Basque Country 2014

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GUIDE 2014

the basque country, that I love

For myself, living in the Basque Coun“Come to the Basque Country, and you will surely fall in love with it.” try has meant appreciating a gentle art of living in a magnificent setting with both Guy d’Arcangues (Basque poet) maritime and mountain landscapes. Add fter many voyages to all corners of to this, the charm and the contact with the world I arrived in the Basque the Basques, their cultural traditions and Country “ Le Pays Basque” on vacation. folklore. Sports and leisure activities abound in It was the start of a love story which has the Basque Country: surfing, swimming, lasted for over thirty years. The Basque tennis, golf, horse-riding, river canoeing, Country with its natural beauty, its climate and an exceptional quality of living, pelote Basque, bike-riding, sea-water therapy and mountain walks all bring a qualmy seduction was complete. Ideally situated in South West France, ity to daily life and help to promote good at the foot of the Pyrénées mountains, health and well-being. The love and attachment of the Basque the northern Basque Country has kept people for their land, the protection of its superb natural environment unspoiled, jealously guarded by its proud inhabit- the environment, the Basque language ants. The climate, the beaches, the prox- and culture will arouse the curiosity of imity of the mountains, the golf-courses, visitors. The beautiful villages and farms the hotel infrastructure, the superb res- nestling in the green valleys reveal a histaurants and local gastronomy make the tory and culture unique in the world. The Basque Country a privileged area for vis- traditional fêtes (festivals, music, songs and dances) are full of life and colour. I itors to spend their holidays. admire the courage, the pride and the solidarity of the Basques in sports as well as in life. All these attribute to a rich, varied folklore and strong cultural identity. I hope that this booklet will not only serve as an introductory guide but also encourage you to explore even further this superb part of the world, and who knows, you may also fall in love! z


Ongi Etorri Euskadi Welcome to the Basque Country Brian Hegarty 1

Welcome to Contents The Basque Country, that I love ................................................................................................................................ 1 Map of the Basque Country .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Brief historical background ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Discovering the Basque Country .......................................................................................................................... 12

THE LABOURD PROVINCE .................................................................................................................................. 13 Bayonne .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Anglet ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 42 Biarritz ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Bidart ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 GuĂŠthary ............................................................................................................................................................................ 108 Saint-Jean-de-Luz ................................................................................................................................................. 112 Ciboure ................................................................................................................................................................................ 130 Hendaye .............................................................................................................................................................................. 138 Map of visits and excursions in the Basque Country .............................................. 142 Arcangues ........................................................................................................................................................................ 145 Cambo-Les-Bains ................................................................................................................................................... 148 Espelette ............................................................................................................................................................................ 153 La Bastide-Clairence .......................................................................................................................................... 158 2

the Basque country Contents Sare .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 163 Ainhoa ................................................................................................................................................................................... 166

THE BASSE NAVARRE PROVINCE ....................................................................................................... 174 Saint-Etienne-de-Baïgorry ........................................................................................................................ 175 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port ................................................................................................................................ 180 PROVINCE LA SOULE ................................................................................................................................................ 185 Mauleon ............................................................................................................................................................................. 186 Larrau ................................................................................................................................................................................... 192 THE BASQUE COUNTRY IN SPAIN ...................................................................................................... 196 San Sebastian .............................................................................................................................................................. 197 SPORTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 202 Pelote ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 204 Surfing on the Basque Coast .................................................................................................................. 206 Golf ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 210 Basque gastronomy ............................................................................................................................................................ 218 Basque architecture ........................................................................................................................................................... 222 3

Excursions in the Basque Country • SAINT-JEAN-DE-LUZ : 05 59 26 30 74 Halte routière (in front of Railway station) • BAYONNE : 05 59 46 19 31 - 8, rue des Lisses • BIARRITZ : 05 59 24 01 10 - 24, avenue Foch • CAMBO-LES-BAINS : 05 59 29 21 11 Allée des Marronniers Reservations for excursions can be made in all the tourist offices in the Basque Country

For all your transport needs and travel requirements Guided tours, Conferences, Groups, Receptions, Minibuses 15-19 persons, Buses, Vans, Travel Agency

The number one Rent-a-Car company in France 300 agences throughout France.

Agence de BIARRITZ aÊroport Esplanade de l’Europe 64200 Biarritz Tel. 05 59 43 80 20


Distances in kilometres between the towns and villages


Map showing the three Basque Provinces in France: the towns, the villages and major roads.



Brief Historical Background

happy marriage of sea and mountains the Basque Country is a compact area straddling the western Pyrenees on the Atlantic seaboard. There are seven Basque provinces, four in Spain, (Navarra, Guipuzcoa, Biscaye and Alava) and three in France (Labourd, Basse Navarre and Soule). An easy area to define ge­o­­graphically but difficult to ac­count for historically!

the South, its realm has greatly diminished but “euskara” is still spoken in a good third of the historical seven Basque provinces. This is a miracle for despite the strong lingual and cultural influences such as French and Castilian, the Basque language has held its ground, since the Middle Ages, thanks to the force of its own family and cultural institutions. The Basques have an important maritime history. They were the first whalers in Europe – the fact that so many of the coats-of-arms of coastal towns from Biarritz to Bilbao portray whaling scenes attests to the importance of the activity during the Middle Ages. They were also predominant amongst the early traders and explorers. The first navigator to circumnavigate the globe was a Basque, Juan Sebastian El Cano. He brought the only surviving ship of the Magellan expedition (1519-1522) back to Spain, and his monument may be seen at his birthplace in Guetaria, near San Sebastian. The Basque shipyards of Bilbao supplied the vessels for the Spanish conquistadors and Basque sailors, missionaries and traders were at the forefront in colonising the “New World”, Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, was founded by a Basque and many of the great names in South American history, such as Simon Bolivar, were descendants from Basque families. To explore the Basque Country then, is not only a voyage of discovery of its magnificent beaches and golf courses but also of a people and a culture which are unique in the world. z

Few ethnic origins are as cloaked in mystery! Theories abound but the known facts are that the Basque Country has been inhabited for tens of thousands of years and that its present occupants, descended from races established there since preCeltic times, have maintained a unique ethnic identity over more centuries than any other European people. The Basque language is unique in the world. Experts place “euskara” among the pre-Indo European languages which means that it is one of the oldest if not the oldest of the European languages. Since Roman times, when it was spoken all along the Pyrenean chain from Andorra to the Garonne river (Bordeaux) in the North to the Ebro basin in 10

IMPERIAL SPA by GUERLAIN g Indoor swimmin a, un sa , pool hammam, fitness centre, beauty farm.

Discovering the basque country


he principal towns and most beautiful villages and an exploration of the three northern provinces in France: – the Labourd > Capital: Bayonne, – the Basse-Navarre > Capital: Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, – the Soule > Capital: Mauléon. z


THe labourd province T

he maritime region of the three northern provinces, the Labourd, has the best of both worlds, a con­trast between its beautiful beaches, fishing ports, the dynamic area of Bayonne, Anglet and Biarritz (The “B.A.B.”), and a quieter interior of green, rolling hill country, small farms, and the most beautiful Basque villages. The Labourd possesses the finest in Basque architecture (each province has its own style), magnificent half-timbered houses, white plastered walls with red or green beams and shutters. The Labourd house is traditionally built with its back to the sea (protection against the winter maritime climate) and main facade to the east and the rising sun. The Basques attach great importance to their homes. In the Labourd it was always the first born son or daugh-

ter who inherited the house, ensuring family ownership for centuries. Many of the common Basque surnames have in fact been taken from the names of the houses! The Labourd is blessed with important holiday facilities and recreation activities, centred particularly along the coast. Golf courses abound, for instance and Biarritz has the honour of possessing the second oldest course in France. The Labourd also offers the largest selection of hotels and camping-grounds in the region. z


Bayonne, a bit of history At the junction of the Nive and Adour rivers lies Bayonne, the regional capital and port and a town steeped in history. Originally a Roman garrison, medieval Bayonne developed on the same site, under the coat-of-arms of both France and England. The town became a flourishing port during 300 years of English rule which orginated in the famous marriage between Alienor of Aquitaine and Henry Plantagenet. Their son, Richard The Lion Heart, visited Bayonne and eventually married a Basque princess from Navarra!

© Philippe Seguinard

The Gothic cathedral of Saint Marys was built in the 13th and 14th centuries during the English reign and its radiating Gothic style can also been seen in the cloisters and medieval cellars. There are over 130 Gothic “cellars” (in fact, medieval shops) under the upper and older part of the town surrounding the cathedral (inquire at the Tourism Office). The cathedral has recently undergone a major restoration programme and the 14


interior has been cleaned revealing the beautiful medieval stonework. The coats-ofarms and decorations on the keystones, which were partly masked by centuries of grime and soot are now splendid in their original colours. The stained glass windows were also cleaned allowing greater illumination and highlighting one of most superb Gothic cathedrals in the SouthWest of France.After the English left, Bayonne found itself on the front line during nearly 200 years of conflict between France and Spain and its role changed from a commercial centre to a military stronghold. The fortifications were constantly improved and in the 17th century the great French military architect, Vauban, added the final touches as well as building the citadel which dominates the Adour river and the town. Up until the 17th century the port penetrated 15

Le Grand Hôtel

BESTlocated WESTERN Elegant hotel, ideally in the historical centre of Bayonne, a perfect place for a business trip or a holiday getaway.

Le Grand Hôtel

An elegant hotel, ideallylocated locatedininthe thehistorical historical centre Elegant hotel, ideally centre of Bayonne, a perfect place for a business trip of Bayonne, a perfect place for a business trip 57 comfortable rooms or a holiday getaway. or a holiday getaway. with air conditioning, WIFI, cosy bar, 57 comfortable rooms withFree air conditioning, closedgarage garage Free Wifi, cosy bar, closed 57 comfortable rooms with air conditioning, Free WIFI, cosy bar, closed garage

21, Rue Thiers • 64100 BAYONNE Tel. : 00 33 (0)5 59 59 62 00 • Fax : 00 33 (0)5 59 59 62 01 •

21, Rue Thiers • 64100 BAYONNE Tel. : 00 33 (0)5 59 59 62 00 • Fax : 00 33 (0)5 59 59 62 01 •

Bayonne the town by canals which serviced the merchants installed on the quaysides. The distinctive arca­des still shelter shoppers today and the facades of the stone and ­half-timbered houses hide treasures such as magnificent stairways with wroughtiron balconies.

Town of Culture and Art Basque Society is organized, as well the history and evolution of Bayonne. Bayonne hosts many Festivals throughout the year – a Latin American Theatre Festival, Arts and Crafts, Ham Fair and of course the internationally famous Bayonne Festival in the last week of July. z

© Philippe Seguinard

Bayonne has a unique character and charm of a river town protected and preserved by its fortifications. To stroll through the town is to discover a living history in its narrow pedestrian streets, its quaysides and town walls. The Basque game, pelote, may be seen in the covered hall, or “trinquet” and a visit is not complete without sampling Bayonne drinking chocolate, a special tradition as chocolate was first made here in France in the 16th century. Bayonne, the cultural capital of the Basque Country, possesses two superb museums – the Basque Museum and the Bonnat Museum (at present closed for renovation). A visit to the Basque museum is highly recommended. In the Basque museum visitors will learn about the Basque identity, their culture, traditions and how 17


Town of chocolate


hristopher Colombus was the first European to come across the strange South American seed used by Indians not only as money but also to make a rich spicy drink; hot chocolate!

The conquistadors brought the cacao seed to Spain and the secret technique of making hot chocolate rapidly became famous throughout the kingdom. The Jews, in particular, were renowned for its manufacture and, fleeing the Inquisitons, took their trade to the South-West of


An absolute “Must” for all visitors to Bayonne is to enjoy a hot chocolate at the famous salon at Chocolate Cazenave. Tradition and continuity: a family affair. Tradition and modernity: the passion for craftsmanship. The products are delicious, all visitors are warmly welcomed.

19, arceaux Port Neuf • 64100 Bayonne Tel. 05 59 59 03 16 •


Town of chocolate

France where Bayonne became the first town to taste the new beverage. The church, at first, frowned upon this new custom, as chocolate was not only reputed as a health tonic but also as an aphrodisiac! The “devils brew� however, became very popular amongst the well-to-do and it rapidly developed into one of the towns most famous exports. Today, Bayonne is proud to continue the tradition, and invites you to try a delicious hot chocolate in one of the many speciality chocolate, tea-rooms or to choose from a wide and original variety of chocolates on display in the shops. z


Come and discover the history of chocolate and its fabrication in the superb workshop in Bayonne. Tastings and sales of every sort of chocolate are offered to visitors.

Quartier Saint-Esprit 7, allée de Gibéléou 64100 Bayonne Tel. 05 59 55 70 23

hemen sartzen dena bere etxean da “he who enters here is at home”

TheThe Basque Museum Basque Museum in Bayonne in Bayonne Museum of of Basque andand the History of Bayonne is the onlyis living museum dedicated to Basque culturetoin TheTheMuseum BasqueCulture Culture the History of Bayonne the only living museum dedicated France. Created in 1922, the Museum has a collection of over 50,000 objects and works of art. Located in Bayonne’s Basque culture in France. Created in 1922, the Museum has a collection of over 50,000 objects and “old town”, the Basque Museum is the largest ethnological museum in the Basque Country. Over 2000 works of art and works of art. Located in Bayonnes’ “old town”, the Basque Museum is the largest ethnological objects are present­ed in the Museums 20 superbly designed exhibition halls. A visit becomes an unforget­table journey! museum in the Basque Country. Over 2000 works of art and objects are presented in the Museums Visitors will learn about the Basque identity, their culture, the traditions 20 superbly designed exhibition halls. A visit becomes an unforgettable journey ! Visitors will learn and discover how Basque Society is organ-ized. The home, the village, about the Basque identity, their culture, the traditions and discover Societywith is organcustoms and sports. Each roomhow has aBasque theme dealing different ized. The home, the village, customs andaspects sports.of Each room has a theme dealing with different Basque culture. aspects of Basque culture. Farming, architecture, maritime and economic activity, clothing, furniture, religion, dances,furniture, festivities, religion, sports, art,music, literaturedances, and the Farming, architecture, maritime and economic activity,music, clothing, renaissance of Basque culture today. The museum also portrays the festivities, sports, art, literature and the renaissance of Basque culture today. The museum also porhistory and evolutiontheof capital the townand of Bayonne, trays the fascinating history and evolution fascinating of the town of Bayonne, port citytheofcapital the and port city of the Labourd province. The Basque Museum proposes Labourd province. The Basque Museum proposes all the latest in contemporary museography. all the latest in contemporary museography. Visitors will appreciate the creative use of Visitors sound,willlighting andtheimages Museum, to appreciate creative throughout use of sound, the lighting and images share and better “experience” the age-old Basque traditions. Every day the Culture is the enriched throughout the Museum, to share andBasque better “experience” age-old by contact with other cultures. Architecture, music, language, painting and the artisofenriched living by develop Basque the traditions. Every day the Basque Culture contact with other cultures. museum Architecture,is music, language,“apainting and on the and strengthen the Basque Country’s indentity. The Basque most the definitely museum art of living develop and strengthen the Basque Country’s indentity. the move.” The Basque museum is most definitely “a museum on the move.”

Visits opening times Open all year round except Mondays and national holidays from 10 am to 6.30 pm July and August : Open every day Open until 9.30 pm on Wednesdays

Basque Museum of Bayonne Maison Dagourette - 37, Quai des Corsaires - 64100 BAYONNE - Tel. + 33 (0)5 59 59 08 98 -


Le Bayonnais Nathalie & Christophe Pascal The restaurant has been entirely renovated and decorated in 2014.

Ideally situated in the heart of Bayonne beside the Nive river, the restaurant Le Bayonnais proposes traditional Basque cuisine with market fresh seasonal products, fish straight from the boat and home made daily bread ! The owners, Christophe and Nathalie, welcome all visitors and the atmosphere is very convivial. In summer, customers can eat outside on the terrace overlooking the river, the market and the old town centre of Bayonne. Basque Cuisine at its best.

