najia. They fallen in love with each other and got married. By then, Zhongxin has already had his own business as a fur trader. However he died because of illness. At his last moment, he finally found the second younger brother, Zhongxiao. After he passed away, Najia handed the business to Zhongxiao. However he forced Najia out of the family. Successful businessman, Balin, decided to go back to Palestine and hand over his Oil factory to Lin family to operate. CPC member Ma Lin introduced new philosophy to the oldest son of Lin family, Yunjiao, a military officer of Feng warlords. The youngest brother Zhonghe Li joined CPC and being ordered to escort delegation to Moscow. Ling Yunjiao joined volunteer army to fight against Japanese. He would fight for Haerbin. With Japanese invasion, his family was killed and separated. He decided to fight for his family and his country.
辣媽正傳 HOT MOM 劇長: 38集 導演: 沈嚴 主演: 孫儷、張譯、 明道、鄔君梅 夏冰和元寶這對小戀人,一個夜店咖,一個未長大。誰知夏冰一夜肚大,孕夫元寶悉心照料。穿著搶來的婚紗,坐著鳴笛的警車,這對活寶奔向雞飛狗 跳的新生活。外憂未除內患來擾,事兒媽婆婆和她老人家的犯賤閨蜜,婚後原形畢露的元寶,最可怕的是那個七斤八兩皺巴巴軟塌塌管她叫媽的小東 西! 神馬性感三圍、升職加薪、夜夜笙歌,從此都與她絕緣。猛然回首已是四面楚歌,家庭、事業、自我一個都不能少,且看夏冰怎麼搞? Xiabing and Yuanbao is a young couple who hasn’t grown up and has always been hanging out late around nightclubs. However, without any expectation, Xiabing found her pregnant. The coming baby brought this couple’s life into chaos. A new surrounding marriage brought with, a critical motherin-law with her friends, an immature husband and a baby coming without preparation, Xiabing found that she could be eternally separated from the glorious life of an unmarried woman. What is waiting for her?
守望的天空 THE SKY OF HOPE 劇長: 30集 導演: 陸江 主演: 李沁、趙文瑄、闞清子、林申 袁衛國(趙文瑄飾)因不堪兒子孤獨症折磨,與妻子離婚後又和新歡慧雅(王琳飾)結合,拋棄了妻子與一雙兒女。多年後,母親病逝,巳成家的葡萄 (李沁飾)承抯起照顧哥哥袁望(張歡飾)和被領養妹妹袁心(王可昕飾)的重任,為了患孤獨症的哥哥,工作弄丟了,婆家人又不理解,葡萄只有頑 強地堅持著。生活的艱辛磨礪了葡萄的性格,她從絕望中堅定了人生的信念,破繭化蝶般成為一個大愛無疆的女人。後來,袁衛國出現了,可當初負心 的父親已得了尿毒症,生命垂危,葡萄又一次站在了人生的十字路口上。面對曾經自私的父親,還有趁人之危的小三,更有同父異母的弟妹,葡萄能否 再次選擇關愛與包容⋯⋯ Yuan Weiguo cannot stand his son's Autism and abandoned his family. After divorce, he married Huiya. Many years later, the mother passed away. Grape, the oldest daughter of the family, has married and took the responsibility of taking care of her Autism brother Yuan Wang and adopted younger sister Yuan Xin. Because of taking care of Autism brother, she lost her job. Her in-laws also cannot understand her action. Grape still had to continue doing it. Hardship made her stronger and stronger. Finally, she became a woman with generosity and big love. At this moment, Yuan Weiguo, her father, came back to her life again. Now, the father, once abandoned them, got very serious Uremia and in his last moment of life. Grape was standing at the crossing roads of her life again. In front of the selfish father, her brother and sister, will she choose love and forgiveness again?
小兒難養 THE SWEET BURDEN 劇長: 35集 導演: 曹盾 主演: 宋佳、陳思成、萬茜、王耀慶 80後的模範夫妻簡寧和江心(陳思成 飾)抱著對“有孩兒生活”最美好的想像,手舞足蹈地開始了為人父母的日子。令夫妻二人沒有想到的是,這養孩子 的煩惱是一波接著一波。妹妹簡艾意外的與一個叫樂樂的孩子成為知心朋友。而樂樂的父親嚴道信卻對這個“從天而降”的女兒手足無措。於是簡艾也 不經意的涉入到這個奇怪的父女二人組中。趙曉柔與男朋友吳迪原本是標準的“丁克一族”。當她看著簡寧和簡艾身邊雖然麻煩但卻溫暖的孩子,誓做 丁克的她,竟然對吳迪提出要結婚生子,並使出奇招有計劃、有步驟地開始努力實現這一願望,吳迪徹底傻眼了…… As a Y generation, Jian Ning and Jiang Xin were dreaming about a happy life with baby. Therefore they happily to get ready to be a parent. However, out of their expectation, they found out that to feed a baby is a very tough job. Younger sister of Jian Ning, Jian Ai, accidentally became a good friend with Lele, a young kid. Lele’s father, Yan Daoxin, was still don’t know how to deal with his unexpected daughter. Therefore Jian Ai joined in this odd daughter and father combination by accident. Zhao Xiaorou and her boyfriend, Wu Di, were believers of DINK. When she looks at those troublesome and lovely kids around Jian Ning and Jian Ai, She asked Wu Di to marry her and to have their own kids. Xiaorou made up a detailed plan and tried everything to persuade Wu Di. Now, it’s Wu Di’s turn to not know what to do.
