Jamile Maeda e Silva
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
INGLÊS Por falar nisso A foto que você vê na abertura deste módulo é do lançamento do satélite TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) no dia 18 de abril de 2018 no Cabo Canaveral, na Flórida. O satélite é um desenvolvimento conjunto de pesquisadores do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachussets (MIT) e da NASA com o apoio da Space X, empresa do mais famoso empreendedor dos últimos tempos, Elon Musk. O objetivo do satélite é pesquisar, por dois anos, mais de 200 mil estrelas e buscar novos exoplanetas. Várias inovações como essa acontecem em países de língua inglesa. O inglês é a principal língua de divulgação de conhecimentos na área. Ao estudá-lo, você terá acesso direto às fontes como a NASA, o MIT e a SpaceX. Nas próximas aulas, estudaremos os seguintes temas
A05 A06 A07 A08
Voz passiva .................................................................................... 736 Voz passiva: have e get ................................................................. 741 Verbos ou adjetivos seguidos de preposição ............................... 745 Phrasal verbs ................................................................................. 754
n Voz passiva
Antes de começar
n Antes de começar n Introdução n Construção
Leia o texto a seguir, que fala sobre a história da empresa de streaming Netflix, que se reinventou perante as mudanças no mercado e responda às questões que o seguem. How Netflix Reinvented Itself One of the biggest and most persistent challenges facing a successful company is how to respond to a new generation of technology aimed at destroying the company’s core profit engine. Such technologies give consumers a better experience at a lower price. And if a company has been successful in the earlier technology wave, it is often impossible for the company to reinvent itself. You may recall Blockbuster Video – it rented out DVDs and VCRs at retail stores. Then Netflix came along with DVD-By-Mail – and that made it cheaper and more convenient for consumers to get the movies they wanted. Blockbuster was unable to adapt and perished. Netflix engineered its operations beautifully to win the battle for DVD-by-Mail market supremacy. As I wrote in September 2011, Netflix was able to buy the DVDs in a retail store (copyright law allowed it to rent out those DVDs) and deliver them in a more “consumer-friendly model of no late fees and big selection [that] overpowered the immediate convenience of going to a corner store to pick up a movie for a night,” as Business Insider wrote. It could buy huge quantities of DVDs cheaply, it set up a great computer system so people could order their DVDs, and its process for delivering and collecting DVDs was well-engineered.
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
Then along came video streaming. With more people using smartphones and tablets, it has become much more convenient for people to watch movies on these devices rather than plopping themselves in front of their TV sets and plugging a DVD into an attached player. For the last several years, Netflix has been struggling with how to survive the transition of customers who wanted to dump its DVD-By-Mail service and watch streaming videos instead. This struggle led to its highly controversial July 2011 pricing policy of raising prices as much as 60%. The new deal made customers pay $16 a month for one DVD out at a time plus Internet-streaming – up from $10 a month for the combined package before the new rate went into effect for existing subscribers at the beginning of September 2011. Netflix stock plunged.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
Unfortunately for shareholders, what it takes to win in the online streaming business is very different from DVD-by-Mail’s key success factors. That’s because Netflix is in a much weaker bargaining position with the owners of the digital videos — it has to engage in painful negotiations with studios and they have no incentive to cut Netflix a break — especially after watching Netflix eat their lunch with DVDs. These higher costs showed up in Netflix’s financial statements. For example, by the end of June 2011, Netflix’s accounts payable had climbed 218% from $137 million at the end of 2010 to $435 million. To its credit, Netflix did not give up with its efforts to succeed in online streaming. Since it could not convince studios to let it license great online content on attractive terms, Netflix decided to get into the studios’ business of creating great content – referred to as backward integration. In February 2013, Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer, told GQ “the goal is to become HBO faster than HBO can become us.” And that strategy appears to be paying off. Netflix’s first quarter results were much better than expected. Its stock soared 24% in after-hours trading to $215.40 – on April 22, it announced that it had gained two million new U.S. customers in the first three months of 2013 – reaching 29.2 million – which was 200,000 more than the average of seven estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Netflix has created one very popular series – House of Cards. And it has launched a second series original – Hemlock Grove. […] As Piper Jaffray analyst, Michael Olson, told the New York Times, “It appears original programming may be driving better subscriber numbers. At the least, we believe original exclusive programming is reducing subscriber churn.” Another factor in Netflix’s online subscriber growth is pricing. It announced Monday a new subscription option that could allow Netflix to profit from passwordsharing for its streaming video service. The new option – four simultaneous streams for $11.99 – will supplement its existing $7.99 a month service that limits subscribers to two simultaneous streams. Netflix has yet to complete the transition from a winner in DVD-by-Mail to the leader in online video streaming. That’s because its subscribers will want to watch more than just original Netflix programming – and obtaining that will continue to be costly. Moreover, not all of its original series are going to be wildly popular. But its strategy of backward integration suggests that Netflix may be able to assemble the capabilities needed to continue to deliver superior value to consumers despite fundamental improvements in technology that undermine the business in which it previously prevailed. And that will make Netflix an interesting company to watch when it comes to learning how companies should reinvent themselves. (Peter Cohan. In: Forbes. Disponível em: <https://www.forbes.com/sites/petercohan/2013/04/23/how-netflix-reinvented-itself/#1a9732862886>. Acesso em: 20 abr 2018. Modificado.)
DISCUSSÃO 01. This text was written in 2013. From then until today, Netflix has again changed its focus. What is its new strategy? 02. Are you subscribed to Netflix? Do you still watch TV or did you watching habits have changed since streaming?
Exemplo 01. The company has become a successful producer of TV series and movies, leaving aside the desire to make too many contracts with other companies to stream their content. This allows Netflix to get more revenue and waste less money.
04. Desafie-se: nesta aula, falamos sobre a voz passiva em inglês. Você já sabe o que é isso? Retire do texto uma construção nessa voz.
Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. “...and its process for delivering and collecting DVDs was well-engineered.”
A05 Voz passiva
Exemplo 02. Resposta pessoal.
03. In your opinion, did paid online streaming services lessen the illegal download of content?
Introdução Tanto em português quanto em inglês, temos duas formas de estruturar orações chamadas vozes ativa e passiva. A voz ativa é a forma que enfatiza o agente de uma ação e é mais comum na fala, e a voz passiva focaliza o paciente dessa ação e é mais utilizada em textos escritos, quando se quer utilizar uma estrutura mais impessoal. Por exemplo: It is known that water is good for the body. A voz passiva só é possível quando há verbos transitivos. Os verbos transitivos são aqueles que só possuem sentido completo quando acompanhados de um objeto direto (não antecedido de preposição) ou indireto (antecedido de preposição). Isso ainda determina qual preposição é regida em cada caso. São exemplos em inglês: clean e drink (transitivos diretos) e speak e give (transitivos direto e indiretos). Os verbos transitivos admitem tanto a voz ativa quanto a passiva: Voz ativa
Voz passiva
I spoke a lecture about A.I. at the Tech Convention.
A lecture about A.I. was spoken by me at the Tech Convention.
A cop spoke to me about Driving Regulations.
I was spoken about Driving Regulations by a cop.
Figura 01 - Mary ate a delicious cake. = A delicious cake was eaten by Mary.
Construção Como observado nos exemplos, a voz passiva é estruturada a partir da conjugação do verbo to be como verbo principal e o particípio passado do verbo auxiliar (existente na oração em voz ativa). Veja: Voz ativa
all over the world.
Voz passiva
Is spoken
(by people)
all over the world.
Perceba que o sujeito e o objeto trocaram de lugar nas orações, e é isso que caracteriza a mudança de foco. Na voz ativa, people está em uma posição importante, enquanto, na passiva, é English que ocupa essa posição. Perceba também que, na voz passiva, a expressão by people, que é o realizador da ação, está entre parênteses. É comum omitir-se o sujeito na voz passiva, pois, geralmente quando optamos por usá-la, queremos dizer que quem realizou a ação não é importante ou é genérico demais. Para construir a voz passiva, o objeto direto ou indireto torna-se o sujeito da voz passiva. Mas, cuidado! Esse sujeito da voz passiva não é o sujeito realizador da ação, ele é o recebedor. O sujeito realizador passa a se chamar agente da passiva. Assim, a oração I gave him a book for his birthday pode ser estruturada de duas maneiras na voz passiva: Objeto direto como sujeito
A book
was given
to him
for his birthday.
Objeto indireto como sujeito
was given
a book
for his birthday.
A05 Voz passiva
Alguns verbos transitivos não aceitam a voz passiva. São eles: become, fit (no sentido de ‘ser do tamanho certo’), get, have, lack, let, like resemble e suit.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Questão 05 a) It is not known what happened to the ship. b) The government agreed with the report and so the law was changed.
c) Lots of cars had been parked on the pavement. d) It’s time something was done about this problem. e) The apples are picked early in the morning.
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete as lacunas com os sujeitos das passivas do quadro abaixo, semântica e gramaticalmente corretos em cada caso. Terminal patients
My cousin
The illegal theater
All employees
That actress
All employees a) ______________________________ are prohibited to smoke in the building. Terminal patients b) ______________________________ should always be told of the severity of their health condition. The illegal theater c) ______________________________ will be shut down by June 30th. My cousin d) ______________________________ was brought up by my aunt in New Zealand. And now they moved here! That actress e) ______________________________ had already been offered the part twice before, but she always said ‘no’.
02. Escreva a conjugação correta dos verbos entre parênteses em cada oração na voz passiva a seguir. Are expected a) Passengers ____________________ to arrive 1 hour prior to their flight. (expect – simple present) Is being refurbished b) This furniture store ________________ to become fancier. (refurbish – present continuous) Was awarded c) The brave soldier _________________ a medal. (award – simple past) Will be informed / are going to be informed d) The students __________________ of their grades on Wednesday. (inform – simple future) Has been discontinued e) My favourite ice cream flavor _____________________. (discontinue – present perfect)
03. (Macmillan) Corrija qualquer gramaticalmente incorreto.
a) As I drove south, I could see that the old road was rebuilding. Was being rebuilt b) I suppose the letter will have been delivered by now. Correto c) There is nothing more annoying than been interrupted Being interrupted when you are speaking. d) Somehow without my noticing my wallet had been Had disappeared disappeared. e) The new shopping centre was opened by the local MP. Correto
04. (Macmillan) As duas orações em cada caso significam a mesma coisa. Complete a segunda oração corretamente. a) The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium. The huge Was slowly being filled stadium _________________________ by the crowd. b) The inventor of the computer simplified the work of the accountants. Since the computer Was invented _________________________ the work of accountants has been simplified ________________________. c) Someone has suggested that the shop should close. It Has been suggested ________________________ that the shop should close. d) ‘I’d take out some travel insurance if I were you’, Mr. Was advised to Smith. Mr. Smith _______________________ take out some travel insurance. e) The waitress will bring your drinks in a moment. Your Will be brought (to you) drinks _______________________ in a moment. 05. (Macmillan) Reescreva cada oração na voz passiva, omitindo as palavras sublinhadas. a) They don’t know what happened to the ship. b) The government agreed with the report and so they changed the law. c) Lots of people had parked their cars on the pavement. d) It’s time the authorities did something about this problem. e) The fruit-pickers pick the apples early in the morning.