38, quai des Corsaires • 64100 Bayonne Tel. 05 59 25 61 19


© Ville de Bayonne

Principal festivities 2014

> Chocolate week-end

> Bullfighting on horse back

> Music festival

> Bullfighting

30th and 31st of May

26th of July

21 of June, in the streets of Bayonne

9th, 10th, 31st of August and September 1st


> Salsa concert and festival

> Black & Basque Concert

29th of June in the Arenes of Bayonne

12th to 14th of September

> Les Vendredis aux remparts

> National Heritage days

Each Friday in July and August from 18h to 21h guided visits and concert

20th and 21th of September

> Translatines Theatre Festival

> Medieval market


12th to the 14th of July

> Fireworks Display 14th of July

© Ville de Bayonne

> Bayonne Festival

23th to the 27th of July

For all these activities inquiries to BAYONNE TOURISM OFFICE Place des Basques - BP 819 - 64 108 Bayonne cedex - France tel 0820 42 64 64 / fax 05 59 59 37 55


La Villa LAVILLA Hôtel

Charming Hotel

a house surrounded InBayonne, the heartthere of a is garden overlooking thebyNive cypress trees, laurels, lemon trees and valley and the town of Bayonne, there isrounda house shaped topiaries, that the local inhabitnats from surrounded by cypress trees, laurels and roundthe Mousseroles hills have named, since 1905, shaped topiaries,House». that the Today local inhabitants «The General’s the house has from Mousseroles hills have sinceHôtel». 1905, become the «La Villa» hotelnamed, or «la Villa “the General’s House”. Today, the house has A manor house dating from the beginning become the “la Villa Hôtel”. manor house of the 20th century, tastefullyArenovated in a Flemish it blends dating from thestyle beginning of the the indefinable 20th century, charm of a Tuscany house with the warm tastefully renovated in a flemish style it blends atmosphere of a typical Basque family the indefinable charm of a toscany househome. with the A totally white façade, exceptBasque for the family shuttershome. wrm atmosphere of a typical grey, «The villa» combines charm Apainted tatally white façade, axcept for the the shutters of a guest house and comfort of a first rate hotel, pointed grey, “the Villa Hôtel”combines the where each room has its own particular charm, charm a guest house a first rate some of with lounge areasand or acomfort terrace,ofothers hôtel, where each room has its own particular are mansard-roofed and all extremely charm, some with areas or a terrace, comfortable, withlounge a turn-of-the-century style others arevery mansard roofed and all extremely and yet contemporary. comfortable, with a turn-of-the-century style Visitors will appreciate the warm welcome and yet very contemporary.

La Villa Hôtel 12, Chemin de Jacquette 64100 BAYONNE

05 59 03 01 20

E-mail :


© Ville de Bayonne

Life is beautiful


© Ville de Bayonne

n the heart of the old town of Bayonne, visitors will discover many charming hotels as well as a multitude of restaurants, bars and bodegas where one may savour the very best of authentic local cuisine. The Bayonne Tourist Office also proBayonne is also a town of history, art poses orange bicycles free of charge for and culture. Be sure to visit Bayonnes’ visitors to use. z National monuments, the cathedral, historical sites, the two superb museums and its medieval centre, with its dynamic commercial life. Visitors may discover Bayonne on foot or use the many mini electric buses which circulate all day long (free of charge) around Bayonne.


VIANDASdeSALAMANCA A visit is highly recommended


Also numerous delicaies to accompany your ham tasting. A superb selection of Spanish Wines and cheeses are available for visitors.

30, rue Poissonnerie • 64100 Bayonne

09 67 26 79 28 •

Bayonne and ham



t has to be said straight off that the famous Bayonne ham is not actually made in Bayonne itself. It comes from the surrounding countryside but the only way of shipping this delicacy to the gourmets of Europe was through the port of Bayonne from which the ham rightly took its name. For the most part the ham owes its reputation to the quality of the salt that preserves it. Legend has it that a wild boar, killed by Gaston Phoebus (fourteenth century), fell into the salty spring waters of Salies and was found by hunters the following season in a good conserved state. It was in this way that the best of salts and its nutritional virtues was discovered. It is therefore this natural salt from the country of l’Adour that gives Bayonne ham its exceptional taste. Two hundred million years ago the sea did in fact cover a large part of the south of Aquitaine and the long passage of time has resulted in an rich natural salt -extracted from natural brine. “I hold in great esteem the hams of your diocese” wrote the eighteenth century poet


Prion to the bishop of Bayonne. And so this ham, which originally provided peasants with a supply of food in hard times, became a much-sought-after gourmet speciality. Rabelais had Grangousier gorge himself on Bayonne ham and Henry IV had supplies sent off to Paris. As for the austere Jansenius, who didn’t, it seems, turn his nose up to the pleasures of a good table: he wrote on the 14th of Mai, 1627 to his bayonnais friend, Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, asking him to conceal a supply of hams by hiding them with “one or two worthless books or a selection of works of a Jesuit priest” - there is Bayonne ham at the heart of Jansenite polemic! z 29

La Grange

restaurant in Bayonne

Basque cuisine at its best. One of the top restaurants in Bayonne. All produce market fresh of the season.

2, quai Galuperie - 64 100 Bayonne Tel. 05 59 46 17 84


© Ville de Bayonne


© Ville de Bayonne

Views of the centre of Bayonne and the Bayonne Cathedral


“Le Bistrot” at the Bayonne Market


“Bayonne en liberté” Trip - 3D/2N Starting from 143 € per pers. “Golf” Trip - 3D/2N Starting from 227 € per pers. “Gourmet” Trip - 3D/2N Starting from 169 € per pers. Guided visits of The Old Town Centre 6 € per pers.


Restaurant Brasserie de l’Aviron

Partner of your dreams…

1, rue Harry Owen Roë 64100 Bayonne Tel. +33 (0)5 59 58 27 27 Contact & reservation


Town of sports Rugby at the Jean Dauger stadium

Rowing on the Nive river

Makila Golf Club Bayonne Bassussarry

Bullfighting in Summer


Bayonne Bayonne festival

Bayonne market




19, rue Thiers • 64100 Bayonne • Tel. 05 59 52 04 39

Restaurant Bar Tapas Ambiance Rugby and Sport 24, quai Augustin Chaho 64100 Bayonne

05 59 59 31 35

Selected in 2013 by

Honey from the Basque Country The sweets things in life

© Ludovic ZEILLER Studio Z Bayonne

A visit to the boutique in the heart of Bayonne is an absolute “must”. Tasting of all the products Loreztia in this only shop direct from factory. Exhibition about bees in basque country. All this free…

LOREZTIA Boutique Exposition 52, Quai des Corsaires • 64100 Bayonne Tel/Fax : 05 59 59 55 37 •

© Ludovic ZEILLER Studio Z Bayonne

Le Guide du Routard and Le guide Michelin

Bayonne The two rivers l’Adour and la Nive in the heart of Bayonne


The market place in Bayonne







nglet is the major residential area, lying between and merging with Bayonne and Biarritz to form the urban region known as the “BAB”. Formerly a collection of hamlets (reflected in the dispersed districts of the area today). Anglet enjoys a privileged position on the Basque coast, with its 235 hectares of forest, flower gardens and parks, mild micro-climate and a high quality urban life for its 40 000 inhabitants. Tourism and recreation are, today Anglet’s major attractions with a large choice of hotels, a camping ground and a well equipped youth hostel. The forest of Chiberta has miles of pathways for the jogger and bicycle riders, tennis-courts and one of the most popular 18-hole golf cour­ ses on the Basque Coast.


The Izadia Nature Reserve is situated near to the beach at “La Barre”. The discovery trail includes 10 look-out posts to observe the rich, diversified fauna and flora thanks to the unique hydrological and geographic position of the 35-acre reserve between the river, the Atlantic and the lakes.





Anglet’s superb coastline offers beautiful beaches for swimming and surfing. Visitors can also enjoy a magnificient walk on the promenade path next to the ocean.



© Olivier Robinet

At the entrance, the house of the Environment presents the historic, ecological and landscape features of the site with an original scenography. A major drawcard during the summer are the five kilometres of uninterrupted beaches from the Adour river mouth in the north, to the “Chambre d’Amour” (Bed­room of Love!) near Biarritz. There is a superb pedestrian walkway along all the beaches in Anglet. The Chambre d’Amour district of Anglet owes its name to a grotto found in the sea cliffs within sight of the Biarritz lighthouse. According to the legend a Basque couple spent their evenings there as their parents were not at all happy about the

Golf at Chiberta Anglet


Town of sports and well-being Surfers can enjoy excellent waves along the beaches of the Chambre d’Amour. Anglet has become a real “Surfers Paradise” offering a fine spectacle for beach front promenades. Boating fans are catered for by the pleasure boat port on the Adour River, from where yachting (excursions and courses) and sea-fishing are available. Situated close by is the indoor ice-skating rink, the Patinoire, the centre of figure skating and also the home of the local ice-hockey team (“L’Hormadi Club”). Recently opened, next to the Patinoire, is a large open air skate park. For golfers, the Chiberta Golf Club offers a fascinating mixture of a sea­side links course plus numerous tree-lined inland holes. Nearby, just behind the beach front, the thalasso-therapy (sea-water cures) hotel complex “Atlanthal. Atlanthal is the biggest marine “hydrotonic” (heated sea-water) complex in France, and with its hotel, is the ideal site for relaxation or topping up on energy.


relationship (not such an old story!). One night, the couple were caught by the incoming tide and were swept to their deaths! A simple story but one which became famous especially during the 19th century when nearby Biar­ritz was blossoming into an imperial seaside resort. Early visitors inclu­ded Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine who reportedly lost her shoe there making local headlines at the time! Today the “Chambre d’Amour” is particularly associated with surfing and the waterfront bars and Cafes are a major rendez-vous in summer when the weather is fine. 45

ANGLET The Market at Quintaou

© Olivier Robinet et Guillaume Langla

Anglet is also an important shopping area with three of the regions major shopping complexes in easy reach from the D810 highway and the “B.A.B.” expressway (which follows the former tramway between Ba­yonne and Biarritz). The Carrefour Centre BAB2, Centre Leclerc, Géant Casino and the Decathlon Sports Centre are well equipped to satisfy all shopping needs of visitors.

Izadia, the ecologic park

© Atlanthal

Surfing at Anglet

Anglet is an excellent area for sport and relaxation and offers numerous activities including con­certs, and exhibitions and Surf Festivals and competitions. Visitors can enjoy Anglet’s wonderful promenades along the ocean front or alternatively in the Chiberta forest.

Sea-Water Therapy at Athlantal




Promenade beside the Ocean in Anglet

The ocean front in Anglet has in recent years undergone an important transformation. Firstly the superb pedestrian walkway for the 5,5 kilometres from beach at “La Barre” to cliffs at “la Chambre d’Amour” offers a healthy ocean promenade with superb panoramic views. Two “Espace Sportif” have been opened over the last 2 years. One is at “La Barre” Beach and the second is at the Marinella Beach, proposing the machines of the modern gym in the open air overlooking the Atlantic Ocean! “The Balcony on the Ocean” above the Chambre d’Amour Beach has been completely transformed with trees, vegetation, water sources… an ideal venue for an apperitif beside the Basque sunset at “Kostaldea”. Rendez-vous à la mode. World Famous Rugby Star Serge Blanco’s Hotel Chateau

de Brindos proposes lunch or dinner in a superb restaurant overlooking the Lake at Brindos.

Quintaou Cultural Centre

Opened last year, the Quintaou Cultural Centre proposes a large Concert Area, 400 to 600 seats, a restaurant, Exposition’s area.

The Municipal Anglet Library

Again a recent addition to Anglet’s Cultural Renaissance, is well worth a visit complete with a large selection of books, videos, concert, films.

BAB Tour

The BAB Tour proposes a panoramic visit of Anglet, Bayonne and Biarritz in 3 languages (French, English, Spanish) on board a mini bus with a glass sunshine roof, seats 20 persons. Departure from the Tourist Office at the beach at the Chambre d’Amour. z 47


A town for all sports

Bike riding in the Chiberta Forest


“Espace sportif” beside the ocean

© Karine Delage

© Olivier Robinet

Golf at Chiberta in Anglet

Open from March to November

The rendez-vous your aperos overlooking Tapas | Wine | for Beer | Aperitifs | Coffees the Chambre d’Amour beaches. Great ambiance and the sunsets are superb.

Above the VVF • Esplanade Yves Brunaud 64600 Anglet

Open from March to November

Open from March to November From breakfast to midnight

The rendez-vous for your aperos overlooking the Chambre d’Amour beaches. Great ambiance and the sunsets are superb.

Above the VVF • Esplanade Yves Brunaud 64600 Anglet


Principal festivities 2014 > All Year Round

• 1 3th French National Day Concerts 11 pm, Fireworks display at the Chambre d’Amour • 18th to 20th - Beach Rugby Festival and the Euro Beach Rugby Cup at the Beach of Sables d’Or.

• Quintaou Market Every Thursday and Sunday Mornings. • Bio-Ocean Market - 20, av. de l’Adour, Blancpignon. Every Saturday Morning from 7 am to 1 pm. • Brocante Market All day long, place du General Leclerc, 5 Cantons. Every second Sunday of each month. • Mutxiko, Basque Traditional Dances Place du General Leclerc, 5 Cantons. Every 3rd Sunday of each month, except in July and August, 11.30 am to 12.30 pm. • Quintaou Second Hand Market Esplanade de Quintaou, every 4th Saturday of each month 8 am to 6 pm.

> August

• 2nd - 10.45 pm, Sound and Light Spectacle at the Marinella beach. • 8th Night Surf Festival at the beach at the Chambre d’Amour. Professional surfers and musical Concerts all day long and evening. • 16th August Beach Cinema Films at the Chambre d’Amour. • 23rd Chambre d’amour Night Festival Concerts, Music, Street Artists, Fireworks display at 10.30 pm at the Sables d’Or Beach.

> May

• 4th Gourmet Run Fun run (competitors are not placed or timed) an opportunity to taste produce, wine and food at 10.30 am.


> June

• 7th to 9th Arret sur Rivage Anglet celebrates its coastline theatre, arts, ecology at the Cavaliers Beach, in the afternoons. • 7th to 14th Words and Culture theatre, poetry.

1, av. de la Chambre d’Amour 64 600 Anglet Tel. +33 (0)5 59 03 77 01 You can look for a hotel room, flat or villa to rent, as well as leisure ideas… Our services can give you advice and simplify your holidays by making your reservations.

> July

• 4th and 5th Les Cabanas Concerts, Bodegas, Sports at the Esplanade at “La Barre”. • 10th to 13th International Surf Film Festival on the beach front at the Chambre d’Amour.

Booking office:

+33 (0) 825 84 42 84 51

THIERRY BAMAS Meilleur ouvrier de France 2011 World Champion for Desserts and Ice-Cream 2010

Located on the Place Clémenceau in the very centre of Biarritz, Thierry Bamas, Meilleur Ouvrier de France in the pastry category, has opened in July 2013 his second pastryshop to focus on the Macarons, Ice Creams, Gâteaux Basques and Chocolates. All the products that are sold are currently being produced in the Anglet laboratory, linked to the main pastryshop, situated on the Place des 5 Cantons Anglet.

