Vol. 55, Issue 10

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Volume 55 - Issue 10 April 6, 2022 theeyeopener.com @theeyeopener Since 1967



By Heidi Lee, Thea Gribilas and Edward Djan The university’s new name will not honour a particular person according to an update from the University Renaming Advisory Committee. During a virtual presentation on March 31, Tanya De Mello, the assistant dean for student programming, development and equity at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law, said, “it’s about one that unifies our committee and reflects our values and our aspirations.” The university received over 2,200 new names from more than 30,000 responses to its 2021 community engagement survey. During the presentation, De Mello revealed that the university hired a firm to create an additional 400 names based on the values of the university. The university is considering factors like a name’s ability to “represent a diversity of perspectives,” the legality of owning the new name and its ability to be abbreviated when shortlisting names. A list of shortlisted names will be


sent to president Mohamed Lachemi, with the Board of Governors (BoG) approving the new name. De Mello also added that the public will not get the opportunity to view and vote on the list of names, adding that the name will not be decided by “popularity vote.” Jennifer Simpson, provost and vice-president, academic, said the committee came up with the shortlist of names while considering whether the new name could reflect the school’s values. “I want that name to be something that people feel they can

touch,” she said. “It’s like something you put your hands on, that your heart can connect to, that your head can connect to.”

“I want that name to be something that people feel they can touch” She added that the new name needs to be able to “encompass and feel a connection for many, many people and the diversity of this institution.” Simpson also said there is a pos-

sibility that the university’s mascot, Eggy the Ram, may change, but a final decision has not been made. However, the blue and gold colours of Ryerson University will remain. Ryerson alumni will also have the option to keep their existing degrees or have a reissued parchment with the new name. Simpson said diplomas issued at the spring 2022 convocation will still state “Ryerson University,” though more information will be available to new graduates over the next few months. “All legal documents must reflect our current legal name—they have to line up,” said Simpson. “And that includes legal documents, parchments and academic records of current students.” De Mello said the committee hopes that the renaming is not seen as an act of erasing history. “There are many things in that history we’re incredibly proud of,” said De Mello. “One of the things that came up for me…was that people have a connection to this institution that

they’re proud of—their contribution and the things that happened here at the university has nothing to do with Egerton Ryerson.” De Mello added that the committee wants community members at Ryerson to be able to “be proud” of the new name if they want to. “It’s up to you what you feel comfortable with,” she said. “There will be many people in the community—I’m one of them—that isn’t likely to wear Ryerson on me because, for me, it can cause harm for some people.”

“People have a connection to this institution that they’re proud of” Once a new name is picked, the renaming will be implemented in phases due to legal and administrative hurdles. A new name is expected to be revealed by the end of the winter 2022 semester.

Rye grads raise questions over logistics of in-person June graduation ceremony By Heidi Lee For Adriana Valencia, graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic not only meant convocation was cancelled—it also meant not getting an opportunity to showcase her final-year thesis project at the endof-year art show. “At the time, I felt a little bit robbed that we didn’t have what the previous graduates have,” said Valencia, who is a 2021 new media graduate and now a freelance graphic designer. She said she was going to graduate back in 2020, but decided to delay her graduation since she had a number of elective courses to complete. “In my head, I thought maybe we will be able to have the art show and a convocation in 2021,” she said. After Valencia witnessed her friends, who graduated in 2019, have commencement and graduation photos taken, she said she felt like she had missed out. However, Valencia and other Ryerson alumni who missed out on

their in-person ceremonies due to the pandemic will be invited back to cross the stage this June. On March 22, Ryerson announced that in-person ceremonies will be held from June 13 to 24 at the Mattamy Athletic Centre for the class of 2022 as well as graduates from 2020 and 2021. An invitation will be sent out in April for students to register for convocation. The invitation will also include venue capacity, health and safety protocols, the number of permitted guests and other details. In an interview with The Eyeopener on March 28, Ryerson president Mohamed Lacahemi said the school is expected to hold 23 convocation ceremonies over 10 days. He added that faculties and programs are grouped together in each ceremony as appropriate. “Based on survey data, we are confident that we have planned an appropriate number of ceremonies for our 2020 and 2021 grads,” he said. “Attending convocation is


a rite of passage and the university community is looking forward to sharing this mark of academic success with graduates and their families and friends.” Valencia said she is happy “to have some semblance of normalcy with an in-person graduation ceremony.”

“I’m happy that the school didn’t forget us” “I also miss being on campus,” she said. “I’m happy that the school didn’t forget us.” Valencia added she hopes her mom can also attend the ceremony with her. As a new grad during the pandemic, Valencia said she was unmotivated to finish her final year. Unsure about her path at the time, she kept herself busy and built her design portfolio. “Before the pandemic, I used to compare myself to my classmates, because I felt like they had their heads on their shoulders,” she said. “But now I have a better idea on where I’m going…I feel more sure about the future career-wise.” When asked about what safety protocols she thinks the school should implement, Valencia said she would like social distancing and a masking mandate to be in place. Ryerson announced on March 28 that the university will suspend masking and vaccination mandates on May 1. “I know that masks are no longer

mandatory, but I’m still going to be wearing my mask for big events like this and we’re still in the pandemic,” she said. “Masks and making sure everything is sanitized would put me a little bit more at ease.” Sabrina Kauk, a 2021 media production graduate, said she has been having conversations with family and friends about arrangements of an in-person convocation. “The biggest we’ve talked about it is really just like, how is it going to work?” said Kauk. “We’ve already reached a sixth wave of COVID-19 and the mask mandate has just lifted.” She said her family has been very careful, in which they continue to wear a mask even though the restriction was lifted. “We continue to wear them because we don’t think it’s safe to take them off yet, so it’s going to be interesting how it’s going to play out,” said Kauk. “I know they will send out invitations in mid-April, but you can’t really predict what’s happening with COVID.” “It’s like, you hope to have an event, but it could always be cancelled too,” she said. Kauk said at the beginning of the pandemic, she was somewhat sad because her final year was different than what she had imagined. “I’m actually relieved that the school had the ceremony online,” said Kauk. “But again, I don’t think it’s the same closure, or it wasn’t like a big finale like you think of when you first start university.” Conan Chan, a 2021 interior

design graduate, said although he wanted a convocation in the past, all the mandates and the quarantining from COVID-19 changed his perspective on “the whole idea of inperson gatherings” “I thought that it wasn’t very smart to get back into large gatherings just because of traditions,” he said. “Sometimes you have to be able to step back and look at the bigger picture.” As time went by, the idea of attending an in-person convocation slipped out of Chan’s mind. “The value of convocation has become less and less for me, especially after I started working,” said Chan. “This is something that is in the past for me and I’m not the kind of person who likes to look back a lot.”

“We’ve already reached a sixth wave of COVID-19” Even though he has no interest in going, Chan said he would definitely attend as a guest to see his friends cross the stage. “I was a bit sad in the beginning, but looking back now, I’m glad I went through those four years of schooling,” said Chan. “Even though I didn’t have a convocation, that didn’t really hinder me too much from pursuing what I want to pursue.” “I am pretty satisfied with where I am right now.”



