1 minute read
Biblical theology from a female perspective
Earth, offspring and blessing (Gn. 12–23) Ana Unzurrunzaga Hernández
This book leans on the interpretation and context of the biblical texts and tells, through the interpretation of the inventive imagination, the life story of Sarah, matriarch of a people. The promise of the Covenant Yahweh made to Abraham is fulfilled in her.
The woman who touched Jesus A different daughter in an alternative family (Mk. 5,24b-34)
72 pages / € 7,90 9788428564786
Elisa Estévez López
The woman who touched Jesus is a character who stands out in Mark’s Gospel for her loyalty, her authenticity, her resilience, her initiative and her reflective capacity, her diakonia in the new group and her relational power. She is a believing woman, who is healed and also a healer, a woman who represents the reconfiguration of the space of the house. 72 pages / € 7,90
Agar in you
(Gn 12-21)
Pilar Yuste Cabello
Almost half of the earth population comes down from Abraham, Sarah and Agar. Even though Agar is the main character of two beautiful biblical theophanies, she will rest invisible during centuries. On the dessert of her suffering and her departure, God goes towards her and seal a covenant with her. God promises are lavishly fulfilled. 72 pages / € 7,90