Community • Stronger Together 21• Summer 2012

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Community Issue 21 | Summer 2012

stronger together

Open for learning

Community’s education and training centre The Grange

DRIVER CARE PLUS Community’s latest member benefit

Calling all LGV drivers

Get covered with Driver Care Plus qq Just 90p per week qq £10,000 cover for permanent loss of licence* qq Legal support for road traffic offences* What is it? Cover for permanent loss of licence due to accidental injury, disability, illness, poor eyesight or assault for licensed LGV drivers who are members of Community Trade Union: qq £10,000.00 cover in the event of licence being revoked and the member being permanently disqualified from holding a

licence as a direct result of injury, illness or disability;* qq Legal support – advice and representation against prosecution for Road Traffic Offences whilst driving an official vehicle on duty.*

How do I get it? Ask your local Community rep, go to our website and download the form or call the Membership Department on 0800 389 6332. At just 90p per week or £3.90 per month

it represents great value for peace of mind. Payment can be taken with your member contribution by check-off for TNT Post members or by direct debit for any other members.

*Subject to terms and conditions – ask your local Community rep for details or visit our website

Support for you where you work and where you live

stronger together INSIDE …

Dear member, In recent months, members around the UK have been engaged in lots of different campaigns. Former Thamesteel workers have continued their ‘Save our Steel’ campaign and hopes were raised when we heard the works had been bought out of administration by a company connected to the previous owners. Now the hard work begins to ensure the new owners bring jobs and steel back to Sheerness. Brintons members in Kidderminster have spearheaded a campaign to get support for UK carpet manufacturing. The town was built on the back of carpet making but the industry faces increasing uncertainty. Many members across the UK have also been involved in local election campaigns. Apart from the London Mayoral election, results across the UK were a triumph for Labour and Community members were involved in some of the significant wins in places such as Dudley, Newport and Glasgow. All these campaigns go to the heart of what we are about as a union. We’re called Community because we recognise that you can’t separate workplace issues and community issues because both impact on the quality of people’s lives. But to continue our mission to improve the lives and communities of our members, we need to grow the union. That’s why a new agreement with TNT Post is so exciting as it could bring many more members to Community and showcases us as a union that can deliver for members and work in partnership with employers. But where employers don’t want to work with us, we will back our members as they defend their rights, jobs and pay. At Clarks in Street it saddens me to say that the company has given our members no option but to pursue their claim through industrial action as management have refused to go to arbitration. Remploy members are balloting for industrial action in defence of their livelihoods as the Tory-led government pushes through closures in yet another on attack on disabled people. I know times remain challenging for many people but Community will continue to support members where you work and where you live. Yours in Unity.

News 4 Sacked staff set for £1.1m compensation; Kidderminster backs its carpetmakers; Campaigning for steel in Sheerness; Delivering for new members; Training centre officially open; Growing the union; Remploy protests: Community’s marathon men; First for benevolent fund; New NSPCC rep in Scotland Health and safety Community members mark Workers’ Memorial Day


Legal 9 Compensation awards Rights at work We must defend our rights says TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber


Labour Party Campaigning in our communities Community’s Labour Campaign Network Union members elected in England, Scotland and Wales


If you have any comments or suggestions for the next edition please contact the editor on or on 020 7420 4000 Stronger Together. Summer 2012 Editorial Office: 67/68 Long Acre, Covent Garden, WC2E 9FA Tel: 020 7420 4000 email: Printed by The College Hill Press

General Secretary Michael J. Leahy OBE

Community  Summer 2012



ONE OF the largest tomato growers in the UK, John Baarda in Billingham, Teesside, has signed a recognition agreement with Community. “It’s amazing how quickly membership can grow if people are dedicated and remain optimistic,” said Branch Secretary John White after the agreement was signed in March. “I would like to think others can draw inspiration from what we have achieved and be encouraged to do the same in their workplaces.” Community members have now elected five reps and three health and safety reps. Campaign Manager Steve McCool said: “We look forward to working with the new managing director for the benefit of the company and our members at Billingham.” The Billingham site opened in 2007 to grow tomatoes for UK supermarkets on a year-round basis. The nursery can grow 10,000 vines a year and these produce around 7,000 tonnes of grade A salad tomatoes.

