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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Northcott, Richard Puss in boots : standfor young readers, level 4 / retold by Richard Northcott ; illustrated by Giz de Cera, Sidney Meireles. -- 1. ed. -São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00422-0 (aluno)
ISBN 978-85-96-00709-2 (professor)
1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Giz de Cera.
II. Meireles, Sidney. III. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Literatura infantil 028.5
2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5 16-04219 CDD-028.5
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There ’ s a big house next to a river.
Three boys live in the house with their father. Their father is a farmer.
The farmer has a donkey. The donkey helps him. The farmer has a cat and his name is Puss. Puss doesn ’ t help the farmer. He catches mice. That ’ s all.
Two of the boys are big now. One boy is twenty-one and his brother is twenty. They are men. Their little brother is eighteen. His name is Jack.
The farmer is an old man. One day he is tired and sick. He goes to bed. That night, the boys go to see their father. They are sitting next to his bed.
“ Boys, ” says the farmer, “ I am old and sick. I can ’ t work now. You can have all my things. ”
To one boy, he says: “ You can have my house. ” To the boy ’ s brother, he says: “ You can have my donkey. ”
“ What can I have? ” says Jack.
“ You can have Puss, my cat. ”
Then the farmer shuts his eyes. He doesn ’ t open them again. The three boys are sad.
Time goes by. Now one boy lives in the big house. He is a rich man. His brother has the donkey. The donkey helps him. But the little brother, Jack, is not happy.
My brothers are rich, but I am poor, They have a house and a donkey. What do I have? A cat! What can a ’
cat do? It can catch mice. That s all. ” “ ’ ”
Puss hears Jack. Don t be sad, ” he says. “ ” he says. “
Jack is very surprised.
“ You can talk! ” says Jack.
says Puss.
Yes, I can talk, ” “
And I can help you.
But I need some boots. Can you get them for me?
And I need a bag. Can I have your old red bag?
And I need a bag. Can I have your old red bag? ”
Jack gives Puss his bag. Then he goes to the store.
He comes home with some beautiful blue boots.
They have big buckles. Puss loves them.
They have big buckles. Puss loves them.
But now Jack is sad again.
“ I ’ m poor, ” he says.
“ Don ’ t worry, ” says Puss. “ Wait here. ”
Puss picks up the bag and goes to the forest. He is wearing his beautiful new boots.
In the forest there are lots of rabbits. Rabbits eat carrots. Puss gets a big carrot and puts it in the bag. Then he puts the bag down. He is behind a tree and the rabbits can t see him.
Puss is a smart cat.
Two rabbits see the bag. They want the carrots and they climb in the bag. Then Puss jumps on the bag and shuts it.
Puss picks up the bag and puts it on his back.
s go see the king, he says.
s castle and knocks on the door. A man opens the door.
Puss goes to the king ’ “ ” says Puss.
I have a gift for the king, Soon Puss is in front of the king. He opens his bag and shows the two rabbits.
They are a gift from my master, He is the Marquis of Carebas.
“ ” says Puss. “ ”
“ ” “ I love rabbits. ” “ ’ ”
Rabbits! says the king.
Thank you. And thank you to your master.
Every day, Puss goes to the forest and catches rabbits. He catches ducks and chickens, too. Every day, Jack and Puss have a nice dinner.
Puss often goes to the castle and gives food to the king. He often gives rabbits, but sometimes he gives a duck. And every time, Puss says to the king: “ This is a gift from my master, the Marquis of Carebas. ” The king is always happy with Puss ’ s gifts.
The king ’ s friends are surprised.
“ Who is the Marquis of Carebas? ” says one friend.
“ Do you know him? ”
“ No, I don ’ t, ” says the other friend. “ But he always gives nice gifts. Now we have a great dinner every day.
The Marquis of Carebas is a good man. But who is he?
Where is he? ”
Nobody knows the Marquis of Carebas.
Puss hears the friends and smiles.
“ I have an idea, ” he thinks.
Let’s go swim in the river!”
Jack undresses, jumps in the water, and swims. s clothes behind a tree.
Jack and Puss go to the river. ’ “ ’clock,” thinks Puss.
Puss is right. At ten o’
The king always comes here at ten o clock he hears the king’s coach. He runs to the coach.
Help! Help! My master is in the river. The Marquis of Carebas is in the river!
The king opens the window of his coach and sees Jack in the river.
Is that the Marquis of Carebas? says Puss.
The king talks to his friends.
“ ” says the king.
Yes,” “He doesn’t have any clothes.” “Go to the castle,” he says. “ ” back with beautiful clothes. The friends help Jack
Find some clothes for the Marquis.
The friends run to the castle. Soon they come back with beautiful clothes. The friends help Jack and he puts on the clothes.
Get in the coach,
“ ” says the king.
Jack sits down in the coach next to the king. There ’ s a beautiful young woman in the coach, too. She is the princess, the king is her father. Jack likes the princess and the princess likes Jack.
The king looks out of the window. The coach is going through fields. Some farmers are working in the fields.
Puss runs in front of the coach. He has an idea. He says to the farmers: “ Listen to me. The king is coming. Tell the king about these fields. Say ‘ The fields are the Marquis of Carebas ’ s fields. ’”
The king sees the farmers in the fields. He opens the window.
“ These fields are beautiful, the king to the farmers. are they? ”
“ They are the Marquis of Carebas fields, ” say the farmers.
Marquis ’ s ” ” ’ s
Then the king sees some farmers with cows. “ These cows are beautiful, he says. “ Whose cows are they?
“They are the Marquis of Carebas cows, ” say the farmers.
The king thinks: “The Marquis of Carebas is a very rich man. ” ” says “ Whose fields
Jack is very poor, but he has one friend, Puss. Puss is a very smart cat and he can help Jack. All he needs is a bag, some new boots, and some very good ideas.
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.
Level 1 | 125 Headwords
Level 2 | 240 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords
Level 4 | 540 Headwords
Level 5 | 680 Headwords