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Golf is Generational
My father, Horace Norman, played on the PGA Tour in the 1940s and teed it up with the likes of Ben Hogan and other beloved greats. He eventually stepped away from the tour but still stayed in the game as a PGA Golf Club Professional in a small West Texas town. When I came along, naturally, he placed a golf club in my hand at young age taught me the infamous “Ben Hogan Swing.”
I played golf through middle school, high school, and college and decided to follow in my dad’s footsteps and go into the golf business. Just like my father did with me, when I began to have my own children, they were quickly introduced to greens, sand traps, and rides in golf carts.
My wife and I have been blessed with four beautiful children: three daughters and a son, who is my youngest. I introduced all my children to golf, but it was my boy, Aaron, who really took to the game like the generations before him. And, you guessed it, I continued following my father’s tried-andtrue teaching and introduced my son to the “Ben Hogan Swing.”
Aaron was a natural. He played in many golf tournaments, both as an individual and as a member of his school golf teams. He was an incredible all-around player, but he was especially a force from the tee box. Very few could outdrive him.
My son began to experiment with drug use in his late teens. Our relationship could sometimes be difficult because of this, but when we played golf together, the addiction and strained relationship would melt away for those several hours. It was just father and son, ball against the green. We always had golf.

In January of 2021, at the age of 28, our son passed away unexpectedly in his home. We were told that he passed peacefully, dressed in golf slacks and shirt. We figure he must have been coming or going from the course. Three months after his death, we finally learned the cause: fentanyl poisoning. My wife and I had never even heard of fentanyl before. We were given a crash course on the dangers of this drug, especially to our young population, and we have since become involved in spreading awareness as to the dangers of fentanyl.
To honor our son and his addiction that was caused by mental health issues, we created The Aaron Norman Memorial Golf Tournament. All proceeds are given to Phoenix Center, a local organization that provides free mental health support to local families and children.

There is not a single local course that Aaron hasn’t played on. My golf buddy is gone, but he is still everywhere, slamming balls into these beautiful Texas sunsets. I’ll forever be so grateful to this great game for giving me so many beautiful memories with Aaron.

Where were you born? Did you grow up there? Born Long Island, NY and raised in Winter Springs, FL.
What do you do for a living? I run a marketing company’s satellite offices.
What would you like to do for a living? Play golf!
Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and relaxation? I love traveling, beach, events, anything outdoors or on the water.
What golf apparel do you like to wear? Nike and (of course) Turf Life.
Whom do you most admire for their inner and outer beauty?
My Nana is the most beautiful women in my life, but I have to say Penelope Cruz still got the looks.
Tell us about your first kiss? In a tree house when I was 10 yrs old.
Steak, chicken, or seafood? Steaaaaakk... medium rare!
Tell us something about yourself that only your closest friends know. I tend to humm or whistle when I am happy.

What three things would you need to survive on a deserted island? Knife, flint, fishing lure.
What do you find to be the most annoying habit people demonstrate on the golf course? Playing too close behind.
Name the three most important things to you in this world. Family, friends, and sleep.
Given the choice; would you select love, success, or money to keep yourself happy? Success!
What do you fear the most? Losing those closest to me.
What three people would you most like to play with in your fantasy golf foursome? Robert DeNiro, Jim Carrey, Johnny Depp.

What are some of your great accomplishments? Starting my own business and finally working for myself.
Last time you spewed something through your nose from laughing so hard? When I took mushrooms.
Last book you read? Harry Potter
News, current events; hardcopy or on-line? Online
Favorite magazine? Golf Central Magazine
Favorite charity to support? Food for the Homeless.

As a young lady, I was intrigued by the excitement of golf… the comradery, competition, sportsmanship and the joy it brought to many. Little did I realize, that my lot in life was to utilize the game of golf as a way for healing and hope!

I founded Fore Hope in 1989, a unique golf therapy grassroots program for my father, Guy.

Dad was an avid and proficient golfer who became ill early in his retirement years.
He became isolated and depressed. Everyone in our small town knew his talents and love for the game. I could not let my dad lose his way in life to a health condition that challenged his day to day, I needed to do something.
Dad’s influence in golf impacted my life and my two brothers.
Brother, Kim, is a Golf Course Superintendent in our home village. Younger brother, Kevin, a former PGA Teaching Professional, currently works with a Grounds Crew at a public course near our home town.
Today, Fore Hope is OhioHealth Fore Hope in Columbus, Ohio. In 2017, Fore Hope became a part of OhioHealth Healthcare System and remains using golf as therapy for those patients treated within the Neuroscience Center. I remain as Ambassador. 10,000 plus patients have been served over Fore Hope’s long tenure and the first ever grassroots golf therapy program absorbed by a major Healthcare System. Fore Hope is nationally recognized for our work.
I know the impact of golf and health recovery. My passion speaks as I “walk the talk” in living with MS and the thousands served. Individuals past and present, who experience (d) aging, brain injury, MS, Parkinson’s, stroke, and other chronic health conditions, along with care partners and families, have witnessed the therapeutic powers of golf.
I now am “taking” my passion and expertise to audiences everywhere to understand how “Golf Care” truly improves lives. For more information about my Wellness and Golf platform, please visit MindyDerr.com.

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