Rye should prepare to reintroduce safety requirements in future, expert says By Anna Maria Moubayed Universities need to be able to bring back health mandates due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, said a Ryerson epidemiologist as Ryerson University announced the suspension of vaccination and mask mandates starting May 1. The university announced the change in health and safety requirements for the spring and summer semesters on March 28, a week after the provincial government lifted mask mandates. Tim Sly, a professor at the School of Occupational and Public Health, said all institutions should be monitoring the information from national and provincial health departments and “be prepared to bring back precautions should the situation become worse.” “Being slightly over-protected is always better than being under-protected,” said Sly. “Increases [in cases] are already happening in Canada and around the world due to early relaxing of the precautions and general fatigue.” He added the rise in cases is driven by the BA.2 subvari-

ant of Omicron, which spreads in ways that have rarely been seen. While the provincial government lifted vaccination requirements in most indoor settings on March 14 and masking on March 21, the university made the decision to keep masking and vaccine mandates in place until the end of the winter semester. Although students and staff will no longer be required to wear a mask on campus after May 1, the university stated that it supports those who choose to continue to wear a face covering and strongly

Ryerson stated that the university would take the uncertainties of the pandemic into consideration and that there is the possibility of sudden changes in the university’s health and safety guidelines. While the university said it is confident that the pausing of these policies is a safe next step for the community, plans for the fall semester, including health and safety practices on campus are still underway, the announcement reads. “I expect that many people like PHOTO: JES MASON professors, instructors, staff and students will feel more comfortable encourages community members to still wearing their masks when in a wear masks in crowded settings or crowded place, mall, subway, classwhen working closely with others. room or arena. It will be voluntary, Students who have not been able but a wise move,” said Sly. to register for classes with in-person requirements due to their vaccina“Being slightly overtion status will now be able to do so. protected is always The university will also no longer better than being underrequire daily health screenings for protected” those coming to campus, but community members should continue to monitor their health for any COPrior to the Omicron variant, twoVID-19 symptoms and not come to dose vaccination was essential to limcampus if they are feeling unwell, iting the spread of COVID-19. Howthe statement reads. ever, Sly said the BA.2 subvariant has

shown that three doses are needed as the minimum level of protection. “Given the resurgence of cases in the last week in many countries, my preference would be to increase the availability of the third dose, at least until the warmer weather, and we should be watching the data carefully every day before each important decision,” he said. “I’m comfortable with the health mandates being lifted because I believe masks have been used ineffectively by students anyways,” said Meghety Gosdanian, a second-year graphic communications management student. She said she has witnessed many students put masks on only halfway and some refuse to put masks on in general. Lara Artinian, a second-year professional communications student, said she agrees with the decision to lift health and safety mandates. “Especially coming from an institution of higher education, it’s as if we can’t question the mandate and why it’s necessary, when education is all about questioning things around us,” said Artinian.

Ryerson professors petition for support of Ukrainian scholars By Madison Schuliakewich In a letter sent to Ryerson president Mohamed Lachemi, provost Jennifer Simpson and the board of directors this past Friday, academics of Ukrainian descent and allies of Ukrainians called for Ryerson to provide aid for Ukrainian international students. “We are writing to request a robust response to support displaced Ukrainian scholars in the form of funding for scholarships, fast-tracking student and faculty exchange agreements with Ukrainian universities, participation in already-existing scholarships, lowered or free tuition fees, and travel or settlement support for Ukrainian scholars fleeing this brutal war,” the letter reads.

“Six weeks into the war, nothing has been done by my university to help scholars from Ukraine”

ture and intellectual life of Ukraine, meaning scholars are even more at risk now—Ukrainian speakers; women; feminists; LGBTQ+ scholars; and activists will be, and are, among the first to be targeted. “We see them as part of our community. We don’t see this as a charity case, we see this as part of our knowledge network; we want to support that and preserve it,” said Bociurkiw. Bociurkiw has been a researcher and professor at the RTA School of Media for 15 years. As a Canadian-Ukrainian, she said she is disappointed that Ryerson has offered her and her colleagues nothing but what she called “vague email responses.” “Six weeks into the war, nothing has been done by my university to help scholars from Ukraine. That hurts,” she added. “My hope is that X University, rather than trying to wait us out, will do the right thing and commit actual funding to support the network of brilliant displaced students from Ukraine.”

Marusya Bociurkiw, a media theory professor at Ryerson, said Ukraine is home to over 800 post“I’m always blown away secondary institutions; all of which by the depth and precision have been shut down as a result of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s of scholarship currently war on Ukraine. coming out of Ukraine” “Ukraine is a really smart country,” said Bociurkiw. “I’m always blown away by the depth and preIn an interview with The Eyeopener cision of scholarship currently com- on March 7, Lachemi said Ryering out of Ukraine.” son currently has 27 students from Marusya said the Russian army Ukraine and 53 students from Russia. is intentionally targeting the cul“These students are valuable

members of our community and the university has proactively reached out to each of them to offer support and services,” he said. “We will continue to support them as needed through this difficult time.” He added that the school is also offering application fee vouchers for international students. “This is because a number of Russian international students and prospective international students have been unable to process fee payments for applications and tuition due to sanctions levied against Russia.” Universities all over the world are making commitments to help support Ukrainian students in their continuing educational journeys, many of which are in Canada. The University of Toronto (U of T) has committed to invest in its Scholars-at-Risk fund, matching all donations up to one million dollars, providing aid displaced students and current students at U of T. David Palmer, the vice-president of advancement at U of T, said that “Russia’s war on Ukraine and needless suffering of civilians, including many students who have been forced to abandon their educational careers, requires immediate support from the global community and institutions like U of T.” “These bursaries will be an essential lifeline for students from Ukraine who wish to continue their studies and rebuild their lives,” said Palmer. Department of Physics professor Alexandre (Sasha) Douplik, said he has personally dealt with the effects


of the war on Ukraine. Douplik, who spent some of his childhood in Kyiv, just recently evacuated his mother from the country. Despite having both Russian and Ukrainian friends and colleagues from years of learning amongst both sets of peers, Douplik said he noticed that in the past eight years, propaganda has influenced a lot of them to believe that the war is good. “They speak about Ukraine almost 24/7 for years, explaining that Ukrainians do not exist; they are Russians,” Douplik said. “If they do not recognize that they are Russians, then they cannot be called normal human beings. They call them Nazis.” Douplik said this propaganda runs deep, and Russian educational institutions are now “poisoning the academic environment.” On March 4, a letter was signed by hundreds of presidents from a vast majority of Russian universities expressing their full support

for the war. “This implies that the professors and students are supposed to support this word,” he added. “I think for the moment, the top bureaucrats and presidents of Russian universities are breaking academic conduct with their clear and explicit support of Putin’s war against Ukraine.”

