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LANDMINE DETECTION ROBOT USING ARDUINO BOARD KOKARE PUJA Department of ECE, S.B.Patil College of Engg., Vangali, Maharashtra, India Email:pkokare999@gmail.com MHETRE ARCHANA Department of ECE, S.B.Patil College of Engg., Vangali, Maharashtra, India Email:mhetrearchana4444@gmail.com SHINDE MONIKA Department of ECE, S.B.Patil College of Engg., Vangali, Maharashtra, India Email:monikashinde999@gmail.com PROF. YOGITA GAJARE Department of ECE, S.B.Patil College of Engg., Vangali, Maharashtra, India Email:ygajare09@gmail.com ABSTRACT Detection and removal of landmines is an important worldwide concern. A huge number of landmines have been deployed over the last twenty years and demining will take several more decades, even if no more mines were deployed in future. An adequate mine-clearance rate can only be achieved by using new technologies such as improved sensors, efficient manipulators and mobile robots. The ideas and concepts from the theoretical stages are shaped into the physical hardware components by fabrication of a prototype and then software programs are integrated into the system so as to test and experiment the concepts that had been developed. The designed robot is capable of detecting a buried mine, marking the exact location of the buried mine, and controlling itself from stepping over it and detonating the mine. The detection of the buried mine is done by using metal detectors since most land mines contain metal components. KEYWORDS: Arduino board, Metal detector Sensor, PIR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, GSM GPS Modules, Servo Motors. INTRODUCTION The project presented here is land mine detection robot system. In a situation where there are land mines are placed like in such as boarder areas, there is need for better security system. It is much safer to have a system that monitors and communicates to the device owner without putting human life to risk. This tends to utilize the availability of GSM network, mobile phone and electronics circuit to achieve an automated system which is programmed to work as a thinking device to accomplish this purpose. Blasting of land mines is one of the main concerns of many countries in such border area and also in public places. Many times we have heard about the blasting of the land mines and some have faced such situations. Main intention of this project is to avoid such situation. This project is designed and developed by taking into consideration the problem mentioned above. In SMS based land mine detection robotic system, we have to use the metal detector sensor to detect the lane mine in underground. If the metal detected at certain level then this sensor gives a particular signal to the microcontroller. Also it can be detect the presence of the human beings where it will be alive by using PIR sensor. If it detected then this sensor gives a particular signal to the AT mega microcontroller. Then the AT mega microcontroller turn on the buzzer and send message to the user. The fuel detector involves hardware and software parts construction and the integration of both parts to create the system. Landmines are weapons or explosives which are buried under the soil that are activated by pressure, and may kill or cause harm when stepped upon it, and also cause long term physiological effects. Landmines pose a serious threat to soldiers and civilians worldwide and also provide major challenges to agriculture, infrastructure and road development in post-conflict regions. 42 | P a g e

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