Your ticket to the world’s favourite Festival Edinburgh International Festival Friends and Patrons
Join us… For the best ticket in town. Become a Friend of the Edinburgh International Festival and enjoy a wonderful array of fantastic benefits – including great ticket deals! You can join at any point throughout the year, keep up to date with the latest Festival news, and receive priority booking for all Edinburgh International Festival performances.
Be a part of history… And what’s more your ongoing support helps secure our future. The Festival’s Friends and Patrons play a vital role in ensuring the Edinburgh International Festival continues to be world class every year.
Never miss your must-see shows… You can book your tickets a full ten days before they go on general sale so you won’t miss out on your ‘don’t miss’ shows. You also have access to a ticket exchange service completely free.
Be cordially invited… You’ll be invited behind the scenes, to Festival celebrations and other unique year round special events. It’s a great way to meet fellow Festival goers and even join us for a cultural trip overseas.
Capriccio Edinburgh International Festival 2007 Photo: Douglas Robertson
Save money… You’ll be sent ticket offers exclusive to Friends and Patrons so you can see even more or take a risk on something new. And all year round you are entitled to 20% discount on all food and drinks at Cafe Hub.
Be guaranteed… That the programming that has made the Edinburgh International Festival a world class destination continues to be of the highest quality and accessible to all. Thanks to you.
Take the next step… Explore our membership options from page 11 onwards and choose the one that’s right for you. Or give us a call and we can help you decide.
How to join Complete, detach and return this form, go online at or call Lisa Morlidge, Membership Officer on 0131 473 2065.
Peony Pavilion Edinburgh International Festival 2011 Photo: Liu Yang
Edinburgh International Festival Friends and Patrons Title:
First name:
Phone number:
Please choose your level of commitment
Priority Friend (£50) Principal Friend (£100) Patron (£275) Platinum Patron (£550) Platinum Supporter (£1000) Platinum Reserve (£3000)
Please choose your method of payment by card, cheque or direct debit
by Debit/Credit Card For a total of £ __________________.
Mastercard American Express Visa Maestro Delta Solo
Card no:
Start date:
Expiry date:
Issue number:
Security code* (last 3 digits card back, Amex 4 digits):
by Cheque For a total of £ _________________. Please make cheques payable to ‘Edinburgh International Festival Society’
by Direct Debit Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit Please fill in the form and send to: Friends, Edinburgh International Festival, The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh, EH1 2NE
Service user number
8 0 6 6 4 3
Name and full postal address of your bank or building society To: The Manager
Bank/building society
Address Postcode
Name(s) of account holder(s) Branch sort code Bank/building society account number Reference
Instruction to your bank or building society Please pay Edinburgh International Festival Society Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Edinburgh International Festival Society and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society. Signature(s) Date
Banks and building societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account.
The Direct Debit guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Edinburgh International Festival Society will notify you 14 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Edinburgh International Festival Society to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Edinburgh International Festival Society or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society – If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Edinburgh International Festival Society asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 28p for every pound that you give from the Inland Revenue at no extra cost to yourself! Please tick, sign and date the declaration below to help us make your contribution go further.
“I would like the Edinburgh International Festival Society (Reg. Charity no. SC004694) to reclaim the tax on this donation. I have paid UK income tax/capital gains tax equal to the tax that will be reclaimed. I would also like to Gift Aid all donations I have made to the Edinburgh International Festival Society in the past four years and all future donations until I advise you otherwise.”
Please notify us if you wish to cancel this declaration or your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims. Keep us updated with any changes to name or address. For more information please refer to
Please complete, detach and return your form to us: Friends, Edinburgh International Festival, The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh EH1 2NE
Your Benefits Priority Friend Minimum donation of £50 Personalised Membership card Priority booking – you can buy up to four tickets for each Festival event in advance of booking opening to the public Regular newsletters Special events all year round, including programme briefings, to enhance your enjoyment of the Festival 20% discount at Cafe Hub Free ticket exchange on all tickets you have bought
Principal Friend Minimum donation of £100 All benefits above plus Priority booking – you can buy an additional four Festival tickets, eight in total, for each Festival event Opportunity to purchase tickets to attend a preview performance (when available) Opportunity to purchase two tickets to attend a private talk and reception prior to a Festival production
Faust Edinburgh International Festival 2009 Photo: Scott Eastman
Your Benefits Patron Minimum donation of £275 All benefits above plus Exclusive range of best tickets only for Patrons Exclusive Patron telephone booking line Festival brochure sent to your door by Special Delivery at launch Opportunity to buy two tickets to a Festival party to mingle with artists
Platinum Patron Minimum donation of £550 All benefits above plus Highly knowledgeable box office representative who will help you plan your Festival and book your tickets Opportunity to buy two tickets for a dress rehearsal (when available) Access to ‘Platinum Lounges’ during the intervals of matinee performances for you and a friend (when available)
Vladimir Jurowski Edinburgh International Festival 2011 Photo: Roman Gontcharov
Your Benefits Platinum Supporter Minimum donation of £1,000 All benefits above plus Priority booking – the very highest level Invitation for two to the Festival launch event Invitation to a private Festival event hosted by the Festival Director Exclusive use of Benefactors’ Lounge at The Queen’s Hall and the Edinburgh Playhouse at intervals of Festival performances (when available)
Platinum Reserve Minimum donation of £3,000 All benefits above plus Invitation for two to the Celebratory Lunch marking the start of the Festival Invitation to an exclusive private briefing on the programme in the week before the launch of the Festival or… Private briefing on the programme over the telephone
Benefactor We also offer opportunities at higher levels of commitment – to support a Festival performance for instance. To find out more please call Zuleika Brett, Individual Giving Co-ordinator on 0131 473 2064 or email
The Revenge of Prince Zi Dan Edinburgh International Festival 2011 Photo: Liu Haifa
Remember, all you have to do is fill in the form or give us a call on 0131 473 2065.
Front cover photo: Ă gua Edinburgh International Festival 2010 Photo: Iko Freese
Edinburgh International Festival Society is a registered Scottish charity, No. SC004694