Jeppe Ernst Præludium (Aftensange)
Prelude (Evening Songs) 6 songs for 2 female and 2 male musicians Dur. c. 22
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Composed with support from the Danish Arts Foundation With support from Koda’s Cultural Funds. Projektet er støttet af Kodas kulturelle midler Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Statens Kunstfond
Jeppe Ernst Præludium (Aftensange)
Prelude (Evening Songs) 6 songs for 2 female and 2 male musicians Dur. c. 22
Prelude (Evening Songs) is written for 2 female musicians and 2 male musicians. The piece consists of six songs, which are divided into two parts. The first part is written for non-physical touch, while the second part is written for physical touch of the hands and shoulders. The piece must be memorized and must be performed with clicktrack.
Præludium (Aftensange) er skrevet for 2 kvindelige musikere og 2 mandlige musikere. Stykket består af seks sange, som er opdelt i to dele. Den første del er skrevet for ikke-fysisk berøring, mens den anden del er skrevet for fysisk berøring af hænder og skulder. Stykket skal memoreres og skal opføres med clicktrack.
Part I Song I (3 min.) Song II (4 min.) Song III (2 min.) Song IV (3 min.)
Del I Sang I (3 min.) Sang II (4 min.) Sang III (2 min.) Sang IV (3 min.)
Part II Song V (4 min.) Song VI (2 min.)
Del II Sang V (4 min.) Sang VI (2 min.)
Setup The piece is to be performed in the middle of a space around which the audience stands.
Opstilling Stykket opføres i midten af et rum, hvorom publikum står.
PART I The four musicians sit on four piano benches in a square facing the center of the square: Positions A1, B1, C1, D1 = Seated. Positions A2, B2, C2, D2 = Standing.
DEL I De fire musikere sidder på fire klaverbænke i en firkant med front mod firkantens centrum Position A1, B1, C1, D1 = Siddende. Position A2, B2, C2, D2 = Stående.
The distance between each piano bench is 4 meters.
Afstanden mellem hver klaverbænk er 4 meter.
The musicians change places, as indicated in the score, in the transitions between Songs I – IV.
Musikerne skifter plads, som angivet i partituret, i overgangene mellem Sang I - IV.
PART II Man 1 Song V: Pos. E = Front facing Woman 1; Song VI: Pos. I: Front vs. Man 2 (looks over Woman 1 and Woman 2). Woman 1 Song V: Pos. F = Front facing Man 1; Song VI: Pos. K = Front facing Woman 1. Woman 2 Song V: Pos. G = Front facing Man 2; Song VI: Pos. J = Front facing Woman 2. Man 2 Song V: Pos. H = Front facing Woman 2; Song VI: Pos. L = Front facing Male 1 (looks over Female 1 and Female 2).
DEL II Mand 1 Sang V: Pos. E = Front mod Kvinde 1; Sang VI: Pos. I: Front mod Mand 2 (ser over Kvinde 1 og Kvinde 2). Kvinde 1 Sang V: Pos. F = Front mod med Mand 1; Sang VI: Pos. K = Front mod Kvinde 1. Kvinde 2 Sang V: Pos. G = Front mod Mand 2; Sang VI: Pos. J = Front mod Kvinde 2. Mand 2 Sang V: Pos. H = Front mod Kvinde 2; Sang VI: Pos. L = Front mod Mand 1 (ser over Kvinde 1 og Kvinde 2). Pos. C (1+2) Pos. I (Man 1)
Pos. J (Woman 2) Pos. B (1+2)
Pos. E Pos. F (Man 1) (Woman 1)
Pos. G Pos . H (Woman 2) (Man 2)
Pos. D (1+2)
Pos. K (Woman 1) Pos. L (Man 2) Pos. A (1+2) NOTATION
Cross indicates holding hands down along the side.
Kryds indikerer at holde hænder ned langs siden.
Dotted arrow indices a gradual movement from one position to another.
Stiplet pil indilkerer en gradvis bevægelse fra én position til en anden.
Right / Left hand: Right hand = note stems pointed upwards. Left hand = stems pointed downwards.
Højre / Venstre hånd: Højre hånd = Node pegede opad. Venstre hånd = Node pegede nedad.
A glissando indicates making a gradual movement from one point to another.
Et glissando indikerer at lave en gradvis bevægelse fra ét punkt til et andet.
Open and close eyes: Song I Close eyes when a hand is active. Open eyes when both hands are passive. Song II Open eyes when fingers are active. Close eyes when all fingers are passive. Song III Close eyes when a hand is active. Open eyes when both hands are passive. Song IV Open eyes when a hand is active. Close eyes when both hands are passive. Song V Close eyes when a hand is active. Open eyes when both hands are passive. Song VI Open eyes when one hand is in contact with another body. Close your eyes when none of the hands are in contact with another body. Transitions Open eyes.
