EDITEL Journal 2/2014 EN

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© Petra Spiola

EDITORIAL Change is all around us Consolidation and harmonization were the driving forces behind many client projects and innovations we implemented this year. Many companies with in­ Peter Franzmair, ternational business activities have once again ent­ CEO Editel Austria rusted us with their business and relied on services by EDITEL to optimize their procurement of goods and data communication processes with their business partners. They have also chosen to use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to increase the ef­ ficiency and effectiveness of those processes. To learn more about this, please read the articles about Heineken Slovensko (page 4), the Slovakian Diligentia Group (page 3), the Hungarian subsidiary of FrieslandCampina (page 3) and about the Austrian F&B company GO Gaststätten (page 1). It’s all in this issue! We also took a look at our own company in an effort to improve our custo­ mer service. It is thus a great pleasure to announce the new internati­ onal EDITEL Group website, which also includes an updated overview of our services (main article on page 1). See for yourself and visit us at www.editel.eu.


In addition, we are very proud that our EDITEL Archive has been chosen as IT product of the year 2014 in the Czech edition of Computerworld magazine. Read all about this on page 2.


Last but not least, on behalf of the entire EDITEL team, I would like to thank all our clients and business partners for their business and fruit­ ful collaboration with us this year. We wish you a relaxing and peaceful holiday season and we look forward to tackling exciting projects in the upcoming year. Happy reading!

With its new website and revised solution portfolio, EDITEL now provides even more information and services for optimized supply chain management with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).


DITEL’s website now has a new look and feel and includes even more information. It’s an appe­ aling combination of attractive design and a well-structured and intuitive na­ vigation, created to help users quickly find the information they need. Com­ panies interested in business process optimization and supply chain manage­

Peter Franzmair ment will find specific information for their industry, whether it’s consumer goods/FMCG, hotels and catering (HORECA), pharmaceuticals, logi­ stics, banks or fashion/sporting goods. In addition, the website includes com­ prehensive background information about Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), a glossary of the most important

ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE DITEL launches new website 1 EOnline presentation and solution portfolio with even more information and service A quick update News of the EDITEL Group

2 A QUICK UPDATE METRO/MAKRO C&C Czech ­Republic successfully introduces SSCC pallet codes www.editel.eu/news/latest/article/­metromakro-czech-republic/ Falkensteiner Hotel Chain ­expands EDI network to the Czech ­Republic, Slovakia and Croatia www.editel.eu/news/latest/article/­ falkensteiner-hotels-1/ Go Live at GO Gaststätten www.editel.eu/news/latest/article/­­ go-live-at-go-gaststaetten/

EDITEL service solutions Overview in the EDITEL service portfolio EDITEL Archive wins IT-product of the year award Computerworld chose EDITEL Archive as IT product of the year

eXite® Location Finder: more than 9,500 locations now available! www.editel.eu/news/latest/article/ exiteR-location-finder-­more-than-­9500locations-now-available/ Enjoy EDITEL News at your leisure!

Follow us on

ww.xing.com w EDITEL Austria GmbH www.linkedin.com - ­EDITEL Group


FrieslandCampina Hungary Order portal (buyIT) for small retail customers Retail Slovakia Diligentia Group consolidates EDI infrastructure


Case Study Agrofert Czech Republic Various companies and industries under one EDI roof Heineken Slovensko 2015 will be the year of e-Invoice optimization

The EDITEL JOURNAL is published as a supplement to GS1 Information in a total of 13,000 copies. It is available in German, English as well as in Czech, Hungarian and Turkish for our international clients. To download the Journal as an epaper, please visit www.editel.eu/press/publications. If you have any suggestions, please contact us at info@editel.at


editelJOURNAL 2/2014



EDITEL connecting your business EDI solutions for smart supply chains

Our experie nce, your success!

EDITEL is your exper tion of EDI ienced partne projects. r for the You will EDITEL imple for exam Partner ple benefi mentaManageme with larget from the nt, espec scale EDI ially projects. connect your This option when working swiftly and business partne will allow rs to your you to efficiently EDI infras resources. without tructure having to During this allocate take care onboarding internal of all tasks the way to for you, from process, EDITE L will the go-liv the very e. In additi assist you on, EDITE first contact all with any other EDI L is also happy to needs.

Safe storag electronic e for document s


EDITEL offe following rs support in the areas: Comm

Digital Arc


unity mana gement Certificate manageme Partner mana nt gement / Creation of message onboarding of new Data forma EDI partne implementa rs t verification tion guide Process lines (MIGs optimization )

EDITEL’s archiving solutio servic

n is availa e or inhou ble both se. Digital docum as a mana ged ent archiv automated ing is a Your ben Your ben business great option efits resources processes. efits to comp needed It ensures lete to store much as Available Time- and documents that space and possible. as managed resource-sa It also may need are reduc Maximum service or ving EDI ed as at your finger puts any releva security stand inhouse 30 implementa years' exper solutio nt docum Any data tips imme ards tion ience in EDI n ent you format can diately. projects Swift and EDITEL’s be archiv Complies time-efficien ed (espec archiving with EU direct ially partne t connection solution functionalit Data integr EDIrs ive 2010/ formats) includes ies, espec ity with your 45/EU a wide data. In ially when Integr Profes variet ated addition, interface it comes sional assist y of EDITEL's to EDI platfo that this to archiv Online acces ance and security ing EDI archiving rm eXite ® support standards solution in accor Preview and s guarantee is auditp dance with download roof (legal EU direct also by Print docum original docum compliance auditing ent copie ents firm Deloit ive 2010/45/EU, for storin s Integrated confir te) g sensitive making it access for med a (e.g. invoic data for Scalable, tax which data perfect choice flexible retent auditors, if neede es, docum ents, contra d integrity ion period is key cts, etc.).

Business Monitorin g EDI Com municatio n

The cost-e for EDI begffective solution inners Consult ing

Web EDI is companies a great choice for looking to small and ments via exchange medium-siz EDI. electronic ed business docuThe Web EDI straightforw portal tradeIT by EDITEL ard and cost-e ternet acces fficient soluti is an exceptional s. As soon ly on. All it you will be as you have takes is inready to created your use EDI and ness docum account, exchange ents with your busin electronic busiess partne rs.

Simple and of business secure exchange document s

EDI data will which ensur be transmitted via the EDI es that all delivered platform electronic eXite ®, and receiv business ed witho documents ut fail. are EDITEL's web EDI portal tradeI lers who want to reach T is also suitab For inform SME via le foration EDI. retaiexchange it needs between to be tradeIT companies form eXite ® secure, reliable to succe and messagesupports the follo by than 30 years EDITEL is a guara traceable. The EDI ed, types wing platntee for . this since Article maste more eXite ® is Order (ORD r data (PRICAT) one of the ERS) Every year, largest intern Order respo more than nse (ORD ational than 300 Despatch RSP) 15,00 0 companies EDI networks. million transa advice (DESA ctions via process Receiving DV) more the EDI platfo advic A conne Invoice (INVO e (RECADV) rm. ction to IC) eXite ® will processes cover all with each your comm ners. All and every unica business one of your tion documents despatch business advices, such as partinvoices electronic and others orders, will be transf erred

