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Friday, November 11, 2011

CLASSIFIEDS 1105 Obituaries

1105 Obituaries

George Matthew Guelph Passed away peacefully at Nanaimo Hospital on November 6, 2011. George is survived by his wife Pat of 56 years, daughter Cheryl (Glenn) Harris and son Gary (Carrie) Guelph, four grandchildren: Jeff, Ross, Erin and Ellen, and one great-grandson Colton. A celebration of his life will be held at Telford’s of Nanaimo at 595 Townsite Road on Saturday, November 19, 2011, at 1:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to your favourite charity. Condolences may be offered at telfordn@shaw.ca Telford’s of Nanaimo 595 Townsite Road, Nanaimo, B.C. 1-250-245-5553

1120 Found

1215 General Employment

FOUND: BICYCLE, near new. Call to ID. Roberts Creek General Store: 604-885-3400. FOUND: BICYCLE; red Supercycle mtn. bike at Flume & Hwy 101. Call w/description 604-989-3127. FOUND: HOODIE, girl’s pink at Dougall Park, Gibsons. Call to ID 604-886-1951.

WORK FROM home. Find out why over 1,285 CanScribe Career College Medical Transcription graduates, aged 18-72, can’t be wrong. Free information. 1-800-466-1535. www.canscribe.com; admissions@canscribe.com

DORADO BEAUTY Bar is looking for a qualified Hairstylist to join our team. Must have own client base. Commission or chair rental. Please apply within at 316 Gower Point Road, Gibsons. ELECTRICAL APPRENTICES, 2nd & 3rd year wanted in Gibsons. Wage to be negotiated. Experience an asset. Commercial & residential construction. Fax resumes to 1250-830-0444 or email hr@appleelectric.ca No phone calls please. ELECTRICIAN NEEDED immediately! 3rd-4th year or preferably journeyman required for electrical company with lots of work ahead. Driver’s license required. Great wages. To inquire, please call 604-740-8050 and leave detailed message. FILL-IN PEOPLE or families required for walking newspaper routes. Please call Barb for more information: 604-8854869. KMF HOLDINGS Ltd. o/a Tim Horton’s requires Food Counter Attendants. Must be available for full-time/shiftwork (evenings / early mornings / weekends). $10.14 per hour + benefits. No experience or education necessary. Apply at store, 1078 Gibsons Way, Gibsons or call 604-886-0882. LANDSCAPE LABOURERS required to move and spread topsoil and other materials, lay sod, construct walkways, gardens, and other general landscaping duties. A valid B.C. driver’s license and the ability to get to the job site are required. Please apply to P.O. Box 1341, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 or fax to 604-885-9293 or bring in person to Deluxe Landscaping. LITTLE FLOWER Child Care requires part time Early Childhood Educator $17/hr. Mail resume to Box 1602, Sechelt, B.C. V0N 3A0. RECEPTIONIST FOR dental office in Gibsons. Minimum 4 days per week. Looking for oral health care knowledge in background with dependability, energy, honesty essential qualities for the role. dbland@dccnet.com RELIABLE, HARDWORKING persons wanted to clean houses full or part-time. Competitive wages. Email resume to allclean@telus.net or drop off at Gibsons Cinema. ROOFERS WANTED. Steady employment for quality work. Must be reliable. Call 604740-7554.

1205 Career Opportunities

1205 Career Opportunities

1125 Lost LOST: CAMERA, Canon digital, black, Power Shot model S90, on Art Crawl in Sechelt area. Reward. 604-741-0521.

1205 Career Opportunities 4CATS ARTS Studio, Sechelt. Do you love children and art? Do you want to run your own business? Successful children’s art studio franchise for sale. Call 604-885-2281 or email: sechelt@4cats.com ACCOUNTING AND payroll trainees needed. Large and small firms seeking certified A&P staff now. No experience? Need training? Career training and job placement available. 1-888-424-9417. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY requires Dispatch Manager Central Interior. Must ensure smooth, efficient scheduling of material delivery and perform operational tasks for truck fleet. Candidates will be organized, proactive and work well under stress. Experience in trucking an asset. Forward resumes to: paverswanted@yahoo.ca. GET PAID daily! Now accepting: Simple P/T & F/T online computer related work. No experience is needed. No fees or charges to participate. Start today, www.BCWOC.com JASPER CONSTRUCTORS is hiring HR/Labour Relations Advisors for Vancouver and Kelowna to oversee staff recruitment, deployment, and workforce planning of field labour. Receive full benefits! Please apply online at www.applyfirst.ca/job27830 MEDICAL OFFICE trainees needed! Hospitals and doctors need medical office and medical admin staff. No experience? Need training? Career training & job placement available. 1-888-748-4126.

1210 Career Training

COORDINATOR REQUIRED Sunshine Coast Division of Family Practice, part-time, contract. For details, see: www.charityvillage.com/cvnet/viewlisting.aspx?id=24379


1215 General Employment

STRAIT COFFEE. We are looking for experienced servers. Please email resume to: strait_coffee@sunshine.net or drop off in Wilson Creek.

WORK FROM home. Online Business Systems provides an outstanding opportunity to be your own boss, work from home & succeed. If you have a computer, a telephone and a willingness to work, we will help you succeed. For more information, call Dan at Online Business Systems toll free 1866-506-6315 or visit my webpage at:

WANTED: BOOM truck operator. Cranesafe and Class 5 with air required. Mandatory drug and alcohol testing. 604741-8828.

