Community • Stronger Together Autumn 2010

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Community Issue 14 | Autumn 2010

stronger together

Labour’s next leader?

Make your vote count

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Post Office Christmas Club Dear Community member,

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Community  Autumn 2010

Get involved and combat the cuts

stronger together INSIDE …

Dear member, Welcome to the Autumn issue of your union magazine Stronger Together. Members should now be used to the sight of David Cameron, George Osborne and Nick Clegg announcing the importance of drastic cuts to public services. Our members in Sheffield will have seen how these cuts have undermined the foundations for future growth, particularly the loss of an important loan to Sheffield Forgemasters. This loan would have provided the necessary funding to build Forgemasters into an internationally competitive business; the loss of this loan means that the future power plants this government plans to build will have to look abroad for vital components. Hundreds of leading economists have declared these cuts to be crazy and almost designed to tip the UK back into recession. These cuts are ideological, targeted at the poor and working class. Cameron said that “the decisions we make will affect every person in this country” but we know it will hurt some more than others. While most people accept that cuts were necessary, one of the most vital functions of government is to invest in the future and ensure that private industry can be competitive in a global market. These cuts will cripple manufacturing, kill job growth and devastate the South West, Midlands and North. Your union is committed to opposing these cuts and fighting for the future of British manufacturing. One of the best ways for you to oppose the ConDem cuts is to get involved in the Labour Party leadership contest. As a member of an affiliated union, you will soon be receiving a ballot paper that will allow you to vote for your favourite candidate. Having spoken to the candidates about the issues that face you, our members, we have taken the decision to endorse David Miliband. David Miliband is, I believe, the candidate most in tune with the needs of our members and I would ask all members to read the article from David in this magazine and keep it in mind when casting your vote. As the ConDem cuts have shown, it is more important than ever to have a strong and vibrant Labour leader pushing back at the ConDem threat to civil society. Finally, this issue includes a look at some of the success your union has had in winning Personal Injury compensation for members. Accidents at work are all too common, but Community will be there to recover your compensation. We recover an average £3.5 million each year for members injured in the workplace. While your union has the best ratio of Health & Safety officers to member in the country, unfortunately, we have seen a number of workplace deaths over the past year. While our condolences are with the families, I would like to ask everyone else to work safe! Yours in Unity

News Tom Blenkinsop – from Community campaign manager to MP Regional Schools Shared surfaces New executive member


Labour Party leader ballot Your chance for your choice


Sheffield Forgemasters ConDem coalition gambles with the future of Sheffield steel


Learning agreements Partnership with Corus provides further education on-site


Personal injury 10 Community’s free personal injury support can cover your family too Independent financial advice


If you have any comments or suggestions for the next edition please contact Duncan Harrod on or on 020 7420 4024 Stronger Together. Autumn 2010. Editor: Duncan Harrod Editorial Office: 67/68 Long Acre, Covent Garden, WC2E 9FA Tel: 020 7420 4000 email: Printed by The College Hill Press

General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE

Community  Autumn 2010



From campaigner to MP CONGRATULATIONS TO Tom Blenkinsop, newly elected MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland. Many people will know Tom as the dedicated campaign manager who has supported officials and members throughout

Tom Blenkinsop with supporters

region 2, and particularly Teesside Cast Products. Tom’s hard work and commitment will be missed by his union, but will certainly be welcomed by the people of Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland.

Regional schools

The following members successfully completed the course: Simon Reeder, Tarrick Saleh, Steve Smith, Scott Field, Peter Robinson, Stephen Willing, Roberta Johnson, Allan Steadman, David S. Sephton, Steve Radford,


Community  Autumn 2010

COMMUNITY UNION offers the highest standards of training to all our branch officials. Recently, a group of branch officials completed a regional school held in Rotherham. Nick Palmer was the Tutor with Alan Pyewell as Support and Martin Rutter, Campaign Manager Education Officer – region 3. The training will allow these branch officials to handle negotiations on terms and conditions, manage relationships with management, resolve disputes and handle discipline and grievance procedures.

Community joins drive to prevent shared surfaces

COMMUNITY UNION and Guide Dogs for the Blind have been campaigning to prevent the installation of ‘shared surfaces’, a town planning design which requires pedestrians and vehicles to share space. Community Union’s NLBD section has argued that the blind and visually impaired people and children are not equipped to deal with shared surfaces and that it makes public areas a ‘no-go’ zone for some of our members. Thanks to the campaign, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has agreed to re-examine the case for introducing shared surfaces along Exhibition Road, meaning that this public space and access to the museums will remain accessible to blind and visually impaired people.

