1 minute read
Bina Sarkar Ellias
from The Dhaka Review
In the stillness of a moment
in the tempest of this day i found you in the shadows of noon oblivious to the urban storms that sweep through our lives. you were quiet in your cocoon, counting the beads of time. you read from the sea and wind and you knew that all is noise and in the stillness of that moment you communed with the universe~ and took wing.
Intangible knowing
a burden of bland words sit heavy on the tongue waiting for freedom
from the myopia of conformity. they need contours, razor edges~ these words that want to come alive and touch those who march in the coliseum of black and white those who live with mathematical precision, and weigh life's moments with the arrogance of acquisition. they want to touch these lives, these barren linear lives, with the light of intangible knowing.
Bina Sarkar Ellias is a poet, founder-editor, designer and publisher of the global journal, International Gallerie. She is also an art curator and fiction writer and has received several awards for her work.