Community No 15

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Community Issue 15 | Winter 2010

stronger together

Post Office Christmas Club Dear Community member,

Post Office® Christmas Club: Special Member Offer We’re delighted to make available a special offer to all Community members joining the Post Office® Christmas Club for 2010. Join the Christmas Club at your local Post Office® branch and we’ll top up your Christmas Club Card with an extra £2.50 for Christmas 2010. All club members will also receive a booklet of discount and special offer vouchers in the run up to Christmas, making the money you have put aside go ever further. To take advantage of this offer, sign up to the club at your local Post Office® branch. Counter staff will provide you with an application form. On the application form write the following code – COM10 – to the left of the bar code. Once we’ve received your application we’ll top up your account with an extra £2.50. The Post Office® Christmas Club represents a great way to put aside money for Christmas; you can sign up with as little as £2. Top up your card, up to a maximum of £1000 per annum, throughout the year and next Christmas you’ll be able to shop at a great range of top retailers including Argos, Sainsbury’s, Boots, WH Smith, Currys, Top Shop and many, many more. Michael Birchall,Product Manager

The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland- incorporated in Ireland with limited liability. Registered No. C-1. Head Office, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Authorised by the Irish Financial Regulator and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Services Authority. Details about the extent of Bank of Ireland’s authorisation and regulation by the Financial Services Authority are available from Bank of Ireland on request. Post Office Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered No 2154540. Registered office is 148 Old Street, London EC1V 9HQ.

2 Community  Winter 2010

There is an alternative

stronger together INSIDE …

Dear member, Little did anyone know when casting their ballot on 6 May that the Liberal Democrats would abandon their principles in exchange for power. The newly formed coalition has no guiding principle other than forming a government and has no ideas other than the tired Thatcherite programme of cuts, cuts, cuts. Big cuts are targeted at the most vulnerable in society, while bankers continue with their snouts in the trough. These cuts are not happening for economic reasons. These purely political cuts are designed to enrich Tory donors, reduce public services and put the squeeze on working families. We need to build our own coalition to take on the ConDems. Trade unions and trade unionists need to reach out into our communities and work with like-minded organisations. Working people need to stand together and campaign for an alternative. You have suffered through this recession as the city bankers have continued to line their pockets. It is an outrage that the sacrifices the ConDem coalition are requesting of Britain will hit working families while rewarding the well off. Is George Osborne committed to his misguided attempts to break the UK economy? In a recession, it is necessary for government spending to cover the collapsing demand in the private sector. The decision not only to stop spending but to add 490,000 public servants to the unemployment statistics threatens to force a double dip recession. Failure is guaranteed by the ConDem programme that makes no mention of job creation. In 1981 Norman Tebbit told us to “get on our bikes”, but with David Cameron failing to create jobs anywhere except Downing Street, the question is: “Get on our bikes and go where?” David Cameron believes that he has no responsibility to create jobs, promote economic growth or support British industry. There is an alternative. By investing for growth we can get through these difficult times. I believe Labour can be the advocates for that alternative and we will support Ed Miliband as he leads the party back to government. Yours in Unity

News 4 Success at Labour Party conference Community reps build membership TUC 6 Community General Secretary Michael J. Leahy, OBE is new TUC President Labour Party Ed Miliband – Labour’s new hero?


Success at Blindcraft Community’s alternative plan saves factory


Redundancy 9 Worried about your job? Contact Community straight away Personal injury support Community’s free personal injury support can cover your family too


Independent financial advice


If you have any comments or suggestions for the next edition please contact Duncan Harrod on or on 020 7420 4024 Stronger Together. Winter 2010. Editor: Duncan Harrod Cover picture: Jess Hurd/ Editorial Office: 67/68 Long Acre, Covent Garden, WC2E 9FA Tel: 020 7420 4000 email: Printed by The College Hill Press

General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE

Community  Winter 2010


news London NLBD members protest against the closure of the Verney Road supported employment factory

Success at Labour Party conference COMMUNITY’S LABOUR Party conference delegation was invited to attend the special session of conference to announce the new leader of the Labour Party. Community was amongst the first to congratulate Ed Miliband, whose first official function as leader was to visit the Community Union reception. Ed will take the strong support he received from MPs, party members and particularly the trade union movement to build a broad coalition against the ConDem government. Your union sent a strong delegation to represent you at the Labour Party Conference in Manchester. Led by General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE, the Community

Community’s delegation made valuable contributions to conference debates and argued your issues to the Labour Party

delegation made valuable contributions to conference debates and pushed your issues within the Labour Party. Deputy General Secretary Joe Mann MBE spoke out about the ConDem cuts to Sheffield Forgemasters while General Secretary Michael J. Leahy, OBE addressed a Progress fringe meeting on the importance of the union– labour party link. Community delegates also raised our key issues at the TUC Congress. Community motions called for support of social carers and an integrated UK and EU industrial policy. ■■The text of these motions and speeches is available on the union website.