Keep an eye on you business processes r ! EDITEL's busine

ss monit comprehen sively monit oring tool has been create ses that or and contro are key for d to l all busine the comm pany and ss proce unication your sbetween of all excha business partne your comrs. You nged electr transfer onic docum will have an overv was succe iew ents, inform ssful and accurate. ation if the if the includ ed inform ation is For instan Web EDI ce, the system Your ben indicated enables efits in the despa an order with the you to match quant Monitoring tch advic respective ities e, thus ensur of business information ing the correc order confirmatio (e.g. orderprocesses be imme n and invoic in to-cash) Digital Arc diately detec t process flow. e, Discre hiving notifications Active notific ted and communica pancies will . ation for Benefits workflow ted via of electron Online acces e-mail Business s ic invoicing Monit Significant Creation play of workfl oring features savings of customized include also (up to € 51 ows as graph (available reports the visual for every ical charts Manual signa online or disorder-to-cas Send paper , custo delivered ture verific well as functi less invoic h process) automaticall mized reports ation Detailed Secure archiv information onalities such as y via e-mai invoice cleari es ing of Electr document or the mana l) as Increased ng onic invoic all electr business tracking, gement of onic data qualit ing, also Availabilit documentshelps status electronic y Efficient known as improve y archiving signatures. e-invoice Extended IBM high-se and the long your entire billing Sustainable or e-billing, search option Depending process run. Accor data centerscurity solution in € 51scan on your both ding the short to internationa be saved requiremen can be provid Permanent for every ts, EDITE ed either monitoring order-to-cas l studies, up to L EDI Integr or inhouse as mana h process. EDITELation solution ged Fully redund EDI Benefits (edisuITe). service (submoffers custo ant of EDITEL invoice issuer mized e-Invo 99.98% availab IT) Maximize ility e-Invoic legal comp s and invoice recipi ice solutions both your suppl Stand e solution ardized y chain's liance are electronic ents. for Busines s efficiency ments replenishme Your ben (clients and/o solution for all busin s Monkey. EDITEL meetsData integrity and at all stage by fully integr ring, invoic nt efits ess partne r invoice s (as itor ing all legal issuing to ing or wareh processes. Wheth ating audite Secur recipi rs requir d by Deloit e and tracea archiving. ents) supply chain er it is for eouse mana Streamlined, te), from ordeble invoic manageme Customized gement, cost-efficien invoice every step an autom invoice forma e delivery via eXite ® t process Maximum of the way: nt will save mone ated Auditproof improveme ts (EDI, flexibility y and resou archiving nt rces (authenticity PDF, XML, etc.) Full autom Available Considerab ation , integrity) as manag ly less data ed EDI servic Optional: Reliable Interface processing electronic e or inhous processing to EDI platfo signature, e solution work thanks to Improved rm eXite ® time-stampi Integrated high collaboratio ng e-Invoice Increased n with your data quality efficiency Legally comp in all areas business partners liant digita l archiv EDITEL Business ing has a wide monitoring facilitate range of Workflow the full integr EDI soluti mana ons services gement ation of are custo all your proce available to Platform-ind mized to sses. All ependent meet the our needs of 24/7 support servic our client s. EDI es by EDITE L


Send pap erless inv oices and save!

EDI Integr ation

Save mo ney with automate business d processes

Your ben


EDI Integration

Secure exchange of electronic business documents (e.g. orders, despatch advices, invoices) via the EDI platform ­eXite® as well as online portals providing location data of Austrian retailers.

Individual solutions for fully integrated electronic supply chain processes including audit-proof invoicing, digital archiving and business monitoring.

Reliable transmission documents in real timeof business One single connection for all busin Maximum ess partne data secur rs ity and availa Traceability bility of all transa ctions 24/7 helpd esk Available across indus tries and Based on borders GS1 and EDI stand ards

Service Ove rview Security

Encrypted data transmission Electronic signature Logging of transactionsall Data back-u p

EDI Communication

in real time, secure and no longe r need traditi reliable. This means that as phone you will , fax or e-mai onal communica tion chann l. els such


24/7 helpde sk Online

support system Multilingual Consulting and partner manag ement


More than eXite ® users15,000 Nationally and internationally Across industr Local market ies expertise





