June/July 2022

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The Eaton Brand

57 Years of Predictable Selection for the Beef Business

Performance • Maternal • Carcass

• Time Proven Cow Families • Milk & Marbling EPD - Breed’s Top 20% • Linebred Genetic Uniformity • National Leader —AICA Dams of Distinction • Profitable Conception to Harvest • Breed’s Largest Private Treaty Bull Sale

2022 BEEF Magazine Top 100 Seedstock Producer

103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546


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Eleventh Annual FEMALE SALE 9.24.2022

Selling 50+ L


& Embryos

1 pm at thE sattErfiELd saLE faciLity EvEning shadE, arkansas


169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy Loyd & Joanne (501) 944-9274 (870) 499-7151 satterfieldfarms@icloud.com www.satterfieldcharolais-angus.com J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V O L . 46, N O. 4

ON THE COVER– Photo by Rachel Booth at MBS Charolais, Bowling Green, Mo. Cover by Molly Schoen


24 Roll of Excellence Sires 111th -116th Sires

26 28 38 44

Show Animals of the Year Charolais Cattle at Clift Livestock

Characterizing Carcass Genetics Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais Sixty Years of Charolais Cattle


CPI President

David Hobbs



Molly Schoen


Kaitlyn Chism


Advertising Coordinator

Field Representatives Refer to page 19

CHAROLAIS JOURNAL 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153

phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759

Charolais Viewpoint by Dr. Clint Rusk

Charolais Contributions to a Beef on Dairy Program

Junior Viewpoint

Leaders of Tomorrow

by Devon Benes, Vice President


Association Updates New Members Miss Charolais USA AIJCA News Notes

145 148 156 158

Sales Review AICA News Notes Calendar Advertisers’ Index


CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.


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An exciting new addition to our programs!

Homozygous Polled



Born:3/19/21 BW: 86lbs. WW/R: 764/105 YW/R: 1402/106 Sire: Pleasant Dawn Chisum Dam’s Sire: VPI Free Lunch 708T EPDs: 7.1 -0.1 65 132 29 7.7 62 1.5 Carcass 36 0.66 0.025 0.28 278.78 Ranks in top the 20% WW, 4% YW, 15% Milk, 9% MTL, 5% SC, 3% Marb, and 2% TSI Tremendous semen producer of excellent quality! (flush quality)

Available at Bovine Elite, contact Outfront Cattle Service 979-229-4472 Semen: $25/signing $35

Owned with JMAR Genetics, Sullivan Charolais, Herndon Farms, Sara Shepherd, Aristo Farms, Kyle Reaves, Bella Angel Farm, Arlitt Ranch, and Evans Ranch.

2601 Austin Ave. Brownwood, Texas 76801 Office: (325) 646-1561 Cell: (325) 647-9039 rickevans6464@gmail.com

Michael & Angela Henry 2965 CR 3425 Yantis, Texas 75497 (831) 234-9224 J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


Future at Oak Hill Farm... OHF Vanessa K828 ET LT Wyoming Wind 4020

JWK Vanessa D029 ET Oak Hill Farms Foundation Female. Daughters & Granddaughters in production.

E R I S D R E H NEW r H3118P ste DC/CRJ Roo er Sale k om 2022 DeBruyc

Fr er Syndication Member of Roost

OHF Vanessa K902 ET LT Wyoming Wind 4020

OHF Vanessa K830 ET VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld


Cigar sons by 479 cow (914xD029) for sale at the Farm.

Females for sale:

Appalachian Classic Sale -Knoxville, TN in June Southern Connection Sale - Knoxville, TN in October

Oak Hill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais

Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551 6

 J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534 oakhillfarmga@tds.net www.oakhillfarmga.com

Visitors Always Welcome

OHF Vanessa K831 ET LT Wyoming Wind 4020

ThankYou! To all the breeders who inquired or purchased Oak Hill genetics in the past. We always have cattle for sale private treaty.

Beef Business Results!

The Bar J Program is committed to producing high quality Beef utilizing Registered Charolais and Gyulais® Genetics

Profitable – Less Days on Feed • Prime YG2 Carcasses • Healthier Beef offering 150+ bulls Annually Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com

4315 E. SH-71, LaGrange, Texas 79845 Processing Center (979) 249-2571 www.legacycustommeatprocessing.com USDA INSPECTED PLANT J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


LADIESAround RULE Here!!




Taylor Stabel

Phone: 620.260.6815 tstabel@kcfllc.com

Jim Jennings

Phone: 620.272.2819 8

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3357 Pld


2184 Pld





Rogers Bar HR One Breed. One Program. One Focus. To Produce the Best Charolais Cattle.

• Rogers Bar HR is the largest Charolais • breeder in the South and one of the oldest breeders in the country. • We have been ranching since 1926 and • performance testing since 1959. • Our bulls have won more BIF Certified rate of gain tests than any other Charolais breeder. • • We have over 600 Charolais females available and 450 of them are in the top 10% of the breed for Total Maternal EPD. • • Take a look at our Charolais female average EPDs compared to the breed averages: HR Averages











Breed Averages











We have a true forage based program. Our calves are developed on GRASS (Bermuda, Bahia, and Ryegrass). The Rogers Bar HR breeding program is designed to produce only the best Charolais. Our goal is provide our customers with superior quality Charolais cattle that work in the real world. So when you are looking for proven outcross genetics, come to Rogers Bar HR! Rogers Bar HR

Doug Rogers Cell: 601-765-7751 P.O. Box 1718 - Collins, MS 39428

www.RogersBarHR.com 601-765-8848 rogersbarhr@hotmail.com J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2  9


Badge 9184 Pld

LT AuthoriTy x LT Patriot x lt eAsy bLend gRoWTh ePdS


$25 SeMen $35 CeRTifiCATe

Ce 3.5 | BW -0.3 | WW 71 | yW 122 | MiLk 19 | MCe 0.7 | MTL 55 | SC 1.6 | tsi 256.49 CArCaSs ePdS CW 29 | ReA 0.66 | Fat 0.035 | MaRb 0.02

oWned WiTh LindSkov-thieL RanCh SatTerField ChaRoLais & Link ChaRoLais






SEPTEMBER 24, 2022



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Over 60 Fargo daughters and over 30 Patriot daughters in inventory creates a strong maternal base from over 200 registered cows built around -




M959470 CE: 2.7 II BW: 2.1 II WW: 64 II YW: 118 II TM: 57 II TSI: 257.40 MARBLING (TOP 3%) BUILT IN




M963051 CE: 5.5 II BW: -1.2 II WW: 75 II YW: 126 II TM: 55 II TSI: 264.08 TOP 4% WW; 7% SC; 8% YW


M914463 CE: 7.0 II BW: -1.1 II WW: 59 II YW: 99 II TM: 51 II TSI: 246.04 MARBLING (TOP 8%) BUILT IN

herd sires Include-

Semen Available!


M943564 CE: 10.3 II BW: -3.3 II WW: 55 II YW: 91 II TM: 49 II TSI: 236.68 TOP 15% MB, CE HEIFER SAFE- CALVING EASE, DAM IS A BRENDA


M939613 CE: 7.1 II BW: -0.6 II WW: 76 II YW: 136 II TM: 62 II TSI: 278.25 TOP 1% CW, REA; 3% WW, YW OUTCROSS SIRE BLACKJACK


M954353 CE: -2.1 II BW: 3.3 II WW: 59 II YW: 110 II TM: 50 II TSI: 252.10 TOP 2% FAT; 7% SC, REA CANADIAN OUTCROSS SIRE HIGH CLASS

Thanks to the Charolais Breeders & Commercial Cattlemen who made selections from our February 18th Bull Sale! 2023 Annual Production Sale II February 17 II Aberdeen, SD

u o Y k n a h T

Robert Birklid

5851 122 Ave. SE, Nome, ND 58062 (701) 924-8876 • Cell: (701) 678-3528

rlazybranch@gmail.com www.rlazybranch.com

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CONTINUING Our hearts are heavy with the

recent loss of the family Patriarch,

Don Mellott. His influence in our lives

can never be overstated. Don and Janet

founded Fox Hollow Farms in 1978

with the goal of becoming a premier

breeder of Charolais genetics. It’s that

vision that will continue to inspire us.

DON MELLOTT June 5, 1944—May 20, 2022

DON & JANET MELLOTT STEPHEN & MICHAL MELLOTT 918/409-6068 - Stephen | 205/706-5955 - Randy White, Mgr. Catoosa, Oklahoma www.fhcharolais.com

facebook.com/fhcharolais 14

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

THE LEGACY FH QUICKSILVER 0084 P ET Hale Farms, Louisburg, MO


Rolling Hills Charolais, Leitchfield, KY & Morton Farms, Beech Grove TN

FH BIG EASY 1802 P Aces Wild Ranch, Millsap, TX

FH MR NEW STANDARD 0055 PLD ET S.E.A.N.A Charolais, Hardensburg, KY

FH MR NEW STANDARD 0036 PLD Corman Charolais, Pomona, MO

FH NEW DESIGN 9027 P ET Duane Jeffrey & Jeffrey Cattle Co., Wilburton, OK




405/246-6324 | email:ccmosu@msn.com

October 29, 2022 At the Ranch Hulbert, Oklahoma

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


Your Home For Herd Sires!

Homozygous Polled

FTJ Monticello 1806 M914065

JMAR Benaiah 1E66 EM879759

EPDs: 7.1 -1.7 79 158 15 9.2 55 1.5 57 0.86 0.072 0.43 304.01

EPDs: 1.6 2.0 77 147 20 6.5 58 0.7 47 0.94 0.015 0.33 291.38

Top Spread and Carcass Bull in the Breed

Performance, Style, Carcass

Homozygous Polled

Homozygous Polled

JMAR Jefferson 8M11 M951993 EPDs: 5.2 1.0 76 162 20 11.6 58 1.6 48 0.83 0.044 0.31 307.24

JMAR Jubal 5P01 M953191

JMAR Hosea 2M70 M937816

$48,000 top seller to ABS (2022) The #2 TSI bull in the Breed with acceptable bw and eye appeal

$31,000 top seller to Rennert Ranch and Cody Cattle Co (2021) EPDs never looked so good!

Homozygous Polled

$25,250 top seller to Sullivan Charolais and the Jubal Syndicate (2022) Outcross, complete, exciting

EPDs: 8.7 -0.4 66 132 25 10.3 58 1.7 42 0.89 0.040 0.30 278.24

EPDs: 7.1 -0.1 65 132 29 7.7 62 1.5 36 0.66 0.025 0.28 278.78

New Herd Sires

Homozygous Polled

CCR GHC Grandview 9032 EM935162

Leachman Anthem P022G M927348

EPDs: 2.0 1.0 88 161 28 1.2 72 1.7 50 0.95 0.038 0.13 296.00

EPDs: 12.3 -4.6 69 136 31 7.6 66 0.6 42 0.81 0.032 0.22 284.65

Patriots Top TSI Son, Performance & Maternal

The Quality Group!


Homozygous Polled

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

Top TSI heifer bull, outcross, performance

Jim and Martha Johnson 434-546-2341 www.jmargenetics.com

Dr. Clint Rusk, Executive Vice President



Charolais Contributions to a Beef on Dairy Program

A breed of choice for dairy producers In early May, I traveled to Lubbock, Texas to participate in a Beef x Dairy Symposium hosted by Dr. Dale Woerner and Dr. Brad Johnson at Texas Tech University. This three-day symposium started on May 10th with a bus tour of calf nurseries (also known as “calf ranches”) and cattle feedyards in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Our first stop on the tour was at Desert View Dairy located near Texico, New Mexico where the owners milk Holstein x Jersey cross cows and manage 35,000 calf hutches that make-up what they refer to as a “calf ranch”. The 35,000 hutches house Jersey x Limousin calves from the time they are a few days old until they are approximately 90 days-ofage. These Jersey x Limousin calves are part of a larger program known as “Beef on Dairy” where beef breeds are crossed on dairy breeds to produce feeder cattle who are heavier muscled, faster growing and more efficient (the ability to produce a pound of meat from fewer pounds of grain than other breeds) than their mothers who are predominantly from dairy genetics. Because

rapidly to their ideal harvest weight, those breeds who produce muscular carcasses with more shape in the round than a typical dairy carcass, and those breeds who produce a high percentage of carcasses that grade Choice or higher with minimal percentages of Yield Grade 4s and 5s. In the afternoon of May 10th, our tour buses drove back into West Texas where we visited several feedyards who are now feeding a high percentage of calves produced in the Beef on Dairy program. Although a small percentage of the cattle we looked at still showed visual evidence of their dairy genetics, most of the Beef on Dairy cattle looked very similar to feedlot cattle without dairy blood in their pedigree. Several of us on the bus trip commented that one pen of Jersey x Limousin or LimFlex cattle were as good as any pen of market cattle we saw all day. As I wrote in the February Journal, “Charolais and Charolais influenced cattle have a significant advantage in the feedyard.” This statement is also true for Charolais x Jersey and

Dairy producers are purchasing semen and beef bulls from breeds who are known to grow rapidly to their ideal harvest weight, those breeds who produce muscular carcasses with more shape in the round than a typical dairy carcass, and those breeds who produce a high percentage of carcasses that grade Choice or higher with minimal percentages of Yield Grade 4s and 5s. of their rapid growth from birth to harvest weight, their feed efficiency and their inherent muscling; Charolais and Charolaisinfluenced cattle provide a complimentary breed to cross with Holstein and Jersey cows and heifers who are known to produce a high degree of marbling, which is the intramuscular fat found within the muscle that gives meat its desirable flavor. Jersey cattle are well known for having shorter gestation lengths and thus, lower birth weight calves. Holstein cattle are known to produce offspring who stay lean to a heavy weight, but who need the muscle shape and efficiency from Charolaisinfluenced genetics to produce feeder cattle with greater market value. At the end of the day, progressive dairy producers are breeding their highest indexing cows to sexed dairy semen to produce their own replacement heifers. These same breeders are now turning to beef breeds to cross on the majority of their dairy heifers and cows. According to the dairy producers who spoke at the symposium in Lubbock, they are relying on the breeds of beef cattle who compliment their dairy cows by providing those traits needed to produce feeder calves who are in high demand by cattle feeders and packers. Dairy producers are purchasing semen and beef bulls from breeds who are known to grow

Charolais x Holstein cattle in the feedyard. “First and foremost, these cattle are very efficient at converting feed to gain. This efficiency is partially derived from the Charolais advantage in muscularity and their ability to produce carcasses with large ribeyes per hundred weight. Charolais-influenced cattle tend to be leaner (less fat) at heavier market weights than some breeds.” Thus, Charolais-influenced cattle (including those crossed with dairy breeds) should produce a lower percentage of Yield Grade 4 and 5 carcasses, making them a breed of choice for dairy producers seeking a beef breed to cross on their dairy cows and heifers. As Charolais breeders, you are blessed to raise cattle who excel in numerous attributes and who cross well with a long list of other breeds, including dairy breeds! As we approach the summer months, I look forward to meeting numerous Charolais enthusiasts at the 2022 AIJCA Junior National. Kaitlyn tells me we have a record number of entries which should result in a fun week in Grand Island, Nebraska. As you know, the future of the Charolais breed lies with our youth and I enjoy supporting them whenever I get a chance. Best of luck and safe travels to everyone headed to Char-Cation!


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Alabama Kyle L Selfridge  1063 Cr 49 Marbury, AL _36051 Arkansas Greyson W Barton  2760 Harbelle Drive Conway, AR _72034 Kate L Boeckmann  205 Maple Drive Wynne, AR _72396 Isaac Milliken_  1149 Endurance Road Marshall, AR _72650 Kaylee L Williams  189 Mineral Road Gillham, AR _71841 California Dana L Presley_ 1191 Orchard Lane Brawley, CA _92227 Vierra Charolais Po Box 1350 Hilmar, CA _95324 Colorado Ck Sales & Marketing PO Box 267 Windsor, CO _80550

Megan L Clark_ 2073 175th St_ Grand Mound, _IA 52751

Nela A Olson _ 8651 River Valley Drive Manhattan, KS 66502

Gracia A Votruba  451 Cr 80 Hemingford, NE 69348

Rieley Peacock_  560 Painter Rd Fall Branch, TN 37656

Jamin D Ehlers_  1002 Clayton St Lake Park, IA _51345

Lousiana Jenna Kate Sharp  228 Beasley Road Jonesville, LA 71343

Votruba Cattle Co 451 Co Rd 80 Hemingford, NE 69348

Ella Rollins  _135 Hermosa Drive Fall Branch, TN 37656

Massachusetts Circle B Cattle Co 489 Neck Rd Lancaster, MA _1523

New Mexico Kody M White  Po Box 351 Texico, NM _88135

Jordan E Shelton  211 Picadilly Lane Johnson City, TN 37615

Missouri Zannah D Cassatt  25105 State Hwy 96 Webb City, MO 64870

North Carolina Triple H Cattle 1499 Turnpike Road Elizabeth City, _NC 27909

Tucker G Cook_ 119 Pennview Drive Jamestown, MO 65046

Oklahoma Klaer Foreman_  107800 S 4240 Rd Checotah, OK _74426

Cheryl L Larson 25686 230th St Underwood, IA _51576 Drew V Looney_  10986 250th St Wheatland, IA _52777 Kara L Nelson_  3613 120th St_ Pierson, IA _51048 Illinois Macy L Hoag  30701 120 Ave W Illinois City, IL _61259 Leemon Cattle Company 11674 E 4200 N Rd Hoopeston, IL _60942 Curt J Lemenager  10098 N 2200 E Rd Fairbury, IL _61739 Levi J Todd  3419 Cr 500e Foosland, IL _61845

Stacy & Kerri Ann Ditter 38818 Cr 53 Gill, CO 80624

Indiana Bowling Cattle Company 1516 E 450 N_ Greencastle_, IN 46135

Emma L Knote  8711 Cr 23 Fort Lupton, CO 80621

Collyn S Rash_  13924 S State Road 159 Jasonville, IN _47438

Florida Aiden V Lepianka  13535 Nw 135 Drive Alachua, FL _32615 Georgia Fisher McQuaig 461 Kirk Langford Road Danielsville, GA 30633 Iowa Kennadi N Butikofer  20217 230th St Hawkeye, IA _52147 Paisley J Carpenter  2505 Coggon Rd Coggon, IA _52218



Kansas Lauren Aust  20999 Ragains Rd La Cygne, KS _66040 Kenna Kimball_ 526 Utah Road Lane, KS _66042 Olivia Nicole Luna  2785 Hwy 183_ Plainville, KS _67663 Haylee D Mc Kown 11320 N West St Valleycenter, KS 67147 Covin J Olson_ 8651 River Valley Drive Manhattan, KS 66502

AmericanInternational Charolais Association The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.

