Research Document Motion Graphic 'Organic Food'

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Research document workshop food

Alexa van de Wall 512993 Edith Mentink 533760 Kevin Brown 469270 Amber Parks 561688

Date: 17-4-2015 Teacher(s): Cindy Vermeulen Version: 1.0

Index Introduction page 3 Topic page 4 Target group page 5 Design possibilities page 6 Personal Vision page 7 Moodboard page 8 Concept page 9 Sources page 10


Introduction This document is a research on the motion graphic that introduces the workshop food during the livestream. It contains chapters on the topic we will be approaching and the tagret audience we want to reach. We will show some design possibilities that inspire us. We will conclude the document with a moodboard and the concept we came up with.


Topic Genre: Cooking/Informative This motion graphic pertains to the cooking workshop in the Strawberry Earth Livestream which will include the healthy ingredients of what will be prepared for a dish during the livestream.


Target group Organic Farmers: Farming is huge part of Dutch history, culture and identity. According the WWOOF web page there is a strong and fast movement of organic and biological Dutch farmers. WWOOF has organizations all over the world that seek volunteers to come to organic farms to help farmers and to develop skills to farm organically. In return the volunteers get accomadation, food, and opportunites to learn. WWoof was established in the Netherlands in 2014. The WWOOF organization and their volunteers are the kind of audience we are trying to attract in the Netherlands through our livestream. This would be very beneficial to the organic and biological movement sweeping the country.

Unaware Individuals on Organic and Biological Food: Despite best efforts from organizations like WWOOF, The Netherlands’s organic market is among the least advanced in Europe, according to the FAO corporate document repository website. Currently, there is about 1.4 percent of total agricultural area under organic production and organic consumption being around 1 percent of total consumption. This is a clear indication that organizations like Strawberry Earth and WWOOF need help with their efforts for organic farming and consumption. We will be reaching out to them because according to the data most audiences for the livestream are expected to have little knowledge on organic produce.


Design possibilities A Flat Animation - (Motion Graphics)

In this motion graphic they use a active way of animating the cuts. Through the animations they move on to the next scene and it all seems to be attached to each other. For example the bread piece falling down and landing in the pan beneath it. You see the bread piece literally falling into the next scene. Text tracking

The reason this animation/motion graphic really pops out is because the way the animation changes one element with a smooth transmission. So the focus of the animation is about one part that keeps changing and it effects the area around it. One last thing to note is that even with the easy design you see exactly what the image is representing. The Mushroom’s Trilogy

Ferro, A. (2013, 23 maart). The Mushroom’s Trilogy. Egg casserole with mushrooms. Food Motion Graphic Recipe [Video]. Geraadpleegd van https://vimeo. com/62499090


Ghosh, S. (2014, November 12). MOTION TRACKING II 3D COMPOSITING II MOTION GRAPHICS [Video file]. Retrieved from watch?v=ODLP6KxX8wU&index=1&list=LLqoSB8XAaE_LQPP7MTVlsUA

In this video they used text tracking. Text tracking looks really smooth and professional. If we would used it in our motion graphic it will be stylish and clear. We could use it for the ingredients or for little explanations throughtout the motion graphic.

Personal Vision Our main goal is to show people where the products we use in the recipes come from. We will show the difference between eco-friendly products and the non-ecofriendly. We will do this by use of color and infographics. Typography is very important for this motion graphic, our viewers have to be able to read the ingredients without any trouble. Our viewers will be able to vote on their favorite recipe throught the hashtag on Twitter.




Concept As explained in the chapter on our topic we want to make a motion graphic explaing how eco-friendly food is healthier/better than non-eco-friendly food. We’re going to start with an intro explaining that the ingredients shown will be used during the livestream to make a recipe. The main content of the video will show where the different ingredients come from. Also we will be explaining the difference between eco-friendly ingredients and non-eco-friendly ingredients. This will all be explained in the form of an infographic. This means that typography will play a big role in our motion graphic. In the outro we will show the two different recipes that the people can choose from and the hashtags they can use on Twitter.




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