Walter Rader

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Walter Rader

A collection of memories of your time with the lottery

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A truly generous, radical, innovative man

Judgement and management skills

Breidge Gadd

Frank Hewitt

Walter is a wonderful human being. The more I know Walter the more I admire and respect him – and the more intriguing he becomes. Beneath that “establishment” demeanour (pinstripes, mirrorshine shoes) is a truly generous, radical, innovative man who has managed to spend his life working in Northern Ireland, and not make one enemy. In fact I have never heard a bad word said about Walter – quite the contrary. He inspires love and admiration from all arts and parts of the country. Walter has made an amazing contribution to the development of young people in Northern Ireland, and indeed through lottery funding to all sectors, working with people in need. What I will emphasise out of his many talents is a quite unique ability to meet and treat all comers with an open mind, enormous charm and a willingness to use his abilities to help them achieve their goals. Furthermore, as well as his encyclopaedic knowledge and enormous skills, Walter, with limitless energy, will work where and when necessary if he feels he can be of use to others. It was a privilege – and fun – to be Chairperson for nine years with Walter as Director, firstly of the New Opportunities Fund and latterly of Big Lottery Fund. Walter, of course will not retire. I look forward to watching what he’ll get up to next and send Sheila and him warmest wishes for the future. I thank Walter for making a difference to my life and to the lives of so many other people.

One of the most encouraging aspects of my pre-appointment briefing was the assurance that I would be working with a NI Director on whose judgement and management skills I could totally rely. In the months that followed I learned that this didn’t just mean “a safe pair of hands” although the hands were certainly safe. It meant, above all, a unique understanding of the needs of the most vulnerable in our society and a deftness of touch in dealing not only with those vulnerable people but also with those who have responsibility for helping them. I am also extremely grateful that Walter agreed to delay his departure and give me 10 invaluable months to benefit from his knowledge and experience, and also his good company which I have enjoyed immensely. I am truly sorry that it couldn’t be longer! The third sector has a great champion in Walter and I hope we will all continue to benefit from his experience and commitment. His shoes will be hard to fill – not to mention keep polished!

Commitment and professionalism Joanne McDowell I first met Walter, when he was a member of an interview panel, and little did I know that when I secured that job in 1999, that would I be still working with Walter all these years later. From day one, Walter has acted as a role model, ensuring that he supported staff at all levels and stakeholders to see and understand the impact that

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New Opportunities Fund and then Big Lottery Fund makes to the lives of individuals and communities. Not very often does one word describe an individual, but if ever asked to sum Walter up, then it would have to be “gentleman.” Walter uses his interpersonal skills to maximum effect, he works hard to prioritise his time to meet and listen to the projects we fund. And then uses this knowledge and understanding to influence and shape the strategic direction of BIG in NI and across the UK. Walter’s level of commitment, his professionalism but mostly his guidance and support has been invaluable to me, and I cannot thank him enough. There is no doubt I will miss the best boss I’ve ever had but I hope I will have still have a sounding block and much respected friend.

Manifest passion to make a difference Sir Clive Booth Walter has given so much to the Big Lottery Fund that it is hard to know where to start. Right from the early days of the merger which created BIG, his presence in Northern Ireland ensured that the Fund was highly responsive to the special needs of all the communities there and it is one of his great achievements to have won the respect of all sides through his integrity, diplomacy and evenhandedness. His deep knowledge of local problems and his manifest passion to make a difference through BIG’s funding have been critical to the high reputation enjoyed by BIG in Northern Ireland. Because of his depth of experience and keen observation, he has been a colleague who, one knows, is always well worth listening to. His guided tours of the “sights” of Belfast and beyond have gained legendary status among those privileged enough to have experienced them: he could certainly start a new career in a black cab! But his contribution to BIG at UK level has been equally

important, for example in developing new funding models and nudging BIG towards being a genuine learning organisation, to mention but two. As I have seen on several occasions his ability to captivate an audience, whether young or old, is a joy to behold. To use an old-fashioned phrase which does however sum up how I feel about Walter, he is “one of nature’s gentlemen” and it has been a great pleasure to have worked with him.

Great to work with – and fun too! Baroness Jill Pitkeathley It was obvious to all those of us who sat on the interview panel that Walter was “the one.” His immense local knowledge, thoughtful analysis and enthusiasm made him the ideal candidate to head up the NI office of New Opportunities Fund. I am sure that none of my former colleagues there or at the Big Lottery Fund have ever regretted the decision to appoint him. He was great to work with – and fun too!

