Jamile Maeda e Silva
INGLÊS Por falar nisso Aprender uma língua não é apenas o aprendizado de regras grama�cais, sintá�cas e foné�cas: é, sobretudo, conhecer e explorar oralidades, entonações, humor, comportamento. Veja um exemplo: nós, brasileiros, assim como os norte-americanos, achamos comum assobiar quando queremos acompanhar a melodia de uma música ou quando estamos felizes. No Hai�, porém, assobiar é um ato de desrespeito em relação aos mais velhos. Você até poderia aprender francês ou crioulo, as duas línguas mais faladas no Hai�, mas isso não seria suficiente para você conhecer o comportamento da população. Assis�r a filmes, ouvir músicas, podcasts e par�cipar de comunidades de discussão nas redes sociais da língua inglesa podem auxiliá-lo na tarefa de complementar seus estudos linguís�cos com conhecimentos sobre o comportamento de falantes na�vos de inglês. Nas próximas aulas, estudaremos os seguintes temas
A13 A14 A15 A16
Ar�gos definidos e indefinidos ..................................................... 736 Forma -ing ..................................................................................... 740 Gerúndio e infini�vo ..................................................................... 745 Casos possessivos ......................................................................... 750
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Artigos def inidos e indef inidos
Antes de c omeç ar
n Antes de começar
eia o texto a seguir, um compilado de respostas a um post em um site de discussão on-l ine e responda ao que se pergunta em seguida.
n ntrodução n Acompanhantes de substantivos
Initial post: Contrac�ons func�on almost iden�call to the full t o- ord phrase, but are onl appropriate in some places in a sentence. t s one of the eird quir s of this languages e ve. n n n n
j u st-sh ow e r -th ou gh ts replies: his post needs some ind of arning sign. th e ch u b b y ne r d posts: did not see that coming. h u ge al ie n pie replies: ome people sa the nglish language is confusing. o hich sa t s. casispie posts: hat s the ind of linguist m. ( I nte r ne t. R e pr odu ç ã o. )
E xemplo 0 1. t s it is
e have m
E xemplo 0 2 . he forms, represen�ng either has or is, along ith m am , re are , ve have , ll ill , and d had or ould are called cli�cs, and the are a variant of hat are no n as ea forms of ords, hich are pronuncia�ons of ords li e a, have, from, ou, etc. about fi in total ith a reduced vo el. n the discussion of ea and strong forms, there are certain gramma�cal contexts that require strong forms, such as the end of a sentence. E xemplo 0 3.
0 1. 0 2 .
o a small research: h this ind of contrac�on, in the end of a sentence, is not allo ed, but uses such as ou no can t is fine
0 3.
his text, as ou see in the reference, as ta en from a ebsite here people have all inds of discussions and is not definitel academic. id ou no that people discussed language usage in their spare �me and rote as gramma�call correct as possible hat are the di erences of our nternet usage in our spare �me to these people s Ans er in nglish.
0 4.
e formos grama�calmente corretos, há um ar�go, indefinido ou definido, que está faltando no nicial post. ual é esse ar�go, onde ele falta e por quê
esposta pessoal
E xemplo 0 4. ar�go é o indefinido a antes da expressão “ w ar ning sign” , que o pede por não ser específico, por ser qualquer um aviso que seja.
uais contrações são usadas no texto e quais são suas formas extensas
I ntroduç ã o m inglês, não u�lizamos os ar�gos para indicar o gênero das palavras que os acompanham, porém há algumas regras para seus usos que podem lhe ajudar bastante na compreensão de textos. Como já aprendemos esse assunto na coleção passada, faremos uma revisão para que você se lembre dele.
Acompanhantes de substantivos s ar�gos indefinidos, a e an, são aqueles que usamos para acompanhar substan�vos genéricos, não específicos ou de quan�dade única: o a é u�lizado antes de palavras que comecem com sons de consonantais e an, antes de sons vocálicos.
7 36
animal, Earl Grey, ice, omelette, ugly sweater
baseball bat, candid child, Danish muffin, fire alarm, goose bump, hockey game, joint, kangaroo, loving mother, mate, November day, paper towel, quality, rose, safe trip, tragedy, vice president, yard
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
as atenção. m se tratando dos sons das palavras, é importante observar que nem sempre que palavras cuja letra inicial é uma vogal ou uma consoante serão precedidas, respectivamente, por an e a. Veja os exemplos: an
h ou r , h one st candidate , h onou r , h e ir , X -r ay m ach ine
e u r o, E u r ope an, u nicor n, u nion
sso ocorre por causa da pronúncia. “ h ” de h ou r , h one st, h onou r e h e ir é mudo, então, é como se a palavra começasse com vogal. Nas palavras e u r o, E u r ope an, u nicor n e u nion, seu som inicial é de “ y ” e, por sua vez, a palavra x -r ay começa com som de “ e ” . á o ar�go definido th e representa o e a e serve para todas as palavras que representam algo conhecido a falante e interlocutor, independente da letra por que começa.
Animal you adopted; Earl Grey tea I always drink; ice to put in my juice; omelette she ordered; ugly sweater people wear for Christmas; baseball bat my dad gave me; candid child that is your son; Danish muffin they sell; fire alarm which went off; goose bump I feel when I kiss you; hockey game about which my Canadian cousin can’t stop talking; my broken joint; new kangaroo at the rescue center; loving mother my sister is; mate from Australia; November day we met; paper towel I disliked; quality I see in you; rose Matt gave me; safe trip we had; tragedy in Berlin; vice president of Brazil; yard we used to play
Figura 01 - An Earl Grey is a black tea with bergamot. The Earl Grey is something I always drink.
ão situações que admitem ar�go: n n n
Antes de prof issõ es: th e te ach e r , a pr of e ssor , an e ngine e r ; Antes de palavras contáveis e singulares: an apple, a piece of cake, the lady; Antes de nomes de oc eanos, mares, c adeias montanh osas e rios: The Pacific Ocean, the Dead Sea, the Everest, the Nile river.
n n
A13 Ar�gos definidos e indefinidos
ão situações que nã o admitem ar�go: n
ara falar de coisas em geral, não específicas, no plural: smoking is bad for you, diam onds ar e a gir l s’ b e st f r ie nd, r e ading h e l ps y ou e x ce l e x am s ara mencionar lugares especiais precedidos de preposição, como sch ool , u niverstity, prison, home, bed, work, church, hospital: Anna is at home, children must go to school every day, she’s just got back to prison ara mencionar meios de transporte precedidos de preposição: b y b u s, b y car , b y tr ain, on f oot ara indicar lugar geográfico, como continentes, países, cidades, lago, universidades específicas: North America, Belgium, Estonia, Lake Tahoe, Yale University. São exceções a essa regra The United States of America e The United K ingdom . 7 37
In g lê s Q uestã o 0 4. a a the the the the the o a a the a the a the the the - an a the the a the the - a the the a the the o o a a a - a an
Exercícios de Fixação 0 1. Complete as lacunas abaixo com os ar�gos an ou a quando necessário. Caso não seja, escreva . a b c d e 0 2 .
cat li es to give me mice that he places under the bed. his is reall nice umbrella. here a did ou bu it hat envious neighbor an hat mess students adel n has ver long legs, so she s an apt tennis pla er.
uais dos grupos de palavras abaixo levam ou não o ar�go definido screva para ar�go definido e para indicar que a categoria de palavras não é antecedida por ar�go. uildings Capital ci�es Con�nents Famil names usical instruments Ne spapers eople s names lural countries eas rivers canals ingular countries
Gab: - - - - - - - - -
0 3. Corrija os erros em cada período abaixo. a b c d e
he half a through the trip e realized hat mechanic had said. here is an beau�ful vie in north part of ontréal. here ill be rain and a hot eather all the next da . bought amazing lunch at the restaurant around a corner. he pirac is on decrease due to streaming so ares.
0 4. Complete as lacunas do texto abaixo com os ar�gos corretos, se houver.
