U3A Who's Who 2012-13

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Who’s Who 2012–2013

A pull-out-and-keep guide to the people who support your U3A at national level  CHAIRMAN

Celebrate and energise AS YOUR new Chairman, it is my pleasure to introduce your National Executive Committee — and the National Office team who make the whole organisation tick — in this first-ever pull-out section of Third Age Matters. All of us will be working to implement the four priorities I set out at the AGM in Cirencester: qq First, to support your U3A qq Second, to fulfil our founders’ promise of a place for all third-agers who want to share the U3A experience qq Third, to expand innovative and creative educational opportunities qq Fourth, to make the Third Age Trust fit for purpose Underpinning this whole programme must be good communication. This Who’s Who pull-out identifies the committees your Trustees sit on, so that you can go directly to them with your ideas and suggestions. I hope you will do so all year long! Speaking about the year ahead, there are two dates I’d like you to put in your diaries today — 9 April and 13–16 September 2013. 9 April is the inaugural U3A Founders’ Lecture, to be given by the last surviving founder of our movement Eric Midwinter. I believe our U3A heritage is important not only

to us as members, but also to the educational world as a whole. This landmark event will give us a chance to celebrate the unique and exciting thinking that has led to our vibrant organisation of today. I know several U3As are planning a coach trip to London to bring as many members as possible. Likewise, 13–16 September is an important opportunity to get together at our national AGM and Conference. Every U3A should want to be represented at this biennial gathering. Why? Because it is exciting and energising to take home lots of new ideas. And to be able to share your U3A’s successes! So please try to find a way to send your ambassador: ring-fence funds from book sales, have a dedicated coffee morning every month, institute a donations box at your general meetings — whatever it takes. The ideas your delegate brings back from the conference will repay your investment many times over. Plan for it now. The new NEC is off and running — with enthusiasm high, and a willingness to work hard to make this the best U3A year ever. Now it’s your turn to jump in and join in. There’s no limit to what we can achieve together. Barbara Lewis, Chairman barbara.lewis@u3a.org.uk




Enhancing volunteering

Trustee for four years

So much opportunity

WITH A background in Physics research (CERN), university teach­ing and manage­ment, I have been a member of Lancaster and Morecambe U3A for eight years; variously group leader, groups co-ordinator, secretary and chair. Involved in setting up Lancashire network and NW Regional Structure and member of NW Regional Committee since start. Done 20 new U3A start-ups. Regional Trustee for 2.5 years, on SCE, Research and F&GP Committees. Interests for future; everything but particularly volunteer ethos (enhancing attractiveness of volunteering at all levels), finance (matching to objectives, control of budgets, true cost estimates, full information for setting priorities), governance (efficiency, functionality), electronic communications (website, email). John Ellison Team: Governance j.ellison521@btinternet.com

MY PROFESSIONAL life was spent in the NHS, and I have been a U3A member since 1997, firstly in Harpenden, and Christchurch from 1999, which I chaired from 2005 to 2008. I was the Trustee for Wessex from 2003 to 2007, having been co-opted for a fourth year, and have been involved with the national summer schools since then. My son works in Vancouver as a careers adviser and my daughter is an early learning teacher in Kent. I have five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. I play badminton and table tennis regularly, and have enjoyed all the interests that I have been able to follow and the people that in have met in U3A. Beryl Mellish Team: Summer schools berylmellish@yahoo.co.uk

A FRIEND who enthused about U3A said she had put my name on the waiting list as it would take two to three years to join. Fortunately a new U3A was formed from the waiting list. Now I can’t image life without it — concerts, opera films, SLP, keep fit, so many opportunities. I’m growing increasingly interested in gardening, thanks to what I learned at my U3A. Outside U3A I sing in a choir, volunteer at a local house and garden that is being restored, enjoy visiting museums and places of interest and being involved in my local community — and special time with my family. Janet Whitehouse Team: Research janet.whitehouse@u3a.org.uk

National Office: Telephone 020 8466 6139 • email national.office@u3a.org.uk • web www.u3a.org.uk


EAST OF ENGLAND • Adrian Breacker

SOUTH WEST • Marion Clements

SOUTH EAST • Pam Jones

My work philosophy

I’m a Jack of all trades

I have had 26 homes

AFTER A short spell in the building industry I spent my working life in youth work and community education/ development. I regard myself fortunate not to have followed anyone into a job — thus having the opportunity to promote a work philosophy as much concerned with learning processes as with programme delivery. It is this philosophy that attracted me to U3A. With a strong sporting background, I live in St. Neots, Cambs., with my wife, a fully committed U3A member. Our four children and eight grandchildren are close at hand. I have been Chair of my U3A and am a group leader. Committee: SCE. Team: Events adrian.breacker@ntlworld.com

MY BACKGROUND is mainly in Secondary Education, but I am more interested in the education of young people than in the subject matter. I trained as a biologist, but quickly found myself teaching all sciences and maths. I was once appointed to a post which was mostly biology, but also art; the rationale being that my husband was an art teacher and I was always involved with his personal work and exhibitions. In fact when he became a lecturer and his personal work was in more demand, I ran a small gallery for him and his colleagues. My most satisfying teaching was as head of careers where an enlightened headteacher supported my ideas of subject development. So, to summarise, I’m a Jack of all Trades with a mission to help people enjoy developing their personal skills to their potential. Committee: DSC. Team: website. marion1940@hotmail.co.uk