Encyclopaedic knowledge Stephen Dunmore Working with Walter was always a real pleasure. As CEO of NOF and then BIG, I benefitted enormously from Walter’s encyclopaedic knowledge of Northern Ireland, its organisations, politics and people. He combined a determination to ensure that NOF’s and BIG’s funding would make a real difference to communities in Northern Ireland with consistently wise judgement and a strong commitment to our corporate UK-wide vision and identity.

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His resilience and persistence in merging and reshaping NOF and the Community Fund in Northern Ireland to create a new and effective team deserve special mention. And I won’t forget the guided tour of Strangford Lough on a summer evening.

A great skill for making people feel valued Paul Cavanagh Walter is the consummate professional – congenial, diplomatic, unflappable, patient and much more besides. He has a great skill for making people feel valued and I have been continually impressed with how he communicates Big to the wide range of audiences we deal with. As the years have gone by, we have come to agree on a great deal but I still enjoy when we disagree and trade arguments trenchantly across the table – with my impassioned pleas and his professional objectivity (and sometimes mutual annoyance) evident. Unlike most, I will continue to work with Walter on the Charities Commission and our jousts will continue, but I nonetheless hope that he and Sheila will have more time for leisure even if we both know that he has no intention of retiring.

Consistently shiny shoes Dr Julie Harrison

in Northern Ireland is in no small part due to his positive influence. Fondest memories of Walter 1. Trying to keep up with him in a summer convoy across the Mourne Mountains on project visits. 2. Consistently shiny shoes. 3. “Might I just remind the Chair …”

A lesson in the art of good communication Geraldine Campbell I don’t think I have ever come across a person that was more suited to the role they held, as Walter was to the role of NI Director. To watch him work his way around a room putting people at their ease, finding a common thread for discussion irrespective of who that person was and always looking for the humour in situations to break down any barriers that beneficiaries may have felt when interacting with the Big Lottery Fund was a lesson in the art of good communication. His passion for the work of Big Lottery Fund and his genuine desire to bring about change for our beneficiaries was evident in everything that he undertook and went above and beyond the call of duty. Walter always kept NIC on the right track and when he started a sentence with: “ Might I remind Committee …” injected with just the right amount of sternness, we knew we were in trouble and would have to backtrack if we didn’t want to get a second, sterner reminder. Walter will be greatly missed by all those who have come in contact with him through the Big Lottery Fund – his unique qualities and gifts are irreplaceable.

In my time with BIG I have seen Walter operate to great effect both within the organisation and with stakeholders from central government to tiny neighbourhood groups. He brought consummate skill and more than occasional daring to the task. The high regard with which BIG Lottery Fund is held

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Patience and stamina Claire Keatinge It has been an enormous pleasure working alongside Walter. He is very good company, relaxed and a pretty safe driver when out and about on visits and events. Walter has a remarkable amount of knowledge about the ways in which the Big Lottery Fund (and its predecessors) works. He also has a remarkable amount of knowledge, dedication and commitment to assisting the widest possible range of groups, communities and organisations to benefit from Big Lottery funding. This has played a very significant part in securing the reputation of the Big Lottery Fund in Northern Ireland for clarity, openness, fair treatment and equality – enabling delivery of programmes really do reach into the heart of communities and help transform the lives of those most in need Walter’s patience and stamina is considerable – and has had to be on number of occasions! I should like to send him every good wish for a long, enjoyable, healthy, challenging and relaxing retirement.

Someone who made things happen Peter Osborne It takes a special talent to do what Walter does as well as Walter does it. When Walter looks over his career to date – to date being important because someone like Walter shouldn’t ever retire from civic life – he will be able to identify many, many examples when he has achieved things for and by himself. Just as importantly, he will be able to identify as many things he has achieved for and with other

people. His career to date has had a real focus on helping people and improving the lives of those around him. I suspect, like me, when people talk about Walter’s time in the Big Lottery Fund he will be remembered as someone who made things happen and someone who was lovely to work with. The relationships he developed with communities epitomises Walter’s genuine care for, and interest in, people. His presence will be missed. Good luck for the future.

A man perfectly fitted to his role Dr Sam Burnside I have known Mr Rader for many years, but most closely during my time as a UK Lottery Board member. Here, on our regular journeys to London, I discovered the real Walter Rader – a man whose wardrobe, after a couple of days travel, stubbornly resisted the temptation (as the crumpled suits of most of the rest us did not) to give up. His apparel never once betrayed an unplanned crease in the trousers, never once a dent in the tie. And, further, at long, long meetings, he was revealed as a man whose impeccable internal world reflected precisely the impeccable external presentation – all relevant facts marshalled and laid out in an orderly fashion, a man always firmly in control of his brief. Behind this world of appearance, I soon discovered, lies a further reality – a universe inhabited by someone who has devoted, in a variety of evolving forms, his personal and working life to the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland, a man who knows that world intimately – its personalities and its organisations. In other words, a man perfectly fitted to his role as Director.