The Community Union delegation to the 2010 Trades Union Congress take a break from their hectic schedule to pose for a photo at the Community Union stall

4 Community  Winter 2010


Community Union stalwart Keith Kendall celebrated 40 years employment with Community in October. Amongst the luminaries assembled to celebrate were present and former General Secretaries Pictured (l-r) Bill Sirs (1975-85), Keith Kendall, Michael J. Leahy OBE (1999present) and Lord Brookman (1993-1999)

The Community team at Harsco

Reps build membership AFTER INITIAL meetings where management indicated that the company had imposed a global pay freeze, Community Reps at Harsco Port Talbot have rallied their branch members and campaigned tirelessly for the last six months to improve pay and terms and conditions. Branch secretary Glen Graham and branch president Jason Balston were determined that members were due a reasonable pay rise in recognition of the sacrifices made while “weathering the storm” in 2009. Glen and Jason together with their branch committee set about revitalising their branch,

‘It was damn hard work, but we pulled together and recruited new members and reps’

by issuing regular campaign updates, holding branch meetings and recruiting non-members. Glen and Jason agree: “It was damn hard work, but we pulled together and recruited new members and reps.” The hard work paid off when the strength of the union forced Harsco back to negotiations resulting in an offer of a one-off payment for 2009 and a 3.2% increase for 2010 together with improvements in leave for craft grades. The hard work of Glen, Jason and all the members of the branch highlight the success that can be achieved when Community members stand together.

Community  Winter 2010



Community union’s new TUC president

Presidency of the TUC is the highest honour for Michael J. Leahy, OBE

6 Community  Winter 2010

COMMUNITY UNION is proud to announce that General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE has been elected as TUC President for 2011. Michael is the first Community Union official to hold this office and the eighth general secretary from all Community’s predecessor unions to serve as president. One of the first of these predecessors was Arthur Pugh of the Iron and Steel Trade Confederation. Serving as TUC President, Arthur Pugh used the position to direct the general strike in 1926. The general strike of 1926 saw a million miners locked out of their pits as mining bosses sough to cut pay and increase hours in unpleasant and often dangerous conditions. The TUC, under President Arthur Pugh, took the entire country out on strike for 10 days in March in support of the miners. It is fitting that 85 years later, another man of steel has assumed the TUC presidency as we hear the loud, collective voices of working men and women pushed too far. The presidency of the TUC is one of the highest honours for any trade unionist. Beginning at the Panteg works in South Wales, Michael has climbed relentlessly through the ranks of the trade union to sit at the very pinnacle of a movement 6 million members strong. Now, as the ConDem coalition cuts away at the essential foundations of modern society, as they attack all but the most privileged, your general secretary will be standing in the front rank of union leaders, politicians and working people seeking to turn back the tide and save the British way of life. Active support for your union will aid Michael’s grand crusade to challenge the rash decisions of this unwelcome government. ■■For more information on the TUC campaign visit

Labour Party

General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE (left) and Deputy General Secretary Joe Mann MBE look on as Ed Miliband demands a new generation that understands change take charge

Ed Miliband – the new generation COMMUNITY UNION was proud to invite Ed Miliband to his first official function as Labour leader at the 2010 Manchester Labour Party conference. Before a crowd of trade unionists, MPs and party members, Ed gave a speech pledging to tackle the growing threat of the ConDem government. Ed took aim at a ConDem programme seemingly designed to provoke a further recession. The government decision to scrap a vital loan to Sheffield Forgemasters while planning construction of the power plants that Forgemasters will not now be able to build was one example of the ConDem betrayal of British jobs and British industry. Ed Miliband accepted that Labour had lost the election, but insisted that: “Today a new generation has taken charge of Labour, a new generation that understands the call of change.”