EDI invoice

Automated invoicing Archiving Managed EDI Service Inhouse / EU-compliant

eDI Integ ration by Communica



PDF/PKI invoice

Invoice as PDF Signature & time Online access stamp EU-compliant


SME invoice

Online access Archiving Signature EU-compliant

Conversion CSV XML eDI, ...


e-Invoice Archiving Business


EDI Inte




EDI Integr

technical terms and EDI processes as well as implementation guidelines for first-time EDI users and existing custo­ mers. User-friendly images help users navigate the site with ease. Informative slideshows with detailed information about EDITEL’s latest projects are also available on the homepage. One of the primary focuses was the customer-oriented presentation of EDITEL’s range of services. To give users a straightforward overview of EDITEL’s EDI-related expertise, available service solutions have been divided into EDI Communication, EDI Integration, e-Invoice, Digital Archiving, Business Monitoring, Web EDI and Consulting. Succinct and ea­ sy-to-understand information provide interested readers with the ideal basis to choose the right EDI solution. In addition, contact information is avai­ lable for those wanting to schedule indepth personal consultations.


The site’s newly expanded press relations and business client section was designed for journalists and the interested public. It includes a selection of downloadable publications and informational videos by EDITEL. In addition, the latest press releases, articles and other news and in­ formation about events are available. In­ terested users may also sign up for the bi­ monthly EDITEL newsletter via an easy sign-up process right from the website. With its new website, EDITEL serves its five locations in Austria (headquarters), the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Turkey. It is a perfect blend of re­ gional expertise and an international per­ spective.


Digital Archiving

Comprehensive solutions for the automated, audit-proof validation and processing of invoices

Audit-proof and flexible long-term archiving of electronic business documents, especially in EDI format.

Business Monitoring


Monitoring of business processes including active workflow notifications and individual reports.

Cost-effective Web EDI solutions for EDI beginners who want to communicate with large retailers via EDI.


Please visit our new website at www.editel.eu. If you have any feed­ back or suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Send us an e-mail to info@editel.at or call us at +43 /1/505 86 02 - 15. n www.editel.eu

Professional consulting and support through­out the entire EDI project – for an efficient and seamless implementation of electronic business processes.




DITEL’s archiving solution trustIT has been selected as IT product of the year 2014 by the Czech IT magazine Computerworld. All ­submitted solutions were primarily analyzed in terms of customer benefit, cost/­ benefit ratio as well as their level of innovativeness. The EDITEL Archive stood out especially for its high degree of user friend­ liness, innovative functionalities and cost efficiency. The solution offers au­ dit-proof (as verified by Deloitte) long-term archiving for electronic business documents of any kind, especially EDI formats. Maximum security standards ensure that document storage is reliable and safe. Originals or copies can be downloaded as needed in the event of a tax audit. This renowned prize is awarded every year by the journalists of ­Computerworld and acknowledges the most future-proof technologies and solutions in the area of information technology in a total of eight categories. n

From left to right: Tomáš Vršecký, Senior Consultant EDITEL CZ, Robert Matras, ­Technical Consultant EDITEL CZ, Radan Dolejš, Editor-in-Chief of Computerworld magazine

www.computerworld.cz/it-produkt, www.editel.cz

editelJOURNAL 2/2014


© lassedesignen - Fotolia.com

Small retail clients of FrieslandCampina Hungary now have the option of ordering goods via EDI: the Web EDI portal buyIT makes it happen.


othing to implement, no additi­ onal costs, fully automated: ef­ fective immediately, small Hun­ garian retailers only need a PC with Internet access to order merchandise electronically from FrieslandCampina around the clock. Akos Pressing, project manager at EDITEL Hungary, explains the benefits of the solution his company implemented for Friesland: “The Web EDI portal buyIT was specifically tailo­ red to the needs of FrieslandCampina.