A13 Ar�gos definidos e indefinidos
Bones discovered on ____ Pacific island belong to Amelia Earhart, ____ new forensic analysis claims
not vanished over acific cean in . A er decades of m ster surrounding her disappearance, her stor might come to close. ne scien�fic stud claims that bones found in on acific island of Ni umaroro belong to arhart, despite forensic anal sis of remains conducted in that lin ed the bones to man. bones, revisited in stud Amelia arhart and Ni umaroro ones b niversit of ennessee professor ichard . antz, ere discarded. For decades the have remained enigma, as some have speculated that arhart died casta a on island a er her plane crashed. bones ere uncovered b ri�sh expedi�on exploring island for se lement a er team came upon human s ull, according to stud . expedi�on s o cer ordered more thorough search of area, hich resulted in discover of several other bones and part of hat appeared to be oman s shoe. ther items found included box made to hold randis Nav urve ing extant that had been manufactured around and bo le of enedic�ne, herbal liqueur. 0 5. ( E nem M E C ) G F is used as a noun as in here are some great bogofs on at the supermar et or an adjec�ve, usuall ith a ord such as o er or deal there are some great bogof o ers in store . hen ou combine the first le ers of the ords in a phrase or the name of an organisa�on, ou have an acron m. Acron ms are spo en as a ord so NA North Atlan�c reat rganisa�on is not pronounced N-A- - . e sa NA . ogof, hen said out loud, is quite comical for a na�ve spea er, as it sounds li e an insult, og o meaning go a a , leave me alone, slightl childish and a li le old-fashioned. G F is the best- no n of the supermar et mar e�ng strategies. he concept as first imported from the A during the s recession, hen food prices ere ver high. t came bac into fashion in the late s, led b big supermar et chains tr ing to gain a compe��ve advantage over each other. Consumers ere a racted b the idea that the could get something for nothing. ho could possibl sa no Disponível em: www.bbc.co.uk. Acesso em: 2 ago. 2012 (adaptado).
Amelia arhart s stor is revolu�onar : he as first oman to alone across Atlan�c cean, and might have been first to around orld had her plane
7 38
Q uestã o 0 3. a Half a through the trip e realized hat the mechanic had said. b here is a beau�ful vie in the north part of ontréal. c here ill be rain and hot eather all next da . d bought an amazing lunch at the restaurant around the corner. e irac is on decrease due to streaming so ares.
Considerando-se as informações do texto, a expressão bogof é usada para a anunciar mercadorias em promoção. b pedir para uma pessoa se re�rar. c comprar produtos fora de moda. d indicar recessão na economia. e chamar alguém em voz alta.
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
Exercícios C om p l em en t ares 0 1. (FCM PB) I n an era of FaceTime and Skype, patients ar e starting to e x pe ct more convenient access to doctor s. Assign the correct gramma�cal classes underlined ords based on the order that the appear in the sentence above. a Ar�cle, adverb, noun, adjec�ve, noun. b ronoun, conjunc�on, noun, verb, preposi�on. c Ar�cle, noun, noun, conjunc�on, preposi�on. d ronoun, conjunc�on, noun, verb, numeral. e Ar�cle, noun, verb, verb, preposi�on. 0 2 . ( U F E S ) ecide hich gap s belo need s to be completed ith a ord and hich one s must be le blan . For those requiring a ord, rite it in the gap. For those requiring nothing, mar a cross . . esearchers failed to understand the nature of the problem, he argued. . As m friend from school said, life is hat happens to ou hile ou re bus ma ing other plans. . razilians are often regarded as friendl and free-spirited, ith an incredible zest for life. . hat has been the longest ar-free period in Histor . t is no ell- no n that exercising and sleep are supposed to be ver good for our health. 0 3. ( E nem M E C )
c �pos de desastres naturais possíveis de acontecer. d informações sobre acidentes ocorridos em Connec�cut. e medidas de emergência a serem tomadas em catástrofes. 0 4. ( E nem M E C ) Ebony and ivory bon and ivor live together in perfect harmon ide b side on m piano e board, oh ord, h don t e e all no that people are the same herever e go here is good and bad in ev r one, e learn to live, e learn to give ach other hat e need to survive together alive McCARTNEY, P. Disponível em: www.paulmccartney.com. Acesso em: 30 maio 2016.
m diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm u�lizado seu espaço de produção musical para expressar e problema�zar perspec�vas de mundo. aul cCartne , na letra dessa canção, defende a o aprendizado compar�lhado. b a necessidade de dona�vos. c as manifestações culturais. d o bem em relação ao mal. e o respeito étnico. 0 5. ( E nem M E C )
Disponível em: www.ct.gov. Acesso em: 30 jul. 2012 (adaptado).
rientações população são encontradas também em sites oficiais. Ao clicar no endereço eletr nico mencionado no cartaz disponível na internet, o leitor tem acesso aos s a ações do governo local referentes a calamidades. b relatos de sobreviventes em tragédias marcantes.
A campanha desse p ster, direcionada aos croatas, tem como propósito a alertar os cidadãos sobre a lei em vigor contra a discriminação. b conscien�zar sobre as consequências do preconceito na sociedade. c reduzir os prejuízos causados por motoristas alcoolizadas. d fazer uma crí�ca falta de habilidade das mulheres ao volante. e evitar os acidentes de tr nsito envolvendo mulheres.
7 39
A13 Ar�gos definidos e indefinidos
Disponível em: http://bruketa-zinic.com. Acesso em: 3 ago. 2012.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n F orma - ing n Antes de começar n ntrodução n
FORMA -ING Antes de c omeç ar eia o texto a seguir, que dá quatro conselhos sobre como aumentar as chances de ingresso nas universidades mais bem cotadas nos stados nidos. How to Get Into an Ivy League School: Advice from a Harvard Graduate he eight v eague schools Harvard, ale, rinceton, Columbia, enn, ro n, artmouth, and Cornell are full of intrigue for students and parents ever here. Along ith them, d also group in tanford, , Chicago and a handful of other highl selec�ve colleges and universi�es. Although the re not technicall in the v eague, the same admission standards appl , and their acceptance rates are just as lo , if not lo er. hese schools are o en seen as the gate eepers of that elusive educa�onal golden �c et, and if ou re li e thousands of high school students all over the orld, ou ant to no ho to get in. isclaimer: here is no secret formula to gaining admission to an of these schools. ut understanding hat the re loo ing for in student applicants ma help dem s�f the applica�on process and guide ou in the right direc�on. v league ins�tu�ons and other top colleges and universi�es are loo ing to fill their campuses ith impac ul individuals. An �me an one associated ith a school does something remar able, it re ects ell bac on the school. he more remar able acts a school can associate itself ith, the more impressive that school appears. For man schools, recrui�ng a d namic freshman class is integral to sustaining this process. o maximize poten�al output and reduce poten�al ris , top colleges invest in students ith proven records of excellence. t is up to the prospec�ve student to demonstrate such merit hen appl ing to an of these ins�tu�ons of higher learning. 1. B e B rilliant. xcep�onal grades in rigorous courses and excellent standardized test scores are predictors of academic poten�al. he majorit of v eague students are stellar in this regard. he colleges ant to ma e sure that students ho are accepted can handle the academic or load, and past achievement is the best a to assess future success. 2 . B e E ngaged. v eague schools ant students ho have sho n in-depth passion in an ac�vit , ideall over a number of ears, because it represents genuine commitment and o ers insight into hat the student ma pursue on their campuses. And even if a student changes his or her mind, the school no s that the student has that capacit to go deep in a certain field and ma appl that dedica�on to another area. High schools students have founded nonprofits, ri en code and developed apps, published mul�ple or s of fic�on nonfic�on, and bro en na�onal athle�c records to name a fe to get here the are toda . suall , these students are excep�onal because the love hat the do. t is impera�ve that ou find hat ou love and pursue it as deepl as possible.
7 40
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
3. Be Authentic. tudents ho are unashamedl themselves ill almost al a s stand out in a cro d. eople are dra n to reliabilit and trust orthiness, and colleges are no di erent in this regard. t can be di cult to express our true self amid all of societ s pressures, but those ho do ill find it a re arding experience. Authen�cit is infec�ous, and colleges appreciate students ho bring this qualit to the table hile remaining intelligent and though ul. 4. Be Lucky. Collec�vel , the v eague averages an admit rate of under . For ever students ho appl , are rejected. At a fe of these schools, the rate of admission is as lo as - . men�on this to drive home the point that there is a measure of luc involved, but appl ing to the v eague is not a free-for-all shot in the dar . ome applicants ill have greater luc than others, and the factors involved are usuall out of our control. Are ou an v legac student Are ou a recruited athlete o ou a end an elite preparator school f so, our luc just ent up. Addi�onall , each school has earl ins�tu�onal needs geographic diversit , lac of students in a par�cular major, special talents, etc. based on the composi�on of the undergraduate class, and if ou happen to meet one of those needs, ou could be in luc . hen considering appl ing to an one of these schools, ou should conduct extensive research to determine hich schools best match ou and hat ou re loo ing for in a college or universit . ho -toago.
