Catalogue Frankfurt Book Fair 2014 - Editions Téqui

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- Guidance for Parents - Catechisms and catechesis - Children's Books - Prayer & Devotions, - Confession - Sacrament of Penance - Saints and Servant of God - Theology, Philosophy & Ethics - Spirituality - Training - Testimony - Issues - Body & Health

Pierre TÉQUI éditeur | Éditions SAINT-PAUL

Catalogue 2014

Couverture : © Nicolas Grivet. Un psaume pour ta prière du soir, Catherine de Lasa

TEQUI & stpaul

Contents by theme: #Frankfurt 2014

 Guidance for Parents : New titles: I help my child to grow - Victoire Degez Please, Mom,Talk With Me of love - Emotional and sexual education of girl (8-12 years) - Inès Pellissier du Rausas Please, Dad, it is beautiful love? - What can I say to my preteen son? Emotional and sexual education - Ines Pélissié du Rausas

Classics: Mom, tell me where I am ? - Marie-France Baures & Dr. Anne HUMEAU

 Catechisms and catechesis New titles: Small Catechism - From the diocese of Rouen - Mgr Frederic Fuzet bishop Little stories, great truths Tome 3: the « Pater » and sacraments - Father Pierre Lefebvre

 Children's Books : New titles: Pray the Rosary my children - History and miracles of the Rosary- Mauricette Vial-Andru Angelino, the pope of peace - Saint Jean XXIII - Bernard Cattanéo They said yes to Jesus - Short stories of the great friends of God - Odile Haumonté Knight of Our-Lady - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux - Mauricette Vial-Andru The secret of Eloi - Véronique Duchâteau The good little devils of Seraphine - My first manual of etiquette - Inès de Chantérac Paladins of Mongré - Axel Vachon Not so fast, sister Beate! Small chronicles from the Abbey – Volume 2 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha - Catherine Bertrand-Gannerie A psalm for your evening prayer - Catherine de Lasa


John from Elsewhere - It'll be funny stories - Christine d’Erceville The battle of Sumalee - Dominique Poussielgue POSTERS « Bath time » « Time to pray » - Inès Rouy

Classics: Archangel with the gold sword - A plot against Jeanne d'Arc - Mauricette Vial-Andru Edith Stein, Auschwitz's martyr - With you, my people! - Mauricette Vial-Andru Jesus’charity in 11 pictures to be colored - Martine Bazin The Infant Jesus of Prague - A very powerful little King - Francine Bay

 Prayer & Devotions : Classics: The Virgin at Pellevoisin - Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church - Marie-Reginald Vernet, o.p. Our-Lady of Mount Carmel - History and spirituality - Philippe Beitia

 Confession- Sacrament of Penance: New titles: A penitent’s practical guide - To celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation -Guillaume de Menthière

 Saints and Servant of God: New titles: The Indian Juan Diego - Our Lady of Guadalupe - Jean Mathiot The empress Sainte Hélène - At the crossroads Occident of East and West - Hélène Yvert-Jallu Saint Kateri Tekakwitha - Catherine Bertrand-Gannerie Pier Giorgio Frassati - L’ange des pauvres - Odile Haumonté Paul VI - A prophetic look - Father Daniel-Ange

Classics: JP II, my Pope - photo book - Arturo Mari, the Vatican photographer, interviewed by Bertrand Lemaire Camille de Lellis - Squadron of charity, a saint amongst the infirm - Catherine Bertrand-Gannerie Saint Dominique Savio - Always joyful! - Mauricette Vial-Andru St. Joseph life and miracles - Francine Bay


 Theology, Philosophy & Ethics: New titles: Socrates against Antigone? - Should we obey unjust laws? - Thierry de Vingt-Hanaps Charles Maurras, 60 years later – directed by Axel Tisserand Liturgical music edifies the Church - Father Olivier Magsalin The natural philosophy of the human mind – Father Benoît-Marie SIMON

Classics: Ancient literature in light of the Bible - Mathieu Rouillé Orfeuil

 Spirituality : New titles: Love in acts and in truth – FatherAlphonse of Heilly Saint Michel, lead us to Christ - Jean-Raphaël Eglin The Passion of the Christ revealed to sister Apolline - Chantal Crepey Hell exists - Visions of St. Francoise of Rome, St. Teresa of Avila, blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, St. Lucia and Sister Faustina Kowalska

Classics: Accompany death Before, During, After - Père Thierry Duclerq God has no forgotten me - Prospects for singles - Dominique de Monleón Cabaret

 Testimony : New titles: You changed my mourning into joy! - Isabelle Rochette de Lempdes

 Issues : New titles: Soon, a global government - A great, and against Church? - Pierre Virion I knocked on the door of the temple - Path of a Catholic Freemason - Serge Abad-Gallardo Assisted reproductive technology, IVF: The juridical controversy After the same-sex marriage for all, the children for all? - Aude Mirkovic



Body & Health :

New titles: Infertile couples: reasons to hope - "Be fruitful and multiply". Sainte-Anne d'Auray - Juliette Chove


I help my child to grow up. Victoire Degez Editions tequi DEMO 9 782740 318041

14 x 21 cm - 280 pages env. – 20 € Issue date: november 2013

Presentation This book wants to give guidelines for social psychological and intellectual development of the child, who is more and more left to himself, both in school and in his leisure time, both parents working ... the author proposes the fundamental keys for a successful education – These are 10 keys: for each of these landmark, dysfunctions or disorders - or serious transgressions - are observed, analyzed and commented. • Receive and give (parents) • Provide values (balance, equity, respect etc.). • Give them the sense of reality - invent a language within the family, cultivate the autonomy - etc. • Develop their creativity • Encourage them to drop out of the troubled environment (dysphaxie, etc.). • Adapt, integrate the outside world, which is difficult and offensive • Manage emotions in communication (shyness, emotionality, etc.). • Grow in altruism (Autism) • Sensory Development (ADD) • Intellectual Development (dyslexia) Presentation : Cet ouvrage veut donner des axes pour le développement psychologique et intellectuel, social de l’enfant, de plus en plus souvent livré à lui-même, autant à l’école que dans ses temps de loisir, ses parents travaillant l’un et l’autre… L’auteur propose des clés fondamentales pour une éducation réussie – on en compte 10 : pour chacun de ces repères, les dysfonctionnements ou troubles – ou transgressions graves - sont observés, analysés, commentés.  Recevoir et donner (parents)  Transmettre des valeurs (équilibre, équité, respect etc.)  Leur donner le sens du réel – inventer un langage familial, cultiver l’autonomie – etc.  Développer leur créativité  Les inciter au recul en sortant de l’agitation ( dysphaxie,etc.)  S’adapter, s’intégrer au monde extérieur : difficile et offensif  Gestion des émotions dans la communication (timidité, émotivité, etc.)  Grandir dans l’altruisme (autisme)  Développement sensoriel (TDA)  Développement intellectuel ( dyslexie)

About the Author: Victory Degez is a mother of great vitality (she has 6 children): Education is her first passion. Graphologist and coach, she organizes sessions to train parents in career choices for their children ... Practising psychological science without therapist, she identifies growth disorders (and failures) and adjustment problems of all kinds. "It is a great resource to ask the right questions," say the parents!

Please, Mom, Talk to me of love Emotional and sexual education of girls (8-12 years) Inès Pellissier du Rausas Illustrations : Pascale Marquet

Editions Saint-Paul 14,5 x 21 cm - 104 pages - 12 € Issue date: December 2013/ ref. Téqui 8430025

Presentation Sex education is inseparable from the emotional education, it must begin before adolescence (shaken by the troubles of puberty), in the family, as early as possible (deleterious because of school climate, High School) ... Also the author warns the parents of children aged 8 to 12 years, a period called pre-adolescence because it is today submitted by all kinds of influences in schools or on the internet... From her book published in St. Paul Please, tell me about love (8000 sales, 335 p. 2000 – 4th edition), having already trained a generation of parents and educators, the author realizes, to better disseminate her teaching, small sections specific to each child's age. Updated, full of contemporary accounts, this course has gained pedagogy. Very attentive to issues of language, the author thus provides a concrete proposal for dialogue between mother and daughter, to support patterns of the body, while providing a fundamental reflection on the meaning of the body (my body, your body, your femininity, your fertility etc.), the human person, sex in a global humanistic perspective, and support of Christian thought ... How to talk about sex with our children pre-teens, without falling into a technical vocabulary (biological materials, school), or sentences evasive (prudery), or comments or strictly idealistic moralist? How to talk of life and love? So true. The author has helped to create a climate of trust, responsibility and wonder.

The author Ines Pellissé du Rausas is a philosopher (Thesis on modesty, Editions of the Beatitudes, 1997), and has been a lecturer in associations and school for 15 years. Her book (ed. Saint Paul) sparked a movement of reflection and emotional training and sex education (including the speaker I. Franlieu, one of the first disciples cf. Ed. De l’Emmanuel)

Key points : • EMERGENCY ISSUES - a reference document for cheap price - reading group or individual • Provide real benchmarks for pre-teens subject to school campaigns GENDER 2014. • Teach the beauty of the female and deep purpose (learning the word fertility) relationship. • Accompany the child subjected to social violence (cultural, educational, TVisuelle) very young now.

Public: Mainstream Christian - schools and colleges, youth movements - camps - the members CLER movements of Christian parents (Love and Truth, CLER, Notre Dame team, EJ, etc .... During TeenStar - Cycloshows).

Please, Dad, is love beautiful? What can I say to my pre-teen son ? Emotional and sexual education Inès Pélissié du Rausas Illustrations: Pascale Marquet (drawings + photographs)

Editions Saint-Paul 14,5 x 21 cm -92 pages - 12 €

Issue date: 5 May 2014 / réf. Téqui 8430027

Presentation Database for the benefit of fathers for helping them as educators of life. The author challenges dads to talking with their early (ages 9-14) sons on male puberty, the transformation of their bodies at the time of adolescence, on male identity, male fertility, etc. Often quiet and helpless, fathers unload this role with the mothers. Solicitations and Internet take a large place in children's leisure, the "gender confusion" advocated in the media... all questions from the children are here mentioned in an interview from man to man. It's time to empower the fathers to give back them their educator role in the heart of their family. Brave, the father does not avoid any issue, leads the child to grow into a healthy view of sexuality; at the heart of a permissive society. An updated pedagogical journey, full of testimonials. Very attentive to issues of language and the words of the pre-teen, the author offers a concrete proposal, trailed by 3 dialogues between the father and the son on 4 ranges of years: - 10-11 years: announcement of puberty - 12 years: entry into adolescence / value to masculinity - 13/14 years: Save love (documents and Information for the father) The father argues in aligning himself with his son tuning to his psychological level issues and to his emotional intelligence. More technical annexes contribute to inform the father on complex situations. How to talk of sexuality to pre-teens, without falling into a technical vocabulary (biological materials), or evasive phrases (prudishness), nor idealistic or strictly moralistic comments? How to talk to him of life and love in a true way? The author has made followers, helping to create a climate of trust, responsibility and wonder. Presentation Base de travail pour le père afin qu’il soit éducateur de vie. Ce livre est L’auteur interpelle les papas à venir dialoguer avec leur fils, et ce, assez tôt (de 9 à 14 ans) sur la puberté masculine, la transformation de son corps à l’heure de l’adolescence, sur l’identité masculine, la fécondité masculine, etc. Souvent silencieux et démuni, le père se décharge de ce rôle auprès de la mère ; devant les sollicitations et la place d’Internet dans les loisirs des enfants, la « confusion des genres » prônée dans les médias, … toutes les questions de l’enfant sont ici évoquées dans un entretien d’homme à homme. C’est l’heure de responsabiliser les pères, de leur redonner leur place d’éducateur, au cœur de leur famille. Courageux, le père n’évacue aucune impasse, conduit l’enfant à se construire dans une vision saine de la sexualité ; au cœur d’une société laxiste. Un parcours pédagogique réactualisé, truffé de témoignages. Très attentive aux enjeux du langage et aux mots du pré-ado, l’auteur offre une proposition concrète, un chemin balisé de 3 dialogues entre le père et le fils sur 4 années/ 3 âges : 10-11 ans : Annonce de la puberté 12 ans : Entrée dans l’adolescence / Valeur de la masculinité 13/14 ans : Sauver l’amour (docs et infos pour le père) Le père argumente en s’alignant sur les questions de son fils selon son niveau psychologique (et son intelligence affective. Des annexes plus techniques contribuent à informer le père sur des situations complexes. Comment parler desexualité à nos enfants pré-ados, sans tomber dans un vocabulaire technique (documents biologiques scolaires), ni phrases évasives (pudibonderie), ni commentaire idéaliste ou strictement moraliste ? Comment lui parler de la vie, et de l’amour De manière vraie ?. L’auteur a fait école, aidant à créer un climat de confiance, de responsabilité et d’émerveillement.

About the author Ines Pelissie of Rausas, philosopher (thesis on modesty, Editions of the Beatitudes, 1997) has been a lecturer in community and school environments for 15 years. From her book published by Saint Paul: Can you please talk to me of love (8,000 sales, 335 p. 2000, 4 editions), the author has already initiated a generation of parents and educators on a good anthropological vision. Sex education is inseparable from the emotional education, and must begin before adolescence, in the context of family first, before the emergencies (poisonous atmosphere at the Lycée - provocative Web sites, etc.)…

Key arguments 

URGENCY of issues: school arrogates to itself the right to teach the child the discipline.

Sighting: give real benchmarks from the word, for parents for their kids.

Teach the beauty of the male/female relationship and its deep purpose (learning of the word: fertility).

Accompany the children facing the social violence (cultural, school, television - shock of the images)


Christian parents, especially the father - schools and colleges, youth - camps - adherents to the CLER movements, - movements of Christian parents (love and truth, CLER, team Notre Dame, MEJ, etc... course Teenstar - Cycloshows)

S’il te plaît, parle-moi de l’amour !

S’il te plaît, Maman, parle-moi de l’amour

14 x 21 cm – 336 p. 22,50 € réf. Téqui : 7756 / réf. AVM :TEP0160

14,5 x 21 cm – 104 p. 12 € réf. Téqui : 8430025 / réf. AVM :TEP0208

Mom, tell me where I am Marie-France BAURES – Dr Anne HUMEAU

Editions Tequi 15 x 21 cm - 24 pages - 978-2-7403-1732-7 – 5 € April 2012 / ref. Téqui 6934 Children, from the age of 4-7.

Presentation: The emotional education of young children is meaningful in a broader learning to social life. Parental love which is reflected in marriage entails the birth of the child. This is the only way that can integrate sexuality to a life project. For the youngest children (4/7 years old) three arguments were behind the text, to lead the choice of words and images, in a real and respectful dialogue: - By approaching sexuality in childhood, parents will be able to create a climate of confidence during the teenage years of their children. - Modesty is a fundamental component of the building personality and of emotional balance of the child. - And this is in family, where trust is already established, that the child must be initiated. Présentation: L’éducation affective du jeune enfant n’a de sens que dans un apprentissage plus large à la vie relationnelle. L’amour des parents qui se concrétise par le mariage entraîne la naissance de l’enfant. C’est là le seul chemin qui permet d’intégrer la sexualité à un projet de vie. Pour le plus jeune enfant – 4/7 ans - trois arguments ont été à l’origine du texte, pour conduire le choix des mots et des images, dans un dialogue vrai et respectueux : - C’est en abordant la sexualité dès la petite enfance que les parents pourront créer un climat de confiance à l’adolescence de leurs enfants. - La pudeur est une composante fondamentale de la construction de la personnalité et de l'équilibre affectif de l’enfant. Ex. beauté du coup de crayon - Et c’est en famille, là où un lien de confiance est déjà établi, qu’il faut initier l’enfant.