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I wish him and his wife all the very best as he steps over the threshold of work and into retirement (and seamlessly into their future life.)

Actor, sound mechanic, photographer, film director Linda Quinn We’ll miss you. Actor, sound mechanic, photographer, film director … and practical as well as creative. I’ve never met anyone with such shiny shoes. A brilliant tour guide either side of the divide. As able to give the tour of the Derry murals or those of East Belfast. As comfortable with Martin McGuinness as Ian Paisley. A great colleague who I will miss.

Partner in crime Ceri Doyle Mr Rader Not sure whether I’ll miss you most as my “counsel and confidant’ or “partner in crime”, either way BIG and my work at BIG will be the poorer for your absence. Whilst others may perceive you as that strong masculine Ambassador for NI, I know you have secretly enjoyed the diversions we’ve had to buy handbags, shoes, products and cosmetics between meetings – I’m still available for retail consultancy for Christmas, birthdays.... Best wishes to Sheila and yourself – enjoy the “retirement”. Hywl fawr

Mentor, friend and staunch supporter Amanda Doherty Walter has been more than my manager over the past 10 years. He has been a mentor, a friend and a staunch supporter of highlighting the human impact of our funding. And he consistently supported our ideas – no matter how weird or wonderful – in achieving that aim. So whether it was putting our projects through Jeremy Paxman-like interviews in the early days of our media training or transfixing cynical journalists over lunch about the “Magic People” who make our projects a success, I watched, listened and learned so much from him. But the biggest thing Walter taught me was how to work a room. I’ve stood dumbfounded as he transformed a group of surly, uninterested teenagers in a Fermanagh classroom into eager to please students hoping he’d choose them to answer the questions he fired off about lottery funding. I’ve watched the ladies who make the tray bakes and tea for project launches in rural village halls swell with pride as Walter sang their praises from the stage – never forgetting that everyone plays their part in making a project a success. But my abiding memory of Walter will be in Ashfield Boys High School many years ago on a project visit when he happened to notice that one of the school cleaners was a former member of his youth club in Sydenham in the 1970s. He immediately abandoned “the other suits” in the corridor, gave her a hug and asked about her family, making her feel that the last time they’d met was weeks rather than decades ago. The look on her face was priceless. This memory sums up Walter – a people’s person who is just as comfortable in a roomful of noisy toddlers as he is welcoming Royalty to a project or influencing Government Ministers. His legacy is the amazing reputation Big Lottery Fund has in

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Northern Ireland as a funder that really cares about the people that are supported by our grants. And I know that this won’t be the end of our contact – after all I’ll still need someone to call when my electricity goes off!

Always able to engage with people Alison Fraser I have really enjoyed working with Walter over the past nine years and appreciate the support and direction he has given me in my various roles. His enthusiasm and commitment to his job shines through in everything he does and we will really miss him at BIG. One of my abiding memories will be when, shortly after I started in post, we went on a teambuilding day to Lusty Beg and I was partnered with Walter for one of the tasks. He swapped his shiny shoes for wellies and off we went. It was going well until he stepped in what he thought was a puddle but turned out to be a knee-deep mud bath. As a new member of staff I wasn’t quite sure if it was appropriate to laugh or cry as I pulled the normally immaculately dressed boss out of the mud! I learnt quickly that if anything had gone wrong it was better to tell Walter myself as, if I didn’t, he generally found out anyway, given that he was always out and about and had so many different contacts – it felt like everyone knew Walter and they probably did! His relationship with grant holders was fantastic and I admired the way he was always able to engage with the people he met, put them at ease, and get the best out of them. Very best wishes for a long and healthy “retirement”.

An excellent boss with so much wisdom Deirdre Barker I’ve worked with Walter for over ten years now and I doubt if there was ever a week when he didn’t amaze me with the energy, commitment and know how he put into the job. I’ll always remember him for being an excellent boss, with so much wisdom to call upon in tricky situations, and a willingness to let me get on with the job the rest of the time. And of course I’ll never forget the word “tremendous”. And he’ll probably always remember me for chasing after him in our office in Linenhall Street with his yellow in box, torturing him to answer all his correspondence before he’d even had a chance to sit down and read it! And as for my endless cups of tea …

