1 minute read
Toledo the Three Cultures
Throughout much of the Middle Ages, Toledo was inhabited by Muslims, Jews and Christians that generally coexisted with mutal respect, forming separate communities whilst at the same time leaving an imprint on the City. Leaving an easily identifiable footprint throughout the centuries and leaving us cultural heritage that today we have to conserve. It was in the great age of Toledana tolerance (14th and 15th centuries), in which Alfonso X the wise and the School of Translators made Toledo the cradle of scientific knowledge, translating the great Greco-Latin works into Castellan, that had previously only been converted into Arabic and Hebrew. In this age of splendor they conserved the emblematic monuments like the Mosque of Tornerías, The Mosque Cristo de la Luz, the old mosque of Bab Al-Mardum, the Synagogue Santa María la Blanca or The Grand Synagogue of Toledo, the Synagogue of El Tránsito or of Samuel Al-heví (that now is the headquarters of the museum Sefardí) and hundreds of churches and convents highlighting the grand gothic Spanish works including the Cathedral of Toledo. •••