“They speak about Ukraine almost 24/7 for years, explaining that Ukrainians do not exist” Bociurjiw said they are also seeking fundraising support. “I think sites like the alumni organization can help to fundraise,” said Bociurkiw. “They fundraise all the time for the university and they are quite professional at it. So, sites of the university that are adept at fundraising can also contribute.”



By Le Newz

The last time masthead heard from current Editor-in-Chief (EIC) Tyler Griffin, he was informing masthead members that first reads were due at 7 p.m., that he has recovered from COVID-19 thanks to his superhuman immune system and that he will be present at the weekly circulation of the paper. Little did masthead members know this would be the last time they’d ever hear from Griffin again. When they opened office door last Thursday to dutifully perform their circulation duties, Griffin’s body was sprawled on top of the latest and final issue of . As photo editors Jes Mason, Laila Amer and Vanessa Kauk walked in, they immediately burst into tears, mourning the loss of the beautiful cover, which was now ruined by the dead EIC’s blood. Griffin’s love for arts, culture and fashion ironically didn’t manifest itself on his death bed—he was murdered in sweatpants and a lumpy Ryerson hoodie where the word “Ryerson” was crossed out, by nothing else but Griffin’s own blood. Instead of calling the police because ACAB, the news team used their investigative skills to launch a full scale inquiry into his murder. The team is more than qualified— Thea Gribilas has a family member in law and is addicted to true crime; Heidi Lee loves catching Pokémon, which is close enough to catching a convict; and Edward Djan has watched enough episodes of to know how to get away with murder. Immediately, the news team knew there was no way that he could have died from COVID-19 since, according to former EIC Catherine Abes, mixed-race people have a strong immune system. “I think that one study might have said that once, but truly who knows?” she said. “Although I feel like I may be immune to COVID-19.” So if it wasn’t COVID-19, what— or rather, who—was it? “He definitely made some enemies this year,” said online editor Alexandra Holyk. “There are lots of people who could have killed him as revenge for coverage.” “Could it be Egerton Ryerson?” news editor Heidi Lee asked. “But how? He’s about as dead as a dinosaur,” fun and satire editor Rochelle Raveendran replied. “Friends of Egerton Ryerson really do love that man,” news editor Thea Gribilas mused. “For what reason, I’m not sure. But they really aren’t happy with Tyler’s op-ed

and who knows what a fan could be capable of.” The team decided to consult features editor and die-hard Kim Namjoon stan Abeer Khan on the power of fandom. Khan is undeniably an expert since she published this year. But after Khan’s thorough analysis, she concluded that the Egerton fandom is incapable of murder since the most they could do is make quizzes and blog posts about Egerton Ryerson. Following Griffin’s death, asked for comment from Ryerson president Mohamed Lachemi, but his office said he was too busy writing another op-ed about how revolutionary the renaming will be. As the team continued to ponder the murder, several Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) executives walked by. When they were asked about the murder, they said they were not aware of Griffin’s death; they also could not provide an alibi when asked for one. Avoiding any further questions, the group quickly wished that Griffin rest in peace and bid the masthead farewell as they scurried out to another RSU BeaverTails truck on Gould Street. Throughout his tenure, Griffin made enemies of his own on The masthead, including arts and culture editor Elizabeth Sargeant. Reflecting on Griffin’s time as EIC, Sargeant said, “Tyler was always harder on me. During every meeting, he would make fun of my pitches. I think he was just jealous because I was a better arts and culture editor than he was.” However, Sargeant’s alibi, the karaoke club down the road, was verified by media editor Sonia Khurana, as she was filming Sargeant perform the whole soundtrack album of “We have so many motives, but no suspects yet,” said news editor Edward Djan. “For all we know, I could have killed Tyler.” Lee and Gribilas gave Djan a funny look. Could he have done this? Was it possible that the stress of being a news editor got to him and he just snapped? Business and technology editor Charlize Alcaraz, who is also resident cannabis expert, broke the loaded silence. “I smell something,” Alcaraz said as she sniffed the air. “Cheap weed, no…” She took another, deeper sniff. “It’s not just cheap… it’s poisoned.” “So Tyler was poisoned then?” asked Gribilas. “Yes,” Alcaraz said with a mysterious shadow cast on her face, despite there being no light in the room. “There’s a wrapper beside him.”


Editor-in-Chief Tyler “Good Night, Sweet Prince” Griffin News Edward “Born to Anchor” Djan Thea “Un-Defamation” Gribilas Heidi “Field Trip?” Lee Photo Laila “Pumpkin” Amer Vanessa “Spiced” Kauk Jes “Girls<3” Mason Online Alexandra “RSU Fortune” Holyk Abby “ZINC!” Hughes Features Abeer “Lit Handy Manny” Khan Arts and Culture Elizabeth “Eye Openscars” Sargeant Business and Technology Charlize “The Flood” Alcaraz Communities Serena “#HarryIsComing” Lopez Sports Gavin “Nap God” Axelrod Fun and Satire Rochelle “Too Many Variables” Raveendran Media Sonia “Fashion Week” Khurana Web Developer Doug “Exams Already?” Nguyen General Manager Liane “Sacrifice Bezos” McLarty Advertising Manager Chris “Selfie King” Roberts Design Director J.D. “Gettin’ Sappy” Mowat Contributors Anna Maria “Pandemic Is Over” Moubayed Madison “Where’s the Money” Schuliakewich Maria “Sex on the Beach” Couto Aru “Girl Boss” Kaul Smiksha “Gatekeep” Singla Miso “Gaslight” Alcaraz Mariyah “J-school Kids are Change Makers” Salhia Rajalaxmi “Gets It Done” Nayak Jack “Fidget Spinner Stigma” MacCool Matthew “Gunna” Lin Mario “Top Off” Russo Gabriela “Group Chats on Mute” Silva Ponte Ishitaa “#E-ConArtist” Chopra Zarmminaa “Kindles Are Kool” Rehman Panth “Snap!” Shah Isela “Crackle!” Gomez Olivia “Pop!” Morgan Myra “Downloaded” Rahim Yutang “Vlogger Vibes” Song


Smell you later, “Ryerson” PHOTO: JES MASON

When students, and The Eyeopener, return to campus next fall, Ryerson University will have a new name. And with it will come the “next chapter” for our university, marked not just by the name change, but by a campus community that will have to navigate a brave new postisolation world. Nothing is the same as it was in March 2020 and COVID-19 has exposed many of the flaws that existed in our traditional ways of doing things. There’s no going back to the way things were—and this new era for Ryerson must reflect that. This year, we’ve seen Ryerson fail to divest from fossil fuels when other universities did, make shallow attempts at reconciliation and continually prioritize their financial interests over students’ wellbeing. If the next academic year is truly meant to be a new chapter for our university, it needs to be accompanied by specific, tangible actions from the administration. But as students, we can’t hold the university to this standard unless we meet it ourselves. This past semester saw the soft-return of students on campus. Seeing students walk to class in groups, laughing on Gould Street and avoid veering Lake Devo skaters filled me with a sense of purpose and community that I’d lost after working alone in my apartment for so long. Our community has been somewhat fractured in recent years by our inability to be together. Students’ mental health suffered, campus organizing became more challenging than ever, and The Eye was no exception. We’ve had to cut print issues, events meant to bring us together, downsized some of our operations and let go of a lot of ambitions—all so we could continue to tell your stories as best we could. We’ve all sacrificed a hell of a lot to get to this point. But I know that because of future generations, these sacrifices will not have been for nothing. I know that when students return to campus in the fall, they’ll take advantage of the opportunities around them to make a difference and hold those with power, and themselves, to a higher standard. I know they will get out there, make connections, try things that wouldn’t usually be their ‘thing’ and make use of their agency as students and members of our community. Because there will never be a better time to figure out who you are, or who you want to be, and fuck up some shit along the way.