About the authors: Both mothers of Christian families, including a doctor, have not stopped distributing the copy of this brochure around them for 20 years, which has been regularly revised by teams of parents. Today, the decision has been taken to release more widely, while education for emotional and sexual life experiences in an environment that express many "models", most often left to the discretion to everyone .... (The copyright is donated to ALLIANCE VITA).

Key points: -

The plan of love of God for man and creation Choice of life of parents who love each other and are committed… Graphical presentation of the birth, according to the psychology of the young child: large font, figures outlined in black - 20 black and white illustrations by MF BAURES.

WIDE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC - Parents, educators and catechists – nursery nurses, school teachers, etc.

Small Catechism From the diocese of Rouen Mgr Frédéric Fuzet bishop

Editions Tequi


9 782954 498003

10, 5 x 15 cm – 62 pages – 4, 20 €

Issue date: April 2014 /réf. Téqui 0552

Presentation "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, as the kingdom of

God belongs to those who are like them" (Mk 10:14). See children welcome his kingdom, here is a delight for God! In plain language and in a playful manner, illustrated with drawings simple and evocative time, Small Catechism will help parents and catechists to teach children the teachings of God, so that they grow constantly in the faith in Jesus Christ. Presentation « Laissez les enfants venir à moi, ne les empêchez pas, car le Royaume de Dieu est à ceux qui sont comme eux » (Mc 10,14). Voir les enfants accueillir son Royaume, voilà un grand bonheur pour Dieu ! Dans un langage accessible et d’une manière ludique, illustré de dessins à la fois simples et évocateurs, ce Petit Catéchisme aidera les parents et les catéchistes à transmettre aux enfants les enseignements de Dieu, afin qu’ils grandissent sans cesse dans la foi en JésusChrist.

About the author: Bishop Frederick Fuzet archbishop of Rouen from 1899 until his death in 1915. He is the author of several historical works.

Key points:    

A simple elementary catechism, within the reach of children 18 essential lessons in the form of questions / answers Prayers usual, act of faith, an act of contrition, God's commandments, precepts of the Church, etc.. Way to confess oneself (prayer, examination of conscience)

Public: Catechists, parents and children

Category: Youth> Golf catechetical

Little stories, great truths Tome 3: the « Pater » and sacraments Father Pierre Lefebvre

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 317990

15 x 22 cm – 200 pages – 15,90€

October 2013 / ref Téqui 20001

Presentation The author uses the “In Brief Catechism of the Catholic Church” and illustrates it by a true story. For groups of catechisms and college chaplaincies, short, punchy, full of serious and humorous emotions, these stories illustrate the themes of the “Our Father”, and of the sacraments. Each story has been tested and passed to youth group discussions. The author develops a whole pedagogy based on a life event (a true story) and symbolic elements that emerge: each story is read like a parable! - For baptism, this is not the simple story of a baptism, but the author focuses on "Water, that's life" (dug well in Uganda) - For confirmation, this is the story of a mountain climber who was rescued by a helicopter; it is the "relief from heaven." So the reader can easily see the connection between real life and spiritual life.

About the author: Father Pierre LEFEBVRE has long been Chaplain College. Well-known author for Tequi with this collection.

Key points:     

Volume 1: 100 stories to humanize and Christianize (9782740312766) - 3000 Sales Themes covered include: justice, prudence, courage, temperance, the “Our Father”, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, the love of God and neighbor ... A very good tool for catechesis. Volume 2: Volume 2 of the Commandments. (9782740313091) - 2000 Sales. To do this, the author illustrates the “Brief Catechism of the Catholic Church” or “the answers of the compendium” by a story. True stories where the reader identifies himself with the hero.

Public: from 12 to 14 years.

Pray the Rosary, my children ! History and miracles of the Rosary Mauricette Vial-Andru Illustrations : Emmanuel Beaudesson « Lil’Shepherds » collection

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 318065

17 x 24 cm – 32 pages – 13 € approx.

Issue date : september 2013

Presentation Addressing herself to three children in Fatima, the Holy Virgin has asked to pray the rosary to bring peace to the world. The rosary prayer touches the Virgin Mary’s heart. So many graces received by those who prayed it! Saint Dominic gets attention when he was evangelizing and no one was listening to him ; the Turkish are defeated at the Battle of Lepanto, etc. Mary is your « Mum from Heavens », and she intercedes with God for you and your family. This book will make you discover those who spread this wonderful prayer: Pauline Jaricot, Bartolo Longo, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes. Juste like Anne de Guigné, Jean-Marie Vianney or Marcel Van, hold your rosary tight!

About the author Mauricette Vial-Andru, a former college teacher, was the head of the editorial department of a textbook publishing company for ten years. Now a grandmother, she’s been writing for children over the past twenty years in the « Lil’Shepherds » collection. Published by Tequi, she wrote in the « Lil’Shepherds » collection: Benedict and the benedictines 9782740310458 / Genevieve who saved Paris 9782740308769 / Joan of Arc, soldier of the King 9782740307021/ Great animal stories from the Bible 9782740313138 / Odile, soleil de Dieu 9782740311332 / Saint Louis le roi chevalier 9782740314685 / Toujours Joyeux, saint Dominique Savio 9782740317259. Et dans la collection Sentinelles : Charles de Foucauld au coeur du désert 9782740309049 / L´alouette du Seigneur, Saint François d´Assise 9782740311615 / La dernière pêche de Simon-Pierre 9782740310069 / La princesse au grand coeur, sainte Jeanne de France 9782740311264 / Pour le prix d´une danse Saint Jean-Baptiste 9782740314715 / Le chevalier de Notre-Dame – saint bernard de Clairvaux Elle a aussi réalisé Sainte Colette de Corbie, marcheuse de Dieu 9782740312520 ainsi qu’un calendrier de l’Avent 9782740308172.

Public : From 6 years

Angelino, the pope of peace Saint Jean XXIII Bernard Cattanéo Illustrations : Jérôme Brasseur Collection Les Sentinelles

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 318294

9-11 years

13,5 x 20,5 cm – 120 pages - 10 € Issue date: 16 march 2014 / réf. Téqui 20031

Presentation This novel tells the story of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli , (1881-1963) , the small Angelino Sotto il Monte, son of peasants who became pope in 1958. Through all stages of his existence, from the local school and the minor seminary in 1893, the reader accompanies Roncalli in Rome for his studies and ordination as a priest in 1904, then he is found in his good city of Bergamo until 1921, before following him in the Roman offices. Later Angelo became a diplomat, he lived in Bulgaria in 1930, perhaps because no one really knows which prelate to be sent , and will represent the Pope in Turkey and Greece in 1935 . A second terrible war broke out and Monsignor Roncalli is trying to save what can be saved wherever he is. It is then the surprising appointment in Paris in 1944 for a position of Nonce that nobody could have predicted. From there, the bonhomie, finesse and depth of this spiritual priest of Jesus Christ will appear to everyone . Is it this kindness, simplicity, love of charity that will make him a pope, after five years as Patriarchy of Venice? Truly, that holiness of Angelo will firm up during the four and a half years of his pontificate, not without confusing, surprising, worrying or annoying many Catholics. But John XXIII did not care: he walked in front of the wind, with Jesus in his heart!

Key points:


• An historical narrative, and simple living style which relates the history of the twentieth century • A perspective and a portrait of this "nice pope" that has marked the unbelievers • His faith and indestructible goodness • Many dialogues • Discovery of childhood this Pope and intimate portrait and its medium

• Emphasis on the profound truth of the character, without complacency or controversy.

About the Author: Bernard Cattanéo, writer and historian, director of the press group Le Courrier Français (Bordeaux - 15 weekly), has published biographies of great figures in the history of the Church of the nineteenth century (Saint Dominique and Frederic Ozanam) and François Mauriac sources of love, the road to Sigmaringen, a French history and betrayal Montalembert, a Catholic in Politics (1990), etc.. A light and full meaningful biography to the attention of pre-teens.

• A synthesis that makes it easier to understand the man. • The historical religious family background, political are present and wellbalanced.

Public :

from 9-11 years (schools, families, groups of catechesis)

Category: Youth> Roman history About the collection : At the school of the saints, heroes and brave hearts. Literature of uncompromising service of the great Christian ideals.

They said yes to Jesus! Short stories of the great friends of God Odile Haumonté Illustrations : Emmanuel Beaudesson

Editions Tequi DEMO 9 782740 318270

Youth 8/10 years Album 21 x 27 cm – 64 pages - cardboard bookbinding - 13 €

Issue date: May 5, 2014/ réf. Téqui : 20029 – réf. AVM : TEQ3410

Presentation Young readers will be captivated by saint Antoine who, while talking to fishes, touched the hearts of unbelieving crowd; by Dominic Savio, who was desperate to be a joyful saint; by Chiara Luce one who said yes to her illness; by a small sick Bernadette; by a Mother Teresa who has never given up in front of dying people... At school, during exams, during fasts, at the time of marriage, the day of their birthday, in sickness, they all stood ardently to love God, "all things to please Him." This book is not a summary of the lives of some great saints, but the story of an event that highlighted their closeness to God. In 3 pages, the author leads his readers with emotion in the simplicity of everyday life of each witness who radiated joy and love of God around him. Présentation : Le jeune lecteur sera conquis par un saint Antoine qui, en parlant aux poissons, a touché les cœurs d'une foule incroyante ; d'un Dominique Savio, qui voulait à tout prix être un saint joyeux ; d'une Chiara Luce qui a dit oui à sa maladie ; d'une petite Bernadette, malade ; d'une Mère Teresa qui n'a jamais désespéré devant tant de mourants, ... À l'école, lors d'examens, pendant le carême, à l'heure de se marier, le jour de leur anniversaire, dans la maladie, ils ont tenaient tous ardemment à aimer Dieu, « tout faire pour Lui plaire ». Cet ouvrage n'est pas un résumé des vies de quelques grands saints, mais l’histoire d'un évènement qui a mis en lumière leur proximité avec Dieu. En 3 pages, l'auteur entraîne avec émotion ses lecteurs dans la simplicité du quotidien de chaque témoin ayant rayonné de la joie et de l'amour de Dieu autour de lui.

About the Author Odile HAUMONTE is editor of Fire and Light and children's author in Téqui for many years (Sentinels collection; editor Patapon).

Key points: • Holiday Gift of Faith 2014 Book (First Communion) • tablet "do you know?" for each story • Explore the evangelical simplicity of saints • A playful table of contents, as a memo sheet

Public: from 8-9 years Category: Youth> Saints and Witnesses

Knight of Notre-Dame Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Mauricette Vial-Andru Illustrations: Jean-Marie Michaud Collection Les sentinelles

Editions Tequi 13.5 X 20.5 cm - 96 pages - 978-2-7403-1746-4 – 10 € Issue date: September 2012 / ref. Téqui 6948

« It all started in Vezelay where Louis VII had summoned all his people. The crowd arrived en massively. The meeting was held outdoors. Imagine the fervour! On the hillside, we built a platform where stands the King, on his breast the cross he received from the Pope. Bernard is standing next to him, very thin in his white coat. He speaks, speaks, and all are fascinated... »

Presentation We are in the middle Ages, in the twelfth century that can be called "the century of St. Bernard." This servant of God was above all a devout monk and the knight of the Virgin Mary. He practiced all his life manual labour and penance. He was also an outstanding theologian knowing by heart the entire Bible. He wrote many books. He marked by his unique personality, the Cistercian order, the liturgy of the Church, the civilization of the cathedrals, the literature with Songs of Geste, the second crusade and all Christendom in the middle Ages. His memory is still alive and in the Church, its influence is still strong. Real lights are rare. The example of Bernard allows a return to the sources of Christian life, that of all the baptized, not only for the salvation of the Church but also for the salvation of each of us. Follow St. Bernard, his route is safe. It illuminates the world. He is really a messenger for all times.

About the collection: A school of saints, heroes and brave hearts, keepers of the Beautiful, the Good, the True. Literature for the uncompromising service of the great Christian ideals.

The author: Grandmother, Mauricette Vial-Andru taught at the College. After heading the editorial department of a textbook publishing house for ten years, she writes for children from twenty years books on nature, medieval legends, and many lives of saints.

Key point: • Bonus with appendices (chronology, glossary, prayer, about Cistercian) • Interior illustrated in black and white • A good source of general culture, including more information on the reasons for the Crusades and the history of the Church. • A good way to approach the history of the middle Ages.

Public: For everyone from 9-10 years; for schools, families - especially young parents groups catecheses.

Category: Youth Hagiography Sentinel Bonus: A book that reveals the outlines of medieval spirituality and debate around the themes: devotion to the Virgin Mary whom Bernard is the first to be called Our Lady, the love of the Church and exemplary fidelity to Pope elected, obedience, respect for nature as God intended.

The secret of Eloi Véronique Duchâteau Illustrations : Emmanuel Beaudesson Youth 11 / 12 years

Editions Tequi


9 782740 318416

11 x 18 cm - 146 pages - €10 approx.

Issue date: July 15, 2014 / ref. Téqui: 20043

Presentation Eloi, orphan at 8-years-old, born in a princely family, is secretly sited by his grandmother in an Abbey: it is indeed to protect the boy from a mysterious murderer. But will Father Abbot succeed in carrying out its mission? Who is this Knight who enters the Abbey Church? Does he want to harm the child or rob a precious manuscript that has just been brought by two monks of the Abbey of Fulda? Brother Folcric notes: certainly, something is happening in this Abbey! Présentation Eloi, orphelin de 8 ans, issu d’une famille princière, est confié secrètement par sa grand-mère à l'abbaye : il s'agit en effet de protéger le jeune garçon d’un mystérieux assassin. Mais le père abbé réussira-t- il à mener à bien sa mission ? Qui est ce chevalier qui s’introduit dans l’abbatiale ? Veut-il s’attaquer à l’enfant ou au précieux manuscrit que deux moines de l’abbaye de Fulda viennent d’apporter ? Frère Folcric observe : décidément, quelque chose se trame dans cette abbaye !

The author: Véronique Duchateau is Professor of history and geography and a Masters degree in art history. She is author of historical novels on the middle ages in Téqui and contributes to the drafting of the Patapon magazine


young - lovers of historical novels (Brother Cadfael, The name of the rose, etc.)

Category: Youth > historical novel

Le mystère Philibert 11x18 cm – 144 p. 12 € réf. Téqui : 6549


La mission de Frère Liphard 11x18 cm – 112 p. 10,80 € réf. Téqui : 6574


L’enquête Thomas d’Aquin 13,5x20,5 cm – 160 p. 13,50 € réf. Téqui : 6804


9 782740 313466 9 782740 313725

9 782740 316023

Key arguments:     

Discover the great role of the Abbey in the dissemination of culture (copyists attached to reconstruct complete collections of the great works of antiquity)...... but also subject to the vagaries of the rivalries between counts and Lords. Complies with the curriculum of 5th grade. Historical rigor: the Abbey of Fulda well existed, and historical sources show that were well sought in the 9thcentury to rebuild works by Tacitus. In the Appendix: a focus on how was made a manuscript.

The good little devils of Seraphine My first manual of etiquette Inès de Chantérac

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 318157

18 x 17 cm - 32 pages – 8.90 €

November 2013 / ref. Téqui 20017

Presentation After Volume 1, “Séraphine at school”, which has sold over 3000 copies in one year, Volume 2 transmits with humour and tenderness the rules of etiquette: knowing how to behave in class, in family, with friends but also in situations where lying, pouting, or being jealous may be the first reaction ... but not the best one! Other small very concrete skits of everyday situations make this guide etiquette a very playful and funny book. It will capture the attention of children and help them grow up happy.

