4 minute read
Alison Wallace
Ali Wallace
Where were you born? Did you grow up there? I was born in Phoenixville, PA and grew up in Pottstown, PA.
What do you do for a living? I work in Financial Planning & Analysis for Burlington and also work as an adjunct professor for Jefferson University starting this fall. I will be teaching Apparel Merchandising & Management.
What would you like to do for a living? I would love to own my own business someday. Something in the fitness industry or my own apparel company, maybe even golf apparel?
Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and
relaxation? I spend a lot of time with my friends and family but on my own time I love to cook, read, run, hike, and I recently picked up chess.
What golf apparel do you like to wear? Some of my favorites are definitely Nike Golf and Lady Hagen. I am a big fan of golf skorts and I think their skorts fit me best.
Steak, chicken, or seafood? I have recently switched to eating about 50% vegetarian meals and 50% nonvegetarian meals and I have somehow naturally switched to predominantly eating seafood and fish. But, I do love a good steak and baked potato!
What three things would you need to survive on a
deserted island? A library filled with books, some kind of knife for hunting, and an unlimited supply of sunscreen.
Who would you like to have with you on the same
deserted island; and why? I would absolutely, 100% have my sister on the deserted island with me. She lived in a jungle while studying abroad in Mexico so I would trust that she knows how to survive in a deserted island situation. She also camps a lot and studied biology so I am pretty sure the two of us could survive.
What do you find to be the most annoying habit people
demonstrate on the golf course? So, there are two recent experiences I had in the same round of golf that really burned my cookies. The first was, the golf course decided to put a golfer who was walking and a golfer who was riding right in front of my foursome. The walker refused to get in the cart despite him holding up multiple groups and the course wasn’t even checking in! He was also wearing jeans but that’s another story. While we were being held up, we were waiting to hit onto the green and the pair behind us teed off but didn’t yell “FORE!” and hit the golf cart we were standing next to. Please yell “FORE!” when necessary, big pet peeve.
Name the three most important things to you in this
world: family, friends, and happiness. Without those three things, I probably would not be where or who I am today.
Given the choice; would you select love, success, or
money to keep yourself happy? I would choose love. I think when you have a lot of love in your life, whether it be from friends, family, or partner in crime, you have the most support you’ll ever have and that can often lead to success or money.

What do you fear the most? I have always feared darkness. I think there are a lot of negative associations with darkness such as loneliness and unconsciousness.
What three people would you most like to play with in
your fantasy golf foursome? Jessica Korda, Michelle Wie West, Brooke Henderson. But I do love my usual foursome I have been playing with: Lauren, Ellah, and Alicia!
What are some of your great accomplishments? Finishing my MBA was a major accomplishment for me. It was a lot of work and took up almost all of my time outside of work. Despite the struggles, it has been so worth it to have put myself through the stress of being in school full time and working full time.
Relaxed evening at home, or nightclub and cocktails?
A relaxed evening at home…with a cocktail or glass of wine, or even a beer would be fine!
Favorite comedian? Iliza Schlesinger, I can watch her stand-up specials on repeat. So relatable, so hilarious!
Movies:…comedy, drama, action, romance? Comedy or action (I’m a huge Marvel fan!), but I have begun watching more drama and period pieces recently so I have been feeling drawn to more of those lately.
Favorite television channel? I am torn between Bravo and Lifetime Movie Network. Such a guilty pleasures for me. I love the housewives and even though every Lifetime movie follows the same formula, I find them so entertaining.
Last book you read? Women Who Run with the Wolves. I highly recommend this for all women to read. It has really helped me to better understand the nature of the woman and therefore has helped me to better understand myself. I have also been reading The Witcher books and can’t wait for season two to come out.
News, current events; hardcopy or on-line? I tend to read my news and current events on-line or I listen to podcast or something like NRP. Every once in a while, a newspaper will end up on my doorstep and I’ll read it.
Favorite magazine? I don’t read magazines all that often but if I do, it’s usually Women’s Health or Cosmopolitan. I like some of the quick workouts Women’s Health has to offer and Cosmo is always an entertaining and easy read.
Favorite charity to support? My favorite charity to support is St. James School. It is a school in Philadelphia that serves the underserved neighborhoods within North Philadelphia. The school removes the common obstacles that come from generations of poverty and adds resources to help the students build a better future for themselves and their families. It’s a really wonderful place for the students and their families.