Both shops are open everyday during July and August ! Opening hours Tuesday to Sunday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM / 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Pâtisserie BAMAS • “Les Cinq Cantons” Rue Charles Kreamer • 64 600 Anglet Tel. : 05 59 59 01 74

Hôtel-Résidence Hôtel-Résidence Hôtel-Résidence ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Packages for Golf Water Packages for Golf Golf andand SeaSea Water Packages for and Sea Water Therapy are available Therapy areSea available Packages for Golf and Water Therapy are available Therapy are available

Residence is superbly situated between the Ocean the Biarritz The The Residence is superbly superbly situated between the Ocean Ocean andand the Biarritz Biarritz The Residence is situated between the and the Club, with a marvellous of beaches thethe beaches ofand Anglet. Studios The Residence situated between Ocean the Biarritz GolfGolf Club, withis asuperbly marvellous viewview of the of Anglet. Anglet. Studios for for Golf Club, with a marvellous view of the beaches of Studios for topersons, 4 persons, appartments 6thepersons per night. Golf with appartments a marvellous of beaches of€ Anglet. Studios for 2 to to24 4Club, appartments 4view to46 6to persons 59 € €59per per night. 2 persons, 4 to persons 59 night. 2 4 persons, appartments 4 toequipped 6 persons 59 perthe night. All appartments all modern comforts Alltoappartments appartments are are fullyfully equipped withwith all €the the modern comforts : : : All are fully equipped with all modern comforts telephone, swimming billboards kitchen, oven, dish washer, All appartments are fully equipped with all the modern comforts : kitchen, oven, dish washer, TV, TV, telephone, swimming pool,pool, billboards kitchen, oven, dish washer, TV, telephone, swimming pool, billboards and games room. kitchen, oven, dish washer, TV, telephone, swimming pool, billboards and games games room. and room. and games room. information contact For For information contact For information contact bd la deMer lacontact Mer For information 47,47, bd de de 47, bd la Mer 64600 ANGLET 47, bd de la Mer 64600 ANGLET 64600 ANGLET 05 59 52 70 64600 Tel.Tel. 05ANGLET 59 52 52 70 70 00 00 00 Tel. 05 59 05 59 03 5800 91 Tel. 0559 5903 5258 70 FaxFax 05 91 Fax 05 59 03 58 91 Fax 05 59 03 58 91


7, esplanade des Gascons - Chambre d’Amour Anglet - Tel. 05 59 03 87 08

© Robinet

© Robinet

© Hondarra

A town for all sports


La Cantine

at the Chambre d’Amour, Anglet

Specialities fish, sushis, Asian food, grilled meats, salads, tahitian dishies. Enjoy lunch or dinner in the sunshine in the open air terrace, great ambiance. 54


39, rue Gambetta • 64200 Biarritz 05 59 22 20 56


Bread and Cake creation and fabrication A visit is highly recommended

1, rue d’Alsace • 64200 Biarritz 05 59 24 22 05


Rue des Halles • 64200 Biarritz 05 59 23 76 67


16, place Général Leclerc • 64600 Anglet 05 59 03 89 69





0811 14 30 50

Discover all our hotels on



n incredible story of a small Basque whaling station that, through the centuries, has become an internationally renowned seaside resort. From the time of the English sovereignty (1152-1451) until 1650, the Biarritz whalers set out from the “Port Vieux” (Old Port) to harpoon the whales who passed by the Bay of Biscay on their migratory routes. As the whale population declined, the whalers were forced to hunt further afield as far as Newfoundland or Greenland or even change their profession and became official pirates or “Corsaires” for the French king.” 57

Enjoy a dream weekend

in one of the most beautiful Hotels in the World!

The prestigious luxury Hôtel overlooking the ocean is a living testimony to the history of Biarritz, France and Europe. “The Eugenie Villa”, later to become the Hotel du Palais was built by Napoleon III for his wife Eugenie de Montigo in 1855. The jewel of the stylish seaside town of Biarritz, with its Casinos, golf courses, boutiques, the green valleys of the Pyrenees and the exceptionally mild and gentle climate all year round!


“Queen of beaches, beach for Kings.” Victor Hugo

These hardy Biarritz seamen, whose exploits became legendary, continued their hazardous occupation until the end of the 18th century, by which time the benefits of sea­ bathing were becoming appreciated. The mentally ill, for example, were bathed on “La Côte des Fous” (today known as “La Grande Plage”) and thus began the fashionable era of the seaside resort and of the thalassotherapy (seawater cures). On January 30, 1853, the Spanish Countess, Eugenie of Montijo, married the Emperor Napoleon III. Eugenie knew Biarritz well and it was here, at the foot of the Pyrénées that she was to incarnate the magnificence of the Empire, and became the Godmother of the town. Eugenie’s first home on Basque soil was the “Villa Eugenie” (later to become the Hôtel du Palais) built for her by Napoleon as the couple’s

royal holiday home - Biarritz’s reputation was assured. The European aristocracy of the “Belle Epoque” were drawn like magnets. The Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) was among the first, with his mother, Queen Victoria, following not long after. The King of Spain, Alphonse XIII, built the original “Palais Miramar”, the Shah of Persia, the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, and a wide circle of European nobles came to enjoy the charms and festivities of Biarritz.

Biarritz in the early 1800’s


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CE ITZ, FRAN 200 BIARR BET - 64 RE UISON BO . H204913 RUE LO 41 30 01 - Email 59 5 (0) Tel. +33

l The Poo

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Th e Se a Wa ter Sp a

REJUVENATE YOUR BODY AND MIND. PamPer yourself in a moment of serenity with the five senses seawater theraPy at the sofitel Biarritz. live the exPerience of innovative wellness care in the fitness and relaxation centre facing the ocean.


When you find yourself hesitating between two beaches, one of them is always Biarritz, Sacha Guitry

The festivals and galas today are more subdued. Leaders of the business world, film stars, show-business or those who maintain their family tradition of holidays at Biarritz, prefer to congregate on the tennis courts or golf-courses, (10 courses within a 20 km radius of Biarritz). The sports minded flock to the resort in growing numbers to enjoy a more active holiday. All sports are available: surfing, tennis, golf, horse-riding and of course the “pelote basque”. Lovers of gastronomy, like the history enthousiasts, will set off to discover an interior Basque Country rich in living traditions and folklore. Biarritz is a dynamic town; casinos, race-courses, cinemas, night-clubs, fireworks, pelote basque, cultural events, traditionnal “fiestas”, sports are part of everyday life. Many festivals as, for instance, the FIPA, International Audiovisuel Programs Festival in January, the Biarritz Surf Festival in July, the season of ballets “Temps d’Aimer” in September or “Inter­national Festival of Latin American Cinema and Culture” in Octo­ber, make the constant liveliness of the town… A continual festival atmosphere, Biarritz typifies the art of good living and the quest for ­physical fitness.


H O T E L In a decor “design and intimate” blue, steel grey, natural wood, you may linger over a house cocktail, for just one night or enjoy an unforgettable stay in the heart of Biarritz. The Hotel proposes a personalised decoration for each of the 25 rooms. Ideally situated in the centre of Biarritz, the week days maybe calm before the weekends “tendance festive”. Savour the buffet breakfast served from 8 am to 11 am. Tasty light lunches are served from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm. The evenings cocktails, wine and champagne are served to the middle of the night !

1, rue Gambetta 64200 Biarritz

+33 (0)5 59 24 04 89



Biarritz Biarritz has modern facilities to welcome congresses and conventions. Hotels of course (2 000 rooms) as well as conference rooms equipped with the latest technology. Three buildings, all historical monuments, within walking distance and complementing each other, have been transformed and equipped with the most modern facilities to welcome conventions all year round. The Bellevue, renovated in 1999, is ideal for medium sized congresses (less than 500 persons) and exhibitions. In the elegant Rotunda, it is possible to seat up to 1 200 persons for a meal in front of the ocean. The Art Nouveau style “Gare du Midi”, a former railway station in the heart of the city, hosts nowadays meeting rooms for conventions of up to 1 400 delegates. The facilities are particularly well suited

to larger-scale projects such as festivals and product launches. Located on the seashore, the superb Art Deco monument of the “Casino Municipal” can hold high class events up to 700 participants. Being accustomed as it is to hosting prestigious visitors, Biarritz has remained steadfast in its exceptionnally refined hotel tradition. From the decor of the rooms to the courtesy of the staff, the setting for such prestigious luxury establishments as the Sofitel Miramar, the Régina, the Café de Paris and the new Radisson Hotel can easily meet the standards of the most demanding connoisseur. The Hôtel du Palais which earned eminent ranking in the guide to “The Leading Hotels of the World” with its façade overlooking the beach front, has revived the splendour of the “Napoléon III” years.

The spectacle of the Ocean in Biarritz



GALERIES LAFAYETTE BIARRITZ 17 place Clémenceau Tel. : +33 (0)5 59 22 72 72 Special openings on Sundays from 10 am to 8 pm in July and August From Monday to Saturday 9.30 am – 7.30 pm all year long

Biarritz “I know of no other place more charming and magnificent than ­Biarritz”. Victor Hugo

The Main beach in Biarritz

Guests who prefer the discretion of a shady park might select any of a number of charming hotels and bed and breakfasts or picturesque inns. Biarritz hardly lacks imagination when it comes to playing host to its honoured guests. Biarritz is the Queen of Beaches, sheltered from the changeable and violent moods of the ocean, protected by its imposing promontories, beautiful under the buffeting of the sea-spray. Biarritz, untamed and wild, a site swept by the ocean but offering shelter to numerous passionate and famous love affaires. Discover Biarritz following in the royal and imperial footsteps, while imagining the magnificence and brilliance of a not too distant era. z

The magnificient Cote des Basques Beach in Biarritz


Biarritz 1. Biarritz

• Casino Municipal The Casino Municipal, built in 1929 and renovated in 1994, can hold high class events of up to 700 participants. Located on the seashore this superb Art Deco monument of 12.000 sq. m of floor houses conference and re­cep­tion rooms, a thea­tre, gaming rooms, a shopping gallery and a heated sea water swimming pool.

Located in the south-west of France, only half an hour from Spain, Biarritz has 8 daily Paris flights (1h10), several daily Paris TGV trains (1h30) and daily flights from Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, London and Dublin 3 times per week in the Summer.

2. Conference venues, theatres

3. Promenade ideas

• Bellevue Renovated in 1999, the Bellevue enjoys a superb ocean-front setting. It has 10 conference rooms covering 3.000 m2 including a 480-seat auditorium and a circular room with a magnificent sea view for prestige banquets for up to 1.200 guests. This venue is also ideal for trade-shows and cultural exhibitions. • “Gare du Midi” The old railway station renovated into a modern theatre, and conference venue seats 1400.

From the lighthouse headland to the “Côte des Basques” beach, including the off-shore rocks of the “Basta”, the rock of the Madonna, and the Atalaye Plateau. Also the “Port des Pê­cheurs” (old fishing village) the Port Vieux (old port), and the beaches, tamarins trees and hydrangeas, making the perfect accompaniment to this ocean promenade.

The wild Atlantic Ocean


BIARRITZ 4. Museums and monuments

of art, from Prehistory to modern times, including items from India, Nepal, Tibet and China. • The Imperial Chapel The Imperial Chapel built in 1864 on the request of the Empress Eugenie and classified “Monument Historique” in 1981, combines harmoniously the romano byzantine and hispano-mauresque styles. • The Biarritz lighthouse Built between 1831 and 1832 the lighthouse towers 73 m above the sea and after a climb of 248 steps, offers an exceptional view of the town and the Basque Coast. • Chocolate museum The chocolate tradition in the Basque Country instigated during the reign of Louis 14th remains intact in this gourmands sanctuary. The displays are for eyes only as these chocolate sculptures are, above all, works of art. • Historical museum of Biarritz Biarritz history museum displays paintings costumes, artifacts and documents portraying the origins of the town, with fishing and agriculture.

• Musée de la Mer (Marine museum) Invitation for a voyage of discovery! The new path of the Biarritz Marine Museum goes back up the Gulf Stream to the seabeds of the Gulf of Gascogne as far the Caribbean Sea and finally in to Southern Pacific and Indian Oceans! A dazzling spectacle: Hammer-head sharks living with sting rays, barracudas plus other varieties of sharks in the 1500 m3 gaint basin. Marvel at the life forms on the coral reefs, clown fish, sea eels, jelly fish plus a multitude of fish of all colours, shapes and sizes. Open every day at 10.30 a.m and at 5 p.m visitors may enjoy the seal feeding, a show for all the family. • Cité de l’Océan 2 stars in the Michelin Green Guide Book. By the Ocean at the Milady Beach in Biarritz La Cité de l’Ocean is a scientific Museum, “state of the art” voyage of discovery dedicated to the Ocean. You become the actor of your discoveries! Cast off for new experiences, animations interactive systems and operations, 3D… Observe, listen and live it! • The Asiatica Museum The Asiatica museum opened in March 1999. With the wealth of its collection and the quality of the unique works of art on display, it is one of the most important oriental art museums in Europe. Unique in some fields, the collection consists of more than one thousand works

Guided Tours are organized by Biarritz Tourisme Tourist information, Biarritz Tourisme 1, square d’Ixelles - 64200 Biarritz Tel. +33 (0)5 59 22 37 10 Fax +33 (0)5 59 24 97 80 69


Principal festivities 2014 > June

• 8th to 9th: Ocean Ecology Festival at the Cité de l’Océan. • 21st to 29th: Les Océanes on the Beachfronts of Biarritz, Ocean Rendez-vous, surf, concerts, music • 23rd to 25th: Horse Jumping Show at the Club Hippique of Biarritz

> July

• 3rd to 30th: Horse Racing, Trotting at the hippodrome • 5th to 12th: Tennis Open GDF Suez Feminine Tennis at Aguilera • 6th to 13th: Biarritz Cup Golf Competition at the Biarritz Golf Club • 14th: Fireworks at the Grande Plage • 20th: La fête au Port at the port des pêcheurs • 16th to 20nd: BIG Festival Music at the Halle d’Iraty • 28th and 6th of August: Classical Music Piano at the Bellevue

• 21st and 22nd: Longboard surf competition • 20th to 21st: Autumn Sales in the streets of Biarritz • 29th to 5th of October: Latino-American Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals

> October

• 2nd to 5th: House and Decoration Salon at the Halle d’Iraty • 6th to 7th: Basque Artists at the Grande Plage of Biarritz • 23th to 26th: Horse Show Jumping at the Club Hippique of Biarritz • 19th to 21st: Lurrama the Basque Farm at the Halle d’Iraty To find all information on the Events, Festivals, Music, Theatre, consult the website Throughout the year at the superb Palais des Festivals at the Gare du Midi (the former Biarritz train station), visitors may enjoy the highest quality entertainment. Classical music concerts, theatre, individual artists, dancing competitions. Every week, the Palais des Festivals proposes something special.

> August

• 2nd: Festilasai Music festival, gliss, art • 11th to 15th: Antiques Salon at the Halle d’Iraty • 15th: Fireworks Display at the Grande Plage • 17th, 18th and 19th: Festival of Games Bridge, Scrabble… at the Bellevue • 19th to 28th: Cesta Punta professionnel world championship of Basque Pelote

> September

• 12th to 25th: Le Temps d’Aimer dance festival at the Palais des Festivals • 22th to 28th: Mintzalasai Basque Language day 71


Art Gallery 5, rue Broquedis • 64200 Biarritz Tel. 06 10 92 26 62

In the Hotel Garden‌


“Best Quality in France Meilleur ouvrier de France”


A haven for fine foods in Biarritz

next to the Biarritz Market. Carlier is a delicatessen of the highest quality proposing the very best of French Gastronomy! A wide selection of meats, rotisserie chickens, cooked dishes, seafood, salads, vegetables, desserts, cheeses, wines, artisan Salami, sausages and pates. Sébastien, Valérie and Angélique warmly welcome all visitors. A visit is highly recommended.

Open Tuesday to Saturday, 8 am to 1 pm and 3.30 pm to 8 pm. On Sunday from 8 am to 1.30 pm.

8, rue des Halles 64200 Biarritz

Tel. 05 59 24 01 86

THIERRY BAMAS Meilleur ouvrier de France 2011 World Champion for Desserts and Ice-Cream 2010

Located on the Place Clémenceau in the very centre of Biarritz, Thierry Bamas, Meilleur Ouvrier de France in the pastry category, has opened in July 2013 his second pastryshop to focus on the Macarons, Ice Creams, Gâteaux Basques and Chocolates. All the products that are sold are currently being produced in the Anglet laboratory, linked to the main pastryshop, situated on the Place des 5 Cantons.

Both shops are open everyday during July and August ! Opening hours Wednesday to Sunday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM / 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Pâtisserie BAMAS • “Place Clemenceau” 20, place Clemenceau • 64 200 Biarritz Tel. : 05 59 43 01 61

P. Bernat

Cheeses, Smoked Salmon, Delicatessen Hams and Fine Foods

17, rue de la Bergerie - 64200 Biarritz - Tel. 05 59 24 40 55

The biarritz market

A visit is an absolute �must�, le rendez-vous in Biarritz


The Biarritz Market place, the heart and soul of Biarritz life


dining out

A vintage Surfing spirit, a magnificent ocean view, a fantastic menu, convival brasserie atmosphere uniting friends, family, surfers; around the table enjoy seafood, grilled fish, burgers, salads, club sandwiches, woks, charcuteries, tartares, … The Restaurant ”Le Surfing” is open all year round for breakfast, lunch and dinner, open every day in summer. Service non-stop. Possibilities of group bookings and private functions subject to reservation.