Legendary performances Peter Wanless I’d not even joined the Big Lottery Fund when I made my first ever project visits. Walter was my host. Within moments of landing in Belfast, he had whisked me off to meet half a dozen teenage mums. I have many other wonderful memories of being out on the road with Walter at life changing projects in Derry, lunching in an Orange Hall and more. The camera was ever present and always snapping. Walter is loved across the Big Lottery Fund – his performances at BIG staff events are legendary. After one event in Newcastle, someone told me they’d have thrown themselves out of the window if he’d asked them to, such was the passion and commitment he displayed. These qualities were not the ones that featured on the sift report BIG received about Walter when he first applied for the

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Northern Ireland Director job though. This seemed particularly taken by the shininess of his shoes. Finally, I have to admit that I often think of Walter last thing at night just before I slip into the sweetest of dreams. This is because he and Sheila persuaded me to invest in decent pillows and I have never looked back. So Walter – and Sheila – thank you for everything. You are an absolute star!

His transformation from a mild, even rather modest, contributor to committee meetings, into an inspirational speaker to a staff audience. To be honest, I hated speaking after him – it was like the warm up man coming on second. His warm hospitality whenever I visited Northern Ireland, and tireless explanations of the nuances of Northern Ireland politics.

He will be sorely missed Dharmendra Kanai Walter is that rare breed of gentleman and professional that is not easily found or in abundance these days. He has the cleanest, shiniest shoes in which you can see your face. He has the manners of a royal equerry and the ability to get detail right whilst being comfortable with the “big picture”. Mr Rader should really have been on stage and film, he can pull off some of the meanest accents, a fabulous humour and a dramatist to boot! Like a fine aged Barolo, once you’ve finished the last sip it’s very difficult to retrieve a similar vintage. When I was a “newby” in the lottery, he was tremendously supportive and over the years we have, as Country Directors, met regularly where we have solved problems and often operated as an improvement development function for the organisation – he will be sorely missed.

Steadfast calm in the face of almost everything Mark Cooke The things I’ll remember about Walter are: His steadfast calm in the face of almost everything – except car parking spaces – wrangles about these drove him to distraction!

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A great ambassador for the Big Lottery Fund Martin McGuinness Deputy First Minister Walter has been a great ambassador for the Big Lottery Fund. I had the pleasure of working with him when I was the Education Minister. During that time I was involved in the launch the then New Opportunities Fund PE and Sport programme improving PE and Sport facilities for pupils and the wider community. I also had the pleasure of supporting Walter in announcing funding to a wide range of after schools activities over the years under the Out of School Hours Learning programme. It is not just as a Minister that I am aware of the work that Walter has carried out on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund. In my own constituency of Mid Ulster and my home town of Derry, Walter has been instrumental in supporting many projects. Walter is held in high regard by all who encounter him and I believe that the secret of that success is a simple one, people know that he genuinely cares. That is the measure of the man. I wish you well on your retirement Walter, well semi-retirement because I am sure that you have more to give and will do so willingly.

His feet on the ground and his heart in the community Aideen McGinley, Chief Executive Ilex

people to realise their full potential and that of their community. His standards are of the highest order not least his dapper appearance and I wish him all the very best for what I imagine will not be a quiet retirement!

Enthusiasm has never waned Robin Walsh, Camelot There can be few – if any – greater enthusiasts of The National Lottery Good Causes than Walter Rader. As the Northern Ireland adviser to Camelot, I’ve witnessed Walter’s professionalism at close quarters for nigh on 15 years during which that enthusiasm has never waned. In my experience, no-one has extolled the benefits of The National Lottery with such animated verve and commitment. And not just by words: the visits he hosted at beneficiaries – many of them in socially deprived areas – have sent many a Camelot executive back to London in a happy frame of mind. My fondest memory of Walter was in the huge Foyle Shopping Centre in Stroke City where he was introducing shoppers to some of the local organisations that had benefited from National Lottery funding. Along strolled one Daniel O’Donnell and his new bride on their way to Marks – quick as a flash Walter handed over the microphone and the hundreds of open-mouthed shoppers were treated to an impromptu song. There were two stars on the stage that day.