01. (Udesc SC) Eclipse in Africa: ‘Ring of Fire’ eclipse wows stargazers Stargazers in parts of Africa have been treated to a spectacular “ring of fire” in the sky as the sun was almost - but not completely - eclipsed. An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse. The result is a bright circle of sunshine surrounding a dark, shadowy core. The best views were seen in Tanzania, where the event lasted about three minutes. The eclipse could also be viewed in parts of Gabon, CongoBrazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar,
and the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion. The moon does not move in a perfect circle around the earth - instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical. That means the distance of the moon varies between around 225,000252,000 miles (362,000-405,555 km). When the moon is farther away from the earth, it appears smaller - and does not totally cover the sun’s disc during a total eclipse. The result is also known as a “ring of fire” eclipse. The next eclipse is due to take place in February 2017, and can be seen from parts of South America and Africa. Avaiable at:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa. Accessed on 02/09/16.
A05 Voz passiva
Exercícios Complementares
All the underlined grammatical construction are:
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso da voz passiva.
a) present perfect tense
a) Technology isn’t working (título) b) rich economies could be forgiven (1º parágrafo)
b) pure modals d) passive voice
c) after the second world war vanished in both Europe and America (1º parágrafo)
e) participle to be
d) In the early 1990s Japan joined the slump (1º parágrafo)
c) active voice
02. (UECE) In terms of voice, the verbs in the sentences “They have been so overwhelmed by the rush at story time” and “Story time is drawing capacity crowds at public libraries across New York and across the country” are, respectively, a) active and active.
Tião — Tem uma nota sobre a greve na primeira página!... Otávio — Se até as oito horas da noite não derem o aumento, greve geral na metalúrgica! Otávio — Como não tem peito? Tá esquecido do ano passado? Tião — Eu não tava lá.
c) active and passive. d) passive and active. 03. (UECE) The clause “(...) when you’re using an e-book” in the passive form is a) when an e-book has to be used (by you). b) when an e-book must be used (by you). c) when an e-book is been used (by you). d) when an e-book is being used (by you). 04. (Fatec SP) Technology isn’t working The digital revolution has yet to fulfil its promise of higher productivity and better jobs If there is a technological revolution in progress, rich economies could be forgiven for wishing it would go away. Workers in America, Europe and Japan have been through a difficult few decades. In the 1970s the blistering growth after the second world war vanished in both Europe and America. In the early 1990s Japan joined the slump, entering a prolonged period of economic stagnation. Brief spells of faster growth in intervening years quickly petered out. The rich world is still trying to shake off the effects of the 2008 financial crisis. And now the digital economy, far from pushing up wages across the board in response to higher productivity, is keeping them flat for the mass of workers while extravagantly rewarding the most talented ones. It seems difficult to square this unhappy experience with the extraordinary technological progress during that period, but the same thing has happened before. Most economic historians reckon there was very little improvement in living standards in Britain in the century after the first Industrial Revolution. And in A05 Voz passiva
05. (Puc GO)
Tião — Ninguém tem peito, pai!
b) passive and passive.
the early 20th century, as Victorian inventions such as electric lighting came into their own, productivity growth was every bit as slow as it has been in recent decades. <http://tinyurl.com/lv6rj7b> Acesso em: 18.02.2015. Adaptado.
e) but the same thing has happened before (2º parágrafo)
Otávio — Mas eu estava! Deram o aumento ou não deram? Tião — Deram parte do aumento, parte! E mesmo assim porque todas as categorias aderiram! Mas aguentá o tranco sozinho, ninguém. Otávio — Espera só a assembleia de hoje e vai ver se tem peito ou não! Eu tinha avisado, hein! O ano passado entramos em acordo com o patrão e foi o que se viu. Agora, aprenderam. Tião — E por que entraram em acordo? Otávio — Porque parte da comissão amoleceu... Tião — Tá vendo, t’aí! Se, em greve de conjunto metade da turma amoleceu... Otávio — Metade da turma não senhor! Metade da comissão. Tião — E então? Otávio — E então, o quê? Eram pelegos! A turma topava mas tinha meia dúzia deles que eram pelegos. A turma topava, os pelegos deram pra trás. Tião — Não, pai. Pro senhor, quem não pensa como o senhor é pelego... Otávio — Nada disso! Eram pelegos no duro. T’aí a prova: tá tudo bem arrumado na fábrica. Tudo chefe e fiscal. O que é isso? Peleguismo, traidores da classe operária... Tião — Então metade da turma lá da fábrica é pelego, porque tá tudo com medo da greve! Otávio (furioso) — Não diz besteira, seu idiota! A turma que t’aí é a mesma turma que fez greve o ano passado e que aguentou tropa de choque em 51... (GUARNIERI, Gianfrancesco. Eles não usam black-tie. 8. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1995. p. 42-44.)
The text mentions strike. The sentence “They plan a threeday strike for next week” in the passive voice is (choose the appropriate alternative): a) a three-day strike was planned. b) a three-day strike has been planned for next week. c) a three-day strike is planned for next week. d) a three-day strike will be planned for next week.
Antes de começar
n Voz passiva: have e get
Leia o texto a seguir, que fala sobre meios de se tornar jogos de video game acessíveis a pessoas com diferentes necessidades corporais ou cognitivas. Depois, responda às questões que o seguem.
n Antes de começar n Introdução
Why Game Accessibility Matters Meet the people pushing to make video games more accessible to those with — and without — disabilities. When Mortal Kombat hit arcades in 1992, Carlos Vasquez was right there with all the other kids besotted by its edgy take on fighting games. He’d put his quarters in and play for hours, just for love of the game and the competitive environment around it. One entry after another, he stuck with the franchise — a dedicated fan like any other. But then his vision started to fade, and eventually closed-angle glaucoma rendered Vasquez completely blind. He had to give up soccer — one of his great passions — and, it seemed, maybe video games too. “But as I got used to it more and more,” he says, “I decided to go back and start paying attention more to my hearing and kind of realizing, ‘Hey, this game actually emphasizes every single hit as you play!’” Mortal Kombat’s stereo sound effects may have been intended to enhance the visual experience, but for Vasquez they meant an opportunity to keep playing his favorite game entirely by ear. In addition, he didn’t play only in his own home, either; Vasquez reached the finals in his pool at international fighting game tournament Evo last year, and he was instrumental in developer Nether Realm Studios patching an accessibility mode into its fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us earlier this year. He’s part of a growing group of gamers with disabilities who are speaking out against accessibility issues in games and who run the whole gamut from big-budget AAA fare to tiny one-person indie productions. They’re backed by charities, such as Able Gamers and Special Effect, plus dozens of passionate individuals doing their best to make the hobby more inclusive to everyone — disabled or not. There are signs that more developers are listening, too. Infinity Ward included a colorblind option and a special “N0M4D” control layout for disabled players in the latest Call of Duty. Indie survival adventure The Last Door has a dyslexia font and closed captions. The recently released MMO Wild Star has, among other accessibility features, support for all three main types of colorblindness. Games are finally opening up to audiences that previously couldn’t enjoy them, and everyone’s gaining from the trend. (Richard Moss. In: Polygon. Disponível em: < https://www.polygon.com/features/2014/8/6/5886035/disabled-gamers-accessibility>.Acesso em: 24 abr 2018. Modificado.)
Exemplo 01. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 02. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 03. “Mortal Kombat’s stereo sound effects may have been intended to enhance the visual experience, but for Vasquez they meant an opportunity to keep playing his favorite game entirely by ear.”; “developer Nether Realm Studios patching an accessibility mode into its fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us earlier this year.”; “Infinity Ward included a colorblind option and a special “N0M4D” control layout for disabled players in the latest Call of Duty.”; “Indie survival adventure The Last Door has a dyslexia font and closed captions.” e “The recently released MMO WildStar has, among other accessibility features, support for all three main types of colorblindness.” Exemplo 04. Resposta pessoal.
DISCUSSÃO 01. In your opinion, why isn’t there many more games and other entertainment products accessible to different people? What are the difficulties and gains of designing a more accessible product? Discuss with your class. 02. Have you ever played a game that was accessible to people with disabilities or have you heard of one that was not mentioned in the text? How do they work? 03. Que mudanças nos jogos são mencionados no texto? Retire os trechos em que são mencionados. 04. Look up one of the enhancements patched into the games, such as dyslexia font or any other and write a small text about it.
Introdução Na aula anterior, você aprendeu sobre a construção da voz passiva com o verbo auxiliar conjugado be + um verbo principal no particípio passado. Existe outra forma, bastante específica, de estruturar a voz passiva: usando os verbos have e get como os verbos auxiliares. Essa forma, porém, altera o significado da oração e não deve ser usada como a voz passiva mais comum. Ela é usada tipicamente para descrever um serviço realizado por outra pessoa que não o falante. Fonte: emka74 / Shutterstock.com
Figura 01 - The wall was graffited.
Figura 02 - I’ve just had/got my car cleaned. (= Someone else, not me, cleaned my car).
Assim, esse tipo de voz passiva pode ser também chamado de causative em inglês e é construída por meio dos verbos have ou get conjugados no tempo verbal desejado e um verbo principal no particípio passado. Alguns outros usos dessa estrutura são: n n n
Descrever algo infeliz que aconteceu a alguém: We had/got our house broken into yesterday. Descrever quando algo precisa ser feito (mais comum com get): I need to get my hair cut. Usar o imperativo em ordens (mais comum com get): Get your car fixed!
n Não se deve usar o verbo auxiliar get na voz passiva no presente perfeito. Ele pode ser A06 Voz passiva: have e get
confundido com a estrutura have got.
n O verbo get pode substitituir o verbo be na construção da voz passiva na fala, como em
Martin got pulled over in his own driveway.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias Questão 03 The expected ending of both sentences is the same: the homework will be done, but the difference lies in who does it. In the first sentence, the person who’s hearing the order must do the homework, while in the second sentence, the person who’s hearing the order must outsource the homework, which means get someone else to do it for him/her.
