Mette Nielsen: Apart (2021)

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Mette Nielsen Apart (2021) for string quartet Dur. 16–19

Commissioned by Nyborg Slotskoncerter for the NOVO Quartet


T/ (+45) 3313 5445 · E/ · W/

Composed with support from the Danish Arts Foundation. With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds, Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansen Foundation, and the Augustinus Foundation. Projektet er støttet af Kodas kulturelle midler, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansen Fond og Augustinus Fonden. Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

Mette Nielsen Apart (2021) for string quartet Dur. 16–19′



Apart for string quartet is written in four movements:

Apart for strygekvartet er skrevet i fire satser:



Alone (c. 1′) Together (c. 5–6′) Apart (c. 8–10′) Reprise (c. 2–3′)

Alone (ca. 1′) Together (ca. 5–6′) Apart (ca. 8–10′) Reprise (ca. 2–3′)

Apart is written as a companion piece to Together (for basset clarinet, violin, viola and cello). Together is written as a companion piece piece for Alone (for solo basset clarinet).

Apart er skrevet som et ledsagerstykke til Together (for bassetklarinet, violin, bratsch og cello). Together er skrevet som et ledsagerstykke til Alone (for solo bassetklarinet).

The piece alternates between fixedly noted sections and sections with free tempo and free timing. These are marked as follows:

Stykket veksler mellem fast noterede afsnit og afsnit med frit tempo og fri timing. Disse er markeret således:

Here, each musician plays at their own pace and with their own timing. Each musician listens to the others and plays when they think it’s appropriate.

Her spiller hver musiker i sit eget tempo og med egen timing. Man lytter til hinanden og spiller, når man synes, det er passende.

The time signature is specified as -/4.

Taktarten angives som -/4.

In the subsequent measure, the original tempo is returned to, and the bar has the usual metre. The return to the regular tempo and metre is marked with an arrow above the beat: here the musicians meet again.

I den efterfølgende takt vendes tilbage til oprindeligt tempo, og takten har sædvanlig taktart. Tilbagevenden til normalt tempo og timing markeres med en pil over takten: her mødes musikerne igen.

In this example, the musicians meet at a measure with fermata – i.e. that one plays tremolo until everyone has reached this place, after which everyone continues together.

I eksemplet mødes musikerne på en takt med fermat – dvs. at man spiller tremolo, indtil alle er nået til dette sted, hvorefter alle fortsætter sammen.

The last note of the piece should ideally feel infinite: rather too long than too short.

Stykkets sidste tone må gerne føles uendelig: hellere for lang end for kort.

The dynamics should be seen as an overall guideline – phrase according to what feels appropriate within the noted dynamics.

Dynamikken skal ses som en overordnet rettesnor – frasér som det føles passende inden for den noterede dynamik.

Played with minimal vibrato as a point of departure. Molto vibrato, on the other hand, is used as an effect and is noted with a thick wavy line.

Som udgangspunkt spilles med minimalt vibrato. Molto vibrato bruges derimod som en effekt og noteres med en tyk bølge.

Quarter tones are noted as follows, with a quarter note between each.

Kvarttoner noteres således, med en kvart tone mellem hver:.

Glissandos are played evenly so that they last the entire duration of the note.

Glissando spilles jævnt, så de varer hele nodens varighed.

Col legno is abbreviated: c.l.

Col legno forkortes: c.l.

Non vibrato is abbreviated: non vib.

Non vibrato forkortes: non vib.

Scratch is abbreviated: scr. Play with extra high bow-pressure so that no or almost no tone is heard.

Scratch forkortes: scr. Spil med ekstra højt buetryk, så ingen eller næsten ingen tone høres.

Other notations

Andre notationer

Play pizzicato on the short strings behind the bridge. If E is noted, play behind the bridge on the E string, etc. Stroke with a flat hand up the strings.

Play directly on the bridge.

Spil pizzicato på de korte strenge bag stolen. Ved noteret E, spil bag stolen ved E-strengen, osv.

Stryg med flad hånd op ad strengene.

Spil direkte på stolen.

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