Café, Restaurant

Côte des Basques Beach 9, bd. Prince de Galles - Biarritz Reservations au 05 59 24 78 72

in Biarritz Refined Italian Cuisine With midday menus from 13 â‚Ź Evening menus from 27 â‚Ź + Carte / Terrace

Y Open EVERYDA at midday and evenings (except Sunday and Monday) In july and august s open evening y a sa only seven d dnight week until mi

13, rue Gambetta - 64200 Biarritz Tel. 05 59 22 54 66

To eat well is an art of living

dining out in Biarritz

Restaurant Chez Albert is located at the Port des Pêcheurs. You can see the port from the terrace and the ocean from the dining room, just like the deck of a boat. There is also a lovely view of Biarritz and beautiful SainteEugénie church. Chez Albert serves splendid fresh fish and sea food. Our meals will give you a taste for adventure, and each mouthful will take you on a voyage of discovery. Excellent ambiance.

Reservation : 05 59 24 43 84 - Port des Pêcheurs - Biarritz


Pizzas, Pasta, Steaks, Salads

Brasserie Bar Grill

Open from 12 am to 2.15 pm and from 7 pm to 11 pm Take aways

20, 22, 24, avenue Édouard-VII - 64200 BIARRITZ Tel. 05 59 24 11 47 - Fax 05 59 24 83 25

Ristorante Italiano in Biarritz Restaurant Open midday from Tuesday to Saturday

Open evenings from Thursday to Saturday

Take Aways Open Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm

Reservations and Orders

05 59 47 40 37

dining out around biarritz RESTAURANT OF THE GOLF AT ILBARRITZ

Av. du Château 64210

BIDART Open at midday and every night in summer. Visitors will enjoy the superb food, overlooking the Golf Centre and the Atlantic Ocean.

Tel. 05 59 43 79 07

B A R   R E S T A U R A N T



Overlooking the Côte des Basques beach in Biarritz, visitors may enjoy tasting wonderful food and wine in an exceptional setting. Thomas and Marc Lievremont former French Rugby Internationals welcome all visitors to their “magnifique” Restaurant and Bar. The sunsets are unforgettable

Plage de la Côte des Basques

64  200 Biarritz

05 59 22 30 67

Brasserie Biarritz Golf Club A haven of peace and fine gastronomy at the Biarritz le Phare Golf Club

Philippe and Sophie Pouchol, super “chef de cuisine”, welcome you for breakfast, at 7:30 until the evening aperitif, service from 11:30 to 3:30 p.m. continuously. Not far from the centre of Biarritz town. Specialities : salads, seafood, carpaccio de bœuf, chipirons, club sandwiches, grilled steaks and fish. Daily Menus at 16,50 €.

4, avenue Edith Cavell • 64200 Biarritz Tel. 05 59 03 71 33 •




Tel. 05 59 22 19 90 - Facebook : Newquay Pub

Place Clémenceau


Club Discothèque

Open all year round

in biarritz Bar - Restaurant Jean & Marc NOPAL

Oysters, Crabs, Shellfish specialist. Warm convivial ambiance, a visit is highly recommended.

Tastings in the restaurant or take aways

05 59 54 79 65

Tel. : 62, rue Gambetta - 64200 Biarritz

H么tel HHH

La Maison du Lierre Situated in the Centre of Biarritz, the Hotel has been completely renovated in 2013. Each room has its own personal style, Enjoy breakfast in the garden.

BIARRITZ 3, av. du Jardin Public | 05 59 24 06 00 BORDEAUX 57, rue Huguerie | 05 56 51 92 71

Whether you are purchasing or selling property in the Basque Country, “Mercier Biarritz” has all the expertise to advise clients on Projects, Valuations and most important finding the ”ideal house or apartment“ of your dreams! A highly personalised approach is guaranteed.

3 bis, avenue François Mauriac • 64200 Biarritz •

Tel. : 06 82 71 50 83 • 05 59 47 29 77


aski art gallery 05 59 24 37 49

28, rue de Gambetta - 64200 Biarritz


B ayo n n e Biarritz Guéthary Saint-Jean-de-Luz 93



French Basque Coast Art de Vivre is within your reach… With the recent correction in the local real estate market, it is a very opportune time to invest in the Basoue Coast. barnes International Luxury Real Estate is in a unique position to help you fulfill your dreams:

• Our experienced team speaks Engllsh, French, Spanish, Itallan, Russian,

and German. We’ll guide you through the buying and selling process with its legal and fiscal requirements.

• From the chateaux of les Landes and farms of the interior Basque country to the beach towns dotting the coast from Hossegor to Biarritz to Saint-Jean-de-Luz, we offer a profound knowledge of local markets that will help you define your needs and enjoy the various treasures of the region.

• We are focused on creating lasting, mutually beneficial relationships

with our clients to deliver excellent service, including concierge and property management services.

Whether you are buying, selllng, or looking for an unforgettable vacation rental experience please call us or drop by barnes for a private consultation.


Transactions Immobilières Avis de Valeur Locations Saisonnières


2 place Bellevue - 64200 biarritz Email : Tél. : + 33 (0)5 59 51 00 00

Ambiance and dining out by the ocean


Superb restaurant overlooking the ocean. Specialities seafood, grilled fish, salads and steaks. Excellent ambiance. A privileged, unforgettable moment. Plage d’Ilbarritz - 64210 BIDART Tel. 05 59 23 44 95

B E A C H - R E S TA U R A N T - B A R - C L U B Ilbarritz beach - 64210 Bidart - Tel. : +33(0)5 59 23 54 87 Open every day from 12am to 2pm -

Domaine de Bassilour Bidart ffers visitors the choice of two wonderful O accommodations. The beautiful Second Empire mansion set in its own grounds with a

tennis court and private car park awaits you only 2 miles from Biarritz. The enthusiasm and charm of the owners will enchant you as will the intimate warmth of the spacious rooms. Start your day by enjoying a delicious breakfast including home made bread and jams!


16th century farmhouse restored with love and care to obtain the comfort of today surrounded with the softness of wood, limestone and stone walls. This beautiful hotel with individually decorated en suite rooms is the first in Aquitaine to obtain the European Eco-label, a guarantee that all is done to protect the environment. Romantic week-ends, cooking parties (minimum 12 guests) and business meetings are all possible at Bassilour. Only 10 min from the airport with daily flights from London and Paris. Beaches, surfing, golf, mountain hiking and the beautiful Basque countryside are all on offer to make your stay a memorable experience. Prices 107  220  - Breakfast1111  Prices per per person 90 €€toto187 € €- Breakfast €€

Directions : motorway A, exit Biarritz at the roundabout

Directions : motorway A63, exit Biarritz at the roundabout after pay pay toll toll follow follow sign sign Izarbel Izarbel // Domaine after Domaine de de Bassilour Bassilour (340°) (340°)

RouteBarruntz d’Arbonne • 64210 Bidart • Tel.05055959414190908585• Fax • Fax05055959414187876262 Route • 64210 Bidart • Tel.•• Email



idart, a former whaling and fishing port, is perched on the clifftops a few kilometres south of Biarritz on the Route Nationale 10. Bidart is the first typical Basque village to be seen in this direction and boasts a superb village centre, compact and of outstanding character in the Labourd style. The town hall is a magnificent example of local architecture and faces the imposing fronton on the side of the square. The nearby church is characteristic of the fortress-church style of the 16th century. At right angles to the square, take the narBidart is also blessed with a fine beach row street leading to the cliffs. There, on (on the RN 10 toward Saint-Jean-de-Luz) the site of Sainte-Madeleine chapel (rebuilt in 1820 and dedicated to the Basque mar- and adjacent camping-grounds. iners) is one of the best views of the Basque Tourism Office Bidart Coast, looking south to Spain. Tel. 05 59 54 93 85



Proud of their village, the inhabitants Over the last three years the centre of Bidart has been entirely renovated. Today of Bidart continue to embrace the tradiBidart is one of the most attractive, vibrant tions of the Baque Culture. The songs, dances, folklore and pelote games anivillages on the Basque Coast. mate the centre of Bidart all year round. Two of the best visits near Bidart are the Moulin (water mill) of Bassilour founded in 1741 proposes the fabric-ation of the traditional Basque Cake, artisanal breads and biscuits. The workshop of knife making, an ancient tradition in the Basque Country. Come and discover the original creations and traditional sculptures in the fabrication of individual knives at the workshop Exposito. For information on visits and festivities in Bidart contact the Bidart Tourism Office next to the centre of town. Tel. 05 59 54 93 85 z 100

HOTEL ITSAS MENDIA The Hotel Itsas Mendia has recently been completely renovated, tastefully decorated rooms, a new swimming pool and a spacious garden for relaxing in the sun. The hotel is well located close to the centre of Bidart. The Ocean is only 5 minutes walking distance and the view of the Pyrenees is stunning. An ideal place for your holidays.

11, Av. de la Grande Plage - 64210 BIDART Tel. +33 (0)5 59 54 90 23 - Fax +33 (0)5 59 54 97 46 -



BAR RESTAURANT on the beach Sushi specialties, fish, beef ribs and grills Plage de l’Ouhabia 64210 Bidart Tel. 05 59 47 79 73

Opportunities for groups

AN ART OF LIVING At Bidart, between the Ocean and the Pyrenee Mountains,we proudly exercise our profession of artisanal bread and cake fabrication with passion to convey the pleasure of sharing “the good things in life” with you.

Breads Starting with the classical French baguette, ranked the best in the Basque Country in 2012 and 2013! Many other specialities are available for tasting. The bread flavoured with local Basque cheese and piment (spices) from Espelette is a favourite. Also the breads with the label Bio are hugely popular. The breads are all “oven fresh” and warm for tasting throughout the day.

CAKES and BAKERY Local produce of the “The Season” are the base of our baking creations. Savour ou apple tarts or our “Amatxi” made with caramel coated pears, enjoy our sensational chocolate mousses or our fruit based pastries as well as our traditional desert cakes. A truely fine gourmet experience awaits visitors.

COCKTAILS We propose food trays for your aperitifs with a wide variety of tapas and savouries, to sweeten your cocktail moment. Birthday cakes are also available. Open from : Monday to Friday : 5:30 am to 8 pm & Saturday to Sunday : 5 am to 8 pm

Avenue du Plateau - RD 810 - 64210 BIDART - Tel. 05 59 47 79 91 - -


Bidart is a very lively and animated village all year round.


Wonderful view overlooking the ocean

Restaurant at Bidart

Open all year round

Specialities Fish, Seafood, Shellfish

Bidart • Main beach • Plage du Centre

Tel. 05

59 26 53 56


Bidart Tourism Office in the centre of town Tel. 05 59 54 93 85

The spectacular colours of the Ocean and the Sky at Bidart




mmediately after the beach at Bidart the road climbs to Guéthary, the smallest community on the Basque Coast. This ancient whaling and fishing port (note the whaling scene on the village coat-of-arms) takes its name from the Latin meaning to “observe”, as, like neighbouring Bidart, the site provided a vantage point to spot the whales. Guéthary later became a popular seaside resort during the 19th century, an epoch reflected by the magnificent Neo-Basque villas in the village today, (the Villa Saraleguinea houses a municipal museum). The original fishing quarter has disappeared but a visit to the tiny port is a “must” and is often overlooked by motorist passing by on the RN 10. If possible, a meal at sunset in one of the port restaurants is highly recommended.

Guéthary has one of the prettiest clifftop railway stations in France (local services from Bayonne, Biarritz, Hendaye) and from there, a popular activity is to take the signposted bicycle track (which begins along the Nive in Bayonne and ends at Hendaye) and walk along the coast to St-Jean-de-Luz. An excellent way to appreciate a relatively untouched part of the Basque coastline. z

Life is beautiful in Guethary



563, av du Général de Gaulle 64210 GUÉTHARY - 05 59 26 52 12


Surf, Sea and Sun in Guethary




An unforgettable moment of relaxation and well-being at the Grand Hôtel Loreamar

Pearl of the Basque Coast, the Grand Hotel Loreamar is perfectly situated right on the beach overlooking the Bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz.The Grand Hotel conserves all the charm of “La Belle Epoque” mixing colours of the South with an elegant British style.The gastronomic restaurant “Le Rosewood”offers a menu inspired by Basque Traditions plus the very best of produce from the ocean. On the ground floor of the Grand Hotel is a superb Thalasso Spa proposing all treatments for the well-being and health of clients.



The restaurant at the Parc Victoria proposes a “real gourmet evasion”, generous, creative and traditional cuisine. Menus from 49 € Degustation menus 69 € to 89 €

5, rue Cépé • 64 500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz • Tel.: 05 59 26 78 78


The Fishing Port at Saint-Jean-de-Luz


eparated by a bridge across the Nivelle river mouth, St-Jean-de-Luz (in Basque; “Donibane Lohitzun” or St-John-of-the-Marshes) and Ciboure (in Basque; “Zubiburu or “bridge-head”) are the most picturesque basque towns on the French Coast. The fishing port, the beautiful Basque architecture and a fine sheltered beach and harbour combine to make a superb site and excellent stopover… The town square, with its outdoor cafes under shady trees where the local artists paint and display their work, is one of the most charming in the region. The communities were busy fishing and whaling ports and their mariners were whale-hunting as far as Newfound-land and Labrador during the 16th century. Later the sailors of St-Jean-de-Luz and Ciboure were renown for another maritime tradition - piracy! The Basque “corsaires” (privateers) sailed under the authority of the French king and were

the scourge of English merchant ships. St-Jean-de-Luz became a veritable “pirates nest” and many of the fine houses today were built from the revenues of the corsaires.

saint-jean-de-luz The golden age of prosperity for the town was crowned by the marriage in the Basque church in 1660 of Louis 14th and MarieThérèse of Spain. The royal wedding took place in St-Jeande-Luz as a result of the “Treaty of the Pyrenees” signed between France and Spain a year previously. The two houses where the couple awaited the marriage can be seen on either side of the town square the house “Louis XIV” may be visited during the summer months. The Basque church of St-John the Baptist is of particular interest. The doorway where the couple left after the ceremony was immediately walled up so that no one else could use the royal threshold. The interior is one of the finest examples of Basque religious architecture, a simple The Basque church at Saint-Jean-de-Luz structure without columns but with a magnificent high alter and the classic The port of St-Jean-de-Luz maintains wooden balconies typical of basque a strong fishing tradition. Sardines are churches. caught off the Portuguese and Marrocan coasts, anchovies in the Bay of Biscay and tuna off the french coast in summer and northen Africa in winter. On the other side of the port, on the quayside of Ciboure lies a large greystone house (n° 27) built in the Dutch style. The great composer Maurice Ravel, (who was half Basque) was born there in 1875 and also worked on the “Bolero” there in 1928. z 116

H au guide Michelin 2013

Superb restaurant situated in the heart of Saint-Jean-de-Luz Refined contemporary cuisine with the highest quality local produce. Visitors warmly welcomed.

Open from midday to 2 pm and from 7.30 pm to 11 pm Closed on Monday. In Summer open every day 6, rue Mazarin • 64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz 05 59 08 01 23 •


Nicolas and Stephanie welcome you in the oldest house in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, dating back to 16th Century! The decor is superb. Come and discover “the refined modern cuisine” with all produce fresh from the market, plus many excellent regional products to add to your gourmet pleasure!

05 59 26 13 20 • 17, rue de la République • 64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz

saint-jean-de-luz, Principal festivities 2014

> Visits

• Maison Louis XIV (house where the young King awaited his marriage). • Maison de l’Infante (house of his bride, Marie-Terese of Spain). • The Basque Church of Saint-JeanBaptiste (where the royal wedding took place).