Exercícios de Fixação 01. (Macmillan adaptada) Decide whether the sentences in each pair have the same meaning. a) I’ve just had my hair cut at the hairdresser’s. What do you think? / I’ve just cut my hair at the hairdresser’s. What do Different you think? __________________ b) The dentist is going to take out two of my teeth tomorrow. / I’m having my two teeth taken out tomorrow. Same __________________ c) Just a minute. I’ll have this wrapped up for you. / Just a Different minute, I’ll wrap this up for you. __________________ d) The car hasn’t been serviced for a long time. / We haven’t Same had the car serviced for a long time. __________________ e) Would you consider having plastic surgery to alter your nose? / Would you consider having your nose altered by Same plastic surgery? __________________ 02. Reescreva as orações utilizando os verbos entre parênteses e mantendo o mesmo sentido semântico. a) Your hair needs cutting. need to get your hair You __________________________________________ _______________ cut. (get) b) My clothes are ripped. have my clothes I need to _____________________________________ ____________________ sewed. (have) c) Do something to this annoying car noise! _____________________________________________ Get this annoying noise ____________ checked! (get) d) Someone stole my wallet. got my wallet I ____________________________________________ _____________ stolen. (get)
e) Lana is now a redhead. Lana had her hair dyed red. Lana ________________________________________ _________________ dyed red. (have) 03. Explain briefly in English the similarity and the difference between the two sentences bellow. Do your homework now! Get your homework done now! 04. (Oxford-adaptada) Complete corretamente as sentenças abaixo de acordo com as palavras dadas entre parênteses e a gramática inglesa. have the bedrooms redecorated a) We usually _____________________________ (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years. b) Sarah isn’t making her own wedding dress, she getting it made ___________________________ (it / make) by a designer in Italy. you ever had anything stolen c) Have ___________________________ (you / ever/ anything / steal) from your house? d) Are they going to paint the kitchen themselves, or have it paint ___________________________ (it / paint)? e) I’m going to do my food shopping online and get the food delivered ______________________ (the food / deliver) to my house. 05. Julgue como correta ou incorreta a afirmação a seguir: a) No período “Luke will be fired if he continues to watch TV instead of working.”, pode-se substituir o verbo be por get sem prejuízo semântico nem gramatical, desde que o contexto seja oral. C b) “I have got my hair done.” é uma oração gramaticalmente aceita na voz passiva. E
01. (IME RJ) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente. Tomorrow I’m going to ______________ at the hairdresser’s. a) have cut my hair b) have cutting my hair c) cutting my hair d) have my hair cut e) my haircut 02. (UFU MG) Uk School Replaces Library Cards For Kids With Fingerprint Scans
By Clay Dillow
We already know that biometrics could provide some useful new tools for identifying approaching threats or
tracking people moving through crowds. But what about checking out books from a children’s library? A Manchester UK primary school is testing out just such a scheme, having children as young as four years old scan their fingerprints as ID for checking books in and out of the school’s library. Not surprisingly, parents and privacy groups have a huge problem with children’s biometric data being so cataloged ― not to mention the precedent it sets. To check out a book, students swipe a bar code placed inside the book at a computer station, which then asks for them to press their thumb on a fingerprint scanner. Books are checked back into the library the same way: no library card or identification required. School officials say the fingerprints are converted to and saved as digital electronic codes that are recognized by the computer, so that no actual fingerprint images are kept on
A06 Voz passiva: have e get
Exercícios Complementares
file or shared. Critics of the system, however, find the use of such biometric systems with children so young a breach of privacy and a dangerous overreach by authorities, conditioning children to treat their personal biometric information as something trivial. And it’s worth noting this isn’t the first biometric identifying scheme hatched by UK schools; a fingerprint identifier introduced as part of a cashless school cafeteria system has previously drawn the ire of UK parents who don’t like the idea of their kids being fingerprinted without permission. But the library system is purely voluntary, and parents are allowed to opt their kids in or out. (…) Disponível em: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-06/uk
According to the text I. Scanning fingerprints at primary schools has avoided theft of books at libraries. II. Teens had their fingerprints scanned as ID for checking books in and out of the library. III. This new way of checking books can be characterized as a card free system. IV. Fingerprints are kept safe by converting and saving them as digital eletronic codes. V. The biometric system has been criticized because it is the first experience in UK. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas. a) II e IV. b) I e III. c) I e V. d) III e IV. Texto comum às questões 03, 04 e 05 Our (Im)perfect bodies Since I write a lot about positive body image, you’d think that I am well over the idea that weight 2 should be something that I allow to define my life. Yet, the vestiges of my past life as a woman 3 obsessed with weight still linger. A good example is vacation pictures. If I show you pictures of all 4 the places I have been in my Iife, I can give you minute details about the place itself, the food, the 5 sights and the weather. I can also tell you something else simply by looking at those pictures: the 6 exact number on the scale I was at that particular time in my life. 7 Sometimes my past catches up with me. I like to think of myself as a recovering weight-a-holic. 8 The fear of being overweight is a constant one of despair at not being personally successful in 9 controlling your own body. What good is being in control of finances, major companies and 10 businesses if you’re not in control of your body?! Silly idea, right? And yet that is exactly the 11 unconscious thought many intelligent women have. 12 Feeling satisfied with your appearance makes a tremendous amount of difference in how you 13 present yourself to the world. Some women live their entire lives on their perception of their 14 physical selves. But I’ve been there, done that. The hell with that
A06 Voz passiva: have e get
idea! Personally, I became tired 15 of living my Iife this way. 16 My friend is an art historian who specializes in the Renaissance period. Talking with him recently gave 17 me a perspective on body image. As we walked through the permanent exhibit of Renaissance 18 Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he pointed out the paintings done of women. 19 The women came in all sizes, all shapes. Some were curvier than others, but all were beautiful. 20 Some had what we refer to as love handles; some had soft, fuller stomachs that had never suffered 21 through crunches in a gym. Though I had seen them many times, it was actually refreshing to view 22 them in a new light. 23 We are led to believe our self-worth must be a reflection of our looks. So, in essence, if we don’t 24 believe we look good, we assume we have no worth! Yet, self-worth should have nothing to do 25 with looks and everything to do with an innate feeling that you really are worth it. You are worth 26 going after your dreams, you are worth being in a good relationship, you are worth living a life that 27 fulfills and nourishes you, and you are certainly worthy of being a successful woman. 28 There is a quote attributed to Michelangelo that I’ve always admired. When a friend complimented 29 him on the glorious Sistine Chapel, the great artist, referring to his art in the feminine form, was 30 said to have replied: “She is worthy of admiration simply because she exists; perfection and 31 imperfection together”. BRISTEN HOUGHTON Adaptado de twitter.com.
03. (Uerj RJ) The texts “O poder criativo da imperfeição” and “Our (im)perfect bodies” discuss the concept of perfection, using examples from their respective areas. The sentence that best represents the idea discussed in both texts is: a) Nothing is perfect. b) Practice makes perfect. c) You either become perfect or die trying. d) Let the perfect be the enemy of the good. 04. (Uerj RJ) the exact number on the scale I was at that particular time in my life. (Refs. 5-6) Concerning the author’s feelings, the statement above illustrates the following fact: a) she is still weight-conscious b) she is well over weight issues c) she is never troubled by weight d) she is more obsessed with weight 05. (Uerj RJ) But I’ve been there, done that. (Ref. 14) The underlined expression refers to the author’s experiencing the situation described below: a) travelling to her hometown b) being happy with her condition c) worrying about her appearance d) feeling comfortable about her past
VERBOS E ADJETIVOS SEGUIDOS DE PREPOSIÇÃO Antes de começar Leia a seguir um trecho do capítulo “When Change Happens to Good Teachers”, do livro Passionate Learners: Giving Our Classrooms Back to Our Students a seguir, escrito por Pernille Rippa e responda às questões que o seguem.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Verbos e adjetivos seguidos de
n Antes de começar n Introdução
How One Teacher Changed for the Good of Her Students Four years ago, I realized that I needed to take responsibility for the damage I had done to students who came into my room loving (or at least liking) school and left diminished in some ways. Those kids who loved math until my long-winded lectures about process left them confused and bitter. Those kids that loved to read until my strict book report guidelines and reading logs devoured their curiosity for great stories. I had to take responsibility for what I had done. There was no one else to blame. Just as important, I had to make sure that my future students would leave our classroom still loving school, with passionate curiosity, not afraid to try something new. How do we make children hate school so much? I now teach 5th grade, and by the time they reach me, certain subjects have already landed on their top 10 list of most dreadful things to do. Math tends to top the chart, but social studies usually is close behind, and some even hate reading (but may read many books outside of school). Most students confess a love of recess, art, music, and sometimes even science. PE is always a crowd favorite as well. But math and social studies, yikes. I don’t blame the students. The system of school has taught them to feel this way. How dare I say this? Because I was that system. I think about math and how I taught it: drill and kill, lecture and lecture some more. Show them repeatedly how to do a problem, then have one or two students come up and work through a similar problem while the rest of the class watches (eyes glazing over). And finally have them practice it on their own, usually through homework. In my straight-edged classroom, students were not allowed to work ahead — they needed to pay attention to me slogging through all of the pages. We did not have much time for discussion, let alone any further exploration. Substitute social studies for math in the paragraph above, leave out the problems at the board, and you have a pretty good summary of what my social studies class looked like as well. By the time I was done teaching, my students were good at putting their names on worksheets, filling them out, and following along in the textbook. Too bad about their curiosity. We just didn’t have time for that.
