Changeup intermediate

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A new topic-based 2 level course specially created to accompany learners in the transition from basic users of English into independent users, covering levels B1 to B2 of the CEFR Experience new language in a variety of contexts through authentic texts and listenings Discover the rules and behaviour of language through a guided process of deduction and reproduction Communicate in a number of authentic situations, developing skills through a variety of guided speaking and writing activities Topic-based syllabus - topics of real interest to learners

Plus: Self Evaluation

Authentic materials allow students to experience English in real-life contexts How To section with communicative activities based on functional language Grammar Reference - a comprehensive grammar summary section with tables, rules and exceptions, and thorough explanations Useful Expressions and Useful Vocabulary sections build students’ confidence by providing a framework for communicative activities Learning Tips section with strategies for autonomous study

Preparation for Cambridge ESOL FCE English Around Us – authentic documents in English The Inward Eye - Literature section

Student’s Material

Teacher’s Material

Student’s Book & Workbook Pre-intermediate Workout Book 2 Audio CDs ISBN 978-85-96-00320-9

Teacher’s Book 2 Audio CDs ISBN 978-85-96-00321-6

Change Up! CEFR Levels A2.2





Pre-intermediate Workout

Student’s Book & Workbook l Workout Book l 2 Audio CDs


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ISBN 978-85-96-00320-9


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Intermediate Upper Intermediate

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7/25/16 10:42 AM

Dear Student, Why ‘Change Up’? When you set off on in a car, you start in first gear, then concentrate on shifting into second gear as you gradually pick up speed. Your objective, however, is to change up until you are in top gear, so that you can cruise along smoothly and easily. This is exactly what we hope this book will help you do with the English language: change up from a stage in your learning process in which you are, maybe, struggling with the basics of the language, to a stage in which you can use it confidently and independently. How your book will help you do this By making sure you Experience, Discover and Communicate! For a start, the book presents you with numerous samples of real-life English, both written and spoken, for you to ‘experience’. You will also take an active part in discovering how the English language ‘behaves’ and come across a wide range of vocabulary. Finally you will be helped and encouraged to use the language you have ‘experienced’ and ‘discovered’ in order to communicate facts, opinions and feelings while interacting with others. What you will find in the Units EXPERIENCE A and B The central theme of the book is that of change, and its many facets, and each Unit contains two inputs based on a related Unit theme. The written input consists of various types of texts - such as leaflets, stories, newspaper articles - while the spoken input consists of samples of English used in a variety of contexts - such as conversations, radio broadcasts, talk shows. This is when you ‘dive into’ the language and concentrate on understanding and relating to content. DISCOVER Grammar, Vocabulary, Spoken English, Spoken Grammar, Written English The samples of real-life English provide you with material for making discoveries about: grammatical rules, appropriate use of vocabulary, the characteristics of spoken English and the particular grammatical behaviour of the language in speech, the norms which are typical of written English. COMMUNICATE - Pair Work, Group Work, Writing, Presenting, Listening You put everything into practice by taking part in communicative activities - individually and in pairs or groups which give you the opportunity to exchange information and express yourself, both in writing and orally. HOW TO... Here, through reading and listening to amusing dialogues, you will find and practise using that useful language which helps you achieve practical goals in everyday situations - such as asking for information and apologising to people. ENGLISH AROUND US This is where you learn about some of the customs and attitudes of people who live in countries where English is spoken, and compare what you find out with your own experience of life. “What do I have to do?”, you may ask If you really want to learn English - either because you think it will be useful in your future career, or because it will help you come into contact with people and with what is happening out there in the world, or simply because you like languages - your approach is of vital importance. Take an active part in your own learning process and be responsible for reaching your goals. You are ultimately in charge of what and how much you learn! So get as much as you can out of the book, but remember to put as much in, both in self-study and in your classroom environment. As authors, we hope you will find the themes we have chosen for you interesting and the learning activities stimulating and involving. “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” (Andy Warhol) Good luck! And enjoy yourself! Shirley and Michael