Key points: • Excellent educational tool • Give the essential basics of etiquette • Narrative form of anecdotes and case studies, which makes living history • Illustrations full of surprises and poetry • Help the child to overcome his fears or impulsive • Animals like characters avoid moralizing guide of politeness

About the Author: Inès de Chantérac is professor of literature in college. Passionate about education (especially that of JB de la Salle), she is also a mother, and has created puppet shows for many years. Her vocation as an educator has been enriched by a long experience of children: for scouting, then through many activities conducted in different settings (schools, associations, street festivals). Her talents as an illustrator and her fertile imagination allow her to put her own picture texts, to the delight of young readers.

Public: General public - Age: 4-10 years Category: Fiction> Short Stories

The Paladins of Mongre Axel Vachon Illustrations : Emmanuel Bazin Collection Defi

Editions Tequi 13.5 x 20.5 cm – 208 pages - 978-2-7403-1745-7– 15 €.

Issue date: october 2012 – ref Téqui 6947

Presentation: A prestigious and bewitching school, beautiful, close to Paradise or Hell... From their parallel and miniature world, tiny and awful little devils are fighting to prevent students from studying. Everything is good to exploit human weaknesses: quibbling, cheating, traps of all kinds... Promised at a higher level in the hierarchy, two cherubs are striving to save these young souls, and there is lot to be done to prevent students from falling... Everything goes faster when some teenagers discover a way to enter into this miniature world. They become Paladins, knights of the good protecting students and teachers. A highly risky mission! Presentation: Un collège prestigieux, splendide, envoûtant, à deux pas du Paradis ou de l’Enfer, c’est selon... Depuis leur monde parallèle et miniature, d’affreux et minuscules diablotins retors s’escriment à empêcher les élèves d’étudier. Tout est bon pour exploiter les faiblesses humaines : chicaneries, tricheries, pièges en tout genre... Promis à un degré supérieur dans la hiérarchie, deux angelots s’échinent à sauver ces jeunes âmes, et il y a fort à faire pour empêcher les élèves de sombrer... Tout s’accélère quand quelques adolescents découvrent un passage vers ce mini-monde. Ils deviennent alors les Paladins, chevaliers du bien chargés de défendre élèves et professeurs. Une mission à haut risqué!

About the author: Axel Vachon, father of 6 children. After studying at Besançon, he teaches English in the Rhone and spends part of his free time writing novels for teenagers. After publishing a number of novels on Canada and on the Kerguelen islands, today he chooses the place of his former school, Villefranche sur Saône, for his new book, The Paladins of Mongré.

Main themes :   

Adventure friendship, courage, loyalty life at school

key points :   

adventure story for teenagers, with a bit of fantasy It talks about school life, and puts values forward such as friendship, courage and loyalty. Illustrations

Public: from the age of 12-14.

Not so fast, sister Beate! Small chronicles from the Abbey – Volume 2 Text and illustrations: Abbey Sainte-Marie de Rieunette

Editions Tequi


9 782740 318140

21 x 27 cm – 32 pages – 10 € quadri - covertures supple with flap Issue date: November 2013 / ref. Téqui 20016

Presentation After the success of Volume 1: Nothing serious, sister Honorine! (Price GABRIEL 2012 Christian BD - special mention), please find new adventures of the Sisters of the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary of Rieunette in this highly anticipated Volume 2. Humor, beauty and freshness in the corridors of the abbey, with these nuns that make us taste their daily reality, in the sight of God working in the garden, singing lessons, cleaning, shopping ... and other anecdotes, jokes and good words taken on the spot that punctuate the lives of these "little" sisters: everything is an opportunity to take things on the right side to answer with common sense and courage to the slightest unexpected ... for the glory of God! This cartoon full of life is an opportunity to laugh around the Christmas tree, all generations together. A great idea for god fathers, god mothers, grandparents ... Présentation Après le succès du tome 1 Rien de grave, sœur Honorine ! (Prix GABRIEL 2012 de la BD chrétienne - mention spéciale), retrouvez les nouvelles péripéties des sœurs de l’Abbaye cistercienne Sainte-Marie de Rieunette dans un tome 2 très attendu. Humour, beauté et fraîcheur dans les couloirs de l’abbaye, avec ces moniales qui nous font goûter leur réalité quotidienne, sous le regard de Dieu : travail au jardin, cours de chants, ménage, les courses…et autres anecdotes, blagues et réparties prises sur le vif qui émaillent la vie de ces « petites » sœurs : tout est occasion de prendre les choses du bon côté, de répondre avec bon sens et courage aux moindres imprévus… pour la gloire de Dieu ! Cette bande dessinée pleine de vie sera l’occasion d’éclats de rires autour du sapin de Noël, toutes générations confondues. Une excellente idée pour les parrains, marraines, grands-parents…

About the author: Designer in Patapon magazine (for 5-10 years), you will find every month: “through the lives of saints”, “true stories” and "small chronics!"

Public: from 6 years (schools, families) Category: Youth> Cartoon

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Catherine Bertrand-Gannerie Black and white illustrations: Jérôme Brasseur

Collection Sentinelles Youth 9-12 years

Editions Tequi DEMO 9 782740 318430

13,5 x 21 cm –90 pages env. – 10 € env.

Issue date: June 2014 / réf. Téqui 20045

Presentation The mid-seventeenth century, in the wilderness of New France, Jesuit missionaries progress gradually into the hostile land. Kateri is a girl whose mother was a Christian, but native of another tribe. Diseases brought by the pale faces periodically decimate Indian populations. At age four, Kateri found herself alone, her face marked by smallpox , and nearly blind. Solitary and partially blind, she tries to remember the prayers that she has learned from her mother and recites them, away from the company of boys of her age and fleeing coquetry. When the black dresses arrive in the village, she observes, fascinated , but too reserved to open her heart and apply to become a Christian . Kidnapped, she arrives in a village where Christians live their faith freely. The friendship of a young Christian and the absence of a spiritual teaching will push her into an excess of penance and mortification. To escape the marriage, desire of every woman (even a Christian), she pronounces the vow of perpetual virginity. Arrival at St. Francis Xavier mission, she wants to become a nun. But, worn down by illness and abuses applied to her body, Kateri died in 1680 at the age of 24, surrounded by her Christian friends. Holy declared in 2012 by Benedict XVI. Présentation e

Au milieu du XVII siècle, dans les terres sauvages de la Nouvelle-France, les missionnaires jésuites s’enfoncent peu à peu dans les terres hostiles. Kateri est une fillette dont la mère était chrétienne, mais originaire d‘une autre tribu. Les maladies apportées par les Visages pâles déciment périodiquement les populations indiennes. À quatre ans, Kateri se retrouve seule, le visage marqué par la petite vérole, et presque aveugle. Solitaire et mal voyante, elle tente de ne pas oublier les prières que lui a apprises sa mère et les récite loin des autres, fuyant la coquetterie et la compagnie des garçons de son âge. Lorsque les Robes noires arrivent dans le village, elle les observe, fascinée, mais trop réservée pour ouvrir son cœur et demander à devenir chrétienne. Enlevée, elle débarque dans un village où les chrétiens vivent leur foi en toute liberté. L’amitié d’une jeune chrétienne et l’absence d’un enseignement spirituel vont la pousser dans les excès de la pénitence et de la mortification. Pour échapper au mariage, but de toute femme, même chrétienne, elle prononce le vœu de virginité perpétuelle. Arrivée à la mission St François-Xavier, elle souhaite devenir religieuse. Mais, usée par la maladie et les traitements infligés à son corps, Kateri s’éteint en 1680, à l’âge de 24 ans, entourée de ses amis chrétiens. Déclarée sainte en 2012 par Benoît XVI.

About the author Catherine Bertrand Gannerie, graduate in literature and history, is the author of historical books, short stories and novels for young people. After 28 years as an officer in the Navy, she devoted herself to writing, the study of theology and travel.

Key points:  

First canonized Native American story closer to the historical truth through a thorough working memory of the first biographer of St. Kateri. A realistic description of the lives of missionaries in hostile lands and the first Christians on Indian Land.

Public: children from 9-12 years (schools, families, groups of catechesis) Category: Youth> Saints and Witnesses

A psalm for your evening prayer Texts : Catherine de Lasa Illustrations : Nicolas Grivet

Editions Tequi


9 782740 318010

18 x 17cm – 48 pages –10€ 25 drawings

Issue date: December 2013

Presentation 32 psalms - 1 double page drawing that makes us smile more openly to God! It is a tool for bringing young children to prayer, and then they discover the Bible, when they establish a personal relationship with Jesus. They need to find the right words to talk to Jesus and give them their lives. 150 psalms are there for. The literary style of the Biblical texts are somehow inaccessible. But the psalms are filled with feelings of fervor and righteous to rehabilitate the current mentality of young words. Catherine De Lasa excels at breathe psalms, adapting to the desire of the child, preserving the spiritual soul of each stanza, maintaining the beauty of their rhythm. She was able to portray all the feelings and emotions specific to this age, in this selection ... Fear, tenderness, joy, pride, familiarity, need for protection and security, innocence and fragility call for independence, solitude of the child, God winner, Mighty God who triumphs, before suffering injustice, innocence - tiredness - anger ... the child chooses God as a friend, etc..

The authors Catherine de Lasa - After studying classical literature and History, Catherine de Lasa, already a grandmother, dedicated her talent for youth for writing small fictionalized historical short stories for 8/11 years (Gallimard, Bayard, Nathan Calligramme ). Already published in Tequi: La très belle histoire de la Cathédrale de Paris, 32, p. 2013. Nicolas Grivet is the illustrator (and humorist) of the monthly ‘Church of Frejus-Toulon’. He realized the humor of heaven - "For God humor": 2 books where the quality of the drawings rivals the delicacy of scenario.

Key points • 1 tool to learn to pray, to love our neighbor, to build a relationship with the Lord with drawings that combine humor and experiences of daily life. • 1st communion gift - for Christmas. • A prayer in union with the monks and the universal Church...

Public: Children from 9 years

John from Elsewhere "Ça va faire des carabistouilles !" Christine d’Erceville Illustrations : Cécile Guinement New collection 10-12 years

Editions tequi 13.5 x 20.5 cm -144 pages - 978-2-7403-1785-3 –12,50 €

Presentation: John Elsewhere ... What a strange name! When he thins about it, John feels that his family is hiding a big secret. His parents have a mysterious friend called Erasmus, his dad does amazing experiments... and then... Why do they use words that classmates do not know? So many questions run through his mind ... While he is trying to uncover who killed Prosperous, the hamster of the class, John looks at his family and asks the dog Duco, witness of the daily life of his parents. But he must exercise the greatest discretion in his inquiry. Will he succeed in discovering the mystery of his singular family ... came from elsewhere? But where? Throughout this sparkling novel, discover the mischievous look of a little boy faced with the cultural gap between his family life and his daily at school. Présentation: Jean d’Ailleurs... voilà un nom bien étrange ! En y réfléchissant bien, Jean a l’impression que sa famille lui cache un grand secret. Ses parents ont un ami mystérieux qui s’appelle Érasme, son papa fait des expériences étonnantes... et puis encore... Pourquoi emploient-ils des mots que ses camarades de classe ne connaissent pas ? Tant de questions trottent dans son esprit. Tout en essayant de démasquer qui a tué Prospère, le hamster de la classe, Jean observe sa famille et interroge le chien Duco, témoin de la vie quotidienne de ses parents. Mais il doit faire preuve de la plus grande discrétion dans son enquête. Parviendra-t-il à déceler le mystère de sa singulière famille... venue d’ailleurs ? Mais d’où ? Au fil de ce roman pétillant, découvrez le regard malicieux d’un petit garçon d’aujourd’hui face au décalage culturel entre sa vie familiale et son quotidien à l’école.

About the author : Christine d'Erceville has a master’s degree in literature. She is also a mother and she excels in writing for youth: Madame Blanche a de la visite, Sima Enfant de Calcutta (Téqui) and Thomas More, le secret d’un homme libre (Salvator). She also scripted comic books for press (Bayard).

Key points:    

Concept of the new collection: presenting a reflection that affects children today. For John Elsewhere is the cultural clash (family / school). Literary genre: an inquiry puffed up with humor and suspense led by a young detective full of innocence but with a great acuteness. Interest: gap between traditional way of life (family, manners) and dialogues in the classroom. Funny and touching writing, full of tenderness.

Public: From the age of 10-12. Catégorie : Jeunesse > Roman

The battle of Sumalee Dominique Poussielgue Illustrations : Fabienne Maignet Collection Defi

Editions Tequi 13.5 x 20.5 cm – 176 pages - 978-2-7403-1762-4– 13,50 €

Office avril 2013 – ref Téqui 6964

Presentation: At the heart of the Thai mangrove, danger is just round the corner. ... Someone has a grudge against Sumalee’s house! But what treasure does this building contain, memory of several generations, to covet it so much? Sumalee, a young orphan woman, knows she must keep faith. She is tenacious and brave. She is determined: she will do everything to keep family values handed down from her grandfather. Her life is at stake! Ah! It would be much easier to give up and run away... At the heart of the fight, Sumalee does not know who spies her and who supports her: the Thanarat family? The mysterious Lucas? Whom to trust? Présentation: Au cœur de la mangrove thaïlandaise, la menace plane… quelqu’un en veut à la maison de Sumalee ! Mais quel trésor renferme donc cette bâtisse, mémoire de plusieurs générations, pour qu’on la convoite ainsi ? Sumalee, jeune femme orpheline, sait qu’elle doit garder confiance. Elle est tenace et courageuse. C’est décidé : elle fera tout pour conserver les valeurs familiales transmises par son grand-père. Mais il en va de sa vie ! Ah ! Ce serait tellement plus simple de baisser les bras et de fuir… Au cœur de son combat, Sumalee ne sait qui l’espionne, qui la soutient : la famille Thanarat ? Le mystérieux Lucas ? À qui se fier?

About the author: Dominique Poussielgue is born and lives in Paris where she works as an editor. At 29 years of age, she published L’île d’Arthur, her first novel. After many years in contact with teenagers, through scouting and writing workshops in schools, wishing to convey human values, she favours writing focused on this age.

Main themes:     

Adventure, police investigation Friendship, courage, loyalty Teaching family values Lifestyle choices (studies, work, family…) Home: heart of life, landmarks, roots…

Key points:   

Adventure story for teenagers Thailand is rarely mentioned in youth literature. The author knows this country and offers an exotic and relaxing setting Beautiful illustrations in black and white.


From the age of 13-15, for adolescent boys and girls.

POSTERS « Bath time » « Time to pray » Inès Rouy

Editions Tequi 32 x 24 cm – 6 € 1 card lying face Quad 240 gr Film-coated glossy design and watercolors

Presentation This concept of poster has educational objectives. At a time when more mothers are working outside, they need tools to mark the stages of the day with their children - there is a rhythm of life in children who balance and structure them; we cannot avoid it – First stages of the day (waking, meals, going outside, etc ...) Each step corresponds to a rite, which also structures the psyche . The rituals of life are also imbued with symbols ... Here are some posters that therefore mark the highlights of the day - the Highlights for Children - etc. Bath time, time to pray - A series is already programmed ... The snack time, time of the first communion, time of my birthday, etc ... A collection focused on family life, growth criterion, and the stages of life. The religious sentiment is also expressed by age, and family background. Présentation Ce concept de poster a des visées éducatives. A l’heure où davantage de mères travaillent, celles-ci ont besoin d’outils pour marquer les étapes de la journée chez leurs enfants – il y a un rythme de vie chez l’enfant qui l’équilibre et le structure ; on ne peut en faire l’économie – D’abord celui de la journée (le réveil, les repas, les temps de sortie, etc…) Chaque étape correspond à un rite, qui structure aussi le psychisme. Les rites de la vie sont aussi pétris de symboles…. Voici des posters qui marquent donc les temps forts de la journée - les Temps forts de l’enfance – etc. L’heure du bain, L’heure de prier - Une série de titres est déjà programmée …L’heure du goûter, L’heure de la 1ere communion, L’heure de mon anniversaire, etc… Une collection axée sur la vie familiale, les critères de croissance, les étapes de la vie. Le sentiment religieux s’exprime aussi selon l’âge, et le contexte familial.