0 2 .
ara os alunos brasileiros, é mais di cil entrar em uma universidade da v eague por diversos mo�vos, porém é possível aprender com os conselhos escritos no texto. ensando no processo sele�vo das universidades brasileiras, ves�bulares e nem, que conselhos são mais diretamente ligados a esses or quê xiste algum processo similar de ingresso, mais extenso que apenas um ves�bular, daquele descrito no texto ê exemplos.
0 3.
abendo que, para entrar em uma v eague, é preciso fazer um processo similar ao ves�bular, escrever cartas de mo�vação, entregar histórico escolar impecável, ser entrevistado, entre outros, qual dos dois processos você acha mais interessante or quê esponda em inglês.
0 4.
abendo que o nome desta aula é Forma -ing , use seus conhecimentos para inferir a que classe grama�cal pertence a palavra recruiting no período a seguir, re�rado do texto: “ F or m any sch ool s, recruiting a dynamic freshman class is integral to sustaining this process.”
E xemplo 0 1. único que não se relaciona diretamente é ser engajado , pois não se verifica a qualidade do histórico escolar do aluno para o ingresso em graduação nas universidades brasileiras. E xemplo 0 2 . ngresso em estrado, outorado no rasil, assim como concursos públicos para professores em universidades e outros. E xemplo 0 3.
esposta pessoal
E xemplo 0 4. ubstan�vo
A14 F o r m a -ing
on G. n: Elite Educational Institute. isponível em: h ps: .eliteprep.com blog -get-into-an-iv -league-school . Acesso em:
7 41
In g lê s
I ntroduç ã o A forma -ing ao final de verbos, em inglês, é uma das primeiras a serem aprendidas e memorizadas por alunos. uas regras de construção são basicamente simples e sua grande presença em textos da língua inglesa facilita um rápido reconhecimento. ssa forma pode indicar o gerúndio em tempos con nuos, como o present continuous, mas também pode indicar outras classes grama�cais, a depender de sua posição na sentença.
U sos Na coleção anterior, você aprendeu a construir palavras a forma -ing, então, passaremos direto aos usos. A palavra terminada em -ing pode ter sua classe grama�cal alterada para substan�vo ou adje�vo: n Figura 01 - Ana likes listening to music.
Como substantivo, geralmente, incontável: Ana likes listening to music; Listening to music makes Ana focus more; Ana focus more by listening to music; Como adjetivo: Our problem was the boring lecture; People’s main worry was th e r ising gas pr ice .
possível também que o substantivo ou adjetivo terminado em -ing adquira funções sintá�cas diferentes, as mesmas que um verbo adquire: n n n n n n
Como objeto: I love baking; How do you think living on Mars would be like? Como adjunto adverbial: You can earn a lot of money by being a public servant in Brazil; There is several people waiting for the late plane. Como oração subordinada: Molly heard her teacher saying that. Como sujeito: Living is hard. Como objeto de verbos, como admit, (dis)like, hate, start, avoid, suggest, enjoy, begin, finish: I finished writing my essay yesterday. Como objeto de uma preposição: You can help me by leaving me alone;
Figura 02 - I suggest eating healthy or else you’ll keep having migraines.
Como posições possíveis, o adje�vo terminado em -ing pode vir: n n
A14 F o r m a -ing
Antes de um substantivo: There was an amusing man at the fair; The disappointing tr u th is th e r e ar e no h idde n se cr e ts h e r e . epois de um substantivo: Who is that girl lying over there?; The boy eating all the cake is my little brother. Com verbos de sentido, como se e , w atch , sm e l l , h e ar etc.: I sm e l l b u r ning ch e e se .
Observação s adje�vos mais comuns que antecedem substan�vos são amusing, interesting, worrying, shocking, disappointing, boring, surprising, exciting, terrifying, frightening, tiring e annoying. 7 42
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s Q 0 1. He made a rather surprising remar . ve had a ver �ring da . just sa a bo stealing a radio. ai�ng for buses is not much fun. hat oman reading the paper is m boss.
Q 0 2 . he can predict the future b reading our palm. e loo for ard to mee�ng him tomorro . eing responsible for people is not eas . love atching m son pla football. t as a terrif ing experience.
Exercícios de Fixação 0 1. (British Council) eorder the ords to ma e correct sentences. a remar . made a rather surprising He b �ring ver ve a had da . c stealing a bo sa a radio. just d is ai�ng fun. buses for not much e hat paper the reading oman is m boss. 0 2 . (British Council) Corrija os erros em cada frase abaixo. a he can predic�ng the future b reading our palm. b e loo for ard to meet him tomorro . c s responsible for people is not eas . d love atching m son pla ing football. e t as an experience terrif ing. ê exemplos de três frases: a com um substan�vo terminado em -ing na posição de sujeito b com um adje�vo terminado em -ing antecente de substan�vo e c com um substan�vo terminado em -ing que seja objeto de uma preposição.
disintegra�ng disfiguring a b c d e
oversimplif ing disconnec�ng
disintegra�ng he plane appears to be in mid-air. disfiguring he opera�on ill leave no mar s. he government is intent on industrializing the countr . he ill be disconnec�ng the electricit in the morning. thin ou are this problem. oversimplif ing
0 5. ( M ac millan) e rite each sentence so that it contains a ord ending in -ing formed from the ord given in capitals. a here as a ver strong smell coming from the lab. b h dear, e don t seem to have understood each other. N AN c as reall frightened b that horror film. d he root cause of the problem is an economic one. e uilding the h dro-electric dam is of supreme importance.
esposta pessoal.
Exercícios C om p l em en t ares Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada he official Canadian polic of multiculturalism has been updated t ice since its introduction in . t as originall created as a polic based on the logic of ethnicit , modified to deal ith racism and amended to include freedom of religion. n the Canadian ulticulturalism Act as passed. Canada is considered a na�on of immigrants such that cultural diversit is o en presented as the essence of na�onal iden�t . Ho ever, it is di cult to nego�ate social and poli�cal polic hen tr ing to spea for such a varied populace. o ver real challenges that Canada faces in regard to mul�culturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic posi�on of immigrants. An example of clash of cultures is the one bet een nglish and French-Canada. he province of uebec has al a s asserted a dis�nct iden�t and an inclina�on to ards separa�sm from the rest of the countr . n , there as a referendum in the province of uebec concerning separa�on in hich of the vo�ng popula�on voted es and voted no . he clash bet een French and nglish-Canada is primaril a cultural clash ith uebec concerned ith preserving its o n histor , language and
values fearing these things are apt to become lost ithin nglish-Canada. ince the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada s na�onal administra�on has increased their e orts to accommodate uebec iden�t ithin a Canadian iden�t . Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. iversit is supported b governmental polic but Canada is still a societ here racist interactions and poor-bashing are severel detrimental to minorities especiall recent arrivals . here are man barriers to equal integration, especiall in education, housing and emplo ment. For example, in the or force it is ver difficult to get a job hen the potential emplo er feels ou are not spea ing proper nglish or ou do not have an Canadian or experience on our resumé. his often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum age positions ith little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. hese sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, povert and unsafe environments here a ne immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse. Source: Adapted from http://globalcitizens.pbworks.com/w/page/9036226/ Challenges%20Concerning%20Multiculturalism%20in%20Canada. Q 0 5. here as an overpo ering smell coming from the lab. h dear, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. found that horror film terrif ing. he underl ing cause of the problem is economic. uilding the h dro-electric dam is of over-riding importance.
7 43
A14 F o r m a -ing
0 3.
0 4. ( M ac millan)
In g lê s
0 1. (Unioeste PR) ar the C C alterna�ve. a n he o cial Canadian polic of mul�culturalism has been updated t ice , the verb form indicates something that started in the past and con�nues in the present. b Comparing the use of verbs in he province of uebec has al a s asserted a dis�nct iden�t and ince the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit , e can sa that the both tal about something that happened at an unspecified �me in the past. c he a xes in the ords ethnicit , isola�on , unsafe and harassment change verbs to nouns. d n the fragments hen tr ing to spea , there as a referendum concerning separa�on , educa�on, housing and emplo ment and concerned ith preserving its o n histor , the su x -ing indicates gerund in all the cases. e n concerning separa�on and concerned ith preserving , the underlined ords have di erent grammar func�ons and mean about and interested in , respec�vel .