Henry Doerhoff  15304 Hwy H_ Henley, MO _65040 Madelyn Doerhoff  15304 Hwy H Henley, MO 65040 Frank Hazelrigg  1212 S Rustic Road Columbia, MO 65201 Brycen R Mobray  4204 N Hwy 19 Salem, MO _65560 Adler B Patrick_  3448 Nw Hwy N Chilhowee, MO 64733 Nebraska Braden R Benes  2276 St Hwy 14 Albion, NE _68620 Brant R Benes_  2276 State Hwy 14 Albion, NE _68620

Mason Marino_  55400 E Hwy 59 Afton, OK _74331 Morgan Marino  55400 E Hwy 59 Afton, OK _74331 Chloe L Silka  12947 W Killabrew Road Hulbert, OK _74441 Oregon Whitney & Renee Byrd Po Box 825 Eagle Point, OR 97524 Pennsylvania Maxwell M Barkman  1762 Chickentown Rd Rockwood, PA _15557 Sally Clas _630 Ridge Road York Springs, PA 17372

Cayden M Ditloff  317 Road 19 Bradshaw, NE _68319

South Carolina Cody Clary  _286 Claryville Road Saluda, SC _29138

Olivia A Eickhoff  2511 Fulton St_ Falls City, NE _68355

Round O Charolais Farms 24 South Cantey Street Summerton, SC 29148

Maddie R Franzluebber  1411 Maple St_ Emerson, NE _68733 Kellan R Heavican 1748 Rd J Rogers, NE _68659 Serese A Janssen  3110 E Sundown Road Glenville, NE _68941 Caleb B Schnuelle  2117 Cr X De Witt, NE _68341 Carsten J Schnuelle  2117 Cr X De Witt, NE _68341 Charity G Schnuelle  2117 Cr X De Witt, NE _68341 Claire M Schnuelle  2117 Cr X De Witt, NE _68341 Tristan R Sisco  _ 69 N 32 Road 9 Otoe, NE _68417 Emma Snoberger  155 Donegal Road Aurora, NE 68818 Lora R Sonderup  56701 N 180th Ave Fullerton, NE _68638 Luke Sonderup_  56701 N 180 Ave Fullerton, NE _68638

Foster H Wingler  5395 Wayside Road Christiana, TN _37037 Texas Luke Brown Farms 708 Cr 1245 Center, TX _75935 Macie E Cooke  _401 Clarence Ct Longview, TX 75605 Georgia M Cornett  16002 S Fm 219 Dublin, TX _76446 Jim Cornett 16002 S Fm 219 Dublin, TX _76446 Teagan Goble_ 3906 Valley View Drive Rosharon, TX 77583 Tanner L Hoskins  254 Sendera Loop Victoria, TX _77904 Kinlee J Hughes  Po Box 62 Montague, TX 76251 Brigg Jones  3016 Fm 904 N Pecan Gap, TX _75469 Madyson E Kiser  401 Clarence Court Longview, TX _75605 Brooke M Miller  12324 Wagon Bow Dr Burleson, TX _76028 Addison R Pendley  982 Bluffs Ave Bowie, TX _76230

South Dakota Chauncey J Driscoll  21359 427th Ave De Smet, SD _57231

Brooklyn R Santamaria  332 Cr 912a Brazoria, TX _77422

Tatymn J Driscoll  21359 427th Ave De Smet, SD _57231

Wesley W Zoeller 346 Ammann Rd Boerne, TX _78015

Lorn E Harstad_  46856 134th St Wilmot, SD _57279

Utah Cooper D Wilkins  7669 E Hwy 40 Jensen, UT _84035

Cambree F Holt  20436 442nd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249 Myles J Lindstrom  30625 464th Ave Centerville, SD 57014 Audrey S Odden  6319 Seminole Lane Rapid City, SD _57702 Caleb J Odden  _20280 Green Valley Road Ree Heights, SD 57371 Kinzlee Olson_  20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston_, SD 57249 Tennessee Hylee Danielle Derry  926 Fairview Road Afton, TN _37616 Ashlyn P Mackley  123 Miller Crossing Jonesborough, _TN 37659

West Virginia Gina F Simon_ 856 Valley Chapel Road Weston, WV _26452 Julia J Watson_  915 Stone Lick Road Jane Lew, WV _26378 Wisconsin Vann H Ambort  _ 5990 Cty Road Wc E Spring Green_, WI 53588 Avery L Crooks_  6742 St Rd 35/81 Lancaster, WI _53813 Carson L Greeno  16237 Huckleberry Road Camp Douglas, WI 54618 Kennedy R Laufenberg  N10866 Section One Road Hixton, WI _54635 John A Rose 405 West St Loganville, WI _53943

 indicates AIJCA membership


 J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2


Enter Weight Data Online.

Log in with your breeder number and password. Hold your cursor on the “my performance” tab. Members with enrolled females can enter weaning and yearling weights from the animal list. We offer both individual entry and list entry. Make sure each calf has a record by using the “calving” button. Udder and Teat scores can be added in the “calving” section. Dam Docility score and Body Condition score can be added at Weaning. Contact AICA if you have questions. Year letter for 2022 is K

Record your 2022 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born; continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by adding their name. Registration Fee Changes

Registration- all herdbooks 0-4 months $16 5-12 months $22 13-24 months $38 Over 24 Month $50 Whole Herd RewardsBefore April 1- $16 Between April 2- April 30- $22 After May 1- $36 Reactivation of Disposed Animals- $36 Export Your Data for Sale Catalogs

Under the “tools” tab, you will find a new “Data Export” button. This data export gives you the flexibility to export data on animals in your herd and use those data files in your own management packages. You can download and save the files directly to your computer in a CSV (can be opened in Excel) format. There are many options within this feature including selecting the type of animal to export and specific data. Expedited Registration Work

If an animal needs to be registered with in a day or two a rush fee of $50 will be added to work. Once the animal is registered you can pull it up online to view the registration number. The new certificate will be mailed out the following day. We also offer FedEx mailing for additional $50. Non Members double the fee. Performance Deadline Approaching

Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by August 1 to be included in the September 2022 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.

American-International Charolais Association 11700 NW Plaza Circle  Kansas City, Mo 64153  Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759  E-Mail: Info@Charolaisusa.com  Website: Www.charolaisusa.com


Executive Vice President Dr. Clint Rusk  Ext. 101 Crusk@Charolaisusa.com

Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee  Ext. 401


Vice President of Operations David Hobbs  Ext. 200


Youth Activities & Foundation Kaitlyn Chism  Ext. 201 Kchism@Charolaisusa.com


Chastity Stulz  Ext. 300 Cstulz@Charolaisusa.com

Communications & Events Coordinator Miranda Hoag  Ext. 102


To Use The Extension Numbers Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.



Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 404-4332

Vice President

Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863


Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave. Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113


David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540


AICA DIRECTORS BY AREA Area 1 Scott Eaton 113 Georgetown Dr Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 852-3205

Area 7 Chad Zehnder 982 397th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612) 554-2154

Area 2 T. Lane Grau 1680 CR 37 Grady, NM 88120 (575) 760-6336

Area 8 Jim Husz 22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151

Area 3 Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113

Area 9 Tyler Davis PO Box 935 Ashdown, AR 71822 (903) 908-5913

Area 4 David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540

Area 10 Troy Bertsche 4328 E 1800 N Road Flanagan, IL 61740 (815) 674-1244

term expires 2024

term expires 2023

term expires 2023

term expires 2024

Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 term expires 2023 Bowling Green, MO 63334 Area 5 (573) 324-2528 Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863

CPI BOARD President

Dr. Clint Rusk

Southeast Representative

Floyd Wampler 294 Peoples Road Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 612-2144 Fwampler@Charolaisusa.com

Southwest Representative Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 (765) 719-1622 Cbeck@Charolaisusa.com

North Central Representative

Hadley Schotte 2811 South Lancaster Drive, Apt. 9 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 (785) 562-6632 Hschotte@Charolaisusa.com

Other Regions

Call The AICA Office. (816) 464-5977

Commercial Advertising

Jay Carlson Carlson Media Group, LLC Beef Breed Group (913) 268-5725 office jay@carlsonmediagroup.com

term expires 2023

Area 11 Jeff Harrod 645 Evergreen Rd Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 330-6745 term expires 2024

Area 12 Frank Ellis Jr. 250 Ellis Road Letohatchee, AL 36047 (334) 315-8927



Area 13 Kyle Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245

Larry Lehman

Larry Ludeke

Eddy Loggains Michael Sturgess Donnie Leddy David Hubert

Chairman & Trustee Trustees

Bill Nottke Kim Coudron Schwecke Dr. Clint Rusk Kaitlyn Chism

Fundraising Chairman

Larry Lehman

West Representative

Ty Groshans 41010 CR DD Akron, CO 80720 Cell - (970) 818-6016 Tgroshans@Charolaisusa.com

term expires 2024

term expires 2024

Area 6 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792

Board Of Directors


term expires 2024

term expires 2023

term expires 2023


term expires 2024

Area 14 David Clark 10165 Log Cabin Road Denton, MD 21629 (410) 924-3521

Vice President Bob Tibbs

Secretary Rod Smith

term expires 2023


Area 15 Dan Eversole 3250 Litton-Reaves Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-4738

Ray Franz


Mike Schumacher Dr. Clint Rusk Kaitlyn Chism

term expires 2024


Breed Improvement

Junior Council

VICE CHAIRMAN Donnie Leddy Area 3 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN Dan Eversole Area 15 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN David Clark Area 14 Director



Long Range Planning

CHAIRMAN Jeff Bunker 13080 Janus Ave Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 633-53342

CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873


CHAIRMAN Frank Ellis Area 12 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362


CHAIRMAN Rex Ricketts Rt. 3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553

CHAIRMAN Dennis Metzger 205 E Hill St Whitman, NE 69366 (816) 519-8208 VICE CHAIRMAN Scott Eaton Area 1 Director


CHAIRMAN Larry Ludeke P.O Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666

CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723

CHAIRMAN Larry Ludeke

VICE CHAIRMAN Mike Schumacher Ex-Officio

Rules & Ethics CHAIRMAN Troy Bertsche Area 10 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Cheryl Lux Area 1 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN David Hubert Area 4 Director

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Sandmeier Charolais

Breeding performance Charolais since the 60’s, Selling Charolais bulls since the 70’s Hosting annual production sales for over 40 years. ▲KEYS MAIN EVENT 4C ET Many daughters sell

Mark your calendar

Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female sale At the ranch Bowdle, SD

▼SCR DONOR 1003 2 daughters sell

▲LT JJ LEDGER 4606 Many high performing daughters sell ▼SCR SIR LEDGER 9411P

Lead-off bull from 2021 bull sale Selling to Effertz in North Dakota. His dam will sell!

Contact us: Calvin: 605-285-6179 Cell: 605-281-1259

Matthew: 605-281-1564 sandchar@venturecomm.net

This sale will have something for everyone. We will be dispersing all of our mature cows born from 2014-2017. These will include bred spring cows as well as fall pairs. Many will be bred to KC JACK 0891P & GHC RIDGE 9603.


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Fresh New Sire! for all your maternal and growth needs!

F 5 Jack 046 Pld ET

homozygous polled • EM954681


CE 6.0

BW -0.6

WW 63

YW 109

M 22

MCE 6.8

TM 54

SC 1.2

CW 26

REA F MB 0.91 0.014 0.02

TSI 248.36

AJ and Casey Field Audrey, Kyeler, Mason and Shirley Ann PO Box 111 | Telephone, Texas 75488 AJ: 214-585-7532 Herdsman: Albert Stone | 903-249-1413 22

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

WAGONHAMMER Ranches Total Pack ag e Female Sale november 18, 2022

Selling 50 head

spring bred cows & heifers | 3-in-one fall pairs show & donor prospects

sale managed by:


The Jay Wolf Family, Owners | Box 548, Albion, NE 68620 | Office: 402-395-2178 Joe Epperly, Seedstock Manager | 303-884-3900 | joe@wagonhammer.com J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


American-International Charolais Association 2021-2022 Qualifying Roll of Excellence Sires AICA was one of the first breed registries to establish a show program, Roll of Excellence (ROE) that provides national level competition on a regional basis across the United States. The AICA ROE Sire program recognizes sires for the achievement of progeny in National ROE Shows, Class A ROE Shows and Class B ROE Shows. A sire qualifies as a ROE Sire when progeny have accumulated a minimum total of 400 ROE points. A minimum of 200 points must be Class A ROE points.

111 th

TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET

SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET

WC Milestone 5223 P




TR Diablo 2742Z ET earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2021 Missouri State Fair Class A ROE.

SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2021 Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE.

WC Milestone 5223 P earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2021 Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE.

White Squall is a March 12, 2007, son of LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld and ACE Ms Bud 9245 P ET. . He was bred by Cork Cattle Co., Wentworth, Mo. He is currently owned by Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md.

Milestone is a January 12, 2015, son of WC Benelli 2134 P ET and WC Lady Blue 0506 P. He was bred by Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. He is currently owned by Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. and Milestone Investors, DeSoto, Mo.

TR Mr Diablo is a August 31, 2012, son of CML Diablo 2X and HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld. He was bred by Cally Thomas, Harrold, SD. He is currently owned by Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo.; Aces Wild Ranch, Millsap, Texas, Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo., Mark Rickabaugh, Greely, Kan., and Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

114 th


113 th

112 th

115 th

116 th

BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld

AML Ghost Rider 210

CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET




BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2021 North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE.

AML Ghost RIder 210 earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2021 North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE.

CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2022 National Western Stock Show 53rd National Show.

Outlier is a March 1, 2018, son of M&M Outsider 4003 Pld and TR Ms Berkly 4711B ET. He was bred by Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. He is currently owned by Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio.

Ghost Rider is a September 27, 2012, son of Hoodoo Slasher 1144 and 5J Cigarro 924 Pld. He was bred by AM Livestock, Springfield, Mo. He is currently owned by Jonah West, Barbourville, Ky. and AM Livestock, Springfield, Mo.

Redemption is a March 8, 2017, son of CCC WC Resource 417 P and WC Rolls Royce 3177 P ET. He was bred by Lindsey Behrends, Fredricksburg, Texas. He is currently owned by Steve Smith Country Charolais, Springdale, Ark., Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., and Cody Cattle Company, Scandia, Kan.

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SHOW ANIMALS Top 10 Bulls 1






Top 10 Sires

JAB MONSTER 006 POLLED•M940606•1-12-20 137




Sire: CCC WC REDEMPTION 7143 Pld ET Dam: JAB COTTON CANDY 001 Polled Breeder: Breeze A Bunker, Sparta, Wis. Owners: MSL Livestock, Cameron, Texas.; Bar J Livestock Inc, Liverpool, Texas. Breeder: Tucker Bayer, Ringle, Wis. Owner: Tucker Bayer, Ringle, Wis.

CARRS MR CASH ‘EM IN 024 P•M941215•5-4-20




Breeder: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo. Owners: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.; L&V Cattle Co., Mountain Grove, Mo. BIG CREEK OUTSOURCE 102 PLD•M956975•3-14-21


Sire: BOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD Dam: BIG CREEK CARLY 814 P Breeder: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo. Owners: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo.; Aces Wild Ranch, LLC., Millsap, Texas.


Breeder: Alyssa C Meier, Clinton, Tenn. Owner: Alyssa C Meier, Clinton, Tenn.




TR MR FOREIGNER 9987G ET• EM926138•3-8-19 60



Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Doonan Cattle Co., Caldwell, Texas.; Sparkman Cattle Company, Ennis, Texas.; 4L Keystone Cattle Co., Ennis, Texas.; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. MR NBC 1948 POLLED• M940914•2-25-19

(tie) Sire: MR NBC 2012 LITTLE FATTY Dam: MISS NBC 095





Breeder: Neilson Brothers, Guilford, Mo. Owners: Neilson Brothers, Guilford, Mo.; Bar J Livestock, Inc., Liverpool, Texas. KNS SANCHO 0715H•M941145•5-25-20




Sire: TR MR OUTKAST 6605D Dam: GH TR MS PERFECT STORM 6547 Breeder: Rockin’ K Cattle, Lexington, Va. Owner: Rockin’ K Cattle, Lexington, Va.



Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: M&M MS STEALTH 9509 PLD ET Breeder: Grand Hills Cattle, LLC, Ft. Collins, Colo. Owner: Okaboji Cattle Co., Okaboji, Iowa. LHR DRY TOWN 0506•EM952764• 9-5-20

Sire: GHC DRY TOWN 8004 Dam: WHITE ROSE PIXIE PROOF 704 Breeder: Madalyn E Rohr, Elbert, Colo. Owner: Madalyn E Rohr, Elbert, Colo.

10 RF FULL STRUT 0223 ET• EM954700• 10-21-20




Sire: CCC WC REDEMPTION 7143 PLD ET Dam: RF MS DUCHESS 631 Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Owner: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

Sire:LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD Dam:M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD Breeder: M&M Charolais, Perry, Okla. Owners: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D.; Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio



Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D. Owner: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio

CCC WC REDEMPTION 7143 PLD ET•EM893465•3-8-17 363

Breeder: Lindsey Behrends, Fredricksburg, Texas Owners: Steve Smith Coutry Charolais, Springdale, Ark.; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; Cody Cattle Co., Scandia, Kan. TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET•EM896198•3-4-17


Sire: RBM TR RHINESTONE Z38 Dam: M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Cagney A Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salen, N.D.; Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D.



Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio; Midwest Genetics, Hennepin, Ill.; Randy Schurring, Andover, S.D.; Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D.

RF MS IA WIND 035• F1292630•1-25-20



CIRCLE B CHAROLOTTE H163• F1296592•2-29-20




Sire: LT LEDGER 0332 P Dam: GP MS ALI M76 ET

Breeder: Bamboo Road Farms LLC., Marshallville, Ga. Owner: Nipp Charolais, Wilson, Okla.

CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P•M846721•2-17-14

Sire: CEDARDALE ZEAL 125Z Dam: WLM MACKS YASMAN 16Y Breeder: Sharodon Farm, Omemee, ON Owners: Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn.; Kay-R Land & Cattle, Waskatenau, AB; Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK; Sharodon Farm, Omemee, ON; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

WIA-CONLEY INSIDER D9 P•EM881298• 4-12-16 106

Sire: TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET Dam: M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD Breeder: William Case Conley, Sulphur, Okla. Owners: Wild Indian Acres, De Soto, Mo.; Dicken Charolais Farm, Poplar Bluff, Mo.; Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.



Sire: LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD Dam: WC ASTA 0505 P Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Owners: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; Weber Charolais Farm, Wagner, S.D.

Sire: CML DIABLO 2X Dam: CREEK CUT GRETA 576P ET Breeder: Polzon Cattle, Darwin, Minn. Owners: TC Cattle Services, St. Elmo, Ill.; Skeans Cattle Co., Gainsville, Texas. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

DCC KATTY LIKE CHIC 2013• F1305145•10-21-20 72

Sire: TCCS SAINT CHRISTOPHER Dam: PC SMART CHIC Breeder: Doonan Cattle Co., Caldwell, Texas. Owner: Baileigh Ferguson, Madisonville, Texas.


BOY SHERRI 088 ET PLD•EF1296383•4-26-20 Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: TR MS TURTON 3557A



OBG MS AMERICA 2021• F1308861•1-12-21




JPV MISS CORA 110H•F1296240•5-19-20 Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: TR MS FIREWATER 8547U





SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D•M898862•1-16-16 108

Sire:M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam:WR MISS SNOW FLAKE A667 Breeder: Braden & Brant Benes, Albion, Neb. Owner: Cal R Pryor, Woodbine, Iowa.



Sire: LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD Dam: WC CCC BLUE GIRL 1528 P Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo Owners: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; Wagner Charolais, Nunn, Colo.; Cody Cody Cattle Company, Scandia, Kan.; KM Charolais, Irondale, Mo.; Clear Creek Farms, St. James, Mo.; Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.; Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo.

Sire: BOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD Dam: RF MS IA WIND 722 Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Owner: Hayden E Englert, Washington, Kan.

FFF SWEETPEA 1012•EF1308792•2-21-21 Sire: WC MONUMENTAL 5524 P Dam: WC CCC SWEETHEART 1140 P


BAMBOO/NC JACKPOT 3370• M847447•11-16-13 151





10 WC MONUMENTAL 5524 P• M882446 • 9-14-15



Top 10 Females

M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD•M846631•4-1-14 1263



Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Owner: Mikka Jo Brumley, Rush Springs, Okla. Breeder: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio. Owner: Braylen L. Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.

Sire: OBG TC ROGER 801 Dam: OBG MS AMERICA 3705 Breeder: Oklahoma Bovine Genetics, Miami, Okla. Owner: Justin Teets, Lost River, W.V. Breeder: Vada Vickland, Longmont, Colo. Owner: Kamden R Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla.

Breeder: Vada Vickland, Longmont, Colo. Owner: Vada Vickland, Longmont, Colo.