About the author The designer Ines ROUY excels thanks to her drawings with children from an early age. Charm and tenderness. Her posters have had great success in bookstores in Bordeaux. The team continues with Tequi which has already a renowned collection (Joëlle d'Abbadie’s previous work).

Key points:   

The rhythms of the day are founders for the equilibrium of the child (moms office) The posters that can be offered to the parties - to frame. Linking with pleasure / Gifts.

Public: Christian public

Archangel with the gold sword A plot against Jeanne d'Arc Mauricette Vial-Andru Illustration: Emmanuel Bazin Editions Tequi DEMO 9 782740 316498

11 x 18 cm - 72 pages - 978-2-7403-1649-8 - € 8 Released in June 2011 Ref 6851

Presentation: We are in the fifteenth century. France is at war against the British allies in Burgundy. All seems desperate. Then Joan of Arc comes. She will hesitate a long time before acting. Supported by her uncle, she gets an escort to go to the Dauphin Charles. But in the entourage of dolphins, jealousy rages. The Duke of Trémoille, informed by his spies of the arrival of Jeanne to Chinon, hatched a plot against her. We must seize this gêneuse. At the crucial moment, a miracle happens and Jeanne passed without difficulty despite its small escort. The interview of Chinon will therefore take place then it will be the deliverance of Orleans and the coronation. Jeanne has accomplished its mission. Présentation: Nous sommes au XVe siècle. La France est en guerre contre les Anglais alliés au Bourguignons. Tout semble perdu. Alors apparaît Jeanne d’Arc. Elle va hésiter longtemps avant d’agir. Soutenue par son oncle, elle obtient une escorte pour se rendre auprès du dauphin Charles. Mais dans l’entourage du dauphin, la jalousie se déchaîne. Le duc de la Trémoille, averti par ses espions de l’arrivée de Jeanne à Chinon, ourdit un complot contre elle. Il faut se saisir de cette gêneuse. Au moment crucial, un miracle se produit et Jeanne passa sans difficulté malgré sa faible escorte. L’entrevue de Chinon aura donc bien lieu puis ce sera la délivrance d’Orléans et le sacre. Jeanne aura accompli sa mission.

About the author: Mauricette Vial-Andru, professor of literature, offers to the children a wonderful opportunity to learn the history of France, through adventures and anecdotes. She writes for young people over the last twenty years. She lives in Paris. Key points: • A page in the history of France: historical and cultural interest • A scenario full of life • Well-tempered characters • A text that makes you wants to go further and learn more about the heroin Audience: 9-13 years Category: Historical novel for youth

With you, my people! Edith Stein, Auschwitz's martyr Mauricette Vial-Andru / Illustrations : Jérôme Brasseur Collection Les sentinelles

Editions tequi 13.5 x 20.5 cm - 88 pages - 978-2-7403-1767-9 -10 € Office mars 2013 / ref. Téqui 6969

Presentation: In Germany, as the Nazism was on the rise, Edith, a young Jewish, converts, asks for baptism and offers herself as a sacrifice for her people. Présentation: En Allemagne, lors de la montée en puissance du nazisme, Edith, jeune juive se convertit, demande le baptême et s'offre en holocauste pour son peuple.

About the author: Mauricette Vial-Andru, school teacher, headed the editorial department of a publishing house specializing in school textbooks for ten years. Grandmother, she writes for children over the past twenty years in the collection “Petits Pâtres”.

Key points :    

Bonus: work of Edith, chronology, glossary. A good way to approach the history of the twentieth century, educating young people about the persecution against Jews, anti-Semitism, the horrors of deportation. Planning a visit of a concentration camp (school program). A wonderful example of conversion.

Public: from the

age of 9-10 (schools, families or catechetical groups).

Catégorie : Jeunesse > Roman historique

Jesus’charity in 11 pictures to be colored Martine Bazin Illustrations : Armelle Joly

Coloring book

Editions Tequi 21 x 27 cm – 24 pages - 978-2-7403-1748-8 – 6 €

Office octobre 2012 / ref. Téqui 6950

Presentation: Beautiful color illustrations to discover 11 scenes from the life of Christ Jesus defends children fed the crowds, console a mother whose son is dead and heals the sick. All these episodes, illustrated and narrated children, will know their Charity of Jesus for his own and his love for us. A wonderful educational and fun tool for addressing the gospel at an early age. Présentation: De magnifiques illustrations à colorier pour découvrir 11 scènes de la vie du Christ : Jésus prend la défense des enfants, nourrit les foules, console une maman dont le fils est mort et guérit des malades. Tous ces épisodes, illustrés et racontés pour les enfants, leur feront connaître la Charité de Jésus pour les siens et son Amour pour nous. Un merveilleux outil pédagogique et ludique pour aborder l’évangile dès le plus jeune âge.

Content: On the left-hand pages, the pattern of color drawing with an explanation. Vis-à-vis on the right page, the same design in black and white to color.

Summary: 1: Jesus and children - 2: Jesus, the Good Shepherd - 3: Jesus and the paralyzed - 4: Jesus and the sinful woman - 5: Jesus and Jairus' daughter - 6: Jesus feeds the crowds - 7: Jesus and the only son 8: Jesus tells a parable - 9: Jesus and the blind Bartimaeus - 10: Jesus at Bethany - 11: Jesus and Mary.

About the author: Now retired, Martine Bazin was editor at Editions Téqui youth for many years and editor of the magazine for 29 years Patapon. She writes books for children and directs the "Sentinels" collection. Published by Téqui we find in the collection Small shepherds: Bon dimanche, les enfants ! 9782740305973, Une rencontre fantastique 9782740305591, Monette et le Général 9782740309698, Monette et le tablier bleu 9782740312308, Monette en habit de lumière 9782740315675. And in this series of coloring:Vie de Jésus en 20 tableaux 9782740313763, Les Commandements de Dieu en dix tableaux 9782740314661, Mon album de prières en 20 vitraux 9782740315453. She also wrote stories for Christmas : La légende de la Perce-Neige 9782740301562, Trois arbres pour un Prince (Best Seller) 9782740306680, Noël, la Naissance du Prince de la Paix 9782740311622.

Key points : -

A clear and neat presentation A good format for the parties to color Pretty color models for each scene An interesting logic in the choice of episodes A simple and vivid style, with many dialogues Each story in ten easy to remember lines, containing the heart of the Gospel story A very happy together (Re-) discovery of key events in the life of Jesus

Public: All children from 4 years to 10 years. Families, catechists and parish

A very powerful little King The Infant Jesus of Prague Francine Bay Illustrations : Anne-Sophie Droulers Collection Les Petits Pâtres

Editions Tequi 17 x 24 cm - 32 pages - 978-2-7403-1757-0 –13 € Office octobre 2012 / ref. Téqui 6959

Presentation: "The more you honor me, the more I will bless you.” The confidence of the Child Jesus to the Father Cyril, from the Carmelite convent in Prague, remains current. The statue of the Divine Child offered to the Carmelites by Princess Lobkowicz has unceasingly spread its blessings, despite wars and revolutions, accomplishing many miracles. The Infant Jesus of Prague is now venerated worldwide. It attracts many pilgrims in Prague, until Pope Benedict XVI came to pray in 2009. Other statues of the Child Jesus are also venerated all over the world like the little "King of Grace," the Carmel of Beaune (France). The first discovery of this little King so powerful, to whom we can entrust all! Présentation: « Plus vous m’honorerez et plus je vous favoriserai. » Cette confidence de l’Enfant Jésus au Père Cyrille, du couvent des Carmes de Prague, est toujours d’actualité. La statuette du Divin Enfant offerte aux Carmes par la princesse de Lobkowicz n’a cessé de répandre ses bienfaits, et ce malgré les guerres et les révolutions, accomplissant nombre de miracles. L’Enfant Jésus de Prague est aujourd’hui vénéré dans le monde entier. Il attire à Prague de nombreux pèlerins, jusqu’au pape Benoît XVI, venu le prier en 2009. D’autres statues de l’Enfant Jésus sont aussi vénérées dans le monde : comme celle du petit « Roi de Grâce », du Carmel de Beaune, en France. Une première découverte de ce petit Roi si puissant, à qui l’on peut tout confier !

About the author: After a Master’s degree in philosophy, Francine Bay, mother and grandmother, was mainly devoted to the religious education of children. Catechist for many years, contributor to “Transmettre” for the evangelization of childhood, she has published a dozen books for young people.

Key points :  

  

Short, teaching and complete chapters Fine collection that has earned its place on families A wonderful story such as grandmothers tell to children Lively and well-documented style which have made the success of books written by Francine Bay. Bound book – hardback book + colour illustrations.

Public: from the age of 6

The Virgin at Pellevoisin Mother of Mercy and Mother of the Church Marie-Reginald Vernet, o.p.

Editions Tequi 15x22, 296 pages, 978-2-7403-1793-8, 18 €

Presentation: In 1875, Estelle Faguette, a young 32 year old woman suffering from an incurable disease, wrote a letter to the Blessed Virgin. The Virgin Mary responds by fifteen appearances from February to December 1876 during which it educates Estelle holiness and it delivers the message of Divine Mercy: "I'm all merciful" (3rd appearance, February 16, 1876). Estelle is cured during the fifth appearance in the night of 18 to 19 February 1876, healing will be complete after she received the Eucharist on the morning of February 19. The messages emphasize the moral difficulties of France, the urgency of conversion and prayer. "France will suffer [...] I can not hold my Son" (11th appearance, September 15, 1876). On September 9, 1876 (9th appearance), the Virgin showed him the Scapular of the Sacred Heart, and tells him Dec. 8 (15th appearance): "I will invisibly near you [...]. I have chosen you to publish my glory and spread this devotion. "Estelle Faguette lead a life of humility and prayer in adversity, she died in 1929. Pilgrims are more likely to pray in his room, a chapel built in 1877. Very quickly, the devotion to Our Lady of Pellevoisin is encouraged by Rome and the diocese of Bourges. In 1983, Bishop Vignancour, Archbishop of Bourges, recognized the miraculous healing of Estelle Faguette. Présentation: En 1875, Estelle Faguette, une jeune femme de 32 ans atteinte d’une maladie incurable, écrit une lettre à la Sainte Vierge. La Vierge Marie répond par quinze apparitions de février à décembre 1876, au cours desquelles elle éduque Estelle à la sainteté et lui délivre le message de la Miséricorde divine : « Je suis toute miséricordieuse » (3e apparition, 16 février 1876). Estelle est guérie au cours de la 5e apparition, dans la nuit du 18 au 19 février 1876, guérison qui sera totale après qu’elle eut reçu l’eucharistie au matin du 19 février. Les messages insistent sur les difficultés morales de la France, l’urgence de la conversion et la prière. « La France souffrira [...], je ne peux plus retenir mon Fils » (11e apparition, 15 septembre 1876). Le 9 septembre 1876 (9e apparition), la Vierge lui montre le scapulaire du Sacré-Coeur, et lui annonce le 8 décembre (15e apparition) : « Je serai invisiblement près de toi [...]. Je t’ai choisie pour publier ma gloire et répandre cette dévotion. » Estelle Faguette mènera une vie remplie d’humilité et de prières dans l’adversité, elle meurt en 1929. Les pèlerins sont de plus en plus nombreux à prier dans sa chambre, érigée en chapelle dès 1877. Très vite, la dévotion à Notre-Dame de Pellevoisin est encouragée par Rome et par le diocèse de Bourges. En 1983, Mgr Vignancour, archevêque de Bourges, a reconnu le caractère miraculeux de la guérison d’Estelle Faguette.

About the author : Marie Vernet Reginald o.p. (died on 14.11.2000) writes the story of the apparitions of a chronological order and lively, painting a moving portrait of Estelle. He takes care to present the doctrine of motherhood of Mary Church, commenting on the extraordinary words of Mary in the mystery of Divine Mercy.

Key points : • New Edition incorporating the preface Father current Rector, brother Jean Elie • Preface by Jean Guitton - relevant critical place and Marian message • Message of Divine Mercy John Paul II was updated in May 2000 with the canonization of St. Faustina • Prayer of the Virgin Mary to France • A large sanctuary of radiation (training for the Christian faith - Festival sessions, youth camps, etc.).

Public: pilgrims from around the world - students, seminarians and religious - all Christians praying to the Virgin Mary

Category: Spirituality > Mary

Our-Lady of Mount Carmel History and spirituality Philippe Beitia

Editions Tequi June 2013 / ref. Téqui 6988

Presentation: The author, Father Beitia, reproduces the contemporary Christian history of the origins of the Carmelite Order, and how Mary shines on this foundation. It presents a description of its major founders (St Simon Stock, 1251) and its great mystics, until the twentieth century. A religious vocation given rise by the prophet of the Old Testament, Elijah, and by his followers - who experience the beginnings of a contemplative life on Mount Carmel (West Coast of Palestine). Présentation: L’auteur, Père Beitia, reprend pour le chrétien contemporain l’histoire des origines de l’ordre du Carmel, et comment la Vierge Marie rayonne sur cette fondation. Il présente la description de ses grands fondateurs (St Simon Stock, 1251) et de ses grands mystiques, jusqu’au XXe siècle. Une vocation religieuse enfantée par le prophète de l’A.T., Elie, puis par ses disciples – qui expérimentent les débuts d’une vie contemplative sur le Mont Carmel (Côte Ouest de la Palestine).

About the author: Philip Beitia, priest of the diocese of Bayonne, devotes several years to the formation of priests. He also studies history, development and the spiritual meaning of devotion approved by the Church which makes it available to Christians to help them live according to the gospel.

Key points: This educational booklet contains all the components of Carmelite spirituality marked by devotion to Mary: - The gift of the scapulary which reveals Marian protection - The great mystics, followers of Mary - Gifts of the Virgin Mary to the Carmel: help and strength - Brotherhood of the scapular and its statues - lifetime commitment - The Virgin of Carmel, relief of the souls in Purgatory

Public: Wide public. History and Spirituality. Category: Spirituality > Blessed Virgin Mary

A penitent’s practical guide To celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation Guillaume de Menthière

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 318423

11 x 18 cm - 120 pages - 6.90€

Issue date : 17 June 2014

Presentation When to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation? For whom? How to confess your sins in confession? How to make your examination of conscience? This practical tool, to read before going to confession, draws with great precision the process of the sacrament and the words spoken by the priest. It was designed to "relax" the penitent, and to help him believing in the mercy of God and confiding in his love, rather than worrying about the instruction of the confession. A book meant both for the baptized who abandoned the practice, and for those who have a regular use of this sacrament, testifying thereby the mercy of the Lord. Présentation Quand recevoir le sacrement de Réconciliation ? À qui est-il destiné ? Comment avouer ses péchés en confession ? Comment faire son examen de conscience ? Cet outil pratique, à consulter pour aller se confesser, retrace avec grande précision le déroulé du sacrement et les paroles prononcées par le prêtre. Il a pour but de « décontracter » le pénitent, l'aidant non plus à se soucier du mode d'emploi de la confession, mais à croire en la Miséricorde de Dieu et à se confier en son Amour. Un ouvrage destiné autant aux baptisés ayant délaissé la pratique qu'à ceux qui ont un recours régulier à ce sacrement, témoignant par là de la Miséricorde du Seigneur.

About the author Father Guillaume has been priest in the diocese of Paris since 1991, vicar in parishes and chaplain in secondary schools. Professor at the Cathedral School, he is the author of several books, in particular The sacrament of Reconciliation (Téqui, 2001) from which the present Penitent’s guide draw the practical consequences.