John Baarda managing director Nigel Bartle (centre) signs the agreement with Steve McCool (left) and Community Deputy General Secretary Joe Mann


Delivering for new members AS WE announced in last month’s magazine, Community has entered an exciting partnership agreement with postal delivery company TNT Post. The move follows recent regulatory changes which allow the company to deliver mail directly to people’s homes and to businesses. TNT Post, which is looking to employ more people as it expands its end-to-end (E2E) home delivery business, said it wanted to work with a modern trade union to ensure a good deal for its employees. The agreement between Community and TNT Post, which is owned by Dutch mail company PostNL, covers various groups of TNT Post workers including sorting staff in depots, drivers and delivery staff. Charles Neilson, Group Services Director at TNT Post, said: “Our partnership with Community is a truly symbiotic agreement. As an employer we always aim to be as fair and reasonable as possible, so with a union in place we will now have a representative collective voice with which to negotiate reasonable outcomes for all concerned.”

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General Secretary Michael Leahy said: “This is an exciting development for Community, which could lead to potentially thousands of new members. In just a few months, hundreds of TNT Post workers have chosen to join Community and those members have already elected a network of representatives to give each depot a voice at the negotiating table.” In recent weeks, Community has been recruiting new delivery staff taking part in TNT Post’s second E2E trial in West London, which follows an earlier successful trial in Liverpool. Community’s National Officer for TNT Post, Bill Lambe, said “We’ve had an extremely positive response from the new delivery staff and we look forward to working with them as the E2E project develops.” In May, the newly-elected reps gathered (above) at Community’s Training and Education Centre – The Grange in Northamptonshire. As well as providing training on grievance and disciplinary representation, the three-day course covered the reps’ roles and responsibilities and provided the opportunity to get to know each other and their new union.

SUSAN GALLOWAY has been elected as branch secretary for Community members at the children’s charity NSPCC in Scotland. As an active trade unionist with previous employers and other unions, Susan has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Membership has started to grow as a result of Susan and her colleagues’ proactive approach to organising. Along with other Community NSPCC reps, Susan is attending the Joint Negotiating Committee meetings with NSPCC management, so NSPCC members in Scotland have a direct say at the heart of the decisionmaking process.


Sacked staff set for £1.1m compensation THANKS TO Community, more than 100 sacked workers are set to receive a total of over £1.1m in compensation after they were unfairly dismissed by Scottish electronics company Simclar International. The company, based in Dunfermline, Fife, went into administration last year, making the workers redundant without the statutory 90 days’ notice. Although staff are due to receive an average of £10,000 each, there are concerns about when it will be paid as the tribunal judgement is yet to be published and the claim will then have to be registered with the company’s administrators. But Community’s Scottish Campaign Manager John Paul McHugh, who successfully

represented the 104 workers at an industrial tribunal, said the union would fight on until they got the money. “This is a victory in the sense that the union stood by the workers – and we will keep doing that until we get a result for them and recover the full money they are due,” he said. “But it would be better if all these people were still employed. Many of them are on the streets and have been unable to find new work.” He said Simclar had effectively washed its hands of the workforce: “There is a statutory requirement to give 90 days’ consultation to workers, and that did not happen here. “The union made various efforts to try to talk to the company, but they were just not interested.”

‘This is a victory in the sense that the union stood by the workers – and we will keep doing that until we get a result for them and recover the full money they are due’

NEARLY 900 Kidderminster shoppers signed a petition to keep Brintons carpet makers in the town when Community set up a stall outside the town hall recently. The petition calls on the government to step in to help keep the 228-year-old company in its birthplace. “Support from the shoppers in the town was absolutely superb,” said Community Campaign Manager Gavin Miller. “In five and a half hours we collected 880 signatures which went far beyond my expectations. Overall now we have around 2,000 signatures and the campaign is really gathering momentum. “Personally, I think that the people of Kidderminster should be proud of themselves for supporting their industry.” Brintons, which last year was taken over by US private equity firm the Carlyle Group, is making over 100 people redundant. “This will have a devastating effect on the local


Kidderminster’s shoppers sign up to save carpet factory

community and all surrounding businesses. This is the latest blow to UK carpet manufacturing,” the petition points out. Local Tory MP Mark Garnier visited the stall and discussed setting up a meeting with business secretary Vince Cable to highlight the campaign, a suggestion which Community is keen to pursue.