> Festivities

Musical animation, Place Louis XIV On Sundays and Public Holidays 10th of February to 9th of March, 6th of April to 11th of November

> June

• 7 to 9 Festival Andalousia Dances, Casetas, Concerts in the Centre of Town • 20th to 24th Saint-Jean-de-Luz Festival Concerts, Fireworks, Pelote, Dinners in the street, Activities for children th


> July

• 4th to 6th Wake up Donibane The surf culture • 8th to August 8th International Cesta Punta (Pelote Basque) every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 pm at the Jaï Alaï • 12th Tuna Festival from 6 pm • 14th Sound and Light spectacle at the Fort at Socoa Ciboure and the “Grande Plage” of Saint-Jean-de-Luz

> September

• 1st to 13th Music on the Basque Coast Ravel Concerts • 12th and 13th Festival of the Rue de la

République Music, Basque singing, all in Red and Black • 13th Triathlon • 20th and 21st Gastronomy Festival Slow Foods Market • 21st Old Car Rally • 27th Aeronautic Air Show

> October

• 2nd to 5th Golf Lacoste Ladies Open • 7th to 11th Festival of Young Film Directors Cinema

> In Summer (July and August)

• “Toro de fuego” and “bataille de confettis” on Wednesdays and Sundays 10 pm, place Louis XIV • Pelote Basque Professionals at Jaï Alaï on Tuesdays and Fridays 9 pm • Musical animation in the Place Louis XIV, Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the evenings at 9.30 pm. Sunday mornings at 11.15 am

> Guided Visits

Discover the history of the town, the Tourism Office proposes guided commentaries of 11/2 hours (approx.) complete with distributed documents. Opening hours: Mondays to Saturdays from 9 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 6.30/7 pm (8 pm July, August). Tourism Office: tel. 05 59 26 03 16 20, boulevard Victor Hugo - BP 265 64502 Saint-Jean-de-Luz 119


25, rue Gambetta 64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz Tel. 05 59 26 11 38

La Devini猫re H么tel

Family Hotel in the heart of Saint-Jean-de-Luz with an authentic English atmosphere

5, rue Loquin - 64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz Tel. 05 59 26 05 51 - Fax 05 59 51 26 38


The fishing port of Saint-Jean-de-Luz





Basque fabrics Table linen Kitchen linen Bathroom textiles Accessories Outdoor textiles

Overlooking the Bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, the restaurant La Brouillarta invites you to appreciate the panorama of Ciboure, Socoa, Sainte-Barbe and the exceptional ocean view. Savour at midday or in the evening in a very convival atmosphere the best of Basque Cuisine either seafood or from the terroir. Fresh farm and market produce cooked with delicacy by Stephane, our chef and his team. Discover the quality and diversity of Basque Cuisine in one of the top restaurants at Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

Le Brouillarta

The Restaurant is open everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday. In July and August we are closed on Wednesday.

Tel. 05 59 51 29 51 45, promenade Jacques Thibaud - 64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz


Views of the Bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz


AUBERGE BASQUE • AP 220x280 FESTIN BASQUE AVRIL2012_Mise en page 1 09/04/13 17:00 Page1

AUBERGE BASQUE • AP 220x280 FESTIN BASQUE AVRIL2012_Mise en page 1 09/04/13 17:00 Page1






Toutes les chambres ont une décoration différente, CHAMBRES toutesLES signées Flamant Home Interiors, grandes douches généreuses et écologiques "rain dance", écrans Toutes les ont une décoration différente, muraux plats,chambres vieux planchers, grands lits de 1m80, toutes signées Flamant Home Interiors, grandes chauffage et climatisation par géothermie, balcon pour douches généreuses et écologiques "rain dance", écrans certaines, intérieur pour d’autres... murauxterrasses plats, vieux planchers, grands lits de 1m80, Deux grandes chambres mansardées avec terrasses chauffage et climatisation par géothermie, balcon pour certaines, terrasses intérieur pour d’autres... Labourdine.


Une décoration raffinée toute en transparence ouverte LAsurTABLE la nature, les montagnes et la Vallée de la Nivelle.&

L’idée est simple et pourtant inédite : Version Café VERSION et l’AubergeCAFÉ basque coexistent dans un même lieu, proposant 2 tempos parallèles à l’heure du déjeuner.

Situated in a magnificient parkland setting with a panoramic viewLAof the Pyrenees, Une décoration toute en transparence ouverte L’idée simple et pourtant Country. inédite : Version Café the hotel restaurant Auberge Basque is araffinée unique address forbelle visitors toestthe Basque L’esprit, c’est aussi et surtout, une et jeune sur la nature, les montagnes et la Vallée de la Nivelle. et l’Auberge basque coexistent dans un même lieu,


équipe, chaleureuse, souriante, chic et décontractée à VERSION CAFÉ : UNE ÂME BISTROT QUI COEXISTE proposant 2 tempos parallèles à l’heure du déjeuner.

l'image l'Auberge. Ici,une le bonheur est partout, il se HARMONIEUSEMENT AVEC L’AMBIANCE RAFFINÉE c’est de aussi et surtout, belle et jeune LA TABLEL’esprit, &VERSION LA VERSION CAFÉ transmet, il sesouriante, partage,chic discret et omniprésent. équipe, chaleureuse, et décontractée à DE LA TABLE DE L’AUBERGE BASQUE. CAFÉ : UNE ÂME BISTROT QUI COEXISTE

The contemporary Auberge created by Cédric Béchade l'image de l'Auberge. Ici, le bonheur est partout, il se


grandes chambres mansardées avec transmet, ilCUISINE se en partage, discret et omniprésent. DE est LA TABLE DE L’AUBERGE UNE LÉGÈRE, SAINE ET NATURELLE, mbres ont une Deux décoration différente, Uneterrasses décoration raffinée toute transparence ouverte L’idée simple etlapourtant inédite : Version Café brioche au Sur carte BASQUE. postale, se côtoient pêle-mêle Labourdine. UNE AMBIANCE ÉLABORÉE LES PRODUITS jambon Ibaiona, pipérade à l’ancienne, piquillos farcis Flamant Home Interiors,ÉLÉGANTE, grandes DOUCE, SIMPLE sur la nature, les montagnes laAVEC Vallée deET laNATURELLE, Nivelle.EMBLÉMATIQUES et l’Auberge coexistent dans brioche un même lieu, UNE CUISINEet LÉGÈRE, SAINE Sur la cartebasque postale, se côtoient pêle-mêle au DU PAYS UNE CUISINE BASQUE ET ATTENTIVE, COMME CHEZDOUCE, DES AMIS ! aupipérade boudin merlu à la du guipuzcoan… Côté douceurs, UNE"rain AMBIANCE ÉLÉGANTE, SIMPLE ÉLABORÉE AVECBASQUE, LES PRODUITS EMBLÉMATIQUES jambon 2Ibaiona, ànoir, l’ancienne, piquillos farcis uses et écologiques dance", écrans proposant tempos parallèles à l’heure déjeuner. DU PAYS BASQUE, UNEPAR CUISINE BASQUE on savoure le gâteau basque à l’Ossau-Iraty comme le ET ATTENTIVE, COMME CHEZ DES AMIS ! au boudin noir, merlu à la guipuzcoan… Côté douceurs, INTERPRÉTÉE CÉDRIC BÉCHADE. ieux planchers, grands lits de 1m80, L’esprit, c’est aussi et surtout, une belle et jeune on le gâteau l’Ossau-Iraty comme le INTERPRÉTÉE PAR CÉDRIC BÉCHADE. Des petit-déjeuners personnalisés : art de la table, riz aubasque laitCAFÉ au àchocolat. LES balcon CHAMBRES LA TABLE & savoure LACAFÉ VERSION matisation parbrioche géothermie, pour gâteau :basque, équipe, chaleureuse, souriante, chic et décontractée à VERSION : UNE ÂME BISTROT QUI COEXISTE Des petit-déjeuners personnalisés art de layaourt table, riz au lait au chocolat. de Saint Pée, ficelle, de Des assiettes qui marient le bon, le beau et l'original, brioche de Saint Pée, ficelle, gâteau basque, yaourtde de l'Auberge. Des quiraffinée marient le bon, le beauiletse l'original, sses intérieurbrebis, pour d’autres... l'image Ici, le bonheur est partout, HARMONIEUSEMENT AVECinédite L’AMBIANCE RAFFINÉE Toutes les chambres ont de uneladécoration différente, Uneassiettes décoration toute en en transparence ouverte L’idée est simple et pourtant : Version Café jus-velouté de fruit, thé maison Bentjeman des plats dont onen garde bouche un souvenir ému. brebis, jus-velouté de fruit, thé de la maison Bentjeman des dont on bouche un souvenir ému. toutes signées Flamant Home Interiors, grandes surplats la nature, les garde montagnes et la Vallée de la Nivelle. coexistent dans un même lieu, hambres mansardées avec terrasses transmet, il se partage, discret et omniprésent. DE etLAl’Auberge TABLEbasque DE L’AUBERGE BASQUE. & Barton… & Barton… - Crédits photos : DR L’auberge basque

The restaurant offers the best of contemporary Basque cuisine The style is elegant, creative and generous. All the produce is locally grown and of the season. douches généreuses et écologiques "rain dance", écransThe rooms in the Auberge Basque proposant 2 tempos parallèles à l’heure du déjeuner. muraux plats, vieux planchers, grands lits de 1m80, L’esprit, c’est aussi et surtout, une belle et jeune UNEbalcon CUISINE SAINE ET NATURELLE, SurVERSION la carte postale, se côtoient pêle-mêle chauffage et climatisation par géothermie, pour LÉGÈRE, équipe, chaleureuse, souriante, chic et décontractée à CAFÉ : UNE ÂME BISTROT QUI COEXISTE brioche au are tastefully decorated, refined where the past and the present terrasses intérieur pour d’autres... l'image de l'Auberge. Ici, le bonheur est DE partout, il se HARMONIEUSEMENT AVEC CHEZ L’AMBIANCE RAFFINÉE ÉLÉGANTE, DOUCE,certaines, SIMPLE ÉLABORÉE AVEC LES PRODUITS EMBLÉMATIQUES jambon Ibaiona, pipérade à l’ancienne, piquillos farcis S'ÉVADER LOIN CHEZ À VOUS, CÔTÉ DE VOUS ! S'ÉVADER LOIN DEVOUS, CHEZ À CÔTÉ Deux grandes chambres mansardées avec terrasses transmet, il se partage, discret et omniprésent. DE LA TABLE DE L’AUBERGE BASQUE. DE CHEZ VOUS ! DU PAYS BASQUE, UNE CUISINE BASQUE COMME CHEZ DES AMIS ! come together in harmony. au boudin noir, merlu à la guipuzcoan… Côté douceurs, Labourdine. on Sur savoure gâteau basque à l’Ossau-Iraty INTERPRÉTÉE PAR UNE CÉDRIC BÉCHADE. CUISINE LÉGÈRE, SAINE ET NATURELLE, la cartele postale, se côtoient pêle-mêle brioche au comme le AMBIANCE LES PRODUITS EMBLÉMATIQUES jambon pipérade à l’ancienne, piquillos farcis ners personnalisés UNE : art de la ÉLÉGANTE, table, au laitIbaiona, au chocolat. ForDOUCE, theSIMPLE well being ÉLABORÉE of itsAVEC clients the Auberge riz Basque proposes DU PAYS BASQUE, UNE CUISINE BASQUE ATTENTIVE, COMME CHEZ DES AMIS ! au boudin noir, merlu à la guipuzcoan… Côté douceurs, t Pée, ficelle, gâteauET basque, yaourt de Des assiettes qui marient le bon, le beau et l'original, on savoure le gâteau basque à l’Ossau-Iraty comme le INTERPRÉTÉE PAR CÉDRIC BÉCHADE. oriental massages and relaxation cures. uté de fruit, thé de la maison Bentjeman Des petit-déjeuners personnalisés des : art de la table, plats dont on garde en bouche un souvenir ému. riz au lait au chocolat. S'ÉVADERS'ÉVADER LOIN DE CHEZ VOUS, DE CHEZ ! LOIN CHEZ VOUS,ÀÀCÔTÉ CÔTÉ CHEZ VOUS ! Escape far from yourself, closeDE to home !VOUS

Tél :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 00 Fax :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 17

Tél :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 00 Fax :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 17

D 307 vieille route de St Jean de Luz • 64310 Helbarron / Saint-Pée - France Tel.: +33 (0)5 59 51 70 00 • Fax: +33 (0)5 59 51 70 17 • ute de St Jean de Luz Tél :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 00 n / Saint-Pée - France Fax :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 17 D 307 vieille route de St Jean de Luz 64310 Helbarron / Saint-Pée - France

Tél :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 00 Fax :+33 (0)5 59 51 70 17

- Crédits photos : DR L’auberge basque

D 307 vieille route de St Jean de Luz 64310 Helbarron / Saint-Pée - France

D 307 vieille route de St Jean de Luz 64310 Helbarron / Saint-Pée - France

Des assiettes qui marient le bon, le beau et l'original, des plats dont on garde en bouche un souvenir ému.

- Crédits photos : DR L’auberge basque

brioche de Saint Pée, ficelle, gâteau basque, yaourt de brebis, jus-velouté de fruit, thé de la maison Bentjeman & Barton…


Weaving of Basque linen



our workshop for weaving Basque linen

DIRECT SALES Weaving shop and showroom at Ascain - Z.A. de Larre Lore - Tel. 05 59 26 81 81

The beautiful beach at Ciboure




iboure, built on the southern side of the Nivelle river bridge and between the ocean and Bordagain hill, is a remarkably beautiful site with its picturesque facades along the quayside. Its basque name, ”Zubiruru” means ”at the head of the bridge”. Orginally a simple neighbourhood of nearby Urrugne the town became a parish in 1555 and has since known a remarkable development. It’s history is intimataly linked to the ocean and to its neighbour, Saint-Jeande-Luz. The bourgeois of Saint-Jean forbade, for many years, all entrance to people considered as foreign or inferior, such as bohemians, vagabonds or people who lived off the sea. Ciboure, thus, The town became the home for whalbecame a refuge for them at the “port of ers, cod fishermen and privateers. Today, the kaskarots”. their descendants fish for anchovies and red or white tuna, or process produce from Ciboure is a town of great charm the sea. with a warm welcome to all. Ciboure has also been the birthplace, and has welcomed, many artists and musicians. The famous composer, Maurice Ravel, was born here in the 19th century in the Flemish style home, overlooking the port. Ciboure, today, is a town of great charm, with a welcome to all, and which has faithfully preserved the traces of its glorious past. 131


ARRANTZALEAK Famous Fish and Seafood auberge at Ciboure

18, avenue Jean Poulou • 64500 CIBOURE Tel. 05 59 47 10 75

ciboure The Town of Ravel

The Maurice Ravel International Music Academy was founded in 1967 to honour and perpetuate the memory of the famous composer. This high standing academy welcomes every September, young musicians from all over the world. Advanced teaching is given in private and public technique perfection courses, by eminent professors. The convivial atmosphere and exchanges draw a faithful public, attracted by the teaching and artistic talents of the masters.

The House of the famous French Compositor, Maurice Ravel

The Basque Country

From Ciboure you can discover the gentle charms of the Basque Country, which maintains its traditions and culture. The “fronton” wall remains the privileged site to witness the pelota game as well as basque music, dancing and trad-itional singing, typical of many surrounding villages. Fishing, windsurfing, diving in the beautiful bay shared with Saint-Jean-de-Luz our country has every­thing to attract you! z 133


Principal festivities 2014 • 1st of June Bach and his Masters concert • 12th of July Tuna Festival • 13th to 15th Socoa Festival • 28th of June to the 4th of July World Championship catamaran • 12th of July Tuna Festival • 14th of July Fireworks Display • 4th and 5th of August Ravel Concert “Les Ravéliades” • 9th of August Trophée Teink • 28th of September Corniche Festival

> Guided visits of Ciboure: he Tourism Office provides T guided visits of the town every Thursday from April to September from 10h30.

> “Pelote Basque à main nue”

Every Tuesday and Friday in July and August at 8.30 pm, Fronton Municipal

> “Pelote Basque à pala ancha” veryday at 6 pm in June, July E and August: Mur à Gauche, Socoa


iboure Tourism Office C 27, quai Maurice Ravel Tel. 05 59 47 64 56 134

the corniche,

The ”Corniche”, cliff top road between Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Hendaye is spectacular

© Hendaye Tourisme

© Hendaye Tourisme

Road to Hendaye

Aerial view of the beach at Hendaye and the Domaine Abbadia


© B. Masurel

The Château d’Antoine Abbadia

A magical place for walks and promenades in the gardens at the Chateau of Abaddia

More history: Château Abbadia and Domaine Abbadia


© Hendaye Tourisme


acing the ocean, Abbadia Castle owned by the French Academy of Sciences, was built by Eugène Viollet le Duc between 1864 and 1879. The neogothic building was inspired by models of medieval forts and demonstrates its owner’s passion for the Orient (decoration inspired by the scientist’s numerous trips, friezes decorated with African symbols , etc). It houses a former astronomy observatory and a chapel. The Château, built in a neo-gothic style, takes its inspiration from the fortified castles of the Middle Ages and bears the influence of its owner’s passion for the orient (the decoration reflects the numerous voyages undertaken by the scholar, frescos with African symbols, etc).