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TOPIC A: Customs


1 Everyday Activities



Spoken English, Spoken Grammar & Written English

Present Simple and adverbs of frequency, p. 12

get + adjective, p. 11

syllables and word stress in speech, p. 12

The Imperative, p. 16

p. 22

3 Celebrations

filling pauses in speech, p. 12

good at + -ing / noun, p. 16 how to + infinitive, p. 16

p. 10

2 Appearance

nouns and adjectives with the same root, p. 14

Present Simple / Present Continuous, p. 24

words connected with ‘clothes’, p. 23

words with ‘silent’ letters in speech, p. 25

adjectives: types and order, p. 25

look + adjective, p. 24

Modals: obligation and rules - must (and have to), p. 27 0-type Conditional, p. 28

words in context, p. 27

giving brief answers in conversation, p. 25

verbs + infinitive or -ing, p. 35

common phrases with verbs, p. 36

The Future: going to / will / Present Continuous (for predictions, intentions, arrangements), p. 40

words connected with ‘celebrations’, p. 39

linking in speech, p. 40 contractions (noun + is) in speech, p. 40

p. 34 Towards Certification, pp. 46-47 Self Evaluation, p. 48

4 The Family

multi-part verbs, p. 51 Past Simple, p. 55

words connected with ‘the family’, p. 55

would for past habits, p. 55

rhythm in speech, p. 53 set formulas in conversation, p. 52 note-form in writing, p. 52

TOPIC B: Values

p. 50

5 The Individual

comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, p. 64

adjectives in context, p. 63

linkers, p. 67

strong and weak forms in speech, p. 64 organising meaning in speech, p. 65

p. 62

6 Society p. 74

Modals: permission and ability (could), p. 76

words connected with ‘telling a story’, p. 75

The Passive: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, the Infinitive, p. 80

multi-part verbs, p. 79

elision in speech, p. 79 question tags and intonation in conversation, p. 79 punctuation in writing, p. 77

Towards Certification, pp. 86-87 Self Evaluation, p. 88

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English Around Us

Experience B: Take The Pressure Off! leaflets, pp. 14-15

Experience A: Get The Most Out Of Your Day! monologues, pp. 10-11

writing an email about a typical weekday, p. 13

The Sunday Lunch, pp. 20-21

daily routines: sentence completion, p. 13

Experience B: Uniforms: Pros And Cons? school rules and messages on an internet forum, p. 26

Experience A: The Ever-Changing World of Fashion interviews, pp. 22-23

Experience A: A Day To Honour The Nation a web page, pp. 34-35

Experience B: Seeing The New Year In radio broadcasts, pp. 38-39

Experience B: Meet The Victorian Family a school project, p. 54

jobs and uniforms: multiple matching, p. 29

St. Patrick’s Day: sentence completion, p. 36

Experience A: Families Of All Sorts a three-way conversation, p. 50 family life today: multiple matching, p. 56

Experience B: A ‘Special’ Individual a speech, p. 66

Experience A: Make Your Choice! a documentary, p. 62 a young girl’s lifestyle: multiple choice, p. 65

preparing and presenting a leaflet, p. 17 asking for information, confirming understanding, pp. 18-19 a guessing game, p. 25 writing a message on an Internet forum, p. 28

documents: a menu, a recipe, an excerpt from an article activity: writing a menu and talking about ingredients Improve Your Appearance!, pp. 32-33 documents: a web page

describing: physical appearance, clothes, states and actions, pp. 30-31

activity: completing a questionnaire and carrying out a class survey

planning and writing a pamphlet, p. 37

Say It With A Card!, pp. 44-45

talking about plans and intentions, p. 41

documents: greetings cards, excerpts from articles

persuading, objecting, conceding, pp. 42-43

activity: writing a greetings card

exchanging ideas and making a survey, p. 53

Words! Words! Words!, pp. 60-61

discussing ideas, p. 56 summarising information in note-form, p. 57 giving an opinion, asking for an opinion, pp. 58-59