Walter is the ultimate gentleman with his feet on the ground and his heart in the community especially among young people. He has had a seminal influence on the Charitable Sector over many years and leaves a fantastic legacy from his ability to think strategically and inspire

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Wealth of experience and advice

Significant and lasting impact

Richard Holmes, DCAL

Rosalie Flanagan Permanent Secretary DCAL

Eight years have flown past since I first met Walter, then heading up the New Opportunities Fund. It was an extremely important time in the evolution of the National Lottery with a major policy review under way. Walter’s wealth of experience and advice was freely offered and assisted me tremendously in my DCAL Lottery co-ordination role and all that flowed from the review. The most significant outcome was, of course, the merger of NOF and the Community Fund where all of Walter’s skills were put to good use in his new role of Northern Ireland Director of the Big Lottery Fund. The seamless transition and establishment of BIG was clear testament to Walter’s influence and it has gone from strength to strength under his guidance and direction. I have long admired the way he totally immersed himself in getting the best from BIG and, through it, the best for a myriad of organisations and projects throughout Northern Ireland. But Walter is much more than a skilled and vastly experienced administrator – for me his greatest strength is in his warm and engaging approach. This, above all, stands out for me over all the years I’ve known him. It has been both a privilege and a pleasure to have been able to work with him and I wish him a well-deserved retirement that is fulfilling and enjoyable in every possible way.

Although I have only been in post for a short time and had limited direct contact with Walter, I know from my predecessor, Paul Sweeney, and from my colleagues in DCAL that he is someone who had given a lot to the organisation he represented and the community it served. Walter has left us in no doubt about the impact of the Lottery on so many of our communities and organisations. BIG’s handling of this over the years has been expertly guided by Walter’s hand. I think it says a lot that, brief though they were, my encounters with Walter and all that he represents had a significant and lasting impact. I have the firm impression that Walter will continue to make a similar significant impact in his life beyond Lottery and wish him well.

A role model to many Paul Sweeney Permanent Secretary, DENI I want to take this opportunity to wish Walter and his family every joy and fulfilment upon his retirement after a distinguished career in the voluntary sector. Walter’s leadership of the Big Lottery Fund locally has ensured that every opportunity was taken to target resources in a manner that would make a real difference, particularly to those groups and areas in greatest need. His professionalism, judgement, integrity and compassion characterised his leadership, and served as a role model to many.

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His skills and expertise will be in demand Baroness May Blood I have known Walter for many years, first through his involvement in youth and community work and latterly with his work as N.I Director of the Big Lottery Fund. Walter has always been one of those people who has seen the benefits of working from grassroots up but has also been keen to bring a certain amount of professionalism to groups and projects to look beyond “just” getting a grant as to how it would benefit the area of work in the longer term. In other words he has always put a lot of weight behind the outcomes of the project. I suppose this comes from his long experience of seeing money used “well” but of no long term advantage to the community involved. Walter has put years of experience into his post at the Lottery and can move on to his retirement with the knowledge of a job “well done” and whilst he maybe thinking of hanging up “his spurs”, his skills and expertise will be in demand in other spheres of work, I wish him well and thank him for all his past work

The glint in the eye and the dry wit Avila Kilmurray, Director, Community Foundation for NI Walter always brought a degree of gravitas to the room. The deep voice; the immaculate attire and the neatly ordered papers. Representing the Voluntary Youth Sector at that time as Director of Youthnet, he could be associated with a youth support tradition that was as old as Northern Ireland itself – a weighty responsibility.

However what Walter rapidly became better known for was the glint in the eye and the dry wit. In flowing tones he could present a graceful summary of the key issues under discussion, with some targeted irony to underline the points being made. This was in the days of the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (1995–1999) – those heady days when all seemed possible and the peace process was young. It was our joint missions of directing that most maligned of soft furry animals – IFBs (Intermediary Funding Bodies) – that brought me into contact with Walter. Whether he was commenting on heady flights of fancy of policy or the soul-destroying impact of audit queries, whenever Walter took a breath, paused for a moment, and then pronounced “Ah Yes”, you waited for the bon mot that was coming next. When Walter made a break for it in response to the gleaming lottery millions we all said: “More power to his elbow”. He had a reputation for being fair and equitable, and even enduring. He presided over many organisational changes and a multiplicity of funding programmes, which benefited many thousands of individuals and communities in Northern Ireland. Despite the gradual greying of the hair (nothing, of course, to do with his Committee members nor new Ministers) Walter’s commitment to the introduction of new funding programmes to meet local areas of need remained constant. And what I will remember of him – why that significant pause, the intake of breath, and the judicial “Ah yes”.

A very safe hand on the tiller Kay Wilshin, DCAL I have known Walter since 2002 when I joined DCAL to work on Lottery Policy. At that time the New Opportunities Fund still existed although a Review

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of the National Lottery soon followed and the Big Lottery Fund was formed. Walter’s vast knowledge of funding and his strong strategic management skills were very evident during this period of immense change and transition. Walter was a very safe hand on the tiller and he made sure Northern Ireland’s interests were always well represented. This was a very busy time for all involved and I found his advice and guidance during that time invaluable. Walter’s overall contribution to Lottery Policy has been immense. In Northern Ireland he has shaped BIG into the very well regarded organisation it is today, most importantly he has ensured that funding has went to projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, in this regard, he is first and foremost a pragmatist. I have always found Walter a pleasure to work with, he has a flair for enthusing people and making the mundane sound rather less mundane and his sense of humour has lightened many a meeting. I wish Walter a very happy, healthy retirement and I hope he sees a little less of airports unless it is to somewhere wonderful.