Åbne og lukke øjne: Sang I Luk øjne når en hånd er aktiv. Åben øjne når begge hænder er passive. Sang II Åben øjne når fingre er aktive. Luk øjne når alle fingre er passive. Sang III Luk øjne når en hånd er aktiv. Åben øjne når begge hænder er passive. Sang IV Åben øjne når en hånd er aktiv. Luk øjne når begge hænder er passive. Sang V Luk øjne når en hånd er aktiv. Åben øjne når begge hænder er passive. Sang VI Åben øjne når en hånd er i berøring med en anden krop. Luk øjne når ingen af hænderne er i berøring med en anden krop. Overgange Åbne øjne.
DEL I Sang I
Circle indicates having tied hand placed on thigh.
Cirkel indikerer at have knyttet hånd placeret på lår.
A crossed notehead indicates a fist (the hand must be clenched throughout Song I).
Et krydset nodehoved indikerer en knyttet hånd (hånden skal være knyttet hele Sang I).
The three lines indicate three vertical points in the air: 3rd line = Right hand next to forehead. Strike with the underside of clasped hand. 2nd line = Right / Left hand next to the middle of the collarbone. Strike with the knuckles. 1st line = Left hand next to the navel. Strike with the underside of clasped hand.
De tre linjer indikerer tre vertikale punkter i luften: 3. linje = Højre hånd ud for panden. Slå med undersiden af knyttet hånd. 2. linje = Højre/Venstre hånd ud for midten af kravebenet. Slå med knorene. 1. linje = Venstre hånd ud for navlen. Slå med undersiden af knyttet hånd.
The four lines indicate five horizontal points in the air (at shoulder height): 5th line = Right arm stretched furthest to the right. Strike with the top of the clasped hand. 4th line = Right hand off shoulder. Strike with the middle joint of the fingers (tied hand). 3rd line = Right / Left hand next to the middle of the collarbone. Strike with the knuckles. 2nd line = Left hand off shoulder. Strike with the middle joint of the fingers (tied hand). 1st line = Left arm stretched furthest to the left. Strike with the top of the clasped hand. 1st line = Left arm stretched furthest to the left. Strike with the top of the clasped hand.
De fire linjer indikerer fem horisontale punkter i luften (i skulder højde): 5. linje = Højre arm strukket længst mod højre. Slå med oversiden af knyttet hånd. 4. linje = Højre hånd ud for skulder. Slå med fingrenes miderste led (knyttet hånd). 3. linje = Højre/Venstre hånd ud for midten af kravebenet. Slå med knorene. 2. linje = Venstre hånd ud for skulder. Slå med fingrenes midsterste led (knyttet hånd). 1. linje = Venstre arm strukket længst mod venstre. Slå med oversiden af knyttet hånd. 1. linje = Venstre arm strukket længst mod venstre. Slå med oversiden af knyttet hånd.
Song II
Sang II
Circle indicates having upper arms at shoulder height and forearms pointing upwards at a 90 degree angle with fingers spread (position held throughout Song II).
Cirkel indikerer at have overarme i skulderhøjde og underarme pegende opad i i en 90 graders vinkel med fingrene spredte (positionen holdes hele Sang II).
The five staff lines each indicate a finger: 5th line = 5th finger 1st line = 1st finger
De fem nodelinjer indikerer hver en finger: 5. linje = 5. finger 1. linje = 1. finger
Dynamics indicates how much the fingers bend: ø = Fully stretched (pointing upwards). ƒ = Fully bent (hand clasped).
Dynamik indikerer, hvor meget fingrene bøjes: ø = Helt strækte (pegende opad). ƒ = Helt bøjede (knyttet hånd).
Song III + IV
Sang III + IV
Circle indicates a clenched hand placed on the thigh.
Cirkel indikerer at have knyttet hånd placeret på lår.
Usually note head indicates to use 3rd finger.
Normalt nodehoved indikerer at bruge 3. finger.
The three lines indicate three vertical points in the air: 3rd line = Finger in front of forehead. 2nd line = Finger in front of the center of the collarbone. 1st line = Finger in front of the navel.
De tre linjer indikerer tre vertikale punkter i luften: 3. linje = Finger ud for panden. 2. linje = Finger ud for midten af kravebenet. 1. linje = Finger ud for navlen.
The three lines indicate three horizontal points in the air: 3rd line = Finger in front of right shoulder. 2nd line = Finger in front of the center of the collarbone. 1st line = Finger in front of left shoulder.
