1 minute read
Camila Fadda
from The Dhaka Review
Nor light nor shadow nor noise nor a thing moving. Quietness and silence and water without above without beneath without vertigo nor gravity. Nothing that could stay raised nothing that could be torn down. Nor cold nor warmth nor hunger nor thirst. Just Liquid and beat.
Suspended in the fog Disorientate Or disorientate oneself.
Wander in the doubt or stay trapped in a nylon net Condense oneself start dripping and bend oneself to the dry soil. Desperate for the root. That is what I am in front of the fog: more fog.
Camila Fadda Gacitua is a chilean poet, translator (from German). Camila Fadda’s latest book of poems Mover el agua, published in August 2019 by Editorial Los Perros Románticos, receives the award for best poetic work of the year, a recognition granted by the Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile.