Brigus Gold Corp. (AMEX:BRD)
About Brigus Gold Corp. (AMEX:BRD) Brigus Gold Corp., formerly Apollo Gold Corporation (Apollo), is engaged in gold mining, including extraction, and processing, as well as related activities, including exploration and development. The Company owns Black Fox, an open pit and underground mine and mill located near Matheson in the Province of Ontario, Canada (Black Fox). It also owns Mexican subsidiaries, which own concessions at the Huizopa exploration project, located in the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico. The Company was the operator of the Montana Tunnels mine, a 50% joint venture with Elkhorn Tunnels, LLC (Elkhorn). On February 1, 2010, the Company sold its wholly owned subsidiary, Montana Tunnels Mining, Inc., which held 50%interest in the Montana Tunnels joint venture. Its subsidiaries include Apollo Gold, Inc., Mine Development Finance, Inc., Minera Sol de OROS.A. de C.V. and Minas de Argonautas, S. de R.L. de C.V.