Tzu Fen Lin Portfolio (2018)

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Artist, designer, pattern collector...

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Tzu-Fen Lin 林資芬 Based in Taipei, Edith Tzu Fen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design. She works as a designer and executive planner in City Yeast and AGUA Design for 4 years after graduating in 2013. In 2014, she was introduced to crochet by an artist and has been fascinated by items made by threads, yarn and textiles. Edith makes good use of her background knowledge of 3D modeling to make sculptural pieces. So far, her personal unconventional works includes zero waste crochet with plastic bags and denim strips. Other experimental creativities includes sculptural hats, imaginary puppets and soft vessels . Edith devoted to create possibilities of knitting thus started her own brand "Gogozi Crochet" in 2018. Till now, she makes artwork related to zero waste, sustainability, urban pattern observation and textiles. She identified herself and got inspired by traditional crafts experiecnces and cross culture exchange.

大學就讀工業設計系,林資芬於 2014 年始初識鉤織,將所學的立 體造型概念融入編織的技法,自此開起『手動 3 D列印』的創作生 涯。2018 年成立品牌《鉤鉤子 Gogozi Crochet》 ,視開發眾人對織 品的想像力為使命。她擅長在創作中使用反傳統的素材如廢棄塑 膠袋、牛仔褲等。她目前所執行實驗性的創作有:雕塑帽、異想的偶 和柔軟容器。 至今她的創作皆與零廢棄、永續、城市紋路(Pattern) 觀察、創新織品議題相關,其靈感也來自於從傳統工藝學習和紀錄、 跨國文化交流中找尋自我定位與認知。


Tzu Fen Edith Lin 林資芬 +886 932 148 655


2008 - 2013 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Bachelor of Industrial Design Minor in Applied Foreign Languages Exchange program

2010 - 2011 Copenhagen University College of Engineering (Ingeniørhøjskolen i København)

International Design Semester of Autumn 2010 European Project Semester of Spring 2011 Language

Art Experience

2018 Co-exhibition: - Art Weaving F 苗栗編織藝術 - Re-Symbiont - Daily contain Yanchengpu, 埕市記憶 - 塩 Zero Waste project: denim jea 2016- 2017 Waste Craft Workshop | Croch Started Saori and plastic bag Started Pattern Photography 2015 Travel knitting project "I Knit 2014 Crochet hats series Random Crochet dolls series

· Mandarin Chinese (native) · English TOEIC 750 (Listening 405/ Reading 345) IELTS(General) (Listening 6.5/Reading 6.5/ Writing 7/Speaking 6.5) · Danish (Module1)


Sculptural Crochet, Weaving, Net Weaving (basic) Product Design CATIA . C4D

Graphic Design Adobe Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6. Premiere CS6 Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Festival, Miaoli 術節 t ?! 共同體,再生?! ners, Memories of Salt , Kaohsiung 塩記 日常器皿展 ans, plastic bags

het g crochet experiment. collection 《 Tzu See You 》

t Where I Am"


Work Experience

2013.10 - 2018.3 AGUA Design and City Yeast Designer and Executive Planner 2017 · Action for Education in Yilan

educational project with international designers.

· Curated Notebook Lover Exhibition 2016 · Bubble Station Exhibition

for Shenzhen Design Week, for EU-Taiwan Green Fair

· 《Re-Create Taipei》project management

WDC International Design Open Call project Bubble Station. intervention for Water Tank Park and Swings Park with Spanish Basurama collective.

2015 · Curated pop up event “Taiwanese Pattern To Go” AGUA Design on site at《Ensouler Design Festival》

2014 · Museum《Museum to Go》Workshop

Children's Art Education Center in Taipei Fine Arts

2013 · Co-curated 《Design Cross Over Workshop 》 · Co-curated 《Worldwide Promo Workshop 》




Mycelium 菌絲網絡

NO!W Across Lab applies "Non-Waste" as its core value and cross-village as its action, with which regenerates the many aspects and vigorous possibilities of "waste" in the field of exploring experimentation. We connected works with the theme of this year's (2018) Taipei Biennial, traversing the question of making choice when facing the endangering ecological system made by global warming when we were doing our residency. This work is a compilation with three parts: "Crown shyness", "Mycelium", and "Pangaea Ultima", showing the reusing of recycled material as a way of participatory art to invite our participants, while engaging from the network of Crown of sky, Pangaea Ultima of surface, and Mycelium of stratum, to provide a new perspective and reflect on the potentiality of the co-dependence of artificiality and nature, revitalizing the energy of "Non-Waste" choices and the re-strengthening of change.

