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EDITORIAL Online & More
There’s a misconception that electronic business processes are for big business only. The opposite is true: increasingly, traditional SMEs and innovative start-ups are turning Peter Franzmair to automated processes and their CEO Editel Austria many advantages, even when their corporate infrastructure is relatively limited. Those who choose to rely on digital supply chain processes early put themselves on equal footing with the “big players” while making their business strong now and in the future. One case in point is the Austrian wine retailer Winninger, to whom we have dedicated our cover story. Speed is also of the essence for online business via Amazon. EDI allows businesses to adapt all order processes to Amazon’s specifications (article on page 4). This issue also includes articles about exciting projects in other industries such as food and beverage (TURM Oranienburg, page 3), logistics (MSAN on page 3) and traditional FMCG drop shipping (DESADV on page 4). Last but not least, we would once again like to thank all EDITEL clients for completing this year’s survey! We received a lot of positive feedback that encourages us to continue on our path. We took good note of some constructive criticism that will help us provide even better customized service in the future. Wishing you a successful business year 2017 and happy reading with our EDITEL Journal,
EDI IS GOOD FOR CUSTOMER LOYALTY In vino veritas…truth lies not only in wine but also in the fact that EDI has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Winninger, a wine retailer, is yet another case in point.
atthias Winninger, a wine retailer from Langenlois, has chosen compelling names for his “winvino“ wine edition: Sonnengruß (Sun Salute), Sternstund (Starry Night), Zweisam (Twosome), Welcome, etc. His exquisite wines from Austria’s best winemaking regions are available in his own online shop. In addition, Matthias Winninger sells
his wines almost exclusively in Austrian grocery stores. The company’s main clients include the retail chains METRO, MARKANT and REWE. Until recently, the procurement of goods process was handled with a simple web EDI solution, which still required some additional manual entries, e.g. for orders. By combining the “Sage Office Line”
A look back on the 2016 ECR Info Day http://www.ecr-austria.at Short interview with Marlene Millidorfer: EDI at GO https://youtu.be/ORG46N5bi7M
nline wine retailing O Wine retailer Winninger improves customer loyalty with EDI A quick update More news from EDITEL Group
SAE 3402 type II audit 2 IEDITEL passes this year‘s ISAE 3402 type II audit eXite® User Club Celebrating the 30th anniversary of one of the longest-standing GS1/EDITEL working groups
T.U.R.M. Erlebnis-City Oranienburg The German sports and leisure facility optimizes its procurement of goods processes with EDI MSAN Group The Croatian logistics service provider went live with a comprehensive rollout 2016 Customer survey EDITEL asks clients for their feedback
IN BRIEF Smart as the smartbox: EDI in e-commerce https://www.editel.eu/news/latest/article/the-e-commerce-race-against-the-clock
Peter Franzmair
2016 GS1 Healthcare Day: EDI potential in the healthcare industry https://www.editel.eu/events/latest/event/gs1-healthcare-day-on-september-28
Amazon retailers 4 EDI-supported order processes for smooth delivery to Amazon DESADV in drop shipping The advantages of the electronic despatch advice DESADV for drop shipping. The EDITEL Journal is published as a supplement to GS1 Information in a total of 13,000 copies. It is available in German, English as well as in Czech and Hungarian for our international clients. To download the Journal as an epaper, please visit www.editel.eu/press/ publications. If you have any suggestions, please contact us at info@editel.at
editelJOURNAL Corporate Magazine of the EDITEL Group
© peshkov – Fotolia.com
IN BRIEF I mplementation of EDI extension module for Sage Office Line I ntegrated interface to the EDI platform eXite® by EDITEL with access to more than 15,000 businesses in a variety of industries Implemented message formats:
Orders (ORDERS)
Invoices (INVOIC) Reduces potential for mistakes aves time and money (no more postage S expenses etc.) Positive effect on customer loyalty
“Clients react very favorably to the use of EDI.” Matthias Winninger
ERP system with an EDI extension module, Mr. Winninger now has the option of processing all data directly in the ERP, which translates into process automation. With this approach, all orders and invoices can be exchanged in real time in a fully automated fashion while the process is safe and can be traced at all times. “This takes a lot of additional manual entries off our hands, there are no more mistakes and we save enormous amounts of time,” said Matthias Winninger, who is clearly pleased with the new EDI solution. In addition to decreasing the workload, invoice automation also has a very positive effect on postage expenses,
ABOUT WINNINGER WEINHANDEL Winninger Weinhandel was established in 2010 with the goal of introducing an innovative wine of lines for every occasion. The wine retailer’s winvino wines are sold in grocery stores and online at www.winvino.at
www.winvino.at www.editel.at
© phyZick - Fotolia.com
according to Mr. Winninger. For the successful wine retailer, another major asset that is not to be underestimated is customer loyalty: “Clients react very favorably to the use of EDI,” he said. The associated advantages are hard to ignore. After all, the use of EDI has been standard procedure at large retail chains for many years, which is not yet the case for most small retailers. This explains why the EDI processes implemented by Mr. Winninger were so well received by his business partners in the retail industry. n
DITEL has once again passed the audit of its internal ISAE 3402* Type II control system. This audit was performed by Ernst & Young, an independent auditing firm, and included a review of the adequacy of quality assurance activities for all services provided to clients: security and application operations, software development quality (change management) as well as international support services.