Union welcomes new executive member COMMUNITY UNION would like to welcome Pete Hobson (right) as the new National Executive member for Region 2. Pete is a works rep at the Corus Beam Mill on Teesside and has a lot of experience with the Business Joint Council and the Joint Standing Committee. Pete is replacing Richard Green, who has decided to stand down after four years of sterling service. Community would also like to thank Claire Main, who served as the Women’s representative from Regions 1, 2 and 3 on the NEC from 2009. Community would like to thank Claire and Richard for their commitment and dedication to the union.


YOUR UNION, Community, is supporting Hazards magazine’s campaign ‘We didn’t vote to die at work’. The campaign opposes cuts to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and weakening of health and safety laws. Understaffing of the HSE means that serious H&S breaches are overlooked every day, putting workers at risk. Please display the enclosed poster in your workplace and contact your union if you would like information on becoming a trained Health and Safety representative. ■■


Pete Hobson – a works rep at the Corus Beam Mill on Teesside

COMMUNITY UNION takes an active role in progressive politics. Because it is affiliated to the Labour party, Community members who pay just 20p a week into the political fund have been sent ballot papers for the Labour leadership election (London members will also receive ballots for the Labour candidate for Mayor of London). Community Union has taken the decision to endorse David Miliband for Labour leader and Oona King for Mayor of London. Please turn the page for our endorsement of David Miliband. London members will find our endorsement of Oona King included with this magazine. Make your voice heard in the Labour party whoever you support by casting your ballot.

Community  Autumn 2010


Labour Party

Your chance for your choice General Secretary Michael J. Leahy, OBE explains why he endorses David Miliband in the Labour leadership election YOUR UNION Community has a long history with the Labour party. Over the past 13 years, Community has worked with the Labour government where possible and against the Labour government when necessary to represent your interests As an affiliated union, (which means that your union representatives have a direct say in policy), Community members who pay the political fund will be invited to participate in the election of the next Labour leader. Community Union General Secretary Michael J. Leahy has met with a number of candidates over the years. Having weighed up the candidates statements and policy proposals, one candidate is head and shoulders above the others. Q: Why has Community Union chosen to endorse David Miliband? A: Let me just say that all the candidates have a strong track record of defending the vulnerable and protecting workers’ rights. Whatever the result, I have no doubt that Labour will return


Community  Autumn 2010

David Miliband has both the commitment to the issues our members care about and the political weight to make that commitment count (l-r) NEC member Lew Schaffer; David Miliband MP; Sean Scorer, Scunthorpe multi-union; and campaign manager Paul Fleming

to Parliament energised and ready to hold David Cameron to account. But I felt that David Miliband has both the commitment to the issues our members care about and the political weight to make that commitment count. How has he shown this commitment? David Miliband has shown great support for our members and their communities. David understands that investing in the future means not just investing in industry and infrastructure, but also in developing people and supporting lifelong learning. What vision did he set out? David is determined to re-engage with the party’s grassroots and strengthen its internal democracy - as the route to rebuilding the labour movement as an effective election winning force and an organised movement for change in workplaces and communities across the country. We have seen that this ConDem government is determined to cut spending where it is needed most, whether it is in Schools, Hospitals or essential services. I believe that David is the best person in the party today to fight the ConDem cuts and I would ask that, when you receive your ballot paper, consider David Miliband for Labour leader.

‘We should be supporting the growing businesses of the future – such as Sheffield Forgemasters. Not cutting the Government loan which has robbed Forgemasters of the chance to create worldbeating jobs for Britain.’

I would like to thank Michael for his support and take this opportunity to speak to all Community Union members. I believe the Union/ Labour Party link is non-negotiable. I value the work of Trade Unions and their members and I will lead a national drive to recruit trade union activists into the Labour Party. The Tory-Lib Dem Government have committed to radical free market cuts to essential services and plan to break the union link – and I will fight them tooth and nail. The recession proved that it is time to challenge the dominance of the financial sector and the bonus culture in our economy. We

To return to Government, the Labour Party must embody the values that I believe in – equality, co-operation and compassion

must build a more balanced British economy that supports manufacturing. We should be supporting the growing businesses of the future – such as Sheffield Forgemasters. Not cutting the Government loan which has robbed Forgemasters of the chance to create world-beating jobs for Britain. To return to Government, the Labour Party must embody the values that I believe in – equality, co-operation and compassion. I believe that I am best placed to renew Labour and create the kind of Government of which we can all be proud. David Miliband

