Nicolai Worsaae Emphatische Ellipse for sinfonietta and electronics Dur. 4’20”
T/ (+45) 3313 5445 · E/ · W/
Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Council Music Committee / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Kunstrådets Musikudvalg
Instrumentation: Flute Oboe/ English Horn (in F) Bass Clarinet (in Bb) Bassoon Tumpet (in Bb & C) Trombone Percussion Synthesizer Electronics (Max-MSP & soundfiles) Violin 1 Violin 2 Viola Violoncello Double Bass
Technical explanations: The technical part of the piece consists of four elements: 1) A Synthesizer Yamaha Dx7-II with internal sounds played by the pianist. Intended to be amplified with an active monitor placed near the instrument, and not mixed or sent out through the loudspeakers. 2) A grammophone with pitch-slide. Played by the composer or a technician. The grammophone is amplified through two of the loudspeakers. 3) A tape-part played from the Max-MSP patch on the computer (or via another media/ CD player) and spatialized out through all the loudspeakers. The tape part consists of 5 soundfiles to be played at the indicated places in the score. 4) A live electronic-part where the trumpet is recorded in real-time and modified via the Max-MSP patch and amplified through two very directly positioned loudspeakers. 5) The supplied Max Patch contains both a section for recording and transforming the live trumpet sound as well as one for playback of the 5 soundfiles indicated in the tape part.
On opening the patch follow the following procedure: First press preset button 1 to set the volume (top left of the patch). Make sure that the Audio selector (bottom right of the patch) is set to �on�. (When using Max-MSP 5 make sure the DSP-status has the right set-up for audio output via the soundcard used. This can be checked via the Options drop-down menu.) The soundfiles are played by pressing the number keys 1-5 on the computer keyboard and stopped by pressing 0. The volume for the various soundfiles can be regulated via the volume sliders underneath each sound-file. The three red faders (lower left) can be used for regulating sub groups should there be output through multiple speakers. The red faders in the centre of the patch regulate the volume of the distortion effect. (Remember to select "Effekt on" in the green effect selection box (top right).) To control the live distortion part drag in the indicated number box. Technical equipment: A soundcard, mixer, 5-9 loudspeakers (including one active monitor for the synthesizer.), computer with the Max-MSP Runtime (or Max-Msp 5) software and a microphone for the the trumpet. A free download of Max-MSP Runtime is available from: Please consult the Cycling 74 website for system requirements. For questions or technical support contact: