Content of the box
Italianname: Nuvola
Mouths:2 Arms: 2
Legs: Teeth:45
Tongues: 0 Eyes: 2

Family: animals

Italian name: Palloncino
Mouths: 1
Family: school objects

Arms: 4

Legs: 2 Teeth: 7
Eyes: 1 Eye colour:

Identifying marks: yellow and purple stripes


Un mistero è stato appena risolto e uno nuovo si affaccia all’orizzonte… Il povero Generalissimo non ha un attimo di tregua! Lo hanno chiamato per informarlo che qualcuno ha tentato di modificare la storica ricetta dei donuts, aggiungendo all’impasto niente meno che dei funghi! Questa cosa è inammissibile! Il colpevole va trovato e poi dovrà
1. Uno ha dichiarato TWO LEGS
2. Un altro ha detto che aveva TWO ARMS

In occasione della festa annuale di Peppino, i laboratori hanno preparato montagne di donuts. Il profumo ha invaso ogni vicolo, ma qualcuno è entrato nei magazzini e non è riuscito a resistere alla tentazione di fare una bella scorpacciata del suo cibo preferito! Il tempo stringe e per non lasciare gli ospiti a pancia vuota, ora bisogna trovare dei volontari che possano aiutare i cuochi pasticceri a preparare altri vassoi pieni di donuts. Se non sai cucinare non preoccuparti: puoi aiutarli a scoprire chi è stato così goloso da mangiare quelli che erano già pronti. Sicuramente, visto che ha fatto un bel carico di energia, il golosone sarà un perfetto aiutante per i cuochi pasticceri! Questi sono gli indizi raccolti dal Generalissimo. Mentre anche lui con grembiule e guantone si sta dando da fare in cucina, tu puoi tirare le somme e trovare il goloso colpevole!
trasformarsi in un perfetto cuoco pasticcere e preparare i donuts per tutto il mese! Non so voi ma io non vorrei essere nei suoi panni! Spero per il colpevole che sia riuscito a non lasciare tracce anche se temo che gli attenti abitanti di Peppino abbiano notato tutto e riferito al Generalissimo quello che hanno visto.
3. Il custode della ricetta segreta ha visto uno con THREE EYES
4. Sono tutti certi che erano BLUE EYES
5. A quanto pare c’erano ZERO TEETH
6. Aveva sicuramente ONE MOUTH
1. Dato il grande numero di donuts mangiati sicuramente ha
2. Il circuito di sicurezza ha immortalato
dirmi di chi si tratta?
3. Qualcuno lo ha visto fuggire e ha fotografato
4. Nella foto era evidente il colore GREEN EYES
6. A quanto pare aveva TWO LEGS
Indizi Sai dirmi di chi si tratta?
5. Non c’è dubbio che avesse SEVEN TEETH

Waking up on Peppino the most monstrously funny planet-island
Last night, while you were asleep, something really strange happened: a pilotless spaceship came to pick you up and you woke up on Peppino’s island: a small planet covered with unusual vegetation. Plants with colourful leaves and flowers with extremely large petals on which you can even glide as if they were an amusement park, upside-down mushrooms with their caps on the ground and their stipes upwards on which you can swing, and blades of grass that are so long and strong that you can climb over them to scan the horizon!
In the middle of the island that covers the entire planet a huge muffin dominates the landscape just as if it was a mountain, and there is a bubbling sea all around it, that is really hot, multicoloured and so wide that it could fill all the seas! But Peppino’s most distinctive feature is the unmistakable smell in the air. Can you recognise it? It is an irresistible smell of... DONUTS!
Remember: if you want to conquer them, you have to become like them and transform yourself into the ULTIMATE DONUT-LOVER! In order to do this, you will have to try conquering as many donuts as possible, but bear in mind: if they are filled with frosting they are much more valuable, and if they also come with coloured sprinkles, that’s even better! At this point, all that I can say is, enjoy your stay, have a great adventure and... Have a nice donut feast!
Who am I?
Unfortunately, when you landed, you messed up: your spaceship raised an incredible wind that blew the identity cards of all the people living on the planet into the air!
Now, to recognise them, you have to try to figure out who they are from their descriptions. The island’s residents, the so-called ‘peppinesi’, are not very talkative and will only answer your questions with a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’. Are you ready to answer the questions that your opponent will ask you to find out who is the ‘peppinese’ you are playing? You will have to guess too, and to do so, it is important to ask the right question. Legs, arms, eyes, teeth, tongue ... These are all elements that will help you identify the character. Come on, don’t waste time, the quickest one wins!
2 (players or teams)
Each player (or team) takes a deck of “monster cards” and lays them out in front of themselves, uncovered, in an organised grid (e.g. 6x5). He/ she then draws a card from the “identity card” deck, keeping it hidden from the opponent, as it corresponds to the character that needs to be guessed. It will be used at the end of the game to check the correctness of the opponent’s answer.