I signed up to write my first article for The Eyeopener in September 2016, covering a men’s hockey game. When I meekly went up to their booth set up for O-week, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I knew it was the perfect opportunity to try something outside my comfort zone. Over five years later, we’ve broken stories of bed bugs on campus, a quarter-million dollar credit card scandal and, of course, Ryerson’s new name. I’ve worked with some of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met over the years, who have become friends I’ll have for a lifetime. They’ve shaped me into who I am today and pushed me to become the best version of myself. These will be my final words in the pages of this measly-but-punchy student newspaper and I’m eternally indebted to all it’s done for me and the community surrounding it. We’ve endured a lot in recent years, and I’m sure we will continue to endure even more. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned through all of it, it’s that The Eyeopener will continue to tell your stories—no matter how many apocalyptic disasters are thrown our way. Because there will always be students who care enough to seek them out; because student voices matter, and will always find a way to be heard; because, at the end of the day, students won’t remember the hours spent in lecture halls or writing essays, but the times they had collaborating and making their small-but-mighty mark on this corner of the world. The Eyeopener may change and morph and transform, but there will always be students crazy enough to dedicate themselves to this beautiful disaster of a newspaper and make it their own. The Eye is not post-production drinks at the Ram in the Rye, shenanigans in the (currently flooded) office we sometimes sleep in or early mornings pushing a circ cart. The Eye is an ideal committed to holding power to account, amplifying traditionally unheard voices and creating real, tangible change in the people and places around us—and having a few drinks, laughs and FUCKYOUs while we’re at it. I’ve given this place everything I have, and now it’s time for someone else to do the same and make it their own. So go out there, get involved, learn something new, make mistakes, fuck some shit up and keep writing the story (maybe even in the pages of The Eye?). Thanks for letting me tell your stories all these years, Ryerson. It’s been the greatest honour of my life.


are a Greek chorus of whiney ineptitude, mainly white & male (but reliably whoever Tyler Griffin has the most power in the scenario) beEditor-in-Chief, Vol. 55 moaning constantly their imagined losses. AND we have a FUCKING land war in Congratulations graduates! As you stride a Europe! Welcome to the God damn 1930s newly minted post-secondary success into well played fuckers in power, well played. the world, a parable. Once upon a time all How much more can one graduate take? In politics were human needs based, all media all honesty I say as much as YOU WANT! had a left-wing agenda and the silent maThis is your time young people! Time for but circumspect government. Then the 80s revolution, FUCK THIS SHIT UP! I can and a right-wing push back fronted by Reagen, Thatcher and Mulroney created than sending this shitshow packing. Burn a culture war (in no small part because it all to the ground and pillage! Ransack voting for their actual policies would be masochistic for the majority). They won, they won large, long and loud and we now laugh, sing and dance the whole time. live in the echo chamber of their cavern of Because this is your chance. Emily Dickdoom. Their legacy is here: 30% of us too inson wrote “Hope is the thing with feathstupid to vote FOR our own self interests, ers / that perches on the soul / and sings our environment a smoking ruin, our the tunes without the words / and never economy an extractive machine designed to stops at all.” To which The Mug replies suck the marrow from our bones and much “Hope is a thing with teeth / that perches of our media corporate shills designed to on the heart / that gnaws the pain with excuse and explain the excesses of late stage all the scars / and never stops at all.” To capitalism. In the middle of this shit show the wall Comrades, to the fucking wall!



Reclaiming Romances: The beauty of a beach read By Maria Couto

driven and working through emotional obstacles. These novels work as both an assist through similar roadblocks or an escape from them. The classic “beach read” is a particular set of romance novels, perfect for flipping through while on vacation. These are deemed superficial and “soft”—but is there actually anything wrong with that? Indulge in these four sexy summer books below and start your own windswept romance with an infamous “beach read.”

Romance novels have been brandished as fluffy, shallow and lowbrow art, and while they may sometimes lack the nuance of a classic novel, there is also a world of writing that takes love to a whole new level. Many fun and sexy romances dare to tackle themes such as grief, neurodivergence, racism, homophobia and more. Though these novels are abundant, there is still a certain stigma attached to the genre. However, the stigma is less about the content and more about who exactly reads them. Beach Read by Emily Henry I mean, it’s in the title, how perfect can it get? When romance writer Romance novels are January Andrews moves into her categorically ‘bad’ late father’s beach house to write because they are beloved her next best-seller, she doesn’t exby women pect her next door neighbor to be the brooding Augustus Everett—auAccording to the Romance Writ- thor of literary fiction and, oh yeah, ers of America, an advocacy group her sworn enemy. Both in a state of for professional authors, 82 per cent grief-induced writer’s block, they of romance readers identify as female, switch genres, learning and undermaking women not only the target standing more about the other in audience, but a target for scrutiny. the short and sweet summer that In the same boat as pumpkin spice they have together. lattes and Taylor Swift, romance novels are categorically ‘bad’ because One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston they are beloved by women. When August moves to New York In reality, romance novels are so City, the last thing she expects to much more. We often see women find is enigmatic Jane riding the characters taking control of their subway—that is, every subway ride sexuality and pleasure, being career August takes on her commute to


school. Mystified by Jane’s constant presence on the train, she enlists her quirky roommates to help her solve this mystery. When they come to the realization that Jane is not only stuck on the subway but in the ‘70s, they have to help her before the summer is over and the subway line shuts down, taking Jane with it. In a race against time, August and Jane work together to discover who Jane is and what got her stuck in the first place. Sparks fly and they’re not just from the subway tracks.

San Francisco to meet a potential husband, she willingly goes in the hopes it will help her daughter and mother out of poverty. Meanwhile, Khai Diep believes he is incapable of emotions, while his family knows that as a man with autism, he just processes his emotions differently. When his mother takes matters into her own hands and brings Esme home to meet Khai, he keeps his distance, certain that he will only hurt her. But Esme is patient, taking the time to understand Khai’s needs and teaching him to learn the queues of her own The Bride Test by Helen Hoang needs as well. After all, they have When Esme Tran gets the op- the whole summer together to fall portunity to go from Vietnam to in love.