. he pronoun it
S tress
A14 F o r m a -ing
tress is our bod s response to the demands placed upon it. A li le stress is a good thing, but too much can have devasta�ng consequences for our health and rela�onships. ver one needs a certain amount of stress to live ell. t s hat gets ou out of bed in the morning and gives ou the vitalit to do all sorts of things. tress becomes a problem hen there s too much or too li le. A lac of stress means our 1 1 bod is unders�mulated, leaving ou feeling 1 2 bored and isolated. n an e ort to find s�mula�on, man people do things that are harmful to themselves such as ta ing drugs or societ for 1 5 instance, commi ng a crime . 1 6 Ho ever, too much stress, can result in a 1 7 range of health problems including headaches, stomach upsets, high blood pressure and even stro e or heart disease. t can also cause feelings of distrust, anger, anxiet and fear. 2 1 eople o en feel over-stressed as a result of 2 2 some event. his doesn t have to be nega�ve 2 3 such as the death of a loved one, redundanc or 2 4 divorce it can also be seemingl posi�ve a ne partner, ne job or going on holida . 2 6 Among the bad stressbusters, it is possible to 2 7 men�on drin ing alcohol, den ing the problem, ta ing drugs, overea�ng and smo ing cigare es. n the other hand, the good techniques to avoid stress are ta ing a nap ge ng a massage 31 expressing ourself ar�s�call having a laugh 32 being gentle to ourself and ma ing use of medita�on and relaxa�on techniques. (Texto adaptado, disponível em <http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ emotional_health/mental_health/mind_stress.shtml>. Acesso em 28/3/2012)
Choose the alterna�ve s in hich the informa�on about the ords extracted from text is c orrec t. 7 44
refers to stress
. he adjec�ves bored
and harmful
used in a nega�ve context. . he prefixes under , in understimulated and over , in over-stressed
, express opposite
meanings. . he
ord result in ... can result in a range of health
problems ... lines. event.
and ... as a result of some
is used in the first extract as a verb
and in the second as a noun. . he –ing form in feelings and den ing line
, seemingl
is added to the noun to express the
ac�on or process of doing something. 0 3. (UEM PR) Roles reversed as men dominate Britain’s ‘Online High Street’ 1
0 2 . (UEM PR)
he stereot pe of the female shopaholic could soon be an
image of the past, as ne research sho s that ritain s online high street is increasingl dominated b men. 5
he latest findings indicate that over
online toda compared
. million men shop
. million
omen, and almost
t ice as man men than omen are joining the arm of online shoppers each ear. en are also spending more online than omen. ver the last
six months, men spent online the average of to
en significantl outspent
compared omen on
travel, financial services and major purchases such as fridge 15
freezers and ashing machines. n fact, men spent more than omen in ever online categor except groceries and clothing. en ere quic er to turn to the nternet at the beginning of the economic do nturn, loo ing to 2 0 save mone b shopping around, and to research products in more depth before bu ing them. (Adaptação do texto disponível em <http:www.theretailbulletin.com>. Acesso em 13/08/2009).
Assinale a s alterna�va s c orreta( s) considerando o que se afirma a respeito dos vocábulos extraídos do texto. . increasingl . arm
é o mesmo que to a certain extent .
é u�lizado em the arm of online shoppers ref.
para indicar um grande número de pessoas envolvidas em uma determinada a�vidade. .
ver the last six months pergunta Ho
long have
poderia responder
omen ta en to join online
shopping . . in more depth ref.
poderia ser subs�tuído por more
economicall , sem alteração de significado. . A forma -ing foi empregada em b shopping around ref.
e before bu ing ref.
usados após preposições.
porque os verbos foram
Antes de c omeç ar
n Gerúndio e infinitivo
eia a imagem a seguir, que mostra um post na plataforma on-l ine nstagram, do ar�sta de rua brit nico an s , em que se vê uma conversa entre um fã e ele e responda ao que se pede.
n Antes de começar n ntrodução n
bjetos de verbos
e�rado de @banksy, in: Instagram. isponível em: h ps: instagram.com p mg v . Acesso em: ago.
7 45
In g lê s
E xemplo 0 1.
esumo da conversa em português.
E xemplo 0 2 . he fan suggests an s to post a screengrab of the conversa�on as a manifest, hich he does, despite finding it funn . E xemplo 0 3. means laughing out loud. an s as ed hat is the opposite of laughing, but instead received the ans er that is actuall a palindrome. E xemplo 0 4.
esposta pessoal.
escreva sobre o que a conversa se dá em um breve parágrafo.
0 2 . A que se deve o humor na imagem do post 0 3. 0 4.
hat does
esponda em inglês.
id the fan ans er seriousl to an s s ques�on
hat is the opposite of
hat is our opinion on street art hould it be free for use and therefore it is fair that a museum should exhibit it and pa for its entrance
I ntroduç ã o Você já sabe que o gerúndio, em inglês, é formado pelo radical de um verbo terminado em -ing, e serve para expressar um tempo con nuo, progressivo. infini�vo, por sua vez, é expresso pelo próprio verbo, sem mudança em sua estrutura. Ambas essas formas podem se emprestadas como objeto de um verbo, como vimos na aula anterior com o -ing. que aprenderemos hoje são alguns exemplos de quando usar uma ououtra forma para se tornar o objeto de determinados verbos em inglês.
Objetos de verbos T erminados em -ing Como apresentado na aula anterior, há alguns verbos que serão seguidos por outros em sua forma -ing, como os apresentados a seguir.
Figura 01 - “Can’t Help Falling In Love” is a f am ou s song b y th e A m e r ican singer Elvis Presley
V erb os princ ipais c om ob j eto terminado em -ing
E xemplos
adm it
I admit to having eaten all the cake.
She should avoid talking to that guy.
can’ t h e l p
“I can’t help falling in love with you”
conside r
Rick might consider going to the party if you do.
Cats usually dislike dealing with water.
A15 Gerúndio e infini�vo
e nj oy
7 46
I ’m
e nj oy ing b e ing w ith y ou .
feel like
I feel like throwing up.
No one finished reading the book by the time of th e cl ass.
give up
Don’t give up trying!
h ate
I hate being interrupted when I’m speaking.
Diana practices meditating every day.
su gge st
May I suggest trying the Streak and fries?
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
Terminados em infinitivo or sua vez, alguns verbos pedem objetos terminados em infini�vo, veja: Verbos principais com objeto no infinitivo
E xemplos
Only a few people can afford to live in Beverly Hills.
agr e e
I agree to talk if you apologize.
Did you just ask me to shut up?
ch oose
Everybody chose to go to the party.
de cide
Lina decided to stop smoking.
e x pe ct
I wasn’t expecting to feel this way.
h ope
Leia hopes to save the Galaxy.
l e ar n
He learnt to play the piano by himself.
She offered to buy the tickets.
pr e par e
My mom prepared herself to cook when my dad arrived with pizza.
pr om ise
Promise me to stop lying.
pr e te nd
D on’ t pr e te nd to no l iste n.
r e f u se
I r e f u se to e at m e at.
w ant
I want to learn to speak German.
would like
Would you like to stop talking?
T erminados em amb os Alguns poucos verbos pedem um objeto que pode ser terminado em -ing ou pode estar em sua forma no infini�vo, sem mudança de significado. ão exemplos star t, b e gin e continue: you may start / begin / continue doing your exam ou you may start / begin / continue to do your exam. utros aceitam objetos tanto no infini�vo quanto terminados em -ing, porém com mudança no significado da sentença. L ik e Com objeto terminado em -ing, like tem o sen�do de e nj oy , aproveitar , como em I like eating pizza. Com objeto no infini�vo, tem o sen�do de não necessariamente gostar, mas saber que é o certo a se fazer, como em I like to do the dishes as soon as I finish eating.
Remember/ forget verbo terminado em -ing faz que aquilo que é lembrado ou esquecido esteja no passado: I remember/ forget talking to you as a kid. or sua vez, o objeto no infini�vo informa algo a ser feito, como um dever: Remember to / Don’t forget to b u y gr oce r ie s b e f or e com ing h om e .
S top S top com objeto terminado em -ing indica algo que já foi parado: I stoppe d b u y ing l e ath e r . Com objeto no infini�vo, indica o mo�vo de algo ter sido parado, como em th e r ide stoppe d b e cau se a ch il d w as f e e l ing scar e d.