So I changed. I’m not that special; lots of teachers are changing the way they teach and how school is done. Many did not wait for permission but transformed on their own. I will admit that not every kid leaves my classroom having fallen back in love with school. Sometimes that damage takes years to undo. But I mostly get them back on the path of loving learning. I take responsibility for my own actions as a teacher and realize the damage I can do. I go to school knowing that every day I can be the difference between a child embracing his or her own learning or tuning out. I accept that what I do today may make the difference a few years from now between staying in school or dropping out. I believed that there was one way to do school to kids. Now I know that school needs to change, and we have to change it from within. Part of that change needs to be about including the voices of our students. School can no longer just be done to our kids, they must experience it and own it. When I first started on this journey of changing the way I teach, I did not know where my path would ultimately lead. I still don’t. With every child that enters my classroom, and with every parent that comes along with something to share, that path changes and so must I. Exemplo 01. Alguns trechos são “…came into my room loving (or at least liking) school and left diminished in some ways”; “long-winded lectures about process left them confused and bitter”; “my strict book report guidelines and reading logs devoured their curiosity for great stories”; “afraid to try something new”; “PE is always a crowd favorite as well. But math and social studies, yikes”; “drill and kill, lecture and lecture some more”; “Show them repeatedly how to do a problem, then have one or two students come up and work through a similar problem while the rest of the class watches”. Exemplo 02. Alguns trechos são “back on the path of loving learning”; “including the voices of our students”; “School can no longer just be done to our kids, they must experience it and own it”; “Students who did not understand why they couldn’t just be told how to do something. Parents who felt I didn’t give enough homework or enough grades. Teachers who thought I wasn’t doing a good enough job preparing the kids”; “change our school system from within”. Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. Resposta pessoal.
I set out to give the classroom back to the students, and this remains my mission, yet I have not accomplished all of the goals I set for myself. With any change there comes resistance, and I have met my fair share. Students who did not understand why they couldn’t just be told how to do something. Parents who felt I didn’t give enough homework or enough grades. Teachers who thought I wasn’t doing a good enough job preparing the kids. My own doubt sneaking in whenever an idea did not work. Yet, if we want to make change, we must expect to fight for what we believe in – even with ourselves sometimes. There are ways that we can change our school system from within, even though many policy makers may seem to work against us. (Pernille Ripp. In: MindShift. Disponível em: <www.kqed.org/mindshift/38359/ how-one-teacher-changed-for-the-good-of-her-students>. Acesso em: 24 abr 2018. Modificado.)
DISCUSSÃO 01. Retire do texto trechos que descrevam o ensino escolar atual, o sistema do qual a autora fala, e faça um resumo dele.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
02. Retire do texto trechos que descrevam as mudanças realizadas por Pernille Ripp, tanto as partes positivas quanto as negativas, e faça um breve resumo. 03. In your point of view, why does the school system still function as it did 100 years ago? 04. Write a small text talking about the best teacher with whom you ever had classes and how he or she has changed your life.
Figura 01 - O verbo apologize é sempre seguido da preposição for
Em inglês, existem alguns verbos que sempre se apresentam acompanhados de uma preposição, tornando-se quase inseparáveis. Essa preposição não altera o significado da combinação, como acontece nos phrasal verbs, que serão abordados no módulo 08, apenas o acompanha de modo categórico. Para isso, é importante que sejam aprendidos em conjunto para não suscitarem dúvidas na hora da fala.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Veja uma lista de alguns desses verbos: Significado
accuse someone of
Acusar alguém de
He accused me of cheating.
add something to something
Adicionar algo a algo
Add more salt to this soup.
advise someone to
Aconselhar alguém a
She advised me to leave.
(dis)agree on (dis)agree with
Concordar ou discordar em Concordar ou discordar de
Mary agreed on going to the movies tonight, but she disagreed with Marc.
apologize for
Pedir desculpas por
Richard apologized for mossing the game.
apply to
Candidatar-se a
I applied to Computer Sciences.
approve of
My mother approves of my boyfriend.
argue with Argue about
Discutir com Discutir sobre
I argue with Jane about stupid things.
arrest someone for
Prender alguém por
The police arrested my friend for nothing.
ask for
The small child asked for some water.
beg for
Implorar por
I begged for the Father’s forgiveness.
believe in
Acreditar em
My kid doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.
belong to
Pertencer a
This keys belong to me.
beware of
Tomar cuidado de
Beware of the dog!
blame someone for
Culpar alguém de
He blamed me for his silly games.
borrow something from someone
Pegar algo emprestado de alguém
Can I borrow a pen?
comment on
Comentar em
Comment on this video!
compare to/with
Comparar a
My father always compares me to/ with my sister.
complain about/of
Reclamar de
She complains about/ of everything!
concentrate on
Concentrar-se em
Try to concentrate on your homework.
congratulate someone on/for something
Parabenizar alguém por algo
He congratulated me on/for my birthday.
consist of
Consistir em
This drink consists of orange juice and champagne.
contribute to
Contribuir para
My friend contributed to my success.
count on
Contar com
I know I can count on you.
deal with
Lidar com
This is my way, deal with it.
depend on/upon
Depender de
These kids depend on/upon me to teach them.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Verbo + preposição
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Verbo + preposição
discriminate against
Discriminar por
I wish no one was discriminated against their color.
distinguish from
Distinguir de
I can’t distinguish one color from the other.
dream of/about
Sonhar com/sobre
Dogs dream of their owners!
escape from
Escapar de
You can’t escape from my trap!
expect someone to
Esperar que
My teacher expects nothing but our effort.
forget about
I forgot about my own birthday!
forgive someone for
Desculpar alguém por
John forgave me for breaking his watch.
hide from
Esconder-se de
The Big Bad Wolf hid from Little Red Riding Hood.
hope for
Ter esperança de
She hopes for a better galaxy.
insist on
Insistir em
Don’t insist on going out tonight, you’re still grounded.
introduce to
Apresentar para
She introduced herself to me and I was already in love.
invite someone to
Convidar alguém a
She invited me to her house.
laugh at
Rir/gargalhar de
Everyone laughed at the cat video.
lend something to someone
Emprestar algo para alguém
I’ll lend you my pen.
listen to
Ouvir a
Listen to the birds singing!
mistake someone for
Confundir alguém por
She mistook me for someone else.
pay for something
Pagar por algo
I’ll pay for your dinner if you help me.
persist in
Persistir em
Anna persisted in learning Russian.
pray for
Orar por
We pray for our lives.
prohibit someone from
Proibir alguém de
My boss prohibits us from staying over hours.
protect someone/something from
Proteger alguém/ algo de
Owls protect their offspring from all other animals.
protest about
Protestar sobre
High school students are protesting about gun ownership.
punish someone for
Punir alguém por
The officer punished me for talking back to him.
recover from
Recuperar-se de
I’ve just recovered from a severe flu.
refer to
Referir-se a
This article refers to Service Design as a whole.
rescue from
Resgatar de
These dogs were rescued from an abandoned building.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Verbo + preposição
save someone from
Salvar alguém de
Save me from eating more cake.
sell something to someone
Vender algo a alguém
An old man sold this gem to me.
send something to someone
Enviar algo a alguém
I sent your mother-in-law some coffee from Brazil.
show something to someone
Mostrar algo a alguém
I need to show this funny video to you!
smile at
Sorrir para
She smiled at me so sweetly.
Stop someone from
Impedir alguém de
Stop me from eating more cake!
subscribe to
Inscrever-se em
I’m subscribed to a lot of YouTube channels.
succeed in
Ter sucesso em
No one succeed in the test.
suffer from
Sofrer de
My uncle suffered from a severe disability.
take care of
Cuidar de
She took care of me as if I were her son.
talk with/to someone about something
Falar com alguém sobre algo
I need to talk to you about yesterday.
thank someone for
Agradecer alguém por
Jonas thanked Laetitia for coming.
think of/about
Pensar sobre
I’m thinking of you!
volunteer to
Se oferecer para
I volunteer to compete.
vote for
Votar em
I voted for this man.
wait for
Esperar por
Can you wait for me to get ready?
worry about
Don’t worry about anything.
Assim como os verbos, existem os adjetivos que estão sempre acompanhados por uma preposição, tornando-se quase um só. Essa preposição não altera o significado da combinação e, por isso, as palavras devem ser aprendidas em conjunto para facilitarem a memorização.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Figura 02 - O adjetivo excited é sempre seguido da preposição about, como em She is excited about her graduation.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Veja uma lista de alguns desses adjetivos, que são antecedidos pelo verbo to be na hora da construção de orações:
Adjetivo + preposição
Be absent from
Estar ausente de
My student was absent from class today.
Be accused of Be accused by
Ser acusado(a) de Ser acusado(a) por
The defendant was accused of stealing by the judge.
Be addicted to
Estar viciado(a) a
I’m addicted to coffee!
Be afraid of Be afraid to
Ter medo de
I’m afraid of leaving this bunk. I’m afraid to leave this bunk.
Be allergic to
Ser alérgico(a) a
Many people are allergic to gluten.
Be angry at
Estar bravo(a) com
Hannah is always angry at her brother.
Be annoyed with/by
Estar irritado(a) por
The teacher was annoyed by all the chit chat.
Be associated with
Estar associado(a) a
The defendant denied being associated to a huge money laundry scheme.
Be attached to
Estar anexado(a)/ligado(a) a
The document is attached to the end of the e-mail.
Be aware of
Estar alerta a
I’m aware of the risks.
Be blessed with
Ser abençoado(a) por
I was blessed with the birth of my son.
Be bored with/by
Estar entediado(a) por
The child was bored with the lack of toys.
Be capable of
Ser capaz de
My aunt is capable of dancing Tango.
Be close to
Estar perto(a) de
You’re close to where I am.
Be committed to
Estar comprometido(a) a
Noah was committed to helping Bella succeed in the exam.
Be compatible with
Ser compatível com
This plug is compatible with this device.
Be concerned about
Estar preocupado(a) com
Is no one concerned with this leak?
Be confronted with
Ser confrontado(a) com
The bad-behaved student was confronted with his less-than-enough grades.
Be connected to
Estar conectado(a) a
The computer is connected to the energy cable.
Be contrary to
Ser contrário(a) a
The meaning of ‘sad’ is the contrary of ‘happy’.
Be convinced of
Estar convencido(a) de
I’m convinced of your abilities.
Be covered with
Estar coberto(a) de
This cake is covered with strawberry icing.
Be crazy about
Ser louco(a) por
She’s crazy about coffee-flavored desserts.
Be curious about
Estar curioso(a) por
The cat is curious about its reflection in the mirror.
Be dedicated to
Estar/ser dedicado(a) a
She dedicated to caring for her father.
Be disappointed with
Estar decepcionado(a) com
I’m disappointed with your attitude.
Be divorced from
Estar divorciado(a) de
My mother is divorced from my father.
Be done with
Estar cansado(a) de
I’m done with your laziness.
Be engaged in Be engaged to
Estar engajado(a) a Estar noivo(a) de
I’m engaged in making the world a better place. I’m engaged to my best friend.
Be enthusiastic about
Estar entusiasmado(a) por
I’m enthusiastic about meeting your family.