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid This takes the fun and flirty beach read to the next level when Emma Blair receives a call from her husband, who was declared dead in a helicopter crash three years earlier. Stuck between the old love she has for her husband Jesse and the new love she has for her fiancé Sam, Emma finds herself in a twisted love triangle. Not only does she have to pick between the two loves of her life, but between the versions of who she was before she went through the grief of losing her life partner. Swimming between the before and after, we come to understand that her predicament runs oceans deep.

Behind the Scenes: XMTC presents Head Over Heels By Aru Kaul For the first time since 2020, X Musical Theatre Company (XMTC) will be hosting an in-person production. Since 2015, XMTC has worked to involve students at Ryerson University in the production of live musicals. While the 2020 production of Big Fish was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, XMTC is making a comeback with this year’s production of Head Over Heels. Soundtracked by the timeless songs of the ‘80s rock band The

Go-Go’s, Head Over Heels tells the story of a royal family trying to save their kingdom from collapsing all while exploring themes of love, self-expression, acceptance and sexuality. Grace Johnson, a first-year performance production student plays the part of Princess Pamela in the production. Johnson describes her character as a confident, loud, extra and sought-after woman. “All the men in town want to date Princess Pamela but she doesn’t want any of them,” Johnson said.

“Throughout the play, she works through these feelings to understand why she doesn’t like any of her male suitors,” she added. Jake Zanth, a first-year creative industries student, adds to the fun with his role as the king’s right hand man. “I try to make sure the kingdom runs smoothly while everyone else is busy with their relationship shenanigans,” Zanth said. Head Over Heels will be showcased on April 6 and 9 at the Al Green Theatre located at Bloor Street and Spadina Avenue. The show times are 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., respectively.






Alumneye in Tech: Meet the co-founders of Golden Post Agency By Smiksha Singla In a mission to support small businesses, two Ryerson alumni started a creative agency that helps brands expand their digital presence. Hannah Tsuji and Meghna Sarawat co-founded Golden Post Agency in 2019. Golden Post is a creative agency based in Toronto that supports small to medium-sized businesses with any creative endeavors they want to partake in, such as website design, social media management, branding and more.

“We look different...but we’re not the dumbest people in the room” Student entrepreneurship Sarawat, who graduated from Ryerson’s journalism program with a minor in fashion in 2021, and Tsuji, a 2021 creative industries graduate, met as students in their BSM 100: The New Business: From Idea to Reality class—a course that “focuses on the steps necessary for the idea of a visionary to be transformed into a viable business.” “One of the biggest benefits of being a student entrepreneur is just the access to resources,” says Tsuji. Being able to put concepts learned in class and trying them out in real life ended up guiding them in their entrepreneurial journey. As a company born just before the COVID-19 pandemic, Tsuji and Sar-


awat say that Golden Post was able to they had shut down work opportuuse the time to rethink its strategies nities because “there were only two to continue business development. of us” but used delegation at their disposal and were able to take on larger projects. The lack of representation

in the corporate world did not discourage them

Working with friends Mixing work and play can be complicated, and being able to separate Hiring was also long overdue on friendship from work is necessary to their list of priorities. In the past, be able to efficiently run a business.

Tsuji and Sarawat say they are able As young, racialized female entreto dedicate a specific time to work preneurs, the lack of representation on their friendship and a specific in the corporate world did not distime to work on their company. courage them. “Other people’s words don’t mat‘Other people’s words don’t matter’ ter. We’re just here for ourselves... Sarawat says when Golden Post we’re producing the work that we’re was able to sign a “huge contract in proud of,” Sarawat says. America,” her and Tsuji were the “We look different. We are difonly two women of colour sitting in ferent. But we’re not the dumbest the Zoom call. people in the room, you know.”

Three women & Ryerson student-owned businesses By Aru Kaul

name, I had never seen Bengali letters. It is probably one of the most beautiful languages I have ever seen written,” Furmli said. She has also found ways to incorporate her embroidered designs in her assignments, using them for social work education.

In March, we celebrated Women’s History Month, which focused on the theme “Women Making History Now.” This year is about acknowledging and honouring the lasting impact created by Canadian women. From ethically-sourced candles to cultural embroidery, here are women entrepreneurs from Ryerson who are making a difference in the world of art and lifestyle.

“I didn’t think I could do it because starting a business seemed like so much” Mursal Embroiders Saarah Furmli, a fourth-year social work student, owns a business called Mursal Embroiders where she makes embroidery that is inspired by her own and other people’s cultures. Furmli says she has always loved sewing and crocheting and wanted to make good use of all of the leftover fabric she had, rather than throwing


it out. She began by making a denim purse for her friend, which eventually led to her watching Youtube videos on how to do embroidery. She says her cultural identity influenced the name of her business; “mursal” is the Dari word for rose.

As her business grew, she wanted to implement more cultures into her designs and began collaborating with her clients. As a result, she began to create cultural designs, starting with her friend’s Bengali background. “Before I embroidered my friend’s

Sweets and Treats TO Khushi Shah, a second-year politics and governance student, and Saakshi Padhiar, a fourth-year computer science student, co-run Sweets and Treats TO, a pick-up delivery service that sells minimalistic cakes, cakesicles and cupcakes. Shah manages the social content and branding while Padhiar manages the pick-up and delivery system. While Padhiar and Shah aim to create desserts inspired by minimalism, they hope to one day incorporate designs from their culture. Shah said the brand has created a sense of community, trust, home and creativity that ensures people love their products for their celebrations. “For the future, we are definitely brainstorming ideas of minimalistic Desi designs to share with our com-

munity of customers,” Shah said. “As we expand, we’ve had many people tell us how they appreciate the time and effort that we put into our products and our customizable options.” Twinkles Candles Shop To Ria Arora, a fourth-year social work student, making candles was nothing more than a hobby that she picked up during the pandemic. This all changed when her sister told her she should sell her candles. “I didn’t think I could do it because starting a business seemed like so much. If it weren’t for my sister, I never would have started it,” Arora said. Arora owns Twinkles Candle Shop, which is an online business that aims to provide ethical, sustainable and safer candle alternatives. In an effort to be as environmentally friendly as possible, Arora started an initiative for her online business called The Recycling Program. With this initiative, Arora would use an app called Bunz to connect with consumers. The customers then bring in their worn out candles and Arora recreates them into new candles.