RF MS DUCHESS 9202 ET•EF1288473•9-22-19


Breeder: Ridder Farms, Richmond, Mo. Owner: Lyndsey Leigh Franklin, Ladonia, Texas.

KDAV MS CINDERELLA 9731H•F1302236•6-11-20



Sire: DCC MR ANGEL’S FIRE 467 Dam: KLD DCC MS CHERRY 9731E Breeder: Kaitlyn Davlin, Louise, Texas. Owner: Aubree Mitchell, Justin, Texas.

10 GARW CAG FAITH 004H ET •EF1292875• 2-11-20 Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: CAG GUARDIAN 555C

Breeder: Bailey S Garwood, Columbiana, Ohio. Owner: Colby J Manning, Union City, Ohio.

*Ownership indicated by AICA records, May 22, 2022

The AICA Show Animal of the Year program recognizes the top Charolais show dam, female, sire and bull and was started with the 1984-85 show season. The program is based on accumulating points at the National Charolais Show, Regional National Shows, designated Class A Roll of Excellence Shows and Class B Roll of Excellence Shows.


JAB MONSTER 006 POLLED Top 10 Dams 1







TR MS ALLIE 3606A•F1169664•5-2-13

Sire: TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET Dam: TR MS DARI 0642X

Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owner: John Umbaugh, Adair, Iowa.

JAB COTTON CANDY 001 POLLED•F1119733•1-2-10




Breeder: J&A Charolais, Sparta, Wis. Owners: J&A Charolais, Sparta, Wis.; Breeze A Bunker, Sparta, Wis. RF MS DUCHESS 631•F1221781•1-13-16


Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Owner: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.

TR MS TURTON 3557A•F1172486•3-21-13



Sire: TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ET Dam: TR MS GAIN & GRADE 927 7511T

Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D. Owner: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio

TR MS MONTELLA 1572Y •F1136470•5-4-11


BLOOM MS KATHY G801•F1271365•4-15-18 Sire: WC MILESTONE 5223 P Dam: GROVES SKY 411


Sire: GERRARD MONTEZUMA 6T Dam: TR MS WYOMING WIND 5604R Breeder: Cally Thomas, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Maple Lane Farm, Shipshewana, Ind.; Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio.; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

Breeder: Keith Grove, Metamora, Ill. Owner: Tucker Bayer, Ringle, Wis.

RF MS IA WIND 722 •F1276116•1-7-17

Sire: CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P Dam: SUMMIT MS IA WIND Y13 Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Owner: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.



8 WCC CCC SWEETHEART 8030 P•F1255717•1-10-18 88 (tie) Sire: LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD Dam: WC CCC SWEETHEART 6006 P

Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Owner: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.

8 WR MISS SNOW FLAKE A667•F1174329•5-23-13 (tie) Sire: RC XCITE 032 PD Dam: WR MISS DENVER U621




Breeder: Wagonhammer Ranches, Albion, Neb. Owner: Braden & Brant Benes, Albion, Neb.

BRCHE TR DORY 6501•F1223376•4-2-16

(tie) Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: TR MS KATIE 4724B ET



Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D. Owners: Grand Hills Cattle LLC., Ft. Collins, Co.; Lina S. Johnson, Ft. Collins, Colo.; Connor M Kisner, De Soto, Mo.; Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Rodgers Cattle Co, Searsboro, Iowa.; Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D. BIG CREEK CARLY 814 P•F1288898 •4-6-18


10 M&M MS STEALTH 9509 PLD ET•EF1117989•9-7-09 (tie) Sire: DR STEALTH 574 Dam: BALDRIDGE SWEETHEART 7M


10 TR MS DOTTIE 6703D ET•EF1223178•2-18-16 (tie) Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Dam: TR MS MONTELLA 1572Y


Sire: CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P Dam: BIG CREEK STELLA 522 P Breeder: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo. Owner: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo.

Breeder: M&M Charolais, Perry, Okla. Owners: Kamden R Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla.; Brooke A Polzin, Darwin, Minn. Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D. Owners: Bevin Lynn Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Briggston Steve Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Autumn M. Dietrich, Muleshoe, Texas.

10 PC SMART CHIC•F1106067•12-3-08 72 (tie) Sire: WFR SMART MONEY 3040P Dam: FREDS WYOMING MAID 4350

Breeder: Dennis Pearson Show Cattle, Barnard, Kan. Owner: Doonan Cattle Co., Caldwell, Texas.


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CHAROLAIS CATTLE AT CLIFT LIVESTOCK by Heather Smith Thomas Kerry and Brigid Clift and their daughter Cora raise registered Charolais on their ranch near Ellensburg, Washington. “We are in the heart of good cattle country here in the Kittitas Valley. I grew up on a ranch near White Swan, Washington, just south of Yakima. My dad had a commercial herd in the 1970’s and 1980’s and used Charolais bulls; this made a great cross,” says Kerry. “My grandfather, Harlond Clift, played professional baseball in the 1930’s and early 1940’s for the St. Louis Browns. After he retired from his baseball career, he purchased a ranch outside of Yakima (about 45 minutes south of Ellensburg) and then bought 1,500 head of Hereford cows. He had them shipped from Texas by railcars. In the 1930’s when he was playing baseball he made about $20,000 per year (which was a lot of money during the Depression) and his picture was on the Wheaties box in 1937 after he was in the All star Game. After baseball, he got into the cattle business, so my dad was raised on that ranch, and continued ranching. When I was growing up we had 200 head of commercial cows,” Kerry says. “I grew up showing livestock—Suffolk sheep and cattle. After I finished college in 1996 (with a degree in Ag Econ and a minor in Animal Science from Washington State University), we started into purebred Charolais and gradually built a registered herd. I really enjoy the seedstock business—the genetic selection and the camaraderie of competition in the show ring. Handselected genetics based on the cow’s genetic predictability has been our focus for passing on consistent genetics to our customers.” Kerry moved to Ellensburg in 1997 and met Brigid; she grew up on a ranch there. They got married in 1999. “I’ve always loved this area. It is great ranch country but sadly today it is changing, with many people moving in,” he says. “We now run about 60 head of registered Charolais cows, and we show at the NILE in Billings, Montana and the National Western in Denver. “Our daughter Cora shows at a lot of jackpot regional shows and also does the Charolais Junior National. She raises and sells club calves,” he says. Cora is very interested in cattle and loves breeding and showing them. “She has her own business—Cora’s Cattle Company—and has several cows of her own. She is 19 years old now and will be 20 in July.” The cattle and farming started out as a hobby for Kerry

but ended up being a business. “I started in 4-H when I was a kid, then I was in FFA, and so was Brigid. Our daughter has also been in 4-H and it’s been a family deal. Our vacations are cattle oriented; we don’t go to Hawaii or Mexico or other exotic places. We go to cattle shows! This is the one thing you can do competitively as a family.”

Kerry, Cora and Bridget

When he started the purebred Charolais herd he didn’t have much land of his own. “We rented most of it. Then we purchased more land, and now run our cattle on part of our ground as well as some rented ground. We just keep building and hope to eventually have 100 topquality registered cows,” Kerry says. “We’ve been taking our time to grow, and have purchased some really good bulls in recent years. Nine years ago we bought a bull in Denver; he was in the Reserve Grand Pen of Three in the National Western. We concentrate on buying quality bulls and also do a lot of

continued on page 135 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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Moving Forward in

r e t t e b r fo ! S I A L O CHAR WCR Ranger 115P WCR Primed 1132 P


RDK Samson 037P ‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Downey Charolais CE 4.6

BW 0.5

WW 70

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 134 31 5.1 66 1.3

CW REA FAT 37 .90 .009

MB .13

TSI 275.37

MB .03

TSI 272.97

Heart-J Royal Ranger 1743

WCR Ranger 115 P‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Wienk Charolais CE 9.4

BW -0.7

WW 66

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 132 25 9.0 58 1.0

CW REA FAT 34 .71 .010

WCR Primed 1132 P ‑Owned with Downey Charolais, Sykes Farm, Wienk Charolais CE 13.5

BW -3.0

WW 61

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 113 25 4.3 55 1.2

CW REA FAT 24 .50 .012

MB .13

TSI 256.24

Heart J Royal Ranger 1743‑Owned with Heart‑J Charolais, Chad Bradford CE 7.2

BW -1.4

WW 77

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 134 21 6.6 59 .8

CW REA FAT 40 1.10 .040

MB .04

TSI 271.80

! U O NK Y d

an A H uires q T n i t ll To a abou rs s. buyegenetic our

Semen Inquires - Contact Owners:

Charolais K Keahey Bobby & Pam Keahey

Bradford Agriculture Dal-Dav Charolais

Chad Bradford 32545 Hwy 43 Grove Hill, AL 36451 251-275-8137 or 334-456-2547 cell Thomasville, AL 36784 334-830-5410 bobby@williamskeahey.com


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

David Downey 1618 Guiding Way Lane Prattville, AL 36067 334-595-3956

Sykes Farm

Willie Sykes 624 Ararat Rd. Toxey, AL 36921-2189 205-474-5017

Hereford - Angus - Charolais

Registered Charolais Bulls and Females For Sale Annually Private Treaty!

LT Patriot 4004 Pld

LT Horizon 6303 Pld

Added pounds at weaning means, more money back in your pocket. Our bulls are proven to add pounds to your calves. Our range ready bulls will be able to handle a large ranch or small operation and cover every cow in between. They are stout made, big boned bulls out of an extremely maternal cow herd. If you are looking for a terminal cross or replacement females, we have what you need. We feed out many of our customers’ calves in our feedlot and have seen the results of our genetics. You can’t beat a Charolais cross, in rate of gain and muscle volume. We offer 200 Spring born yearlings and two year olds annually, and strive to offer the best seedstock available at affordable prices. Whether you are looking for one bull or 20 we have what you are looking for. All bulls are trich and fertility tested upon purchase and are ready to go when you pick them up. A select group of females are available annually by private treaty. If you want the best pick, it’s good to come early!

LT Chouteau CAG TR Sideline

Ranch Proven Calving Ease & Performance Give us a call to schedule a visit!

2021 Seedstock 100 Producer -Beef Magazine

P.O. Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505)220-9909 • bill@billkingranch.com Tom Spindle — Foreman • (505) 321-8808 Facebook.com/billkingranch


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Devon Benes, Vice President



Leaders of Tomorrow A hardworking, driven membership


ey everyone, my name is Devon Benes. I am currently serving as your AIJCA Vice President and Area 2 representative, representing North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. I am the son of Mitch and Andrea Benes. I grew up in small town Valparaiso, Nebraska but currently live in Lincoln, Nebraska on the search for a Graphic Design job. I just graduated college from Northeast Community College with a major in Graphic Design. Currently I am working full time on the farm, while also doing some Graphic Design jobs on the side such as show banners. Over the last few years, I have really stepped back and took a look at what the Charolais breed has to offer. We have the genetics for feedlot commercial cattle and show cattle. We have an amazing association and staff working all year long, but most importantly we have a junior association full of leaders that could change the

can’t wait to see what is coming in the next few years. As you go to these shows throughout the year and you are preparing to compete against others, remember that this is all about the youth. These shows are opportunities for kids like me to build up their relationships with others, learn to be leaders, and ultimately have a ton of fun. I am all for the fun aspect and if you don’t believe me then ask any of the junior board members. If it was me, I would love to spend weeks and weeks with the Charolais youth just having a blast because that’s what makes events like Junior Nationals so enjoyable for the kids. Being on the AIJCA board has been a complete blessing and I am extremely thankful for the past few years. The Charolais board is truly the best thing I have done in the last few years of my life. Being on the board has pushed me to be the leader that I never knew I had

“Every day that I put on my Charolais board clothes I tell myself I am going to be the best leader I can. I am going to teach these amazing kids everything I know…, but every time I take those clothes off I realize that’s not what happened at all. Those kids are teaching me everything they can, they are making me the best person I possibly can be…” beef industry. Yes, the Charolais breed has the genetics, but that’s not what intrigues me, that’s not what keeps me hooked on Charolais cattle. What keeps me hooked on Charolais cattle are the youth involved in the association. I have met so many great people through my years of showing Charolais cattle and every year I am seeing some amazing kids step up and set great examples. I truly believe the youth below me can change the industry, because our breed has some of the most hardworking, driven kids with great manners like no other. Every day that I put on my Charolais board clothes I tell myself I am going to be the best leader I can. I am going to teach these amazing kids everything I know and help guide them to be the best they can, but every time I take those clothes off I realize that’s not what happened at all. Those kids are teaching me everything they can, they are making me the best person I possibly can be, and I am extremely proud of every single Charolais Junior, no matter the age. I am extremely grateful for all of the opportunities the Charolais breed has given me so far and I 32

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inside me and it can do the same for you. If you are even thinking about applying for the AIJCA board, then I say go for it. You have nothing to lose to just send in an application. If you are doubting yourself about if you will be good enough to be on the board, don’t. EVERYONE that is a part of the Charolais breed has what it takes to be on the board, you just might not know it. I would truly bet my whole life savings on the fact that any one of you could be amazing leaders, because I have seen it firsthand how amazing you guys are when you interact with each other at Junior Nationals. If you or anyone you know is eligible and your area is up for election, but you want to know more about the junior board, give me a call, shoot me an email, or pull me aside at one of the national shows because I would love to spend some one on one time with you. Thank you for the opportunities you guys have given me in the Charolais breed. I am truly proud of the Charolais youth, or what I like to call them the leaders of tomorrow! CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Officers President Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-6263

Treasurer Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390



Vice President Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429

Ex-Officio Caitlin Jedlicka Koshkonong, MO (417) 293-3414



Secretary Madison Voet Home, KS (785) 713-2665 mvoet@ksu.edu

Directors By Area Area 1 Maguire Rohr Elbert, CO (720) 467-3303

At Large Austin Alexander Bremen, AL (256) 287-1166



Area 2 Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429

At Large Taylor Behrends Colo, IA (515) 520-1652



Area 3 Madison Voet Home, KS (785) 713-2665

At Large Raley Downing Troy, TX (254) 239-9978



Area 4 Jaycee Littleton Simms, TX (903) 701-2129

At Large Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390



Area 5 Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com

Area 6 Lucas Crutcher Fair Grove, MO (417) 766-3278 crutcherlucas@gmail.com

Area 7 Katie Cape Hampstead, MD (443) 952-0561 krc501@hotmail.com

Area 8 Mattie Harward Richfield, NC (704) 463-5828 mattieann8@gmail.com

Committee Chairmen Fundraising Weston Schrader Programs & Activities Devon Benes

Membership Madison Voet Junior National Molly Smith

Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.

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JMAR Jubal 5P01

e h t g n i Improv rogram! P s e v a e R FOUNDATION FEMALES

M6 New Germaine 585 P ET




-0.1 65








132 29









First Pleasant Dawn Chism 216A son to sell in the US. Deep, Soggy, Big Scrotal, Wide Base, EPDs and Homozygous Polled . Free Lunch dam with .48 marbling. M953191

WCR Gambler 1167 P

M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P

The high-selling female in the M6 2016 Female Sale where she created a lot of talk among breeders. Now step forward to the 2017 M6 Dispersal and you see Lot 1 (484), a daughter out of New Standard top the sale at $36,000. Also her full brother Lot 208 (5157) topped the Bull section at $30,000. 1145 daughters and two sons in this dispersal sale totaled up $167,500. A ET true donor factory. Enough said — This factory, 1145 is in the Reaves ET Program.

Was our selection from the 2017 M6 Dispersal — a full sister to Lot 1 (484). Top 2% Milk, 1% TM, 3% REA, 3% TSI.

This Kincesm daughter is a big, stout, high volume, correct female with a great disposition. She is a paternal sib to the $26,000 high-selling bull at the 2019 DeBruycker Bull sale. EPDs rank in the top 4% WW, 1% YW, 25% TM and 2% TSI.

JDJ Ms Kincesm D3116










-1.4 61


128 37


















118 30









Our choice at 2022 Wienk Sale . A Homozygous Polled Tank E108 son with balanced EPDs. M959561

M6 Law & Order 577 P

Flushes, , Embr yos nd Bulls Semen a ! For Sale

eaves Charolais RKyle & Shelly Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245 kyle.reaves63@aol.com




Reaves Proven Herd Sire! M875914 J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 



by Dr. Sally L. Northcutt, Genetic Consultant

Charolais cattle have a positive reputation of providing beef production systems the genetics that contribute to profitability measured in our industry. The excellent early growth, strong feedlot performance and the carcass yield create demand at the feeding and packing segments of the beef business. Remaining conscious of the consumer demand for beef that drives profit today, we focus on the genetic selection tools that users of the Charolais gene pool target to influence endproduct merit.

Carcass Trait EPDs by Design The AICA National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures generate a full suite of carcass trait EPDs. The models in the background for these EPDs are complex because a variety of data are contributing to the genetic predictions. The NCE procedures simultaneously combine carcass and ultrasound phenotypic datasets, pedigree, and genotypes. Genetic parameters allow the seamless integration of carcass and ultrasound contemporary groups to impact the resulting EPDs as well as available genomic and pedigree connections. In addition, contemporary weaning weight records are included for scanned and unscanned cattle to account for selection bias in the multi-trait carcass models.

Red meat yield model traits. The lean trait model generates the published EPDs for Carcass weight (CW) and Ribeye Area (REA). Phenotypic record contributions from contemporary groups in the AICA database for NCE include weaning weight, carcass weight, carcass ribeye area, ultrasound scan weight, and scan ribeye area. Marbling model traits. The marbling model utilizes performance contemporary groups for weaning weight, carcass marbling, carcass fat, ultrasound intramuscular fat (IMF) scan, and ultrasound 12th-rib and rump fat scans. Carcass and ultrasound traits are moderately to highly heritable (h2 range of .21 to .39) indicating that selection for these traits can be effective in a planned breeding program. The published carcass trait EPDs are the economically relevant expression of the traits in carcass 38

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trait units: carcass weight EPD in pounds, marbling EPD in score units, fat thickness in inches and ribeye area in square inches. Genetic correlations between carcass traits and ultrasound indicator traits (rg =.70) are strong and provide the genetic framework to make the NCE models work. Detailed genetic parameters (trait heritability and genetic correlation references) are found at: https://charolaisusa.com/genetic-evaluation.php

“Filling in the Boxes” of Carcass EPDs and TSI Awareness of the carcass models that frame the carcass trait EPDs released from each AICA NCE update, helps answer many breeder questions. Parents of carcass harvest data and ultrasound data receive the carcass trait EPDs. Genotyped animals through the AICA system receive carcass trait EPDs. Animals with ultrasound scan results from proper contemporary scan groups that pass NCE edits will also have carcass trait EPDs. With the availability of genomic testing, breeders can capitalize on early predictions for carcass merit. That does not take away from the value of contemporary scan data on nonparent bulls and heifers meeting age window criteria. The carcass EPDs contribute to the TSI values. If no TSI is present on an animal, the first place to study is the absence of carcass trait EPDs. In the index calculations, EPDs for carcass weight, ribeye area, and external fat thickness are incorporated to address genetic merit for yield grade. The Marbling EPD is also part of the TSI component traits for a quality grade adjustment. Below is a review of all EPDs included in TSI:


End-Product Genetic Improvement Today The AICA membership has a long history of valuing Charolais genetics in the feedlot and packing industry. From a genetic evaluation perspective, it is useful to draw upon the Charolais breed genetic trend. Genetic trend values, calculated as the average EPD by birth year, are reported for EPDs and the Terminal Sire Index. A complete table of genetic trend values can be found on the AICA website at: https://charolaisusa.com/genetic-evaluation.php Breed genetic trend is best displayed graphically. The following illustration captures genetic change over time for carcass weight, ribeye area, and marbling.

current resource of phenotypic records includes 12,030 carcass harvest measures and 80,778 ultrasound scans. Phenotypes have value. Carcass records provided by breeders or commercial producers using AICA Charolais sires can be edited to include the needed NCE fields for data submission to the Association. The primary phenotypic input fields include: Member Code Harvest Date Calf Tag Hot Carcass Weight Calf Birth Date Fat Thickness Calf Sex Ribeye Area Sire Reg KPH (optional) Dam Tag Yield Grade (optional) Dam Reg (optional) Quality Grade Group Code Marbling Score Association staff is prepared to assist AICA membership in entering carcass records into the AICA database. Contact the Association for more details.