This year, the EDITEL network was also tested for possible weaknesses from the outside by an external company that specializes in security issues. EDITEL has met all ISAE 3402 Type 2 audit specifications. n www.editel.eu/news/latest *ISAE (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) 3402 is an internationally recognized auditing standard for internal control systems.
“Our successful ISAE 3402 Type II audit report underscores our efforts of setting the bar very high when it comes to our service level.” Peter Franzmair, managing director, EDITEL
First row, left to right: Franz Humenberger (EDITEL), Peter Franzmair (EDITEL), Helmut Artner (REWE), Ljuban Magdelinic (Wiesbauer); Second row, left to right: Ewald Arnold (REWE), Gerd Marlovits (EDITEL), Florian Thoma (METRO), Andreas Bübl (L‘Oréal), Wolfgang Kitzmüller (Brauunion), Karl Cegner (GS1 Austria), Christoph Stenech (EDITEL); Third row, left to right: David Deszo (METRO), Mircea Arthofer (METRO), Klaus Schaffer (EDITEL), Hermann Hadner (SPAR), Thomas Putschalka (MARS), Alexander Schaefer (EDITEL), Martin Holzer, (Berglandmilch).
he EDI platform eXite® was created on 11 September 1986 as the “eXite® User Club” that was the result of the efforts by a working group of retail and manufacturing experts. Its primary goal was to include users in the process of automating the entire
replenishment process from the very beginning. On the occasion of the club’s 30th anniversary on 6 October, all members of the “eXite® User Club” gathered to celebrate in style. n www.editel.eu/news/latest
“The eXite® User Club has been a great platform for optimizing processes in the Austrian retail business for many years.” Hermann Hadner, EDI manager, SPAR Austria
editelJOURNAL Corporate Magazine of the EDITEL Group
“I expect to see process reduction and acceleration in all areas thanks to the use of EDI.”
ABOUT T.U.R.M. Its 1,300 m² adventure waterpark, water slides and wave pools, a spacious sauna area as well as many bars and restaurants make T.U.R.M. ErlebnisCity the largest sports and leisure facility in the Berlin and Brandenburg area.
based sports and leisure facility on any given day. This volume creates significant complexities when it comes to ERP, especially since the company’s system still requires a lot of paper and HR resources. In an effort to support and improve these traditionally resource-intensive processes, T.U.R.M. ErlebnisCity Oranienburg has opted to try the EDI experience and will take care of all relevant procurement of goods processes via Electronic Data Interchange. The goal is to reduce errors in the future while saving both time and money. Preparations for this big undertaking are in full swing. Relying on assistance by EDITEL, all article master data, order, d espatch advices and invoices will be exchanged automatically by January 2017. n
ABOUT MSAN The Croatian company M SAN Grupa, one of the largest IT companies in Croatia, specializes in computer hardware, software, and consumer electronics retailing. The mission of M SAN is to be innovative and to provide “smart” logistics service to its partners.
