ENG_I'm done now what?

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80 worksheets for free activity at primary school


Summary Legend

Individual exercise

Pair exercise

Drawing or writing numbers, letters and words

Building, drawing and cutting out, using objects, hands or voice


Worksheets from 1 to 12

Numbers from 0 to 20

Worksheets from 13 to 34


Worksheets from 35 to 62

Geometry and measurements

Worksheets from 63 to 77


Take the worksheets out of the box

Set the holder in place

Insert the worksheets

1 2 3 4

Choose a worksheet

In this box you will find…

• 3 presentation sheets;

• 77 worksheets with activities and operational proposals covering the most important topics of the first grade mathematics programme;

• a holder to put the worksheets on, with the legend of the icons and the summary of the topics.

What the worksheets are for

The activities proposed in the worksheets are designed for pupils who quickly finish their class assignments and have some free time before the end of the lesson. The worksheets are calibrated on different levels of complexity: some may anticipate contents that the children have not yet

experienced in class, but on which they are willing, or curious, to get involved.

Other worksheets train basic skills with different activities (drawing, cutting out, building, playing, calculating) in order to entertain both children who enjoy a difficult challenge and those who prefer a more relaxing approach. For each topic, there are numerous activities and proposals to choose from, to workeither alone, or in pairs - in a meaningful and creative way, respecting the pace and learning modalities of each individual and in an ‘open teaching’ perspective.


What the worksheets look like

Every worksheet has a title and a short assignment. In the case of children who have just started reading, it is the teacher who guides them in understanding the activity to be performed, although in most cases the illustrations act as a guide to understand what needs to be done. There are two icons in the top margin of each worksheet, which distinguish between:

Activities to be carried out alone.

Activities to be carried out with a classmate.

Activities involving drawing, reading and writing numbers, letters and words.

Activities in which you have to build something, draw, cut out and glue, use objects, your hands or your voice.

How to propose the worksheets

The teacher puts the deck at disposal, following the assembling instructions on the board: the order and number of the sheets to be proposed is free. You can decide whether to provide the deck as it is or to compose it according to your needs, selecting the worksheets with the most suitable activities for the class. The legend of the icons and the summary of the topics will guide you in making the choice.

How to carry out the activities

The pupils freely choose a worksheet from the deck: the examples and the illustrated sequences help them to understand what they have to do, encouraging their autonomy. Most of the activities do not require any particular materials, but the tasks can be carried out mentally or in oral form only (speaking softly to oneself or with a partner), or simply by “touching” the worksheet (“Point to a number...”, “Connect with your finger...”). For the activities that require drawing, cutting out and building, a pencil case and sheets of paper are enough. There is no time limit for carrying out the activities. It is possible to start the assignment and then continue it in later free moments.

Design/editing: Tania Eccher, Chiara Fait

Graphic design: Mattia Casagrande

Layout: Giorgia Cainelli

Illustrations: Roberta Cavaliere

Art direction: Giordano Pacenza


Copy and paint

Copy the drawing, first with your left hand and then with your right hand. Then, paint it.


Above, below, in front of, behind

Choose a position and reproduce it with your pencil case and your rubber.


In the right place

Draw a tree, then complete the drawing by adding these figures in the indicated position.


Complete the drawing

Draw what you want, starting from this mark. Copy it on a sheet of paper and then complete.


Look for the numbers

Take a look at the drawing and point to the hidden numbers with your finger.


Puzzle of numbers

Write 5 numbers that you know on pieces of paper, then cut them in half and reassemble them.


Major and minor

Copy the symbols >, <, and = on small pieces of paper and place the correct piece of paper between the pairs of numbers. Then, write other numbers in your exercise book.

5 8 7 4 2 2 3 6 9 7 6 4

One more, one less!

Create a number from 1 to 20 with the rulers and ask a classmate to form the number that comes after and the one that comes before. Then, swap roles.

+ 1 – 1

Tens and units

First touch a red number and then a blue number. Ask your partner to say which number is formed.

2 0 5 6 3 8 2 7 4 9 18

Counting on fingers... up to 20

Lift 10 fingers and say a number from 10 to 20. Ask a classmate to point out how many fingers are left to reach 20.



Connect the dots

Draw 10 dots on a sheet of paper. Number them from 1 to 10, as shown here, and then join them in order. What does it look like?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Even or odd?

Choose ‘even’ or ‘odd’. Then, raise your fingers together to form a number, add up the numbers to find out whether the result is even or odd. Who is the winner?

0 1 2 3 4 5 ODD! EVEN! 2 + 4
WHO WINS? Even Odd

Round to 20!

Place the cards together with your finger so that the result is 20. You can use the same card several times. Write the operations in your exercise book.


Counting with colours

Take 10 felt-tip pens. How many of them do you have to take out to solve these subtractions?

10 – = 7 10 – = 5 10 – = 10 10 – = 1

Fold and cut out!

Fold a sheet of paper in half, cut it out following these hatches and then open it: what do you see?



Count how many dots there are outside, inside and on the outline of the shapes.


Different dimensions

Draw 3 squares of different dimensions on a sheet of paper.


Follow the track!

Find the path that leads the hare to his burrow.


The caterpillar

Follow the directions of the arrows with your finger and find out where



I'm done, now what? 1

How to engage children in meaningful and autonomous activities when they first finish a task?

The box includes 8o worksheets with activities on the main topics of the mathematics programme of the first grade:

1. Prerequisites

2. Numbers from 0 to 20

3. Operations

4. Geometry and measurements.

The numerous proposals from which to choose, allow to support everyone's learning pace and modalities, in an open teaching perspective.


Beatrice Pontalti

Qualified support teacher with more than thirty years of experience, she leads training and continuing education courses for teachers and classroom assistants.

Dal grande al piccolo
48 12 + = 20 7 + = 20 13 + = 20 9 + = 20 6 + = 20 Calcoli in coppia Quanto manca per arrivare a 20? Usate le vostre dita per calcolare. 8
gli oggetti che hai nell’astuccio e riordinali dal più grande al più piccolo.

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