Genetic Improvement Moving Forward

Carcass Data Collection and Reporting Ultrasound performance data is an indicator trait in the carcass genetic prediction system. The actual harvest data is the “gold standard” in the carcass EPD model, and this is a good reminder for Charolais breeders to capture and report any available carcass harvest data. The

The Charolais breed has made impressive genetic improvement using EPDs and the TSI index that provides the commercial industry genetic inputs driving their programs in a positive direction. The revelation and use of genomics allow for even more rapid progress, but also further drives home the need to continue to simultaneously build the database of carcass harvest records and ultrasound records on seedstock. The reliable genetic predictions for carcass value and ultimately a positive consumer experience will further solidify Charolais as a component in genetic strategies moving forward.


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Grow Your Cattle Business Online with EDJE We design and maintain your American International Charolais Association website and want to partner with you to market your cattle operation. • 100% Mobile Friendly Custom Websites • Email Campaigns and Banner Ads for Upcoming Sales

• Logos & Brand Marketing

515.251.4600 • 866.839.3353 • INFO@EDJE.COM • EDJE.COM

CHAROLAIS FACT: DeBruycker Charolais, consistency in the industry.

Quest for Quality Bull Sale

u o y k n a Th

to all the buyers and consignors that par�cipated in the

2022 Quest for Quality Sale Watch for our 2023 Date!

www.DeBruyckerCharolais.com 40

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Rob and Naomi Farmer 8030 Greenwich Rd Catlett, VA 20119 540-270-3886 crossmtncatle@yahoo.com



2 N D A N N UA L


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2022 Cow Palace • Anita, Iowa


M&M Watt 6564 ET Watt 236 x Blue Value x 914 Growth + Carcass

WCR Cadillac Jack 074 Tank x Blackjack Top 1% YW, TSI • 2% WW


SAS Virtual Happy Hour 9051 TRI-N Canadian Pride 107J

Affinity x Cool Bachelor Top 7% CE • 3% BW • 15% TM • 20% MB

SCX Jehu x Praire Rose Family CCA Top 4% YW • 15% M • 3% REA


At the Farm • Stuart, Iowa SARA SHEPHERD 1308 QUEBEC AVE | STUART, IA 50250 515.321.6870 | LETTER2SARA@GMAIL.COM DAN SHAMBURG | 402.880.5179



Sandmeier Charolais

Breeding performance Charolais since the 60’s, Selling Charolais bulls since the 70’s Hosting annual production sales for over 40 years. ▲KEYS MAIN EVENT 4C ET Many daughters sell

Mark your calendar

Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female sale At the ranch Bowdle, SD

▼SCR DONOR 1003 2 daughters sell

▲LT JJ LEDGER 4606 Many high performing daughters sell ▼SCR SIR LEDGER 9411P

Lead-off bull from 2021 bull sale Selling to Effertz in North Dakota. His dam will sell!

Contact us: Calvin: 605-285-6179 Cell: 605-281-1259

Matthew: 605-281-1564 sandchar@venturecomm.net

This sale will have something for everyone. We will be dispersing all of our mature cows born from 2014-2017. These will include bred spring cows as well as fall pairs. Many will be bred to KC JACK 0891P & GHC RIDGE 9603.


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www.missouricharolais.com Riverdale Land and Livestock

Get your            at the Home of the 34th National Champion Female

Big Creek Charolais

Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee

Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire JDJ


J1377 Pld ET

Follow us on Facebook

Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind

Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701 www.bigcreekcharolais.com

October 15 • Bull Sale

Bill Nottke

Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell bill@riverdalecorp.com

Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535


Bonacker Family Cedar Hill, MO David: (314) 974-5230 bonakrfam@sbcglobal.net

Tri-N Artic Wolf 52J Sire: SCX Jehu Powerful Outcross Semen Available

• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 734 Belle Aire Place • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 www.aschermanncharolais.com • e-mail: hayhook@gmail.com

Upcoming Events July 30 Ozark Empire Fair Open Show, Springfield

Calving Ease + Power FC RF SUMMIT 0018 ET PLD

August 13 5J Charolais Open House, Syracuse August 14 Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show & Open Percentage Female Show, Sedalia August 15 5J Charolais Online Sale

RIDGE X JEWEL 428 Female & Bull Sale December 3

The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell Ridder-Farms@hotmail.com www.ridderfarms.com

September 6 Wright Charolais Online Sale September 17 Wild Indian Acres Female Sale, DeSoto

Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell wildindianacres@yahoo.com Shannon Carpenter, Manager (937) 418-2275


Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO • 417-848-3457 BRUCEMBRADLEY@HOTMAIL.COM

October 1 Bradley Cattle/Hankins Farm Female Sale, Republic October 15 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage October 15 Angell-Thomas Sale, Paris

March 4, 2023 • Bull Sale

Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410

Turn Up The Heat! WC Inferno 6561 P Top 1% YW, TM, TSI

Fall Event Sale November 5

Derry & Mary Wright, Owners Chris & Kelsi Peuster, Managing Partner 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085

816-456-3792 Derry 816-529-2190 Chris 816-776-3512 farm office

The Right Kind!

5J Charolais

October 21 Royal Collection Sale, Kansas City October 22 54th National Show, Kansas City October 22 Mead Bull Sale, Versailles

The Johansen Family WCR Sherman Tank 0525 ET P

Charolais for 33 Years

Corman Charolais New Whistle

By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen

October 21 Royal Breeders Bull Classic, Kansas City

Oct. 1 Fall Colors Sale • Oct. 15 Bull Sale

Peterson Farms Charolais

Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728

August 13 Missouri State Fair 4-H & FFA Shows, Sedalia

September 5 Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, Strafford

Female Sale September 17

LKD Miss Ledger 419

Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373 www.cormancharolais.com

“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"

CHAROLAIS We Collect Data. We Sell Bulls.

Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work mbscharolais@gmail.com



Charolais Cattle


Bull Sale • October 22


11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945

Production Sale • March 25, 2023

Brand of Quality

Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210 www.meadfarms.com meadangus@yahoo.com

Austin & Courtney Story

29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell 8StoryFarms@gmail.com • www.8storyfarms.com www.facebook.com/8storyfarms

Spot Available Contact David Hobbs 913-515-1215




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Sixty Years of Charolais Cattle Kirk and Peggy Castleberry have been raising registered Charolais cattle on their ranch near Ninnekah, Oklahoma for many years. “Part of our place originally belonged to my grandfather. My dad bought it from his brothers and sisters, from my grandfather’s estate. Then he added another 160 acres, where we are living now,” Kirk says.

Houston, Texas. “The Association was sending out reams of promotional material about the breed, and we were getting fliers in our mailbox all the time. My dad saw these and became interested. Our cow herd up to that point was predominantly polled Hereford,” says Kirk. “We had a neighbor who bought some big polled Hereford cattle in Colorado and brought them down The farm has seen multiple generations, though Kirk’s here. We bought some of his bull calves. We had some dad and grandfather were more into farming than raising big Hereford cows but they were only weaning 400 to cattle. “They were corn and cotton sodbusters instead of 450-pound calves. We were looking to improve our cattle people. Most of my dad’s life farming was looking weaning weights, so the Charolais were pretty interesting. at the rear end of a mule! I was an only child, and born They seemed really huge, at the time,” he says. late in life to my parents. My dad was the youngest of his “Most people today have forgotten how small the cattle siblings, but it fell to his lot to take care of his parents as in this country were, back at that time. In the 1950’s and they got older.” 1960’s there were a lot of 800 to 1000-pound mature Kirk asked his dad at one time how in the world he cows. So, we started searching for some Charolais cattle decided to be a barber and his dad said he had two to go look at. They were not very easy to find, in 1962!” brothers and it was the Depression and they were actually The first herd of Charolais he and his dad went to able to make a living barbering. So, he went to barber see was down by Ada, Oklahoma and owned by Mack college to become a barber. Braly, “Mack was a corporate lawyer. The first Charolais “My dad was a barber with a few cows, and my mother he’d ever seen was during his service in World War II in was a schoolteacher. When I was 10 years old I came France. He managed to buy a herd in Texas somewhere; home from school one day to find a little 8N Ford tractor those cattle were probably descendants of the Mexican sitting in the back yard! I said, ‘Dad, what are you fullbloods. So, we went to his place and spent a day, and going to do with that?’ He told me he was going back he showed us his cattle,” Kirk says. to barbering and “Mack was a that I was going great old guy to farm!” Kirk and he drove recalls. “We us around his didn’t have a lot ranch and fed us of farm ground— lunch. He had maybe 60 acres just gotten Paul cultivated—and 10919 back from we were farming test so we got with that little to see that bull tractor.” His dad when he was just also had a small a big yearling. herd of cattle. When we drove In the late out in the 1950’s and pasture to look early 1960’s at him I thought the Charolais he was just a big Association yellow steer! He was still very had a huge frame new and still and he had a big Peggy & Kirk Castleberry headquartered in impact on the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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early Charolais business in this country.” Mack was also instrumental in getting more of the Full French purebreds into the U.S. “That was our introduction to the breed. We were more than sold on the cattle but a barber with a school teacher wife and a teenage kid couldn’t afford those kind of cattle!” At that time, the Charolais were still rare, and bringing a lot of money. “We never forgot about those cattle, however, and later my dad saw an ad in one of our local publications saying there was a retired schoolteacher named CC Riddle, down near Roff, Oklahoma. He had some 3/8 Charolais cows he wanted to sell. That’s almost half-bloods, and that was about all we could find. We went to look at those cows and had to go through an old barn to get into the lot where the cows were,” recalls Kirk. “In that area of Oklahoma the wind is always blowing, and I was the last one through the barn door going into the cow lot. The door had nothing to put through the hasp on it, and I couldn’t see any way to keep that door closed; it was blowing and flopping in the wind. That wasn’t a very good deal in a lot full of cows, so I just pulled an old broomweed up that was growing there by the door, and stuck it through the hasp to hold the door shut!” he says. “We got out there and we were looking through the cows, and I mentioned to Mr. Riddle that I’d put a broomweed through that hasp but didn’t think it would last very long in that wind. He was so impressed at my ingenuity, you’d have thought I’d cured cancer! Anyway, he and Dad made a deal on those 3/8 cows and I told him that I’d like to buy a cow for myself, but I’d really like to have one that was a higher percentage—so it wouldn’t take so long to get to a purebred.” That was when a person could breed up to 31/32 Charolais and be able to

register them as purebreds. “Mr. Riddle told me he had one 7/8 cow that he didn’t really want to sell right then, because she was bred to a purebred bull, which meant the calf would be 15/16th Charolais. If it was a heifer it would only be one generation away from purebred. I had a little bank account that I started after raising an orphan heifer calf on a bottle when I was about 5 years old. That old cow cost me my bank account plus two of my commercial cows! But I ended up with a Charolais cow! Her first calf was a bull but I managed to sell him for what I had in the cow, so I still came out ok,” Kirk says. This was his start in the Charolais business. The family herd was just commercial cows—mainly Hereford. “There was a father-son partnership, Harry and Danny Devers at Alvord, Texas that my dad got in touch with. He went down there to buy an old Charolais herd bull that they were no longer using. It was a more mature bull, and a purebred. My dad paid $1,500 for him, which was a lot of money at that time. In 1962 you could have bought 3 Hereford or Angus bulls for the price of that one!” They bred their percentage cows to that bull. “We were the laughing stock of the community here, for paying that much for a bull. Before long, however, we started finding stray cows in our pasture—cows that we’d never seen before! A few days after a stray cow showed up, a neighbor might call and ask if we’d seen such-and-such cow. My dad finally started saying, yeah, we got her bred, so you can come and get her! That happened a number of times while we had that old bull,” Kirk says. In 1962 Kirk started his freshman year of high school. Ninnekah, Oklahoma was one of the only schools in the state which required vocational ag as a required subject

continued on page 140

Castleberry bull with heifers 46

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selling bulls: SONS OF “TANK E108P” For Sale in 2022

DC/CRJ Tank E108P


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J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

HAYDEN HAY DEN FARM FARM 4430 Bloomfield Road I Bardstown, KY 40004 James & Cathy Hayden & Family (502) 507-4984 Cell AICA Member Enrolled in the Whole Herd Rewards Program. Past Board of Director and President of AICA.

since 1935

Quality and Integrity

A carcass focus with maternal strength! LCC Miss Lady 6333 023 FL

Eatons Miss Sacajawea 3670 P

EF1239623 Sire: VPI Free Lunch 708T Dam: Fink Miss Lady 023 BG Top 1% MB * Top 5% Udder, Teat ▶

Breed’s #1 marbling female (0.65 MB EPD)

CE 8.6

BW -0.9

WW 58

YW 107


UDDER 1.37

TEAT 1.29

REA 0.31

MARB 0.65

TSI 258.96

Top 1%

Top 10%

F1181279 Sire: LT Blue Mountain 1041 Pld Top 5% MB * 10% TSI

CE -0.4

WW 60

YW 114

Dam: Eatons Sacajawea 10782 Top 15% BW, Milk


UDDER 1.04

TEAT 1.03

Pick of Eaton program from 42nd National Sale

REA 0.71

MARB 0.22

TSI 258.85

10782 is an AICA Sterling Dam of Distinction

Top 8%

Top 10%

3670 recorded a WWI:119 with 168 contemporaries

Dam of the breed’s #1-marbling, 2021-born bull

Maternal grandam, MF Miss Lady 6868, ranks in the top 1% for MB and is highly proven

Pick of the herd from Megan & Chad Larson of Manhattan, KS

Eatons Miss Twinkle 5714 Pld

BW -0.5

Fink Miss Lady 8007 4294 GS

F1219039 EF1267899

Sire: Eatons Tanker 10215 Top 2% Milk * 8% MB

CE 3.2

BW -0.1

Dam: Eatons Twinkle 6981 Top 1% MB


UDDER 0.88

TEAT 0.91

REA 0.23

MARB 0.30

TSI 243.11

Sire: Fink Gold Standard 0153 Growth Plus Carcass

CE 7.0

Dam: MF Miss Lady 4294 6868 FL Free Lunch X Gain & Grade


UDDER 1.34

TEAT 1.24

Stacks generations of provenen Eaton herd sires

REA 0.65

MARB 0.47

TSI 269.20

Top 1%

Top 3%

5714 ranks in the top 2% for MB

High marbling female

Phenotypically sound with a perfect udder

WW 71

YW 123

BW 0.0

WW 36

Top 2%

YW 91

Ankony For more than 85 years, Ankony has been an industry-leading producer of elite cattle genetics for both the show ring and commercial cattlemen. The tradition continues with the Charolais females featured on these pages—some of the most complete combinations of phenotype and genotype available anywhere in the world today. These matings represent a proven carcass focus in a maternal package. Look to Ankony in the fall of 2023 for an offering of select females and herd sire prospects, or call to get on the mail list.

AnkonyFarms.com 125 Ankony Farms Drive, Clarkesville, Georgia

Virgil Lovell, Owner Office, Noy Nations 706.754.6000 Joe Boddicker 703.401.5077 Shawn Johnston, Cattle Manager, 850.557.1145

Quality and Integrity since 1935 Progeny available fall of 2023!

Fink Miss Lady 6362 019 FL

M6 Ms Sun Jewel 5117 P ET

F1239763 Sire: VPI Free Lunch 708T Top 1% MB * Top 15% TSI Dam: MF Miss Lady 019 BG Top 1% MB * Top 15% TSI ▶

Dam of the #1, 2021-born, non-parent female

Dam (019) and maternal grandam—Top 1% MB

Pick of the herd from Galen & Lori Fink of Randolph, KS

CE 11.0

BW -3.0

WW 70

YW 132


UDDER 1.05

TEAT 1.00

REA 0.63

MARB 0.44

TSI 280.49

Top 1%

Top 1%


Dam: Fink Miss Lady 6362 019 FL Top 1% MB, TSI ▶

#1 marbling 2021-born, non-parent female


CE 5.1

Sire: LT Sundance 2251 Pld Proven Performance Sire

CE 4.5

Dam: M6 Ms New Jewel 0155 Pld Top 1% TSI


UDDER 1.17

TEAT 1.12

REA 1.12

MARB 0.14

TSI 294.89

BW 1.7

WW 90

YW 160

#2 TSI donor dam

Natural calves' performance averages: WWR 105, YWR: 106

The breed’s only female ranking in the top 1% for WW, YW, TM, SC, CW, REA, and TSI

Top 1%

Top 1%

Ankony Miss Patty 185P

Fink Miss Lady 1221 6362 BF

Sire: One Penny Blanco Flash 6424 Top 1% MB, TSI


BW -1.0

WW 67

YW 134




REA 0.76

MARB 0.51

TSI 287.18

Top 1%

Top 1%

F1312112 Sire: WDZ Gameday 9152 Top 1% WW, REA; 2% YW; 3% TM, TSI Dam: WIA Ms Patty F10 P Top 25% MB ▶ ▶

185 P ranks in the top 6% for WW and 10% for YW

CE -1.1

BW 3.3

WW 72

YW 124




REA .94

MARB .14

TSI 261.71

Top 8%

Her dam is sired by Milestone and out of the notable matron, OBG Elvira 4303 Pld—a past AIJCA Junior National Grand Champion

125 Ankony Farms Drive, Clarkesville, Georgia

Virgil Lovell, Owner Office, Noy Nations 706.754.6000 Joe Boddicker 703.401.5077 Shawn Johnston, Cattle Manager, 850.557.1145

2022-2023 Membership Directory www.missouricharolais.com




10.5 -1.4













1.23 0.19








0.91 0.35








10.9 -2.5


WW 66






0.93 -0.02 274




Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale

1 p.m., September 17, 2022 at the ranch, De Soto, Missouri

Have a fun filled baseball & Charolais weekend by joining us Friday evening to attend the St. Louis Cardinal baseball game and the sale Saturday! Call Mike or Greg ASAP for your reserved tickets in the Kisner Family Suite for the game. Ride the buses from the motel headquarters to the game and back Friday night. Saturday morning we will see you at Wild Indian Acres for lunch served by the baseball vendor trucks and the sale at 1 p.m. Sale Manager

As always, we look forward to seeing you at this great event!

Mike & Sara Kisner Greg Hubert Connor & Cannon P.O. Box 100 5805 PERKINS RD • DE SOTO, MO 63020 Oakley, KS 67748 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell 785-672-3195 (office) wildindianacres@yahoo.com 785-672-7449 (cellular) Shannon Carpenter, manager: 937-418-2275

Generations of Proven Performance

RCR Counting 1332 Pld

M969377 BD: 9-10-21 BW: 72 AWW/R: 752/107 LT Countdown X Free Lunch X 066 Top 9% CE, BW, YW •15% WW• 20%REA • 25% MB • 6% TSI

RCR Counting 1336 Pld

M969658 BD: 9-16-21 BW: 70 AWW/R: 812/115 LT Countdown X Affinity X Travel Agent Top 3% CE • 4% BW • 5% WW • 9% YW • 15% TM, MB • 8% TSI

These Herd Bull Prospects Available Private Treaty

RCR One Lunch 1345 Pld

CR/RCR One Good Lunch 1348 Pld

RCR He’s The One 7181 Pld

RCR Affinity’s Lunch Girl 1329 Pld

F1322047 BD: 10-21-21 BW: 68 He’s The One X Free Lunch Top 25% BW, SC •20% MB

M906766 DNA Homozygous Polled With daughters in production, Available Private Treaty

F1322049 BD: 10-21-21 BW: 76 He’s The One X Free Lunch Top 25% MB

F1322475 BD: 9-8-21 BW: 72 LT Affinity X Free Lunch Top 6% CE, BW • 10% M • 20% TM • 3% MB

Semen: $25/straw; no signing Available from Cattle Visions

Watch for RCR Performance based consignments in sales across Missouri.

