Forum News ISSUE 6 – February 2013
Chair’s Update by Seth Atkin Let’s Celebrate LGBT History Month Who we are Association of Colleges Association of Employment and Learning Providers Association of Teachers and Lecturers Equality Challenge Unit Higher Education Funding Council for England Learning and Skills Improvement Service National Union of Students Skills Funding Agency UNISON University and College Union
elcome to the new look Forum newsletter. We’re delighted to have a new issue for you to mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month and it’s a testament to Sue Saunders and her team at Schools OUT that so many educational institutions are also marking it. We’ll hear from her about how LGBT History Month got started. We are delighted to be reissuing our 12 Steps document, as part of our own celebrations of LGBT History Month. This year the Forum has also supported the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in holding an event entitled ‘It’s Not Just About Toilets’. There is also lots of news from our partners, including the NUS’ excellent Out in Sport research, news about LSIS/SFA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion projects around the country, the forthcoming AoC Equality Conference, as well as UNISON’s take on recent European Court of Human Rights rulings. 2013 sees the Forum celebrate six years since our first meeting in May 2007. Our aim was to work together to ensure both equality areas were promoted and resourced. It has been a very busy time with many changes and we are delighted to have amassed a range of resources and engaged with many organisations and individuals in the promotion of equality. We always want to hear your success stories, so please do let us know about anything you have done or are doing, to make a difference. How did you celebrate LGBT history month? Please visit our website: or contact me for further information about the Forum’s work.