Community  Autumn 2010


Sheffield Forgemasters

ONE OF the last acts of the Labour Government was to organise a loan to Sheffield Forgemasters that would have allowed the company to produce vital components for any new-build nuclear power plant. One of the first acts of the ConDem government was to kill the loan and to kill the chance for Sheffield Forgemasters to create jobs, industry and become a world-beater. David Miliband MP described the decision as a devastating blow to the city of Sheffield saying that: “cancelling the loan makes no sense. It’s economically damaging and socially devastating. “Access to government financing would have enabled Forgemasters to make the investment needed to become a world leader in the growing world supply chain in civil nuclear power. “This is the kind of partnership between government, industry and workers which can help Britain turn the challenge of climate change into an opportunity for jobs and growth. It would have had a ripple effect too – with positive knock-on benefits for many local businesses. “With this decision, the Tories and Lib Dems have shown they have no strategy for growth – which risks making any short term attempt to reduce the deficit short lived.” Thus far, this government has shown no interest in investing in the future. The decision to cut basic services, cut new school buildings, cut job creation programmes and slash training schemes in order to pay off the deficit will shrink the economy and increase the deficit, not cut it. A focus on cuts over growth will leave many of our communities without the jobs or resources they need. The previous Labour government belatedly


Community  Autumn 2010


Cameron and Clegg gamble with future of Sheffield steel

awoke to the need for industrial policy to support our manufacturing base that is so crucial to the UK’s regions. But it was a welcome awakening and the stark contrast between what Labour would have done and what the ConDem coalition is doing has been revealed by this issue. It is vital that unions and the Labour party are effective in taking on the coalition’s decisions on issues like Forgemasters. This is why electing the right Labour leader is vital – most Community members now have the chance to make a choice – make sure you use it.

Learning agreement

Investing in our members YOUR UNION, Community, believes in investing in the future. That is why your union has continually restructured, pioneered new technology and is always striving to improve our service. But our greatest investment is in our members. That’s why Community has partnered with Corus to provide a Learning Centre at the Aldwarke plant, Rotherham. It marks a turning point for Corus, which struggled to manage the recession, suffering major upheavals and massive job losses. The support of the company in supporting its employees can be seen as a vote of confidence for the workforce and a confident step investing in the future. Learning Centres allow workers to access education and training in the workplace. For many members who left school early, access to adult education can be life changing. The centre will begin by offering basic numeracy, literacy and computer skills, but hopes to offer nationally recognised qualifications in the

Signing the agreement: (l to r) Branch officials Sue Mather and Stuart Sansome, Corus senior HR manager Mick Hood and Communitas officer Mark Kaye

near future. The availability of further education on-site is a very real benefit of Community membership and the Aldwarke site joins the other learning centres Community operates across the country. Thanks must go to the trade union team whose many hours of hard work, commitment and dedication made this agreement possible: branch officials, Stuart Sansome and Sue Mather, and especially Union Learning Reps Lee Bradshaw and Glynn Jackson who were the driving force behind this agreement, ably supported by the Communitas management and project officers team of Allan Sharpe, Tom Davis, Colin Daws and Mark Kaye. If you are interested in Union Learning in your workplace or you want to become a Union Learning Rep and help your colleagues access training and education, then contact your regional office to find out more.

Shock as Action for Blind People closes factory COMMUNITY UNION was shocked to learn that Action for Blind People had decided to close its supported employment factory in Verney Rd, Southwark, London. The factory, which employs the blind and visually impaired, forms the cornerstone of social life for these workers and its loss would be a devastating blow both socially and economically. Community Union immediately began discussions with Action for Blind People and its partner organisation the Royal National Institute of Blind people (RNIB) about keeping the factory open. Community Union Regional Director Christine Hardacre said: “As the largest blind charity in the UK the RNIB should not be blind to the needs of these workers. This factory offers more than employment; it offers

Campaign Manager Rachel Hanson with workers from the embattled factory

a much needed social outlet for people that would otherwise be excluded from society.” ■■For more on this ongoing campaign visit our website at

Community  Autumn 2010



Free personal injury support for Community members What is it?