The year in one word Photos by Jes Mason

Layout by Abeer Khan We asked Ryerson students to describe Here’s what they had to say:



“Expensive” Margaret Rodrigo, fourth-year environment and urban sustainability

“Main character vibes”


Melissa Ventovilla, second-year psychology




Jasmine Thomas, second-year architectural science

“Super confused” Adia Morgan, second-year fashion design



“Crazy lit movie”




’s guide to avoiding burnout while the By Serena Lopez Congratulations, you made it! With an ongoing pandemic that’s changed everything from the way we work and socialize to the impending climate crisis and conflicts around the world, you succeeded at being a student despite the triggers. Though your student mental health was surely tested this year, self-care has never seemed more important for students just trying to juggle it all. Every day it seems there’s always a new hack into how to live a healthy life and take care of your mind, yet it’s not easy to find advice from those who have taken their own advice. To no surprise, The Eyeopener is a campus paper run by students—students like yourself who are just trying to balance their passion for keeping people informed with having to write dry, boring papers on neoliberalism. And while we might make student journalism look oh so effortless, we get burnt out too. We understand there are multiple layers to your existence outside of being a student, so The Eye has compiled a few tips to help remind you that truthfully, it’s OK not to be OK. When we’re not, some of our editors have each found their own ways of showing themselves some much needed love. DO: Let your credit card do some work A form of self-care Laila Amer, photo editor at The Eye, practices for her mental health is to splurge on different things. For Amer, spending cash on clothing, jewellery and that convenient Uber service is her form of self-care. “I used to feel bad Ubering because I can just drive or figure out a commute, but not feeling as bad anymore! I always completely disconnect from work when it’s off-hours. I usually was always on the clock, but after a while I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

DON’T: Get yourself into more debt than necessary While splurging feels great in the moment, it’s always to your benefit to not get too carried away by how many things you can buy that you want, but probably don’t need. But go ahead, treat yourself to that new $80 Harry Styles sea green vinyl or BTS hoodie with the matching Namjoon sweatpants— just not every day. DO: Make time for your hobbies After a long day of working, Abby Hughes, an online editor at The Eye, takes time to self-care by practicing hobbies she doesn’t normally have the time to do like playing guitar, knitting and crafting jewellery. “I think fiction, especially fantasy, is a great form of escapism. Being able to transport yourself somewhere else without tuning into a screen feels healthier than watching a movie to get out of your own head. Bonus points if you’re healing your inner child and re-reading childhood books; I re-read Alice in Wonderland recently and it was wonderful!”

editor Abeer Khan thinks the opposite when it comes to practicing self-care. To de-stress, Khan says she will devote anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to scroll through TikTok or read fanfiction. “This is my time to enjoy my hobbies and immerse myself in a reality far removed from my own! On a good day (when I have time to spare), I also like hitting the gym and working out to clear my head and taking a break from sitting in DON’T: Blow all your cash on one self-care fad my desk chair 25/8.” If it’s going to cost you more than your tuition, is it really self-care? There’s absolutely no shame in DON’T: Procrastinate to no avail picking up practices that already exist in your home We’ve all made that excuse of promising to watch and don’t require a big budget. “I think self-care is just one more episode of Bridgerton and then, only about assessing what you need, or what you’ve been then, will you start working on that third overdue lacking, and trying to bring balance back to your assignment this week. The trap in doing things you life,” says Hughes. “So whether you need to spend actually enjoy as a part of your self-care routine is time alone, reconnect with friends, eat a good meal, that you will naturally want to do them all the time, move your body or escape your life altogether, you even if it means ditching adult responsibilities. can find a way to do so that doesn’t involve feeding For feachies queen Khan, this kind of procrastithe $450 billion self-care industry.” nation only serves to increase her anxiety. Instead she says, “I like to set times to work and take breaks DO: Spend time on your favourite apps throughout my day and try sticking to a schedule. Yes, really. While some may say too much screen Then, after I’m done, I can breathe freely.” time is already hurting us emotionally, our features DO: Take time to let you, do you


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Whatever that looks like for you, stick to it. Never underestimate the power in the little things you do every day that contribute to a healthier you. For our fun and satire editor, Rochelle Raveendran, that looks like doing activities such as watching compilation clips on YouTube from British panel shows, drinking water instead of diet coke and “ordering pasta on UberEats at an exorbitant price” to help destress during these awful challenging times. “Also, cleaning my room while blasting original songs from the Gnomeo and Juliet soundtrack on my speaker.” DON’T: Feel bad for needing a break, you deserve it! Whether you choose to spend your time journalling or binge-watching episodes of Hot Ones, the purpose of self-care is prioritizing yourself for an hour or even five minutes a day, your mental health matters. Life is already hard enough as it is without having to feel bad for wanting to do nothing other than lay down on the couch staring up at the wall, even for a little bit of peace. There’s no right or wrong way to self-care because honestly, we’re all just doing our best to keep our heads above water.



Timeline of events leading to Rams’ perfect season By Jack MacCool The Rams women’s basketball team’s undefeated journey to the 2022 U Sports National Championship started long before the opening game of the regular season. Dating back to February 2020, weeks before COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, the Rams saw title aspirations slip through their fingers when they lost the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) Critelli Cup final to the Brock Badgers 84-71. At the time, nobody knew it would be the final OUA basketball game until November 2021. Nor did they realize it would be the last loss the team suffered before winning a national championship. This is the journey that led the team from their February 2020 loss to becoming the 2022 U Sports National Champions. Feb. 29, 2020: Rams lose the OUA title to Brock The Mattamy Athletic Centre (MAC) was packed with roaring fans when the third seed Rams played host to the fourth seed Brock Badgers in the OUA final. The Rams entered the title game with an 18-5 record with hopes of hoisting the Critelli Cup in front of their home crowd. Brock played the role of spoiler, beating them 84-71 on the shoulders of a 42 point explosion from forward Samantha Keltos. This would act as fuel for the Rams as they hoped to avenge the loss the following season. Little did they know they wouldn’t play another game for almost two years. COVID-19 sinks 2020-21 season Only 12 days removed from the OUA final defeat, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Later in the year, during the fall of 2020, the OUA announced the cancellation of all sanctioned programming and championships until March 31, 2021. For the Rams, this meant that a chance at redemption had to wait.

PHOTO: MATTHEW LIN pion Saskatchewan Huskies, 80-71, in the Darcel Wright Memorial Classic. Though they wouldn’t meet the Huskies again, this win proved they could compete with anyone in the nation. OUA welcomes regular season action back to the Mattamy Athletic Centre The Rams first taste of regular season action came in a home-opener against the eventual 2021-22 U Sports bronze medallists, the Queen’s Gaels. The Rams’ undefeated run to the title started with a 68-65 victory, in a very competitive matchup.

When things looked bleak, the Rams pulled off the unimaginable

The team was without one of its stars, Jama Bin-Edward, but a combined 54 points from Mikaela Dodig, Rachel Farwell and Marin Scotten propelled the Rams to their first win of the year. Dodig’s clutch play helped seal the Rams late in the game, when she hit Return to action with a pair of a pair of three-pointers down the massive preseason victories stretch. The “Dodig Dagger” would The Rams finally got their feet back become synonymous with the squad on the hardwood in game action on all year long. Oct. 16, 2021, and the result would foreshadow the season to come. Rams roll until COVID-19 once In their first preseason matchup, again halts season the Rams got a small taste of re- The squad brought its win total to venge when they picked up a 62- six, with multiple dominant vic61 exhibition win over Brock in a tories over Nipissing and Ontario closely contested game. Their offi- Tech as well as another against cial revenge would have to wait as Queen’s. But with rising numbers the OUA introduced two confer- of COVID-19 cases in the province, ences due to the pandemic, making the OUA was forced to suspend the another matchup with Brock only season on Dec. 17. This campaign possible if they both reached the suspension threw a wrench in the OUA final. Rams’ momentum and prevented The Rams also managed to secure them from returning to action una win over the 2020 national cham- til February, as the OUA and prov-