documents: a dictionary entry, information from a website activity: presenting research on a dictionary entry

describing a photo and inventing a story, p. 65

Self-Expression, pp. 72-73

discussing ‘special’ people and organisations, p. 68

documents: diary entries

writing a paragraph using linkers, p. 69

activity: writing a diary entry

comparing: two things that are the same / two things that are different, pp. 70-71 Experience A: How It All Began stories, pp. 74-75

Experience B: The Generation Gap a talk show, p. 78

a story-circle game, p. 77

Music to My Ears, pp. 84-85

writing a plan for a story, p. 77

taking a language exam: matching with pictures, p. 77

discussing views, p. 81

documents: a song, a post on a website activity: making up song lyrics

agreeing, disagreeing, admitting someone is right, pp. 82-83

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TOPIC C: Social Change

7 Roles



Spoken English, Spoken Grammar & Written English

Past Simple / Present Perfect, p. 91

words connected with ‘the Internet’, p. 92

contractions in speech, p. 96

Present Perfect with for and since, p. 95

nouns used as adjectives, p. 96

p. 90

8 People

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous and just, already, yet , p. 104

words connected with ‘change’, p. 104

Past Perfect, p. 108

p. 114

using symbols with note-form in writing, p. 97

liaison in speech, p. 105 ‘false starts’ in speech, p. 105 reference in writing, p. 107

p. 102

9 Migration

active listening in conversation, p. 96

function of the paragraph in writing, p. 109

Modals: giving advice and stressing the right thing to do (should / ought to), p. 116

present participles and past participles used as adjectives, p. 115

1st-type Conditional, p. 116

words connected with ‘the five senses’, p. 119

2nd-type Conditional, p. 119

rhythm and weak forms in connected speech, p. 120 being vague in speech, p. 120 an informal email, p. 117

Towards Certification, pp. 126-127 Self Evaluation, p. 128

The Inward Eye – How literature sees and portrays life William Wordsworth – Daffodils, p. 129 Geoffrey Chaucer – The Wife of Bath, p. 130 Charles Dickens – Miss Havisham, p. 131 Seamus Heaney – Digging, p. 132 James Joyce – Eveline, p. 133 William Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet, p. 134 Jerome David Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye, p. 135 Walt Whitman – O Captain! My Captain!, p. 136 Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe, p. 137

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English Around Us

Experience A: Rising To Fame On The Net an article, p. 90

Experience B: A Million Different People conversations, pp. 94-95

writing a post for a blog, p. 93

Big Brother Is Watching You!, pp. 100-101

Experience B: Power And Influence a book review, pp. 106-107

life experiences: understanding details, p. 93

planning a presentation using note-form and symbols, p. 97

documents: a TV guide, an interview

making a suggestion, accepting a suggestion, refusing a suggestion, pp. 98-99

activity: writing a description of a reality show and an imaginary interview

Experience A: Two Sides To Every Story radio news items, p. 102

writing captions for graphs, p. 105

English Humour??, pp. 112-113

discussing trends in society, p. 105

documents: jokes, a book extract

a famous pop star: understanding likes and dislikes, p. 109

writing a title and topic sentences for a review, p. 109

activity: telling a joke or a funny story

apologising, making excuses, forgiving, pp. 110-111 Experience A: Push And Pull letters to the editor, p. 114

Experience B: Missing You a radio phone-in, p. 118 moving to a new country: understanding main points, p. 117

preparing a presentation on your country, p. 117

A Question of Identity, pp. 124-125

writing a reply to an informal email, p. 117

documents: written comments at an exhibition

discussing ideas, p. 121 asking for an explanation, giving an explanation, expressing understanding, pp. 122-123

activity: writing about your identity

Grammar Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Present Simple, p. 138 Adverbs of frequency, p. 138 Present Continuous, p. 139 The Imperative, p. 140 The Future, p. 140 Past Simple, p. 141 Would / used to (past habits), p. 142 Adjectives (categories and order), p. 142 Comparative and superlative forms, p. 143 Present Perfect, p. 144 Present Perfect Continuous, p. 146