Be equipped with
Estar equipado(a) com
For hiking, you must be equipped with may safe equipments.
Be excited about
Estar animado(a) com
No one is excited about group work.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Be exhausted from
Estar exausto(a) com
Lilly was exhausted from working too hard.
Be exposed to
Ser exposto(a) a
Children in Syria are exposed to war.
Be faithful to
Ser leal a
She’s faithful to your cause.
Be filled with
Estar cheio(a) de
The bowl was filled with water.
Be friendly to/with
Ser amigável a
Mary’s friendly to Marc.
Be frightened of/by
Estar com medo de
The small child is frightened by the dark.
Be grateful to/for
Estar agradecido(a) por
I’m grateful for my life.
Be guilty of
Ser culpado(a) de
I’m guilty of liking too much sweets.
Be innocent of
Ser inocente de
The defendant is innocent of the robbery.
Be invited to
Ser convidado(a) a
All her friends were invited to her wedding.
Be jealous of
Estar enciumado(a) de
Jane’s brother was jealous of her.
Be known for
Ser conhecido(a) por
Stephen Hawking was known for being one of the greatest minds of the world.
Be limited to
Estar limitado(a) a
I’m limited to writing and Jane to illustrating our comic.
Be located in
Estar localizado(a) em
Brasília is located in the heart of Brazil.
Be made of/from
Ser feito(a) de
This dress is made of/from wool.
Be married to
Estar casado(a) a
My brother is married to my best friend.
Be opposed to
Ser contra
No one is opposed to this marriage.
Be patient with
Ser paciente com
You must be patient with me as I am with you.
Be pleased with
Estar satisfeito(a) com
I’m pleased with your behavior.
Be prepared for
Estar preparado(a) para
Andrew is always prepared for an exam.
Be protected from
Estar protegido(a) de
The baby bird is protected from the rain under the wings of mama bird.
Be proud of
Estar orgulhoso(a) de
My mother was proud of my graduation.
Be qualified for
Ser qualificado(a) a
This candidate is qualified for this job.
Be related to
Ser parente de
My two best friends are related to each other.
Be relevant to
Ser relevante a
This subject is relevant to your academic life.
Be remembered for
Ser lembrado(a) por
Einstein is remembered for many important contributions to Physics.
Be responsible for
Ser responsável por
No one is responsible for what happened.
Be satisfied with
Estar satisfeito(a) com
My teacher is satisfied with my grades.
Be similar to
Ser similar a
This TV show is similar to that other one we watched.
Be tired of/from
Estar cansado(a) de
I’m tired of writing my thesis.
Be upset about/with
Estar chateado(a) com
My brother is upset about being fired.
Be used to
Estar acostumado(a) a
I’m used to studying every day.
Be useful to
Ser útil a
This book is very useful to learning English.
Be worried about
Estar preocupado(a) com
I was worried about passing my exams, but I am not anymore.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Adjetivo + preposição
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as preposições gramaticalmente adequadas para os verbos dados. a) How do you ask _______ a coffee in German? for from b) This spray should protect you _______ mosquitoes. in c) My boy believes _______ ghosts. with d) I disagree _______ everything you’ve said. to to e) I’m still waiting _______ someone to respond _______ my complaint. 02. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as preposições gramaticalmente adequadas para os adjetivos dados. for a) Jogging is good _______ your health but smoking is bad for _______ you. with b) We’re very pleased _______ your progress. of c) I’m perfectly capable _______ doing it myself, thank you. to d) She’s the one who’s married _______ a doctor, isn’t she? for/ for e) I don’t really feel qualified _______ that job. I won’t apply for it.
03. (Macmillan) Complete the text with a suitable preposition in each space. It never ceases to amaze me how little notice some people of now take _______ rules in public spaces. When I was a child, with it would never have occurred to me not to comply _______ the rules. If someone smoked in defiance of a ‘No Smoking’ of sign on a train, they would rapidly be reminded _______ their transgression by several irate passengers, who would to refer the errant smoker _______the sign in no uncertain terms. What’s more, the person accused would normally for apologize _______ his indiscretion, and would certainly from refrain _______ repeating his anti-social behavior.
04. Sublinhe a preposição gramaticalmente correta em cada caso. a) Peter showed a disregard for/with his own safety. for b) You’re capable for/of making your bed. of c) I’m surprised at/by you, dancing like that. at d) Helen had great admiration for/by her English teacher. for e) Many young people become addicted to/by alcohol. to 05. (Macmillan) Complete the text with one word in each space. Well, welcome to the class everybody. I’m sure you’re all capable dying to show me exactly what you’re ______________ of. I to hope ______________ see your faces at the pool a lot from about now on. If you’re serious ______________ swimming, you really need to be doing it on a regular basis, say two or three times a week – in addition to these teaching sessions. Now a bit about the course. In the early stages, we’ll be working on ______________ the basics – breathing, body position on and so on. Today we’re going to work ______________ putting the head underwater, with a view to getting you all swimming correctly, with the head partly submerged. at If you don’t succeed ______________ the first attempt, afraid don’t worry. And please don’t be ______________ of the water – just try and relax. Eventually we’ll progress to the big pool, but for the moment being, we’re going to be in the small pool, where you can stand up and practice your techniques. Now, the warm-up exercises we’re going to start with to ______________ today are designed ______________ get you out of breath, so keep your heads well clear of the different water. These exercises may well be ______________ from anything you’re used to, as we’ll be doing some jumping in the water.
Exercícios Complementares 01. (UFRGS RS) A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
Old Light I heard a tale that the sun god was said 02 to live in a whale and that’s why light seems 03 to come out of its eyes and why rainbows 04 form in the mist of the gray whale’s breath. 05 It’s true, light comes, but it is an old light, 06 seeing. They look. The way they lift 07 themselves from the sea: they are shining, 08 water falling from them as they rise, exhale, 09 inhale and return below the surface of the 10 water. 11 The gray whales themselves are an 12 intelligence we haven’t yet grasped, Life-covered 13 with several hundred pounds of 14 barnacles and small-eyed. If we could see 15 them ........ the brief timescale of the planet, 16 they 01
would look like shape-shifters. If we 17 thought of time by something other than our 18 own notions, million-fold years ago, before 19 our own knowledge of evolution, we’d see 20 these whales …….. they walked on land. 21 Even now, existing within their immense 22 bones, there is body evidence, a hand, 23 human; vestigial hipbones; and remnants of 24 legs they no longer need. They lived …….. 25 land when we lived in water. When we look 26 at them we see our own future. 27 And when they come up again for air 28 and the water falls from them back into the 29 seawater, it is a shine of beauty in a world of 30 desert, dunes in the background. As their 31 hind legs have disappeared into them, out of 32 our sight, and their hands have become 33 hidden, the compass set
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
into their brains, 34 you’d think you might be able to be one with 35 them, as with a cousin, but it’s a cousin lost 36 in time. It makes us so small in the 37 firmament. It makes us remember something 38 we can’t quite name, only feel. 39 Looking at these whales in the shallow 40 water, thinking of the great turn of evolution 41 and change on earth, we wonder if one day 42 we will return to the seawater, along with 43 these long-enduring, longest-living mammals 44 on Earth. Adaptado de: HOGAN, Linda. Sightings: The Gray Whales’ Mysterious Journey. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2002. p. 29-30.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas das referências 15, 20 e 24. a) across – how – on b) on – like – above c) over – like – above d) over – as – on e) across – as – over 02. (Puc RS)
The U.S. system of public education, it seems, is failing its children. Some media sources have tagged the problem with catchy labels, calling the United States “Dropout Nation,” and failing schools “dropout factories.” Yet those terms may actually mask the real issue–that millions of teenagers and young adults feel so alienated in an academic setting that they ultimately pack it in and give ______. The education dilemma is a ticking time bomb. According to some experts, our economy is losing hundreds of billions of dollars in wages alone over the lifetimes of these dropouts. America, which only 20 years ago had the most educated populace on the planet, now ranks anywhere from seventh to 18th in comparison to other nations in terms of relative effectiveness of its educational system. Performance in math and science among U.S. students in fourth through 12th grades is steadily declining; one study has American eighth graders tied with students in third-world Zimbabwe in mathematics. As America moves ______ a manufacturing-based economy ______ a globalized service- and technology-based economy, it is not producing a workforce educated enough to handle jobs that will keep the country clicking. Adapted from: <http://www.vanderbilt.edu/magazines/vanderbilt-magazine /2008/03/lost_in_america/print/>.Accessed on Oct.23 2009.
Choose the correct alternative to complete the spaces in the text. a) on – of – to b) up – on – in c) of – up – to d) up – from – to e) on – to – from
The correct prepositions to fill in blanks 1, 2 and 3 in text are, respectively, a) after – on – to b) while – by – of c) besides – in – for d) towards – of – to e) through – for – for 03. (IFSP) Lost in America Call them “the disappeared.” Last year 1.2 million American students dropped out of high school without receiving their diplomas.
05. (UFRR) Observe the following sentences and mark the correct alternative regarding to prepositions. I. The next meeting is _______ 15 April. II. Helen is studying law ______ university. III. In tennis, you hit the ball _____ a racket. IV. Sue is married _____ a dentist. V. I am sorry ______ not phoning you yesterday. a) at – in – in – after – to; b) in – in – in – with – for; c) at – in – to – with – to; d) on – at – with – to – about; e) of – in – off – from – for.
A07 Verbos a adjetivos seguidos de preposição
04. (Unievangélica GO) O uso da preposição está adequado na seguinte sentença: a) They have planted a tree behind of the house. b) The car was parked directly in front of the school. c) You had better inquire to the tourist information office. d) Sam’s house is near to the movie theater.
ASSUNTOS ABORDADOS n Phrasal verbs n Antes de começar n Introdução n Construção
PHRASAL VERBS Antes de começar Leia a seguir um texto sobre a empresa Lowe’s Innovation Labs, que trouxe um método interessante de pensar a inovação e sobreviver no mercado competitivo. Depois, responda às questões que o seguem. Why Lowe’s uses comic books to guide innovation
Fonte: Wikimedia commons
Kyle Nel, executive director of Lowe’s Innovation Labs, opened up to Retail Dive about how the company thinks about experimenting with new technology. “Innovation is a word that is so overused it’s like it doesn’t even mean anything anymore,” says the guy leading the innovation lab at Lowe’s. It’s fair to say that innovation has become one of the industry’s biggest buzzwords as retailers of all shapes and sizes build labs to concoct disruptive technologies and keep ahead of competition. But too often companies fail to pair innovation with a necessary mindset shift and don’t get the results they want, Kyle Nel, executive director of Lowe’s Innovation Labs, recently told Retail Dive in an exclusive interview. “To do something different, you have to do something different, which is difficult when you’re a large organization that is driven by executing and efficiency,” he said. “That’s what retailers do very well. For us, thinking outside of the proverbial box is really important.” Nel isn’t a tech guy and he’s quick to point it out. He’s a behavioral scientist and the way he thinks about innovation at the home improvements retailer is through the lens of how people make decisions. Just over four years ago, Nel launched the innovation lab with “narrative-driven innovation” as a core guiding tool. In short — he paid people to draw comic books.