© Hendaye Tourisme

Embark on the exploration of an exceptional Chateau

Property of the Coastal Con­servation Commission, the Dom­aine Abbadia offers 65 hectare natural, through the varied land­­-scapes (high cliffs, heather and gorse heaths, meadows, orchards stocked with ancient, local varieties), the possibility of going back over 80 million years to the time when the sea was to be found where the Pyrenean mountain chain now stands.

The Château is open for visits. Guided visits are in French, both of the interior and exterior of the Chateau. In July and August, the Chateau is open for visits from 10am to 8pm. Route de la Corniche 64700 HENDAYE Tel.: 33 (0)5 59 20 04 51 Fax: 33 (0)5 59 20 90 51


hendaye Welcome to Hendaye! Ongi Etorri!


© All photos: Hendaye Tourisme

reath… Relax… You are in Hendaye, the most Basque of seaside resorts! Between sea and mountain, come and enjoy the 3 km long, fine sandy beach that stretches from the Deux Jumeaux to Bidassoa, the natural frontier with Spain. Inquisitive or enthusiastic, you can alternate between training on catamarans and diving lessons, the excitement of kayaking and dinghy sailing. And if after that you want to relax, Serge Blanco’s refreshing sea-water therapy centre will set you up to discover the port of Caneta and the former Moorish-style casino. The spectacular beach and boat harbour in Hendaye


Š All photos: Hendaye Tourisme


Sports, cultural and leisure activities in Hendaye



Have a great holiday in Hendaye! Opor onak pasa Itzazue Hendaian!

More sailing: Leisure Activities and Marina

Hendaye is also a seaside resort with three kilometers long sandy beach, the safest on the French Basque Coast, where everyone can practice surf, scuba diving, jet ski… The Bay of Chingudy, near the stuary of the Bidassoa, is a natural haven for sailing, windsurfing and kayaking. The town boasts a magnificient, 853 berth, yacht harbour, just in front of “Sokoburu” complex which includes hotels, shopping galleries, pubs, restaurants and a Casino (offering black jack, boule, roulette and slot machines). z



Principal festivities 2014 > May

• 1st to 4th Spring Festival in Hendaye • 22nd to 25th Theatre in May

> June

• 7th Surf and Seawater Festival

> July

• 7th Classical Music Concert with light show at the Chateau Abbadia • 1 0th to 12th Hendaye Summer Festival • Every Thursday “Jeudis du Port” • 13rd Chipiron (Squid) Festival night market at the port of Hendaye • 31st Guitar Concert place Sokoburu, 8pm to midnight at the Château Abbadia Without forgetting that throughout the > August year there are: • 8th to 10th Basque Festival • Food markets, Wednesday morning • 14th Concert, The greatest Cartoon in the centre of town and Saturday Themes close the marina. • Second hand fair at the marina on > September the last Sunday of the month. • 20th to 21st Historical Monuments th th • B asque dances in the Gaztelu Zahar • 27 to 28 Corniche Festival fronton (pelota court) the last Sunday > October of the month (except august). • 11th and 12th Fête de la Science • Pelota matches every evening • 13th to 19th Gourmet Tastings week at Ignacio Trinquet. • 20th to 30th Childrens week

> In Summer

• Every Monday “Night market” at the port of Hendaye place Sokoburu • Every Tuesday “Rendez-vous du Palmier”, crafts, artisans… all day long, Palmier roundabout near the beach • Every Wednesday pelote and Basque dances at the fronton Daniel Ugarte, 9 pm

Information, Sales

Tourist Information Office 67bis, bd de la Mer - 64 700 Hendaye Tel. 05 59 20 00 34 - Fax 05 59 20 79 17 141


Marine Museum

Chocolate worksh

Ocean and Surf City

Basque Museum

Chambre d'Amour

Guethary Museum

Eco-Museum Jean-Vier

Bidart Arbonne Arcangues uéthary Ahetze St-Jean-de-Luz

Socoa �



Ciboure Chateau d'Urtubie

lle ive



la N





ab err


Chateau Abbadia




St-Pée sur Nivelle

Ascain Sare

La Rhune Train





Arnaga Itxassou Pas-de-Roland


Grottos of Sare

Makilas of Bergara

Spanish border


Ur Biz

Chateau d'Etchaux

Guide to map Panoramic view Old Churches

Irouleguy wine cellars

St-Etienne de Baïgorry

Remarkable monuments

Beautiful natural sites or view Romanes ue churches

Bishop's Prison Pierre Oteiza Basque food, produce



Les Aldudes

Map showing places of interest, visits and excursions in the Basque Country.





Arts and Crafts

La Bastide Clairence

Hasparren Isturitz



Caves and Grottos of Isturits and Oxocelhaya

Mauleon Castle

zia Rafting

Romanesque Monastory Istara Cheese

Larceveau St-JeanPied-de-Port


L'hopital Saint-Blaise

Patrimoine House

Barcus Kakuetta Gorges

Holzarte Bridge

Iraty Forest



Sainte-Engr ce Romanesque Church

t e u q n i r T u d t n

a r u a t s Re ’Arcangues d

Only 5 minutes by car from Biarritz in the beautiful village of Arcangues, beside the Arcangues Golf Course, is a superb restaurant proposing the very best of traditional Basque Cuisine. Authentic Basque ambiance, music and pelote matches.

Tel. 05 59 43 09 64 Arcangues www.trinquetdarcangues

Visitors may dine or lunch outside on the open air terrace in Summer. “Asti” and “Pantxo” warmly welcome all visitors. A unique experience is assured.


Aerial view of the village of Arcangues and the Arcangues Golf Course


the makhila


or over two hundred years, in the village of Larressore, the Ainciart Bergara family have carried on one of the oldest and most famous Basque traditions; the manufacture of the “Makhila”. This classic Basque walking-stick, a wonderful companion for the hiker, thanks to its perfect balance, was first used by shepherds and pilgrims during the Middle Ages, and has remained unaltered for centuries. Makhila however means “deathgiver” in Basque as it conceals a nasty surprise for any would-be aggressors! The handle unscrews to reveal a decorated blade and thus another function of the Makhila - a defensive weapon!

The principle of the Makhila may have even been the inspiration for the Bayonne blacksmiths when they invented the Bayonet. The wood used for the manufacture of the Makhila comes from the Medlar tree. The initial carvings are made on the living branch in the Spring and six months later the branch is cut and dried for up to 12 years increase is strength. The handle is decorated by a h ­ orned pommel and a metal band on which is in-scribed the owners name and family motto.

Photos showing the fabrication of the makhilas by Charles Bergara.

Workshop founded before 1789 146

the makhila Underneath the pommel, plated leather bands complete the handle. This is the “Makhila cuir” or leather makhila. The other model, the “Makhila d’honneur”, is made with a metal handle upon which is inscribed magnificent coat-of-arms. The metals used are (on request) gold, silver, German silver, and copper.

The original Makhila The Ainciart Bergara makhilas have been presented to many famous personalities, including Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela, several kings and Popes including JeanPaul II. The highest honour for any Basque is to be awarded a Makhila for merit, in front of his compatriots. The Makhila, the hikers companion, an object of art and of honour, truly represents the Basque people and one of their most beautiful traditions. A recent addition to the Makhila workshop is a cinematic showroom, where visitors can learn more about the fabrication of the Makhila thanks to a superb 30 minute documentary film. On the walls are displays illustrating the history of the Ainciart Bergara family and the importance of the Makhila in Basque Culture and Society. z

64480 LARRESSORE Tel. 05 59 93 03 05 • Fax 05 59 70 30 13 | Facebook makhila Ainciart Bergara 147

cambo-les-bains Tourism Thermal and Climatic Therapy A beautiful peaceful village with many wonderful gardens in the heart of Basque Country ituated less than half-an hour from Biarritz, St-Jean-de-Luz and Bayonne, the calm haven of Cambo is one of the first jumping off points for exploring the Labourd province. In the 19th Century, Cambo became known for the health and well-being to be View of the magnificent Gardens at Arnaga gained from the two thermal hot water springs found in the Village. Cures and Visitors to Cambo and the health curists treatments for many sorts of maladies, resappreciated the restful but tonic atmospiratory, digestive, skin diseases were promoted and thermalism became popular. phere of the village and the charms of the basque country side and the basque culture. Cambo is blessed with a mild protected micro climate, sheltered from the damp and wind from the sea. In 1924 Cambo was officially designated a climatic Health-Station. The two thermal establishments were renovated in the 1970’s and Cambos’ health prestation continues to flourish today. Cambo also hosts one of the top touristic visits in the Basque country “Arnaga” - The Famous Maison of Edmond Rostand, the much celebrated poet and playright author of “Cyrano de Bergerac”. z Tourist office of Cambo: tel. 05 59 29 70 25

© OT Cambo


© OT Cambo


© OT Cambo

la Villa


The author of Cyrano de Bergerac created a sumptuous theatrical décor for his dream home. The charming French and English gardens delight the visitor with their romantic walks. To mark its one hundredth anniversary, the Villa will reappear in its original colour, Basque red.

© OT Cambo

Open everyday from April 1st to October 31st.

Inquiries : tel. 05 59 29 94 97 - Cambo-les-Bains -

© OT Cambo


© OT Cambo

The beautiful gardens of Arnaga

Aerial view of Cambo


cambo-les-bains, Principal festivities 2014

> August

• Mid-August Theatre festival Arnaga

> October

© OT Cambo

© OT Cambo

© OT Cambo

• 1st Sunday in October Gateau Basque festival



This charming traditional auberge gained its reputation thanks to the “Grand Markets” held every Wednesday in the picturesque village of Espelette. For 5 generations of Darridou family have transformed the famous Hôtel Restaurant Euzkadi into one of the landmarks of the Basque Country. Situated in the heart of Espelette overlooking “La Place Publique” near to the village fronton and market place. The Hôtel Restaurant Euzkadi is an absolute “must” for visitors to the Basque Country. Today Espelette is a jewel, at the foot of the Pyrenees not far from the ocean. The village has been recently completely renovated and the centre is reserved for pedestrians. Visitors may enjoy beautiful walks in the Pyrenees near to Espelette.

285, Karrika Nagusia 64 250 Espelette Tel. 05 59 93 91 88


One of the most beautiful villages The centre of the village of Espelette has recently been completely renovated and is today one of the most beautiful villages in the Basque Country

The Summer Festival at Espelette


Come and discover the secrets of Antton chocolate

The new workshop is open every day

Free guided tour and tasting: for guided tour in English, please call us! Place du MarchĂŠ | 64250 Espelette | Phone: 33 (0)5 59 93 80 58


One of the most beautiful villages

The Summer Festival at Espelette A haven of Basque gastronomy in the village of Espelette, cheeses, piments, conserved meats


Master perfumer - paris

“I met Christian Louis, Creator and Master Perfumer…”

There are men who are born for war, others to go to sea or to cross mountains, and others, maybe, for nothing. And then there is a minority, who have asked for nothing and who have the tremendous privilege to be born to fulfill their dreams. Without them, the world would have no music, no perfumes, no temples, no extravagance, no grandeur, and no mysteries. On their shoulders they carry the immense vaults of the imaginary cathedrals that make the world go round.

Perfumes of the Basque Country W W W. p a r f u m s o n l i n e . c o m

La Bastide-Clairence,

One of the most beautiful villages


© Pierre Capperon

a Bastide-Clairence was a village purposely built during the Middle Ages to provide a small port of access to the Adour river for the Kingdom of the Navarre. It was populated by people from outside of the Basque Country and its peculiarity today is that it is a village where Gascon is spoken, rather than Basque! Its regular streets and half timbered houses, dominating the village square, give an excellent idea of the “Bastide” style.

© Pierre Capperon

The centre of La Bastide Clairence has recently been entirely renovated, today it is one of the most beautiful villages in the Basque Country.


Ghislaine Potentier

Superb restaurant with open air terrace in the heart of the picturesque village of Labastide-Clairence, with a medieval salon. A visit is highly recommended.

Place des Arceaux Maison Forgues 05 59 70 22 78 06 72 29 32 69

La Bastide-Clairence

La Bastide-Clairence

© Pierre Capperon

© Pierre Capperon

© Werner Buck

© Pierre Capperon

Today, under the initiative of the Mayor, the village has become a thriving arts and crafts centre. A dozen craftsmen have been attracted to the village where the work daily, maintaining standards of the highest quality. They include weavers, dressmakers, furniture makers, enamelware craftsmen, blackminths, artists, and a taxidermist. Apart from permanent exhibitions, there are two antique fairs, painting, and dress-making exhibitions during the year. z For information contact the Tourist Office, tel. 05 59 29 65 05



One of the most beautiful villages


he village of Sare, surrounded by superb Basque farm houses, lies in the shadow of the “Rhune” mountain and in the heart of the old smuggling region. The Basques never recognised the legality of the frontier and considered the transportation of goods (“night-work”), while avoiding customs formalities, as perfectly natural! With over 20 kilo­metres of easy mountain passages nearby, Sare became an important smuggling centre. Pierre Loti, in his famous romantic novel “Ramun­tcho”, used Sare as the site of the fictional town of Etchejar, and portrayed an excellent image of 19th century village life, including the importance of the pelote game and the smuggling.


sare Loti even participated in a real smuggling expedition to provide material for the novel! Today Sare may be admired for its beautiful village square, dominated naturally by the fronton, the church and mayors office. The houses, some built with arcades, date from the 17th and 18th centuries. Not to be missed are the prehistoric grottos of Leiza - a sound and light show of a prehistoric world. z



One of the most beautiful villages


ituated between the Nive Valley and the Spanish (Navarre) Frontier, the village of Ainhoa is classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France. Originally a fortified town built in the 13th Century to welcome the Pilgrims on the road to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, Ainhoa was also an important Relais-Stoperer on the road between Bayonne and Pamplona. Nestling in the green Mountainous background the white facades with the red shutters and wooder decocration of the ancient demeures or ancestral homes make Ainhoa a absolute must for all visitors to the region. Ainhoa also proposes 65 kilometers of mountain walks,

circuits to discover the AubĂŠpine Chapel, the Basque Stone Cometery, plus spectaculaire views even as far as the Atlantic Ocean. Finally for the gourmet visitors, numerous restaurants also speciality boutiques offering the very best of Basque Cuisine and local Products for your pleasure. Ainhoa is certainly one of the best examples of Basque village architecture. Its one main street contains some of the finest houses built in the Labourd style with the dates of construction engraved on the lintels as well as the names of the first occupants.

Wonderful view of the beautiful village of Ainhoa


This splendid 17th century dwelling opens onto Place d’Aïnhoa where the spirit of the

Basque country is present with a few games of pelota and the fine view from your window across the rooftops of the village… Your bedroom, with its period furniture, completes the relaxing atmosphere offered by the park, swimming pool, fitness facility, sauna… In the kitchen, Mr Isabal and his son compose real culinary symphonies… A warm welcome is awaiting you !


The Hôtel proposes 28 rooms, a swimming pool, a sauna and a superb gastronomic restaurant. Open air bistrot in Summer


64250 Tel. 05 59 29 92 11 E-mail :



One inscription on the “Goritia” house (built 1662) relates how money for the restauration of the home was sent back from the “Indies” (Americas) by some of the family who had emmigrated there.

This is a classic Basque story, of young Basques spending years of hard work in Argentina or the Western United States in order to make their fortune and either return to establish themselves or else to maintain, or ensure ownership, of the family home. Ainhoa follows the custom of building houses with their backs to the sea. This explains the curious aspect of how the houses on one side of the street appear to be more beautiful and richly decorated than the other. These are simply the main facades whereas on the other side the houses present their backs, and apart from doorway Market day in Ainhoa and windows are less decorated. 168


Panoramic view of the beautiful village of Ainhoa, an ideal place for mountain walks and bike-riding


ITHURRIA Côté Bistrot


64250 Tel. 05 59 29 92 11 E-mail : 169


Ainhoa was built during the Middle Ages in the “bastide” style. In other words built to a regular pattern (and thus easier to defend) and also for a specific purpose. In the case of Ainhoa, the purpose was to provide a stopover for the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostella. During the Middle Ages pilgrims flocked from all over Europe to visit Compostella and nearly all of the major routes converged in the northern Basque Country before crossing the Pyrenees. Ainhoa was almost totally destroyed by the Spanish in 1629 and the houses today were rebuilt during the 17th and 18th centuries. The oldest parts of the church date from the 14th century and its thick walls and narrow slit-windows attest to its double function of place of worship and also of refuge in time of war. The interior is the

classic Labourd style, a simple nave without columns, rich altar, and of course, two tiers of wooden galleries. The church dominates the “fronton” or rounded wall against which is played the Basque “pelota”, an essential part of any basque village. The three fundamental elements of the basque village are the townhall, the church and the fronton. z



The Chapel on the hill overlooking the village of Ainhoa



Panoramic view of the beautiful village of Ainhoa, an ideal place for mountain walks and promenades


Luxury brands, products and perfumes at the very best prices

at the Benta Lapitxuri in Dancharia near AĂŻnhoa

Dancharia access by Ainhoa or Saint-PĂŠe-sur-Nivelle Tel. (0034) 948 599 093 Shopping at its very best, just across the border in Spain : Supermarket, Aperitif and Alcohols at the best prices, Restaurant, Cigars, Snack Bar, Clothing store, Maroquinerie, Deco House, Perfumery, Parapharmacy.