1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Past Perfect, p. 146 Conditional sentences, p. 147 Modals 1, p. 148 Modals 2, p. 150 The Passive, p. 150 Linkers, p. 151 Reported speech, p. 152 Question tags, p. 154 Verbs + infinitive or -ing, p. 154 Multi-part verbs, p. 156

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Getting to know your book Structure ................................................................................................................................. Change Up! Student’s Book contains 9 Units divided into 3 Topics.

At the end of each Topic you will find: - Towards Certification, a section containing FCE Cambridge ESOL style activities, adapted to Intermediate level. - Self Evaluation, a worksheet which encourages you to reflect upon your progress and what you can do to improve your learning. At the back of the book there are: - The Inward Eye, a literature section with extracts from works of literature connected to the themes of some of the units. - Grammar Reference, a complete grammar summary with tables and rules for the grammar topics in each unit. - In the appendix, a list of the most common irregular verbs, phonetic symbols, punctuation, a table with differences between common words in British English and American English.

Help boxes for the activities in each unit: ................................................................................................................................. DEDUCTIONS The Deductions box offers information to help you discover the main grammar topics in the Experience texts and scripts.

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS The Useful Expressions box contains example phrases to help you carry out the Communicate activities.

SUGGESTIONS The Suggestions box contains ideas for the Communicate activities.

LEARNING TIPS The Learning Tips box contains advice and tips to help you organise and improve your learning.

FUNCTIONS The Functions box, in the How to… section, contains a list of the main expressions you can use for the communicative functions presented in each of these sections.

USEFUL VOCABULARY The Useful Vocabulary box, in the How to… section, contains an extensive list of words and expressions which you can use to carry out the activities in this section.

Icons and links: ................................................................................................................................. ➞ GR p. 148-450 Links to the Grammar Reference section which contains detailed notes on the grammar topic covered in the course.

S stands for Student’s CD, your CDs.

C stands for Class CD, your teacher’s CDs.

C 1.01 - S 1.01

*2 The asterisk beside the number of an activity is a reference to a suggestion or useful piece of information which can be found at the bottom of the page. Read the note before doing the activity.

The number before the full stop indicates either CD1 or CD2.

The number after the full stop indicates the track number.

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Customs 1 Everyday Activities  Unit ................................................. Experience A Get The Most Out Of Your Day! Experience B Take The Pressure Off! How to… …ask for information English Around Us The Sunday Lunch

2 Appearance  Unit ................................................. Experience A The Ever-Changing World Of Fashion Experience B Uniforms: Pros and Cons? How to… …describe English Around Us Improve Your Appearance!

3 Celebrations  Unit .................................................. Experience A A Day To Honour The Nation Experience B Seeing The New Year In How to… …persuade English Around Us Say It With A Card!

................................................. Towards Certification Self Evaluation

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1 Everyday Activities 2 Get The Most Out Of Your Day! 3 4 5 6 7 EXPERIENCE A




lead-in: Do you have difficulty getting up in the morning? When the alarm clock goes off, do you groan and put your head under the covers or do you get out of bed immediately?

1 C 1.01 - S 1.01 Read about the strategies four students use for getting up in the morning. Match the strategies with explanations A-D. Then listen and check.




1 C Brian’s strategy: “When I get up I take a deep breath and do some stretching exercises...”


clock. My body gets used to a certain rhythm and I wake up naturally.”

B “...because in this way




Jane’s strategy: “When I wake up, I try to think of everything in life that I’m grateful for...”

Darren’s strategy: “I always go to bed at the same time...”