QUEEN’S SCHOOL, Chester, Canton High School, Cardiff, University of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff — read modern languages. RAF wife for 23 years — had 26 homes mainly in coastal areas of the UK and Malta. Was a Telephone Samaritan and helped set up a Citizens’ Advice Bureau during this time. At age 44 took Higher National in French/ German Business Studies, part of which was spent in Humboldt University, East Berlin. Worked in commercial insurance broking. Joined Witney U3A 14 years ago. Greatest pleasures — my family (15 grandchildren) and friends, art, theatre, cooking and gardening. Would like learn to paint in watercolour (when I am old!). Committee: SCE chairman. Team: AGM p.jones610@ntlworld.com

NORTH WEST • Jenny Carley

Many hobbies as well as U3A I AM an active member of Chester U3A where I was Chairman and until recently Chairman of the Wirral Network before joining NW Regional Committee. My career has been varied, but always scientific, having been employed in both educational and industrial establishments. I am married and have two children, a surgeon and a facilities manager. I lived in various parts of the UK and Middle East before coming to Chester 23 years ago. I have many hobbies apart from the U3A — bell ringing, walking, local and family history, computing, travel and bird watching, not forgetting the four grandchildren! Committee: DSC. Team: Website carleyjenny@gmail.com

KEY SCE: Standing Committee on Education DSC: Development Subcommittee Communications: Communications Subcommittee

WALES • Anthony Hughes

Music figures in my life I WORKED at board level in insurance, consultancy and payments (responsible for 5bn UK payments p.a.) Most recently I helped Romania, Iraq and the Maldives implement national payment infrastructures including developing systems, job designs, staffing, updating country law and building relationships with governments and third parties. In Swansea, I teach digital media and ukulele. Music also figures in my personal life as I play in care homes, rest homes and to dementia sufferers. I do this with the help of my wife who then takes me for extended breaks to our house in Greece! Committee: SCE. Team: Governance anthony@e-freedom.co.uk

EAST MIDLANDS • Michaela Moody

History, food and wine MY CAREER started with teaching and ended up with 20 years at Shell working largely as training development manager and consultant, helping staff to realise the potential of company systems in their day to day activities. I read a lot and enjoy history in particular as well as languages and travel. A dog owner, I walk daily and enjoy social activities, based largely around gourmet food and wine tasting. I used to walk every year in the Austrian Alps, for which I have now substituted the lower heights of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Committee: DSC. Team: Website. michaela.moody@btinternet.com

The Third Age Trust has five major functions:

3. To advise on and assist U3As in their education activities and administration

1. To act as a central registry for U3As

4. To act as the body through which U3As can be represented to other organisations

2. To foster the development of the U3A movement as a whole



SCOTLAND • Morag Tamisari

National subject co-ordinator

Backgammon, bridge, websites

Many years in Europe

ON RETIREMENT I soon joined Ilkley & District U3A and have now been a member for nearly nine years. I was on its Committee of Trustees for 4½ years, 3½ years as its Chairman. I have always acted as group leader for two drama interest groups, one of which is for practical drama workshops. I have been the national subject coordinator for drama and theatre for around five years and this will be my second year on NEC. I have just produced a drama and theatre handbook for the Trust. I am currently revising the Trust’s group leaders’ handbook on behalf of SCE. My proper job was in education, inspection and theatre. Committee: SCE. Team: Website. dm014b2439@blueyonder.co.uk

STUART HAS been a member of Causeway U3A since 2005. He designed their website, leads rambling and tutors backgammon. Other interests include bridge and classical guitar. Born in Glasgow, Stuart moved to Northern Ireland in 1973 to work for DuPont. His career included two spells living with his family in Holland, before becoming technical manager and finally HR and public affairs manager. He took early retirement in 2005 to work as a part-time consultant, working mainly in education. Stuart is married to Jan. They have three adult sons, three grandsons and a grand-daughter. Committee: Communications. Team: Research sjpollard51@hotmail.com

BORN AND educated in Scotland, training as a teacher of Modern Languages, I spent many years in Europe, marrying and raising a family, as well as teaching English as a Foreign Language. On returning to the UK I taught French, German and Italian at both secondary school and adult education levels with great satisfaction. Retirement now allows time to pursue my own particular interests; philosophy, music and theatre, particularly opera and ballet, as well as indulging in art appreciation, and learning Spanish. I have not mentioned the wining and dining that go along with sharing these with many friends! Last but not least I enjoy the time spent with family and grandchildren; participating in the development of a new generation in a different way is a special privilege. Committee: DSC chairman. Team: Events. tamisari52@tiscali.co.uk

