1 minute read
Kaizen and the school of ninja Kaizen and the ninja code
Antonio Díaz Bernal / Belén Artalejo
Featuring a witty ninja warrior, these books are an indispensable tool for developing emotional skills. As children draw, write, color in and have fun with plenty of activities, they will get to know the funny and witty ninja warrior and learn to manage their emotions. Teachers and educators will find them very useful too.
64 pages / € 9,95 each one
Over 5 years-old
Eva Millet / Alba Lápiz
“Hyperpaternity” (a concept made up by the author) is wiping out some key aspects of childhood. With humor and rigor, the books of this series want to vindicate those aspects. Both children and parents will enjoy reading them.
32 pages / € 14,90 each one
Over 6 years old