Sue’s strategy: “I never put my alarm clock near my bed...”

I have to get out of bed to turn it off.”

C “...because it helps my

circulation and releases any tension accumulated during the night.”

D “ that I feel positive

about everything and look forward to getting up and starting the day.”

How do you deal with a stressful day? Read and tick [3] the strategies. E get up early and revise A do some exercise B make a ‘to do’ list for the next day F go out with friends the night before C eat well G look at something beautiful D smile at people H get things ready for the next day



A “ I don’t need an alarm

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C 1.02 - S 1.02 Listen and read. Then match the strategies in activity 2 to these other four students.

I usually plan my day the night before, putting together all the stuff I need for the following day. Then, I make a list of all the things I need to do. In this way I don’t get stressed. I know how my day is organised and I have everything ready. On the days that I don’t do this … um … I almost always forget one or two things and that really gets me down.




I always try to find the time to stop and look at the beauty of something … uh … a tree, a flower, the sky, so that I don’t get so irritated about the little, unimportant things in life. I know there are things that are more important. I always manage to do this because I’m fascinated by nature and enjoy observing it.



I usually try to spend the day being positive and getting enthusiastic, smiling at people as much as possible and trying to be helpful. If … er … you’re positive, you attract positive people. It’s not always easy, however, because there are a lot of stressful moments during the day and times when you have to really make an effort to keep in the right frame of mind.

............... ............... ............... ............... .............


............... ............... ............... ............... .............

1 B

............... ............... ............... ............... .............

Students’ Strategies



I think it is always important to exercise regularly and to eat well, because if you get fit, you have more energy and you can often do more things. I don’t always have time to prepare good meals … er … but there are two or three people in my family who cook, so I always find something to eat that is good for me.

Now answer the questions.

1 2 3

Which of the students uses a strategy that involves a) making sure you are well physically? b) relating to the natural world? c) being methodical? d) relating to other people? Which of the strategies do you never use? Do you have any other strategies of your own?


Vocabulary *5 Read the students’ strategies in activity 3 again and underline the expressions with get + adjective. 6

Put these adjectives into the appropriate sentences. bored

1 2 3 4 5 6






When I’m at home with nothing to do, I usually get _____________ . When I think of the holidays, I get _____________ thinking of all the things I can do. It’s difficult to go on a diet because I always get _____________ between meals. When my sister goes in my bedroom, I get _____________ . I don’t like watching sad films because I get _____________ . I must go and eat my dinner now before it gets _____________ .

...................................................................................................................... * activity 5: get, here, means become – get stressed means become stressed

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Compare your experiences. One of you is Student A, the other is Student B.

Student A, think of three situations in which you get irritated during a typical day


Spoken English


You have heard all of these words in activity 1 on p. 10. Say each word, decide how many syllables it has and circle the correct number. 1 2 3 4 syllables 1 2 3 4 syllables 1 2 3 4 syllables 1 2 3 4 syllables 1 2 3 4 syllables 1 2 3 4 syllables


1 alarm 2 tension 3 releases 4 positive 5 circulation 6 exercises

9 C 1.03 Listen to the words and underline the

vowel or vowels in the syllable which is stressed, then practise saying the words correctly.

LEARNING TIP .................................................... When you record new vocabulary, remember to also indicate where the stress is in the word.

Spoken Grammar 10 Read the scripts on p. 11 and find three different


UNIT favourite song is played on the radio.

‘sounds’ the students make when they are pausing to think of what to say. Are there any equivalent ‘sounds’ in your language?

incorrect options in the Deductions box.

I always go to bed at the same time. I never put my alarm clock near my bed. I usually try to spend the day being positive. It is always important to exercise regularly. If you get fit, you have more energy and you can often do more things.

always usually frequently

often sometimes occasionally rarely seldom hardly ever never


...I have to go shopping for food.