Try or fim, try com objeto em -ing indica uma experimentação que pode ou não funcionar: I tried using an avocado instead of butter to bake the cake and, guess what? It worked. á com o objeto no infini�vo, a estrutura indica que algo é di cil de ser feito: My boyfriend is trying to quit smoking.
Figura 02 - Princess Leia hopes to save the Galaxy.
A15 Gerúndio e infini�vo
7 47
In g lê s
Exercícios de Fixação 0 1. ulgue a afirmação a seguir: Na sentença I stopped falling only to continue stumbling everywhere, é possível subs�tuir os dois objetos para sua forma no infini�vo sem prejuízo grama�cal. 0 2 . Assinale a opção que completa corretamente as lacunas. n order to at the job, ever la possible. a start or ing - tried memorizing b star�ng to or - tried memorizing c or ing - tried to memorizing d star�ng or ing - tried to memorizing e started or ing - tried to memorize 0 3.
ublinhe a forma verbal infini�vo ou gerúndio grama�calmente correta para cada caso. a hi ing b to no
a b
c to catch d bu ing e
or ing.
arah tries to go to hi e hi ing ever ee end. d li e no ing to no more about our poli�cal vie , please. c hat bo hopes catching to catch fire ies b sta ing s�ll. d didn t give up bu ing to bu printed boo s. e ou ve been re�red for a ear no , do ou miss or ing to or at all
0 4. (British Council) Complete the sentences using the infini�ve or -ing form of one of these verbs: give fall help pa smo e steal atch. e careful there are t o extra verbs. o help a he promised me do m home or . atching b don t feel li e a film tonight. hall e go for a meal instead mo ing c He s giving up at the moment so he s a bit bad-tempered. Giving d other suggested them both their presents at the same �me. e ven though he bro e the indo he refused o pa for the damage. 0 5.
screva, na lacuna de cada sentença, a forma correta do objeto, dado entre parênteses. a b
li e going to the mall ever other ee . go h didn t ou remember bu ing me a present this ear bu to fill m tan before arriving here. fill c had to stop d r not to drin hile ea�ng, it s bad for ou. drin smo ing . smo e e feel stronger since stopped
Exercícios C om p l em en t ares
0 1. (Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública) Findings from tress in America : Are eens Adop�ng Adults tress Habits suggest that unhealth behaviors associated ith stress ma begin manifes�ng earl in people s lives. eens report that their stress level during the school ear far exceeds hat the believe to be health and tops adults average reported stress levels. ven during the summer bet een Aug. and Aug. , , hen intervie ing too place teens reported their stress during the past month at levels higher than hat the believe is health . an teens also report feeling over helmed percent and depressed or sad percent as a result of stress. ore than one-third of teens report fa�gue or feeling �red and nearl one-quarter of teens report s ipping a meal due to stress. espite the impact that stress appears to have on their lives, teens are more li el than adults to report that their stress level has a slight or no impact on their bod or ph sical health of teens or their mental health.
A15 Gerúndio e infini�vo
close arm can nd a a�on
Disponível em: <www.apa.org/news/press/releases/>. Acesso em: 10 out. 2016. Adaptado.
e acordo com a pesquisa F indings f r om S tr e ss in A m e r ica” , o nível de estresse dos adolescentes entrevistados
7 48
a é maior do que a média do estresse reportado por adultos. b está dentro dos limites do que eles consideram saudável. c tem um impacto relevante na qualidade de sua saúde sica e mental. d contribui para a redução de produ�vidade na escola e a�vidades espor�vas. e resulta em sérios transtornos depressivos que interferem em suas a�vidades co�dianas. 0 2 . ( U desc S C ) C atc h ing a C old an people catch a cold in the spring�me and or fall. t ma es us onder... if scientists 2 c an send a man to th e moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold. he 3 ans er is eas . here are literall hundreds of inds cold viruses out there. ou never 4 no hich one ou ill get, so there isn t a cure for each one. 5 hen a virus a ac s our bod , our bod or s hard to get rid of it. lood rushes to 6 our nose and brings conges�on ith it. ou feel terrible because ou can t breathe ell, 7 but our bod is actuall ea�ng the virus. our temperature rises and ou get a fever, but the heat of our bod is illing
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
Available at: www.5minuteenglish.com (accessed on August 26 th, 2015)
he text sa s that: he use of di erent remedies to relieve cold s mptoms is done b some people. b i erent people from di erent countries share home remedies to feel be er. c eople use all inds of remedies to stop u s mptoms hen in di erent countries. d here might not be a relief for cold s mptoms but people tr home remedies as the get orst. e cien�sts ma find a cure for u viruses despite several a empts. a
0 3. (Unirv GO) A grammar of a language aims to present in a precise and explicit form just those facts about the language that its spea ers no intui�vel . t a empts to account for the na�ve spea er s abilit to understand an sentence of his language and to produce sentences, appropriate to the occasion, that are immediatel comprehensible to other spea ers although the ma never have been spo en or ri en before. n fact, in the normal ever da use of language, one is constantl dealing ith sentences that are quite ne , both as a spea er or riter and a hearer or reader . For example, the sentences of this paragraph ill be ne to most readers, as ill most of the sentences in toda s ne spapers or tomorro s conserva�ons. From this observa�on e can conclude that the spea erhearer s no ledge of his language must be represented as a s stem of rules, and that his linguis�c competence lies precisel in his abilit to arrange these rules in ne and previousl untried combina�ons in forming and interpre�ng sentences. hese rules, in their various arrangements, specif the structure of each sentence of the language intui�ve master of them is hat cons�tutes no ledge of a language. A grammar presents this s stem of rules. b
Noam Chomsky in the preface of English Syntax, aul oberts, Harcourt, race orld, nc., N , , page .
Nesta questão, sugestões são apontadas. arque V para as verdadeiras e F para as falsas. A er having prac�sed for a long �me, om decided to par�cipate in his club s tennis tournament. ent to see him pla but arrive late, and he told me he had lost the match. tried to encourage him b sa ing. V-F-F-F a ou l ma e it next �me . b h don t ou tr su imming . c h don t ou give up pla ing tennis . d la ing that a , ou could never in . 0 4. ( U nemat M T ) ANOTHER TWO BRAZIL DAMS ‘AT RISK OF COLLAPSING’ razilian mining compan amarco sa s t o dams it uses to hold aste from iron produc�on are damaged and at ris of collapsing ne of the compan s reservoir burst earlier this month, ooding dozens of homes in the southeastern state of inas Gerais. leven people ere illed and are missing presumed dead. mergenc or to tr to avoid another breach ill begin immediatel and ill last up to da s, the compan said. he compan ini�all said that t o of its dams Fundao e Germano had burst on November. ut it has no clarified that onl the Fundao reservoir collapsed. Germano and another nearb dam, antarem, are s�ll standing but are at ris , said amarco s nfrastructure irector leber erra. First instalment amarco is o ned b mining giants Vale, from razil, and Anglo-Australian compan H illiton. t agreed on onda to pa the razilian government bn reais compensa�on. he mone ill be used to cover the ini�al clean-up and to o er some compensa�on to the vic�ms and their families. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-34851895. Acesso em 25 nov. 2015.