Community provides free legal advice and support to members and their immediate families who have been injured through no fault of their own. Personal injury claims can be complicated and time consuming, but with the help of specialist solicitors the process can be made much simpler and quicker. Community has a nationwide network of solicitors on call to serve members for free. With unscrupulous private solicitors charging astronomical rates per hour or offering dubious ‘no win, no fee’ services – which means they may take part of any compensation you may win – you simply can’t afford to be without the union.

Road accidents

Whether you were the driver, passenger or pedestrian, you could be entitled to bring a claim for compensation for your injuries. The injuries suffered in road accidents may vary from minor to extremely serious injuries. Whatever your injuries may be, Community’s network of solicitors is equipped to offer you the best advice and assistance with your claim. You can claim compensation for injuries that you have suffered up to three years ago.

Workplace injuries

Your employer has a ‘duty of care’ to ensure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you are at work. If you have been injured in an accident at work or you suffer a mental health issue through bullying or an unreasonable workload, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Your employer must not treat you unfairly just because you are making a claim for personal injury. The union is here to ensure your rights as an employee.

Industrial Disease

Due to your working environment you may have been exposed to harmful substances or conditions. As a result of this exposure you may


Community  Autumn 2010

have suffered from a work related condition for which you may be able to claim compensation. For example: ■■ Asbestos-related diseases ■■ Respiratory diseases ■■ Dermatitis ■■ Industrial deafness/tinnitus ■■ Vibration white finger

Clinical negligence

If you have been injured as a result of medical treatment or clinical negligence, Community’s network of specialist solicitors may be able to help you claim compensation. Doctors have been found negligent for, among other things, failed or delayed diagnosis, failure to warn of risks in treatment, failure to obtain proper consent to treatment, medication errors, careless surgical procedures, delayed referral to specialists. Negligence can also arise out of system errors in the hospital where the treatment took place. If you were treated as a private patient and paid the doctor, either yourself or through your medical insurer, you may also be able to claim for breach of contract if your medical treatment was substandard.

Public liability

If you have been injured in the street or in a public building, for example a supermarket or restaurant, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Landlords and owners of land and property accessed by members of the public have a duty to take reasonable care for the safety of all visitors. Landlords also have a duty of care to their tenants. Community’s specialist solicitors are on hand to provide advice and assistance. For further information or to register a claim for compensation please contact our Member Service Centre 1st Floor, Carpet Weavers Hall; Callows Lane; Kidderminster DY10 2JG

FREEPHONE: 0800 389 6332 EMAIL: servicecentre@

N E P P A H L L I W S T N E D I C C A If you are concerned about the possibility of accidents and injury in your workplace, contact your union to access comprehensive health and safety training. Learn how to use the law to make your workplace safer. You can work to reduce the risk of workplace accidents, but you cannot guarantee that accidents will never happen. That’s why it’s reassuring to know that whatever happens; your union, Community, will ensure that you are paid every penny of the Personal Injury compensation you are owed.

Cases range from the minor … One member working at Belper suffered a deep cut to his right elbow after brushing against a control box at work. Union lawyers took his case to the company and quickly came to an agreement that saw our member receive £1,500 in damages.

… to the life-changing: Another member was working at Alphasteel in 2004 when he fell 40 feet into hot molten slag. Our member suffered severe multiple burns, skin injuries and serious fractures as well as severe injuries to his left arm which was left virtually functionless, extensive facial disfigurement and post traumatic stress disorder. Following the accident, our member needed to move to more suitable accommodation to meet his continued caring needs. While the Union lawyers won an admission of liability from the company, it took months and boxes of evidence to ensure that the final

These 100% true stories show the value of Community’s free legal services

settlement took into account pain and suffering, loss of earnings, care and assistance and future losses. The case was finally settled with our member being awarded £800,000.

Not only that, but Community’s Personal Injury Scheme covers you and your family at work and at home … One member and his non-member daughter were struck from behind in a traffic accident. Our Union lawyers pursued both his claim and the claim of his daughter. Our member suffered whiplash to the neck and back which caused him to miss work for a few days. This claim was settled quickly with £2,315 compensation. Unfortunately, our member’s daughter suffered more serious injuries that have required the Union lawyers to pursue compensation – this claim had not been settled when this issue went to print. Community’s Personal Injury Compensation Service delivers every penny of compensation to which you are entitled. Avoid the no-win no-fee lawyers that can and do take large percentages of any compensation they win. Not only does our scheme guarantee your compensation, but it also provides invaluable peace of mind at one of life’s most difficult points.

Community  Autumn 2010


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