Gavin Miller (right) helps shopper Frank Bond sign the petition

Community  Summer 2012



Community marathon men TWO MARATHON-RUNNING Community members are in action this summer. Ron Nicholls will be carrying the Olympic Torch through Walsall on June 30, while Vice President and Scottish TUC General Council member Robert Mooney prepares for a 41-mile ultra-marathon in September. Steelworker Ron Nicholls, who is President of Tata Firsteel Coatings Branch, has raised tens of thousands of pounds for charity with his marathon runs, mainly in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, after his wife Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997. “Jane nominated me to carry the Olympic Torch and I am over the moon to have been selected,” he said. “I am a patriotic man and feel proud and honoured to have this opportunity.” Jane added: “I knew Ron would love to carry the torch and the whole family will be cheering him on.” Ron’s fundraising runs include £5,000 in the 1998 London Marathon and £1,500 in the 1999 New York Marathon. A runner with Bloxwichbased Sneyd Striders for over 20 years, he has also raised money for the breast clinic at local Sandwell Hospital. Meanwhile, Robert Mooney is training

intensively in the summer months as he prepares for the River Ayr Challenge on 15 September. To run 41 miles is a mammoth task, but Robert hopes to complete the event within eight hours. He aims to raise as much money as possible for two charities dear to his heart. Robert is chair of the first – SITE (Supported Integrated Training in Employment) – which offers expert care, advice and training to blind and visually impaired people. Community has already helped SITE buy computers for people to get access to training and to help them find work (see story below). Also set to benefit from Robert’s run is Saltire Strikers, a charity for visually impaired ten-pin bowlers who play in a national league. Some of the members have other disabilities and bowling helps to get people active and to meet up once a week. If you would like to help Robert to raise money for these two charities please send a cheque payable to “R Mooney” to Robert Mooney, Community Region 1, 102 Hamilton road, Motherwell ML1 3DG. We wish Robert an ultra-successful ultra-marathon.

Ron Nicholls: Over the moon

Robert Mooney: 41 miles in eight hours

First for benevolent fund COMMUNITY’S BENEVOLENT fund was recently extended so that community projects can apply through union branches – and already a Scottish charity for blind and partiallysighted people has taken delivery of new computers, thanks to support from the fund. Joe Mann (Community Deputy General Secretary, right) and Grahame Smith (Scottish TUC General Secretary, left) present John Turley from SITE with the cheque from the Community Union Benevolent Fund

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Community’s workplace branch at Royal Strathclyde BlindCraft Industries (RSBi) in Glasgow made the successful application on behalf SITE (Supported Integration Training Employment). SITE has put the money towards Apple iPads and MacBook laptop and

iMac desktop computers which are now enabling blind and partially-sighted people to receive training. Two of the Macs, which are excellent for visuallyimpaired people, are based at the Community-owned Jimmy Brandon Learning Centre in Motherwell. The charity will work closely with Communitas, Community’s support provider. Geraldine Donnelly, Communitas Project Manager for Scotland, said: “We are really excited about this partnership as it allows Community and Communitas to address barriers to learning that are faced by some of our members in an innovative way.”