RCR Counting For Lunch 1334 Pld F1322044 BD: 9-15-21 BW: 70 LT Countdown X Free Lunch Top 5% CE • 8% BW • 9% MB • 20% TSI

RCR Distance Affinity 1328 Pld F1322474 BD: 9-8-21 BW: 78 LT Affinity X Long Distance Top 30% BW • 20% M • 25% MB

– Come See Us –

Ricketts Charolais Ranch Rex & Sondra Ricketts

14800 Tucker School Road • Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 808-6286 • rickettsr@missouri.edu

Calving Ease • Performance • Productivity Quality Proven Genetics Raised on Fescue in the Ozarks

Selling 100+ Bulls Annually Quality performance bulls in volume Bulls also available private treaty 200+ Head Cowherd Feedlot data from our commercial herd Proven Bloodlines Show heifer prospects and female packages available private treaty ■ Customer Satisfaction ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

ACE-ORR Efficient 972 Pld Top 2% M, TSI • 5% REA • 3% MB

PF Impressed 620 P ET Proven National Champion

Fed at Irsik & Doll, Kansas—

■ 56 Mixed Load PF Purebreds ■ On feed 194 days —

gained 3.65 lbs./day/head

■ Converted 1 lb. of gain/5.65 lbs.

Efficient and Made Money!

Keys Cowboy 70E Pld

Balanced EPDs — Top 10% REA

M6 New Whistle 603 P ET

Top 15% YW, M, U • 3% REA • 8% TSI

Proven AI Sires—

30th Annual Top Pick Bull Sale

Saturday, March 4, 2023 PF Sale Facility

Selling 75+ Bulls including PF Red Hots (Red Angus x Charolais). Complete Performance data and bulls guraranteed Trich and BVD Free.

M6 New Standard 842 P ET LT Ledger 0332 P RBM TR Rhinestone Z38 LT Rio Blanco 1234 P M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET

PETERSON FARMS CHAROLAIS Registered Charolais Breeders

Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road • Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 259-1493

Visit our website – www.PetersonFarmsCharolais.com

s n o i t a r e n e G Breeding Charolais Since 1958

y t i l a u of Q

C120 Pld

Fargo X Royce X Kojack Top 15% YW, MCE, TM • 20% TSI

C114 Pld

Grid Maker X Ledger X Program Top 7% CE • 15% BW, M, TSI

C112 Pld

Grid Maker X WCR Legacy X Trademark Top 10% WW • 8% YW • 15% M • 5% TM • 2% REA • 10% TSI

21 Generations of Corman Females

Bred To Produce On Grass.

C123 Pld

Fargo X Mac 809 X Flash Top 6% WW • 2% YW • 7% TM • 3% TSI

C121 Pld

Easy Pro X Grid Maker X Mac 809 Top 9% M • 3% MB

Pictured are our fall 2021-born heifer calves at weaning.

AI Sires - Calves Due Fall 2022 VPI The Graduate 917G • LT Badge 9184 Pld

n a m r o C CHAROLAIS Dan & Connie Corman • Pomona, MO dan@cormancharolais.com

(417) 252-1373

www.CormanCharolais.com Watch for our consignments to Autumn in the Ozarks, The Renaissance and the NextGen Bull Sales.

C109 Pld

Landmark X Gold Standard X Royce Top 10% CE • 5% BW, M, T • 8% U


rooted in breeding the

Call us today about our Charolais & red Charolais herds

JS &


Proven Maternal Power The WH Cowherd 27 Progeny to Date!

• Raised 10 Natural Calves 7 Bulls • 3 Heifers

• Flushed 3 times averaging 20+ Embryos • Herd Sire Producer We’re using a Milestone son. Double W, recently added a Saint Christopher son.

WH Dutchess 002 Pld F1127103

PR Sir Duke 6105 x SC Brandy 322 P Duke 914 x Velveta Jane

Bluegrass x Fasttrack

Top 3% CE • 20% Milk, TM, TSI • 15% MB 2022-born Heifer Calf Sired by Cash’Em In Top 20% WW, Milk • 15% TM

Quality Genetics • Calving Ease • Performance • Carcass

WH Triple Play 201 Pld Proven Dutchess Son 82 Progeny • AVG. WWR: 101

David & Annette Bonacker Cedar Hill, Missouri (314) 974-5230 cell • (636) 285-1656 bonakrfam@sbcglobal.net

Built From the Ground Up. 9 EPDs Ranking in the Breed’s Top 8% EPD %

CE 11.9 8

BW -1.6 25

WW 72 6

YW 143 1

M 36 2

MCE 11.6 5

TM 7.1 1

CW 44 1

REA F MB 0.97 -0.011 0.12 6 15 45

TSI 289.30 1


Tank E108 x Rolling Thunder x Big Ben EM949166 • Parentage Verified


Breeding Charolais for 34 Years David and Eileen Johansen 660-473-2945 dave5Jcharolais@gmail.com 11218 County Line Rd. Syracuse, MO 65354 Kevin and Jamie Johansen 573-289-1061 kevinjohansen5J@hotmail.com Dustin, Christie, Logan and Connor Johansen David and Sara Harms


$25/Straw; $35 Signing Available from Cattle Visions

Dependable - Calving Ease • Growth • Milk • Carcass

We Collect Data. We Sell Bulls.

Bulls Backed by Cow Power • Our Walking • Herd Sires



Affinity x Ledger x Grid Maker Top 3% M, TM • 15% REA • 5% MB • 20% TSI

Selling Bulls Annually in the NextGen Flint Hills Sales



Tank x Big Ben x Wind Tour Top 4% CE • 7% WW • 1% YW • 2% TSI

AI Sires Include LT Badge 9184 Pld

CHAROLAIS Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

(573) 324-2528 home (573) 470-5411 cell mbscharolais@gmail.com


Thank You To Our Valued Customers and Partners !

Lehmann Cattle reside in AR, GA, IL, KS, LA, MN, MO, NE, OK, TN, TX, WV

We Appreciate Your Confidence In Our Breeding Program! Jerry & Michelle Lehmann

Alex Sauer & Suzie Theriault

9376 SE V Hwy, Lathrop, MO 64465 573-999-4759 or 860-459-9337


Garry Atwell Pete Bonds Bruner Polled Charolais William Buckner Cavender Ranches Cordell Dartez Double H Charolais Wyatt Ezell Ronald Frazier Haley Farms Inc Happy 11 Charolais LG Herndon Jr Farms Ray Highfill Courtney Kopesky McNeely Mead Farms Elliott McClure McCurdy Charolais Jay O’Brien Reaves Farm Ryan Roper Sandbur Ranch Shelby Rutherford Schaeffer Bacon Acres Glenn Sellhorst Sharp Farms Inc Roger Smith Snyder Farms Sky Storey Jerry Terrell CW Taylor John Vasut Welcome Grove Charolais Daniel Wendland Windy Hill Charolais Young Family


— Defined as Hardy, Undaunted, and with Great Fortitude!





Adj 205

Adj 365





Milk TM


82 lbs.

931 lbs.

1,510 lbs.








Sire: B&L Dark Horse 27G Dam: Tri-N Rationale 9429G

Semen Available

L &N


Larry Julian Crane, Mo. 417-536-6582


R E Roger Elliott Greenview, Il. 217- 416 - 8981

Show Heifer Prospects & Bulls Available Private Treaty!


WIA-CONLEY INSIDER D9 P Owned with Wild Indian Acres and Dicken Charolais

Semen $30 | Signing $30 #9 AICA SHow sire of the year Turton x Carbine

Carrs Mr Cash ‘Em In 024 P Owned with L & V Cattle Company

Semen $30 | Signing $30 #3 AICA SHow bull of the year Insider x Rushmore


Contact us for semen!



Be sure to like us on Facebook at Carr Cattle Company!

Thank You To All of Our Buyers! Best of Luck this year!

Quality Beef Genetics CARRS MR CASH’EM IN 024P

Insider x Rushmore 2021-22 #3 AICA Show Bull of the Year

GHC NOOKU 8071 PLD Milestone x Sweatheart 7M Performance + Balance


Bulls & Females For Sale Private Treaty Retail Beef & Butcher Beef For Sale


LUKE & VICTORIA PETERSON | (417) 259-0036 P.O. BOX 781 MOUNTAIN GROVE, MO 65711 email: lvcattlecompany@gmail.com FIND US ON FACEBOOK!


JFC Frank x Tri-N Bounty Hunter


Red Baron x Captain Morgan Ideal Phenotype! Non-Diluter


Keys Redbone x Pro-Char Clyde Top 5% CE • 10% BW • 1% MCE

Building Great Reds! MOUNTAIN GROVE, MO Luke Peterson 417.259.0036 Tim Peterson 417.988.3388 Brush Mitchell 815.238.4083 Jacob Mitchell 417.259-6377

Dear Charolais Breeders, As you study the pages of this directory you will notice the large amount of quality cattle that are produced here. MCBA members are hosting many successful sales on farm and online, in fact three of the breed’s Top 10 Female Sales and 3 of the Top 40 Bull Sales in the nation were held right here in our great state in 2021. Feel free to contact any Missouri Charolais breeder to discuss their operations and how you can acquire these breed leading genetics! There are many opportunities throughout the year to participate in Charolais functions. The American Royal is annually the breed’s largest National ROE Show. In October of 2022 the MCBA will be hosting the 54th National Charolais Show in Kansas City. At the American Royal in the fall of 2021 we hosted exhibitors from 18 states. Also during the American Royal the Royal Breeders Bull Classic had 30 Classic Club Members that represented 11 states participating. The Grand and Reserve Champion bulls were exhibited by Missouri breeders. In conjunction with American Royal the MCBA sponsors the Royal Collection Sale, this past fall it was the #3 highest averaging sale in the entire breed! If you would like to participate in the 2022 Royal Collection Sale, please contact Wes Chism, with JWC Marketing or David Hobbs at AICA. Since the amount of interest for the breed within the state is extremely strong, the Missouri State Fair in August annually host’s the largest Junior and Open Charolais shows in the nation at the state level. The state of Missouri has historically been a leader in the production of Charolais genetics. On a national scale we currently rank #2 for Active Members, #4 for total Enrolled Registered Females and #4 for Junior Members. There are also nine Missouri breeders that rank in the Top 100 for Female Enrollments. With each passing year more and more commercial cattlemen are realizing the value of our breed’s genetics and are utilizing them to make their operations more profitable. Fuel, fertilizer and other input cost have skyrocketed. The heterosis and pure performance our breed offers is unmatched and will help make ranches more efficient for years to come.

Sincerely, Chris Peuster MCBA President

2022-23 Officers and Directors President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Past President: Alsup, Denver 18 Alsup Lane Fair Grove, MO (417) 345-7794 Aschermann, Larry & Peggy Aschermann Charolais 734 Belle Air Place Carthage, MO 64836 hayhook@gmail.com (417) 358-7879 / (417) 793-2855 Bartholomew, Kerry & Todd Long Branch Ranch 20704 Village Ave Mendon, MO 64660 (660) 676-2173 Bauman, John & Chance Bauman Show Cattle 20161 Lawrence 2180 Aurora, MO 65605 (307) 630-0336 Bonacker, David & Annette Windy Hill Charolais 6975 Cedar Hill Rd. Cedar Hill, MO 63016 bonakrfam@sbcglobal.net (314) 974-5230/ (314) 974-0551 Bonacker, Daniel & Rachael 7130 Burgess Ford Road Cedar Hill, MO 63016 dbonacker@outlook.com (314) 974-5239/ (314) 972-3341 Booth, Kyle & Tara Rocky Ridge Charolais 1173 State Road AA Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 830-0721 Bradley, Bruce Bradley Cattle PO Box 165 Marshfield, MO 65706 brucmbradley@hotmail.com (417) 848-3457 Bricker, Jay & Linda J & L Charolais 18631 County Road 441 Preston, MO 65732 jlcharfarms@hotmail.com www.j&lcharolaisfarms.com (417) 399-6758 Brown, Bobby & Barbara Browns Valley Charolais 2900 South Jefferson Ave. Apt. 217 Springfield, MO 65807-3659 RWB986@gmail.com (417) 883-1394 Campbell, Scott Rivera, Jason Campbell Charolais Farms 10983 County Road 397 Hartsburg, MO 65039 (573) 619-8387 Carr, Ryan & Ashley Carr Cattle Company 12144 County Road 240 Webb City, MO 64870 (417) 388-0562 ryan_carr2010@hotmail.com

Chris Peuster Bruce Bradley Judy Shaffer Annette Bonacker Jeanine Doughty

Cassady, Jerry & Ellen 5745 State Hwy 96 Reeds, MO 64859 (309) 212-0488 Cassett, Shannon 25105 State Hwy 96 Webb City, MO 64870 sdcdvm@gmail.com (417) 827-1115 Chrislaw, Charles Chrislaw Farms Charolais 461 State Route CC Fayette, MO 65248 (660) 202-0024 Connell & Henley C & H Farm 10109 Route BB Eugene, MO 65032 (573) 498-6166 Cook, Gail, Chad & Brandon Cook Charolais Farms 18562 Hwy Y Jamestown, MO 65046 cookcharolais@gmail.com (573) 338-2560/ (573) 338-0888/ (573) 821-2478 Corman, Dan & Connie Corman Charolais 5303 C R 2320 Pomona, MO 65789 (417) 252-1373 dan@cormancharolais.com www.cormancharolais.com Crutcher, Matthew & Amanda Crutcher Cattle Company 8808 N. Gramercy Lane Fair Grove, MO 65648 crutchercattleco@gmail.com (417) 766-3278 Curtis, Steve & Kathy Tiger Country Charolais 15101 Hwy D Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 721-2122 scurtis@ktis.net scurtis2122@gmail.com Darby, Robert Darby Ridge 5701 E Parks Lane Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 442-6457 darbyridge@centurytel.net Davis, Alan and Julie Davis Charolais 2911 Stonehouse Road De Soto, MO 63020 (636) 586-8759/(636) 208-4509 davischarolais58@yahoo.com Dicken, Curtis & Bobby Dicken Charolais Farm 380 CR 323 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 bjdicken96@yahoo.com (573) 785-0352/ (573) 718-4796 (573) 778-7428

Directors: Brandon Cook Jim Husz Jason Hankins

Derek Ridder Adam McCall

AICA President: Eddy Loggains

AICA Area 8 Director:

Refer to membership listing for contact information. Jim Husz

Dickinson, John & Missey J&M Charolais P.O. Box 398 Londell, MO 63060 (314) 808-5169 Doughty, Jeannine Big Creek Charolais P.O. Box 523 Harrisonville, MO 64701 j_doughty21@hotmail.com (816) 616-8838 Duepner, Kevin Cedar Creek Cattle Company 121 Courtside Dr. Festus, MO 63028 (314) 581-5989 Eldred, Bill & Rosemary Eldred Charolais 4006 S.W. Co. Road 1008 Butler, MO 64730 (660) 679-4372 Fountain, David & Linda Hickam Fountain Charolais 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470/ (573) 819-9469 Gast, Don Gast Charolais 12590 E. Osage Nation Nevada, MO 64772 gastcattle@gmail.com (417) 321-2184 Gibson, John & Family Clear Creek Farm 18371 County Road 1210 St. James, MO 65559 johngibson@centurylink.net (573) 265-8687 / (573)263-4259 Gillig, Ken Gillig Genetics 21948 Lawrence 1240 Aurora, MO 65605 (417) 466-6499 kengillig649@gmail.com Graber, Timothy Y&M Charolais 2269 Hwy YY Larussell, MO 64848 (417) 437-8119 Green, Marvin & Luanne Green Plains Polled Charolais 4402 State Rt. AB West Plains, MO 65775 Ma.log@hotmail.com (417) 256-3232 Hale, Rick Hale Farms 54 Hosier Lane Louisburg, MO 65685 (417) 838-7251 Haley, Mike & Carol Snowy River Charolais 18334 State Hwy 72 Sedgewickville, MO 63781 ch-src@showme.net (573) 866-3231

Hankins, Jason & Pam Hankins Farms 8802 W. Farm Road 146 Springfield, MO 65802 hankinsfarms@mowisp.net (417) 861-2316 Haslag, Donald Sr. Haslag Farms 2421 Hwy W Bonnots Mill, MO 65016 Haslagad@gmail.com (573) 897-2664/(573) 291-0348 Hobbs, Annaleigh 10018 Mackey Circle Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 609-0234 Husz, Jim Chateau Cattle Company 22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151 Jedlicka, Mike & Dale J & S Ranch 1599 CR 334 Koshkonong, MO 65692 jsranch13@gmail.com (417) 331-5139 / (417) 331-5140 (417) 331-1410 Johansen, Eileen 5J Charolais 11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 dave5jcharolais@gmail.com (660) 473-2945 Johansen, Kevin & Jamie, David 5J Charolais 189 Mockingbird Lane Lebanon, MO 65536 (573) 289-1061 Johnson, David 308 E Central Road LaMar, MO 64759 417-682-1514 Julian, Larry & Norma L&N Charolais 1955 Farm Road 1247 Crane, MO 65633 (417) 536-6582 normasfashions@gmail.com Kinney, Jim & Karen Kinney Charolais 324 NE 20th Road Lamar, MO 64759 jlkcattle@hotmail.com (417) 682-6103Kisner, Mike & Sara Wild Indian Acres 5805 Perkins Road DeSoto, MO 63020 wildindianacres@yahoo.com (636) 586-2299/(636) 236-0306

Continued on next page

Kleinman, Kevin & Neysa Cork Cattle Company 3979 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873 cork1@wildblue.net (417) 850-5676 Lehmann, Jerry & Michelle Sauer, Alex Lehmann Cattle Company 9376 SE V Highway Lathrop, MO 64465 (860) 459-9337 Mallet, Gary RR1 Box 19 Baring, MO 63531 gmallet@marktwain.net (660) 892-4532 Mangrum, Brian & Tracie 90 Green 419 Road Marmaduke, AR 72443 (870)565-8878 Martin, Caleb Hodges Family Farms P.O. Box 8 Clarksburg, MO 65025 hodgesfamiyfarms2019@gmail.com

(660) 888-1958 McCall, Hannah & Adam AM Livestock 3568 W Farm Road 68 Springfield, MO 65803 adammcalllivestock@gmail.com (731) 431-9938 McClure, Elliot & Leah 6/20 Ranch 12994 Hwy 97 Stotts City, MO 65756 (217) 202-3939 McElrath, Kirk KM Charolais P.O. Box 8 Irondale, MO 63468 kirkmcelrath@yahoo.com (573) 760-4544 McWiliams, Lonnie P.O. Box 73 Liberal, MO 64762 (417) 843-3875 Mead, Alan Mead Farms 21658 Quarry Lane Barnett, MO 65011 (573) 216-0210 meadangus@yahoo.com www.meadfarms.com Mesko, Alfredo 639 Dent County Road 2135 Rolla, MO 65401 (573) 578-3629 almesko@hotmail.com Meyer, Eugene Sar-Mey Charolais 1285 CR 70 Sarcoxie, MO 64862 emeyer@sarcoxie.k12.mo.us (417) 850-4045