Theatrical talents and skills of a producer Bill Osborne, Volunteer Now and Building Change Trust Walter I have known, let’s just say, for a long time! I think we first met through NI Association of Youth Clubs when Walter was involved in organising their talent competition. As volunteers we both were involved with the Prince’s Trust and have always kept in touch. He has brought to BIG a sound, practical understanding and experience of working in and for local communities. My fondest memory is of Walter at the podium or MC of an event – theatrical talents and skills of a producer he certainly has never forgotten!

Walter as you now leave BIG let me leave you this invitation taken from the Francis Ledwidge poem – “To one Who comes Now and Then“ Come often, friend; with welcome and surprise We’ll greet you from the sea or from the town; Come when you like and from whatever skies Above you smile or frown. Best wishes and good luck as you embark on a new path on the journey of life.

His sense of humour shone through Danny Power, Healthy Living Centre Regional Alliance I would like on behalf of the Healthy Living Centres to acknowledge our appreciation and thanks to Walter for all his years of hard work and boundless energy in his role as the driving force behind the Lottery programmes I have always found Walter to be an enthusiastic advocate for community development and for improving the quality of life for those most vulnerable in our society. His sense of humour shone through all his dealings with us and he was always willing to offer advice, not always the stuff we wanted to hear, with genuine intent to help us improve our programme. I found Walter to be a man of integrity and he will be a loss to the Lottery organisations. I assume like the recent “retirement” of Breidge Gadd (who we also remember on many occasions being part of the dynamic duo with Walter) that we will no doubt cross paths again and we look forward to renewing our productive relationship on our common and shared ideals. Thanks Walter!

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Pillar of strength and a very easy person to work with Andy McMorran Ashfield Boys High School My first experience of the Big Lottery Fund and most importantly Walter Rader was more than 10 years ago when the school was successful in obtaining a grant for a very successful literacy programme within the school. The next association was when the school successfully obtained a third generation soccer stadium through Lottery funding. Throughout all meetings and presentations Walter was a pillar of strength to the school a very easy person to work with and more importantly understood processes and strategies in the whole area of grant allocation. He always was user friendly to the school and never lost his sense of humour yet throughout he dealt with all aspects of the funding with an effective and efficient professional attitude. The whole area of sustainability became the foundation of our dealings with the lottery and Walter and the Board of Governor, my teaching staff and my pupils are very much appreciative of his excellent contribution.

A man who understood the fallibility of human nature Jilly Beattie, Daily Mirror Have you ever seen Walter Rader cross, very cross, with a red face and twitching beard? Not likely, but I can tell you it’s not recommended. In my first meeting with Walter, it was his Cross Walter alter ego who did all the talking. It was a tense moment and I was dreading it. The Daily Mirror had accidentally broken an embargo on a major announcement giving the story away three days too early.

When I got the call from Amanda Doherty informing me of the mistake, the blood drained from my face. And then I had to face a rightly furious Walter to explain how we got it so wrong. I was met by a man who must surely have felt like savaging this irresponsible tabloid reporter, but instead I was met by a man who put humanity, manners and compassion first, a man who listened and then commented, a man who understood the fallibility of human nature and accepted with generosity that genuine mistakes happen. Walter Rader is a one-off. He is a gentleman, a man of principles and gentle humour, a professional who has spent a lifetime caring. I can now call Walter a friend and I can safely say I’ve never met Cross Walter again. If there is one thing that stands above all else in his personality, it is that Walter knows people, instinctively understands how each of us ticks and ensures he does what he can to make us all feel valued. There’s something a little magical about that – and of course he has the best beard in town!

Integrity, gravitas, charm and good humour Jenny Irvine ARC Healthy Living Centre I met Walter many years ago, perhaps prior to his involvement with BIG, even then he was immersed in supporting community voluntary activity most particularly youth related. Walter is a “tremendous” ambassador for BIG, he brings a sense of integrity, gravitas, charm and good humour. My fondest memory would be of his wise and encouraging words prior to the opening of the ARC healthy living centre “dare to dream!”

