Lu c
rsa llini o e a B uca B L nd
STORIES from the
An emotive intelligence game and... fairy-tale pictures!
12 Emotions cards: 4 joy, 2 sadness, 2 anger, 2 disgust, 2 fear
9 Vow cards: 1 crown, 4 four-leaves cloves, 4 flames (light blue back)
(yellow back)
80 Fable cards (green back)
The Emotions family loves telling stories! Little Joy wants happy stories, her sister Sadness likes to be moved, cousin Fear is always frightened, Uncle Anger tends to catch fire and cousin Disgust... never likes anything! Can you guess which fable each of them is telling?
OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME Players have to work together to guess which of the fables depicted on the cards in play is told each time by a different member of the Emotions Family. The player on turn draws an Emotion card and has to determine which of the five fable cards in play represents it better and vow for it in secret. The other players discuss with each other and try to guess which card has been chosen. Be careful not to make mistakes or you risk getting burned! The aim of the game is to finish all the Emotion cards (in 12 turns of play) without ever choosing a Fable card marked by the Vow cards with the flame. If they succeed, the players have won the game; otherwise, the Emotion family will not tell any more stories and the game will be lost.
PREPARING THE GAME Shuffle the Fable cards and place them face down in a single deck. Turn over 5 cards from the deck of Fable cards and place them one next to the other in the centre of the table, so that they are clearly visible to all players. Shuffle the Emotion cards and place them in a single deck face down next to the deck of Fable cards. Prepare the Vow cards: take the 4 four-leaf clover cards and the crown card. The Vow cards with the flame will come into play later, so keep them aside for now.
Fable cards deck
5 Fable cards to vote for
Emotion cards deck
Vow cards
Emotion to guess
The youngest player chooses who will start first and the game will proceed then clockwise. The player on turn then draws an Emotion card and shows it to all the other players. If necessary, especially to help the younger players, the more experienced players can ask a few questions to better frame the emotion drawn: “Do you know this emotion?”, “Can you give an example of when you felt it?”, “What story do you think this emotion is telling?”. The player who drew the Emotion card secretly votes for the card that best represents it. To vote, the 5 Vow cards must be placed face down next to the 5 Fable cards, matching the Vow card with the
crown to the chosen Fable card, in this way: The player who votes has to be careful not to show how he is maUncovered deck of Fable cards
Covered deck of Vow cards
This is the Fable card that the player has decided to match to the emotion he has drawn; it is in fact associated with the Vow card with the crown.
tching the cards. He can also ask other players to close their eyes. When the voting is over, the other players confront each other and choose the Fable card that they think has been matched to Vow card with the crown. The round ends with two possible outcomes: if the players have chosen the Fable card that is matched with the crown, the round is won and the game continues; if the players have chosen a Fable card combined with a four-leaf clover Vow card, the game continues, but the four-leaf clover vow card must be replaced with a flame Vow card.
NEW PLAY TURN Remove two Fable cards from the centre of the table: the one that was paired with the crown and another one decided by the player of the turn. Turn over two new Fable cards from the deck to replace the two discarded cards: in the middle of the table there are again two Fable cards face up. The new player on turn draws an Emotion card and shows it to all the other players, and we will then proceed as described above.
BEWARE OF FLAMES! If you had to replace thr Four-Leaf Clover cards with the Flame Vow cards in the previous rounds, the player on turn will have to be careful to match them to the Fable cards that can be associated the least with the emotion he drew. Indeed, if the other players indicate a Fable card matched from a Flame Vow card,
the game is immediately lost. From the moment that Flame Vow cards come into play, the game proceeds normally, but each turn can end with three outcomes: 1) if the players have indicated the Fable card paired with the Crown Vow card, the round is won and the game continues. 2) If the players have indicated a Fable card combined with a Four-Leaf Clover Vow card, the game continues, but the Four-Leaf Clover Vow card must be replaced with a Flame vow card. 3)If the players have indicated a Fable card paired with a Flame Vow card, the game is lost and ends immediately.
END OF GAME The game ends when a Fable card marked with a Flame Vow card is chosen, or when the twelfth emotion is guessed. In the first case, players lose the game, in the second case they win it.
“I’LL TELL IT!” VARIANT At the end of each turn, the player who drew the Emotion card briefly tells the story of the card he has chosen and keeps the card itself. At the end of the game, you can award the “tale prize” to the story that the group liked the most.