NORTH EAST • Bill Paton

22 years of military service BORN, 18 February 1945, Edinburgh, Scotland. Recent p o s i t i o n s : i n fo r m a t i o n systems consultant, BG Group. Director Work Management Systems Ltd, Witness support. Education: St. Anthony’s School Edinburgh, Humberside and Lincoln University — Diploma in Higher Education and Degree in Business Information Systems. Career: Military service for 22 years, Royal Signals and Queens Gurkha Signals, serving in Germany, Nepal, Hong Kong, and Singapore utilising and developing data — radio telegraphy and cipher. 22 years with BG Group developing and implementing management and flight systems for gas and oil offshore platforms/ tankers, in UK, Thailand, Trinidad, Kazakhstan, India, Greece and America. Recreation: Golf, walking and legal systems. Committee: Communications. Team: AGM. bill.paton18@btinternet.com 5. To promote and increase awareness of the U3A movement throughout the UK. The Third Age Trust’s Board of Trustees, referred to as the National Executive Committee, comprises a Chairman, two

WEST MIDLANDS • Hillary Stringer

Communication and diversity WORKING LIFE: dancer, teacher, businesswoman, personal assistant and financial services adviser. Family life: widowed, mum to three, step-mum to two, grandma/step-grandma to 12, step great-grandma to two. U3A life: joined U3A after spinal cord injury meant returning to England from Spain to live within reach of hospital, needing new friends and mental stimulation. Became Chairman of Ross & District U3A in 2008. Co-opted as West Midlands trustee in 2010, having involvement with all sub-committees of the NEC in one capacity or another. Main focus: communication and diversity, especially people who are disabled. Committee: communications chairman. Team: AGM and conference hillarystringer@fsmail.net Vice Chairmen and a Treasurer (the Officers), together with 12 elected Regional Trustees. The Officers are elected annually at the AGM. Regional Trustees are nominated by their own U3As.

LONDON • Gwen Wright

Art, reading and gardening I RETIRED from full-time employment six years ago after 42 years working in administration in various corporate enterprises. I also worked in HM Diplomatic Service for five years and was lucky enough to be posted to New York and New Delhi. I also spent two years working in the Solomon Islands. I graduated in 2006 with a BA (Hons) Humanities with Art History (Open University). I have been in the U3A since early 2007, volunteering as Study Group Leader in art appreciation (Harrow), newsletter editor/publicity officer (Harrow), Vice-Chair (GLF), and currently Chair (London Region) and London Regional Trustee. My interests are art, reading, gardening and creative writing. Committee: Communications. Team: Diversity gwen.wright@virgin.net

Pictures: Stefano Cagnoni and Peter Arkell


Who’s Who

National office U3A National Office staff. Left to right, Sharon Ahtuam (publicity events and competitions); Philippa Bassett (organisation of national summer schools and special U3A events);

Julie Travers (new U3As, arranging meetings and booking travel); Lin Jonas (senior executive officer and company secretary); Fran Walton (direct mail, website and online courses

administration); Jenni Murphy (external enquiries, merchandise and stationery); Linda Hodson (special events administration and insurance queries); Tim Harris (bookkeeper).

Third Age Matters

Education and development Carole Millin (right) and Zazia Pratt are the education and development officers. U3As and potential U3As in London, the east and the south east look to Zazia for help, while those in Scotland, Yorkshire and the Humber, the north west, the West Midlands and Wales go to Carole. They work with new U3As, making sure they do what they are legally obliged to do, getting them off to the best possible start. And they are also on call for existing U3As.

Third Age Matters is the U3A national magazine, published five times a year, and is currently between 76 and 92 pages. It brings members news both about the U3A and about matters of general interest to third-agers. The editor is Francis Beckett (right), who is also responsible for the U3A’s media relations. A journalist and author, he has written extensive for national newspapers (in particular The Guardian) and magazines. The most recent of his seventeen books is What Did the Baby Boomers Ever Do For Us? (Biteback, 2010) and his other books include Clem Attlee

(Politicos, 2000), and Marching to the Fault Line — The 1984 miners’ strike (Constable and Robinson, 2009.) francis@francisbeckett.co.uk Business manager Gerald Brigg has a lifetime’s experience in publishing, rising to be managing director of a major magazine publishing house. He handles all commercial aspects of the magazine, including advertising, and is the person to speak to if you are ­considering buying space in the magazine. Gerald.brigg@talktalk.net. Designer and sub-editor Alan Slingsby runs Edition Periodicals, a specialist magazine design and production company. alan@edition.co.uk.

Sources magazine

Resource Centre

The Resource Centre staff, responsible for the U3A’s collection of non-book learning materials. Left to right: Cassy Langley, clerical assistant; Sue Radford, Manager of the Resource Centre; and Nicola Gamba, assistant librarian.

Sources is published three times a year. It helps members and group leaders by focussing on a different theme for each issue. A copy is held on the U3A website as an accessible reference resource. The editor is Tony Thornton (left), who joined the U3A in the early 90s and ran a

study group for seven years. He then wrote and tutored an online course for three years. He is a part-time magazine journalist and became editor of Sources in 2005. He fine tunes the articles and pictures and designs the 20 colour pages. tony.thornton@ virgin.net

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