Figura 01 - LoweBot, an autonomous robot that assists in-store customers, is able to speak a number of languages, navigate shoppers to aisles where they can find and scan products, and check store availability. After a two-year pilot of the technology in an Orchard Supply Hardware store, the company last year rolled the bot out to a number of locations in the San Francisco Bay area.
The innovation lab employs a number of professionally published science fiction writers that take market research data on emerging technologies and come up with stories depicting Lowe’s future in the form of illustrations, which
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
are passed out to the executive team, including CEO Robert Niblock and his direct staff. “A lot of organizations focus on what’s going on right now instead of what the outcomes will be like two or three or five steps down the road,” Nel said. “You make different decisions if you believe in this outcome and see how it might all come together rather than what’s available today and making incremental steps forward.” From the retailer’s futuristic-looking exosuits for employees to its augmented reality apps that measure whether appliances will fit in homes, everything the innovation lab pursues is guided by storytelling, and according to Nel, that’s the key. (Corinne Ruff. In: Retail Dive. Disponível em: <https://www.retaildive.com/news/why-lowes-uses-comic-books-to-guide-innovation/506504/>.Acesso em: 24 abr 2018. Modificado.)
Exemplo 01. A principal é utilizer quadrinhos para imaginar e dar o primeiro passo para concretizar novas ideias dentro da empresa em vez de gastar tempo com reuniões e discussões abstratas. Outra inovação é o próprio produto da empresa, o Lowebot, que auxilia, por meio de uma boa inteligência artificial, os consumidores de uma loja. Por fim, há o modo de pensar do executivo, que foca nas expectativas do futuro da empresa em vez de pensar no hoje. Exemplo 02. Resposta pessoal. Buzzword: an important-sounding usually technical word or phrase often of little meaning used chiefly to impress. Exemplo 03. Resposta pessoal. Exemplo 04. Resposta pessoal.
DISCUSSÃO 01. Quais são as inovações relatadas no texto e o que elas diferem do que é considerado tradicional? 02. What does “buzzword” mean? Try to infer it meaning by knowing that “buzz” is the sound that bees do and taking into consideration the company Buzzfeed and what it does. 03. Em sua opinião, por que geralmente associamos quadrinhos e outras formas de entretenimento como proibitivas no ambiente de trabalho? 04. Desafie-se: escreva um pequeno roteiro em inglês sobre o seu trabalho daqui a dez anos para caber em uma tira de três cenas (um quadrinho). Para cada quadrinho, descreva o ambiente; sua aparência; seu cargo, que poderá estar visível por meio de sua roupa; as pessoas a seu redor (se houver) e suas ações. Se quiser, imagine e descreva suas falas também. Caso você goste de desenhar, siga em frente e materialize sua tirinha!
Introdução Phrasal verb é um fenômeno gramatical em inglês bastante específico: ele combina verbos com uma preposição, um advérbio ou ambos (em inglês, o termo único é particle) para formar algo que funciona como um verbo de significado diferente do que os significados combinados das palavras individuais. Esse fenômeno permite maior variedade de expressividade dentro da língua com um menor número de verbos individuais, pois um mesmo verbo se combina com diferentes preposições ou advérbios, assim como as preposições e os advérbios repetem-se para diversos verbos.
A08 Phrasal verbs
Figura 02 - "She takes after her mother" significa que "She looks like her mother" ou "She behaves like her mother".
Construção Já vimos que phrasal verbs são a junção de um verbo, mais uma partícula, que, em português, pode ser uma preposição ou um advérbio. Para facilitar seu entendimento de como se constroem essas expressões verbais, chamaremos a segunda parte da construção sempre de partícula (p). O verbo será referenciado por (v); o sujeito, por (s); e o objeto, por (o). n
Alguns verbos aceitam apenas uma forma de construir a oração com um phrasal verb, que é a ordem s + v + p + o: Sujeito
her mother.
(can) count
the fake Facebook account.
Figura 03 - "I know that I can count on you" significa que "I know that I can trust you". n
A08 Phrasal verbs
Figura 04 - "We left behind our friends" significa que "we abandoned our friends".
Outros verbos admitem duas formas de construção, s + v + p + o e s + v + o + p: Sujeito
the money.
our friends.
The cat
the glass.
the money
our friends
The cat
the glass
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Quando o objeto for um pronome pessoal, a construção será sempre s + v + o + p: Sujeito
The cat
Figura 05 - "The cat knocked it over" significa que "the cat striked it to the ground".
Algumas dessas expressões verbais são mais fáceis de depreender seu significado; outras, mais difíceis. Sua construção também vem da prática. É preciso ler e exercitar para que elas sejam internalizadas por você. Veja uma lista de alguns phrasal verbs mais comuns em inglês: Significado
Ask someone out
Chamar alguém para sair
Peter asked Mary Jane out.
Bring someone up Bring something up
Criar (uma criança) Mencionar um assunto
Oliver Twist wasn’t brought up by his parents. There is another subject I want to bring up before you leave.
Call someone back
Retornar a ligação
I’ll call you back when I finish my homework.
Call someone in
Ser intimado a comparecer a um local oficial por uma razão específica
The Police called in our former President.
Call something off
Cancelar algo
My boss called the meeting off, because she wasn’t feeling well.
Call someone up
Ligar pelo telephone/celular
Sue said she’d call me up if she heard anything about Joan’s health state.
Catch up with someone
Atingir o mesmo nível de alguém
After this list of exercises, I’ll be catch up with my classmates.
Cheat on someone
Trair alguém
He cheated on his girlfriend with another man.
Check in
Registrar-se em uma hospedagem
You’re all checked in. The elevators are to your left.
Check into ou check up on
Investigar algo
The police are checking into his alibi.
Cheer someone up
Animar alguém
I bought some ice cream to cheer you up.
Clean up somewhere
Limpar e organizer algum lugar
I cleaned up my car so we could travel.
Come across something
Deparar com algo
I came across a huge snake when I was hiking yesterday.
Come in somewhere
Entrar em algum lugar
Come in, my dear, and have some cake.
Come over somewhere
Visitar informalmente
Come over after your classes and we’ll “Netflix and chill”.
Come up
Aparecer de repente
I’ve got to go, something came up!
Cross out something
Riscar (uma palavra)
Cross out the word that doesn’t belong in this group.
Cut out something
Parar uma atividade irritante
Hey, kids, cut the shouting out.
Do over something
Refazer algo
You’re not putting any effort into writing this essay.
Drop by someone
Visitar informalmente alguém
Can I drop by later? I really need to talk to you in person.
A08 Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verb
Drop off someone Drop off something
Levar alguém Deixar algo
I just need to drop my niece off at the mall and then I’ll meet you. I just need to drop this letter off at the post office and then I’ll meet you.
Drop out of somewhere
Abandonar (a escola)
The Weeknd dropped out of school when he was young.
Figure something out
Encontrar a resposta por meio de lógica
Help me figure something out: why are you still awake, little miss?
Fill something out
Preencher (um formulário)
You must bring all these forms filled out.
Find something out
Descobrir uma informação
Marc just found out he was being cheated on.
Get along with someone
Ter uma boa relação com alguém
My mother-in-law and I get along with each other really well.
Get in somewhere
Entrar em algum lugar
“Get in the car”, said the man pointing a gun to the back of my head.
Get off somewhere
Sair de algum veículo
I can get off here. It will be faster if I walk than if I wait all this traffic jam to dissolve.
Get out somewhere
Sair de algum lugar temporariamente
“GET OUT!”, shouted the girl to her boyfriend, hoping he would stay by the door, waiting for her to change her mind.
Get over someone
Recuperar-se de um término de relacionamento
You need to get over Maisy, she’s done enough to you.
Get through something
Terminar algo
I know this is boring, but you must get through with it.
Get up (from somewhere)
Levantar (da cama, da cadeira etc.)
It’s already midday, get up!
Give something back to someone
Devolver algo a alguém
If you don’t pay any tuition to study at the university, you must give back to your community.
Give something up
Desistir de algo
Don’t give up! You’re almost there!
Go away (from somewhere)
Sair de algum lugar permanentemente
Go away! I never want to see your face ever again!
Go over something
Revisar algo
Anna helped me go over my documents before I sent them.
Grow up
Tornar-se um adulto
You need to grow up and stop all this nonsense.
Hand in something
Entregar (um trabalho)
The teacher gave us until tomorrow to hand in the assignment.
Hang something up
Desligar o telefone Pendurar algo
He hang up on my face! He hangs his clothes up so they don’t get wrinkles.
Have something on
Vestir algo
What designer dress have you on?
Keep out of somewhere
Deixar de fora
Keep out! This is private property.
Keep up with someone
Atingir o mesmo nível de conhecimento sobre algo de alguém
“Keeping up with the Kardashians” is a shallow TV show.
Kick someone out of somewhere
Forçar alguém a sair
Security kicked us out of the bar.
Look after someone
Cuidar de alguém
Bob couldn’t come, he had to look after his sister.
Look for someone/ something
Procurar alguém ou algo
I need to look for my seat before the meeting starts.
Look into something
Investigar algo
I must look into the disappearance of my keys.
A08 Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verb
Phrasal verb
Look out for something
Tomar cuidado com algo
Look out for falling rocks.
Look something up
Procurar informação
Look up what “flabbergasted” means.
Make something up
Inventar algo
This statistic information is definitely made up.
Name someone after someone
Dar o nome de alguém a outrem
I named my baby after my grandfather!
Pass away
My friend passed away last year.
Pass out
Nick was passed out for an hour.
Pick something out
Selecionar algo
Kurt wasted an hour picking an outfit out.
Pick someone up
Buscar alguém
My mother picks me up every day at school.
Point something out
Chamar atenção para algo
Right, point all my faults out, thank you very much.