Public: general Christian public Category: Training > Guides and dictionaries

The Indian Juan Diego Our Lady of Guadalupe Jean Mathiot New preface brother Jorge G. Juantzin 3rd edition, revised and enlarged

Editions Tequi DEMO 9 782740 318379

15 x 21 cm – 224 pages – 15.50 €

Issue date: 16 march 2014 / réf. Téqui 20039

Presentation HISTORY: In 1519, when Cortes arrived with the conquistadors to the city of Mexico - Tenochtitlan , he was fascinated by the splendor of the great city and its great temples . The glory of the Aztec civilization spreads before his eyes. But he is seized by the horror of human sacrifice and cannibalism prevailing there. Yet these are the conquistadors who enslave, sack, rape and kill without compunction. In just a few years, the mighty Aztec empire collapses! The incipient evangelization is doomed to failure. But here in nine years, nine million Indians convert to the Christian faith. Why such a movement of conversion? In December 1531, a "Lady of Heaven" appeared to a humble Aztec, 57 years old: Juan Diego who was baptized six years before. She looks like the mother of the true God, demands a temple, and as a sign, she leaves an image of herself, more than astonishing, miraculously printed on the cloak of the messenger, who becomes a witness and prophet of the kindness God by thousands of Mexicans. This is the opportunity of a real Pentecost Indian. He is the first Indian saint of the Roman Catholic Church and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2002. Who are the Aztecs? Who is Juan Diego? How extraordinary is the image of his coat? The author answers these questions in this book, very informative and full of spirituality. We discover the latest scientific research that has examined this image refraction, and the scope of this supernatural event, little known in Europe, which enflamed all of Mexico, and which influence comes to us. The history of the image also marks the whole destiny of the West (victory of Lepanto), and the author tells the story of many miracles around the image during the centuries. This new revised and expanded edition includes an insert of color photos and also provides explanations on the latest miracle about the Guadalupe, on April 24th, 2007.

About the author: Jean Mathiot followed biblical and theological studies. Professional commitments led him to work in the Charismatic Renewal in its infancy and to participate in the excitement of numerous meetings and retreats. Captivated by divine intervention in the world, he has written several books, including I saw the power of God and a new earth, and surprising Icons of the Mother of God (Éditions du Parvis, Icon of Mary, etc.).

Key points • Photo Section 16 color pages • Appendix: words of the Virgin Mary, the prayers of the Popes, chronological markers

Category: Testimonials and lives of saints> Biography - Autobiography Public: Christian public

"I want to comfort God." Etty Hillesum Odile Haumonte Illustrations: Jérôme Brewer

I want to comfort God.

Collection the Sentinel (No. 40) From 11 years

Editions tequi DEMO

Etty Hillesum Editions Tequi The Sentinel

9 782740 318324

3.5 x 21 cm - 120 pages - €10 approx.

Office September 2014 - ref. Téqui 20034

Presentation Etty, young Dutch girl from a Jewish family, needs to go beyond her limits to find herself. After an adolescence marked by a thirst for an intellectual search, a great need for affection and a quest for meaning and orientation, she is putting herself at the service of the therapist Julius Spier when began the second world war. Intellectually brilliant and very sensitive, she saw the rise of the Nazis with a courageous and surprising lucidity. The threats facing her community lead her to a dramatic spiritual awakening. She then had this amazing intuition: in this drama, she is the one who should comfort the heart of God, wounded by so much hatred and cruelty. Her life will end in the extermination camp of Auschwitz, where she devoted herself, body and soul, to entrust each sacrificed family to the love of God in her prayer. This book relates the key stages of the life of Etty, ponctuated at the end of each chapter with a quote from her book a life turned upside down. Teenagers will discover what means the implementation of the unification of a personality which is transformed under the gaze of Christ, and at the same time how the discovery of the Nazi period is experienced by a young Jewish girl. Présentation Etty, jeune Hollandaise de famille juive, a besoin d’aller au bout d’elle-même pour se trouver. Après une adolescence marquée par cette soif de recherche intellectuelle, un grand besoin d’affection et cette quête de sens et d’orientation, elle se met au service du thérapeute Julius Spier quand débute la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Brillante intellectuellement et très sensible, elle vit la montée du nazisme dansing un courage et une lucidité surprenante. Les menaces qui pèsent sur son peuple, la conduisent à un éveil spirituel fulgurant. Elle a alors cette intuition étonnante : dans ce drame, c’est elle qui doit consoler le cœur de Dieu, blessé par tant de haine et de cruauté. Sa vie s’achèvera dans le camp d’extermination d’Auschwitz, où elle se dévoue corps et âme à confier dans la prière chaque famille sacrifiée, à l’amour de Dieu. Cet ouvrage relate les différentes étapes clef de la vie d’Etty, ponctuées à la fin de chaque chapitre par une citation de son ouvrage Une vie bouleversée. Les préadolescents y découvriront toute la mise en place de l’unification de sa personnalité qui se transforme sous le regard du Christ en même temps que la découverte de la période du nazisme vécue par une jeune juive.

About the author: Mother of five children, Odile Haumonté is editor in Chief of fire and light and author for youth, Téqui Éditions for many years (collection Sentinel; Editor Patapon).

Key arguments: 

Educate young people about the persecution against the Jews, anti-Semitism, the horrors of deportation - an inner path of return to the faith

Prepare for a visit to a concentration camp (the classes in college program)

Centenary of her birth on January 15th, 2014

Public: from 11 years (schools, families, catechism groups) Category: Youth > historical novel

The empress Sainte Hélène At the crossroads of the East and the West Hélène Yvert-Jallu

Editions tequi


9 782740 318003

15 x 21 cm – 270 pages – 17 € approx.

Issue date : December 2013

Presentation From currently available sources, collected in her travels all over 20 years of investigation in local and university archives, the author gives the story (and the portrait) with lots of emotions, of the life of the Empress, full of drama and honorship, while describing these complex times Simple barmaid, Helen became the wife of an officer of the praetorian guards, Constance, and has a son, Constantine. Great military leader, he is proclaimed emperor by the legions of his father. His mother early converted, transmits this evangelical spirit where there is neither Jewish nor Greek, neither master nor slave, wherever her husband runs his campaigns against the barbarians (from Britain to Egypt, Spain to Mesopotamia, Palestine). She attempts to introduce her son, very attached to his mother, but with a contradictory temperament, cruel and generous, to the Christian faith. Constantin signs the famous Edict of Milan (313), which opens a new era of tolerance for Christians. She explains the situation of Christians and women. At the age of 80 years, this courageous woman embarks on a pilgrimage to the land of Christ as a sign of expiation for the murders committed by his son and in research of the Holy Cross, which she will bring back to Rome (inaugurating the pilgrimages to the Holy Land ). Leaving no written document many areas still remain unknown about her life. Hers relics will constantly be transported from one country to another. An annex contains: History of the installation of the Relics of St. Helena in the Church of St. Leu St. Gilles (Paris, 2nd), 2005 - The spirituality of the icon of St. Helena (historical study). - Popular Customs around the holy Empress.

The Author She happily combines the scientific rigor of the historian with a hagiographic style full of fervor From Orthodox religion, iconography, the author is also Fellow Russian and Dr.'re Letters (3rd cycle: Russia and the Soviet Union .) – Friend of Bishop Dupire (+ 2006), specialist of Russia. His first title focuses on Women: Women and Family in Russia yesterday and today (2008), Publisher Sextant

Key points 

A single document of religious and cultural history that will be a reference.

A holy figure facing a pagan context offensive, close to our mentality.

Finally the most complete biography of the Empress as possible, venerated in the East and who faces great indifference in Western Christians circles, when the Constantinian revolution brought with her the triumph of Christianity. Refreshing portrait of a beautiful woman who was a Christian in Europe. Historical figure who repaired the bridge / unity among Christian two lungs: East and West at the time of renewed interest in the Church of France for the persecuted Christians of the East (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria).

 


Passionate of religious history - Movements of Eastern Christians. - Passionate of early Christian history etc.

The angel of the poor Pier Giorgio Frassati Odile Haumonté Illustrations: Emmanuel Bazin Collection Les Sentinelles

Editions Tequi 9-12 years 13,5 x 21 cm – 112 pages - 978-2-7403-1777-8 –10€ approx

Office June 2013 / ref. Téqui 6979

Presentation: In Turin, in the early twentieth century, Pier Giorgio Frassati is a boy like any other. He is sporty, band leader, cheerful, good fellow, who likes to climb mountains rather than spend hours on his school work. However, he hides a secret, which will be revealed at the time of his burial, because poliomyelitis will take him in six days, when he was only twenty-four years old: Pier Giorgio follows in the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul. Supported by the gospel, he brought aid and comfort, and the love of Christ in the miserable districts of the city. A luminous figure at the time of the First World War. Suffering from polio, he dies very young, and all the people of the city come to pray at his obsequies. This book goes straight to the point to arouse the admiration and devotion of the youngest readers. The author focuses on the hidden side of the personality of Pier Giorgio (that is to say, his holiness). This book is composed of two distinct parts: a light and cheerful, describing his working life, and the other one more serious and deeply spiritual, describing the inner offering. Présentation: À Turin, au début du XXe siècle, Pier Giorgio Frassati est un garçon comme les autres, sportif, meneur de bande, joyeux, bon camarade, qui aime escalader les montagnes plutôt que de passer des heures sur son travail scolaire. Pourtant, il cache un secret, secret qui sera révélé au moment de son enterrement, car la poliomyélite va l’emporter en six jours, alors qu’il n’a que vingt-quatre ans : Pier Giorgio suit les traces de saint Vincent de Paul. Soutenu par l’Évangile, il a apporté aide et réconfort, ainsi que l’amour du Christ, dans les quartiers misérables de Turin. Une figure lumineuse au temps de la Première Guerre mondiale. Atteint de Polio, il meurt très jeune et tout le peuple de la ville vient prier à ses obseques. Cet ouvrage va droit à l’essentiel pour éveiller l’admiration et l’attachement des plus jeunes lecteurs. L’auteur insiste sur ce côté caché de la personnalité de Pier Giorgio (c’est-à-dire sa sainteté). Ce livre est composé de deux parties distinctes : l’une légère et gaie, décrivant sa vie active ; l’autre plus grave et profondément spirituelle, décrivant l’offrande intérieure.

About the author: Odile Haumonté is editor of “Feu et Lumière” and children's author in Téqui for many years (Collection “Sentinel's”; editor for Patapon).

Key points:  

 

Friendship and holiness in sports. Ability to social influence for a young boy Illustrations in black and white A contemporary figure to update the collection “Sentinel's “.

Public: From the age of 8-9 (schools, families, catechism) Category: Youth > Historical roman

Paul VI, a prophetic look Volume 1: a love given Volume 2 : the eternal Pentecost Father Daniel-Ange Foreword by Archbishop MACCHI (personal Secretary to Pope) Preface by father Yves Congar

Editions Saint Paul 13.5 x 19 cm - 240 pages - €12 13.5 x 19 cm - 368 pages - €12 REF. Téqui: 8544 September 2014 REF. Téqui: 8545 September 2014

DEMO 9 782850 492211

Presentation Two volumes to describe the person of Paul VI, a love that gives, and the spirituality of the Pope: how he sees the Council worldwide, where is its look, its hope..., how unfolds his love for the Church, the eternal Pentecost. Here is the light path of "unforgettable, the much loved Paul VI" (dira Jean Paul II) mounted by a friend and faithful disciple, father Daniel Ange, which the great poetic quality feather shapes the true face internal, humble and grand, from his texts, his actions and gestures prophe-ticks. It is also a way of prayers and meditations, even as a pontifical on Church teaching that we book the author. Through multiple shocks of a secularized world that undermine the Church, Paul VI (Jean-Baptiste - Montini, 1897-1978) embodies wisdom, a soul of fire for 15 years (will tell his friends priests and theologians: Yves Congar, Henri de Lubac, Roger Schürz and Marc Thurian (founders of Taizé), Jean Guitton, Jacques Maritain, father Loew); It showed a lucidity balanced on modern man that he knew love, driving, even if it was misunderstood. All his speech (and travel) are a monument of doctrines; "one of the greatest popes, will tell Bishop Chabbert, in the wake of Leon, Gregory! Unfolds a theology of the spirit that Daniel Ange devine and updates in volume 2. Daniel Ange chooses words, extracted from speech, Angelus, encyclical Ecclesiam suam, Humanae Vitae,... etc), often poorly publicized. We discover his hidden insights, his way of making beautiful things and sensitive to the heart, his deep compassion for the sick and the poor (it will encourage in 1975 faith and light), vibrant love for Christ that he expresses in his many travels (Philippines, Colombia, India, Uganda, New York, etc.), his love for the youth in fury as he said (May 1968), his interest in art and artists, his curiosity towards intellectuals of his time, his pleas to the United Nations, the ecumenical reconciliation (visit to the Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem, delivery of the relics of St. mark in Alexandria, etc.) - "we are called to be doctors of this civilization of love (1960)." "The way of the cross is a school of compassion" (1975); The beatitude is our Gospel. "The Council, a"Pentecost for our time. " the Church has need of an abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 1978»

The author Father Daniel-Ange, 75 years, leads the double life of a hermit and missionary. Twelve years in Rwanda (19581971), he studied theology in Freiburg. Ordained a priest at Lourdes in 1981 by Bishop Gantin, papal legate, he founded the school of evangelization youth-light to Payne in 1984. He has directed about 220 rounds of evangelization and has already published more than 20 books (DDB, Jubilee, St. Paul).

Key arguments    


History of the Church of the XX century Reference document on Vatican Council II Origins of the charismatic renewal Prophecy of Paul VI

Public: General public Christian

JP II, my Pope Arturo Mari, the Vatican photographer Arturo Mari, interview with Bertrand Lemaire

Editions Tequi DEMO 9 782740 316368

24 x 17 cm - 120 pages - 9782740316368 to 19.50 € Released April 2011 Ref. 6838

Presentation: Arturo Mari delivered to Bertrand Lemaire these "stories" that make "history." Having served six Popes, for 51 years, its role as official photographer of John Paul II throughout his pontificate, he can now say out loud what he has lived in the shadow of a saint. He does it with modesty and discretion which characterize it. "I can not tell you everything but what I can tell you is enough to amaze you."

Content: The Vatican's official photographer, working for six popes ; John Paul II and the Virgin Mary, John Paul II and the nature ; Difficult missions for John Paul II ; With the youth, children and the suffering people, Miracles in his lifetime? ; John Paul II poet, humorist and open to cultures ; Lourdes, his last travel ; Friendship with Jean-Paul II

About the authors: • Born in Rome, Arturo Mari became at the age of 16 years the official photographer of the Vatican. For 51 years, he has worked and photographed in high places. Privileged witness of Vatican life, his life was marked by his 27 years in the service of John Paul II. • Bertrand Lemaire is an architect and head of the association of the "Christian Center of Families of the West" based in Saint-Laurent-surSevre. He is the author of other books about JP II.

