What Next?
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4/27/18 10:04 AM
© 2018 – StandFor Editorial Director Antonio Rios Editorial Manager Cayube Galas Editorial Coordinators Ana Carolina Costa Lopes, Renata Lara de Moraes Series Editors Isabel Lacombe, Nick Bullard Content Editors Carolina de Castro Nyerges, Maiza Prande Bernardello Language Consultant Robert C. Garner Contributors Fernanda Valezini Ferreira, Lidia Teruko Furusato, Nicolle Bizelli Production Manager Mariana Milani Production Coordinator Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes Proofreading and Copyediting Coordinator Lilian Semenichin Proofreading and Copyediting Supervisor Beatriz Carneiro Copy Editor Claudia Anazawa Proofreader Júlia Tomazini Art Manager Ricardo Borges Art Coordinator Daniela Di Creddo Máximo Design Juliana Carvalho Cover Design Juliana Carvalho, Pedro Gentile Art Supervisor Patrícia De Michelis Art Editor Pedro Gentile Layout Anderson Sunakozawa, Yan Comunicação Digital Image Processing Technicians Ana Isabela Pithan Maraschin, Eziquiel Racheti Illustrations and Cartography Coordinator Marcia Berne Illustrations Leandro Lassmar, Roberto Zoellner Photo Researcher Supervisor Elaine Bueno Photo Researchers Alessandra Pereira, Erika Nascimento, Rosa André Operations Director and Reginaldo Soares Damasceno Print Production Manager Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Zmekhol, Lucia What next? : standfor read and interact collection / Lucia Zmekhol. -- 1. ed. -São Paulo : FTD, 2018. ISBN 978-85-96-01558-5 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-01559-2 (professor) 1. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês I. Título. 18-14344 CDD-028.5
Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Literatura infantil em inglês 2. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of StandFor. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. @BubbaLovesRue: p. 7 (rescued pit bull treats his beloved rescued kitten like a princess) . Fotoarena: pp. 5 (The Rainbow Landscape; Rubens, Peter Paul. 1636.) WallaceCollection, Londes. Bridgeman; 13 (lightning bug) SJeff J Daly/Alamy; cover, 1, 3, 8 (picking up the Eiffel Tower) Mark Green/Alamy . Getty Images: pp. 8 (optical illusion of mature woman holding Taj Mahal) EyeEm; 8 (portrait of man pointing at Notre Dame) EyeEm Premium; 8 (tourist in front of Geneva Fountain) iStockphoto; 8 (tourist posing with Leaning Tower of Pisa) Larry Gatz . Glow Images: p. 5 (Flying dove with rainbow background, 1952 (colour litho) by Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973); The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel; Spanish, in copyright) Bridgeman Images . pp. 6 (giraffe) Valdis Skudre; 11 (banana slice) Tim UR; 11 (bread)
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kaiskynet; 11 (chicken leg) Lukas Gojda; 11 (close up of ice cream) Sergio33; 11 (fried fish fillet) TunedIn by Westend61; 11 (tomato slice) Bozena Fulawka; 11 (weet cake with strawberries on plate) 5 second Studio; 12 (African elephant at a watering hole) Michael Potter11; 12 (Asian Sumatran elephant side portrait, close up of face on trees background) Hristo Vitanov Avramov; 3, 4 (Iguazu Falls with rainbow, Argentina and Brazil) LaurensT; 3, 11 (dish) Maglara; 3, 16 (group of different wild animal faces in a square background) Angela Waye; 3, 16 (new born panda cubs) Hung Chung Chih; 3, 16 (set of beetles) Protasov AN; 3, 16 (water drop) Route55; 16 (rainbow) EugenP; 16 (nail) ASAG Studio; 16 (spider) FullRix; cover (group of children posing) Luis Louro; cover (old brown paper cardboard texture) jamakosy; cover, 1, 12, 13 (Chihuahua) Eric Isselee; cover, 1, 3, 12 (giant panda bear eating bamboo) Hung Chung Chih . ViralHog: p. 6 (amazing dog saves another). Rafael Carlos Francielli via
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5/3/18 4:19 PM
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4/27/18 10:05 AM
A Very
It has seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It is part of a circle.
Weather Fact
Some people say that there is gold at its end. What is it? That’s right! It’s a rainbow! You can’t touch a rainbow. It’s not an object. You can walk and walk towards a rainbow, but you can't get nearer. Rainbows happen when drops of water combine with light from the sun. Below, you can see a rainbow at Iguazu Falls, here in Brazil! Isn’t it beautiful? And it isn't raining!
This is Isaac Newton, an English scientist (1643-1727). He is very famous. He discovered gravity and he was the first person to explain the colors of the rainbow. Source: <>. Accessed Apr. 17, 2018.
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5/3/18 5:43 PM
Every little drop of water can make a rainbow, but we can't see it. The human eye needs thousands of drops to see it. Look! A rainbow!
Rainbow in Art Do you like art? Here are two paintings that show a rainbow. Flying Dove with Rainbow Background, by Pablo Picasso, 1952.
The Rainbow Landscape, by Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1636.
W h a t N e x t? Instructions
Is it sunny today? Create your own rainbow!
1) Get a glass of water and a white piece of paper. 2) Go outside and hold the glass above the paper. 3) Move the glass and let the light reflect on the paper. There you go! A rainbow! Are all the colors there? 5
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4/27/18 10:05 AM
Animal Stories That We Love
Text 1 This is the story of two dogs in Argentina. Dogs like playing with sticks, right? Well, this cute dog loves one. It jumps high to get it, but falls in the water. Poc, his best friend, waits for the best moment to help. Well done, Poc! Source: <>. Accessed Apr. 17, 2018.
Text 2
be a wild animal again. Years later, John and In Kenya, a lion meets his two Anthony travel to Africa, and human friends again. This is a someone films the meeting. famous Internet story. It starts Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sweet! in 1969, in London, England. The lion, Christian, is just a cub. John and Anthony, two Australians, take care of him in their apartment. Christian gets too big. It's time to take him back to Africa. George, a conservationist, helps Christian learn to Source: <>. Accessed Apr. 17, 2018.
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Text 3 This story takes place in Los Angeles, US. Bubba is a very big dog, and he looks dangerous. Rue is a cute little cat. Becca, the human in this story, says that Bubba treats Rue like a princess, licking and cuddling her all the time. Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that cute? Bubba takes care of Rue and Rue thinks Bubba is her mom! Source: < story?id=38600863>. Accessed Apr. 17, 2018.
W h a t N e x t?
And you? Do you know any cute stories about animals? Write one, and draw a picture.
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4/27/18 10:05 AM
Look at These Photos! Wait! There’s something funny here… Are these places really small? Well, no, of course not! The photos play with the idea of near and far. Look at something far: a tree, for example. Does it look big or small? Use your hands to play with it. Imagine you're holding it. Now imagine it’s a picture. The camera is near you and far from the tree. Which one looks really small: your hand or the tree? Is that the real thing or is it an optical illusion? 1
Geneva Founta in
Eiffel Tower Pisa Tower
Taj Mahal
How many places can you identify? The answers are at the bottom of the page. Answers: Five monuments: 1. Notre-Dame Cathedral (France); 2. Geneva Fountain (Switzerland); 3. Pisa Tower (Italy); . Taj Mahal (India); 5. Eiffel Tower (France).
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5/3/18 4:29 PM