36集 孔笙 李立群、殷桃、張譯、遲蓬、靳東、 張佳寧、任帥
上世紀八十年代初期,改革開放的春風已經率先吹綠了中國南方,個體經濟如雨。後春筍般遍地開放,家住瑞安古樹村的周老順召開家庭會議,宣布了 一個石破天驚的決定:一是賣掉房子讓13歲的女兒阿雨跟隨表舅去意大利上學,二是他和媳婦趙銀花帶著16歲的兒子麥狗闖蕩溫州城,尋找商機發大 財。他的決定斷了自己也斷了孩子的退路,一家人為此分隔天涯,踏上了不同的道路。在這轟轟烈烈的創業年代,無論是周萬順、趙銀花還是周阿雨、 周麥狗,都犧牲著或被犧牲著珍貴的親情;然而正如他們各自找尋到真誠的愛情、又重新喚回缺失的親情一般,這時代的巨輪也為他們烙下了不可磨滅 的勳章。 In 1980s, with the southern China overwhelmed by the reform and opening up tide and private companies mushrooming all over the country, Zhou Laoshun, a farmer at Gushu Village in Zhejiang province made a breaking announcement at the family meeting. He wanted to sell the house so that his 13-year old daughter Ayu could follow her uncle to Italy for foreign education, while his wife Zhao Yinhua and the 16-year old son Maigou would try their luck in Wenzhou, a prospering city amid the reform and opening up craze. In great surprise, the family accepted the arrangement and went on separate roads. At a time when everyone was trying to achieve something, the whole Zhou's family had to put their personal success above their priceless family bond and fell victim of material interests. While looking for true love and retrieving their long-lost family connections, they were inevitably changed by the time, a legendary historical period that valued entrepreneurship over anything else.
媽媽的花樣年華 MOM'S BLOSSOM AGE 劇長: 30集 導演: 余淳 主演: 宋丹丹、林永健、巴圖、王彤、楊梓嫣 69歲的文英是一個普通的退休女教師,退休前在一所小學裡教語文,她的人生並不平淡——早年喪夫,一個人拉扯四個孩子長大成人的經歷,讓她堅強 也樂觀著。文英辛苦大半生終於熬到退休,過上了期盼已久的悠閒日子,然而退休後的生活卻不如她想的那樣順暢悠閒。 69 -year-old Wenying is an ordinary retired teacher, who taught Chinese language in an elementary school before retiring. Her life is not dull--early widowed, she has brought up four children all by herself, such experience making her a strong and optimistic woman.After working hard for most of her life, Wenying has finally come to retirement, and lived a long-awaited leisurely life. However, life after retirement is not as smooth and relaxed as she expected.
抗日奇俠 SUPER HERO 劇長: 35集 導演: 劉仕裕 主演: 王新軍、徐亮、李嘉明 抗日年間,山西大地上出現了四位抗日英雄——女妖宋無嬌,鬼魂鐵柱,繡花針廖天生,鐵頭俠杜大鵬,他們身懷絕技,時任八路軍猛虎營營長王牧風 受八路軍總司令許世友命令,在幾位奇俠經常出沒的地方,建立根據地,準備收服四位奇人,使其加入八路軍的抗日隊伍。在當地各部游擊隊的配合 下,王牧風等人一次又一次的執行高難度任務,炸毀鬼子的細菌工廠,保護國際友人,毀掉鬼子的交通要道千佛橋,以及刺殺鬼子的高級將領等等,每 一次的難度在增加,但幾位奇俠都能順利的完成。 During the Anti Japanes War period, four heros appeared in Shanxi province - Song Wujiao, Tiezhu, Liao Tiansheng and Du Dapeng. The commander in chief of the Eight Route Army they stunt, when he was king of the Eighth Route Army Wang Mufeng has his plan to convince these heros to join the Army. In cooperation with local guerrillas, Wang Mufeng and these heros blow Japanese biochemical weapons factories, protected international visitors, destroyed Japanese military transportation path, as well as assassinated the senior generals of Japanese army.
非緣勿擾 DESTINY BY LOVE 劇長: 30集 導演: 賴水清 主演: 蘇有朋、秦嵐、熊乃瑾、譚俊彥 風度翩翩、冷酷多金的陸西諾身邊美女如雲卻一直單身,他曾經失敗的初戀讓他對愛情充滿畏懼。他與好友陳樹峰,表弟金谷流連於各色美女,卻堅守 「不婚」的灑脫。在他們眼中,結婚是一樁血本無歸又葬送人生的「買賣」,避之唯恐不及。 年逾30,潑辣幹練的都市白領劉琳一直獨自奮鬥於高樓林立的城市中,她渴望愛情卻無法承受愛情帶來的傷害,她與閨蜜楊陽、蘇月標榜「不婚的職場 精英」,在她們看來,做女人要有骨氣,要麼談戀愛到結婚,要麼玩玩別當真,要麼高貴的單身。 Lu Xinuo, a handsome, cold and rich young man, has lots of beautiful ladies around him. His failed first love made him frightened when facing love. His best friend Chen Shufeng, cousin Jin Gu and him has many beautiful girlfriends but they promised to be never talking about marriage. For them, marriage is a losing deal and waste of time. They will try everything to avoid it. Liu Lin is over 30 now. She is a tough woman and fight for her success in this big city by herself. She desired for true love but being afraid of the pain that love might brought her. Her best friend Yang Yang, Su Yue and she promised to be single successful female professional. They believe those women need to be independent and self-respect. If they fallen in love, they must end up to be married. Otherwise they’d rather play around without serious and keep to be single.