Key points:   

Many unusual and artistic photos Testimony of a unique holiness in everyday life Evocation of facts completely unknown

Public: for all! Category: Testimony

The Squadron of charity Camille de Lellis, a saint among the infirm Catherine Bertrand-Gannerie Hagiographie / Roman historique

Editions Tequi 15 x 22 cm - 160 pages - 978-2-7403-1747-1 – 14 €

Office octobre 2012 / ref. Téqui 6949

Presentation: By what miracle this boy of nearly two meters, crazy about games became crazy about God? How does this Italian, early motherless and fatherless, leave the dissolute life of a young soldier for a consecrated life to the sick persons and dying? Why did he leave the uniform for the cassock, the sabre for the cross? These are the themes of this biography of Camille de Lellis, founder of the Order of Clerks Regular Ministers to the Sick, born in Abruzzo in the middle of the 16th century, raised by a father, captain in the army, soldier engaged in violent fighting against the Turks. Uneducated, the young man can not resist a fatal passion for game, losing one evening until his shirt. One winter morning, suddenly threw off his donkey by a divine power, he converted and he will constantly be at the service of sick, poor and disabled persons, suffering from their bodies and their souls thirsting for love close to death. Présentation: Par quel miracle ce garçon de près de deux mètres, fou de jeu devient-il fou de Dieu ? Comment cet Italien, très tôt orphelin de mère et de père, abandonne-t-il la vie dissolue de jeune soldat pour une vie consacrée aux malades et aux mourants ? Pourquoi quitte-t-il l’uniforme pour la soutane, le sabre pour la croix ? Ce sont les thèmes de cette biographie consacrée à Camille de Lellis, fondateur de l’Ordre des Clercs Réguliers Ministres des Infirmes, né dans les Abruzzes au milieu du 16e siècle, élevé par un père capitaine dans les armées, lui-même soldat engagé dans de violents combats contre les Turcs. Peu instruit, le jeune homme ne résiste pas à une passion funeste pour le jeu, perdant un soir jusqu’à sa chemise. Un matin d’hiver, brutalement jeté à bas de son âne par une force divine, il se convertit et n’aura de cesse de se mettre au service des malades, des pauvres et des infirmes, de leurs corps souffrants et de leurs âmes assoiffées d’amour au seuil de la mort.

About the author: Catherine Bertrand Gannerie, graduated in Literature and history and former journalist. She has written historical books and novels for young people. Located in Morbihan, with 28-years of career as an officer in the Navy she dedicates herself to writing and travel.

Key points:       

Compellingly written Preface of the father de Rodellec, Provincial of the Order of the Camillians Biography of a virtuous, demanding and sometimes intransigent man A priest, strict but not humorless. Benedict XIV canonized him in 1746, and in 1886 Pope Leon XIII gave him the title of “Protector of hospitals and sick”. In 1930, Pope Pius XI proclaimed him with Saint John of God, Patron of hospitals. Saint Camille, a great man of the Church, along with St. John of God, St. Vincent de Paul. Some characters and dialogues have been created by the author.

Public: pre-adolescents and teenagers / visitors of patients and volunteers in hospitals.

Always joyful! Saint Dominique Savio Mauricette Vial-Andru Illustrations: Emmanuel Beaudesson Collection Les Petits Pâtres

Editions Tequi 17 x 24 cm - 32 pages - 978-2-7403-1725-9 – 12,80 € May 2012/ref. Téqui 6927

Presentation: This short life of Dominic Savio (1942 - 1954) in 13 chapters is a wonderful gift of communion: Dominic Savio was very young when he received his first Holy Communion (7 years old), while traditionally a child received it at 12 years old. Pius XII canonized the young Italian on 12 June 1954, the patron saint of youth. Présentation: Cette courte vie de Dominique Savio (1942 - 1954) en 13 chapitres est le cadeau de communion par excellence : Dominique Savio fit très jeune sa première communion (à 7 ans) alors que traditionnellement elle était à 12 ans. Pie XII canonisa le jeune italien le 12 juin 1954 saint patron des jeunes.

About the author: Mauricette Vial-Andru, school teacher, headed the editorial department of a publishing house specializing in school textbooks for ten years. Grandmother, she writes for children over the past twenty years in the collection “Petits Pâtres”.

Key points :       

Short, teaching and complete chapters A wonderful gift for a first Holy Communion Child's life for children. Fine collection that has earned its place on families Written in a accessible way by a teacher Quotes and important dates in the background reading Bound book – hardback book + colour illustrations.

Public: from the age of 7.

St. Joseph life and miracles Francine Bay Illustrations : Anne-Sophie Droulers Collection Les Petits Pâtres

Editions Tequi 17 x 24 cm - 32 pages - 978-2-7403-1768-6 –13 € March 2013 / ref Téqui 6970

Presentation: God gave his son, Jesus, to the honest and hardworking man, St. Joseph, who He has chosen to be the head of the Holy Family. In Nazareth, they spoke about him as a righteous and humble man. He protected in the most difficult times, especially during the journey to Bethlehem and the flight into Egypt, the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, revealing all his strength and wisdom. Historically, children are called by his name, many fathers pray, and many sanctuaries are consecrated in memory of him: Fatima - St. Joseph du Bessillon (Cotignac) where he appeared to a shepherd - Espaly, near to the sanctuary Notre-Dame du Puy - saint Joseph Oratory in Montreal (Canada). Saint Joseph is the patron of the universal Church, workers, good death and inner vigilance. He fulfils the prayers of all. Présentation : Dieu a confié son fils, Jésus, à un homme droit et travailleur, saint Joseph, qu’Il a choisi pour être le chef de la Sainte Famille. À Nazareth, on parlait de lui comme d’un homme juste et humble. C’est lui qui protégea dans les moments les plus difficiles, notamment lors du voyage à Bethléem et de la fuite en Égypte, la Vierge Marie et l’Enfant Jésus, révélant toute sa force et sa sagesse. De tout temps, des enfants portent son prénom, beaucoup de pères de famille le prient, et de nombreux sanctuaires en font mémoire : Fatima - Saint-Joseph du Bessillon (Cotignac) où il apparut à un berger - Espaly, tout près du sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Puy - Oratoire de saint Joseph à Montréal (Canada). Saint Joseph est le patron de l’Église universelle, des travailleurs, de la bonne mort et de la vigilance intérieure. Il exauce les prières de tous.

About the author: After a Master’s degree in philosophy, Francine Bay, mother and grandmother, was mainly devoted to the religious education of children. Catechist for many years, contributor to “Transmettre” for the evangelization of childhood, she has published a dozen books for young people.

Points clés:  

  

Short, teaching and complete chapters Fine collection that has earned its place on families A wonderful story such as grandmothers tell to children Lively and well-documented style which have made the success of books written by Francine Bay. Bound book – hardback book + colour illustrations.

Public: from the age of 6.

Socrates against Antigone? Should we obey to unjust laws? Thierry de Vingt-Hanaps Prefaces by Claude Rousseau and Geoffrey de Gislain Post face by Father Bertrand de Margerie, s.j.

Editions Tequi

DEMO 9 782740 318355

14 x 20 cm – 188 pages – 17 €

Issue date: March 2014 /Ref. 20037

Presentation: This book, referring to a few basic points of the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, is for all the watchers of the intelligence and for all the sentinels of conscience who want to root their responses to unjust laws, in justice. «Injustice is better to suffer than to commit it. But sometimes it's better to fight against it than suffering from it". By these words, the author refers to two reactions, which seem opposite, facing an unjust law: Socrates, unjustly condemned to drink the hemlock not disobey the established order; Antigone disobeys an unjust law, provoking her own conviction by the power. This test thus develops the question of moral obligation to face an unjust law by demonstrating the close links between consciousness, justice, law and obedience. Should we not respect authority, sometimes with denial, rather than risk social chaos? But isn’t it the dignity of man to know how to oppose orders contrary to one’s conscience? In a context where more and more laws are opposed to consciousness, whether in bioethics or in family and marriage issues, or just because many laws put away prosperity rather than leading to it, it is urgent to know when conscience objection must pave the way to civil disobedience, when to move from the «Socrates’s alert " towards the "Antigone’s alert".

About the author: Thierry de Vingt-Hanaps holds a DEA in Philosophy and a Graduate Diploma in Management. He was finalist of Young Cicero political discourse. He is a Columnist in Freedom Policy. Claude Rousseau, is a Senior Lecturer at La Sorbonne (Philosophy). Geoffroy Gislain is a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and free legal.

Key points :      

Test of Moral Philosophy. News philosophical arguments for Christians in the current struggle for social justice issues. Contemporary Debate. Demonstration for all ... etc. Conscience Objection. Excellent training of intelligence. Afterword Father B. de Margerie, S. J.

Public: Christian public, Watchmen, etc.. Category: Current Issues> Debates

Charles Maurras, 60 years later Axel Tisserand dir. Editions Tequi 18 mm * 140 mm * 200 mm, 216 pages, 978-2-7403-1787-7, 20.00 € August 2013

Presentation : "Give me my personality. Do you not have fun making a dummy call you Charles Maurras. I, myself, my life, my books, my teaching, my ideas, my disciples, "said Maurras the last day of his trial in January 1945. However, it seems that there is less and less inclined to go to Maurras (1868-1952) his personality. The native of Martigues is rather city (dependent) by commentators and politicians whose words most often reveal that they have never read. It was therefore legitimate to ask what it is, "sixty years after" his death, the rich personality and so diverse genius of the founder of integral nationalism, as Maurras, whose influence dominated his century seems reduced to a name, the common name of political obscurantism and antiintellectualism. What is left today of those who, having fought all his life for a certain conception of man and nation, refers in a letter will be sent to his disciple Peter Boutang, in 1950, need to build the "ark francocatholique" that "attest, the eternal and universal corruption, an invincible rule of the Order and Good"? This is the question that the conference "Maurras, sixty years after" held October 27, 2012 at the Maison des Mines de Paris by the Cercle de Flore, had the ambition to answer. Présentation: «Rendez-moi ma personnalité. Ne vous amusez pas à fabriquer un mannequin que vous appelez Charles Maurras. J’ai, moi, ma vie, mes livres, ma doctrine, mes idées, mes disciples », déclarait Maurras au dernier jour de son procès, en janvier 1945. Or, il semble qu’on soit de moins en moins enclin à rendre à Maurras (1868-1952) sa personnalité. Le Martégal est plutôt cité (à charge) par des commentateurs ou des hommes politiques dont les propos révèlent le plus souvent qu’ils ne l’ont jamais lu. Il était donc légitime de se demander ce qu’il reste, « soixante ans après » sa mort, de la très riche personnalité et du génie si divers du fondateur du nationalisme intégral, tant Maurras, dont l’influence a dominé son siècle, semble réduit à un nom, le nom commun de l’obscurantisme politique et de l’anti-intellectualisme.

About the author : Axel Weaver, president of Le cercle de Flore and former student of the philosopher Pierre Boutang is an Associate of Classics and doctor of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Religious Studies section. Specialist Boethius, he published among other things: Ch.Maurras, Lettres des Jeux olympiques, GF, Paris, 2004 (introduction, notes et file) ; Dieu et le Roi, Correspondance entre Charles Maurras et l’abbé Penon, Éditions Privat, 2007; Cahier de L’Herne Maurras, avec S. Giocanti, 2011; Pierre Boutang, Qui Suis-Je ? Éditions Pardès, 2013. Contributors to this volume : Stéphane Blanchonnet, Michel Déon, Antoine Foncin, Jean-Marc Joubert, Gérard Leclerc, Jean-François Mattéi, Martin Motte, Dominique Paoli, Émile Poulat, Frédéric Rouvillois, Charles Saint-Prot, Rémi Soulié, Guillaume de Tanoüarn, Arnaud Teyssier, Axel Tisserand.

Key points : • Preface by Michel Deon of the French Academy • Experts illuminate the personality and work of Maurras • A deepening of his philosophical thought, theological, political and poetic.

Public: Monarchist, philosophers Catégory : Current issue> Debates

Liturgical music edifies the Church Father Olivier Magsalin Collection believe and know

DEMO Editions tequi 9 782740 317884

15 x 22 cm - 592 pages - €32

Office December 2013 / ref. Téqui 6990

Presentation There are many people who have been "affected" one day by music or singing in the liturgy. Sometimes there are even real upheavals and conversions as St. Augustine or Claudel. They clearly state the role of liturgical chant. The founding myths of our societies argue that music is able to move stones for the construction of the walls of Thebes. But it also capable of breaking down the walls of Jericho... There is a real power of music as the tradition of the Church to tamed and integrated. This Taming and integration were made in a dialogue with the architecture of the buildings and architecture of the Assembly (the Assembly thus formed consists both of the Church of heaven and Earth.) The author shows us that the theology of liturgical music cannot be done properly without a theology of architecture and a theology of the Assembly. So drive will include the reason for singing bells, acoustic phenomena of the Romanesque vaults of the ambiguities of the electric sound of churches over pages... The animators of songs, musicians and composers will include that the tonal characteristics of buildings affect the directory that it is played. Architects rediscover the need to build a church as a real musical instrument. And singing Assembly will teach how to make sound, vibrate places to arise harmonics for resonance. Reading this book, it includes 'noise' which sounds at Pentecost, when the Apostles were gathered all together in prayer, was not a sound, but a "echo". The author makes us understand that this echo is the key to the power of liturgical music, its almost emotional resonance phenomena that sometimes us upset. Liturgical music would be an auxiliary of the Holy Spirit. Présentation Nombreuses sont les personnes qui ont été “ touchées ” un jour par la musique ou le chant dans la liturgie. Parfois il y a même de vrais bouleversements et conversions comme pour saint Augustin ou pour Claudel. Ces derniers affirment clairement le rôle déterminant du chant liturgique. Les mythes fondateurs de nos sociétés affirment que la musique est capable de déplacer des pierres comme pour la construction des remparts de Thèbes. Mais elle aussi capable de faire tomber les remparts de Jéricho…

About the author Olivier Manaud is priest of the diocese of Quimper and Leon, ordained in 1999. Parish priest and musician, he followed his studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris, within the Institute of theology of the arts and the theologicum PhD then. This book is his thesis in January 2012. He continued his research in conjunction with the ecole d'Architecture Paris La Villette and the history of the art of Lyon II University. He teaches theology of liturgical music at the Institut Catholique de Paris (from seven 2013) while continuing his parochial charge.

Key points:   

Conference and intervention of the author on this topic preface to Bishop Dupleix, diploma of end of studies of organ, former Rector of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse a new story in this collection of theology

Public: architects, musicians, art historians and theologians Category: Music > study of music

The natural philosophy of the human mind Père Benoît-Marie SIMON Collection "Believing and Knowing"

Editions tequi 15 x 22 cm - 344 pages - 978-2-7403-1753-2 - 25 €

Presentation: Many people have intellectual certainties, but these certainties are they true? This book does not deal with developing theories of knowledge or relying on ideological constructs but rather from what intelligence sees and develops to join reality and understand it. What does intelligence see? What are these "obviousness's" and which impose on it? This approach is called realistic - where intelligence is captured and got out of itself by opening up to reality, discovering even a truth, continues by questioning: the intelligence in front of these obviousness's that do not explain everything. Thus begins the "natural philosophy of the human mind", which alone can save us, definitively and objectively, from relativism and emptiness, so from despair. The author reminds the starting point of reflection, the first intellectual obviousness's, shows that faith itself grows and assumes that philosophy. Presentation: Beaucoup ont des certitudes intellectuelles, mais ces certitudes sont-elles vraies ? Il ne s'agit pas dans cet ouvrage, d'élaborer des théories de la connaissance (tel Descartes qui part du doute ou Kant de l'être inconnaissable en soi) ou de s'appuyer sur des constructions idéologiques mais bien de partir de ce que l'intelligence voit et élabore pour rejoindre le réel et le comprendre. Qu'est ce que l'intelligence voit ? Quelles sont ces « évidences » premières, qui s'imposent à elle ? Cette démarche que l'on appelle réaliste - où l'intelligence est saisie et sort d’elle-même en s’ouvrant à la réalité, découvrant de ce fait même une vérité, se poursuit par un questionnement : celui de l'intelligence devant ces lumières ou évidences premières, qui n'expliquent pas tout. Débute alors « la philosophie naturelle de l’esprit humain » qui, seule, peut nous délivrer, définitivement et objectivement, du relativisme et du vide, donc du désespoir. L'auteur rappelle le point de départ de la réflexion, les premières évidences intellectuelles, montre que la foi elle-même s'enrichit et suppose cette philosophie.

About the author: Father Benoit-Marie Simon is born in 1952; he has joined the Dominicans in 1972 and currently lives in the monastery in Bordeaux. After teaching for several years at the Faculty of Theology in Bologna where he was the moderator, he currently teaches at the Dominican studium philosophy in Bordeaux, but also in several seminars as well as with religious communities in France and Italy.