Mitchell, Brush & Tim & Lukle Peterson Generation Two Charolais 10201 Tucker Drive Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (815) 238-4083/(417) 259-0036 (417) 926-5336 Mitchell, Bonnie & Clifford Mitchell Management Koshkonong, MO 65692 ccmosu@msn.com (405) 246-6324 Morris, John & Kristin Morris Farms 32 Hacksaw Trail Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 693-1322 jmor25@icloud.com Mueller, Tim & Mueller, Jeff Mueller Charolais 9051 Main St. Altenburg, MO 63732 (573) 824-5428 / (573) 803-8052 Northwest Missouri State University Department of Agriculture 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-6001 jhusz@nwmissouri.edu (660) 562-1155 Nordwald, Roy & Linda Nordwald Charolais 18326 Audrain Road 949 Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 581-5247 Nottke, Bill Riverdale Land & Livestock 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 bill@riverdalecorp.com (314) 378-3255 Owings, Tad, Angela & Matthew 2877 Hwy A Huntsville, MO 65259 (660) 998-2557 angelao1974@yahoo.com Peace, Alan Standard P Enterpirses, LLC 2424 SE Ranson Road Lee’s Summitt, MO 64082 816-510-9327 Peterson, Steve & Sandy Peterson Farms Charolais 8767 Outer Road Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 259-1493/(417) 926-5336 petersoncompany@centurytel.net Peterson, Luke & Victoria L&V Cattle Company P.O. Box 781 Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 259-0036/ (417) 849-4430 lvcattlecompany@gmail.com www.lvcattlecompany.com Peterson, Tim & Larae T&L Cattle 10201 Tucker Drive Mountain Grove, MO 65711 (417) 988-3388

Plank, Curtis & Mary Ann Zoe Charolais 1410 County Road 2110 Huntsville, MO 65259 plankfarm1@gmail.com (660) 670-4721 Porter, Larry 224 Porter Crossing Road Rogersville, MO 65742 (417) 753-4828 Rhea, Barry & Teresa Rhea Charolais 3565 W Farm Road 68 Springfield, MO 65803 rheacharolais@gmail.com (417) 773-6095 Ricketts, Rex Ricketts Charolais 14800 Tucker School Road Hallsville, MO 65255 rickettsr@missouri.edu (573) 808-6286 Ridder, Dale & Derek Ridder Farms 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 ridder-farms@hotmail.com (573) 680-4692 Roth, Alex & Michaela AMR Cattle Company 11742 Hwy A Frohna, MO 63748 (573) 275-2756 / (573) 576-5141 Schumacher, Michael & Lois MBS Charolais 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 fdrsgrn@sbcglobal.net (573) 470-5411 Schweigert, Keith & Nicole Sweigy Farms 2278 Bannister Road Park Hills MO 63601 (573)747-7397 sweigy47@yahoo.com Shaffer, Doug & Judy Shaffer Cattle Company 9668 State Hwy 96 Carthage, MO 64836 judyshaffer@aim.com (417) 825-4067/(417) 825-4252 Simpson, Robert, Melody & Teanna J & S Ranch 59 County Road 364 Thayer, MO 65791 (417) 331-1410 Sparks, Gordon, Kay, James Jamie Sparks-Dehan Sparks Charolais 19125 Jones Road LaMonte, MO 65337 fitterboy13@gmail.com sparksl@missouri.edu (660) 347-5520/ (660) 287-4149 Stephenson, Dennis & Gloria Stephenson Charolais 1854 N. Route J Rocheport, MO 65279 stephencharolais@cs.com (573) 445-3321

Stolle, Michael Stolle Charolais 27400 Hwy M Middleton, MO 63359 Mjs8949@hotmail.com (573) 470-3043 Stone, Jeff & Julia 488 SE 500 Road Clinton, MO 64735 stoneshowcattle@gmail.com (660) 351-4502 Story, Austin & Courtney 8 Story Farms 29143 175th St Altamont, MO 64620 8storyfarms@gmail.com (660) 663-5048 Taylor, Travis Taylor Farms Charolais 21067 Hwy C Lawson, MO 64062 (816) 592-3000 ttaylor@vitalix.com Thomas, Sally & Russ Angell Thomas Charolais 17445 Monroe County Road 81 Paris, MO 65275 (573) 682-7348 sangell@centurylink.net www.angellthomascharolais.com Thompson, Lendell & Trevor Thompson Charolais 19847 State Rt. N. St. Mary, MO 63673 thomcharolais@yahoo.com (573) 543-2350/ (573) 535-0964 Wimsatt, Paul & Janet Double W Charolais 22357 Highway W Verona, MO 65769 pwimsatt@mo-net.com (417) 737-0991 Wheatcraft, Tom, Karen & Scott Wheatcraft Farms 1205 Sunset Hill Road Brookfield, MO 64628 (660) 258-2715 Woehrman, Dan & Debbie 4D Charolais 12290 Hwy E. Camden Point, MO 64018 4dwoehrman@gmail.com (816) 280-3253 Wright, Marilyn Wright Charolais 9668 Highway N Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 cmwright@century-tel.net (417) 466-3560 Wright, Derry & Mary Peuster, Chris & Kelsi Wright Charolais 42922 Old Hwy. 10 Richmond, MO 64085 dwright@wrightfarms.net (816) 776-3512 / (816) 456-3792 (816) 529-2190

Junior 2022-23 Junior Officers and Directors Refer to membership listing for contact information.

President: Emma Hankins Vice President: Lucas Crutcher Secretary: Braden Booth Treasurer: Cody Jedlicka Reporters: Ryanne Crutcher, Christian Hirsch, Atley Patrick & Jillian Stone Advisors: Pam Hankins, Melody Simpson

Adam, Brayde 735 SE Wexford Rd Lathrop, MO 64465 (816) 809-7083 Angell, Schylar 17445 Monroe Co. Road 817 Paris, MO 65275 (573) 682-5348 Birge, Hayden, Emily & Katie 1651 Co. Road 1013 Auxvasse, MO 65231 (573) 721-7702 Booth, Braden 1173 State Road AA Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 830-0721 Braun, Bailey 1909 Osage Bend Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 694-3263 Carrender, Abe 3120 Osage Bend Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 (573) 680-4440 Cassett, Tannah & Zannah 25105 State Highway 96 Webb City, MO 64870 (417) 827-1115 Cook, Paige B. & Tucker 119 Pennview Dr. Jamestown, MO 65046 (573) 338-0888 Coundry, Alexiss 415 N Willington St. Atlanta, MO 63530 (660) 346-7202 Crutcher, Lucas & Ryanne 8808 N. Gramercy Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 766-3278 Dehan, Eli & Samuel 19125 Jones Rd. LaMonte, MO 65337 (913) 544-6128 Dicken, Mallory 1781 CR 323 Harviell, MO 63945 (573) 778-3814 Dittmer, Abby 3119 Hwy DD Smithton, MO 65350

(660) 596- 2408 Doerhoff, Austin 15304 Rt. H Henley, MO 65040 (573) 619-5356 Dowling, Cinch 10811 N. Farm Rd 225 Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 496-2716 Ebert, Jackson 6225 SE Perren Road Holt, MO 64048 (334)654-0938 Garrison, Kaden, Kallen, & Kohen 24 Highway AC Boss, MO 65440 (573) 626-1013 Gooden, Reed 690 Hwy EE Iberia, MO 65486 (573) 793-6999 jeffgooden1@gmailcom Hankins, Emma & Jesse 8802 West Farm Rd 146 Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 861-2316 Hayes, Mason 853 E. Dade 186 Everton, MO 65646 (417) 466-8159 Heussner, Blane 216 Miler Tina, MO 64682 (660) 973-5181 Hirsch, Brittany 4679 W Highway Thayer, MO 65791 (417) 280-0061 Jedlicka, Caitlin & Cody 1599 CR 335 Koshkonog, MO 65692 (417) 293-3414 Johansen, Harper 189 Mockingbird Lane Lebanon, MO 65536 (573) 289-1061 Jones, Kaytlyn 1067 Winninghem Road Seymour, MO 65744

Kisner, Cannon & Connor 5805 Perkins Road DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 Kleinman, Aiden & Atley 3979 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873 (417) 850-5676 Livengood, Tyler 454 NW 900 Rd. Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 909-5094 Mangrum, Bailey 90 Green 419 Road Marmaduke, AR 72443 (870) 565-8878 Mead, Juliette 21656 Quarry Lane Barnett, MO 65011 (573) 216-0210 Meyer, Eli & Emily 1285 Co. Rd 70 Sarxoxie, MO 64862 (417) 850-4045 Miller, Taylor 1202 Eagle Crest St Nexa, MO 65714 Morris, Ryleigh P.O. Box 62 Ash Grove, MO 65604 (417) 861-2855 Moyer, Mackenzie 1801 Co. Rd 1910 Jacksonville, MO 65260 (573) 356-3919 Mueller, Seth 585 Redbird Lane Altenburg, MO 63732 (573) 824-5470 Nave, Emily 1150 NE 1000 Road Windsor MO 65360 (660) 647-2447 Owings, Thomas 2877 Hwy A Huntsville, MO 65259 (660) 998-2557 Patrick, Atley 3448 NW HWY N Chilhowee, MO 64733 (573) 433-6241

Schoen, Gus & Oakley 5750 SE Hilltop Rd. Holt, MO 64048 (816) 519-3199 Schroder, Avery 23013 W. Highway 121 Miami, MO 65344 (660) 631-4491 Schweigert, Jaden & Livia 2278 Bannister Road Park Hills, MO 63601 (573)747-7397 Stolle, Jace 27400 Hwy M Middleton, MO 63359 (573) 470-3043 Stone, Annamarie 13065 Highway T Centralia, MO 35240 (573) 682-1091 Stone, Jackson & Jillian 488 SE 500 Clinton, MO 64735 (660) 351-2408 Stewart, Annie 11904 Schulte Lane St. Thomas, MO 65076 (573) 680-1589

2021-2022 Missouri Charolais

2021 AIJCA Junior National Missouri Team

2021-2021 Retiring AIJCA President Caitlin Jedlicka

2021 Missouri State Fair 4H Grand Champion Female Atley Patrick

2021-2022 Missouri Junior Board of Directors

2021 Junior National 3rd Overall B&O Heifer Atley Patrick

2021 Junior National Advisor of the Year Tonya Jedlicka

2021 Missouri State Fair FFA Grand Champion Bull Lucas Crutcher

2021 Missouri State Fair A ROE Grand Champion Female Annie Stewart

2021-2023 AIJCA Area 6 Director Lucas Crutcher

2021 Missouri State Fair 4H Grand Champion Bull Cody Jedlicka

2021 Missouri State Fair FFA Grand Champion Female Lucas Crutcher

2021 Royal Breeders Classic Grand Champion Bull Wright Charolais

Membership Review

2021 Royal Breeders Classic Reserve Champion Bull Big Creek Charolais

2022 National Western Grand Pen of 3 Bulls Wright Charolais

2022 Fort Worth Stock Show ROE Grand Bull Carr Cattle Co., L&V Cattle Co.

SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET 112th AICA ROE Sire Cork Cattle Co., 5J Charolais

WC Milestone 5223 P 113th AICA ROE Sire Wright Charolais

AML Ghost Rider 210 115th AICA ROE Sire AM Livestock

CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET 116th AICA ROE Sire Wright Charolais

Missouri Juniors 2022 MCBA Membership Banquet

2021-2023 AICA Area 8 Director Jim Husz

2021-2023 MCBA President Chris Peuster

2022 MCBA Honoree Fountain Charolais

2022-2023 MCBA Board of Directors

2022 Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Honoree Fountain Charolais David Fountain and Dr. Linda Hickman We are honoring Fountain Charolais for their commitment to the Charolais Breed and the Missouri Charolais Breeders Association (MCBA). In 1973, David and his father Wayne purchased two three-quarter blood Charolais females from the Empire Charolais Dispersal. The following year a purebred bull was purchased from ABC Ranch, Martinsburg, Missouri – Carl Ahrens. Carl then took David to shows like Denver, Louisville, the American Royal, any many others. Carl made a big impression on David, and they developed a strong friendship. In 2016, he nominated Carl as the MCBA Honoree and did the presentation. His next herd bull purchase was from Albert Phillips. Showing in the early days of the Block & Bridle Show in Columbia, Missouri is where I remember meeting David for the first time. His pride for his cattle and Charolais was evident then. As years progressed, he served on the MCBA Board during the middle 1980’s. Around this time, the Autumn Invitational Sale was started at Palmyra, Missouri. David managed this MCBA sponsored sale for several years until Rex Ricketts took over and the sale was eventually moved to Eldon, Missouri.

David Bonacker made the presentation honoring Fountain Charolais on April 15, 2022.

I am not sure of the timing, but this could be when Linda came into David’s life. Linda started off as his veterinarian, her background in commercial cattle blended perfectly with Fountain Charolais. Linda’s father had taught her the economic value of heavier weaning weights. She already knew that Char-cross cows were consistently weaning the heavy calves. When daughter, Tara was born, she did not have much of a choice but to love cattle and especially Charolais. David told me about taking Tara to feed and placing her in a 5-gallon bucket, to keep her from getting in with the cows. Seeing Tara’s interest in the breed, David and Linda encouraged Tara to join the American-International Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA). After her first AIJCA Junior National in Mississippi in 2003, they saw the opportunities the organization had to offer. Between David and Linda, they have put on and supported every AIJCA Junior National that Missouri has sponsored over the years. David help set up and provide heifers for the 1990 fitting contest at the Junior National in Columbia. Linda became a Missouri Junior Advisor in 2009 and was honored as the AIJCA Junior Advisor Of-TheYear in 2011, then in 2017 was honored as the AIJCA Junior National Show Dedicatee. David was always promoting Charolais cattle in his area. Steve Curtis, Tiger County Charolais, Mexico, Missouri, credits David for getting him started in the Charolais business, 22 plus years ago. Steve admired the fact that David wanted him to see other herds besides his. They went to many ranches such as Rogers, Cobb, and Lindskov-Thiel, looking at different genetics. It is by David’s encouragement that Steve’s son, Nick attended his first AIJCA Junior National in Hutchinson, Kansas in 2005. If they ever had a question, David would have the answer. This kind of dedication is why we are honored to present this award to Fountain Charolais, David, and Dr. Linda Hickam.

2022 MCBA Honoree Fountain Charolais Pictured l-r: Chris Peuster, MCBA President; David Bonacker; Dr.Tara Fountain & Nick Hargrave; Dr. Linda Fountain; Kathy & Steve Curtis

MCBA Honorees 2013-2021 2013



Stan & Mary Bonacker Windy Hill Charolais Farms Cedar Hill, MO

Bob Barnard Barnard Charolais St. Joseph, MO

Dick & Jeanne Fanning Thousand Oaks Ranch Carthage, MO

Tom & Karen Wheatcraft Wheatcraft Farms Brookfield, MO

Rex Ricketts Ricketts Charolais Ranch Hallsville, MO

John & Bonnie Mitchell Mitchell Management Koshkonong, MO



Carol Doughty Big Creek Charolais Harrisonville, MO

Jack & Pat Phelps Phelps Charolais Ranch Holden, MO

2019 Frank Wesson Wesson Charolais Koshkonong, MO


Carl Ahrens ABC Ranch Martinsburg, MO

2021 The Late Donnie Gast Gast Charolais Nevada, MO Bill Nottke Riverdale Land & Livestock Sunset Hills, MO

Held in conjunction with the 54th National Show!

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 | 1:30 PM American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center | Kansas City, MO

Nomination Deadline AUGUST 15 Sale Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association

Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC Wes Chism (281) 761-5952 wes@jwcmarketing.com

We're in the bull business. Give us a call when you’re looking for real world performance bulls. Charolais • Rangefire Charolais x Red Angus Slick Haired for Fescue Country Bob Thompson P.O. Box 114 • Nevada, MO 64772 (816) 582-8363 rmtfarms@gmail.com Jason Bean, Manager • (417) 549-0980


A familiar face, a trusted name.

In conjumction with the 54th National Charolais Show

Friday, October 21, 2022 American Royal Hale Arena Kansas City, Missouri For Membership and Entry information –

David Hobbs

Charolais Journal (913) 515-1215 cell (816) 464-2474 ext. 200 dhobbs@charolaisusa.com

Jeannine Doughty

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association (816) 616-8838 j_doughty21@hotmail.com

Impact Your Next Calf Crop RED FACTORS— Finding their place in Commercial Cattlemen’s Programs. • Selected from the Tri-N Program in Canada • CCA EPDs-

Top 25% BW • 35% CE • 30% WW • 20% YW • 10% MB

• Homozygous Red (Non Diluter)

• Semen Available through Cattle Visions

Tri-N OK Corral 53H

Gail (573) 338-2560 Chad (573) 821-2478 Brandon (573) 338-0888


Sire: Tri-N Red Baron (Captain Morgan) Dam’s Sire: Winn Mans Kansas BW: 90 Adj. 205: 846 Adj 365: 1,548

Jamestown, Missouri

Tucker Cook Paige Shelton Junior Member Junior Member cookcharolais@gmail.com

Helping Charolais Breeders with Artificial Insemination “Our genetic lineup and professional services will bring your cattle visions to reality”


Call for a Sire Directory or View Online


More Pounds.

MORE PROFIT. Breeding good cattle isn’t complicated. Cattle feeders give us the ultimate report card. According to Jared Wareham, Top Dollar Angus, “No other option offers the greatest terminal crossbreeding value from the ranch through the feeder like a really good set of smokes or buckskins that are at least 50% Angus or Red Angus.” Use a registered Charolais bull and genetic verification through CharAdvantage to earn more premiums.

Why? n n n n n

AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 816.464.5977 • Fax: 816.464.5759 www.CHAROLAISUSA.com © American-International Charolais Association 2020

Market demand n Predictability Increased weaning & yearling weights Easy calving n More live calves Adaptability Value of Charolais-cross females

• Selling on October 15, 2022 • Charolais & Charolais Composite Bulls • Charolais Composite Bred Heifers Charolais Red Angus Composite Open Yearling Heifers View Livestock 10:00 a.m. • Lunch 11:30 a.m. • Auction 12:30 p.m.

For more information and pictures check out our website!


Russ & Sally Thomas

17445 Monroe CR 817 • Paris, MO 65275 Sally: 573-682-7348 • sangell@centurylink.net


Herd Sires -

NWMSU Bases Loaded 184

Tank x New Standard (Edith Family) Top 15% CE • 20% BW, WW • 5% YW, M 4% TM • 25% MB • 3% TSI

NWMSU Bonus Time 154

OW Lead Time x PHD (Heather Family) Top 15% BW • 7% TM • 3% MB • 15% TSI

Your visit or call is always welcome.

School of Agricultural Sciences 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-6001 Office: (660) 562-1155 Jim Husz: (660) 582-9151 jhusz@nwmissouri.edu

Herd Bulls That Get The Job Done!




EPDs: CE +11.7 BW -4.3 MB: 0.20 TSI: 254

Performance • +32 Milk

Exportable Semen Available

Proven Calving Ease Specialist

Rushmore x Passport

CLEAR CREEK FARM Maggie Gibson John Gibson Family 18371 County Road 1210 • St. James, MO 65559 (573) 265-8687 • Cell: (573) 263-4259 johngibson@centurylink.net

Duke 914 x Cigar x Ms Bud 418

Watch for MEG prefix… Stop by and take a look! • Cowherd influenced by proven AI Sires • Breeding age bulls available • Watch for our sale consignments • Semen available on Herd Sires

Plan to Celebrate! MCBA

60th Anniversary


Watch for details this Fall! The April 2023 MCBA Membership Meeting and Banquet will be the location for our celebration!