DEDUCTIONS a All / Three of the statements contain an adverb. b The statements describe a habitual action / an


...the weekend is near.

11 Look at the statements below, then cross out the

action which takes place only once.

c The adverbs in the statements describe how


...I have to wait for the bus.


(Present Simple and adverbs of frequency)


USEFUL EXPRESSIONS .....................................................




Student B, think of three situations in which you get enthusiastic during a typical day


frequently / where the action takes place.

d This type of adverb normally goes before / after the verb.

e When the verb is be or a modal verb (e.g. can), the


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Pair Work


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

adverb goes after the verb / subject.

➞ GR p. 138

12 Now put the jumbled up words in these sentences into the correct order.

1 rings – alarm – The – clock – always – 7.00 – at __________________________________________ 2 happy – wake – usually – up – I – when – I’m __________________________________________ 3 seldom – breakfast – I – have – big – a __________________________________________ 4 by – go – bus – hardly ever – I – school – to __________________________________________ 5 late – sometimes – because – bus – the – is – That’s __________________________________________ 6 morning – often – can – on – Sundays – sleep – all – I __________________________________________

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Listening 13

C 1.04 Listen to Mick answering questions about his daily routine and fill in the blanks.


Two different strategies…

Mick wakes up at six o’clock. From 7.00 to 8.00 he usually _________________ or _________________ . At 8.00 he _________________ . The journey from his home to school takes _________________ . School is from _________________ to _________________. If he has no homework, at about seven in the evening he _________________ but he usually goes to bed at _________________ during the week.


Writing 14 Reply to this email from a friend who lives in Britain and describe your typical weekday.

Hi! I’m very busy with school and my various hobbies, but I have some time right now to write you a quick email. I hope you’re enjoying your new school year – I imagine school is very different in your country!? Have you got any new hobbies this year? Why don’t you write and tell me what you’re getting up to? Bye for now, Nicholas


Pair Work 15 Each of you choose to be one of the people in activity 3 on p. 11 and do the following. Choose different people!

- introduce yourselves to each other - find out about each other’s strategy for dealing with a stressful day and why it works

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2 Read the leaflets again and find the following 1 Which leisure activity is available for beginners? 2 In which leisure activity is there an age restriction? 3 For which leisure activities do you have to be selected? 4 Which leisure activity requires you to work very hard? 5 Which leisure activities offer financial incentives? 6 Which leisure activity is conducted entirely on the Internet?











Look at the words in bold in the leaflets. They all regard qualities needed to carry out a certain task with success. Decide which are adjectives and which are nouns. 1 ambitious 2 confident 3 energy 4 patience 5 professionalism 6 creative 7 motivated

adjective ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________







and decide which activity is best for you.


1 Read the four leaflets advertising leisure activities




lead-in: After a busy day, how do you like to relax and spend your free time? Do you like to do something energetic or something relaxing?




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Now put the words into the correct place in the table, then complete the table with the missing adjectives and nouns.




Lead Singer Wanted

ambition ____________ ____________

ambitious ____________ ____________

Join Our Squash Club



Computer Buff

____________ ____________

____________ ____________

Hilary Close Film School

____________ ____________

____________ ____________

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Pair Work 5

Talk about what qualities are needed or not needed to get the most out of the following hobbies. PAINTING




USEFUL EXPRESSIONS ..................................................... You need / don’t need (to be / to have)... You have to be / to have... It’s important / essential to be / to have... It’s not necessary to be / to have a bit / very... (+ adj.) a little bit of / a lot of... (+ noun)

SUGGESTIONS ..................................................... dedicated / dedication determined / determination enthusiastic / enthusiasm imaginative / imagination


intelligent / intelligence intuitive / intuition precise / precision sensitive / sensitivity

LEARNING TIPS ..................................................... Take advantage of every opportunity to practise speaking in English. When you do Pair Work, do not concentrate too much on your mistakes, but focus on communicating your ideas. Prepare what you want to say mentally, if you like, or make a few notes – but then, put your pen down and launch yourself into the conversation.