Open for learning COMMUNITY HAS officially opened its Training and Education Centre in Earls Barton, Northamptonshire. Previously the headquarters of the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives, The Grange has been renovated and refurbished to create a modern facility for members and activists. TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber unveiled a commemorative plaque and was joined by NEC members, employer representatives and

union officials past and present at the ceremony on May 16. The lounge at The Grange was dedicated to Community’s first president Terry Butterworth as Terry’s widow Carole and his daughter Amy unveiled a commemorative picture. Presenting flowers to Carole and Amy, President Sue Mather said: “We greatly value Terry’s contribution and all the work he did for us but we know he couldn’t have done it without your support.” Brendan Barber, centre, with Michael Leahy and Sue Mather at the unveiling of the plaque to commemorate the official opening of Community’s education and training centre

Campaigning for steel in Sheerness


Remploy protests Community members at Remploy joined protests outside Department of Work and Pensions offices and a lobby of Parliament in May as they campaigned to save their jobs. Tory minister for disabled people Maria Miller has announced that Remploy factories will be closed unless new owners are be found. Thirty-six sites are immediately at risk and all 54 Remploy workshops could be gone by the end of 2013.

General Secretary Michael Leahy presented a 2,000 signature petition to Secretary of State for Business Vince Cable in May (right). It called on the Government to do all it can to secure a future for steelmaking in Sheerness.

Sittingbourne and Sheppey Labour Party (below, with Thamesteel members) have backed Community members from Thamesteel in their continuing campaign to restart steelmaking at Sheerness. A recent joint Jobs for Sheppey Action Day took the campaign into the heart of the community by going doorto-door to seek support for more jobs on the Kent island.

Community  Summer 2012


health and safety

Community marks Workers Memorial Day MEMBERS OF Community took part in events ranging from church services and wreath laying to seminars and meetings with employers, as part of TUC action on Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April, to highlight the government attack on health and safety at work. Workers’ Memorial Day is held every year throughout the world to “remember the dead, but fight like hell for the living”. Two million men and women die every year as a result of work-related accidents and diseases The TUC organised more than 70 events throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to draw attention to the Tory-led government’s plans to cut Health and Safety Executive funding by 35% – a move which threatens the protection of people at work. Community General Secretary Michael Leahy warned that the coalition government’s attack threatens to destroy the consensus that has existed around health and safety for the last 40 years. “For the best part of that time I have been a full-time union official and I have witnessed the significant improvements in health and safety in the workplace, including under the last Labour government. “Unfortunately, I have also witnessed the horrendous effects of poor health and

8 Community  Summer 2012

safety management.” He cited the Port Talbot blast furnace explosion just over 10 years ago, which killed three people and seriously injured many more. Community members at the plant held a service in the memorial garden created to commemorate those workers. Community representatives also took part in: ■■A civic procession in Scunthorpe headed by the mayor after which Community President Sue Mather laid a wreath in Central Park at a memorial stone “In memory of working people whose lives were tragically lost”. ■■A wreath-laying ceremony in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, attended by local Labour MP Tom Clarke and MSP Elaine Smith. ■■A church service at Rotherham Minster attended by Community Campaign Manager Phil Sullivan, Project Officer Mark Kaye and Cllr Glyn Whelbourn, a Community member, and where Sue Mather also laid a wreath. ■■On Teesside 30 health a safety reps attended a Communityorganised seminar linked to the relighting of the SSI blast furnace where SSI Operations Director Cornelius Louwrens stressed the importance of health and safety. ■■About 50 people took part in a forum at TATA Steel, Scunthorpe, where Site Director

John Bolton highlighted the important role and health and safety reps. ■■In the West Midlands Community held a day seminar in Kidderminster attended by reps from the carpet and steel sectors. ■■In the East Midlands Rob Sneddon, Community’s National Health and Safety Officer addressed a forum in Northampton. The region is to plant a tree at The Grange, the union’s office, “in memory of those lost and as a reminder that we must fight for the living”.

legal COMPENSATION AWARDS Damages for family of Tata member COMMUNITY HAS won substantial damages for the family of a Community member who died onsite at the Tata steelworks at Port Talbot in April 2006, after falling into a slag rougher. The union pursued a personal injury claim against the company, arising from breaches in health and safety, and supported the family throughout the inquest. Lay reps from Port Talbot also played a vital role in providing emotional support to the family.