Being the first to guess the character played by your opponent.

Each round, the player may only ask one question to the opponent, to find out which monster has to be guessed. The questions, in English, must only include yes or no answers:
• Do you have three eyes?
• Do you have a monster with four legs?
• Do you have two or four legs?
Cards that do not match the answer are covered, for example: <<Do you have three eyes?>> <<Yes>>
� Cover all the cards with monsters that do NOT have three eyes.

Asking direct questions about the character’s name or the objects he or she likes is forbidden.
The first person who manages to find out which character his/her opponent is holding wins the game. To check the correctness of the answer, match the “monster card” left uncovered on the table with the “identity card” in your opponent’s hand: if the colour codes match... victory!

The winner picks up a donut token with his/her eyes closed... the more mouthwatering it is, the bigger the loot!



At the end of multiple rounds, the player/team with the highest number of points wins.

Monster families

These “peppinesi” have no sense of direction: they all went out together today and got mixed up trying to find their way home! Will you help me gather the 6 members of the various families?
Earning more points by correctly reassembling one or more monster families.
This game is played with only one deck of “monster cards”. The “reference card” representing families composition can help you understand the type of questions to ask when reassembling the family. Each player is given 7 cards, and the remaining ones are put on the table in a covered draw deck.
In turn, each player asks the partner on his/her right a card that he/she needs to put a family together, indicating one or more features of the desired monster. For example: “Do you have a monster with four arms and blue eyes?”.
It is forbidden to ask direct questions about the name of the character and the family to which it belongs. BE CAREFUL!
If the player receives a monster that is different from the one he/she needs to complete the family (or receives no cards), he/she can change the card by placing it under the covered deck, taking another one from above. If there are no cards on the table, you have to hold it, and try to get rid of it by giving it to the first player who makes a compatible request.
Whoever manages to correctly rebuild the 6 members of a family stops the game and must declare the name of the family. In order to verify the correctness of the answer, link each monster with its identity card and check the family name.
At the end of the game, each player calculates how many members of the same family he/she holds, and earns points according to this scheme:
• If you have 4 members of the same family � 1 simple donut
• If you have 5 members of the same family � 1 frosted donut
• If you have the whole family � 1 donut with frosting and sprinkles
Whoever, at the end of multiple game rounds (established at the start) has earned more points, wins.
Each monster declares its preference for an object, written on the card, that belongs to one of these categories identifying the families:
Crayons, book, pencil, rubber, ruler, scissors.
Bat, cow, bee, goose, hedgehog, dog.
Car, doll, guitar, ball, scooter, teddy.
Apple, bread, cheese, eggs, grapes, cake.
Boots, coat, jumper, woolly hat, scarf, gloves.
Monster Memory
Remember when I told you that, when you landed, your spaceship mixed the identity card images with the description of the characters?
It’s time to sort them out...
Matching as many pairs of monsters and identity cards as possible.
Arrange, covered, a deck of “monster cards” and the deck of “identity cards”. In order not to play with too many cards, select only a few monsters (and their related identity cards).