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

「NO!W Across 「跨村」為行動 的多元面向與積 主題串聯,探討 危的生態時,將

作品以「共同體 Crown Shyness 陸 Pangaea Ult 請大眾在共創作 絲的串連網絡中 能,帶動不廢選

Co-exhibition: Re-Symbiont ?! 共同體,再生?!

Cocreated withNO!W Across Lab

s Lab 不廢跨村實驗室」,以「不廢」為核心、 動、在探索「實驗」的場域,探討「廢棄」議題 積極可能。駐村期間之作品與 2018 台北雙年展 討現代人類在面臨因溫室效應加劇之下已岌岌可 將作何選擇。

體」為核心,三種科學現象為表現:「樹冠羞避 s」、「菌絲網絡 Mycelium」及「終極盤古大 tima」,以參與式藝術方式運用回收廢材,邀 作品的過程中,從天空樹冠、地表陸塊及地層菌 中,提供另一種視野,反思人造與自然共生的可 選擇與凝聚改變的共創力量。​

Mycelium - plastic mushroomss

Plastic Mushroom 塑膠織菇 A cco r d i n g t o E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n Administration, a Taiwanese person on average uses 700 plastic bags annually. Moreover, about 91% of the debris washing up on Taiwan’s beaches is plastic. The results of a study on microplastics in water in Taiwan found that 44 percent of tap water had plastic specks, while seawater was also found to be heavily polluted with microplastics.

Normally, plastic items can take up to 1000 years to decompose in landfills. However, if you see plastic bags as another resources, you can see tremendous possibilities. There are numerous type we have in Taiwan. Each of them have different properties, colors and transparency.

Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Mycelium - plastic mushroomss

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

"Trash exsists simply because of people's lacking of imagination."


A s my previous experience in one of the intervention in Re-create Taipei project, we collected almost a thousand of plastic bag within a week to make Bubble Station, and none of them are the same. We even divided them into more then colors of the rainbow. When it mention to making it into yarn balls, it simply needed to be cut into one long strip comparing with wool or cotton. In this exhibition, I wanted to share the idea that trash is simply because people's lacking of imagination. I also led workshops to teach people how to transform plastic bags into mushroom. Some of the works were also present in this exhibition. I hope through this kind of upcycling participatory action, people can change their prejudice and thoughts.

台灣每年使用 165 億個塑膠袋,平均每人一 年使用 700 個,平均一人一天就會用兩個塑 膠袋,根據環保署研究,在台灣海灘上沖刷 的碎片中約有 91%是塑料,海水也被發現受 到微塑料的嚴重污染。,甚至台灣水環境中 的微塑料研究結果發現,44%的自來水中含 有塑料微粒,然而塑膠製品至多需要千年才 能被分解。 另一種角度而言,若將塑膠袋看成一種資源 卻有無限的可能。台灣的塑膠袋種類之多, 色 彩、 亮 霧 面、 厚 薄 和 透 明 度 各 異, 在 之 前 的 台 北 鄰 里 公 園 翻 轉 計 畫 中, 不 到 一 週 就募集到樣式各異的近千個塑膠袋來製作 Bubble Station 泡泡站,甚至可以拼接成彩 虹般的色彩。而如果要把塑膠袋當成線材鉤 織使用,只需要裁減成一長條即可,不像羊 毛或是棉花需要經過撚線混紡等複雜流程。 我希望此展覽能讓人們換位思考和推翻既有 的偏見,垃圾其實只是因為人們缺乏使用的 想 像 力 而 已, 於 此 也 舉 辦 塑 膠 鉤 菇 的 工 作 坊,讓民眾藉由親身參與去感受塑膠袋的可 能性,其成果也一併在此展覽中展出。

Mycelium - plastic mushroomss

Daily Containers: Memories of Salt

埕市記憶 -『塩記 』日常器皿展

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

↑ old salt field picture of Yanchengpu Yanchengpu, literally "salt fields", is named after the salt harvest fields in old days in Kaohsiung. Besides, business as well as imports and exports brought prosperity to the area, making it the most populated place in Kaohsiung in the 1960s. Nowadays Yanchengpu still remains a lot of traditional industries cluster in different areas . 鹽埕埔是高雄的老區,其名來自早年被鹽田圍 繞的景觀,而後開港通商,曾經為高雄最發達的 地區,至今仍保留許多傳統產業街。

← The map of Yanchengpu created with saltalike handmade pappers in the exhibition. → Some store sells daily items and ropes for sailors since old times.