De tre linjer indikerer tre horisontale punkter i luften: 3. linje = Finger ud for højre skulder. 2. linje = Finger ud for midten af kravebenet. 1. linje = Finger ud for venstre skulder.
PART II Sang V Song V consists of Man 1 and Woman 1’s touching each other’s hands, and Woman 2 and Man 2’s touching each other’s hands. The musicians must stand at a distance of half a meter from each other, as indicated under Setup.
DEL II Sang V Sang V består af Mand 1 og Kvinde 1’s berøring af hinandens hænder, og Kvinde 2 og Mand 2’s berøring af hinandens hænder. Musikerne skal stå med en halv meters afstand til hinanden, som angivet under Opstilling.
Circle indicates having upper arms at shoulder height pointing obliquely forward and forearms pointing upwards at a 120 degree angle with the fingers spread as much as possible. Man 1 and Man 2’s hands rest up against each other, and Woman 1 and Woman 2’s hands rest up against each other when the hands are at rest (the position is held throughout Song V).
Cirkel indikerer at have overarme i skulderhøjde pegende skråt fremad og underarme pegende opad i en 120 graders vinkel med fingrene spredte så meget som muligt. Mand 1 og Mand 2’s hænder hviler op mod hinanden, og Kvinde 1 og Kvinde 2’s hænder hviler op mod hinanden, når hænderne er i ro (positionen holdes hele Sang V).
Normal note head indicates to use 3rd finger.
Normalt nodehoved indikerer at bruge 3. finger.
Gather all five fingers in one point and perform a large circular motion in the other musician’s palm. Right hand = Counterclockwise. Left hand = Clockwise.
Saml alle fem fingre i et punkt og udfør en stor cirkulær bevægelse i den anden musikers håndflade. Højre hånd = Mod uret. Venstre hånd = Med uret.
Square note head indicates a flat hand with spread fingers. Dynamics indicates where the hook hand is: ø = Flat hand with spread fingers (passive position). ƒ = Completely hooked hand. Squeezing the other musician’s hand between his fingers.
Firkantet nodehoved indikerer en flad hånd med spredte fingre. Dynamik indikerer, hvor kroget hånden er: ø = Flad hånd med spredte fingre (passiv stilling). ƒ = Helt kroget hånd. Klemmende om den anden musikers hånd mellem dennes fingre.
Downward note head indicates to strike with the underside of a clasped hand in the other musician’s palm. Note head with a dash through indicates striking with the middle finger joint of a clasped hand in the other musician’s palm. The five note lines each indicate a finger: 5th line = 5th finger 1st line = 1st finger Arrow pointing upwards indicates to move the 3rd finger from the root of the finger to the tip of the finger. Arrow pointing downwards indicates moving the 3rd finger from the tip of the finger to the root of the finger.
Tremolo indicates shaking the other musician’s hand while squeezing it tightly as indicated above.
Nedadpegende nodehoved indikerer at slå med undersiden af en knyttet hånd i den anden musikers håndflade. Nodehoved med streg igennem indikerer at slå med med det midterste fingerled af en knyttet hånd i den anden musikers håndflade. De fem nodelinjer indikerer hver en finger: 5. linje = 5. finger 1. linje = 1. finger Pil pegende opad indikerer at bevæge 3. finger fra roden af fingeren til spidsen af fingeren. Pil pegende nedad indikerer at bevæge 3. finger fra spindsen af fingeren til roden af fingeren.
Tremolo indikerer at ryste den anden musikers hånd, mens man klemmer hårdt om den som angivet ovenfor.
Song VI Song VI consists of Man 1 and Man 2’s touching Woman 2 and Woman 1’s shoulders, respectively, and of Woman 2 and Woman 1’s touching each other’s hands, as indicated under Setup.
Sang VI Sang VI består af Mand 1 og Mand 2’s berøring af henholdsvis Kvinde 2 og Kvinde 1’s skuldre, og af Kvinde 2 og Kvinde 1’s berøring af hinandens hænder, som angivet under Opstilling.
Square note head indicates a flat hand. Dynamics indicate how the curved the hand is: ø = Flat hand with spread fingers (Male 2 and Female 2’s touching each other’s hands.) = Half cupped hand. (Man 1 and Woman 1’s touching Man 2 and Woman 2’s shoulders.)
Firkantet nodehoved indikerer en flad hånd. Dynamik indikerer, hvor kroget hånden er: ø = Flad hånd med spredte fingre (Mand 2 og Kvinde 2’s berøring af hinandens hænder.) = Halvt kroget hånd. (Mand 1 og Kvinde 1’s berøring af Mand 2 og Kvinde 2’s skuldre.)