In turn, each player uncovers two cards, trying to find the pair by associating character description and illustration. To verify the correctness of the match, compare the colour codes: if they match, the player wins the cards. The turn moves on to the next player.
Whoever gets more pairs of cards, wins.
With the same rules, you can play using the two decks of “monster cards”, with the goal of matching two identical monsters. To win the pair, players must pronounce what are the main features of the characters out loud (number of eyes, arms and legs, eye colour, distinguishing marks). The correctness of the answer can be verified by consulting the identity card. If the description is not correct, or the characters are different, leave the cards on the table, turning them around. Whoever gets the highest number of pairs, wins.
Monster Memory can also be played in individual mode, useful as an activity of memory reinforcement, attention, and lexical understanding.
You can have fun creating new characters... but how? The turn player has the task of inventing a description of a new monster, in English, for example: <<It has three legs, two green eyes and a toothless mouth. Its skin is yellow-coloured>>. The other players will have to draw the described character... it will be fun, in the end, to see that with the same indications, even without errors, there will be very different characters!

Monstrous clues
Discovering the culprit through the clues.
Among the players, establish who is the narrator and who is the detective. Arrange all the “monster cards” of a deck, visible, on the game board. In the case of 3 players (1 narrator and 2 detectives), use both decks of “monster cards”: each detective will have one, to be used without being seen by the other, in order to avoid facilitating his/her game. The narrator chooses an investigative scene and holds it up in front of him/her, with the drawing facing the players.
. Some mysterious events are messing the planet Peppino up... your help is needed to investigate and discover what is happening! Listen carefully to the clues, observe the investigation scenes, and discover the culprit.

The narrator reads the story and the clues on the back of the scene and, at the end of each clue, the detectives can try to identify the culprit, choosing it from the “monster cards” at their disposal and covering those that are not needed. The first detective who thinks he/she has guessed stops the game and says the name of the culprit. To verify, place the self-correction codes between the “monster card” and the investigation scene: if they coincide, then the answer is correct! You earn donuts according to this scheme:
• Whoever guesses with 1 - 3 clues � Frosted donut with sprinkles (3 points)
• Whoever guesses with 4 - 5 clues � Frosted donut (2 points)
• Whoever guesses with 5 - 6 clues � Simple donut (1 point)
Whoever, at the end of multiple game rounds (established at the start) gets most points, wins.
You can enjoy finding new culprits, and creating new investigation scenes and new clues: it will be fun to test your... drawing skills!

What is my name?
These “peppinesi” have really strange names... and, on closer look, even their shape looks familiar! Will you be so careful and quick to recognise their names in a flash?
Matching correctly - and quickly!the “monster card” to the token that displays its name, winning as many tokens as possible.
The two decks of “monster cards” are arranged, covered, and facing each other. The youngest player draws 5 “name” tokens and places them, readable, to the side of the two decks.

The turn player (meaning the one who has drawn the tokens), calls the beginning of the game: both players, at the same time, turn a card from their own deck, comparing it quickly with the names that are written on the tokens and making sure to keep an eye on the opponent’s card. The player who first recognises the match between the name of the monster and its name written on a token takes it and puts it on the “monster card” (his/her own or that of the opponent). If the match is correct, he/she wins the card and the token, while, in case of a mistake, they will end up in the opponent’s loot. In order to verify the correctness of the answer, simply check the identity card of the character. The game continues until all 5 tokens have been won.


The winner is whoever has scored the highest number of points in their loot of tokens, calculated according to the scheme:


To facilitate the game, you can use one token at a time, drawing a new one each time it is won. Instead, to make the game more challenging and dynamic, increase the number of tokens to be used simultaneously.