Put something away
Guardar algo
Put your toys away or you won’t eat any ice cream today.
Put something back
Devolver algo a seu local original
He carefully put the book back at the table, hoping no one would notice it had been moved.
Put something off
Adiar algo
He had to put our meeting off and I don’t even know why.
Put something on
Vestir algo
Put some trousers on, be decent!
Put something out
Extinguir algo
Put that cigarette out, we’re near children.
Put up with someone
Aguentar o comportamento de alguém
My sister has to put up with our overly protective father more than I do.
Run into someone
Encontrar por acaso com alguém
You’ll never guess whom I ran into at the supermarket.
Run out of something
Ficar sem algo
We ran out of milk this morning. Can you go get some more?
Show up somewhere
Aparecer sem avisar
My parents showed up in the middle of my house party!
Shut something off
Desligar algo
Shut that TV off, please.
Take (something) off
Tirar algo Decolar (o avião)
I finally took off that dress, it was killing me! Flying crew, prepare to take off.
Take someone out Take something out
Levar alguém para sair Levar algo para fora
Peter took Mary Jane out. Can you take out the trash?
Take over something
Controlar algo
The Rebels took over control of the Death Star.
Think something over
Repensar, considerar algo
Think your actions over, missy.
Throw something away
Jogar algo fora
Throw this old phone away, it’s all broken!
Throw up
Usually after you throw up, you feel better.
Try on something
Experimentar algo
Try on this Brussels sprouts, they’re delicious!
Turn something down
Baixar a intensidade de algo
Turn the radio down, it’s driving me crazy.
Turn something off
Desligar algo
Turn the lights off and go to sleep.
Turn something on
Ligar algo
I turned the TV on right on time to see the Presidential Speech.
Turn something up
Aumentar a intensidade de algo
“Turn it up!”, shouted the DJ.
A08 Phrasal verbs
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
Inglês Questão 04. a) He turned on the light. / He turned the light on. b) They got off the cab.
c) Lilly grew up in Indonesia. d) We always mix up the numbers. / We always mix the numbers up. e) He asked her out.
Exercícios de Fixação 01. Complete as lacunas das frases abaixo com o phrasal verb semanticamente adequado, cuja tradução está entre parênteses. get in a) Quick! ___________ the bus. It’s about to leave. (entrar) turn on b) I can’t see a thing, can you ________________ the lights, please? (ligar) fill in c) “________________ the form, please”, told me the officer. (preencher) take off d) It’s so warm! I better ________________ my coat, or else I start to sweat. (tirar) put off e) The firemen were able to ________________ the fire in the building. (apagar)
02. Complete as lacunas de texto com os phrasal verbs semanticamente adequados, depreendendo apenas pelo contexto. throw away a) This balloon is really old, can you ________ it _________? turn down b) i can’t hear you! Why can’t they ____________ the music? try on c) This dress is so pretty, I want to ________ it ________. look for d) I’ve lost my car keys! Can you help me __________ for it? come across e) I didn’t ________________ any bears while in Canada.
03. Complete as lacunas com as partículas semântica e gramaticalmente adequadas em cada caso com o verbo look. After a) Gabriel is a loving brother, he always looks ________ his sister. Out b) Look ________! There’s a tree branch right there. Into c) The private investigator looked ______ my family secrets.
through d) Since little, Henry used to look ________ design magazines in amazement. down e) Why does this guy look ________ on people like that? Does he thinks he’s better than us?
04. Circule a ordem de construção verbal gramaticalmente adequada em cada caso. Caso ambas sejam possíveis, circule-as. a) He turned on the light. / He turned the light on. b) They got off the cab. / They got the cab off. c) Lilly grew up in Indonesia. Lilly grew in Indonesia up. d) We always mix up the numbers. / We always mix the numbers up. e) He asked out her. / He asked her out. 05. Traduza as orações a seguir para o inglês, usando os phrasal verbs semântica e gramaticalmente adequados. a) Meu aluno sempre olha o significado das palavras em um dicionário impresso. _____________________________ My student always looks up word meanings in a printed dicitionary. _____________________________________________ b) Eles desistiram de sair de casa._____________________ They gave up leaving the house. _____________________________________________ c) Nós perdemos o prazo para entregar o dever de casa por causa de dez minutos! ___________________________ We missed the deadline to hand in the homework by ten minutes! _____________________________________________ d) A Suzana terminou com o namorado há dois dias. _____ Suzana broke up with her boyfriend two days ago. _____________________________________________ e) Meus avós apareceram sem nos avisar. _____________ My grandparents showed up without letting us know. _____________________________________________
A08 Phrasal verbs
Exercícios Complementares 01. (FCM PB) You mean I don’t have to show up? The promise of telemedicine “Aside from whatever a visit to the doctor costs you in money, it also costs you in time. A lot of it! End to end, the travel and waiting time for a doctor’s appointment can take several hours — often disrupting work or school. Only 17 percent of it — 20 minutes, on average — is spent actually seeing the doctor, according to a study by the University of Pittsburgh, physician Kristin Ray and colleagues at the Harvard Medical School and the RAND Corporation. In a year, Americans spend 2.4 billion hours making doctor visits. Valued at average wage rates, that’s worth more than $52 billion — equivalent to the total working time and income of 1.2 million people. On average, we pay $32 when visiting a doctor. But separately, the value of our time adds up to more, $43, according to Dr. Ray’s study.
For certain kinds of health care, there is a better way. Long after electronic communication and technology have revolutionized other services (like preparing taxes, booking travel and banking), emails, phone calls, video chats and other telemedicine applications are gradually supplementing or replacing some types of office visits. Telemedicine holds the promise of giving some of our time back. And it may have other advantages. Care delivered in this way requires no travel, and if one waits at all it’s at home or work, not at a doctor’s office. In an era of FaceTime and Skype, patients are starting to expect more convenient access to doctors. The vast majority of patients report that they want to be able to communicate with their doctors by email. Perhaps for this reason, the market for telemedicine is growing rapidly. In a passionate commentary on the establishment’s hesitancy to embrace telemedicine, David Asch, a University of Pennsylvania physician, pointed out that the inconvenience of face-to-face care limits its use, but arbitrarily and invisibly.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
(Adapted from: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/upshot/you-mean-i-donthave-to-show-up-the-promise-of-telemedicine.html?ref=policy)
The expression “show up” (title) is a classical case of: a) modal verb. b) phrasal verb. c) auxiliary verb. d) principal verb. e) adverb. 02. (IME RJ) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente: Using a high-tech kit, the police found a single clue, tracked it _________ and saved the girl. a) down b) over c) by d) on e) under 03. (UEAM) Maues – City of Guarana Maues is one of the most beautiful cities in the Amazon; known as the Guarana city, it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – Maues Summer Festival and The Guarana Festival. Its early inhabitants, the Mundurucus and Maues Indians, used to grow the Guarana fruit, which is the basis for the well-known Brazilian soft drink. The word Maues means “talking parrots” and comes from one of the Indian tribes in the region. Maues has 22,000 inhabitants, with other 20,000 natives scattered over 140 villages along rivers in the region. Maues is located on the Maues-Açu River and it can be reached 12 Manaus – 267 km away – by regional boat in 18 hours, by fast boat in 7 hours or by plane in 1 hour. Maues is an ideal starting point for adventure, including a visit to the Amana Waterfall, or to old gold mines, caves, and the jungle – with local Indian guides. Tourists may also visit the Uraira reserve. (http://amazonaslife.tripod.com. Adaptado.)