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Successful and innovative Paddy McIntyre, chief executive NI Housing Executive I first met Walter at the beginning of the Big Lottery Funded Programme “Creating Common Ground” of which we were the lead partner. It was a very successful and innovative programme and Walter played a key role in supporting and backing it. On occasions Walter and I would have met to address issues with the programme and the discussions were always forthright!

Passion and commitment have been exemplary Sammy Douglas East Belfast Partnership It was with great sadness and surprise that I learned that Walter Rader was retiring, after a decade of sterling work on behalf The Big Lottery Fund. While I was saddened that we were going to lose someone of his stature and experience, I was also surprised that Walter is leaving the stage because he certainly doesn’t look retirement age – this is probably to do with all those fish suppers that he has enjoyed over the years in Eddie Spence’s chip shop in East Belfast! On a serious note, Walter has been a tireless ambassador for the Big Lottery Fund and his passion and commitment to many communities across Northern Ireland has been exemplary. His professional advice, encouragement and support were a key factor in East Belfast successfully winning £23.5 million towards the Connswater Community Greenway. Without prejudice, Walter helped us to believe in ourselves at a time when we were up against well resourced public and private applicants.

Walter will be hugely missed by scores of community and voluntary groups across Northern Ireland where he has made such a professional and personal impact. However, knowing Walter he will have plenty of offers to utilise his experience and skills that he has gained over many years. I am personally honoured and delighted to have been asked to pen a few words about Walter Rader – one of life’s genuine gentleman!

Open, approachable and encouraging Seamus McAleavey, NICVA I first really worked with Walter in his days before Big Lottery Fund. Walter was leading Youthnet and the Ceasefires had been put in place and the first peace programme was being developed by EU Commission President Jacques Delors. Walter was in some tricky negotiations – which worked out well – that established Youthnet as an “intermediary funding body”. Those were the days. We in NICVA worked closely with Walter after that in NOF and Big Lottery Fund. Walter always wanted to make a difference, he was always positive and believed that people could achieve great things if they got the break. A thoroughly decent man. Big Lottery Fund has become a critical strategic funder of voluntary action in Northern Ireland and Walter has charted the organisation’s course on what is a very successful journey. In all his dealings with people he was open, approachable and encouraging of their efforts. Now that he is stepping down from “the job” I expect to see him in lots of other guises as he continues to pursue his life’s work.

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An absolute gentleman full of charm and sincerity Seamas Heaney Old Library Trust Walter is, and has been since I met him some 10 years ago, an absolute gentleman full of charm and genuine sincerity. He used his unique communication skills and banter, to really sell the Big Lottery Fund message to all and sundry but particularly to those living in the areas of greatest disadvantage throughout the north. It was always a pleasure to meet with Walter and the Big Lottery Fund team which he led with all the qualities of facilitative leader. The Old Library Trust has benefited from Walter’s guidance and encouragement and we are truly sorry that he will no longer be the friendly contact at the end of a phone or the gracious host at so many information sessions. He will be a difficult act to follow and I wish him all the very best in his future endeavours.

Someone who tried to make a genuine difference Jim Morgan, Top of the Rock Healthy Living Centre Difference Back in the year of 1999, Out of School Hours Childcare was where it all began I first met Water Rader, in Youthnet. Wow! He was the man Very calm and simple in demeanour, polite and gentle of course But how would this programme of OOSCH, be of benefit to his groups I left that meeting just wondering, if I got my message across,

Did Walter really hear me, not knowing soon that he would be boss? New Opportunities Fund Country Director, a very grand title I’m sure, But things like that didn’t impress Walter; he was genuine, sincere and pure He grabbed NOF and took it running, with Amanda and Joanne Director, Policy and PR, a team that was very grand Walter wanted NOF to work, so he listened, nodded and saw He shuffled, directed and followed, always wanting there to be more For the people on the ground knew him as someone who cared and tried To make a genuine difference to many a people’s lives Now Walter your time is over and someone new must lead the way But never forget the contribution you made to so many each day

Extremely charismatic Joe Connolly Corpus Christi Services, Belfast Walter Rader is an extremely charismatic person. His willingness to engage at grass root levels with people is remarkable and, in my experience, unique within the public service sector. He has a great sense of pride in meeting and making people feel comfortable in his presence. He likes nothing better than to have a cup of tea and a chat with folk, I believe this is where he is most comfortable. He has been an excellent ambassador for BIG by going out to the coalface to meet and engage with people, to listen and recognise where support was most needed. His charm is his strength and people

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he met appreciated this. On one particular occasion he accompanied the care workers as they visited people’s homes, he did this with ease and genuine enthusiasm. Walter was always interested in our various programmes whether they were Lottery funded or not, how we delivered them and what more could and should be done. He appreciated and recognised the enormous difficulties that existed within communities. He loved to be “on the road”, out and about meeting and talking to people. In my opinion, Walter Rader was “in touch” with people, he had the capacity to make you feel important, and more importantly, he made you feel significant. During home visitations to CCS beneficiaries, he met with a range of clients firsthand, he took the time to meet with staff and listed to some of the stories they had to share. During his last visit to CCS he declared his desire to return, to come back to the heart of the community and spend more time within the homes of those we visit.