£1.5m won for amputee

Above: Community President Sue Mather lays a wreath in Scunthorpe’s Central Park

Below: Wreaths laid at the memorial in Coatbridge

Community solicitors have won £1.5m damages for a member who was seriously injured in an explosion on the DC arc furnace at Outokumpu Stainless in Sheffield in August 2003. David Farmer suffered injuries to his face and serious injuries to his legs, which required major skin graft surgery and subsequently an above-the-knee amputation of his left leg. Included in the settlement were rehabilitation costs, which have helped Mr Farmer adapt to life following the accident.

£1m medical negligence award Community has negotiated a £1m settlement for medical negligence on behalf of Julie Potter, wife of Community member Kevin Potter. In February 2008 Mrs Potter had a kidney stone removed after delays which resulted in major organ failure, septicaemia,

pneumonia, infection by MRSA bacteria and a stroke. She has since suffered from mobility problems and has been unable to work. The case was pursued against James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.

Compensation for arm injury Community has won a personal injury claim against fencing manufacturer Betafence on behalf of Sheffield member Lee Burgin who was injured when he placed his hand in a wire drawing machine which started up unexpectedly due to an electrical fault. Mr Burgin was awarded £312,500 after suffering dislocation of his elbow and fractures to his arm in August 2009. He has since had three skin grafts and two metal plates fitted to his forearm. The Health and Safety Executive also prosecuted the company, which was fined £12,000, for the incident. These successful claims are not only a victory for those involved but also make the workplace safer for others as employers are compelled to adopt safer working practices.

These successful claims are not only a victory for those involved but also make the workplace safer for others as employers are compelled to adopt safer working practices Community  Summer 2012


rights at work

We need to be ready to defend our rights TUC GENERAL Secretary Brendan Barber explains why a campaign to protect workers’ rights has been established

EVERYBODY AT work needs basic protection from unfair treatment. Even in the best run organisations things can go wrong. Over the years unions have won rights for a minimum wage, paid holidays, freedom from unfair discrimination and protection from unfair dismissal. But your employment rights are under a sly attack. It is not being done with any great fanfare, but the government is slicing away at your work rights. Already people have to wait an extra year before they get protection from unfair dismissal. There are proposals to reduce maternity leave and make people pay a fee before taking a claim to an employment tribunal. The argument that scrapping fair rules at work will boost the economy does not stand up. UK workers enjoy fewer rights than in any of the world’s developed economies bar the USA. Many have stronger economies. Unemployment is high and the economy is failing to grow not because employers can’t sack women for being pregnant, but because the banks crashed, living standards are stagnant and the government is pressing ahead with deep, fast spending cuts. We agree with Norman Lamb MP. He is now the minister that

10 Community  Summer 2012

deals with these issues, but before he joined the government this Lib Dem MP said that it would be “madness” to scrap protection against unfair sackings: “It is likely to have the unintended consequence of destabilising consumer confidence at a very difficult time. If every employee in the land faced the prospect that they could be removed arbitrarily, the destabilising effect could be devastating. It would legitimise Victorian employment practices.” None of this is being done with a big bang. Of course it’s popular with some business organisations (though by no means all), but the government hopes that those who lose out – and that’s everyone at work – won’t notice. That is why the TUC has launched our “Employee rights stop employment wrongs” campaign. Many of the worst proposals are not yet firm government policy, and we have every chance of stopping them. This therefore needs to be a smart campaign. We need to spread the word so ministers can see that they can’t get away with doing this in secret. We will be running ads and publishing leaflets explaining more. And we need to be ready to defend each right that they target in the months ahead. ■■ The best way to support the campaign is to visit www. stopemploymentwrongs., sign our petition and register for updates on future campaign actions.