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Don’t bring along any equipment! _________ Offload some of that energy! _________ Don’t worry! _________ Come and see us! _________ Join our team! _________ Don’t wait any longer! _________

➞ GR p. 140


1 2 3 4 5 6







(international flower delivery) 2

(petrol) 4


(TV network)













Write in the missing verbs in the slogans, using the correct form. Each blank corresponds to one word and don’t counts as one word.



Which of these expressions are inviting you to do something, and which are inviting you not to do something? Write do or do not beside each one.


(The Imperative)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(credit card)




(eggs, of course!)

(your book!)


Vocabulary 8

Look at these expressions used in the leaflets on pp. 14-15. Underline three different constructions which refer to ability.

1 We need someone with a strong voice, someone who is good at interacting with the audience. 2 Not very good at sports? 3 Do you know how to use the latest software?


Fill in the blanks using good at or how to. 1 2 3 4

He is very athletic. He is ___________ swimming, running and playing football. My sister is particularly ___________ maths at school. I am no ___________ surfing, but after practising all summer I now know ___________ windsurf. This manual tells you ___________ be ___________ billiards.



* activity 7: verbs in the imperative form are a typical feature of adverts and slogans.

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n Did you know? It is impossible to tell if someone is really awake without close medical supervision. People can take catnaps with their eyes open without even being aware of it.

10 Write about six things you do / do not do well. Use the three different constructions in activity 8 on p. 16.

construction 1 I am good at 1 __________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________ construction 2 3 __________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________ construction 3 5 __________________________________________ 6 __________________________________________


Presenting 11 Work in groups. Decide on a leisure activity you

can do together, taking into account your common interests and abilities.

12 Write an advertisement similar to the ones in the

leaflets on pp. 14-15. You can follow this pattern.

- invitation to join club / do activity / take lessons - explanation of what can be learnt - explanation of why organisation is especially good - special offers / features

13 Nominate a spokesperson for your group and

illustrate your advertisement to the rest of the class. Then decide together which leisure activity is the most interesting.




Pair Work 14 Do this quiz together. Read the facts below about

sleep and dreams and decide where the numbers go. 3 (x2) 4 6 7 10 (x2) 19 35 65 90 2,100

1 We have learnt most of what we know about sleep in the past ______ years. 2 Teenagers need as much sleep as small children (about ______ hours) while people over ______ need the least of all (about ______ hours). 3 The record for the longest period without sleep is almost ______ days. The record holder suffered from hallucinations, paranoia, impaired vision and memory loss. 4 Humans sleep about ______ hours less than other primates like chimps, rhesus monkeys and baboons, all of whom sleep for ______ hours. 5 We often have up to ______ dreams in one night. 6 In an average lifetime a person spends the equivalent of about ______ days dreaming! 7 Five minutes after the end of a dream, half of it is forgotten. After ten minutes, ______% is lost. 8 Young children do not dream about themselves until the age of ______ or ______ .

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS .................................................... Our leaflet advertises... To do this leisure activity you need... ...costs / lasts...

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1 2 How to... ...ask for 3 information 4 5 6 7 8 9


Asking for information is a basic activity in everyday life. Have you ever had to ask for information in English?

1 Vikram, who has recently moved to Canada,


is talking to the receptionist of a local health club. Read and match his questions to the receptionist’s answers.

Vikram’s questions



1 2 3 4 5 6

Could you give me some information about your keep-fit classes? How much do the lessons cost? Oh, I see. Do you have any personal trainers? What extras? Why are the classes small? How many times a week is the course?


Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram Receptionist Vikram

“Well, thanks very much for the information. I’ll be in touch.”

1 Well, we offer classes for different levels. The groups are quite small. So that the trainer can follow the progress of all of the students.

