Greta Eacott Gestalt Minimal; IV
for a minimum of 16 voices (even number) and movement Dur. 10–12
Commissioned by Musarc Choir Premiered by Music Choir at STUK, Leuven on the 3rd March 2019
T/ (+45) 3313 5445 · E/ · W/
Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Statens Kunstfond
Greta Eacott Gestalt Minimal; IV
for a minimum of 16 voices (even number) and movement Dur. 10–12
1. Pairs Divide the ensemble into pairs according to range. The two singers in a pair will be singing an A, A≤ or B≤ in the same octave as each other – so it’s important that they are able to do that comfortably.
’ A
2. Octaves Each pair decides for themselves which octave they’d like to sing in. 3. Parts Once the pairs are established – assign each pair one of the parts (part 1, part 2, part 3 or part 4). • It’s important that the parts are evenly distributed – so for example if there’s 16 singers (8 pairs), there should be two pairs singing each of the parts. • If the the pairs are singing in different octaves – try to ensure a mix of octaves are assigned to each part. 4. String Each pair will need one piece of strong string, which should be the length of the widest diameter of the performance space + 1 extra metre. If there is no parameter to the performance space, then a parameter can be decided on by the ensemble. For example: s etre
10 m
performance space
= would mean an 11 metre piece of string per pair
sing a the pitch sing a -note onnote theonpitch ‘A’ ‘A’ sing a note which is above just above sing a -note which is just or just below the pitch of ‘A’ or just below the pitch of ‘A’ sing a sustained, continuous sing a -sustained, continuous sound for sound for 5 seconds on the pitch 5 seconds on the pitch of ‘A’ of ‘A’
—— 5s —— Bb
glissando from B≤ down to an A - glissando from Bb down A
Gradually shift from 2s to as long as possible
suggested breathbreath marks - suggested marks
to an A
the pairs part slowly morphs from one thing to another. eg. from sustained notes for 2 - the pairs partsinging slowly morphs from one thing to another. eg. seconds each to singing sustained notes that from singing sustained notes for 2 last forseconds as longeach as possible to singing (within one breath). sustained notes that last for as long as possible [within one breath]
performance space. - Each player should be facing their partner [in their pair]. STARTING POSITION -- Each pair should pieceasof closely string rolled and andtogether divided in in the half centre - so that All players shouldhave be their bunched as possible of one the person in the space. pair has half the string in the hand and the other person has the other half performance of the string their MOVEMENT hand. Their their hands should placed - Each playerin should be facing partner [inbe their pair].close together so that you can’t NOTES ABOUT see the pair string. - Each should have their piece of string rolled and and divided in half - so that one -person The piece when players in the starting position. The piece with 1 Ain Starting thebegins pairPosition has halfallthe string are in the hand and the other person has begins the other half minute of stillness silence before the singing begins. - All should be bunched as closely as possible together in thetogether centre of the of the string inplayers their& hand. Their hands should be placed close so performance that you can’t space. see the string. - Each player shouldall beplayers facing their partner (in starting their pair). position. The piece begins with 1 STATIC - The piece begins when are in the - Each pair&should havebefore their remain piece string and and divided in half so that one person in the -minute the singing begins, but players staticrolled inbegins. these positions for –the duration of A2 of stillness silence theofsinging
pair has half the string in the hand and the other person has the other half of the string in their hand. Their hands should be placed close together so that you can’t see the string. STATIC - The piece begins when all players are in the starting position. The piece begins with 1 minute of MOVEMENT - the singingstillness begins, but players remain static in these positions for the duration of A2 & silence before the singing begins.
- As slowly as possible all players begin moving outwards, away from your partner, and toward the parameter of the performance space. As you do so, allow the string A2 Static to very gradually be released [you will need to use your other hand to assist with the MOVEMENT - The singing begins, but players remain static in these positions for the duration of A2. slow releaseasofpossible the string], creatingbegin a taught line between andfrom youryour partner. - As slowly all players moving outwards,you away partner, Ensure that the tension of the string is kept throughout the section. If your string andB toward the parameter of the performance space. As you do so, allow the string Movement interferes/interacts with other performers or vice versa, just carry on. to very- gradually released [you willmoving need outwards, to use your hand to assist withthe the As slowly asbe possible all players begin awayother from your partner, and toward slow release of the string], creating a taught line between you and your partner. parameter of the performance space. As you do so, allow the string to very gradually be released STATIC Ensure tension ofyour theother string istokept the section. If string yourcreating string (youthe will need to use hand assistthroughout with the slow release of the string), taught - Once that you reach the parameter of the performance space OR your runsaout, line between you and your partner. Ensure that the tension of the string is kept throughout the interferes/interacts with other performers or vice versa, just carry on. stop moving and stand still. This should be timed, so that your reach this point at the section. If yoursinging string interferes/interacts other performers or vice versa, just carry on. same time as your reaches the Cwith section. STATIC -- Maintain tension in your string between you andspace your partner, continue Once youthe reach the parameter of the performance OR yourand string runs out, C Static singing. stop moving and stand still. This should be timed, so that your reach this point at the - Once you the parameter of the performance space ORdo yourso, string runs out, stop moving -same Players, pair byreach pair decide when to stop. When they they stop singing and time as your singing reaches the C section. and stand still. This should be timed, so that you reach this point at the same time as your singing simultaneously release their string. - Maintain the tension in your string between you and your partner, and continue reaches the C section. -singing. The piece is over once all players have stopped singing and all the strings have - Maintain the tension in your string between you and your partner, and continue singing. been released. - Players, pair pair by pair decide when stop. When do stop so, singing they stop singing and - Players, by pair decide when to to stop. When they dothey so, they and simultaneously simultaneously release their string. release their string. - The piece is over once players have stopped singing allhave thebeen strings have - The piece is over onceall all players have stopped singing and all the and strings released. been released.
g. 1 example of the B section - pairs moving outwards, towards the parameter of the performance space g. 1 example of the B section - pairs moving
Fig. 1 example of the section –ofpairs moving outwards, towards the parameter of the performance space outwards, towards the Bparameter the performance space
g. 2 example of the B section - players almost at
the 2 C example section. of the B section – players almost at the C section Fig.
g. 2 example of the B section - players almost at the C section.
00:00 01:00 Pl. 1
Pl. 1
Pl. 1
-2s- -2s-
Gradually shift from as long as possible to 2s
-2s- -2s-
. ,.
Gradually shift from 2s to as long as possible
-3s- ~A
s -—~Ab
~A s— — 5
- 3s
Gradually shift from 5s to 3s
Gradually shift from 3s to 5s
- 3s
—- 5
Hold each note for as long as possible
Pl. 1
-2s- -2s-
~Bb Pl. 2
Pl. 2
-2s- -2s-
PART 2 Pl. 2
Hold each note for as long as possible
Pl. 2
- 3s
- 3s
, —- 5
s -—
, s— — 5
— 5 s—
Gradually shift from 5s to 3s
Gradually shift from 3s to 5s
s— — 5
, — 5 s—
, s— — 5