Daily Containers, Memories of Salt: More Than a Basket

More Than a Basket 籃籮盛器

This series uses the traditional bamboo weaving baskets found in the local stores as a base. Then create further more than a basket. Such as building higher "wall" with crocheting rattan stick or foam can become a bag or a bucket. In fact, there is no any sea field in Yanchengpu nowadays. People seldom use this kind of flat baskets to dry food or fruits. However, I want to transform this memories of "basking" habits in the past into something that fits modern usage.

此系列運用現有的籃籮盛器為基底,以當 地五金雜貨店常見的材料,用藤編或泡棉、 線材織上新的『牆』 、 『罩』 ,重新賦予舊容 器新的定義和用法。 其實這些以前拿來曬鹽的籃子現今已經 少有人使用,然而我想傳承此種『曬』的記 憶,透過這些籃籮的附加設計重生,亦符 合現代人的使用方式。

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

← Based from a oval b a s ke t , I k n i tt e d o n rattan with cotton ropes. → Semi-covered a basket with yarn, making it into a pocket.

↓ Using sealing foam and yarn on top of a basket to make a bucket bag.


Daily Containers, Memories of Salt: More Than a Basket


Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Daily Containers, Memories of Salt: More Than a Basket

Art Weaving Festival 編織藝術節

2018 Art Weaving Festival is taking place at Miaoli City featuring traditional skills with an exhibition, workshop inside the old Miaoli train station. The exhibition focuses on displaying the 3 domains of tradition weaving skills in Miaoli City, which includes bamboo weaving, straw weaving and tribal weaving from indigenous culture. Furthere more, the exhibition display contemparary artist' works combining old techniques with unconventional materials and form as an interpretation of crafts art.

2018 編織藝術節年度成果展於 苗栗火車站舊站展出,同時展 覽期間有工藝現場及編織工作 坊等活動。展出內容含括苗栗 在地的三大編織工藝系統—竹 編、 原 民 編 及 藺 編。 除 此 之 外 也邀請新興藝術家融合傳統技 法和異材質、創新型態去重新 詮釋編織工藝。

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Plastic Eater:Waxworm 塑膠食客:蠟蟲 Plastic eater project intend to uncover human beings' consumption of plastic bags by crocheting newly discovered organism that decompose plastic bags such as waxworm. In addition, with viewers participation by "feeding" their own unused plastic bags, the project tends to put participants into action to reducing wastes. This Also remind audience to be conscious of their own behavior of consumption. Besides, the action collects artist's crochet materials.

塑膠食客計畫,希望藉由 塑膠袋鉤織創作,重現世 界上陸續被發現會分解塑 膠 袋、 吃 掉 塑 膠 袋 的 生 物,讓人們意識到自己使 用塑膠的行為與習慣,並 以互動的方式讓觀者親身 參與『餵食』,讓塑膠袋 蒐集而能成為創作者的再 生鉤織線材。

Art Weaving Festival : Plastic Eaters - Waxworm

Plastic Eater:Waxworm 塑膠食客:蠟蟲

Waxworms are the caterpillar larvae of wax moths. In 2017, scientists have discovered that wax worms can eat plastic bags.

Wax worms get their names because they live on the wax in bee hives. Like plastic, wax is a polymer, which consists of a long string of carbon atoms held together, with other atoms branching off the sides of the chain. Both wax and the polyethylene in plastic bag had a similar carbon backbone.

蠟蟲是蠟蛾的幼蟲,因幼蟲時 期寄生在蜂巢中並取食蜂蠟而 得名。2017 年科學家觀察這種 小蟲能消化塑膠,而且蜂蠟也 是聚合物的一種,恰好與塑膠 袋的材質──聚乙烯有著相似 的結構。

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Art Weaving Festival : Plastic Eaters - Waxworm

Waste Denim Jeans Project 牛仔褲回收計畫

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Rags & Rugs in Blue 衣衫襤褸 Everyone has at least on pair of denim clothes deep in their closet. I collected 56 unused denim Jeans via posting the internet. I see it as a material and tried to make good use of it.

It's interesting that in research in 1860s denim fabric originally worn by American laborers due to its durability, comfort and cost. In comparison in chinese culture, blue clothes were dressed by common people since the indigo dye was easy to get. Both eastern and western culture, it seem to share same idea about indigo fabric. For instance, in Japanese culture in old times, cherished cloth was re-used as materials for darnin in patchwork, so called"boro"( 襤 褸 / ボ ロ ). In this series, I try to find the way out for these denim pieces.