And why don’t you try monstrous bingo? Each player will have a “folder” consisting of 6 “monster cards”, to be completed through the name-token draw. The first to complete the folder stops the game and everyone must count the points, according to the usual “donuts scheme”. At this point, anything can happen: who has the tastiest donuts, and not necessarily who completed the folder, could get a higher score (and thus win)!

Thanks to her passion for foreign languages, she randomly got to know the world of educational games. She created her first projects at a very young age, first to learn the language herself, then later to teach it to her students and finally, to divulge it, publishing several titles with major publishing houses. Her motto is “You learn by playing!” which is also the name of the Facebook group she created to promote games and playful learning.

A game by Chiara Colucci and Alice, the mind behind the planet Peppino
Editing: Sara Lisa Di Mario
Graphics and layout: Samuele Prosser and Leonardo Michelon
Illustrations: Alice Fiuzzi
Art direction: Giordano Pacenza
ISBN 978-88-590-3850-4
© 2024 Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson S.p.A.

Who was so naughty as to scatter all the coloured sprinkles around Peppino?
What a disaster he made, he surely had a great time, he must have mistaken them for confetti! Of course, having a multi-coloured sand village is much more original, but now we absolutely have to find out who did this!
We have to find the culprit before any more donuts are baked, so he can make amends by helping us carry new jars of sprinkles to the laboratory in order to garnish the yummiest ones!
The Chief has already reached the crime scene and has already questioned some people passing by. Let’s see what clues he has managed to collect.
Can you tell me who he is?

In celebration of Peppino’s annual party, the laboratories baked mountains of donuts. The smell invaded every alley, yet some people walked into the storerooms and couldn’t resist the temptation to feast on their favourite food! Time is running out and in order not to leave guests on empty bellies, we now need to find volunteers who can help the pastry chefs prepare more trays full of donuts.
Can you tell me who he is?
No worries if you can’t bake: you can help them discover who was greedy enough to eat the readymade ones. For sure, since he got plenty of energy, the glutton will be the perfect helper for the pastry chefs!
These are the clues gathered by the Chief. While he is also working hard in the kitchen with his apron and glove, you can draw conclusions and find the gluttonous culprit!

These days, in Peppino, you just can’t get any peace! The sea surrounding the island is incredibly sweet today. Apparently, a prankster resident has come up with the idea of dissolving sugar in the water, and now, when diving in, you stay afloat, and it almost feels like taking a bath in frosting! This wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that sugar supplies are almost over! The island’s residents all agree: the ‘volunteer’ who will have to undertake the necessary trips to transport the sugar from the
Can you tell me who he is?
nearby island in order to restock the storerooms, is the prankster resident himself! However, it is now time to investigate, and to do so, we have already questioned the Chief, who has, as always, not missed a single clue!
This is the list of the clues he has collected: he went to get some rest and asked if anyone would like to try and find out the culprit of this mischief! Would you like to help him?

Name: Balloon

Mouths: 1
Arms: 4
Legs: 2
Teeth: 7
Tongues: 0
Eyes: 1
Family: school objects

Eye colour: brown
Identifying marks: yellow and purple stripes
Name: Flower

Mouths: 2
Arms: 6
Legs: 4
Teeth: 0
Tongues: 2
Eyes: 3
Eye colour: green
Family: animals

Identifying marks: red skin and purple dots
Name: Lashes

Mouths: 2
Arms: 4
Legs: 2
Teeth: 7
Tongues: 0
Eyes: 1
Family: winter clothes

Eye colour: brown
Identifying marks: purple and yellow stripes
Name: Bored

Family: food
Mouths: 1
Arms: 2
Legs: 2
Teeth: 0
Tongues: 2
Eyes: 3
Eye colour: blue

Identifying marks: yellow and red stripes
Name: Vampire

Mouths: 2
Arms: 4
Legs: 4
Teeth: 5
Tongues: 0
Eyes: 2
Family: toys

Eye colour: brown
Identifying marks: yellow skin and purple dots

CLOVER Crayons