ince dealt with the spread of the vi- booking their ticket to the 2022 rus. Once the season restarted, any OUA final. doubts this pause would derail the In the OUA semi-finals, the Rateam’s momentum disappeared. vens pushed the Rams early, but their talent and depth prevailed as Rams return in big way, domi- they picked up a 62-47 win, marknate crosstown rival ing the eighth of 11 times they held The Rams arrival back to competi- their opponents under 50 points on tive basketball saw them dominate the year. both the University of Toronto The win locked them into an and York University by a combined OUA championship berth two years 131 points in four matchups. They in the making. didn’t miss a beat, extending their undefeated record to 10-0. The comeback of all comebacks After 756 days, the Rams finally got Ottawa roady a valuable experi- their wish of avenging the 2020 tience heading into postseason tle loss to Brock, only this time they Perhaps the climax of the Rams’ would have to duke it out with the regular season came when they Badgers on the road in St. Cathetravelled to Montpetit Hall to take rines, Ont. The game couldn’t have on the third place Ottawa Gee-Gees started worse for the Rams, as they in a pivotal back-to-back. trailed by nine points after the first The Rams battled through late quarter, 11 at the half and 16 engame deficits with adversity en tering the final frame, having conroute to picking up wins in both verted on just one three pointer in games, 51-50 and 51-43. 24 attempts. The Rams got massive contribuThings went from bad to worse tions from Dodig in both games, when the deficit swelled to 22 points leading the team in scoring in game with seven minutes to play. When one and tallying eight rebounds and things looked like they were at their eight assists in the second. These most bleak, the Rams pulled off the two contests set the stage for a unimaginable. They increased their strong end to the season as they intensity, ramped up their defence looked toward the OUA playoffs and got steal after steal with their and another chance at winning the full court press. Suddenly what Critelli Cup. looked like an insurmountable lead had shrunk to only three points. Perfect regular season leads into Then, with 1:19 on the clock, Dodig a perfect playoffs splashed a three-pointer to tie the After destroying the Laurentian game and force overtime. Voyageurs twice to top off a perfect Riding the wave of momentum 14-0 regular season, the Rams took they had at the end of regulation, on the Queen’s Gaels in the first the Rams outscored Brock 5-3 in the round of the OUA playoffs, com- overtime period to secure not only ing away with a 67-58 win on the the OUA title, but redemption for back of their strong defence. This their shortcomings two years prior. gave the squad its third win over the Gaels on the year. Rams rise to the occasion at U It also saw them advance to the Sports Final 8 next round where they faced the Riding the high of arguably the Carleton Ravens for a chance at greatest comeback in U Sports his-

tory, the Rams’ sights were set on completing the perfect season and capturing national championship gold. Entering the tournament after such an impressive win, the Rams were selected as the number one seed heading into the last stretch of the season. In their first matchup, the Rams took on the University of Prince Edward Island Panthers who they defeated with ease by a score of 8049. The win sent the Rams into the semi-final of the tournament where they once again faced the Badgers. This time the Badgers wouldn’t see the same sort of success they did in the OUA final, as the game was hotly contested the entire way. It saw seven lead changes and no lead bigger than five and once again the two teams needed an overtime frame to decide the victor. The Rams mitigated the threats Brock provided in the OUA final, and showed their championship mettle, executing perfectly down the stretch to come away with the win. It helped preserve their undefeated record heading into the national championship game against the University of Winnipeg Wesmen of the Canada West Conference. 20-0: The perfect season It was clear from the opening minutes that the Rams wouldn’t be denied from acheiving their goal.

They’ll go down in the history books at Ryerson as well as in U Sports They came into the game with a clear plan: win at any cost. The Rams led by 10 at the end of the first quarter, with Farwell and Dodig scoring eight points each. Entering the game, the Rams had to deal with the 2022 U Sports Player of The Year Keylyn Filewich who averaged 17.3 points and 10.5 rebounds in the regular season. The Rams defence was exceptional, holding Filewich to just ten points on nine shot attempts while holding the Wesmen to just 48 points in the game. When the final buzzer sounded, reality began to set in. Everything the Rams women’s basketball team had worked for since 2020 came to fruition. They completed the perfect season, avenged their OUA final loss to Brock, overcame obstacles, battled back from the largest of deficits—and now they had everything to show for it. They’ll go down in the history books at Ryerson as well as in U Sports as one of the greatest teams ever assembled. UP NEXT: As one chapter ends, another season is on the horizon. But first it’s championship summer.



Here’s what’s inside the $40,000 gift bag given to each Rye graduate

Words of wisdom for incoming students By Gabriela Silva Ponte

It’s graduation day, and all I get is a lousy degree (and a gift bag)

As the end of the year approaches, the 2022 class is graduating and the 2026 class is preparing to join us. That’s right…while the 2000s kids become depressed and unemployed, the 2004 children are hurling their Toxic by Britney Spears and Shrek 2 loving selves on Ryerson’s campus. The Eyeopener scoured the Student Learning Centre and sent out a Google Form on the Ryerson Textbook Marketplace Facebook page and to get the best anonymous advice for incoming first-years:


By Zarmminaa Rehman

Sweet, sweet caffeine The next item is a personal favourite of the entire graduation organizing committee: a 33-year-old iced coffee recipe that has been perfected and tested by the past 27 student presidents of Ryerson’s Model United Nations club (the other six were more tea fans). This meaningful keepsake will assure you always get that nostalgic taste of your darkest day: finals.

Coming down from the rollercoaster ride that was the 94th Academy Awards, many media outlets showcased the sheer extravagance of gift bags given to celebrities. But did you know Rye High is providing their own little bit of pizazz for the graduating class of 2022? The Eyeopener was given an exclusive behind the scenes look into the preparation of graduate gift bags–and the find- Toy set! ings...were shocking. The university wanted to make sure that all the gift bags were “with the Good things, small package times” and enjoyable for students, Starting off, the gift bag itself is a which prompted the addition of a 13’’ x 6’’ x 16’’ neon yellow Dollara- Dinosaur Egg Dig Kit, to keep you ma gift bag, decorated with a blue busy during your post-university glitter-glue logo reading “Class of blues. The kit includes: 12 eggs (for 2022,” and foam alphabet stickers each month of the year) with hidden spelling each graduate’s name. Stu- dinosaur figures, chisels to break dents are advised to bring a second- down the eggs, 12 dinosaur learning ary bag as the handles are known to cards (to help you prepare for trivia rip out when they are held. nights). It sells at a retail price of $30 on Amazon. Piece of paper The biggest and most expensive Dirt item in each bag is, of course, your After adding the dino kit the bag still degree! This personalized item has seemed a bit light, so the committee been especially curated for each stu- collected some rocks and shards of dent during their time at the univer- grass from around Kerr Hall Quad. sity. Due to supply chain issues with Unlike the Oscars gift bag, Ryerson the rest of the goodies, unfortunate- couldn’t provide any land claims for ly for some students this is the only pieces of Scotland, but this might fit item in their gift bags—but do not the bill—even if it’s literally just Cafret! Because after receiving the gift nadian soil. bags, there will be free saltine crackers and water laid out for all to en- Patriotic product placement joy. Did we mention they are free? On the theme of Canadian gifts, the university partnered with Tim HorKindle Koupon tons to give students a fun-sized can Moving on, the next item is a of Double-Double Coffee-Scented voucher courtesy of Ryerson presi- Air Mist®. Now you can enjoy the dent Mohamed Lachemi for five rush of an early morning Tim’s run per cent off of any Kindle product from the comfort of your bedroom (valid from April 24, 2022 to June with a few spritz of Air Mist®. Do 12, 2022). So if you’ve been hold- not use it in combination with Feing off from buying a sick Kindle breeze or whilst consuming coffee reader throughout university, now as known side effects include: endis your chance! less sobbing, caffeine rush and the