Bulls in Volume with Generations of Proven Performance Fertility • Efficiency • Ultrasound • Genomics

Angus • Red Angus • Hereford • Charolais


Performance AI Sires DC/CRJ Tank E108 P • LT Inception 7456 Pld ET ABJR New Hank 595 P• Mead LCC Bulls Eye T484 LT Authority 7229 Pld • WC Milestone 5223 P WDZ Kingsman 737 P

PERFORMANCE BASED SALES October 22, 2022 March 4, 2023 May 13, 2023

MEAD FARMS Since 1942

Mead Lockstep U1113 Lock N Load x Waldorf x Kojack

EPDs- Top 7% CE, YW • 3% WW, MCE, SC • 9% REA, TSI • 25% BW, MB

21658 Quarry Lane • Barnett, MO 65011 Office (573) 302-7011 • Fax (573) 348-8325 email: meadangus@yahoo.com www.meadfarms.com Alan Mead, Owner (573) 216-0210 Scott Wall (309) 212-5450

Proven, Predictable Genetics with added Value




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Learn more at firstdefensecalfhealth.com © 2020 Immucell Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Marissa Hake, DVM Calf Vet




The Next Gen Sale 5J Solera 1819 EF1279515


• Progeny from these donors and embryos by Blackjack & Benaiah

• Composite heifers by IGWT • Coming yearling show and herd sire prospect • Pick of embryos from Solera 6054 and Cigarro 382 • 5J Solera 1818 sells bred to WCR Sherman Tank • And more

BC Clarice 1601

5J Solera 1818 EF1279516


August 15th

on SC Online

August 13th Open House on Farm

Starting @ 3:00pm

11218 County Line Rd • Syracuse, MO 65354 Dave: 660-473-2945 • Kevin: 573-289-1061 kevinjohansen5j@hotmail.com Over 30 years in the Industry 5J Charolais-The Johansen Family






HE 160 HEAD SELL T OF MARCH 2ND SATURDAY d Bulls Half are 18 mo. Ol arling Bulls Half are Jan/Feb Ye

HE 40 HEAD SELL T F NOVEMBER 1ST SATURDAY O Bulls All are 18 mo. Old males Fe ite El Also selling 60

Genetics... FORCE OF NATURE REDEMPTION x BERKLY ANN Semen Available Contact Owners


REDEMPTION x RF MS DUCHESS 631 $50/Straw | $50/Signing at Cattle Visions


September & April


SUMMIT RIDGE x MS JEWEL 428 $25/Straw | $35/Signing at Cattle Visions

The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road z Hermann, MO 65041 Derek (573) 680-4692 z Dustin (573) 280-5795 Herdsman, Dustin Schulte z Ridder-Farms@hotmail.com


By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen

continued from page 29

Clift herd sire, CCC Cheetah 0029 P, 2021 NILE Class A ROE Grand Champion

AI. In recent years we started doing some embryo work.” The bulls from Clift Livestock are sold the 3rd week of February, in Ellensburg. “We have partnered with a couple of Angus producers for the sale. We now do an online sale with SC Online Sales, that sale is the CharNation Online Sale, and it is usually the 3rd week in October. We also offer some embryos and semen in that sale, and also sell a few show heifers to kids. We sell some females privately but most of the bulls are sold in our February sale,” says Kerry. Cora breeds her cows AI to club calf bulls to create smoky club calves. In 2015 and 2018 she had the Grand Champion Steer at the Ellensburg Fair with her steers. Ten years ago when Cora started showing at the local level there were only black cattle in the 4-H classes. She told her dad that she should be selling black ones because that’s what everyone was showing. “I told her she didn’t need to do that, and should just be patient. At that time the smoky calves were winning at San Antonio and Houston, and I told her that here in the West we were just about 4 years behind the fad.” She just needed to make local people aware of the merits and qualities of the smoky calves. “Every year, she’s shown smokies and then started winning. Before long, a lot of her friends in her 4-H club were raising smokies!” Kerry enjoys the genetic aspect of the purebred business, and pays close attention to the genetics introduced into the herd. “The bulls we buy must be structurally correct to make show cattle, and also need to have a good temperament. With Cora working around the cattle as she grew up, I couldn’t have anything that didn’t have good temperament.” The customers appreciate how calm these cattle are; they are a lot easier to handle. “We strive to have bulls with moderate birth weights

that are built correctly through the front end and shoulders so cows don’t have a hard time calving but the calves are fast growers from that point to produce high weaning weights. We like correctly built bulls that are good on their feet and legs so they can travel in rough country. We also select for genetic traits such as ribeye, scrotal circumference, marbling and milk. One of the biggest compliments we get from our customers is how calm our bulls are to be around,” Kerry says. “We also enjoy the show end of it, especially the National Western and the NILE. Those are our two main shows, along with our Charolais regional show. Breeding these cattle is a fun project that keeps growing, and demand keeps growing for Charolais cattle, for commercial bulls, and the club calf breeding project that Cora started. We have a good market for show heifers, too,” he says. Charolais has always been the main choice for a terminal cross on commercial cattle, especially on crossbred cows, using Charolais as a third breed to create the most heterosis—producing calves with better weaning weights and muscling. “A lot of people in our area run black cows and use Charolais bulls on them,” he says, “Our herd calves in two groups. We try to time our early calving season to start about the time we get back from Denver the end of January and wrap up the calving in mid to late March. We need early calves to satisfy our bull buyers; they want bulls that have a little age on them when they are turned out with cows the first time. The show cattle also need to be a little older than the average calf. This necessitates breeding the cows a little earlier than we might want to otherwise,” he says. “We also have a fall-calving group for the bull buyers who want bulls a little older than yearlings. Those cows calve September-October. We can face challenging


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


weather in January-February; we sometimes get a lot he says. of winter. We do have a barn for calving, and along the Ellensburg is an agricultural community in the center outside of the barn we have a feeder system. I don’t feed of the state. “This area is a huge exporter of timothy hay on the ground; I prefer to feed in a manger-type system. to China and Japan. We have about 10 export companies Inside the barn we have a creep panel where the calves can here in this valley. Ellensburg also has a popular rodeo get in and be out of bad weather. It works well because and I am on the rodeo board and Executive Board the calves come in and lie around the clean, dry area Secretary. This is my 11th year on the volunteer board. where I store the feeder hay. It’s nice to have shelter and a Last year our rodeo was inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall dry area for the calves,” Kerry says. of Fame. I traveled to Colorado Springs with our board to “It’s always fun to start calving, and we’re also glad receive our award,” Kerry says. to end it. It’s always exciting to see the new calves, and “The fun part was that Cora was the 2020 Ellensburg the results of genetic improvement. I am very particular Rodeo Queen, but due to COVID the 2020 rodeo didn’t about the genetics and sometimes my wife says I am too happen—and she got to hold that position for another picky! But I want to be able to sell a quality product, so year. She got to experience being Rodeo Queen in 2021 being picky is a good thing,” he says. Satisfied customers and also travelled to Colorado Springs. So both of us generally come back for more. represented the Ellensburg Rodeo in that ceremony! In “We also raise timothy hay for export to Japan, but the past my wife was on the Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of farming is a sideline business for me. My wife and I Fame board, for about 13 years, so we’ve had a lot to do also work fulltime. I am the business manager of the with this rodeo. It’s in the Top Ten rodeos in the U.S. and McGregor Company in Quincy and Ellensburg, which we are fast approaching our 100th anniversary, which will is a big fertilizer, seed and chemical company in the be next year. We’ll have a big bash for that!” Pacific Northwest. Brigid is the regional archivist for the Cora has always been involved with horses and rodeo Washington State Archives here in Ellensburg. We both as well as cattle. She qualified several times in breakaway work fulltime; the cattle and hay growing are a sideline roping at the Ellensburg rodeo. “We have all of these that we enjoy,” he says. expensive habits, but it’s been a lot of fun and very “The cattle are an overgrown hobby that became our satisfying,” Kerry says. passion. Brigid grew up here in Ellensburg showing “In the cattle industry, I especially enjoy the genetics. cattle and pigs, and we’ve enjoyed showing cattle with Through the years we’ve purchased some really good our daughter. Cora sold a steer that she raised to Matt bulls, including the one 9 years ago at the National Lautner in Iowa. That steer was named Red Hawk and he Western from the Suttles family in Illinois. His name went on to the Oklahoma Youth Expo show in late March, was “All The Time”. We used him for a couple years then showing against 600 steers. He won his class and was also bought a bull from the M6 Ranch in Texas. His name was Reserve Crossbred Steer and 4th or 5th Overall Steer.” “The Force” and he was a full brother to Bells & Whistles. Even though their location seems like a hindrance We kept a lot of daughters from him, then went back to for a purebred business—so far from many of the shows the M6 Ranch and bought another bull, Fresh Whistle, and customers—they make it work. “When people from just to offer some new genetics to the Northwest. The Illinois or back East purchase something from us online bloodlines from the M6 Ranch hadn’t hit here yet so we they wonder how they are going to get these animals. built our foundation on some of that blood,” Kerry says. Our location is a challenge, but I know a lot of people who Then recently he purchased a couple bulls from the are hauling cattle all the time, hauling dairy cattle to the Cody Cattle Company in Kansas. “Two years ago we north of us, etc. bought Cheetah There are many and showed people coming him at the NILE through, and last year where we can always he was Grand arrange trucking Champion Bull. for cattle. There We also bought are ways to get a bull from the cattle to our South Dakota customers. With from Brandon our online sales Bertsche out we offer free the National delivery just to Champion help with that female named facet, and I line Dottie. She was up the delivery— the prettiest to help people get female I’ve ever “This area is a huge exporter of timothy hay to China and Japan. We over that hurdle seen. I wanted of buying cattle a son from her,” have about 10 export companies here in this valley. from out here,” he says. 136

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“We’ve spent a lot of money Spotify and the podcast talks on some good bulls, to get the about every lot being offered. genetics we want. It’s been a fun Cora and I go through the ride and we enjoy meeting people various lots and tell about each throughout the U.S. We’ve made animal’s birth weight, EPDs and a lot of friends in the livestock mother and grandmother. This industry, especially the Charolais gives the buyers a chance to industry. I am looking forward to have more background about Grand Island, Nebraska this year. each animal. We furnish as Cora and I will be there. She only much information as we can. has two more years that she can be Throughout the year we post in the Junior National and I said I photos on Instagram, Facebook would drive her there this year. All and TikTok so everyone can see the other years I’ve been so busy— our program. Then when sale it’s harvest time with the hay--that time comes we do the podcasts she’s gone with friends, and I’ve so people can listen and hear flown in to be there, if I could. about each animal.” This year we are going to make it The podcasts have been fun. work, and we are excited about “When we get to talking about that,” he says. those animals it brings back Cora branding the 7 half-box brand that I inherited Most of the bulls from Clift memories of various shows, and from my dad who inherited it from my grandfather. Livestock go to commercial also what those animals have operations with Angus-based cows, done in our herd. When we talk to create exceptionally good crossbred calves. “We sell a about the mother and the grandmother and the greatlot of bulls in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana grandmother, people know there is genetic predictability. and hope to expand our customer base farther east This year I ran out of time because I was traveling for eventually. Our bull sale is a live auction that is online work and a couple of bull buyers texted me to ask when and people can bid on them from their home,” Kerry says. the podcast would be coming out. That makes us realize The bull calves are weaned in August and go to a people are listening to it,” he says. bull-development feedlot in Pasco, Washington (Beus “We try to reach out to anyone we can, to let them Feedlot) that develops hundreds of bulls. “It’s a warmer know our story and our brand, and what we are about. area than Ellensburg and the bulls gain really well. Then Our cattle carry the 7 half-box brand that I inherited from we transport them to the sale at the Ellensburg Rodeo my dad who inherited it from my grandfather. Many grounds but the sale is on video. We have TVs set up people ask what it represents. The 7 is the number my inside the old Western Village Sponsor Room,” he says. grandfather wore when he played baseball for the St. “We want to supply the best cattle we can, for our Louis Browns in the 1930’s, and the half box represents customers. Visitors are always welcome at the ranch. home plate, first base and third base. It’s an interesting Our website is www.cliftlivestock.net and we also have brand that has a lot of meaning to our family,” Kerry says. a Facebook page and Instagram under Clift Livestock “The Charolais business has been fun because it’s that I keep updated with photos and things we are doing. something we do together as a family. We don’t have Recently we started TikTok with Clift Livestock. We hired help; we do it all ourselves. It takes a lot of time, try to target all ages and interests and put a lot of fun especially when we spend many hours on the road things on there. We use social media and our website for delivering bulls! My wife and I also work off the ranch advertisement and it’s worked very well. For our bull sale and Cora is in college and working part time, so everyone and female sale we do a podcast under Clift Livestock on is very busy!”


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South Dakota Charolais


Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females.

Thomas Ranch

Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148 thomas@venturecomm.net

Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo

EPDs: 3.3 2.3 66 112 18 5.0 50 0.9

39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986

JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 egglchar@santel.net • www.egglestoncharolais.com

J&M Ranch Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales

Jerod & Melanie Olson jrolson2664@gmail.com (605) 860-2080

20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249

DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 • pvfcharolais78@gmail.com www.pvfcharolais.com

Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179

Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766

13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428 www.sandmeiercharolais.com

M738574 Past National Calf Champion

Top 3% Milk • 7% MB • 15% TSI 4%CW, REA • 7% MCE • 10% TM S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer


Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229

keppenchar@valleyfibercom.net • www.keppencharolais.com

Tim and Ree Reich

1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (605) 892-4366

Geyer Cattle Co. Sam & Connie Geyer De Smet, SD 605-860-2081 www.geyercattlecompany.com FUNCTIONAL. PERFORMANCE. EYE-APPEAL. ODDEN CHAROLAIS RANCH 32358 301st Street Colome, South Dakota 57528 Brian Odden & Family Ranch 605-842-1185 Brian 605-203-1228 Andrew 605-203-1775 A dam 605-203-1229 www.oddenranch.com

Vedvei Charolais

Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

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“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”

44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei www.vedveicharolais.com Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529 E-mail: vedveicharolais@gmail.com

Space Available Contact Hadley Schotte (785) 562-6632


August 1 for September 2022 Genetic Analysis.

ACE-ORR Makers Mark 689

Reich Ranch Charolais Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female Sale • Nov. 7

Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by—

Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.

continued from page 46

One reason we have repeat customers is that our bulls are forage developed. They come off their mamas and go to wheat pastures, and then bermudagrass for the summer. if you were a boy, and if you were a girl you had to take home economics. “And if you wanted to show any cattle in 1962, they had to be Hereford, Angus or Shorthorn. There were no classes for any other breeds. So, I managed to accumulate a few Shorthorns just to show, and actually had a pretty good show career with those. I had the state champion heifer in 1965,” he says. By the late 1970’s, he and some other folks re-formed what had originally been the Oklahoma State Charolais Association. “I was president of that for 2 years. The last thing that I got them to do was create a Director position in the Association for Junior activities. My wife and I worked with that for at least 14 years—as a volunteer position. We made sure that kids had a chance to show Charolais cattle,” he says. Looking back a bit, Kirk says that 1970 was a momentous year in his life. “That was the year I graduated from college one day, Peggy and I got married the next day, and I had to help load a truckload of watermelons before making the trip home. We leased an old farmhouse here that had some pasture with it. Dad and I formed a partnership and that was about the time we started looking for polled Charolais bulls. If you think Charolais were hard to find, start trying to find some polled ones!” In France these were dual purpose cattle, used for draft and dairy as well as beef. The meat from these cattle was mainly in the form of veal or from older animals after their working life was finished. “When these cattle were first brought to the U.S. the main thing breeders (in any breed) were trying to do was win feed tests. The Charolais were recording some great gains that were more than folks had ever heard of in the Hereford, Angus or Shorthorn breeds. When the French cattle started coming in, they were even better in rate of gain,” Kirk says. The big-boned big cattle gained really well in feedlot

tests. “But coupled with the fact that the cows they were being bred to were small, this created the perfect storm for calving wrecks. I told my dad, when I came back home from college, that we had to make these cattle fit the way commercial cattle were produced in the U.S. or this breed wasn’t going to survive. My solution was to start selecting for polled bulls that were long-necked, clean-fronted and more streamlined. That front end comes into this world first! They needed to be streamlined but still have good tops and good rear ends.” In 1972 they had two bulls that were working very well on their herd. “We may be the oldest polled breeders in the nation today who are still active, but that’s how we got to where we are now. We were trying to improve calving ease, and by 1975 we were beginning to have a customer base of folks who were willing to come back and buy bulls again, so we felt we might be on the right track,” he says. A number of people felt that the cattle had become too big and that a little more moderation was needed. “We needed bulls that could put live calves on the ground that would still perform well,” Kirk explains. Now about 85% of his bull customers are repeat customers. “We sell everything private treaty off the place. One reason we have repeat customers is that our bulls are forage developed. They come off their mamas and go to wheat pastures, and then bermudagrass for the summer. They are not developed in a feedlot and they are ready to go to work; they don’t ‘melt’ when put out with cows. I’ve found that the bulls that don’t eat grain last a lot longer; they are healthier and stay sound.” At some point during the 1980’s he got two bulls that were grandsons of the old Ozark Grenadier bull. “We had a friend who had a predominantly Litton-based cow herd and we stopped by there one day and saw this bull calf. He was kind of long-eared and taller than anything else out there, and probably outweighed every other calf


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his age by 150 pounds. They were making fun of him and he was kind of awkward-looking, so I said, ‘If you don’t like him, what would you take for him?’ We bought him and called him Paul Peppel Poll and he was a great sire producer,” Kirk says. A few years later he bought Riverwood Lobo 811-T1 an Ozark Grenadier grandson on the cow side. “He was maybe the best female producer I ever had. Just off their mamas and grass, their calves would weigh 1150 to 1250 pounds at a year of age. Both those bulls sired good females, but the Lobo bull had tremendous females. About 2 years after he died, the EPDs had come along and his Milk EPD was a plus 22. The biggest mistake I ever made as a breeder was not saving a bunch of semen from that bull! I sure wish I had,” he says. “We have good herd bulls today but they tend to be more one-trait specialists. We have two herd bulls that are in the top 1% of the breed in birth weight and calving ease. Then we have a Fargo son in the top 25% in weaning weight and top 15% in yearling weight. We have a Eatons Royal Dynasty son that’s in the top 25% milk. We have a Patriot bull that is in the top 35% in weaning and 30% yearling weights, and an EC Iron Man son that I named Donald Rump and he’s top 15% in birth weight, 35% in weaning weight and 30% milk. He’s the closest to having it all together.” There are several things Kirk has done to try to stay in the business for 60 years. He says the most important thing is that a breeder works for the customers. It’s important to produce what they need. “The first thing I try to get them to do is tell me about their cow herd. Then I try to fit the bull to their needs, to improve the cows that they have. I have to become an advisor. Often these folks, especially the ones who only have 20 to 30 cows, work in town to support their farming habit, and they could care less about EPDs or growth curves, cow size, etc. They just want a bull that will add to their weaning weights and not cause them any problems,” Kirk


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says. “I look at this as being my job, to help them select what will work for them. I am a purebred breeder and I need to study these things so they don’t have to. The majority of what we select for in our purebred herd is for the commercial cattleman. We do sell some animals to other seedstock breeders, but that’s not my focus.” The early perception about Charolais cattle was the fear that you’d have to pull every calf, so he has spent his lifetime focused on having his entire herd calve on their own— and be able to say he has an easy-calving herd. This is what the commercial producer wants—the Charolais advantaged in growth and feed efficiency but without calving problems. There is a happy medium however, because if birth weight gets too small it’s harder to have a bigger calf at weaning. “If the birth weight on a bull averages less than 80 pounds he is probably an easy-calving bull, but it will start affecting weaning weights. If birthweights are less than 80 pounds, except on your heifers, you are probably just as well off with a Hereford or Angus bull. Birth weights between 80 and 90 pounds are usually fine and this is where you will really see the gains in weaning weights,” he says. Shape of the calf is often just as important as birthweight. “Just because a calf weighed 83 pounds at birth does not necessarily mean he came any easier than an 88 pound calf. It’s partly a matter of the shape of that calf. One thing that I am concerned about in this industry right now is that we are getting some heavyfronted bulls again. This is something I’ve been breeding away from, for 50 years! There is always a place for diversity, however, and the Charolais breed does have diversity now.” People can select what they want. “This brings me to my next point, which is the fact that what happens in the show ring is usually best ignored. In the early 1980’s, Expectation 269 and Elevation 44 did more to change the perception of what the Charolais


breed could be. Those two bulls actually got us away from the calving ease stigma. They put live calves on the ground that were tremendous at growing, with all kinds of performance,” Kirk says. “We just had to resist the urge to get them too big in frame, but if you could do that, they made some really nice cows. This is just my opinion, as a guy who has been in the business for 60 years,” he says. “It’s been a great ride. I think that working good cattle on a good horse has always been close to heaven on earth, for me! We’ve raised quite a few Quarter Horses and they all go back to a son of Poco Bueno that a neighbor of mine had, called Trigger Dun. Later on, I got to buy one of the daughters of that old horse. She had a filly with her when I got her. That old mare was about 25 years old, but she had three more babies for me. All the horses that we use around here today go back to that old mare and her babies. They are predominantly Peppy San Badger or Doc Bar bred, and good cow horses. That’s what we use them for; they work for a living,” he says. “Over the years in the Charolais business we’ve met some great people—from all over the world including England and Australia, and old Mexico. We’ve made lifelong friends, and raised two pretty good kids, and now have three granddaughters. The oldest granddaughter is our athlete. But she loves to come help Poppy and Nana work cows and fish. The middle granddaughter shows Charolais and Charolais Composite heifers and the youngest one is just 7 years old and shows mini Herefords—but we’ll get her out of that and into Charolais as soon as she is 9!” He and Peggy slowly added to the size of the ranch over the years, and have done it all with Charolais cattle. “I’ve never seen any breed that couldn’t be improved on by crossing with Charolais. It makes a great cross. We just try to produce efficient grass harvesters,” he says. The cross has tremendous hybrid vigor as well. The results will make the commercial producer money.

