Transportation Around the World How do you go to school? Do you walk, or do you go by bike?
a v a il
l e o n li
This book looks at some types of transportation, from all over the world. Some of these you can see every day, but others are much more unusual.
Transportation 4 Around the World
Nicole Irving
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles. Level 1 | 125 Headwords Level 2 | 240 Headwords
Level 4 | 540 Headwords Level 5 | 680 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords ISBN 978-85-96-00518-0
CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning
young readers
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4 Transportation Around the World Nicole Irving
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The publisher would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce the photographs: Alamy Stock Photo/Latinstock: p. 8 (Tokyo’s subway system) Ton Koene / VWPics. Easypix Brasil: p. 7 (family in a taxi) Age Fotostock. Pulsar Imagem: p. 5 (truck with potatoes) Ernesto Reghran. pp. 4 (traffic chaos scene) MinhHue; 5 (bike-rickshaw in India) Elena Ermakova; 6 (bikes in crowd) Connel; 8 (subway station in New York) Jorg Hackemann; 9 (london train) Claudio Divizia; 9 (cable car) Jerry Sharp; 10 (containers) Jeff Wilson; 11 (road train) Neale Cousland; 12 (cargo ships) Sheila Fitzgerald; 13 (open container) koya979; 13 (boat) Matyas Rehak; 14 (airplane) ssguy; 15 (heavy transport plane) vicspacewalker; 16 (helicopter in search and rescue) GTS Productions; 16 (rescue helicopter) Andrej Pol; 17 (canadair leaving water) Salvatore Chiariello; 18 (4WD vehicle) Matyas Rehak; 19 (dromedaries) rweisswald; 20 (truck on the high altitude) OlegD; 21 (peruvian in traditional costumes) dubes sonego; 22 (snowblizzard) Tonis Valing; 23 (dogsleds) Grigorii Pisotsckii; 23 (snowmobiles) bikeriderlondon; 24 (cable car in Barcelona) Lena Ivanova; 25 (whitewater rafting) Ammit Jack; 10, 11 (high-speed train) cyo bo.
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Irving, Nicole Transportation around the world : standfor young readers level 5 / Nicole Irving ; illustrated by Arthur França. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00518-0 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-00699-6 (professor) 1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. França, Arthur. II. Título. 16-05544
Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Literatura infantil 028.5 2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5
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Write Yes or No.
1. A bus is transportation. 2. A computer is transportation. 3. A car is transportation. 4. A bus stop is transportation. 5. A bike is transportation. 6. A truck is transportation. 7. An airplane is transportation. 8. A port is transportation. 9. A boat is transportation. 10. A gas station is transportation. 2
Answer the questions for you. Write Yes or No. 1. Do you go to school by bus? 2. Do you go to school by car? 3. Do you have a bike? 4. Do you like traveling by bus? 5. Do you like traveling by car? 6. Do you like walking?
Guess the fastest speeds for each type of transportation. 139 1. car:
1,228 km/h km/h
2. airplane: 3. bike:
4. boat:
5. train:
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What is Transportation?
How do you go to school? Do you walk? Or do you go to school on your bike? How does your family go to work? Do they walk or go by car? Or do they go to work on the subway? Bikes, cars, buses, and subways are transportation. Everybody needs transportation to get places – and to go on vacation! And then everybody needs trucks to move food and other things to the stores – again this is transportation.
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The world has many types of transportation. Look, here’s a bike-rickshaw! The driver is carrying a lot of things to a store. It’s hard work! What can you see on his bike-rickshaw?
Everybody needs fruit and other food, and we need transportation to carry it to the stores. Look out, here’s a big truck and it’s carrying potatoes to the supermarket. Boats, airplanes, and many other types of transportation can carry things.
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In the City – Wheels
Many types of transportation have wheels. In the city, bikes, scooters, cars, buses, and trucks have wheels. Their wheels help carry many things! What is a wheel? It’s a machine – a very old machine. It’s more than 5,000 years old. Wheels are round and help move things. Look around you – can you see types of transportation with wheels? Scooters, cars, buses, and trucks have engines to move their wheels. Engines need gas, so cities have many gas stations. 6
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To travel in the city, buses are great. Go to the bus stop, and wait. But you don’t always have time to wait. This family don’t have time to wait today – they are visiting New York and it’s raining. So they get a taxi to the movie house. Big cities have many taxis – New York has more than 13,000 famous yellow taxis. Every yellow taxi drives more than 200,000 kilometers in one year – or around the world three times.
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