Campaigning to COMMUNITY’S PREDECESSOR unions were among those who first formed the Labour Party over 100 years ago to give working people a voice in Parliament. Community still believes the best way to deliver politically on our objective to improve the lives and communities of members is through organising and campaigning to win for Labour. Deputy General Secretary, Joe Mann, said: “Trade unions are a fundamental part of the Labour Party and we want to see more Labour Party members involved in Community and more of our workplace members involved in the Labour Party. That’s why we’re piloting our Labour Campaign Network (LCN) in Scotland and want to roll it out nationally in the future.” “The LCN gives Labour Party members, who are not in our organised workplaces or who don’t want representation at work, the opportunity to join

Poll winners ‘great ELECTIONS IN May provided another opportunity for Community to support the Labour Party and many of our own members who were standing for election as Labour councillors. One such member is Mark Spencer, branch secretary at Tata Steel’s Orb Works in Newport who stood for the first time to be a Labour councillor. Mark said: “I’m very proud and privileged to be representing the people of Newport. I’ve been thinking about making the step from a Community workplace rep to being a community representative as a councillor for some time. “Working hard and campaigning with the other

labour party ‘WHY I JOINED COMMUNITY’ Party members including Douglas Alexander MP at Community’s first LCN event in Paisley

win for Labour

and get involved in Community’s campaigns and to organise to win for Labour and Community in our communities.” Already, the LCN has held three campaign days in Dundee, Paisley and Edinburgh. The events brought together Labour Party members, trade unionists and supporters to develop campaign ideas and action in the surrounding communities and spurred on campaigning activity for the local elections in May. “These events proved to be a great success and contributed to Labour’s excellent performance in Scotland’s local elections. We want to get more people involved so we can all work together to win for Labour,” said Joe Mann. If you’re interested in our LCN or learning more about what we’re doing politically, please email for more information on how to get involved.

Community’s Labour Campaign Network has got me excited about what our movement can do says Young Labour’s Callum Munro

THE LABOUR Party was not born in the ‘Westminster Village’ and it will not return to power by living inside it. All political parties talk now of engaging people with politics but this has got to mean more than getting voters to put a cross on a ballot paper. Now more than ever our Party must not only exist to represent our communities but to empower them from within. Community’s Labour Campaign Network (LCN) has the chance to radically change the way we do politics. By setting out to reach into our communities and help people change the world around them, Community has shown just how powerful modern trade unions could be. This Government is attacking our workplaces and our communities – there has never been a more important time for a trade union movement that reaches past our comfort zone and pulls in working people who would never have

Community Deputy General Secretary Joe Mann signs up Callum Munro to the LCN

thought that a trade union or the Labour Party is something in which they could be involved. I’ve joined the LCN not to attend more meetings or to have the same conversations with the same people but because I honestly believe that this could be what gives Britain a Labour government. Being in opposition is the worst place for Labour to be – government is where we change people’s lives for the better. The Labour Campaign Network has got me excited about what our movement can do. This partnership between our union and our Party could transform the way we do politics. Let’s build it together.

examples of what a community union is’ two candidates we secured all three seats in the ward for Labour.” In Scotland, Community put significant efforts and resources into the local elections, which were widely considered to be a test of how Labour was recovering from defeats in 2010 in Westminster and 2011 in Scotland. Building on our Labour Campaign Network activity, Community also seconded Campaign Manager John Paul McHugh to work on the final weeks of the Labour Party campaign in Glasgow. There were four marginal wards where Community resources were targeted and all

General Secretary Michael Leahy: ‘I want to congratulate all our members who have been elected to serve as Labour Councillors’

ten Labour candidates were elected. In other councils Community’s Save our Steel campaign, triggered because no Scottish steel will be used in the new Forth Road Bridge, was a successful focal point for Labour’s campaign messages. Across Scotland, eight Community members were elected as Labour councillors. General Secretary Michael Leahy said: “I want to congratulate all our members who have been elected to serve as Labour Councillors in England, Scotland and Wales. They’re great examples of what being a community union is all about.”

Community  Summer 2012



Case Study Let’s take the case of John, a 58-year-old steel worker. Did you know that in retirement many people could qualify for an enhanced or impaired pension because of their health or lifestyle conditions? However, many people receiving a pension are getting less income than they are actually entitled to, simply by purchasing the wrong pension in the first place.

When you first meet him,


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Thankfully, the operation was a complete success.

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