Assinale a alterna�va que corresponde s informações con�das no texto. a A companhia de mineração amarco iniciou um trabalho emergencial, com duração de dias, para tentar minimizar os prejuízos causados pelo rompimento da barragem ocorrido em de novembro de , em ariana, G. b e acordo com o texto, as barragens Fundão e Germano se romperam no dia de novembro, causando, até a data da publicação dessa no cia, a morte de pessoas e o desaparecimento de . c A companhia amarco anunciou que além do rompimento das barragens Fundão e antarém, no dia de novembro de , mais uma barragem corre o risco de se romper. d egundo o diretor de infraestrutura da amarco, leber erra, o rompimento das barragens Germano e antarém será inves�gado com rigor pela companhia. e A princípio, a companhia amarco concordou em pagar bilhão de reais, dinheiro que, segundo o texto, será usado para cobrir os prejuízos causados no local e para auxiliar financeiramente s ví�mas e suas famílias. 7 49
A15 Gerúndio e infini�vo
the virus. ou also have a runn nose to stop the virus from ge ng to our cells. ou ma feel miserable, but actuall our onderful bod is doing ever thing it can to ill the cold. 1 1 i erent people have di erent remedies for colds. n the nited tates and some other countries, for example, people might eat chic en soup to feel be er. ome people ta e 1 3 hot baths and drin arm liquids. ther people ta e medicines to stop the fever, 1 4 conges�on, and runn nose. 1 5 one interes�ng thing to note.. scien�sts ta ing 1 6 medicines hen ou . a cold is actuall bad ou. he virus sta s in 1 7 ou longer because our bod doesn t have a a to fight it and ill it. odies can do an amazing job on their o n. here is a jo e, ho ever, on ta ing medicine hen ou have a cold. t goes li e this: 2 0 It takes about 1 week to get over a cold if you don’t take medic ine, but onl da s to get over a cold if ou ta e medicine.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Casos possessivos n Antes de começar n ntrodução n strutura e uso
CASOS POSSESSIVOS Antes de c omeç ar eia o texto a seguir, que trata sobre como a entonação é algo fundamental na língua e no comportamento de um povo: andom linguis�c observa�on : in American nglish, depending on the tone, expression and posture ith hich it s delivered, the ord eah can mean an of: n n n n n n n n n n
hat is correct. approve. don t care. am s eptical. asn t listening. agree to our proposal. require additional information. support ou in this underta ing. didn t tell ou because thought it as obvious. recognize the truth of our ords, but fail to see their relevance. (prokopetz/ Reprodução)
DISCUSSÃO 0 1. Can ou use the appropriate tone for all the 0 2 .
possível transmi�r esses significados na língua escrita Como isso poderia ser feito em um livro ê exemplos de três dos significados acima em inglês.
0 3.
h is it desirable to no a language s nuances Ans er in nglish.
0 4.
E xemplo 0 1. a professor a pode pedir uma entonação para cada aluno. E xemplo 0 2 . possível transmitir a entonação por meio de uma descrição. x.:: eah , she said in disbelief. eah , said he as he rolled his e es ithout an pa�ence. E xemplo 0 3. t is one thing to learn grammar rules and pronuncia�on of a language, but hen spea ing to a na�ve, this t pe of no ledge onl helps un�l a certain point. n the spo en language, rules can and ill be bro en: the nuances allo ou to communicate easil and precisel . E xemplo 0 4.
7 50
esposta pessoal.
eah listed above
uais expressões em português você conhece que também são polissêmicas, assim como o yeah norte-americano iste alguns de seus significados, assim como foi feito no texto.
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
I ntroduç ã o caso possessivo ou possessive case, em inglês, é marcado pela combinação de um apóstrofo e a letra s ’ s após o substan�vo possuidor e permite variedade e concisão no momento de se expressar, em vez de u�lizar a estrutura substan�vo possuído of substan�vo possuidor. Veja:
Figura 01 - The bedroom of the children is new. The children’s bedroom is new.
E strutura e uso Não são todos os casos em que se acrescentam tanto o apóstrofo quanto a letra s ao substan�vo possuidor:
n n n
uando o possuidor estiver no singular, sempre será acrescido de ’s: Mr. Jones’s h ou se ; m y b ab y ’ s h ands; a f il m ’ s e nd; uando o possuidor estiver no plural e não terminar com a letra s, será acrescido de ’s: m e n’ s cl oth e s, y ou r ch il dr e n’ s sch ool ; uando o possuidor estiver no plural e terminar em s, será acrescido apenas do apóstrofo: m y par e nts’ h ou se ; l adie s’ sh oe s; uando são dois ou mais possuidores do mesmo substantivo possuído, só acrescentamos ’s ao segundo possuidor: K e ndal l and h e r siste r ’ s b ir th day is ne x t F r iday ; uando são dois ou mais possuidores e cada um possui seu próprio item, acrescentamos ’s a todos os possuidores: K e ndal l ’ s and h e r siste r ’ s b ir th day ar e th is m onth ; Nas palavras com hífen, apenas a última é acrescida de ’s: m y m oth e r -in-l aw ’ s phone is broken.
ara estruturar perguntas, repita a mesma estrutura: Are these ladies’ shoes?; Is this the film’s end?. uando não se sabe quem é o substan�vo possuidor, deve-se u�lizar o pronome interroga�vo w h ose , como em whose house is this? – My parent’s. Observação Não u�lize os pronomes possessivos m y , y ou r s, h e r s, h is, its e ou r s com ’ s , pois os próprios pronomes já indicam o substan�vo possuidor: This is my dress. Are these your shoes?
Há algumas pessoas que discordam do fato de u�lizar o s com objetos inanimados como possuidores, como em the page’s book, the movie’s title etc. ssa não pode ser uma regra embasada em inglês, pois, diacronicamente, essa estrutura de apóstrofo e s vem do la�m, em que não há problema em u�lizar objetos inanimados como possuidor. ugere-se, no entanto, que você verifique se há alguma indicação sobre isso nos ves�bulares a que você prestará.
7 51
A16 C a s o s p o s s e s s i v o s
In g lê s Q uestã o 0 2 . Falso. Na primeira sentença, aul and ohn possuem, cada um, um carro vermelho. Na segunda, ambos possuem dois carros compar�lhados, vermelhos.
Exercícios de Fixação 0 1. Complete cada período abaixo com o substan�vo entre parênteses. a b c d e
ordan s his is cat. ordan ve just passed b house he miths he miths he guests room is next to the bathroom. guests ebecca s siblings are so cute. ebecca clothes are old-fashioned. ar and ate ar s and ate s
0 2 . Verdeiro ou falso possível modificar a sentença “Paul’s and John’s cars are red.” para Paul and John’s cars are red. sem prejuízo grama�cal, sem n�co ou sintá�co. us�fique. 0 3.
rite do n the correct ques�on for each of the ans ers belo . he object is ena s s irt.
a b 0 4.
hose s irt is this s this ena s s irt
t s ena s. es, it is.
scolha a opção adequada para cada sentença a seguir.
a children s b Harr and
egan s c brother-in-la s d Norah ones s e inda s dad.
a children children s to s are made of ood. b Harr and egan s Harr s and egan s edding as phenomenal. c our brother s-in-la brother-in-la s computer is ver fast. d Norah ones s Norah ones songs ma e me feel calm. e inda s dad inda dad s is a great chef.
0 5. Faça uma breve descrição, em inglês, dos quartos de cada pessoa da sua família. �lize os casos possessivos. esposta pessoal
Exercícios C om p l em en t ares
s the ‘Twerking’ bounces into Oxford dictionary
. n dne ould ndl 2 ing r on ralia the
A16 C a s o s p o s s e s s i v o s
N N er ing, the rump-bus�ng up-and-do n dance move long beloved on America s hip-hop scene, has o ciall gone mainstream. t s got the nglish dic�onar 3 entr to prove it. ritain s xford ic�onaries said the rapid-fire g ra�ons emplo ed b . . pop starlet ile C rus to bounce her a to the top of the charts had become increasingl visible 6 in the past months and ould be added to its publica�ons under the entr : er , 7 verb. Although C rus s e e-popping moves at onda s V Video usic A ards ma have been man vie ers first introduc�on to the prac�ce, xford ic�onaries atherine Connor ar�n said t er ing as some t o decades old. here are man theories about the origin of this ord, and since it arose in oral use, e 1 2 ma never no the ans er for sure, ar�n said. e thin the most li el theor is 1 3 that it is an altera�on of or , because that ord has a histor of being used in similar 1 4 a s, ith dancers being encouraged to or it. he t could be a result of blending 1 5 ith another ord such as t ist or t itch. 1 6 er ill be added to the dic�onar as part of its quarterl update, which includes 1 7 ords such as selfie, the ord t picall used to describe pout smartphone selfportraits, digital detox for �me spent a from Faceboo and i er, and itcoin, for the na�onless electronic currenc , whose g ra�ons have also caught the orld s e e. xford ic�onaries is responsible for a range of reference or s, including xford 2 1 ic�onaries nline, hich focuses
7 52
on modern usage, and the historicall -focused xford 2 2 nglish ic�onar , hich probabl on t be adding t er to its venerable pages an 2 3 �me soon. 2 4 he defini�on: er , v.: dance to popular music in a sexuall provoca�ve manner 2 5 involving thrus�ng hip movements and a lo , squa ng stance. By RAPHAEL SATTER Associated Press (www.mercurynews.com) Accessed on: august 10th, 2014.