We are open everyday of the year !

Each visit is an experience

the basse-navarre T

he second province of the French Basque Country and perhaps the prettiest. To explore the Basse-Navarre is to get away from the busy coast and to enjoy the peace and quiet of a rural landscape, rolling hill country, mountain valleys, and small Basque farming communities. In the Basse-Navarre the predominant colour is “green�, as the maritime climate ensures an ample winter rainfall with mild temperatures. The lush pastures are used for mixed farming (maize is still an important crop) and the Basse-Navarre has become famous for the local speciality, ewes cheese. The drive from Bayonne to St-JeanPied-de-Port (45 minutes) is highly recommended, following the valleys and gorges of the Nive river. The local branch

Bidarray church

line of the S.N.C.F. (railways) follows the same valley, but is even more spectacular as it hugs the river bank, and is one of the most enjoyable country train trips in France. Notice the subtle change in architecture between the Labourd and the BasseNavarre. Gone are the half-timbered fa­cades. Instead the houses have a more solid appearance in keeping with a mountain climate. z




© All photos: Office de Tourisme Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Baigorri

he valley of Baïgorri is one of the most beautiful in the Basque Country and offers a rich and exceptional variety of mountain and valley landscape. Following upstream a tributary of the Nive the long valley eventually reaches Spain (the mountain pass of Ispéguy is a spectacular drive), through country where the Romans mined copper and silver, where Basques smuggled goods over the border and where historical pastoral rights were often disputed over between France and Spain. Roman bridge “Baïgorri“ owes its name to the local pink coloured soil and granite which, granite is used widely to build farms and when in flood, gives a particular tinge to houses and adds to the typical architectural the Nive river (Baïgorri: red river). The style of the valley and its 11 villages.

Château Etchauz



Oilandoi chapel

The main town of Saint-Etienne-deBaïgorri has the local tourism office just opposite the 11th century church of SaintEtienne. The church organ has been entirely renovated and has recently played host to baroque music festivals. Other characteristics of the town are its typical basque houses of the BasseNavarre style, the delightful “Roman bridge“ and the historical chateau of Etchauz which is open for visits. Just outside of Saint-Etienne lay the vineyards of Irouleguy, flanking the hillsides and the only “appellation d’origine controlée” wine in the northern Basque Country. Further downstream the charming villages of Saint-Martin-d’Arrossa, Osses, Ascarat, Lasse and Anhaux have preserved their authentic character. Osses

has some superb houses and its church, rebuilt in the 16th century, has one of the most beautiful baroque high altars in the region.

Spectacular view of the vineyards and valley at Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry


© M. Errecalde

One of the most beautiful villages

saint-étienne-de-baïgorry where the entrance to the old copper mines can still be seen, before opening out the the Aldudes and the village of Urepel. From here the road finally crosses into Spain via the “kintoa”, an historically unique part of the valley which officially belongs to Spain but which is shared with French families under an old agreement our pastoral rights.


The village “Aldudes”

© Ur Bizia

© Daniel Hargain

This particular area is ideal for bikers and mountain-bikers and rock-climbing. The Pyrenees vulture colony at Iparla is also worth the visit. For water-sports, rafting and canoeing, the village of Bidarry on the Nive, is the ideal spot with several water-sports centres located by the riverside. Upstream from Saint-Etienne-deBaïgorry the valley winds past Banca,


Arcé Hotel Restaurant

The magic of the Pyrénées… A babbling stream below the terrace, the old clock tower in the village and omnipresent mountains… here, at the Hotel Arcé, the Basque Country has a touch of Magic !

Located 30 minutes from the Atlantic coast and close to the Spanish border, the Hotel Arcé offers the smiling face of the Basque Country.

The hotel is at centre of a picturesque village which has jealously guarded the traditons anf folklore of the Basque country such as songs, pelota games, local festivals, the open seasons for trout fishing and woodpigeon huntung… You will find a happy mood at the Hotel Arcé, which has just been redecorated but has neverthe-

64430 Saint-Etienne-de-Baïgorry Tel. 05 59 37 40 14 - Fax 05 59 37 40 27 Email :

less retained its Basque soul in great tranquility and comfort with a heated pool, hard tennis court and a warm welcome extended to you by the Arcé family who, for five gen-erations now, have been the reasons why this charming hotel has been so well-known. In the Arcé Restaurant, you can enjoy delicious local ingredients. Depending on the seasons, you can savour the full flavour of game, fish or tender vegetables… prepared in the Basque way with skill to create great lightness.

© CDT64


In Summer the valley is alive with festivals and events. There is an abundance of “Force Basque“ games, trails of strength and endurance stemming from old farmyard and chores, arts and crafts fairs and at Saint-Etienne-de-Baigorry a festival display of a typical Basque wedding ceremony and procession from the year 1900. Gastronomy plays a natural part in valley life with traditional produce from the

countryside such as trout from the Nive, the famous local sheeps cheese and naturally, Irouleguy wine. The valley and surrounding mountains are rich in pastoral life set in a beautiful environment. z Tourism Office Tel. 05 59 37 47 28



Š Fotolia - Yvann K.

Š Dollar Photo

One of the most beautiful towns




© Office de Tourisme Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Baigorri


aint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, capital of the Basse-Navarre is one of the most beautiful towns in the Basque Country. Founded by the last great Basque King (Sancho the Strong) in the 13th century, the town served as a military, commercial and religious cross-roads, built on the strategic junction between Pamplona, Bayonne and the north. The name “Piedde-Port”, means literally “foot of the pass”, a reference to the famous pass of Roncevaux where Charlemagne met with disaster against the vengance of the Basques. This important crossing of the Pyrenees was used by the Romans, the Maures on their way to defeat at Poitiers, and especially by the pilgrims, who flocked through Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port from the Middle Ages to visit the tomb of St-James at Santiago-de-Compostella. Today, this historical thoroughfare is a major attraction. The town is dominated by a citadel (falsely The main street which descends steeply attributed to Vauban) where there are to the river is perhaps the most pictursuperb views of the town and the area. esque in the northern Basque Country with typical Navarre houses built in rosetinted granite and their histories inscribed above the doorways. The oldest is dated 1510! The scallop shell, symbolising the pilgrims of St-James, is seen as carved decoration on many of the houses as well as the curious tradition of tying a sprig or twigs on the doors on Saint-Johns night in order to “protect the household”. The “Bishops Prison”, which houses a small museum is built over medieval cellars (in the same style as Bayonne) often used in the past as the municipal prison.


Basque Festival at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port

© Photo Ekiola

© All photos: Office de Tourisme St-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Baigorri

At the bottom of this superb street is the church of “Our lady at the end of the bridge”, a curious but practical title! The medieval church was later restored in the Neo-Gothic style and was part of the fortifications surrounding the old town. From the bridge, trout can often be seen, sunning themselves in the Nive and the river-fronts of the town houses with their balconies is the most well known postcard of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. The Town today is the main market and commercial heart of the region (market day on Monday) and is an ideal stopover to enjoy the local produce; Irouleguy wine, the delicious Basque cake, ewes cheese, honey, as well as wood carvings, sandal-makers and Basque furniture. It is also the obvious gateway to the mountains, particularly to the skifields and forest of Iraty and a highly recommended drive, crossing the frontier and climbing the stunning valley to the pass of Roncevaux (1 032 m high).



Port is the superb mountain valley road to Saint-Michel and the village of Esterunçuby. For a real appreciation of Basque mountain country, this route is a must. z For information and inquiries contact the Tourism Office: 14, place de Gaulle 64220 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port Tel. 05 59 37 03 57

© All photos: Office de Tourisme St-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Baigorri

Just after the summit, the collegiate church at Roncevalles houses the first early Gothic church (13th century) built in Spain, beautiful for its clear lines and simplicity. Next door is a gothic cloister where, in a small chapel, lies the tomb of the Basque King Sancho VII, the “Strong” of Navarre, whose recumbent figure is 2,25 m long, the real height of the monarch! A beautiful stained glass window commemorates the last great battle in 1212 against the Maures when Sancho was apparently the first to break through the chained slaves protecting the Maurish king. Continuing from Roncevalles, another hours drive will bring you to the capital of the Navarre, and the temporary home of Hemmingway, Pamplona. A shorter drive from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-


Jean-Marie Mailharro


In the picturesque village of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, beside the Nive this is a superb restaurant offering all the best traditional Basque Cuisine.

Place Charles de Gaulle • Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port Tel. 05 59 37 04 22 •

© Fotolia - Halfpoint



soule T

he most mountainous of the three French Basque provinces, the Soule is a different world compared to the Labourd. Here life is simpler and tougher during the winter when there is ample snowfall. The population is sparse, the towns small but the nature is beautiful and well worth the visit. From St-Jean-Pied-de-Port the road (take first the direction to St-Jean-leVieux) twists and climbs up to the forest of Iraty, one of the largest mountain forests in Europe. The views are superb and there are picnic facilities and forest walks to be enjoyed. In winter the ski station of Iraty (the closest to the

Basque Coast) is popular for cross-country skiing. The site is also renown as an observation post for the migratory passage of birds as they head south over the Pyrenees in the autumn. The forest of Iraty is a protected region today, as the forest was decimated during three centuries for the needs of shipbuilding. On the other side of Iraty the road (the D 26 and then D 113) can be taken to the impressive gorges of Kakouetta. The canyon is a 3,5 km walk (two hours approx. for the return trip). The width varies from 3 to 10 metres and the depth of the gorge measures 200 metres.


soule The Basque province of the SOULE is rich in legend and exceptional beauty and where one of the oldest languages in the world, the Basque (Euskara), is woven harmoniously into the land and the everyday lives of its people.

Shepherds, dancers, singers, pelote players, invention of the espadrille, the Souletins remain faithful to their heritage. The tradition of welcome is respected and expressed in the architecture along the pilgrim routes to Santiago of Compostella. Springs, caves, canyons and mountain pastures provide hikers an ever-changing landscape with nume­ rous footpaths crossing plateaus, forests and meadows. In the Soule the village fête reflects living traditions. Sport, religion and enter­ tainment draw the people to the village square, in front of the Soules unique three-gabled bell towers and the pelote frontons. The square also hosts the famous “pastorale”, a folk theatre that has roots in the mystery plays of the Middle Ages. The village inhabitants create a spectacle of song, dance, history and legend renewing the culture of the Soule from generation to generation. z




apital of the Soule, Mauleon is the economic heart of the region, and has a past stretching back to the Middle Ages. Its magnificent castle is one the most important medieval forts in the region with thick walls built to withstandcannon balls, impressive towers, drawbridge, and vaulted prison: it dominates the upper and older part of Mauleon and may be visited.

Mauleon is reputed for its shoemaking industries. Sandals were the main item produced here from the 19th century and today to town accounts for 70 percent of the espad-rille manufacturing in France ! In the lower part of the town, one two splendid renaissance buildings, the Hotel de Maytie and also the town hall, formerly the Hotel de Montreal, built in the 17th century. Mauleon is an excellent base for mountain and village excursions in the Soule and also in the nearby Bearn region. 187


Festivals, the famous Basque Cheese and the Castle (Chateau Fort) at Mauleon



Capital of the Soule Province In the town of Mauleon the famous sandal, “Espadrille” workshops are open for visitors (for information please contact the Soule Tourist Office). Each year on the 15th of August the festival of Espadrilles is held in the Place des Allées in the heart of Mauleon. A sandal workshop shows visitors all the different stages of sandal production. While throughout the day one may taste local produce, enjoy the basque dancing, pelote matches and the traditional force Basque! z Inquiries for visits to the castle and excursions in the region. Tourism Office 05 59 28 02 37 Basque dancing festivals at Mauleon

Typical architecture of the houses in the Soule Provence


The best visits, In the Soule Province


ear to the picturesque village of Sainte-Engrace, the visit to the Salle La Verna, a vast underground cave, an explorers dream. For visits please telephone 06 37 88 29 05 or contact the Soule Tourist Office at Mauleon, to reserve your visit. The visit to the Kakuetta Gorge is one of the most spectacular in the Basque Country. Please contact the Mayor’s Office at Sainte Engrace: 05 59 28 60 83, for information.

The romanesque church (12th century) at Saint-Engrace

Visits from the 15th March to the 15th of November from 8 am to 8 pm. A wonderful visit for all the family. Other visits to be recommended in the Soule Province are the Church of the Saint Blaise Hospital (Classed by Unesco Cultural Heritage). The Church is of Roman architectural style built on the famous Pilgrims route to Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Remarkably well conserved the Church exhibits Spanish-Arabesque characteristics of the period. The church is open for visits all year round from 10 am to 7 pm. z 190

The Kakuetta gorge

Kakuetta Gorge

A spectacular excursion for all the family: For information • Mayor’s office 64560 Sainte Engrace Tel. 05 59 28 60 83 • Gorges de Kakuetta Tel. 05 59 28 73 44 191





estled at the foot of Mount Orhy, the highest peak in the Basque Country (2017 metres), lies the little village of Larrau, blending well into the countryside and traditions of the Soule province. Its surrounding farms merge into the mountains in the poetic names of the neighourhoods.

Ekhi-Begia > the eye of the Sun Odei-Zakia > cloud cluster Hur-Artia > between streams Itzal-Herria > shady corner The attractive village centre is grouped around the historical church and the fronton. The church was restored in 1656 but original vestiges include the Aspe built in the Romanesque style and the decorated wooden statue of the Virgin Mary. It was originally built as a place of worship and then a hospital for the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostella, following the Roncal or Salaza valleys to Pamplona via the Larrau pass. The pilgrims found shelter, half way up at 1 300 metres in the hermitage chapel of Saint Joseph, built by the monks of Larrau in 1656. The chapel was restored in 1861 and again rebuilt after a snow storm in 1990, by the community of Larrau who respected the old stone wall, architectural style. Visitors can appreciate the recently installed “sound and light” show at the church. z


Hôtel Restaurant

Etchémaïté Pierre and Cathy Etchémaïté

This superb restaurant proposes the very best of Basque Cuisine, with a magnificent view of the Pyrenees from its open air terrace. A visit is highly recommended.

64560 LARRAU - Tel.: 05 59 28 61 45 - Fax: 05 59 28 72 71

larrau Information about Larrau at the Mayor’s Office Tel. 05 59 28 62 80 - Fax 05 59 28 72 13 -

The Holzarte Bridge


Atlantic Ocean


3 Vizcaya

San Sebastian

1 Guipúzcoa

2 Alava


5 Labourd 6 Basse Navarre 7 Soule Pamplona

4 Navarre


The basque country in spain A

fter crossing the frontier at Behobie, turn right and follow the road to Irun and Fuenterrabia. This charming little port on the Bidassoa estuary corresponds with the ancient Roman port of Oiaso. Fuenterrabie is a historical town and much of its town walls remain as well as the “chateau of Charles 5th” which has been transformed into a “Parador” or a luxury hotel. With its huge saloons, tapestries and beautiful bedrooms, the build-

ing retains its medieval charm. The exterior walls are pockmarked with cannonball holes from the border wars in the 16th century! It is well worth while to stroll along the “Calle Mayor” (the opening scene of the film “Papillon” was shot here with Steve Mac Queen) or the port area to admire the picturesque houses typical of Fuenterrabie (or “Fontarabie”) or to pass an evening in the taverns tasting the “tapas” or delicious bar-snacks! The old town inside the citadel is a stunning example of a preserved historical quarter and a stroll through the cobblestone streets is not to be missed. Each half-timbered and stone house with its cantilever and bright-paintwork is an attraction and boast a far greater age than anything in neighbouring San Sebastian! z

San sebastian

Views of the spectacular Bay of San Sebastian


San sebastian


an Sebastian (population 186 000) is built on one of the most magnificent sites of any European Coastal city. The regional and financial capital of the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, the city lies on a large bay flanked by two high promontaries (Mt. Urgull and Mt Igueldo) and is protected by the tiny island of St Clara. Mt Urgull was formerly a peninsula and a natural haven for a medieval fishing port. The proximity to France encouraged extensive fortifications but a catastrophic seige and fire destroyed the town during the Napoleonic Wars. An elegant 19th century city was built on the site and much like its French counterpart, Biarritz, became a royal seaside resort thanks to the patronage of the Spanish Queen Isabelle II. The town became famous, capital poured in and the first Spanish tramways, telephone system and electric lighting made their appearance in San Sebastian.