Key points:   

The consent to reality The discovery of various aspects of reality The realism of faith requires the realism of our knowledge

Public: Public interested by philosophic issues but not specialists. Category: Philosophy / Music

Ancient literature in light of the Bible Mathieu Rouillé Orfeuil DEMO Editions Tequi 9 782740 316016

13.5 x 21 cm - 136 pages - 9782740316016 to 14.50 € Released in November 2010 ref 6803

Presentation: Did Homer know Moses, did Luke read Sophocles? While many especially among Christians - believe that the Bible is a literary meteor, disconnected from the surrounding cultures, they discover with amazement how images, words, themes or ideas they believed specific to the biblical context, are all met with the ancient culture. This book provides an innovative reading of the text inspired by a rich literary tradition, culture and ancient philosophy. Understanding the Bible is lit. Presentation: Homère a-t-il pu connaître Moïse, saint Luc a-t-il lu Sophocle ? Si beaucoup - notamment parmi les chrétiens - pensent que la Bible est un météore littéraire, déconnecté des cultures environnantes, ils découvriront avec émerveillement combien images, mots, thèmes ou idées qu’ils croyaient propres au contexte biblique, sont autant de correspondances et de rencontres avec la culture antique. Cet ouvrage permet une lecture novatrice du Texte inspiré, enrichie par toute une tradition littéraire, culturelle et philosophique antique. La compréhension de la Bible en est éclairée.

About the author: After his priestly ordination (2001), Matthew Orfeuil of Rusty studied at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo (Rome) and obtained a licence in theology (2003). Since then, he taught theology. It was first published in 2009, Why are you killing me? - Comparative study of initiation rites in the tragic universe and consciousness Bible (Mare and Martin, Paris). His research in exegesis and liturgy are intended to renew the understanding of cultural and religious context in which Christianity developed.

Key points: • General knowledge accessible to all • Style pleasant: the book takes the framework of a session in July 2009 in Sainte-Anne d'Auray. • Overview and comparison of ancient literature, classical and biblical sources in pagan theology and the magisterium recent. • Topics covered: The fall of Troy and the fall of Jerusalem, the Oedipus myth, the demon of Socrates and the Spirit of Paul, the human sacrifice ...

Public: for all Category: Biblical culture

Love in acts and in truth Alphonse of Heilly

Editions Saint-Paul 14 x 21 cm - 256 pages- €19

Output may 2014 - REF. Téqui: 2834a

Presentation In a changing world, Christians asked the Church of landmarks. The father of Heilly caters five lectures to priests and seminarians to teach them to accompany couples to the most concrete of their daily lives. His daring and prophetic Word has lost nothing today of its topicality. on the contrary, it is necessary, demanding and real. She calls married Christians to better understand that the conjugal union is never built in at the outset. Throughout his life, the couple needs to discern the many realities of his love: toward God, the Church, of others and for himself. In a powerful, very direct style, the author communicates his analysis from behaviour tests, that will prepare the fiancés, guide couples and also the priests in their Ministry. He invited the Christian married couple to break unequivocally with the single life to emerge of conformism and of 'permissible and the forbidden' to better grasp the genuine unity between carnal life and the sacrament of marriage. So can they follow Christ with intelligence, balance and generosity. Présentation Dans un monde qui change, les chrétiens demandent à l'Église des points de repères. Le père d'Heilly s'adresse en cinq conférences à des prêtres et à des séminaristes pour leur apprendre à accompagner les couples au plus concret de leur vie quotidienne. Sa parole audacieuse et prophétique n'a rien perdu aujourd'hui de son actualité ; au contraire, elle s'impose, exigeante et vraie. Elle appelle les chrétiens mariés à mieux comprendre que la communauté conjugale n'est jamais construite d'emblée. Toute sa vie, le couple a besoin de discerner les nombreuses réalités de son amour : à l'égard de Dieu, de l'Église, des autres et pour lui-même. Dans un style puissant, très direct, l'auteur communique son analyse à partir de comportements tests, qui prépareront les fiancés, guideront les couples et aussi les prêtres dans leur ministère. Il invite le couple chrétien marié à rompre sans ambiguïté avec la vie de célibataire, à se dégager du conformisme et du « permis et du défendu » pour mieux saisir la véritable unité entre la vie charnelle et le sacrement de Mariage. Ainsi pourront-ils suivre le Christ avec intelligence, équilibre et générosité.

The author The father of Heilly, s.j. is one of the founders of the Centre of Preparation for marriage (C.P.M.) and of the Centre de Liaison des teams of research (C.L.E.R.). Through the testimonies of thousands of couples, it has deepened the meaning of Christian marriage, of human love in the eyes of God.

Key arguments  

Well-structured chapters Multiple evidence or anecdotes

Public: Couples, engaged couples, families

The Passion of the Christ revealed to sister Apolline Chantal Crepey

Editions Tequi 11 x 18 cm - 72 Pages - 978-2-7403-1766-2 – 6,90 €

Février 2013 / ref. Téqui 6968

Presentation: "I do not understand why I have entered the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul, I only dreamed of literature, arts and sciences, and I loved beautiful things, I had artistic tastes (.. .). How has Our Lord addressed me for supernatural communications?" In fact, Christ entrusts to the sister Apolline the mission of spreading the Scapular of the Passion: "Look at me on the Cross and see if one must love me. "(August 1847). Soon, Pope Pius IX approved this new devotion that, with the Revolution in 1848, spreads among terrorized populations. Later, the medal with the Holy Agony was the channel of many graces, including conversions before death. The love for the suffering Christ is a path to the inner life. It "takes away the grief of the poor, to the rich eagerness, to the depressed despair, to the fortunate arrogance, to the solitary sadness, to the libertine misbehaviour. "Today who could go without a such treasure? Présentation: « Je ne comprends pas pourquoi je suis entrée chez les sœurs de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, moi qui ne rêvais que littérature, arts et sciences ; j'aimais les belles choses, j'avais des goûts d'artiste (...). Comment Notre-Seigneur s'est-il adressé à moi pour des communications surnaturelles ? » C'est en effet à sœur Apolline que le Christ confie la mission de répandre le scapulaire de la Passion : « Regarde-moi sur la Croix et vois s'il faut m'aimer. » (Août 1847.) Très vite, le pape Pie IX approuve cette nouvelle dévotion qui, avec la Révolution de 1848, se répand au sein des populations terrorisées. Plus tard, la médaille représentant la Sainte Agonie de Jésus fut le canal de nombreuses grâces, notamment de conversions à l'heure de la mort. L'amour pour le Christ souffrant est un chemin vers la vie intérieure. Celle-ci « au pauvre ôte le chagrin, au riche l'empressement, au déprimé le désespoir, au favorisé l'insolence, au solitaire la tristesse, au libertin la dissipation. » Aujourd'hui, qui pourrait se passer d'un tel trésor ?

About the author: After teaching history and geography, Chantal Crépey gets involved in the Church as a volunteer and in 1987 she joined St. Vincent, she will chair from 1991 to 1999. Deeply attached to the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, she has written for numerous magazines and published several books.

Key points :   

Complete and synthetic book on the Scapular of the Passion. The only book available on this topic today. Pictures and illustrations in black and white.

Public: Wide Christian public. Catégorie : Spiritualité > Prières

Saint Michel, Lead us to Christ Jean-Raphaël Eglin

editions Tequi 20 x 24 cm – 176 pages - 978-2-7403-1755-6 – 20 €.

Issue date: décembre 2012 / réf. Téqui 6957

Presentation Almost all churches in France have their statue of St. Michael, though the great Archangel fell into oblivion... What is his mission? What are his attributes? Why does he carry a sword? It is said that the spiritual life is a battle: What is it about? So how is Archangel Michael a powerful intercessor? Why is he accompanying dying persons? What does Pope John Paul II do when he has handed over the world to the prayer of the Archangel in 1994? The Old Testament is already inhabited by his angelical presence: the Angel of God, the Guardian of the Gates of Heaven, intervenes in the lives of the prophets to lead the people of Israel. The Gospel also reflects this presence: St. Joseph is awakened at night by an Angel; St. Peter also, when released from a Roman prison. Présentation Presque toutes les églises de France ont leur statue de saint Michel et pourtant le grand Archange est tombé dans l’oubli... Quelle est sa mission, quels sont ses attributs ? Pourquoi porte-t-il une épée ? On dit que la vie spirituelle est un combat : de quoi s’agit-il ? Alors, en quoi l’Archange est-il un puissant intercesseur ? Pourquoi est-il aux côtés des mourants ? Que fait le pape Jean-Paul II en confiant le monde à la prière de l’Archange en 1994 ? Déjà l’Ancien Testament est habité par la présence angélique : l’Ange de Dieu, Gardien de la Porte du Paradis, intervient dans la vie des prophètes pour conduire le peuple d’Israël. L’Évangile aussi témoigne de cette présence : saint Joseph est réveillé la nuit par un Ange, saint Pierre, libéré de la prison romaine.

About the author: Practising Catholic, professional engineer, father and man of prayer, Jean-Raphael Eglin is passionate about St. Michael. He wrote this book at the request of the Brotherhood of Saint-Michael (Salzburg) (founded in 1743). His approach is in accordance with the prayer of the pilgrims, increasingly numerous each year; they come from all the dioceses of France on pilgrimage to venerate the Archangel at Mont Saint-Michel.

Key points :    

Very complete content : holy scriptures, spiritual struggle, apparitions, etc. Many traditional prayers to St. Michael. Abundantly illustrated: approximately 60 photos. Annex: map of the places associated with St. Michael in France.

Public: This book is suitable for beginners and young adult doing their confirmation. Catégorie : Spirituality > Saints

Hell exists Visions of St. Francoise of Rome, St. Teresa of Avila, blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, St. Lucia and Sister Faustina Kowalska Editions Tequi 11 x 18 cm – 80 pages - 978-2-7403-1713-6 - 6 €

June 2013 / réf. Téqui 6915

Presentation: While the powers of evil now seem to plague our world, between genocide, the rise of sects, natural disasters ... the reality of hell is in doubt. Even among Catholics, hell becomes a vague and ethereal concept. What is it really? Hell is a myth without substance, an invention of the Church to lead men? Catholicism is a religion of love, for God is love, but when love is denied, we already know from a purely human level, it is the hatred that took his place. This is what was revealed to several witnesses the ages: from the fifteenth century, Saint Frances of Rome was led by the Archangel Raphael at the very threshold of hell, exposing the hierarchy of demonic powers and powers own in hell on earth. At Fatima, there are three children who were taken to the gates of hell and, keeping strength and surprising serenity, have themselves been invited to join in the redemptive work of Christ. Moving testimonies, but as repeated Blessed John Paul II "Do not be afraid! "Must be entered in hope! Présentation: Alors que les puissances du mal semblent aujourd'hui s'acharner sur notre monde, entre les génocides, la montée en puissance des sectes, les catastrophes naturelles... la réalité de l'enfer est mise en doute. Même chez les catholiques, l'enfer devient une notion vague et éthérée. Qu'en est-il vraiment ? L'enfer est-il un mythe sans consistance, une invention de l’Église pour diriger les hommes ? Le catholicisme est une religion d’amour, car Dieu est Amour ; mais lorsque l’amour est refusé, nous le savons déjà sur le plan purement humain, c’est la haine qui prend sa place. C'est ce qui a été révélé à plusieurs témoins au cours des âges : dès le XVe siècle, sainte Françoise Romaine a été conduite par l'archange Raphaël au seuil même de l'enfer, découvrant ainsi la hiérarchie des puissances démoniaques et leurs pouvoirs propres en enfer et sur la terre. A Fatima, ce sont trois enfants qui ont été conduits aux portes de l'enfer et qui, gardant une force et une sérénité surprenantes, ont eux-mêmes été invités à s'associer à l’œuvre rédemptrice du Christ. Des témoignages bouleversants, mais, comme l'a répété le bienheureux Jean-Paul II « N’ayez pas peur ! », il faut entrer dans l’espérance !

Key points:  Preface of Father Patrick Laubier  Revised and Expanded Edition

Public: for all Category: Spirituality > witnesses

Accompany death Before, During, After Père Thierry Duclerq

editions Tequi 10.5 x 15 cm - 48 pages - 978-2-7403-1771-6 – 4,50 €

Office janvier 2013 / réf. Téqui 6973

Presentation: What should one say and do at the time of death? How can the family accompany the dying on this great journey towards eternal life? In many cases, the person who is dying, dies without being sufficiently prepared, helped, carried along by prayer, despite the presence of the family. Faced with this problem, the author, aware of what happens at the time of death, suggests three important periods of prayer: when death approaches, when it seems imminent, and after the last breath. This booklet may act as a guide which will be of interest to people involved in the service of the sick, as well as all families – because every one of them, at some time or other, will find themselves face to face with this inevitable reality of life, which leads to the new life of heaven. Présentation: Que faut-il faire et dire au moment de la mort ? Comment la famille peut-elle accompagner le mourant vers le grand passage dans la vie éternelle ? Dans de nombreux cas, la personne en fin de vie meurt sans être suffisamment accompagnée, aidée, portée par la prière, alors que les proches sont là. Devant ce désarroi, l'auteur, après avoir rappelé ce que se passe au moment de la mort, propose trois grands temps de prière : quand la mort approche, quand elle semble imminente, et après le dernier soupir. Ce livret, qui offre de vrais repères spirituels, ne manquera pas d’intéresser les personnes impliquées dans le Service évangélique des malades (S.E.M.) ainsi que toutes les familles – car chacune d’elles, un jour ou l’autre, est confrontée à cette inévitable réalité de l’existence qui enfante à la vie du Ciel.

About the author : The author is a parish priest in the Aire and Dax diocese (France).

Key points :   

useful and essential guide Intented to kin, only present at the time of death Usual prayers and comforting words.

Public : for everybody.

God has no forgotten me Prospects for singles Dominique de Monleón Cabaret Foreword by Bishop Henri Brincard New: Foreword by Bishop Luc Ravel, founder of the movement Notre Dame (pastoral of the Christian singles) listening

Saint Paul DEMO 9 782351 170632

11 x 18 cm - 92 pages – 10 €

September 2013 – ref 8430024

Presentation The author draws on her experience human and spiritual, of the pages full of delicacy. Describing this waiting time that saw the Christian single today (in rural and urban areas), at a time where individualism (and feminism) rages...Struggles and false hopes in that State of life where God's plan soon to unveil... Why me? -My past invades me - being happy in the present? -what it is to pray? -What do you become: a rather sad social face - the desire to be chosen to be unique for someone - it is not good that the man should be alone - Vocation / State of life - my fertility? -etc. Dominique de Monleón depicts all the intricacies of this state of life, with subtlety and skill. An inspired pen which gives hope and a positive look. She does not fail to appoint each fix and this path that is gloomy a human route of gentleness and patience... where the Virgin Mary is very present: perspectives which are good... Présentation L’auteur puise dans son expérience humaine et spirituelle, des pages pleines de délicatesse. Décrivant ce temps d’attente que vit le célibataire chrétien aujourd’hui (en milieu rural ou citadin), à l’heure où l’individualisme (et féminisme) fait rage…Luttes et faux espoirs dans cet état de vie où le projet de Dieu tarde à se dévoiler… Pourquoi moi ? – Mon passé m’envahit – Etre heureux dans le présent ? – à quoi ça sert de prier ? – Qu’est-ce que tu deviens : un visage social plutôt triste – Le désir d’être choisi, d’être unique pour quelqu’un – Il n’est pas bon que l’homme soit seul - Vocation / état de vie – ma fécondité ? – etc. Dominique de Monléon dépeint tous les méandres de cet état de vie, avec subtilité et doigté. Une plume inspirée qui donne espoir et un regard positif. Elle ne manque pas de nommer chaque difficulté et fait de ce chemin qui a l’air triste un itinéraire humain de douceur et de patience… où la Vierge Marie est très présente : des perspectives qui font du bien…

The author MONLEÓN, Dominique unmarried until age 45 and now married, was bold enough to initiate a reflection on the life of the lay Christian single (his appeal, his loneliness, his needs, his suffering in Church) in the 1990s. Thinking that she could develop at various conferences (sacred heart of Montmartre in 1995, etc.), then through Paray sessions. History: The title of the book is that of a first single course which was attended by 700 lay singles to Paray Le Monial in 2001. Editions SAINT PAUL open a collection of books to accompany this momentum (4 tracks: 33 000 sales in 3 years...). Father Luc RAVEL (founder of our Lady of listening) developed a pastoral of lay single by rallies in the France.

