Martin Stauning i corridoi oscuri (2022) for clarinet, cello and piano Dur. c. 18
Commissioned by the Copenhagen Clarinet Trio
T/ (+45) 3313 5445 · E/ · W/
Composed with support from the Augustinus Fond Composed with support from the Danish Arts Foundation With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds. Projektet er støttet af Kodas kulturelle midler Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Statens Kunstfond
Martin Stauning i corridoi oscuri (2022) for clarinet, cello and piano Dur. c. 18
INSTRUMENTATION Clarinet in Bb (doubling claves) Cello (doubling claves) Piano (doubling wood block)
In the second movement, the clarinet and the cello each take claves and the pianist takes a woodblock. The woodblock is to be played by the right hand only and should be placed on the piano.