www.erlebniscity.de www.editel.at
EDITEL 2016 CUSTOMER SURVEY THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! t EDITEL, we know that it is your feedback that will help us take our service to the next level. This year, we conducted an anony mous customer survey in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hun gary. Questions revolved, among oth ers, around the quality level of our customer service, our technical help
and other countries connected via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). “The EDI connection with our partners will make it easer to use track inventory and to purchase and deliver goods. This will ultimately result in improved stock management and budgeting. Our EDI provider Panteon Plus will provide valuable assistance when it comes to organizing and managing this rollout,” said Ante Ujević, BI expert at M SAN. n
desk, eXite® as well as a number of communication channels. The ulti mate goal was to make our services more customized than ever. We received a total of more than 700 responses to this customer survey, which was carried out by meinungs raum.at, an independent market re search firm. Respondents highlight
ed the high relevance of EDI for their businesses, which encourages us in our efforts of making the full poten tial of this technology available to our clients. We would once again like to thank all of you who participated in this sur vey. As a matter of course, we always welcome your thoughts and sugges
tions. Just e-mail us at info@editel. at or call us at +43 / 1 / 505 86 02. Your EDITEL team
© narak0rn _ iStockphoto.com
n line with the new trends in the Croatian retail market of timely supply and targeted on-time delivery of goods to clients, M SAN has started a project of connecting several hundreds of their business partners and suppliers. In addition to using EDI with their biggest clients, small and medium-sized businesses were brought on board with selected EDI messages for example electronic orders, despatch advices, invoices, inventory and sales reports. By the end of 2017, the company plans to have more than 300 clients from Croatia
“Your smart logistics”
Erik Pommerening, purchasing manager
ore than 1,000 customers dine and drink at the inhouse bars and restaurants of “T.U.R.M. ErlebnisCity Oranienburg,” a Germany-
editelJOURNAL Corporate Magazine of the EDITEL Group
© Jakub Jirsák – Fotolia.com
ON THE FAST TRACK FOR AMAZON AT A GLANCE ustomized EDI solutions for Amazon retailers C Maximum delivery speed Connection of suppliers of any size Web EDI solution for small suppliers Audit-proof archiving of invoices and other business documents Audit-proof invoicing process
EDITEL SUPPORTS AMAZON RETAILERS EDITEL has helped some 20 clients in different industries in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia connect to Amazon. These were mostly comprehensive processes that included orders, purchase order responses, despatch advices, invoices, inventory reports and sales reports. At EDITEL, we provide expert personalized assistance that contrasts with the oftentimes “hard-to-grasp” online giant Amazon.
ow price, fast delivery. These are the two major criteria that ensure successful collaboration with Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer. For Amazon retailers there is a customized EDI solution to meet these requirements. As soon as an order (ORDERS) is received via Amazon, it is sent to the retailer’s suppliers in a fully automated fashion. The desired article-related information such as price, number of units and delivery time is immediately sent back in a purchase order response (ORDRSP). Based on this information, a supplier is chosen and the merchandise is sent from the
“Speed is key for this process and can only be achieved with Electronic Data Interchange.” selected supplier directly to Amazon. Speed is key for this process and can only be achieved with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). EDITEL devel-
DESADV IN DROP SHIPPING © AZarubaika – iStockphoto.com
oped a solution that allows for this high-speed exchange with all suppliers. Suppliers who use EDI are connected to the fully integrated interface while small suppliers can use a webbased EDI portal. This customized solution includes an IBM Sterling Integrator, an audit-proof archive and a Web EDI portal, which ensures that all business documents can be exchanged and used as needed and that invoices can be processed in an audit-proof manner. n
ISSUE 2/2016
quick call is all it takes to order a few cases of beer and have them delivered to the shop or supermarket via direct store delivery. How ever, there is plenty of room for error until the time of delivery. A typo during the manual entry process might turn a case into a pallet and that means trouble. The electronic despatch advice protects retailers, manufacturers and distributors. Order data are processed automatically and subsequently trans ferred, avoiding incorrect or late deliveries. Since order and delivery data are exchanged electroni cally and in real time, the invoicing process be comes much faster, which benefits all involved business partners. A dedicated working group promotes the use of electronic despatch advices, also known as DESADV, in direct store deliveries which can also be handled by external logistics partners such as breweries or beverage wholesalers. In collabora tion with GS1 Austria and EDITEL businesses are supported in the entire implementation process. www.editel.eu/news/latest
Owner and publisher: EDITEL Austria GmbH, 1040 Vienna, Brahmsplatz 3; T: +43 (0)1/505 86 02; e-mail: info@editel.at. www.editel.eu EDITEL Austria GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GS1 Austria GmbH. The corporate objective of EDITEL Austria GmbH is the elec tronic data exchange between business partners, the sale of the required software and support services. Management and responsible for the content: Peter Franzmair Editorial staff: Sylvia M. Gerber Proofreading : Dagmar Jenner, www.texterei.com Translations: English: Dagmar Jenner, www.texterei.com Czech: Zuzana Čiháková Hungarian: Katinka Czigány Layout: www.creativedirector.cc Disclosure pursuant to Austrian Media Law as amended in March 2009: the purpose of this newsletter is the promotion and support of EDITEL Austria‘s business activities.