Task 2
Animals in danger Task description The basis of this activity is to raise awareness on environmental issues, particularly the protection of endangered animal species. Children are asked to build a “ProtectedEnvironment�, which is a tool for reminding everyone of the importance of protecting animals. The ProtectedEnvironment will obviously have different characteristics depending on the level of technological complexity required. The basic idea, however, is common to all three levels: the personal involvement of all students on a theme that invests in the civil responsibilities of everyone. The teacher will be able to adapt a large part of the course according to the class schedule. For example, he/she may choose to work on plant species or use the enclosed suggestions to encourage pupils to get involved with other topics having a high educational impact.
Children will have to create a poster containing images and information on endangered animal species. From an IT perspective, children will use word processing software and, subsequently, an online service for creating posters. The sensitization on environmental issues will be addressed, in this case, by the creation of a mass mail. Children will have to create a particularly meaningful image from a communicative point of view and, subsequently, they will have to send it, together with an explanatory text, to a specific destination (presumably the parents of the class). After creating the texts and images in the advanced level, the students will create one or more web pages to raise awareness about the topics discussed among the visitors to the web site.
Task 2:
Animals in danger
Technology PC with an internet connection Word
Duration Short
Organization Individual work for the first part, then cooperative partners
Program 1 Research information 2 Complete the summary worksheet
3 Poster layout 4 Systematic observations 5 Learning journal
Level A
Task 2:
Animals in danger
Technology PC with an internet connection A photoshop website for editing photos A program for sending emails
Duration Short
Organization Individual work for the first part, then cooperative partners
Program 1 Research information 2 Complete the summary worksheet
3 Prepare an image with a slogan 4 Attachment layout 5 Send a mass email with an attachment 6 Systematic observations
7 Learning journal
Level B
Task 2:
Animals in danger
Technology PC with an internet connection Photoshop software program A platform for creating a website
Duration Medium
Organization Partner work
Program 1 Research information 2 Complete the summary worksheet
3 Prepare an image with a slogan 4 Create a blog 5 Make systematic observations
6 Learning journal
Level C