ABOUT Royal ­FrieslandCampina Largest dairy cooperative in the world Subsidiaries in 28 countries Distribution of dairy products in more than 100 countries 11,4 bn Euro revenue Production of the brands Pöttyös, Mia, Milli, Landliebe, Completa, Oké!, Debic in Hungary

ABOUT buyIT Online order portal Full integration into existing EDI processes Automated updates for product master data Customized display of product range, price lists and discounts depending on the client Available 24/7 We would be happy to provide additional i­nformation about buyIT. Please contact us at sales@editel.at

­ fter logging on, retailers can select A from the dairy product provider’s conti­ nuously updated product range, then re­ view the order and submit it. All orders are transferred to FrieslandCampina via EDI and processed automatically, just like the ORDERS placed by large retail companies.” The project went beyond the optimiza­ tion of the order process for small retail clients. PDF/PKI e-invoices were also added to allow clients to create electro­ nic invoices in EDI format as well as signed PDF documents. These signed PDFs can be easily viewed online and downloaded as needed. “We opted for a ‘holistic’ solution in order to harmoni­ ze processes in the long run for clients who use EDI and for those who don’t. Our goal was to make ordering and invoicing processes easier and more efficient, especially for small clients, and to ultimately increase our overall delivery and service quality,” said Zsolt Erdei, SAP & EDI Support Analyst at FrieslandCampina. For FrieslandCampina, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the key element of efficient procurement of goods processes. Therefore, the com­ pany plans to exchange logistics infor­ mation with as many business partners as possible in the future. n www.frieslandcampina.com www.editel.hu



n early 2014, the Slovak retail market saw a major change with the takeover of the retail chain Hypernova (www.hypernova.sk) and Albert by Diligentia group, which also manages Terno stores ­­(­­­www.­ternoslovensko.sk) as well as Moja Samoška (www.mojasamoska.sk). Today, this retail chain includes more than 120 stores of different sizes throughout Slovakia and further e­ xpansion is expected. This makes Diligentia one of the leading players in the market. Following the retail chain merger, information systems including Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) were consolidated in the second quarter of 2014. The purpose of this consolidation was to unify the IT infrastructure, increa­ se the efficiency of operations as well as to take process automation to the next level. EDITEL and its products won the call for tenders for the central EDI solution. Other retail chains in Slovakia have previously benefited from EDITEL’s expertise. In addition, EDITEL was in charge of a data migration project, where data was migrated from existing systems. EDITEL was also entrusted with providing a comprehensive outsourcing management solu­ tion for the entire EDI system. This allowed Diligentia to consolidate all existing EDI processes and have the systems up and ready to add additional processes or additional retail chains. The next phase of the project will be about connecting wholesalers to EDI communication. The EDI system is now fully up and running and allows the corporation to exchange data with hundreds of local as well as international suppliers of the retail chains Hypernova, Terno and Moja Samoška. EDITEL has beco­ me a strategic partner for Diligentia group and has once again shown its leadership in the area of EDI solutions in Slovakia. n


IN BRIEF eb EDI portal buyIT for small retail W clients Implemented processes Orders (ORDERS) Order reponses (ORDRSP)

Despatch advices (DESADV) Invoices (INVOIC) H armonized integration into FrieslandCampina‘s ERP system Easier order processes and higher delivery quality for clients

Consolidation of corporate EDI infrastructure igration to new EDITEL EDI solution M EDITEL Services for Diligentia Group EDI Communication via eXite® EDI integration as Managed EDI Service Roll-out Management Consulting and support during the entire migration process



editelJOURNAL 2/2014

CASE STUDY CZECH REPUBLIC ABOUT AGROFERT I ncludes more than 200 companies in the chemicals industry, agriculture, FMCG, forestry and timber management, among many others Second-largest agricultural business in the Czech Republic One of the largest employers in the Czech Republic with a total of 27,000 employees

COMPANY-WIDE EDI CONSOLIDATION AT AGROFERT One corporation, one language: in a large-size project, the Czech ­Agrofert Group has harmonized the EDI infrastructure at 14 subsidiaries.