Key arguments    

Already 8,500 sales in 2003... A highly anticipated reissue Added a foreword and a new chapter Dominique de MONLEÓN readers are singles and all people suffering from a form of solitude Bishop RAVEL prefers this title as a tool for spiritual accompaniment for the unmarried lay

Public: General public Christian - number of parishes and Christian movements have created their single pole for 10 years (JP, Notre Dame of listening, etc.)

You changed my mourning into joy! Isabelle Rochette de Lempdes

Editions Tequi


9 782740 318133

11 x 18 cm - 108 pages – 9, 50 €

Issue date: November 2013 / ref. Téqui 20015

Presentation "Never let you drown by sorrow to the point of forgetting the joy of the risen Christ. » – Mother Teresa 8 years ago, the author lost her husband in three days, following a stroke. In front of this brutal death the whole existence of this mother and her children is challenged: how to live without him? ... In this book the author gives the testimony of this “after”. An “after”, void of the beloved one and when the only way to survive is to choose the most absolute confidence in today’s grace. Faith is the rock from which the author draws consolation, day after day. This beautiful testimony presents a path for reconstruction, for faith, for life. It is aimed at all those who live near or far, the challenge of mourning and then widowhood. The friends - who are often helpless in front of this suffering, discover their role of support, of consolation they can offer a daily basis. How fear and awkwardness could then be avoided! A full text of hope and humanity as if death has separated spouses, marriage vows are still there : the man who loved on earth wouldn’t cease to love her - She sees that daily through 1000 and 1 signs He becomes intercessor of many graces, continuing the mission of sanctification of his wife. Presentation Il y a 8 ans, l’auteur perdait son mari en 3 jours, suite à un AVC. Devant cette mort brutale toute l’existence de cette mère de famille et de ses enfants est remise en cause : comment vivre sans lui ?… Dans cet ouvrage l’auteur témoigne de cet après. Un "après", vide de l'être cher ou la seule façon de survivre est de choisir la confiance la plus absolue à l'aujourd’hui de la grâce. La foi est le roc sur lequel l’auteur puise un réconfort au jour le jour. Ce beau témoignage présente son chemin de reconstruction, de foi, de vie. Il s’adresse à tous ceux qui vivent, de près ou de loin, l'épreuve du deuil et puis du veuvage. L'entourage - qui se trouve bien souvent démuni devant cette souffrance, découvrira tout son rôle de soutien, de réconfort qu'il peut offrir au quotidien. Combien de peur et de maladresses pourraient être alors évitées ! Un texte plein d’espérance et d’humanité car si la mort a séparé les époux, les promesses du mariage sont toujours là : celui qui l'aimait sur terre ne cesse de l'aimer- elle le voit au quotidien à travers 1000 et 1 signes - il devient intercesseur de nombreuses grâces, continuant la mission de sanctification de son épouse.

About the author Wife, mother of three and grandmother, Isabelle Rochette Lempdes is very active in the diocese of Paris. She also teaches in a private school in the suburbs. In July 2005, her life suddenly rocked with the death of Bruno, her husband.

Key points:   

Preface of Jean-Marie Le Gall, rector of the sanctuary ND Montligeon. Foreword of the author’s children. Evidence of need for many families deaths (cancer, stroke, etc ...)

Public: Pastoral funeral / bereavement / Family life / diocesan movement’s widowers Category:

Human and spiritual growth> Grief and support

Soon, a global government A great force, against the Church? DEMO Pierre Virion Editions Tequi

9 782740 315002

13,5 x 21 cm – 336 pages – 19, 50 €

Issus date: decembre 2013 / ref. Téqui 6702

Presentation Under pressure of many events, every day , changing the face of a world moving fast , why someone want to read ( or reread ) a book written almost half-century ago? Yet it is the purpose of classics - and this book by Pierre Virion is one of them that of casting a light constantly renewed: that the deepest truths, those who reach the very fabric of history, never become obsolete. Still better, when well equipped with the right keys to analyze what are called "the news ", the reader will enjoy discovering for himself the meaning of recent events. In 1965, when the first edition went out, the globalists talk circles such as the C.F.R or Bilderberg were confined within the confidential press. Today the Davos meetings are mentioned by major newspapers and the word " global governance" is found posted at every moment, just to get used to the idea , to reduce our defensive reflexes, without allowing us being given the keys to understand the drama in which is played the destiny of nations. Présentation Devant le défilé pressé des événements qui, de jour en jour, modifient la face d’un monde en mouvement accéléré, pourquoi vouloir lire (ou relire) un livre écrit voilà presque un demi-siècle ? C’est pourtant le propre des classiques – et cet ouvrage de Pierre Virion en est un – que de dispenser une lumière toujours renouvelée : car les vérités profondes, celles qui atteignent la trame même de l’Histoire, ne se périment pas. Mieux encore: ainsi muni des bonnes clés pour analyser ce qu’on appelle « l’actualité », le lecteur prendra plaisir à découvrir par lui-même le sens des récents événements. En 1965, date de la première édition, évoquer les cercles mondialistes tels le C.F. R. ou le Bilderberg, relevait de la presse confidentielle. Aujourd’hui les réunions de Davos sont mentionnées par les grands quotidiens et le mot de « gouvernance mondiale » se retrouve affiché à tous les carrefours, mais pour nous habituer à l’idée, pour désamorcer nos réflexes défensifs, sans qu’il nous soit donné de quoi comprendre ici un drame où se joue pourtant le destin des peuples.

About the Author Pierre Virion is a French journalist and anti-globalization author. He is filing as an anti-liberal and antirevolutionary. Graduated in Law degree and in history, he taught a few years and then worked in the banking and transport sectors. Specialist in occultism, author of many books dealing with the anti-globalization struggle, he denounces the advent of the "New World Order".

Key Points • A subject still burning, the public is becoming increasingly aware. • Reissue of a classic, revised and expanded to address more current issues. • Foreword by Dominique Tassot, Ecole des Mines, Doctor of History, philosopher, director of the Study Centre and prospective science.

Public: adults - students in political science, history, law - anti-globalization movements; all those that geopolitics and issues related to globalization interests.

I knocked on the door of the temple The path of a Catholic Freemason Serge Abad-Gallardo

Editions Tequi 14.5 x 21 cm – 200 pages - 16 € approx. Issue date: September 2014 / ref. Téqui: 20042

Presentation Testimony : And if ultimately the truth could be in the Masonic secret? In search of meaning, Serge Abad-Gallardo has seen in Freemasonry a way to answer the existential questions that were preoccupying him. The author plunges us in the middle of this secret world; he makes us discover proponents and outs of the Organization, its objectives, its nature and that of its members. After more than 20 years in the Masonic lodges of the 'human right', an offshoot of the Grand Orient, the author is no longer a novice: he masters the ritual, he applies the Masonic methods, he is following the 'required' duties ... But finally where it leads to? To what spirituality, to what truths? In this testimony, the author talks about his own experience: He relates what lies behind each of the bi-weekly meetings, highlights the deep roots of the "massonicately correct", and, gradually, the difference between the answers and his expectations. But what is this force of Freemasonry for explaining his engaging so long, faithful and diligent while he felt real intellectual and spiritual failure? Serge Abad-Gallardo highlights the differences and even antagonisms between the esoteric vision proposed by Freemasonry and Christian humanist thought. Brilliantly, he tells what has led him to make a choice that he will soon recommend to his "brothers" in Freemasonry. Présentation Témoignage: Et si finalement, la vérité ne se trouvait pas dans le secret maçonnique ? En recherche de sens, Serge Abad-Gallardo a vu à l’époque dans la franc-maçonnerie une manière de répondre aux questions existentielles qui le préoccupent. L’auteur nous plonge au milieu de ce monde secret, il nous y fait découvrir les tenants et les aboutissants de l’organisation, ses objectifs, sa nature et celle de ses membres. Après plus de 20 ans passés au sein des loges maçonniques du « droit humain », une émanation du Grand Orient, l’auteur n’est plus novice : il maîtrise le rituel, il applique les méthodes maçonniques, est assidu aux « tenues »… Mais finalement où cela le mène t-il ? Vers quelle spiritualité, vers quelles vérités ? Dans ce témoignage, l'auteur revient sur sa propre expérience : il relate ce qui se cache derrière chacune des réunions bimensuelles, met en lumière les racines profondes du « maçonniquement correct », et, progressivement, le décalage entre les réponses apportées et ses attentes. Mais quelle est cette force de la franc-maçonnerie pour l’avoir retenu si longtemps, fidèle et assidu alors qu’il ressentait une véritable insuffisance intellectuelle et spirituelle ? Serge Abad-Gallardo met en évidence les différences voire les antagonismes entre la vision ésotérique proposée par la franc-maçonnerie et la pensée humaniste chrétienne. De manière brillante il raconte ce qui l’a poussé à faire un choix qu’il ne tardera pas à recommander à ses « frères » en franc-maçonnerie.

About the author Senior official at Narbonne. He lives in France after working in Corsica, French Guiana, and on the Côte d'Azur.

Key arguments    

The reality of Freemasonry in the South of the France. Lighting on the "maconniquement correct", the dogmas of the lodges, the notion of tolerance. Why Catholic transcendence and the love of God of the Christians is really incompatible with Masonic doxa An atypical testimony because punctuated by biographical events, personal reflections and spiritual confession.

Public: general public Christian - public interested in cults and occult movements Category: Current issues > sects and new religious trends

Assisted reproductive technology: The juridical controversy After the same-sex “marriage for all”, the “children for all”? Aude Mirkovic

Editions DEMOTequi 9 782740 318515

11 x 18 cm – 90 pages –7,90 €

Issue date: 16 may 2014 / réf.Téqui : 20053

Presentation REPRODUCTIVE TECHNIQUES by disconnecting the conjugal union from the procreation, liberalized practices involving external anonymous donors, frozen embryos, etc... So today in France, thanks to these techniques, heterosexual couples may use the ARTs, when they cannot have biological children. The claims are now extending to allow the expansion of these ARTs to same-sex couples. Only access to the ARTs and for male couples to “Surrogate Motherhood”, will put them of situation of having and raising children, putting them on an equal footing with heterosexual couples. The purpose of this book is to show the consequences of the law of “marriage for all”. The courts are facing a legal vacuum regarding the adoption of children by homosexual couples. However, this means that assisted procreation is no longer medical assistance but the whim or convenience of couples not wanting to bear the displeasure or stress maternity, paternity or to comply with natural barriers fertility. This book reveals how this legal vacuum is a lever to react against ART convenience. Présentation LES TECHNIQUES REPRODUCTIVES en désolidarisant l'union conjugale de la procréation ont libéralisé les pratiques de la PMA, en faisant intervenir des donneurs anonymes extérieurs, embryons congelés, etc. Ainsi, aujourd’hui en France, grâce à ces techniques, des couples hétérosexuels peuvent recourir à la PMA, dans la mesure où ils ne peuvent avoir d'enfants biologiques. Les revendications de certains veulent permettre l'élargissement de cette PMA à des couples de même sexe. Seul un accès à la PMA, et pour les couples d’hommes à la GPA, les mettra en situation d'avoir et d'éduquer des enfants, les mettant sur un pied d'égalité avec les couples hétéro. Le but de cet ouvrage est de présenter les conséquences de la loi du mariage. -Les tribunaux sont en face d’un vide juridique quant à l'adoption des enfants par les couples homosexuels. Cependant, cela signifie que l’'aide à la procréation ne relève plus de l’assistance médicale mais du caprice ou de la convenance des couples ne voulant plus assumer les déplaisirs ou contrainte de maternité, paternité ou se plier aux barrières naturelles de la fécondité. Cet ouvrage révèle combien ce vide juridique est un levier pour réagir contre la PMA de convenance.

Gender : The controversy 11 x 18 cm – 192 p. 16,80 € réf. Téqui : 6893

Same-sex marriage : The juridical controversy 11 x 18 cm – 64 p. 7,90 € réf. Téqui : 6978

The Author Aude Mirkovic is a lecturer in private law at the University of Evry, including author about Civil Law. People, family (Studyrama editions). In Téqui, she is co-author of Marriage of people from the same sex: the legal controversy.

Key points 

Acute political advisor for newspaper editors.

legal advocates for heterosexual marriage.

Public: anyone wishing to understand the real and practical consequences of this bill, lawyers, heads of family associations, mayors, elected individuals.

Category: Current Issues> Debate Society

"Be fruitful and multiply". Infertile couples: reasons to hope Sainte-Anne d'Auray Juliette Chove DEMO Preface to Bishop Centène Editions tequi

9 782740 318447

11 x 18 cm - 184 pages - €11

Office July 15, 2014 / ref. Téqui: 20046

Presentation In this book, the author delivers the testimony of expectations and paths of fertility of many couples that she has accompanied. Coaching with natural methods, the author puts her skills of midwife experience, for servicing couples taking a path of fertility restoration, following initiatives started in America. Building on her experience, she offers many human and spiritual landmarks for this challenge of hardship, with the ongoing rescue of Sainte Anne. Since the 17th century, and the miraculous Yvon Nicolazic’s paternity (the seer of Sainte-Anne d'Auray) after 10 years of infertility, then the maternity of Anne of Austria - herself sterile during 20 years - have made of Sainte-Anne d'Auray, a place where many infertile couples come to ask for the grace of a birth from the grandmother of Christ. The biblical narratives of the life of infertile couples - Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, etc. then Sainte Anne and saint Joachim, Elisabeth and Zacharias - and the history of the sanctuary opens a true spiritual path for the couples in the hope of children to be born. Présentation Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteur livre le témoignage des attentes et les chemins de fécondité de nombreux couples qu’elle a suivis. Formée en méthodes naturelles, l’auteur met ses compétences de sage-femme au service des couples empruntant un chemin de restauration de la fertilité, initié outre-Atlantique. Forte de cette expérience, elle propose de nombreux repères humains et spirituels pour traverser cette épreuve, avec le secours toujours actuel de Sainte Anne. Dès le XVIIe siècle, la paternité miraculeuse d’Yvon Nicolazic, le voyant de Sainte-Anne d’Auray, après 10 ans de stérilité puis celle d’Anne d’Autriche – elle-même stérile pendant 20 ans – ont fait de Sainte-Anne d’Auray, un lieu où de nombreux couples infertiles viennent demander la grâce d’une naissance auprès de l’aïeule du Christ. Les récits bibliques de la vie des couples stériles – Abraham et Sarah, Isaac et Rebecca, etc. puis Sainte Anne et saint Joachim, Elisabeth et Zacharie – et l’histoire du sanctuaire ouvre un véritable chemin spirituel des époux « en espérance d’enfants »

About the author Juliette Chové is a midwife professional, formed by the method Fertilitycare, basis for the NaProTechnogie (restorative medicine of fertility) She lives in Sainte-Anne-d'Auray, where she became involved in local politics.

Key arguments: 

1er book which presents spiritual accompaniment for the couple in the hope for children to be born.

Path of recovery through prayers to Saint Anne

Discovery of a new technique: the NaProTechnologie

Public: Pilgrims, families and couples challenged by infertility Category: Human and spiritual growth > Wellness - Health

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