Fiel Ministries

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Don’t assume we can do the mission better or alone.

Wake up to the existence of the

global church� John Piper

To help the church and her leaders grow in the knowledge of God and reflect His glory to the nations through healthy lives and healthy congregations.�

Richard and Pearl Denham

Our Story In 1947, my grandfather, then a missionary to China, wrote an encouraging letter to my father, who at the time was graduating from Westmont College and planning to become a missionary. In the letter, he emphasized three qualities that are essential to being a useful missionary: sound doctrine, a holy life and a zealous heart.

a translation of “Go Ye Means You”, by Normam Lewis.

Motivated by the mission of preaching the Gospel to unreached peoples, my

By 1985, after having published over 50 titles, my father felt the need to better train Brazilian leaders, and promote the doctrines of Grace in a country were liberals controlled the main seminaries. Therefore a conference ministry was born. A year later, the ministry moved to the city of São José dos Campos, where it is located today. After many years of

In 1964, noticing the lack of good Christian literature in Brazil, they decided to move south to the city of São Paulo in order to begin the publishing ministry

We are grateful to the Lord for all He has done through the Fiel ministry. We covet your prayers and partnership in the work as we together seek to make the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ known among the portuguese-speaking people.

parents left the comfort of their home in the United States in 1952 to serve the Lord in Brazil. In spite of numerous difficulties and near death experiences in this pioneer field, they were compelled to press on and reach Brazilian people in the Amazon region.

Editora FIEL (Faithful Publishing). They published, in August 1967, their first book, entitled “O Ide É com Você”,

publishing books and promoting conferences that promote a genuine knowledge of God, Editora Fiel has become a trusted name in the Christian community.

James Richard Denham III President

The increasing rate of approx. 100,000 books sold per year reveals how earnestly Brazilians are seeking a deeper understanding of the reformed faith.�

Publications Currently, Editora Fiel is responsible for editing, publishing, and distributing books which supplement the study of Scripture in various areas of Christian life and ministry, covering such topics as doctrine, preaching, counseling, sanctification and evangelism. Fiel’s catalog has over 200 titles written by well-known authors of reformed literature such as John Calvin, Charles H. Spurgeon and Martyn Lloyd-Jones, as well as contemporary authors like John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul and John Piper.

The first Fiel conference, in 1985, counted with 80 participants. In 2011 the conference brought together over 2,500 people, and was streamed LIVE on the Internet to over 50,000 viewers.�

Conferences The Fiel Conference was established in 1985 with the purpose of promoting fellowship and the training of pastors and leaders with the true knowledge of Scriptures. The conferences are hosted in Europe, Africa, and South America, annually ministering to over 3,000 in attendance, with an average of 5,000 people connected via a live internet broadcast. Over the course of 25 years, Editora Fiel has had the privilege of partnering with such speakers as John MacArthur, Don Carson, John Piper, Joel Beeke and Mark Dever.

In 2011, Fiel’s website reached the landmark of 2 million views. In the first quarter of 2012, the views have tripled in comparison to the same period last year, reaching a record 1 million views in three months.�

Online content With the goal of supporting pastors and leaders in their ministry, the Editora Fiel website provides a great variety of resources including articles, e-books, audio books, as well as free access to the complete conference videos.

More than 500 pastors have been adopted through the Adopt a Pastor ministry in countries such as Brazil, Mozambique, and Portugal. These pastors receive books and participate at a FIEL conference in their native countries.� Adopt a Pastor The Adopt a Pastor project was created with the purpose of supporting ministers of the Word, especially those with limited resources. Reaching pastors from different Portuguese-speaking countries, this missionary program seeks to help the church by donating the tools for training and growth. Editora Fiel sends one book per month to each adopted pastor, as well as sponsoring his participation in the annual Fiel Conference.

Over 600,000 magazines have been freely distributed to Portuguese-speaking pastors and seminary students around the world since the first edition was published in 1999. Most recently the issue focused on the 9Marks of a healthy church.” Faith for Today magazine The Fé para Hoje (Faith for Today) magazine emphasizes the Doctrines of Grace through rich content covering topics such as church history, Christian and pastoral life, and biographies. Since it was first published in 1999, Editora Fiel has already distributed over 600,000 free issues in Portuguese-speaking countries. Presently, Faith for Today is available either by an annual subscription or freely from Editora Fiel’s website.

In its first year, Fiel’s Leadership Course on the “9Marks of a Healthy Church” had 800 participants, either present in Fiel’s auditorium or connecting via a virtual classroom.”

Leadership training In 2012, Editora Fiel began the Fiel Leadership Course, with the aim to help pastors and seminary students deepen their understanding of the Bible. The 28 hour course is taught in four modules throughout the year, and has partnered with other ministries such as 9Marks as well as some of the best seminaries in Brazil.

“A large part of my theological learning has been through Fiel’s ministries” Horácio Carvalho (Brazilian pastor)

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