IN BRIEF omprehensive consolidation at 14 compaC nies of Agrofert Group (PENAM, a.s., Kostelecké uzeniny a.s., Vodňanská drůbež, a.s., OLMA, a.s., Mlékárna Hlinsko, a.s., Animalco a.s., PMU CZ, a.s., Ceres ZRt., etc.) EDITEL services for Agrofert EDI Communication via the EDI platform eXite® e-Invoice Digital Archiving Business Monitoring

he challenge was quite substantial: Agrofert Group includes compa­ nies in a large number of indus­ tries, ranging from FMCG and chemi­ cals to agriculture and forestry, among many others. All these companies had previously used their own company-­ specific EDI infrastructure. Therefore, the goal of the project was to find an all-encompassing solution that would harmonize Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between group companies and with external business partners. In a joint 10-month project with EDI services provider EDITEL, Agrofert implemented a corporation-wide solu­ tion that allows for the seamless com­ munication and integration of electronic

logistics data. All 200,000 electronic or­ ders, 110,000 despatch advices, 75,000 invoices per month and many other mes­ sages such as remittance advices and inventory reports are exchanged via a single connection to the EDITEL plat­ form eXite® by EDITEL. In addition, the solution includes a legally compliant long-time archive for all required elec­ tronic documents as well as comprehen­ sive monitoring with automated reports and notifications. n To read the entire Agrofert case study online, please visit: www.editel.eu/references/editel-bestpractices/agrofert www.agrofert.cz www.editel.cz

IMPRINT Owner and publisher: EDITEL Austria GmbH, 1040 Vienna, Brahmsplatz 3; T: +43 (0)1/505 86 02; e-mail: info@editel.at. www.editel.eu

EDITEL Austria GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GS1 Austria GmbH. The corporate objective of EDITEL Austria GmbH is the elec­ tronic data exchange between business partners, the sale of the required software and support services.




eineken Slovensko, a.s. is a long-time user of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). In Slovakia, Heineken exchanges elec­ tronic business data based on interna­ tional EDI standards with more than twenty business partners, mostly retail chains. The corporate goal for 2015 is to include invoicing as well as to connect additional business partners. Wherever full EDI communication is not possible, Heineken will rely on sending invoices in PDF format, secu­ red by an electronic signature. An important part of this project is to guarantee that electronic documents are archived as required by law in the Slovak Republic. The solution chosen

by Heineken for this purpose is the EDITEL Archive. It allows for the archiving of electronic documents of any kind. The system itself provides various highly sophisticated tools to ensure the integrity and authenticity of archived documents. The system also supports electronic signature and time stamping. That is why the EDITEL Archive meets all the legal requirements of the European Union for electronic archiving, including the highest security standards. Another integral part of the solution is the evaluation, monitoring and vi­ sualization of business cases as well as approval workflows. The user in­ terface can be customized as needed,

depending on each user’s require­ ments. Several tools for filtering and searching in archiving documents are available. The solution guarantees the creation, management and proof of an audit trail, offers important fea­ tures to guarantee integrity, authen­ ticity, proof of origin at the time as well as readability and sequence of documents. n

The EDITEL Archive was chosen as IT product of the year 2014 by the editors of ­Computerworld magazine. For more information, please visit: http://data.computerworld.cz/file/ it_­produkt_2014/­ITprodukt-21a.pdf

Management and responsible for the content: Peter Franzmair Editorial staff: Sylvia M. Gerber Proofreading : Dagmar Jenner, www.texterei.com Translations: English: Dagmar Jenner, www.texterei.com Czech: Vladimíra Binderová Hungarian: Katalin Tas Turkish: Mine Şengel Layout: www.creativedirector.cc Disclosure pursuant to Austrian Media Law as amended in March 2009: the purpose of this newsletter is the promotion and support of ­EDITEL Austria‘s business activities.

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