0 1. ( U desc S C ) increasingl ef. , being ef. , got ef. , provoca�ve ef. are consecu�vel : a adverb, gerund, present perfect, adjec�ve b adverb, present con�nuous, is, adverb c adjec�ve, present con�nuous, as, adjec�ve d adverb, gerund, present perfect, verb e adverb, gerund, possessive case, adverb
0 2 . ( U F T T O ) Anal ze the use of the ‘ S in the statements belo : . here comes a �me in some men’s lives hen the da s seem dar er, death more certain, and the onl sensible response is to blo the life savings on a sportscar. . It’s hard to see an thing in an ape’s life that ould have that sort of pa ern. . he re not par�cularl good at seeing far ahead into the future that’s one of the big di erences bet een them and us. V. f e ant to find the ans er to the ques�on of what’s going on ith the midlife crisis, e should loo at hat is similar in middle-aged humans, chimps and orangutans, he said.
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
ar the correct one ans er: he apostrophe in the statement means is. he apostrophes in the statements and V mean posse ssive determiners. c he apostrophes in the statements mean h as and posse ssive determiners. d he apostrophe in the statement means h as. e he apostrophes in the statements mean is and possessive de te r m ine r s.
a b
0 3. (Mackenzie SP) he follo ing text.
M O V IE S Why Is This Woman Smiling? ulia . is a superstar, but her box-o ce reign might be over. B y R am in S e toode h
0 4. (UPE) a Ho b ho c hen d hose e h
coat is that
0 5. (URCA CE) he possessive case is N used correctl in: a ohn s old records are being sold at the Flea ar et. b as shoc ed b the opinion of Alice. c hil, could ou pass at the butcher s to bu some meat please d Have ou seen the ne computer of i e s e oo t s ncle ar s ne sports car. 0 6. (Unifae PR) he possessive case is used in one of the sentences belo follo ing the same rule as in ... Anthon ar s s life. Chec it. a oses la s b r sta s house c ar s love d arcos s car e A hard da s or 0 7 . (UEPG PR) BUTTERFLY PATTERNS
Adaptado de: u er a erns de ohnna izzo. National Geographic. February, 2013.
he possessive form that properl fills in the blan I , in the text, is a oberts, ulia s movies. b ulia s movies oberts. c ulia oberts s movies. d movie of ulia oberts. e ulia obert s movies.
Assinale o que for correto. s s no segmento “ . . . w h at’ s going on in th e inse ct’ s w or l d… ” , presente no parágrafo: . são um verbo e um possessivo, respec�vamente. . poderiam ser traduzidos por e stá e dos, respec�vamente. . são dois possessivos. . poderiam ser traduzidos por é e nos, respec�va-mente. 7 53
A16 C a s o s p o s s e s s i v o s
ulia oberts s fans have al a s had a theor about __( I )__. hen her hair is red and long and curl , as it as in re oman and est Friend s edding, she s at her most delicious. hen her hair is short Conspirac heor , tepmom she s pla ing someone serious, and the movie is seriousl mediocre. hen her hair is short and blonde and loo s as though it ere inspired b leanor oosevelt Charlie ilson s ar , get read to hit the V eject bu on. n uplicit , a ne roman�c sp thriller costarring Clive en, oberts is poised to ma e her triumphant return a er essen�all ta ing five ears o to raise her three children. No, the studio hasn t let us see uplicit et, but ever thing ou need to no is on displa in the trailer, star�ng ith the red hair. o, too, is the ic ed tongue from rin roc ovich and, almost as important, that infec�ous, giddy laugh that booms so loudl , it comes ith its o n echo.
A climate s changes are tough to quan�f . u er ies can help. ntomologists prefer jun species the ind of bu er ies too common for most collectors to eep up ith hat s going on in the insect s orld. he re eas to find and observe. hen the do something unusual, something s changed in the area. Art hapiro s team at C avis monitors ten local stud sites, some since the s. he ubiquitous species are the stud s favorite ones, helping dis�nguish bet een las�ng changes climate arming, habitat loss and ones that ill right themselves one cold inter, droughts that last ears . Consistenc is the e : the collect details ear a er ear, no empt data sets bet een. A fe species have disappeared from parts of the stud area altogether, probabl a las�ng change. n the other hand, seemingl big ne s in might be just a ear s aberra�on. o bu er ies came bac to the cit of avis last ear, the umber skipper a er thirt ears, the woodland skipper a er t ent ears both li el a result of a dr inter ith nearperfect breeding condi�ons of sunn a ernoons and cool nights.
Exercícios de A p rof u n dam en t o 0 1. ( U f es E S ) oo at the underlined ords or phrases in the follo ing sentences and circle the error in each sentence. e rite the sentence correc�ng that error. A sun is ver bright toda . need to bu a cap at the store. he sun is ver bright toda . need to bu a cap at the store.
0 2 . ( U F S C ) Choose the proposi�on s hich can C C complete the follo ing sentence: educators in our countr are ver conserva�ve. . An . he . ome . his . uch . hat . Fe 0 3. ( U F S C ) ARE COMPUTERS GOOD EDUCATORS? Computers are becoming more and more prevalent in our schools even five- ear-olds are learning ho to use th em1. an child development experts are orried that computers ma deprive children of their childhood b pushing them into formal educa�on too earl in life. O th ers2 feel that computers do not replace child pla they3 simpl enhance it b freeing the imagina�on, for example in allo ing children to rite stories on the computer. ost people ould probabl agree, ho ever, that it is too soon to no ho computers ill a ect the educa�on of children. Interviewer: hould computers be encouraged in schools Reply 1: e ve had man other fads in educa�on, li e tape recorders and television, and th ese th ings4 ere not the alva�on of our schools. he computer is just another fad. t ll die out in a fe ears, ou ll see. Reply 2: ducators are too conserva�ve to use computers isel in the schools. o far, computers have been used mostl for drill or , and doing drills is not the best a to learn. m against using computers in schools unless some more imagina�ve uses are found for them. Reply 3: sing the computer to rite can be ver freeing for children. ecause the do not have to orr about holding a pencil and shaping letters, the can concentrate on hat the are riting, and th eir5 stories can become ver imaginative. thin using computers for riting is ver orth hile. et s eep them.
7 54
Reply 4: Children should learn the basics of computers simpl because computers are a ec�ng our ever da orld in so man a s. e don t ant to raise computer illiterates. e d be er let children become acquainted ith th em6 in school. Reply 5: f ou start children ith computers too earl in life, the computers ill control the children. Children need to be ac�ve, to be outdoors they7 don t need to be silentl hoo ed to a computer. Reply 6: As long as children get a balanced educa�on, see nothing rong ith encouraging children to learn to use computers in school. or ing ith a computer can help ou to learn math and accoun�ng. And if ri�ng on the computer helps ou become a be er reader, hat s rong ith that From: ec�ve ri�ng ean ithro Cambridge University Press - 1990
prevalent - predominante, comum to deprive – privar to enhance – intensificar to allow - permi�r, possibilitar f ad - modismo, mania wise - sábio drills - exercícios de repe�ção to sh ape - dar forma worthwhile - útil, conveniente to raise - criar, educar to ac q uaint - familiarizar-se to h ook - prender elect the proposi�on s in hich the ing-form is being used as an adjec�ve. . Computers are becoming more and more prevalent. . m in favor of using computers in schools. . Children can rite interes�ng stories. . ou find the ans er in the opening paragraph. . He pla ed s�mula�ng games on the computer. . Children li e pla ing outdoors. . Can ou use computers for language teaching 0 4. (UEM PR) Smartphones to yoghurts – did we ever need so much consumer choice? ould a narro er choice of products help us consume more sustainabl and live more fulfilled lives Vicki Hird
L in g u a g e n s , C ó d ig o s e s u a s T e c n o lo g ia s
Texto adaptado, disponível em <http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle /2014/aug/04/ smartphones-yorghurts-did-we-ever-need-so-muchconsumerchoice>. Acesso em 07/08/2014.
Choose the alterna�ve s in hich the informa�on about the verbs from the text is c orrec t. . n the extract And it s reached head heights ef. , the contracted form underlined means it has . . he phrasal verb loo ing for ef. is the same as searching .
ne possible ans er for the ques�on oes the huge choice on o er in supermar ets, shops and online ma e us an happier, an more fulfilled efs. is es, it does . . he modal verbs ma , in ...shoppers ma disagree ef. , and should , in e should all be a are... efs. , are used in the text to ma e deduc�ons, to speculate. . he ing form, in e re pu ng more greenhouse gases... ef. , and in ...it s orth as ing... ef. , is used in the text ith the same purpose, that is, to indicate that the ac�on happens regularl .