Waste Denim Jeans

Denim Upcycle 牛仔再生

我在網路上號招以牛仔褲再創作而蒐 集 56 條褲子。據我的研究,這類藍色 耐用的布料在東西方有相似的部分, 1860 年代在美國有許多勞工階層常穿 著牛仔褲由於其耐磨實用,而在古早的 東方文化中,藍色往往是庶民的基本服

飾色彩,也因其易染製取得,而日本文 化中早期也因為珍惜資源,衣物往往穿 破了還會用鏽補縫上補丁,又稱之為襤 褸,這和丹寧的抽絲刮破手法有點相通。 此系列我重新看待這個材質並用各種 方式重新製作成生活用品。

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Waste Denim Jeans

Denim Basket 牛仔籃

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Waste Denim Jeans

Urban Texture : Pattern Collection 城市紋理:紋樣蒐集

I collected pattern whenever I visit a new place. Pattern is my way to recognize the feeling and memories through these texture. In 2018 I have been to Angkor Wat, Tokyo, Chiang Mai and Kaohsiung.

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Angkor Wat 吳哥窟

每到一個新的地方,我總喜歡蒐集該地的圖樣紋路。我以 這種方式去記錄感受和記憶,在 2018 年我造訪了幾個令 人難忘的城市,分別是暹粒、東京、清邁、高雄的鹽埕埔。

Urban Texture: Pattern Collection

Chiang Mai 清邁

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Urban Texture: Pattern Collection

Tokyo 東京

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Urban Texture: Pattern Collection

Yanchengpu 鹽埕埔

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Urban Texture: Pattern Collection

Soft Vessel 軟容器織

This is an experimental project that i want to play with colors, shapes and texture. I combined different techniques to built some playable soft vessels.

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

這是個實驗材質、色彩、型狀的計畫,我運用許多不同的技法去織出 可丟可玩的柔軟容器。

Soft Vessel

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Soft Vessel

Ikebana 花之道

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

↑ Flowers 花 , plastic bag yarn 塑膠袋製線 ← Lotus 蓮藕 , paper raffia 和紙線


Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Squirrel 松鼠

Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Fish é­š

Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Others 其他

Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Crafts Learning 工藝學習 Leaning crafts to me is a way to learn our own unique culture and local materials. It gave me inspiration about not only skills but about stories related to lands and history in Taiwan. It is impossible for me to not knowing traditions if I want to create something new.

學習工藝技術對我是瞭解自身文化和在地素材的最好方式,不僅讓我有技術上的 靈感,也讓我更認識這塊土地上所發生的故事。對我而言,創新必須建立於對傳統 有一定的認識。

Atayal Bow Loom Weaving: 泰雅弓箭編:獵人織帶

8.18 ~ 8.20

Bamboo Weaving: Basket 竹編果籃


Straw Plaiting: Straw Mat 嘉義稻稈編織:草墩子

Tzu Fen Lin 2018


Crafts Learning

Atayal Bow Loom Weaving: 泰雅弓箭編:獵人織帶

Atayal is the third-largest indigenous group in Taiwan. In traditional Atayal culture, the bag and strap made from ramie is used for hunting. From the tools to weaving process with bamboo bow, the hunter have to made on his own. The hunter's wife will help him do the yarn spinning.

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

在台灣原住民中,泰雅傳統社會裡 tokan( 裹首袋 ) 及 wakin( 背帶 ) 屬男性狩獵及出 草專用,將竹子凹成弓箭,以箸麻編製,由女人協助採集並處理纖維、撚線,然而 從工具製作到完成必須由男人一手包辦。

Crafts Learning

Straw Plaiting: Straw Mat 嘉義稻稈編織:草墩子

In agricultural society in old times, farmers would use unhealthy straw to make resting mats for themselves.


Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Crafts Learning

Bamboo Weaving: Fruit Basket 竹編果籃

Bamboo is a common materials in Taiwan, its' not only strong with flexiblility , eco-friendly but can be used to make furniture and containers. Yet in modern society, it's becoming rare especially for young people. 竹子是台灣很常見的素材,結構強而有彈性、對土地友善,也很適合製作生活容器和 家具。然而現代生活中,越來越少見,年輕人也對它很生疏。

Tzu Fen Lin 2018

Crafts Learning

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