Coast Reporter




1215 General Employment

TORRO STUCCO (Halfmoon Bay) seeking F/T European style plasterer. Min. 3 years of exp. 24 hour-email resume: torrostucco@gmail.com



YARD PERSON required, fulltime. Apply in person to Gibsons Building Supplies, 5575 Wharf Rd., Sechelt.

Preschool / Childcare Centre Manager ROBERTS CREEK CHILD CARE SOCIETY is seeking a part-time Administrator / Manager · Ensure the highest quality care, safety, learning and support for the children and families involved · Oversee day to day operations · Ensure positive communication with families · Support staff and volunteers · Maintain excellent accounting and files · Co-ordinate special events · Manage fundraising, subsidies and grants · Liaise with a volunteer Board of Directors Creativity, initiative and strong ethics are essential. Applicants should have knowledge or experience in a childcare setting, and in team and program management. See full details on Craigslist: http://sunshine.en.craigslist.ca/npo/2692507888.html Submit resumés and hand written cover letter to: rcccs.hiring@gmail.com or Hiring, P.O. Box 71, Roberts Creek, BC VON 2W0

Contract Opportunity


The Sechelt Indian Band Housing Authority is seeking the services of an independent Building Consultant to provide expert advice on housing construcƟon and development. This advice will guide decision making and planning related to all aspects of housing and other building construcƟon, renovaƟon, inspecƟon and general housing development maƩers. The Consultant works as an independent contractor with work scheduled as required. ResponsibiliƟes: • Conduct inspecƟons and prepare reports related to specs for renovaƟons and repairs, work-in-progress, and preventaƟve maintenance • Assist with development of long-term housing plan for maintenance and construcƟon • Assist with reviewing contractor bids • Meet with Housing Trustees regularly QualiĮcaƟons and Experience: • Background in construcƟon industry with experience in all key areas outlined above • Knowledge of applicable building codes • Knowledge of all building trades suĸcient to provide advice on all aspects of buildings • Strong budgeƟng, esƟmaƟng, project management, and report wriƟng skills • Excellent verbal and wriƩen communicaƟon skills • Strong skills in team work and developing partnerships We invite all qualiĮed consultants to send your cover leƩer and an outline of your relevant qualiĮcaƟons and experience by November 18, 2011 to: Lynne Quinn, Housing Director Sechelt Indian Band PO Box 740, 5555 Sunshine Coast Hwy Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 lquinn@secheltnaƟon.net Phone: 604-885-2273 • Fax: 604-885-3490 Please visit www.secheltnaƟon.com Human Resources Contract OpportuniƟes for a full outline of this opportunity, or contact Lynne Quinn for more informaƟon at the number above.

1215 General Employment

1215 General Employment

The Sechelt Public Library requires a

YOUTH INTERN to supervise the Library’s public Internet computers and to provide Internet and computer training to the public. Qualifications: • Outgoing, enthusiastic and patient • Enjoys working with people • Extensive knowledge of computers and software programs • Must be between the ages of 15 and 30 and be eligible to work in Canada • Must have completed high school AND have completed at least one post-secondary course • Previous experience with Internet training an asset • Experience in website development an asset This is a term position, 35 hours per week, from January 3, 2012 to March 27, 2012. Rate of pay is $15 per hour. A job description is available at the Sechelt Public Library. Please submit resume with covering letter by 4:00 p.m. on December 3, 2011 to the Sechelt Public Library 5797 Cowrie St., Box 2104 Sechelt BC, V0N 3A0.

Thank you for your interest, but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. The Youth Intern position is sponsored by the Community Access Program, Industry Canada.

Chief ExecuƟve Oĸcer Tsain-ko Group of Companies The Tsain-ko Group of Companies is looking for a highly-moƟvated Chief ExecuƟve Oĸcer to be responsible for the Sechelt First NaƟon corporate enƟƟes. The Chief ExecuƟve Oĸcer will also idenƟfy and foster new business development opportuniƟes. The CEO will oversee the due diligence, Įnancing, implementaƟon, operaƟons and growth of new and exisƟng business operaƟons. The successful candidate will provide leadership to the companies, posiƟoning them at the forefront of their respecƟve industries; develop strategic plans that will advance the mission and objecƟves of each company; promote maximized revenue, proĮtability and growth; and oversee the operaƟons of each company to ensure producƟon eĸciency, quality, service and cost-eīecƟve management of resources. The CEO will report to the Tsain-ko Board, and will support Board operaƟons and administraƟon. Your QualiĮcaƟons Ideally, you will have a combinaƟon of a degree in Business AdministraƟon, Finance or AccounƟng and ten years of experience in a leadership role for a small to medium organizaƟon. This will be coupled with experience in strategic planning and project implementaƟon, knowledge of contracƟng, negoƟaƟng and change management, formulaƟng policy, and implemenƟng new strategies and procedures. Your ability to communicate and interact eīecƟvely with oĸcials at various levels, and to work with a wide range of organizaƟons, moƟvate teams, simultaneously manage several projects/ businesses, and to develop Įnancial plans and manage resources will round out your skill set. Previous experience in real estate or land development would be beneĮcial. We invite all qualiĮed candidates to send a cover leƩer and resume by November 25, 2011 to: Jessie August, Interim Management Tsain-ko Group of Companies PO Box 557, 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 jaugust@tsain-ko.com Phone: 604-885-3504 • Fax: 604-885-3406

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