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Editorial Krausse

Chulilla (Valencia), Spain

Editorial Krausse, is a publishing house founded in Valencia (Spain), whose ultimate purpose is the advanced art and the literary artvangarde. Two different but complementary terms. Born in an attempt to merge the book as an object, carrier of content, and as a design object. In the belief that a book is the sum of three parts: its author, its image and reader. Owner of a bindery of its own, which develope the collections Art?Books and Object Books. Collections, which retains the manual creation process. Issues brought together with its artists and authors, bound by hand (keeping the classical techniques and the machinery of time) Looking for individualism, not only for buyers also for its creators. Under this way of understanding art, to understand the book, Krausse keeps the creative exchange between artists from Europe. Building a central pillar: the communication between its two bases, Berlin-Valencia.