‘Today a new generation has taken charge of Labour, a new generation that understands the call of change’

Ed vowed to rebuild the labour party because: “The Labour Party in the future must be a vehicle that doesn’t just attract thousands of young people but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of young people who see us as their voice in British politics today.” The Labour party had now to build a strong platform that did not merely oppose the ConDem cuts, but offered a competing vision of a fairer, more equal society. “Instead of a Britain that rewards the greed of bankers, a Britain that rewards the sacrifices of carers and volunteers. Rather than celebrating greed, a country that celebrates communities and local involvement.” Ed clearly said that his aim “is to show that our party is on the side of the squeezed middle in our country and everyone who has worked hard and wants to get on.” ■■For more information on how you can support Ed Miliband visit

Community  Winter 2010



Scottish Labour Leader Iain Gray MSP joins Community members campaigning to save Blindcraft

Community Union success at Blindcraft Community Union has forced Edinburgh City Council to back down from plans to close Blindcraft, a charity that provides employment to blind and disabled workers. The council sought to save £700,000 per year by closing the supported employment facility and making the workforce unemployed but, through hard work, the employees with the support of their union and the local community fought back, presenting the council with a plan to avoid job losses. The £650,000 savings identified by the union will allow the factory to continue to operate making beds, while staff work a three-day week. This is a significant victory for the workers at Blindcraft who will be able to continue

8 Community  Winter 2010

Community believes in the force of argument rather than the argument of force

to earn a wage. The ability to participate in supported employment is an essential service in Scotland where the unemployment rate for the blind and visually impaired has stood unchanged at 73% for the past 15 years. The proposal that Community Union took to the council is another example of Community’s approach to representing our members. Community believes in the force of argument rather than the argument of force and will always seek a negotiated settlement where possible. For Blindcraft workers, Community’s approach has avoided a drawn out struggle and provided Blindcraft with the opportunity to seek new business and build a stronger foundation.

Redundancy advice

Worried about your job?

Contact Community right now IN THE current economic climate, the threat of redundancy lurks around every corner. Too often bad bosses disguise failures of management as economic crises that require staff to make sacrifices. If your employer is seeking to make you redundant, it is important to get advice from your union as soon as possible. The personnel departments of small and medium sized companies are often unaware of the details of


redundancy law and frequently make errors that can lead to large payouts for unfairly dismissed employees. If you believe that your employer is intentionally or unintentionally targeting you for redundancy, you may be able to claim for unfair dismissal. The sooner you talk to your union representative the better, because unfair dismissal is an issue that Community takes very seriously.


The consultation period is for a minimum 30 days when between 20 and 99 employees are being made redundant, and a 90 day-period where there are 100 or more redundancies.


Selection criteria should be objective, fair and reasonably applied, and alternative employment should be offered where this is available as means of reducing the number of redundancies. There are a number of grounds where it is automatically unfair to select employees for redundancy including pregnancy, asserting statutory rights, trade union activities or being a health and safety representative.


Your contract may provide an enhanced notice and redundancy pay. If not, then employers are required to pay the lower of your normal week’s wages and statutory redundancy pay which is currently £380 a week for each week’s redundancy pay. An employee will be entitled to a redundancy payment when they have been continually employed for 2 years or more and it is based on their age and length of continuous service in that employment with a maximum redundancy pay entitlement of 20 years service. Employees are entitled to a minimum of one week’s statutory notice of dismissal for each complete year of service up to a maximum of 12 week’s notice for 12 years service or more.

Community  Winter 2010



Free personal injury support for Community members What is it?

Community provides free legal advice and support to members and their immediate families who have been injured through no fault of their own. Personal injury claims can be complicated and time consuming, but with the help of specialist solicitors the process can be made much simpler and quicker. Community has a nationwide network of solicitors on call to serve members for free. With unscrupulous private solicitors charging astronomical rates per hour or offering dubious ‘no win, no fee’ services – which means they may take part of any compensation you may win – you simply can’t afford to be without the union.

Road accidents

Whether you were the driver, passenger or pedestrian, you could be entitled to bring a claim for compensation for your injuries. The injuries suffered in road accidents may vary from minor to extremely serious injuries. Whatever your injuries may be, Community’s network of solicitors is equipped to offer you the best advice and assistance with your claim. You can claim compensation for injuries that you have suffered up to three years ago.

Workplace injuries

Your employer has a ‘duty of care’ to ensure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you are at work. If you have been injured in an accident at work or you suffer a mental health issue through bullying or an unreasonable workload, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Your employer must not treat you unfairly just because you are making a claim for personal injury. The union is here to ensure your rights as an employee.