impulse decision to apply for a master’s degree at Ryerson. One last chance for office hours The next item may not be for everyone, but it is for anyone. Faculty heads across the university teamed up and decided to include a “30-minute talk session” ticket for any remaining sentiments or lingering questions students may have about the knowledge they absorbed over the past several years. Keep in mind though: the ticket is only redeemable for the first 22 students that approach the faculty heads between 12 p.m. and 12:22 p.m. on convocation dates. Faculty-specific gifts Like your curated degree, some gift bags have differing items in relation to the faculty a student belongs to. Engineering students will finally receive that iron ring they’ve been waiting for, which is now adjustable to fit every finger or toe size. While accounting students will be delighted to find a Casio FX-991EX Scientific calculator–a backup for when their old one breaks down.

guage to Sex and The City.” what they’re minoring in. “Make friends with your RA so they don’t get mad at you for having a microwave in your dorm.” — A student who has had far too many unexpected visits from their hungover. “Don’t ask professors too many questions or show them any indication that you’re stressed because they’ll start to hate you.”

“Avoid frat parties. They’re crowded with rude guys who charge way too much if you’re a dude just to get “Course group chats will only through the door.” stress you out. Keep the notifica— A rude guy who did nothing but tions muted.” party over the past four years. with their peers when they have a “You’ll quickly realize that your question about an assignment. overachiever self who cried over less than 90 per cent and got along “As much as taking notes on paper with everyone in high school won’t will help you memorize stuff, it’s be around throughout university. much easier to type and just study Accept loneliness and failure before more when exam season hits.” it even happens.” needs a therapist. “Honestly, I found that having an “It’s impossible to do all the readings. iPad really helped. I bought a screen Learn to skim or get over not doing protector that feels like paper, an a few week’s worth of readings.” Apple Pencil that feels real and GoodNotes, which is nothing like a notebook.” procrastination issues. “It’s really easy to make friends in your classes because professors want you to have discussions with colleagues, and you find a lot of people with similar views.”

“Working part-time is an absolutely fantastic idea.” earnings buying bacon and egg Victoria Street. “You’ll find yourself spending a lot of time at Eaton Centre. So get acquainted with your fear of malls.”

“Honestly, I learned a lot of things like St. Patrick’s Day and Homecom- “Participation marks are life savers. ing are just excuses for university Make sure to participate in class.” Dated merchandise kids to get drunk.” The last item included in the gift — A student who never got invited to bags is a super vintage Eggy the Ram party at Queen’s. so much the professor knew their stuffie. In reality, it might just be the university getting rid of all their “DO YOUR COURSE INTENmerch. But it’s still a cute memo- TIONS. I can’t stress this enough, “Be sure to join a club, sport or rabilia from your time at Ryerson, but our website crashes ALL the team. They’re the easiest way to before the university is renamed time on the day you’re supposed build your portfolio and make and Eggy loses all relevance. If one to choose your courses. So make some new friends.” stuffie simply is not enough, check sure you wake up early and add the out the “Everything Eggy Must Go” classes you need to your cart before sale at the Ryerson Campus Book- it even starts.” store. Whether you shop in-person That about sums up the best or online, shipping will be included. that Ryerson students had to offer. Good luck to the graduating class “There is quite literally a class for of 2022 on their forthcoming hunt any of your interests, and I recom- for a job, and to the incoming class, mend exploring them all! I’ve taken remember: when all advice fails, classes from American Sign Lan- check the r/Ryerson subreddit.



Ryerson professor is playing hard to get ;) By Ishitaa Chopra Undergraduate economics students at Ryerson University have gone on a strike as of Wednesday morning after reports that a tenured professor has been ghosting her students. Economics professor Stella Parker has faced severe student discontent in recent weeks. Students have complained about late replies to emails, specifically on urgent matters like extensions and exam deadlines. Some said her coyly ambiguous responses can take over two weeks to receive. “[Parker’s] conduct is absolutely unprofessional. She’s gatekeeping me from girlbossing my way through this class with her gaslighting,” said third-year student Vanessa Stark. As part of their strike methods, students have been writing reviews for Parker on the website Rate My Professors. One particularly striking review


says that Parker responded to a question about her office hours on D2L, writing “i would LOVE to meet up but thursdays aren’t great for me. chat soon though xoxo.” Second-year student George Grey said if there’s one thing Gen Z knows how to do, it’s wage war online. “What are they going to do? Keep badly rated professors in their university?” they said. It is still unclear when the students plan to stop their strike against the economics department. Professors claim the strike has had an immense impact on class hours and attendance. Students have not been showing up to classes on time and some haven’t been coming to them at all. “It has been a barren ground; yesterday, there were no more than ten students in my class,” economics professor Meredith Rogers said. “When the semester started, there were no

ILLUSTRATION: LAILA AMER more than eleven students.” At this time, it’s unclear whether these absences are related to the strike. Many students have also reported passive-aggressive behaviour from Parker. Grey compares the professor to a walking red flag—apparently, worse than their ex. “It’s the type of stuff that makes you want to scream,” Grey said. “I asked her for an extension for my take-home midterm because I was sick, and she responded two weeks after the deadline, writing, ‘Don’t you think you’re overreacting?’”

Since this morning students have compiled a list of Parker’s emailed replies and posted them on TikTok with the trending song abcdefu by Gayle. Hashtags in the captions include #MoreToxicThanYourEx, #EConArtist, #Economizer and #RyersonsCostofInflation. Some of the featured replies shown in the video included: “Why would you think that? What does that say about you?”; “I think you’re being a little too emotional right now. I guess I’ll have to repeat myself since you can’t remember...”

Approximately 50 compilation videos have been posted of Parker’s replies. More than 20 per cent of students have dropped Parker’s class since the start of the semester, and many students are still trying to drop the course, despite it being a requirement for the program. “I just want to leave his class. I am tired of microaggressions in microeconomics,” Stark said. Parker did not respond to multiple interview requests in time for publication. The Eyeopener anticipates this article will be updated with her comments in about two weeks.

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