Yes, but that costs a little more. Oh ... OK. Well, I think I’ll start with the group. No problem. Twice a week, on Monday and Friday. But you can come and work out any time you want. I get the picture. 320 dollars for a ten-week course, but this includes extras. You have free access to the swimming pool and a free keep-fit handbook to use at home. Well, thanks very much for the information. I’ll be in touch.

2 C 1.05 Listen to the conversation and check your answers. 3 Read the expressions for Asking for Information on p. 19. Look at the conversation in activity 1 and underline the ones that are used.

4 Now do the same for Confirming Understanding and circle the ones that are used.

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5 Work in pairs. Think of three pieces of information you could find out about the following. What questions would you ask?

- a film - Canada - a rock concert



Asking for Information Can / Could you tell me... ?

USEFUL VOCABULARY ..........................................................................

Can / Could you give me some information about... ?

A film:

blockbuster • box office success • director • happy / sad ending • leading actor / actress • movie • plot • re-make • photography • producer • screenplay • silent movie • storyline • supporting actor / actress film genres: adventure film • comedy • epic • fantasy • horror film • musical • romantic comedy • science fiction film • spy film • thriller • western

Why... ?


Where... ?

accommodation • currency • customs • historical monuments • lakes • language • mountains • open spaces • passport • scenery • sightseeing • standard of living • tourist attractions • transport • visa • way of life

A rock concert: date(s) • drummer • free admission • gig •

guitarist • hit record • keyboard player • latest album • lead singer • live perfomance • merchandising • musicians • poster • sold out • stars • support band • ticket price • national / European / world tour • on tour • venue

How... ? How much / How many... ? What... ? Which... ? Who... ? What do you mean by... ? What’s the best way to... ?

Confirming Understanding (Oh,) I see. I get the picture! That’s very clear.

6 Work in pairs. Decide who will be each character in the situation below. Simulate a conversation.

Student A has information about dancing lessons but is interested in doing yoga and meditation.

Student B has information about yoga and meditation lessons but wants to learn to dance.

A and B ask each other for the information they are actually interested in.

A’s Information

B’s Information

Learn Dance

Yoga & Meditation

• Latin American, Modern

• Raja Yoga - various

Dance, Classical Dance

meditation techniques

• From beginner to advanced

• All levels

• Courses - twice a week

• Courses - once a week

• 10 weeks

• 3 month

• $200

• Payment in advance - £125

• Qualified instructor

• Yoga instructor with

20 years of experience

................................................................................. * Functions Asking for Information: could is more formal than can

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In Britain, Sunday lunch is usually the most important meal of the week. More time and effort is needed to prepare it and the family often gets together on this day. Sometimes people prefer to go out for lunch on Sundays, and there are many restaurants that offer special Sunday meals.


lead-in: Is there a particular day when you eat a special kind of meal? Do you look forward to eating this food?

1 Look at this typical Sunday lunch menu offered by a restaurant in the South of England. Which dishes do you think






are typically British, and which are more ‘international’?






English 1 1 AROUND US The 2 Sunday 2 Lunch 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 UNIT


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 Classify the different types of food. Meat: ________________________ ________________________ Fish: ________________________ Vegetables: ________________________ tomato ________________________ ________________________ Fruit: ________________________ ________________________ Herbs & Spices: ________________________

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A typical feature of any traditional Sunday lunch is Yorkshire Pudding. Like many traditional dishes it was originally a dish for poor people who could not afford meat. It has now, however, become an almost permanent feature of the traditional English Sunday meal.

3 Now look at this recipe for Yorkshire Pudding. Find the verbs in the recipe that correspond to these pictures.

2 _______________

3 _______________

4 _______________

5 _______________


Pair Work 4 First work individually. Write a

menu for a meal that you often have with your family.

- Are any of the dishes traditional? - Are any ‘international’?

5 Show your menu to your partner. Choose one of the items on each menu and discuss what you think the ingredients are.


preheat 1 _______________

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