0 5. ( M ac millan) nderline the ord or phrase that is correct. a hat do ou mean to do doing about the lea pipes b never imagined the mountains to be being so high c on t forget to a e me a ing me before ou leave. d regret to tell telling ou that e cannot accept our o er. e id ou manage to find finding the boo ou ere loo ing for a to do b to be c to a e me d to tell ou e to find.
0 6. ( M ac millan) Complete the sentences b choosing the correct verb from the box, and pu ng it in the appropriate form. loo for ard to
consider intend
a hardl dare as ho much it cost b Have ou ever considered ta ing a ear o c didn t li e the to n at first, but gre love it eventuall . d hat do ou intend doing a er this course has finished e e are all loo ing for ard to our holida in Australia this ear. 0 7 . ( U nif or C E ) eia os versos da música Fl me to the oon , de autoria de art Ho ard, e indique a classe grama�cal dos pronomes em negrito marcados com a mesma numeração. F l y me1 to th e m oon and l e t me1 pl ay am ong th e star s Let me1 see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars I n oth e r w or ds, h ol d my2 h and In other words, Darling kiss me1! F il l my2 h e ar t w ith song and l e t me1 sing for ever more You3 ar e al l I3 l ong f or , al l I3 w or sh ip and ador e I n oth e r w or ds, pl e ase b e tr u e I n oth e r w or ds, I3 love you1 a
pronome oblíquo átono pronome adje�vo possespronome pessoal do caso reto. pronome adje�vo possessivo pronome pessoal do caso reto pronome oblíquo átono. pronome pessoal do caso reto pronome oblíquo átono pronome adje�vo possessivo. pronome oblíquo átono pronome pessoal do caso reto pronome adje�vo possessivo. pronome adje�vo possessivo pronome oblíquo átono pronome pessoal do caso reto. sivo
b c d e
7 55
FRENTE A E x e r c í c i o s d e A p r o f u n d a m e n t o
his is not a complaint about choice or 2 oghurt, hich love . Choice is clearl a great 3 thing. he choice of hether to be nice or nast 4 go for a al or atch V decide here to ta e 5 our summer holida . 6 ut hen did e ever need such a huge arra 7 of products to choose from here must be a limit and it as, suggest, breached ears ago. he rot probabl set in hen supermar ets and shopping malls ere invented around the s. he 1 1 1 2 resul�ng infinite choice of processed foods, phones, cars and so on is a chronic a ic�on e 1 3 can t escape. 1 4 And it s reached head heights. oo ing for a 1 5 ne phone recentl had a choice of no less than 1 6 amsung Galax phones just one brand. 1 7 h And h so man oghurt t pes: endless shelves loaded ith basicall the same product oes the huge choice on o er in supermar ets, shops and online ma e us an 2 1 happier, an more fulfilled im ac son of 2 2 urre niversit notes that consumerspending 2 3 has 2 4 more than doubled in the last ears, but life sa�sfac�on has barel changed. 2 5 ecent or sho s that consump�on for 2 6 iden�t bu ing products to build up our sense 2 7 of self has gone too far and does not deliver contentment. Consump�on is not the same as choice, but these da s the t o are so close that ou couldn t put a lo -fat, tar-lite, sugar-free 31 cigare e paper bet een them. 32 f course man shoppers ma disagree. For 33 them, such choice means that life has never been 34 be er. n realit , this is a complex issue, 35 embedded in values, iden�t and mar e�ng. ut 36 hether ou re for or against such high levels, e 37 should all be a are of the e ect it can have on our mental ellbeing and cruciall , our environment. Happiness aside, no for sure that choice 41 is pu ng a huge pressure on people and planet. 42 his is ell covered else here but su ce to 43 sa that if e bu more than e need and thro 44 a a perfectl good products be it food, clothes 45 or phones e re not ma ing e cient, or fair, 46 use of finite land, ater, energ , ra materials 47 and labour. e re pu ng more greenhouse gases into the environment and pollu�ng the planet so that people are finding impossible to live in some parts of the orld. 51 thin it s orth as ing ourself, at least 52 t ice, do need to bu this at all o need to eat 53 meat ever da of the ee Could ma e do 54 ith one big oghurt pot instead of four small 55 ones Can repair this phone instead of ge ng a 56 ne one ome�mes the ans er ill be es.
In g lê s
0 8 . (UEM PR)
S elf - talk
A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS Anna Hinton, Health Visitor, he
n exam anxiet or panic
edical Centre
arion Case , Counsellor, tudent ervices
u er ies in the stomach and 2
be able to ans er the ques�ons
are indica�ons of exam 5nerves that are probabl
his is just anxiet , it can t harm me ,
thoughts, create a
nega�ve frame of mind, and lead 1 1 to panic and poten�all poor exam performance. here are a number of things ou can do to 1 3help manage
1 2
exam anxiet and turn uncomfortable, 1 4panic
thoughts into
more crea�ve tension. I n th e exam Here are some tried and tested remedies to the
1 6
1 7
can t
ans er an thing feeling and other orr ing thoughts about
so it s
Adaptação do texto disponível em <www.cs3.brookes.ac.uk/student/services/health/exam/html>. Acesso em 14/03/2006.
Assinale a alterna�va na qual o verbo na forma de gerúndio - NG seja sujeito na oração. a
can t ans er an thing... linha
tr the focusing exercise... linha
save ou spending... linha
mild pain
such as lightl pressing our finger nails...
oo ing out of the indo ... linha
0 9 . ( U nif or C E )
hen ou get into the exam room and sit do n, the Robotic Engineers:
follo ing approach can help se le our nerves. reathe in again and straighten our bac
2 1
for di erent people,
it pa s to eep prac�sing.
helps us perform to the best of our abilit ,
producing a rush of drenaline that helps us to feel alert and focused. ut too much anxiet can bloc
, m ge ng there, nearl over .
eveloping techniques for managing 62 panic can ta e �me, so
familiar to all students. n 6fact, a certain amount of nervous tension probabl
elax, 57concentrate,
orth experimen�ng to find the ones that are 61 right for ou.
done enough
m useless . r to
replace these ith posi�ve, encouraging thoughts:
i erent techniques
orr ing thoughts
m 54going to fail
it s going to be
Almost ever one feels nervous before an exam. 1
can t do this
e o en give 53ourselves nega�ve
as if someone ere 2 2
pulling a lever bet een our 2 3shoulder blades. a e another deep
needed to build robots that do ever thing
from assembling machiner to caring for aging parents.
breath in and a 2 4long breath out. hen breathe normall . ecide on the order in hich ou ll ans er the 2 6ques�ons. t is
2 5
usuall best to begin ith the one 2 7 ou feel most confident about. ou ill plan our �me, and s�c to our plan.
hin about ho
f our concentra�on anders or ou begin to feel panic , ou could tr the focusing exercise 31 again, or use one of the
Tech Teachers: As technolog
use increases in all industries, more adult
educa�on teachers are needed to give
or ers the s ills to
survive. About half of all adults are currentl enrolled in an adult-educa�on class.
follo ing techniques to 32 help ou overcome anxious thoughts. f ou are 33 orried that ou haven t got �me to spare on this, remember that ta ing
minutes no
save ou
Tech Support: echnolog isn t infallible, and s illed
or ers
spending the rest of the exam in a state of panic.
percentage boost in computer-support jobs b FRENTE A E x e r c í c i o s d e A p r o f u n d a m e n t o
Anxiety management techniques Creating Mild Pain 41
pressing our fingernails
into our palm can 42 bloc feelings of anxiet . oo ing out of the indo , no�cing the 45number of people ith red hair, coun�ng the 46number of des s in each ro help to distract
our a en�on from anxious thoughts and
eep our mind bus .
ental games such as ma ing
out of another ord or �tle, using alphabe�cal lists etc are all good forms of distrac�on. 7 56
No texto, o pronome ho a está corretamente empregado por se referir a uma pessoa. b deveria ser subs�tuído por
F oc using
43 44
Newsweek, April
ain e ec�vel overrides all other thoughts and impulses. ven ver mild pain such as lightl
ho can fix
frustra�ng problems are rarel needed. s�mates sho a
hich porque se refere a uma
pessoa. c está incorreto por não se tratar de um pronome rela�vo. d está corretamente empregado por se tratar de um pronome possessivo. e deveria ser subs�tuído por hich porque se refere a um objeto material.