Sketchbook Studio Journal - 2015 Edip M Buyukbekir 540907
Week One
The first lofting task was simple. Draw 3 curves in Rhino and use a lofting componant to create a surface through all 3.
The second task was to populate a set geometry (in this case a circle) with a number of points. I used the Del componant to created gemotry to fil the originals geomtries interior.
Week Two
Here I was playing around with the sectioning tutorial. I really like the effects this gave, with a sort of solid 3D contour map as a buildable piece.
I then trialled strips, as it was one of the research fields I intended to develop on.
The mesh geometry technique was my 3rd exploration. I used this as a reference to the task. I constructed a statue with extended wings, which could indicate direction to help the flow of traffic.
Week Three
To the left, I took the given Grasshopper file and learned how it worked. From their I used pre learnt components and added them to the file. Doing this, I was able to come up with four different results. My next task (bottom) was making a sphere. I went through the suggested tutorial video and came up with something that resembles a piece of artwork commonly seen in backyards (image it in rusted metal).
Week Four These are some results from this week’s task. The Geometry turned out interested however the second image on this page broke, when trying to recreate the third result on each edge. The images on the right turned out great. It has an interesting geometry that remind me of a floral setting.
Week Five
Exploration of different Graph options, manuplated in the Biothing File.
Week Five
Week Five These are my explorations in Grasshopper, attempting to add my research field to the geometry, which resulted is some pretty diverse patterns.
Week Six
The process of making this was a 6 step process. First, lofting a base surface in Rhino and using this as a reference point for the design. Second was to use the Triangulate Panels B from the Lunchbox plug-in to get the general triangular shape (see left). From here, a series of components to find each faces mid-point to then extrude and create the geometry of Bahr Towers faรงade. I was then able to use Lunchbox to then frame each panel for the two toned effect and structural support.