Industrial Disease

Due to your working environment you may have been exposed to harmful substances or conditions. As a result of this exposure you may

10 Community  Winter 2010

have suffered from a work related condition for which you may be able to claim compensation. For example: ■■ Asbestos-related diseases ■■ Respiratory diseases ■■ Dermatitis ■■ Industrial deafness/tinnitus ■■ Vibration white finger

Clinical negligence

If you have been injured as a result of medical treatment or clinical negligence, Community’s network of specialist solicitors may be able to help you claim compensation. Doctors have been found negligent for, among other things, failed or delayed diagnosis, failure to warn of risks in treatment, failure to obtain proper consent to treatment, medication errors, careless surgical procedures, delayed referral to specialists. Negligence can also arise out of system errors in the hospital where the treatment took place. If you were treated as a private patient and paid the doctor, either yourself or through your medical insurer, you may also be able to claim for breach of contract if your medical treatment was substandard.

Public liability

If you have been injured in the street or in a public building, for example a supermarket or restaurant, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Landlords and owners of land and property accessed by members of the public have a duty to take reasonable care for the safety of all visitors. Landlords also have a duty of care to their tenants. Community’s specialist solicitors are on hand to provide advice and assistance. For further information or to register a claim for compensation please contact our Member Service Centre 1st Floor, Carpet Weavers Hall; Callows Lane; Kidderminster DY10 2JG

FREEPHONE: 0800 389 6332 EMAIL: servicecentre@

If you are concerned about the possibility of accidents and injury in your workplace, contact your union to access comprehensive health and safety training.

safe system of work. The union claims spurred the company’s insurers into action and the claim was able to be settled for the sum of £5,800.

… to life-changing incidents

Learn how to use the law to make your workplace safer

You can reduce the risk of workplace accidents, but you cannot guarantee that accidents will never happen. That’s why it’s reassuring to know that whatever happens, your union, Community, will ensure that you are paid every penny of personal injury compensation that you are owed.

It is reassuring

Cases range from minor …


One member from Derbyshire injured herself by brushing against a spanner holder that had been installed in a dangerous position. After admitting liability, the company paid £1,750 in compensation and relocated the spanner holder to a safer location.

… to major accidents …

A member working in Nottinghamshire was involved in an accident at work. The member was working on a jig, welding seat parts together. In order to remove the complete part from the jig, the member had to use a pry bar. As the member was prying a part out of the jig, it spun, striking him on his nose and face. The union solicitors successfully argued that the company had failed to provide the member with a

to know that, whatever your union Community will ensure that you are paid every penny of personal injury compensation that you are owed

One member claimed that unsafe exposure to resins at work had caused occupational dermatitis. The union solicitors obtained medical evidence that proved that the employer’s failure to provide protective equipment was the cause of the occupational dermatitis. The claim was settled without the need for court proceedings, the member accepting £10,000 in settlement of his claim. An NLBD member from Glasgow suffered severe injuries to his right hand with a partial amputation of the fourth finger, the loss of the tip of his index finger, several fractures and post traumatic stress disorder after contact with a circular saw. This would be a serious accident for anyone, but as this member could only communicate through sign language, it was particularly devastating. The union solicitors were forced to obtain medical evidence and organise experts to inspect the machinery to prove it was unsafe after the company’s insurers refused to admit liability. This refusal to compensate our member for his injuries forced the union solicitors to arrange a court date. At this point the insurers offered a £15,000 settlement, which the member happily accepted.

Community  Winter 2010


Are you facing redundancy? Community’s only approved Independent Financial Adviser can help. Fiscale Financial Services Limited is the only Independent Financial Advisory firm approved by Community to help members deal with the financial implications of redundancy. THEY CAN HELP MEMBERS IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:

Decide which pension option is right for you Advise on repaying any debts as an alternative to investment How any tax-free cash and redundancy settlement should be invested


Facts & Figures

A tied advisor is an agent of the product provider he or she represents

Independent financial advisors are the agent of the client

When things go wrong! In the first half of 2009, the Financial Ombudsman Service received a total of over 69,000 complaints. Lloyds, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Abbey National and HSBC alone accounted for 38,286 of these cases. Source: FT Advisor Magazine 15.09.09

What do I need to do?

Why use Fiscale Financial Services Limited? Fiscale Financial Services Limited are a firm of independent financial advisors. This means that they are free to use the products from the whole marketplace. This allows them to choose the product that is right for you from any financial institution. This contrasts with the vast majority of banks and buildings societies in the United Kingdom that are “tied.” This means they can only promote the products of one financial organisation.

Should you wish to receive Independent Financial Advice from Community’s approved firm, then simply contact Fiscale Financial Services on 01226 791204

For a free no obligation discussion call 01226 791204 FISCALE FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED

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