Barra de pintxos

Today, the “old quarter” lying at the foot of Mt Urgull, with its narrow pedestrian streets, bars and cafés, the “Place de la Constri­tucion” where bullfights were held, is a highlight of San Sebastian. Follow the waterfront from the small fishing port, past the Town Hall (formerly the Casino) and along the delightful promenade which runs along the wide sweep of the superb “Concha” beach.


San sebastian

The Maritime Museum in San Sebastian

An excellent maritime museum has recently opened along the quayside of the old part (good selection of Maritime history books in English, in the library) and is an interesting complement to the nearby city Aquarium. On the other side of the bay towers Mt Igueldo, which, apart from a hotel and amusement park, offers an outstanding view of the city and the rugged Atlantic coastline – one of the best vantage points in the Basque Country! San Sebastian is especially attractive for its night-life and is within easy reach of Bayonne/Biarritz (45 minutes approximately on the “autoroute” – take exit “San Sebastian Centro” and don’t forget your passports!).

Weekend evenings are particularly animated with the locals strolling in their “Sunday best” and congregating in the bars and cafes. The city also has a furious programme of festivities during the year. These include: • Carnival of San Sebastian February / March • San Sebastian Jazz Festival end of July • International horse races end of July • Festival week of San Sebastian and International Fireworks competition, Mid. August • Traditional regattas and boat races beginning of September • International Film Festival end of September z


Information: Tourism Office San Sebastian Tel. (00 34 943) 48 11 66


Guggenheim Museum


n October of 1997, the doors swung open at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, causing arthitecture critics to trip over themselves inventing new superlatives to praise the modern art building; many have described it as a “miracle” building. A sculpture of a building crafted in titanium, limestone and glass by controversial North American architect Frank Gehry, the Guggenheim rises above the banks of Bilbao’s N ­ ervion River. Its restless form defies description. From one angle it squirms like fish in a ­basket; from another it takes the form of a massive ocean liner, from across the Nervion, it resembles a rose with unfolding silver petals.



Guggenheim Museum

Inside, the three-story building continues to bob and weave, with barely a straight line or right angle. The atrium soars to 165 feet. The “boat gallery”, resembling the hold of a ship, is a vast 433-foot cavern. The museum includes 110 000 square feet of exhibition space. Gehry’s work here is as startling to the eye as the Eiffel Tower or Frank Lloyd Wright’s 1959 screw-shaped Guggenheim in New York. Gehry himself says, “It’s really a miracle of collaboration between the Americans and the Basques.” Bilbao and the Guggenheim Foundation conspired to create a dream. Now they have built it we invite you to discover it! z

Guggenheim Museum

Information, tel. (00 34) 94 43 59 080 Open everyday from 10 am until 8 pm (except Monday) In July and August open everyday.


sports In the Basque Country


Tel. 05 59 22 11 77 2, place Bellevue • Biarritz

Pelote basque


he Romans and Greeks played “Pila” the handball game which eventually was played throughout Europe and known in France as “Jeu de Paume” (“Eton fives” is a ancient derivative). However it was the Basques who thought of playing the game in the open air against a high rounded wall and today no village is complete without its “fronton”. The old “Jeu de paume” has become “Pelote Basque”. Today there are over 21 variations of the game. As well as “main nue” or bare hand, there are three basic categories of

instruments used: the wicker work and leather glove (chistera) invented at St-Péesur-Nivelle in 1857) the leather gloves ‘pasaka), and wooden racquets (pala) and with each, there are different styles of game possible. The basic speciality is without doubt “main nue” which is played throughout the Basque Country. The most spectacular variation may be seen in the covered court, “Jai Alaï” and is called “Cesta Punta”, reknown as the fastest and one of the most spectacular games in the world. z




On the Basque Coast


t was in 1957 that France discovered surfing. An American writer and Film producer Peter Viertel started surfing on the waves at the Côte des Basques in Biarritz. The sport quickly became popular amongst ”the locals”. Today surfing is very much “à la mode”. Not only is it one of the major passions and pastimes of beach lovers along the Basque Coast but thanks to the major International Competitions that are held each year it has become a superb show-spectacle.

The Biarritz Surf Festival (a long board competition) is held in mid July at Biarritz at the Cote des Basques. The elite of international surfers and enthousiastic crowds gather on the unique site of the ”Côte des Basques”. The Quiksilver Pro at Hossegor in September. “Roxy Jam” feminine surf competition in July at Biarritz. For information on surfing, learning how to surf and purchasing equipment visitors can contact the following organizations and surf shops.

Surf Schools

• J o Moraiz Surf School Côte des Basques: tel. 06 62 76 17 24 •H astea Surf School tel. 06 81 93 98 66 •  Lagoondy Surf School Côte des Basques:Tel. 05 59 24 38 40 •L a Vague Basque Surf School Côte des Basques - Tel. 06 62 76 17 32 •R ainbow Surf Shop 47, av. Chambre d’Amour - Anglet Tel. 05 59 03 54 67 z 206

Surf School - Biarritz


Information / Reservations:

David +33 (0)6 62 76 17 32 SURF SCHOOL at the CÔTE DES BASQUES Côte des Basques beach, Biarritz

at the CÔTE DES BASQUES Biarritz


Bayo n ne Biarritz Gu éth ar y Saint-Jean-de-Luz



In the Basque Country • Golf de la Côte d’Argent, Moliets Tel. 05 58 48 54 65 • Golf de Seignosse Tel. 05 58 41 68 30 • Golf d’Hossegor Tel. 05 58 43 56 99 • Golf de Biarritz Le Phare Tel. 05 59 03 71 80 • Golf d’Arcangues Tel. 05 59 43 10 56 • Golf de Bayonne/Bassussarry Tel. 05 59 58 42 42


he Basque Country is often considered as the birth place of Golf in France. The golfing tradition started in Biarritz in 1888 with the building of the Biar- • Golf de Bayonne / Bassussarry Tel. 05 59 58 42 42 ritz “Le Phare” Golf Course to cater for • Golf de Chiberta the affluent Anglo-Saxon visitors. Tel. 05 59 52 51 10 Today 12 top quality Golf Courses are available for golfing enthusiasts to enjoy. • Golf de Chantaco Tel. 05 59 26 14 22 Tel. 05 59 26 19 22 • Golf de la Nivelle Tel. 05 59 47 18 99 • Golf Rustique Epherra Tel. 05 59 93 84 06 • Golf de Fontarrabie Tel. de France Tel. 00 34 943 61 68 45 • Golf d’Ilbarritz Centre International d’Entraînement Tel. 05 59 43 81 30 z 211

golf The Ilbarritz International Golf Training Centre


ocated next to the ocean only 5 minutes from Biarritz, with a somptuous view over the Basque Coast and Pyrenees. The Ilbarritz Golf Training Centre offers to golfers of all levels an ideal environment for golf training, learning and improvement. A king size practice range grouping 14 different practice workshops all connected by a circular path permitting golfers to perfect their techniques in the divers actuations and complexities of the game. Surrounding this superb practice area is a spectualaire 9 hole golf course (rated the best 9 holes in France in 1998 by the magazine Golf Europeen). The Centre offers, a high quality teaching standard for all levels from beginners to experienced players adults and children. The Registered Golf Professionals teach in either French, English or Spanish. Group or Individual lessons are available. Golf clubs may be hired at the pro shop.

There is also an excellent restaurant where visitors may enjoy lunch in the basque sunshine. z

Visitors welcome

Centre International d’Entraînement d’Ilbarritz Avenue du Château - 64210 Bidart Tel. 05 59 43 81 30 - Fax 05 59 43 81 31


Discover the new Golf Pass Biarritz Côte Basque

Prices 2014

and play the most prestigious golf courses of the Basque Country

2 courses from only: LS* 100 € / HS** 120 € 3 courses from only: LS* 150 € / HS** 180 € 4 courses from only: LS* 200 € / HS** 240 € * Low season: January 1st to July 7th & September 1st to December 31st ** High season: July 8th to August 31st

Buy the 4 courses Pass and get FREE entrance at the Ilbarritz International Training Centre.

2, avenue Edith Cavell • 64200 Biarritz Tel.: +33 5 59 03 71 80 • Fax: + 33 5 59 03 26 74 •


“Live the dream”

To rent or to purchase a Harley Davidson

Contact us : T. 05 59 25 40 40 24 av. Benjamin Gomez ZA St. Frédéric 64100 BAYONNE, FRANCE

Home personnel • Chef • Babysitting Housekeeping • Shopping • Stewardship

Private Hospitality Services

+33 (0)5 59 23 69 45 •

SARL Beautiful Homes au capital de 4 000 € RCS B Bayonne 494 485 295

Live some other way your stay on the Basque Coast

Basque gastronomy


o holiday in the Basque Country would be complete without sampling some of the classic Basque dishes and beverages. Between the traditional country cooking and the coastal dishes there are a wide variety of local specialities. Here a few examples to watch out for:

Several farmers and producers follow strict practices (the “Ibaiona” and “IbaiAlde” marks in particular) in order to ensure a traditional quality.


Gâteau basque

In the mountain regions of the Basque Country the ewes cheese is manufactured following traditional practices and renown throughout France. The region surrounding St-Jean-Pied-de-Port is particularly famous for the “fromage de brebis”.


Sometimes known simply as “fish soup” there are numerous varieties, the most traditional being cod and crab. Cooked with oignons and carrots, seasoning and shellfish. There are as many styles as there are villagers and “pâtisseries” but traditionally the “Basque cake” is made with a crumbly butter pastry and originally with a black cherry filing but today the filling is quite often an almond cream.


From the Basque word “biperra” (pimento). This delicious sauce is a mixture of cooked tomatoes, oignons, aubergines, pimentos and diced garlic. The sauce is incorporated into beaten eggs and often served with a slice of “Jambon de Bayonne”.

Poulet basquaise


In the heart of the Basque Country the terraced vineyards of Irouleguy climb the steep mountainsides of the Pyrenees. The Irouleguy red is the perfect companion to red meat, dishes, sauces and cheeses while the rosé is delightful with fish and seafood. z

Cooked chicken pieces served with a sauce ressembling the piperade and cooked with white wine.

Jambon de bayonne

(Bayonne ham). Produced throughout the Basque Country the “jambon de Bayonne” is coated with salt for three days and then “rested” for up to a month before being dried from six months to a year. 218



AN ART OF LIVING At Bidart, between the Ocean and the Pyrenee Mountains, we proudly exercise our profession of artisanal bread and cake fabrication with passion to convey the pleasure of sharing “The good things in life” with you.

OUR SPECIALTY: THE BASQUE CAKE There are as many cakes as Basque grandmas proud to declare that they are the only ones to know the real and unique recipe. We made our own Basque cake respecting traditional ingredients and texture, with a touch of freedom to pay tribute to ancestors.

“Lauburu, our legendary Basque Cake. Either with Armande Cream or Black Currant Jam. A magical experience!”

Golden coloured pasty, crispy and cruncky to taste, tender is the cream of armandes that will delight the patate. Balanced, the fruit of flavours to enchante ones taste buds. Our Basque cake proudly carries the name of the Basque Cross, Lauburu. Modestly ranked “the World’s Best Basque Cake”, it is an ideal gift to be shared with friends. Open from Monday to Friday : 5:30 am to 8 pm Open Saturday to Sunday : 5 am to 8 pm

Avenue du Plateau - RD 810 - 64210 BIDART - Tel. 05 59 47 79 91 - -

Cheeses with a unique Taste! L’Ossau-Iraty Istara

An authentic cheese savoir-faire After several months of refining magnificient tasting cheeses will delight visitors taste buds.

Discover the Basque cheeses of Istara at Larceveau on the cheese trail. Direct Sales and Tastings Fromagerie Pyrenéefrom - 64120 Larceveau Tel. 05 59 37 96 79 Open Monday to Thursday 9am to 12am and 2pm to 6 pm Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Taste the P’tit Basque and the Ossau-Iraty in the local way Thinly sliced cheese, on fresh country bread accompanied with black current jam or hot peppers and local white or red wines. Delicious!

L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. À consommer avec modération.

“A forbidden fruit”

ROSÉ D’ENFER (Rosé from Hell) offers you an irresistible apperitif to kill your thirst or to accompany your contemporary cuisine with a cool freshness.


32400 Saint-Mont - Tel. : +33 (0)5 62 69 62 87 Z.I. Les Pontots - Chemin des Barthes - 64100 Bayonne - 05 59 57 10 10 - Fax 05 59 52 31 57

basque architecture


he most striking and interesting feature of the Basque countryside is the local architecture: the Basque house. The visitors attention is immediately caught by the white-washed farms, with their red or green timber frames and window shutters, a unique style, and blending in so well with the lush, green countryside. However, the Basque home is not merely a decorative feature on the landscape, designed to make the area a picture postcard attraction, but in fact one of the key elements and one of the most important expressions of Bas足que culture and family life. A basque homestead was a practical, functional building, adapted to not only available materials but also to climatic conditions. In the La足bourd for


basque architecture

instance, the house was always built with its back to the sea, against the wind and damp, and with its facade to the east and the rising sun. The ground floor comprised a large sheltered entrance (the lorio) leading to the stable. The first floor was the family living quarters while the attic above was aired by the characteristic triangular openings (often painted as mere decoration in modern homes). Drying hay served as an insulation for the family. The half-timbered structure typical of the Labourd, was both a cheap and light form of construction. The red and green stained timbers represent the Basque national colours (ox blood was once used to stain the timbers red!). Another charasteristic of the Labourd region are the roofs which often have longer pitch on one side than the other.

This style simply reflects the practice of extending the house on one wing once the family was sufficiently wealthy and the farm was developing. The house was all important to the Basque family. Traditionally in the Labourd for instance, it was thus ensuring constant family occupation for hundreds of years. In fact, many common family surnames today are names of family home, often describing its position or situation; Etcheverry for instance means “New house”; Etchegaray “House on the hill”, Etchegorri “Red house”. Explore the magnificient farm houses in and around the village of Sare, or the village homes of Ainhoa, Saint-Pée-surNivelle or Baïgorry and discover one of the most unique and beautiful legacies of the Basque Country. z


special thanks

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following persons for their assistance in producing this brochure. All the Mayors and Tourism Offices who participated; for graphics creation; all the advertisers for their support. The Basque Country 2014 was printed by Ulzama Imprimerie. Ulzama offers an exceptional quality at the best prices for all your printing requirements. From Spain for professionnels T. 00 34 677 352 739 E-mail:

Editor and Publisher Brian Hegarty 20, rue de Hayet | 64600 Anglet | France Portable 06 11 72 21 86




+33 (0)5 59 74 10 74



+33 (0)5 59 85 31 96


Š Fotolia - Halfpoint

he Basque Country with its natural beauty, its temperate climate and exceptional quality of living continues to attract and charm visitors from all corners of the world. Discover the spectacular Coastline with superb beaches where the surf is often wild and untamed, picturesque old fishing ports with their authentic seafood restaurants. The wonderful golf courses, casinos, offering a legendary vibrant night life. In summer enjoy the non-stop festive atmosphere with numerous sporting, social and cultural activities. Also be sure to venture inland to the foot of the Pyrenees where you will appreciate the essence of the Basque Country. The beautiful villages and farms nestling in green valleys reveal a unique history and culture. Basque folklore, dance, music and local sports attest to a strong cultural identity. I hope this guide will serve to arouse your curiousity to explore and experience the many charms of the Basque Country. Brian Hegarty

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