The help I got was tremendous Betty Orr, former principal Edenbrooke Primary School I am delighted to be given the opportunity to write about Walter. I met him several years ago when I had been lucky enough to get considerable funding from the Big Lottery Fund. This was for an all-weather sports facility that has since been used by the whole community which surrounds the school in which I was principal. The help I got from Walter was tremendous. He was so enthusiastic about the facility, the people who would benefit from it and the children who attended and continue to attend the school. This facility has changed the culture of the children in the area. It has been a huge success and it is all

thanks to the vision, enthusiasm, and commitment of Walter. Walter is a gentleman with a wonderful sunny disposition and an engaging personality. I have fond memories of the opening of the sports facility when the then Secretary of State Rt Hon Peter Hain, Norman Whiteside, former Manchester United player and Walter were the main guests. It was a wonderful occasion. I am extremely grateful for all that Walter has done for the pupils, parents, staff of Edenbrooke Primary School as well as the wider community who benefit daily from the pitch. It is used every single day and every evening which is just fantastic. I wish Walter well in his retirement. I finished in March and I can thoroughly recommend it to him!

A great friend to grassroots organisations Danny Cassidy, Altram Many thanks for allowing me the opportunity to mark the retirement of Walter from the Big Lottery Fund. Firstly can I say that it is a privilege to be allowed to acknowledge the magnificent work that Walter has carried out during his time with the lottery. I first met Walter many years ago at the initial media training programme which was developed by the then New Opportunities Fund to support groups who had received a grant. I recall quite clearly this tall, elegant looking man walking into the room and informing us nervous participants that he would be carrying out the mock interviews. I have to say that I became more than a little unnerved because of his outgoing manner and what I can only describe as booming voice. However, I quickly became impressed with Walter’s ability to put all of us nervous students at ease. After conducting the interview with Walter I thought it a great tribute when he informed me

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that in his opinion he thought that I was an expert in what I will describe as being colourful with the truth to advance my own project! Following on from the media training I was asked to appear with Walter on Channel 9, which was then a local TV media outlet. Again, I was extremely nervous appearing on local TV but I had little to fear as Walter, in his usual confident manner, carried both of us through what was then a 15-minute interview – a long time on TV! Indeed, my only major contribution to the programme was informing the interviewer that I was highly impressed with the way Walter rolled his Rs, a remark with which Walter accepted in good grace. However, I paid dearly for that remark when for many weeks after the appearance I was subjected to a lot of heckling from so called friends in Derry at what they accurately described as my abysmal performance alongside such an eloquent gentleman who happened to be Walter. I think Walter had his revenge without even knowing it! In conclusion, could I say that Walter was a great friend to grassroots organisations and anyone who came into contact with him was made to feel important. He was genuinely enthusiastic when he spoke about projects that were supported by the lottery and he had an excellent understanding of the issues that impacted on voluntary organisations. I wish him well in his retirement and I will greatly miss his warmth, his leadership and just as importantly, his ability to roll his Rs in such an eloquent fashion.

We would like to thank Walter for his many presentations which involved local people of both communities and provided information on Big Lottery Fund programmes. We appreciate all his help, advice and support over the years and wish him health, wealth and happiness in his retirement.

Down to earth, yet thoroughly professional Gerry Quinn, Director Creggan Country Park I first met Walter Rader and the New Opportunities Fund team through my work at Creggan Country Park, which was being developed at a time when the NOF was rolling out its Transforming Your Space programme. Our centre was chosen to launch this programme, and we got the opportunity to meet Walter and the team. Walter proved to be extremely approachable, and down to earth, yet thoroughly professional. He took a genuine interest in what we were doing and it was obvious that he was committed to supporting the rich spectrum of community development and environmental work that was being carried out all over the place to the betterment of the community. I am sure he will continue to find ways to keep active in his retirement and he will be remembered with fondness by all who crossed his path.

Help, advice and support Una McRoberts, Ardoyne Shankill Healthy Living Centre All of the staff and participants of Ardoyne Shankill Health Partnership would like to thank Walter for all his support and involvement with the our project over the years.

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