A lacuna do texto pode ser corretamente preenchida por a) at. b) to. c) in. d) from. e) over. 04. (Puc RS) English sculptor Anish Kapoor, one of the greatest active artists in our time, was born in India in 1954. Having built an impressive oeuvre over the past three decades, today Kapoor stands out1 as a sculptor in the strictest sense of
the word: he has introduced sculpture in a new aesthetic and technical scale by incorporating techniques – appropriated from architecture, aeronautics, and the heavy industry – to the support. Anish Kapoor’s forms and sculptures are apparently deceiving; they seem quite simple in terms of form, yet they convey, each of them, a dizzying complexity of natural elements, technique, aesthetic and finishing. Brazilian poet Antonio Cicero once told me that finishing accounts for 50% of a poetic creation. I have become deeply aware of this fact. In Kapoor’s work, it accounts for even more. For example, When I am Pregnant, is a work shrouded by a thin and Fastidiously2 finished layer of plaster; it is a subtle protuberance on the wall, enunciating a bulging form that in itself heralds creation and the sublime. It is art, wanting to be born. (Source: Cultural Project of Banco do Brasil, 2006)
“Stand out”, as used in (REF.1), means a) to defend or support an idea. b) to help in a difficult situation. c) to stand at a distance from. d) to be much better than others. e) to resist, to face. 05. (UFAM) Internet, What would we do without you ? Brazil has developed a system of electronic ballots that Paraguay will use for the municipal elections in November, adding agility and security to the entire process. The power of a click is increasing constantly with new Internet services emerging to satisfy any need. All over the world, new online services are popping up1 every day form sites offering romantic liaisons- such as eHarmony, which boasts an estimated 10 million users in over 200 countries and is responsible for approximately 10,000 marriages – to finance sites like SmartMoney, which allows you to invest and buy stock online. The worldwide trend of paying online started by Amazon, eBay and PayPal today extends to sites like the Chilean government Website Tramitefacil.gov.cl where citizens can pay their taxes, apply for government loans and obtain legal certificates , or the Peruvian Websites of Perugestiones and Abogadosperu, which even offer online divorces. We use the Internet to pay our gas and phone bills, transfer funds, apply for loans, make credit card payments and donate to charity. We find maps get directions, order groceries or dinner, buy plane tickets, make hotel reservations and much more. In short, we use it to save time, avoid endless lines and go places without actually being there. Thank you, Internet dear! O melhor sinônimo da expressão popping up (ref.1) a) leaving b) bursting c) appearing d) exploding e) disappearing
A08 Phrasal verbs
The costs of waiting and travel time and those borne by rural populations with poor access to in-person care don’t appear on the books. “The innovation that telemedicine promises is not just doing the same thing remotely,” Dr. Asch wrote, “but awakening us to the many things that we thought required face-to-face contact but actually do not. ”
Exercícios de Aprofundamento 01. (IFBA) Make a kite Kites were more than toys. They were very important 2 tools in ancient China. Kites were used in 3 construction. Materials were lifted with a kite. Kites 1
According to the grammatical aspects presented in text, it’s correct to say that: a) The adjectives durable and sophisticated (Refs. 15-16) are both used in their superlative forms. b) The sentences Messages attached to kites were flown over enemy lines (Refs. 4-5) and Kites were even fitted with whistles (Refs. 8-9) are in the passive voice. c) The modal verb may in reference 12 is used to express ability. d) The sentences in the imperative presented in the last paragraph were used to make an invitation to the reader. e) The adjectives musical (Ref. 9), simple (Ref. 11), ancient (Ref. 14) and durable (Ref. 15) are all formed by suffixes. 02. (UEM PR) Treating sugar addiction like drug abuse
Availablein: <http://www.wallpaperhdworld.com/search/?q=KITE&galleryPage=3>. Access on: 26.09.14
were used in battles as well. Messages attached to 5 kites were flown over enemy lines until they reached 6 their aliens, and then the lines were cut, and the kites 7 and the messages fell to the soldiers below. Kites with 8 hooks and bait were used for fishing. Kites were even 9 fitted with whistles to make musical sounds while 10 flying. 11 Listed below are simple directions for making a kite. 12 While a kite made in this way may fly, it will not be very 13 durable. The purpose is to make a very colorful kite 14 that might be similar to one made by the ancient 15 Chinese. Directions for more durable and more 16 sophisticated kites can be found in craft books. 4
Materials: • Large sheet of construction paper 19 • String 20 • Paint 21 • Tissue or crepe paper 17 18
Directions: Fold the construction paper in half; Cut out the shape 24 of your kite. You might choose the shape of a butterfly, 25 bird, or dragon; Color your kite with watercolors or 26 finger paint; When dry, tie the string to one end and 27 attach tissue paper scraps to make a tail. 22 23
(From: BLATTNER, Don. World Civilizations and Cultures. Mark Twain Media, Inc, Publishers. Distributed by Carson-Dellosa Publishing LCC, 2000. p.25)
1 Millions of people globally are overweight or 2 obese. With obesity rates on the rise worldwide and 3 excess sugar consumption considered a direct 4 contributor, the search has been on for treatments to 5 reverse the trend. Now a world-first study led by 6 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) may 7 have the answer. 8 Neuroscientist Professor Selena Bartlett from 9 QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation 10 said the study shows drugs used to treat nicotine 11 addiction could be used to treat sugar addiction in 12 animals. 13 The publication coincides with another paper by the 14 team which shows that long chronic sugar intake can 15 cause eating disorders and impact on behaviour. 16 “The latest World Health Organisation figures tell 17 us 1.9 billion people worldwide are overweight, with 18 600 million considered obese,” said Professor Bartlett. 19 “Excess sugar consumption has been proven to 20 contribute directly to weight gain. It has also been 21 shown to repeatedly elevate dopamine levels which 22 control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres in a way 23 that is similar to many drugs of abuse including 24 tobacco, cocaine and morphine. 25 “After long-term consumption, this leads to the 26 opposite, a reduction in dopamine levels. This leads to 27 higher consumption of sugar to get the same level of 28 reward. 29 “We have also found that as well as an increased 30 risk of weight gain, animals that maintain high sugar 31 consumption and binge eating into adulthood may also 32 face neurological and psychiatric consequences 33 affecting mood and motivation. 34 “Our study found that Food and Drug 35 Administration (FDA) approved drugs which treat 36 nicotine addiction can work
the same way when it 37 comes to sugar cravings.” (Adaptado do texto disponível em <http://www.sciencedaily. com/releases/2016/04/160407111828.htm>. Acesso em 08/04/2016.)
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
03. (UECE) The sentences “Peoples have been subjugated and liberated” and “Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art” are respectively in the a) passive voice and active voice. b) passive voice and passive voice. c) active voice and active voice. d) active voice and passive voice. 04. (UECE) He’s cut the material in the wrong place. It ought .......... right here but it wasn’t. a) to cut b) to be cutting c) to have cut d) to have been cut 05. (IME RJ) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente: In 2013, agents rescued 337 children and took 964 alleged predators __________ the street. a) on b) away c) off d) by e) apart 06. (FCM MG) Choose the option that completes the sentence below correctly: People from work gave me a form and told me to fill it ___. a) with b) off c) to d) in 07. (ITA SP) The hold-up The gunman, is useless. I know it. He knows it.
The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate Marvin knows it and he’s more useless than the gunman1. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marv’s car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. We’re all face-down on the floor and the car’s only got a few minutes left on it3. ‘I wish this bloke6’d hurry up2,’ I mention. ‘I know,’ Marv whispers back. ‘This is outrageous.’ His voice rises from the depths of the floor. ‘I’ll be getting a fine because of this useless bastard. I can’t afford another fine, Ed.’ ‘The car’s not even worth it4.’ ‘What?’ Marv looks over at me now. I can sense he’s getting uptight. Offended. If there’s one thing Marv doesn’t tolerate, it’s someone putting shit on his car. He repeats the question. ‘What did you say, Ed?’ ‘I said,’ I whisper, ‘it isn’t even worth the fine, Marv.’ ‘Look,’ he says, ‘I’ll take a lot of things, Ed, but...’ I tune out7 of what he’s saying, because quite frankly, once Marv gets going about his car, it’s downright pain in the arse material. He goes on and on, like a kid, and he’s just turned twenty5, for Jesus sake. He goes on for another minute or so, until I have to cut him off8. ‘Marv,’ I point out, ‘the car’s an embarrassment, okay? It doesn’t even have a handbrake – it’s sitting out there with two bricks behind the back wheels.’ I’m trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible. ‘Half the time you don’t even bother locking it. You’re probably hoping someone’ll flog it so you can collect the insurance.’ ‘lt isn’t insured.’ (...) That’s when the gunman turns around and shouts, ‘Who’s talkin’ back there?!’ Marv doesn’t care. He’s worked up about the car. (...) Zusak, M. The Messenger, Austrália: Ed. Picador, 2002 p. 3-4
Dadas as asserções: I. O termo bloke (ref.6) refere-se a gunman. II. A expressão tune out (ref.7) pode ser substituída por pay attention. III. A expressão cut off, em cut him off (ref.8), pode ser substituída por interrupt. Está(ão) correta(s) a) apenas a I. b) apenas a II. c) apenas a III. d) apenas I e II. e) apenas I e III. 763
FRENTE A Exercícios de Aprofundamento
According to text, choose the correct alternative(s). 01. The words “globally” (Ref. 1) and “worldwide” (Ref. 2) refer to events “happening or existing in all parts of the world”. 02. The expression “on the rise” (Ref. 2) is used to indicate that something has been reduced dramatically. 04. The expression “to reverse the trend” Refs. 4 and 5) is the same as “to make a general tendency go in the opposite direction”. 08. The modal verbs “could” (Ref. 11), “can” (Ref. 14) and “may” (Ref. 31) are used in the text to express obligation. 16. In the extract “Excess sugar consumption has been proven to contribute directly to weight gain” (Refs. 19 and 20), the underlined form is an example of passive voice.
08. (Mackenzie SP)
The words that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, in the text, are a) I- in / II- of / III- of / IV- at / V- on / VI- in / VII- by / VIII- before b) I - at / II - with / III - in / IV - on / V - on / VI - by / VII - with / VIII - around c) I - in / II - in / III - through / IV - about / V - about / VI - for / VII of / VIII - when d) I- on / II- by / III- of / IV- of / V- by / VI- with / VII- of / VIII- after e) I - out of / II - on / III - in / IV - around / V - over / VI - from / VII - at / VIII - afterward. 09. (UFRR)
The Rebel Years
FRENTE A Exercícios de Aprofundamento
In March 1957, Elvis purchased the Graceland estate in Memphis. The address today is: 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee 38116. The Colonial house is located _( I )_ a hill surrounded _( II ) _ fourteen acres _( III )_ land with a stand _( IV )_ mature trees, a barn and a tennis court. The estate is enclosed _( V )_ an eightfoot-high brick wall. The main entrance is a large iron gate _( VI )_ musical insignia. The house was built _( VII )_ tan Tennessee limestone and contained twenty-three rooms including five bedrooms. _( VIII )_ a spacious entry hall, the front part of the luxuriously appointed house comprises the living, dining and music rooms. Along the walls are large, white sofas. The focus of attention is the gilded concert grand piano. The curtains are white interlaced with gold thread. The shag rug is so thick that your shoes nearly disappear. At the back of the house are the recreation rooms, covering nearly the entire length of the house and about half of its breadth. The billiard room is dominated by a large pool table. The trophy room contains Elvis’s gold and platinum records. Upstairs is the bedroom suite and the guest rooms. The bedroom: navy-blue shag run, oversized white bed with built-in telephone, intercom, TV controls. After the bedroom come the study and the mirror-lined bath. Sixteen televisions are found throughout the house. Since June 7, 1982, Graceland has been open to the public for an admission fee ($16.00: April 1993). An average of 2,500 visit the house every day. Adapted from The Rebel Years by Lester Bangs
Food Crime is an International Problem There is a new and growing danger with the food we eat. Criminal gangs are selling billions of dollars of fake food to supermarkets around the world. The food could be very dangerous. In the past few years, there have been some high-profile scandals. In Britain, tons of horse meat ended up in products that were labeled as beef. British police recently found a product that used cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flour. This could seriously harm or kill people with peanut allergies. In 2008, six babies died in China after gangs made and sold fake milk powder. Gangs can make a lot of money from fake food. It is also safer than selling drugs for the gangs because the penalties are lower. The assistant director of Interpol, Michael Ellis, told the BBC that food crime is very similar to the drugs trade. He said: “In my experience, the patterns used by criminals involved in counterfeiting are very similar to those used in the dealing of drugs.” He said police in 33 countries showed that food crime is a serious international problem. The police found children’s candies that were dyed with a poisonous chemical, 430,000 litres of fake drinks and 22 tons of long-grain rice that was labeled as high-quality basmati rice. The British government said it was a difficult problem to tackle. It said that using technology might be the only way to beat the criminal gangs. Fonte: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1409/140906-food-crime-2.html. Acesso em 23/09/2014
Which sentence corresponds to the passive voice of “British police recently found a product that used cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flour.” a) Cheaper peanut powder has been found recently by the Bristish police instead of almond flour. b) Cheaper peanut powder was found recently by the British police instead of almond flour. c) Almond flour was found recently by the British police instead of cheaper peanut powder. d) Almond flour has been found recently by the British police instead of cheaper peanut powder. e) Cheaper peanut powder was not found recently instead of almond flour by the British police.