“And as long as I can keep him in business, he comes back and buys bulls from me!” Kirk says. Raising Charolais has been an interesting journey and he can’t think of anything else he would have wanted to do. In earlier years he had a little show string and took cattle to various shows. “Back in those days if you had a show string out on the circuit you’d get invited to a lot of consignment sales. I was more interested in going to those sales than I was in trying to win at shows. When you go to a consignment sale and maybe have the top-selling lot or in the top end, you’ll wind up with some people coming to your place to look at cattle,” he explains. There is more exposure that does some good. “When you go to a sale like that, you get to talk to people who are actually interested in buying cattle. It’s not like going to a show where you visit with a lot of people but they are not interested in spending money on cattle. It’s different at a consignment sale. I can remember participating in some of the old Bluebonnet sales and doing really well. I could take my cattle down to Texas and they’d look like giants compared to the Texas cattle, but if I take them up to Kansas they’d look small! As you go farther north, the cattle are bigger, and that always fascinated me,” he says. Back when they were taking bulls to consignment sales there was no internet. “We advertised with our show string,” Peggy says. “I was telling some kids about that at the Cattlemen’s Congress, and they just couldn’t imagine not having the internet! We met some great people, as we went around the country.” Kirk says that if there’s anything he misses about showing its meeting the people. “We have survived, not only by the grace of God, but by continuing to keep up with the latest animal science techniques and also, listening to Mother Nature. We hope to have many more years in this Great White Breed ahead of us.”


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MISS CHAROLAIS USA 2022 Thank You 2022 Miss Charolais USA Program Sponsors­:

Gold Sponsors Annual Sponsors of $250+ Silver Sponsors

Annual Sponsors

American-International Charolais Association Charolais Dees Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md. Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Connell-Henley Farms, Eugene, Mo. Sparks Charolais Farm, LaMonte, Mo. Windy Hill Charolais Farm, Cedar Hill, Mo.

Bronze Sponsors 2022 Contestant Sponsors Iowa Charolais Breeders Association

Miss Charolais USA 2023 contest to be held at the 2022 American Royal.

APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY JULY 31ST! Please download an application from the website.

AWARDS: $1,000 scholarship to Miss Charolais USA. $500 scholarship to the first runner-up. Up to $2,000 in travel expenses paid for Miss Charolais USA. For more information, contact: Jamie Sparks Dehan • 913-544-6128 • www.miss-charolais-usa.webs.com


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2022-2023 NATIONAL

Roll of Excellence Shows Saturday, October 22 American Royal Livestock Show 54th National Show Kansas City, MO November (TBA) North American International Livestock Exposition Louisville, KY Saturday, January 14 National Western Stock Show Pen Shows Denver, CO Monday, January 16 National Western Stock Show (Hill) Denver, CO Saturday, January 28 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Fort Worth, TX

2022-2023 CLASS A

Roll of Excellence Shows Sunday, August 14 Missouri State Fair Sedalia, MO Saturday, August 20 Iowa State Fair Des Moines, IA Saturday, October 8 Keystone International Livestock Exposition Harrisburg, PA

KENTUCKY CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebookcom/Kentucky Charolais Association

BREEDING Quality... Clint & Kelly Hall

Maysville, KY Hillsboro, OH

937-763-0931 606-782-1981

2015 Res. National Champion Female


James, Cathy and HAYDEN FARM Brooke Hayden • Sons of Tank E108P Available Private Treaty

4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005 (502) 507-4984 cell

Montgomery Charolais

Becca, Jenna and Jake 645 Evergreen Rd. Frankfort, KY 40601

D & D Ms. Kennedy 1430

Jeff Harrod: 502-330-6745

Rolling Hills Charolais Ross Embry

Darby Montgomery

36 Thompson Road • Lancaster, KY 40444

859-339-3922 BULLS FOR SALE

2571 Sunbeam Rd. Leitchfield, KY 42754


S.E.A.N.A. Charolais THREE FORKS FARM Frankie Anthony 804 Jarboe LN Hardinsburg, KY 270-617-0888

David Jaggers 633 Winston Road Oakland, Ky. 42159 (270) 991-5787 davidjaggers@rocketmail.com


Candy Sullivan 3440 Ruddles Mill Road Paris, KY 40361

David, Rhonda, Michael & Nicholas 3200 St. Rose Road Lebannon, KY 40033 270-692-7793

Promote Your Program! Space Available Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144

Wednesday, October 19 Northern International Livestock Exposition Billings, MT



Sullivan Charolais

Allison Charolais John Allison

545 Eminence Road New Castle, KY 40050

502-845-2806 502-220-3170

Bulls & Heifers For Sale at the Farm

March (TBA) Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Houston, TX

Monday, January 2 Cattlemen’s Congress Oklahoma City, OK

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Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below. Rogers Bar HR 2022 Spring Turn-Out Bull Sale Hang’n A Cattle Co. Rancher’s Choice 19th Annual Bull Sale Full Circle Cattle Company 2nd Annual Bull Sale Prairie Valley Farm Annual Charolais Bull Sale Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc. 40th Annual Bull Sale Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 41st Annual Bull Sale Missouri Charolais Breeders Association & Bradley Cattle Spring Bull + Female Sale JMAR Genetics & Guests New Beginnings Charolais Bull and Heifer Online Sale Wienk Charolais 53rd Annual Bull Sale J&J Beef Genetics Head of the Class Sale 80th Anniversary Mead Farms All Breeds Bull & Female Production Sale 23rd Annual Sale of Excellence 2022 Appalachian Classic Sale

Rogers Bar HR 2022 Spring Turn-Out Bull Sale

Full Circle Cattle Company 2nd Annual Bull Sale

Collins, Miss  February 26, 2022 Auctioneer: Tommy Barnes, Lowndesboro, Ala.

Dodge City, Kan.  March 19, 2022 Auctioneer: Joe Frazier, McCook, Neb.

Averages: 49 Lots ........................................ $3,944 Total Sale Gross ............................ $193,250 By: Floyd Wampler $5,000 – Bull. HBR Big Mack 206 P, 9-3020, by HBR Big Mack 190 P. To Kurt Rhodes, Pelahatchie, Miss. $5,000 – Bull. HBR Doc Easy 213 P, 10-5-20, by ACE-NCC Doc Easy 355. To Jeff Tate Cattle Co. LLC, Opelousas, La.

$10,000 - Bull. FC Gulf Stream 1024 Pld, 1-5-21, by LT Citation 5228 Pld. To Casey Patterson, Holton, Kan. (2/3 interest)

$5,000 – Bull. HBR Big Mack 224 P, 10-1120, by HBR Big Mack 701 P. To Kurt Rhodes.

$10,000 - Bull. FC Adobe 1096 Pld, 3-1-21, by LT Adobe 6149 Pld. To Sovereign Ranch, Kendall, Kan.

$5,000 – Bull. HBR Doc Easy 259 P, 11-5-20, by HBR Doc Easy 656 P. To Pine Barren Farm, Pine Apple, Ala.

Prairie Valley Farm Annual Charolais Bull Sale

$5,000 – Bull. HBR Autopilot 8964 P, 12-16-19, by HBR Auto Pilot 200 P. To Cruise Charolais, Deatsville, Ala.

Platte, S.D.  April 9, 2022 Auctioneer: Dan Clark, Winner, S.D.

$5,000 – Bull. HBR Benelli 204 P, 2-13-20, by VPI Benelli 510C. To Fogleman Farms, Lake Charles, La.

Othello, Wash.  February 26, 2022 Auctioneer: C.D. Butch Booker, Colfax, Wash.

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Fullerton, Neb.  April 14, 2022 Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell, Neb. Average: 116 Yearling Bulls ...................... $3,696 Total Sale Gross ............................ $428,750 By: Hadley Schotte High-selling lots: $9,000 – Bull. KKK On Target 1302, 2-6-21, by R/V Marksman 7548. To Larson Family Ranch, Hamill, S.D. $9,000 – Bull. KKK Triumph 1305, 2-1721, by SCX Triumph 50B. To Independent Foundation, York, Neb. $7,750 – Bull. KKK On Target 1304, 2-1621, by R/V Marksman 7548. To Dugan Cattle Co., St. Paul, Neb. $7,500 – Bull. FC Kasanova 1204 P ET, 2-10-21, by KKK Kasanova 7307. To Brevig Charolais, Lewistown, Mont.

Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 41st Annual Bull Sale Isabel, S.D.  April 16, 2022 Auctioneers: Lynn and Seth Weishaar, Belle Fouche, S.D.

By: Hadley Schotte High-selling lots: $9,000 – Yearling Bull. PVFC Addie 1114 Pld, 2-22-21, by LT Dakota Rush 5500 P. From Prairie Valley Farm, Platte, S.D. To Schmidt Cattle Company, Gordon, Neb.

Not included in above averages: 69 Angus Bulls .............................. $15,145 Total Sale Gross: ....................... $2,906,000

$7,500 – Yearling Bull. PVFC Niobrara 1135 Pld, 3-26-21, by BHC Niobrara 836 P. From Prairie Valley Farm. To Ryan Guericke, Alexandria, S.D.

By: Ty Groshans High-selling lots: $9,500 – Spring Yearling Bull. UI Tank 152, 1-11-21, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Joziah Olsen, Youngwood, Utah.

$7,250 – Yearling Bull. PVFC Niobrara 1131 Pld, 3-19-21, by BHC Niobrara 836 P. From Prairie Valley Farm. To Greg Vanderpol, Gregory, S.D.

$6,730 – Bull. HACC Blue Venture 063 Pol, 11-15-20 by LT JJ Venture Fund 8904 P. To Tom Null, Odessa, Wash.

Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc. 40th Annual Bull Sale

Averages: 43 Yearling Bulls .............................. $4,199 22 Fall Yearling Bulls ........................ $3,775 65 Lots ........................................ $4,055 Total Sale Gross ............................ $236,600

Averages: 15 Yearling Bulls ............................. $4,866 14 Spring Bulls ................................ $4,521 29 Bulls ...................................... $4,700 5 Open Heifers ................................ $3,850 2 Bred Heifers ................................. $3,000 7 Females ................................... $3,607 Total Sale Gross ........................... $161,550

$7,500 – Open Heifer. HACC Les’s Miss Impressive 108P, 1-11-21, by WCR Icon 756 P. To 3G Farms, Pomeroy, Wash.

Averages: 5 Long Yearling Bulls ....................... $6,300 41 Yearling Bulls ............................. $5,005 46 Lots ........................................ $5,147 Total Sale Gross ........................... $236,750 By: Hadley Schotte High-selling lots: $13,000 - Bull. FC Patriot 1058 Pld ET, 2-2221, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. To Prairie Valley Farms, Platte, S.D.

High-selling lots:

Hang’n A Cattle Co. Rancher’s Choice 19th Annual Bull Sale




$7,500 – Fall Yearling Bull. PVFC Citation 0308 Pld, 9-2-20, by LT Citation 5228 Pld. From Prairie Valley Farm. To Darren VanDestrol, Inwood, Iowa.

$6,750 – Yearling Bull. PVFC Niobrara 1137 Pld, 3-17-21, by BHC Niobrara 836 P. From Prairie Valley Farm. To Kelly Hohn, Woonsocket, S.D. $6,750 – Yearling Bull. PVFC River Ridge 1139 Pld, 3-18-21, by LT River Ridge 6034 Pld. From Prairie Valley Farm. To Neal Richter, Enning, S.D.


Averages: 165 Charolais Bulls ................. $11,279

By: Hadley Schotte High-selling lots: $220,000 – Bull. LT Governor 1560 Pld, 2-3-21, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Wagner Charolais, Nunn, Colo. $130,000 – Bull. LT Justified 1528 Pld, 2-121, by LT Justified 9184 Pld. To Full Circle Cattle Co., Lakin, Kan.; Satterfield Charolais, Norfork, Ark.; C&C Farms, Rosston, Ark.; Spring Valley Ranches, College Station, Texas; Glenn Sellhorst, Freemont, Neb.; R Lazy B Ranch, Nome, N.D. $50,000 – Bull. LT Junction 1264 Pld, 3-1121, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. To R Lazy B Ranch. $46,000 – Bull. LT Badge 1538 Pld, 2-1-21, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau, Alta. and Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. $36,000 – Bull. LT Belmont 1213 ET Pld, 3-7-21, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To C Bar B Charolais, Montpelier, N.D. $36,000 – Bull. LT Cherokee 1635 Pld, 2-721, by LT Ransom 8644. To Miller Land & Cattle, Pierce, Neb.

$32,000 – Bull. LT Powerstroke 1654 Pld, 2-9-21, by KEYS Powermax 57G. To Gutson Ranch, Windsor, Colo. $25,000 – Bull. LT Vortex 1320 Pld, 3-1721, by LT Authority 7229 P. To T&S Strnad Charolais, Formoso, Kan. $25,000 – Bull. LT Triumph 1299 Pld, 4-1421, by SCX Triumph 50B. To Hubert Charolais Ranch, Oakley, Kan.

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association & Bradley Cattle Spring Bull + Female Sale Springfield, Mo.  April 16, 2022 Auctioneer: C.K. Sonny Booth, Miami, Okla. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC, Platte City, Mo. Averages: 15 Bulls ........................................... $2,610 1 Spring Calving Cow ....................... $1,900 11 Cow-Calf Pairs ............................. $2,473 2 Fall Calving Females ..................... $2,250 10 Bred Heifers ............................... $1,875 1 Open Heifer .................................. $1,000 40 Lots ....................................... $2,313 Total Sale Gross ............................. $92,500 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $4,000 – Bull. RCR Ledgers Lunch 2295, 9-12-20, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Ricketts Charolais Ranch, Hallsville, Mo. To Charles B. Johnson, Maynard, Ark. $3,600 – Cow-Calf Pair. LKD Miss Enchanted 617, 4-12-16, by CCC Rocket’s Edge 203 Pld. Bull calf, 3-20-22, by WIA-Conley Insider D9 P. From J&S Ranch, Koshkonong, Mo. To Meek Cattle, Cassville, Mo. $3,500 – Cow-Calf Pair. Cox Miss Worldwide 2542, 3-27-15, by HCR Worldwide 0135 Pld. Heifer calf, 4-16-22, by WIA-Conley Insider D9 P. From J&S Ranch. To Sar-Mey Charolais, Sarcoxie, Mo. $3,500 – Bull. BS Mr Hendrix 20H, 3-7-20, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. From Bradley Cattle, Marshfield, Mo. To Keith Wehmeir, Pleasant Hill, Mo.

JMAR Genetics & Guests New Beginnings Charolais Bull and Heifer Online Sale Appomattox, Va.  April 21, 2022 Averages: 10 Yearling Bulls ........................... $10,990 2 Cow-Calf Pairs ............................... $2,900 5 Bred Cows ..................................... $3,160 7 Open Heifers ................................ $3,650 24 Lots ........................................ $6,565 Not to included in above averages: 1 Flush ............................................ $5,350 3 Embryos .......................................... $525 Total Sale Gross ............................ $164,475 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $48,000 – Yearling Bull. JMAR Jehovah 8M11, 4-17-21, by FTJ Monticello 1806. From JMAR Genetics, Appomattox, Va. To ABS Global, DeForest, Wis. $25,250 – Yearling Bull. JMAR Jubal 5P01, 3-19-21, by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A. From JMAR Genetics. To Sullivan Charolais, Paris, Ky. and JMAR Jubal 5P01 Syndicate, College Station, Texas.

$7,750 – Open Heifer. JMAR Locklyn 6M71, 3-18-21, by FTJ Monticello 1806. From JMAR Genetics. To Rennert Ranch, Elm Creek, Neb. $5,350 – Flush. Fink Vanity 7548, 9-517, by One Penny Blanco Flash 6424. From Desco Charolais Farm, Greencastle, Penn., Keystone Embryo Transfer, Greencastle, Penn., Fink Beef Genetics, Randolph, Kan., Clark Charolais, Denton, Md. To Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, Man. and Highway 21 Group, Acme, Alta. (Proceeds to the Kansas Livestock Association Fire Relief Fund.)

Wienk Charolais 53rd Annual Bull Sale Lake Preston, S.D.  April 30, 2022 Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman, Macomb, Ill. Averages: 82 Yearling Bulls ....................... $6,317 Total Sale Gross: .......................... $518,000 By: Hadley Schotte High-selling lots: $37,000 - Bull. WCR Ranger 115 P, 1-2721, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Keahey Charolais, Grove Hill, AL and Chad Bradford, Thomasville, Ala. $30,000 – Bull. WCR Bold Move 168 P, 2-321, by WC Platinum 8558 P. To Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn. $20,000 – Bull. WCR Buster 166 P, 2-3-21, by Elder’s Blackjack 788B. To Prairie Valley Farm, Platte, S.D. $19,000 – Bull. WCR Idol 185 P, 2-6-21, by PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET. To 4M Land & Cattle, Dustin, Texas. $19,000 – Bull. WCR Primed 1132 P, 2-1621, by WCR Sir Prime Cut 637 ET P. To Keahey Charolais, Grove Hill, Ala., Sykes Farm, Butler, Ala., and Dal-Dav Charolais, Prattville, Ala. $15,000 – Bull. WCR Marshall 1118 P, 2-13-21, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Soreide Charolais, Bowman, N.D. $12,000 – Bull. WCR Gambler 1167 P, 2-2121, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Alan Reeves, Greenville, Tenn.

80th Anniversary Mead Farms All Breeds Bull & Female Production Sale Versailles, Mo.  May 7, 2022 Auctioneers: Jerry Lehmann, Lathrop, Mo.; Wes Tieman, Hallsville, Mo. Averages: 16 Bred Heifers ............................... $2,044 25 Cow-Calf Pairs ............................. $3,092 17 Fall Bred Cows ............................ $2,174 58 Females ................................. $2,534 7 Bulls ....................................... $3,586 Total Charolais Gross ................... $172,050 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $5,000 – Bull. Mead S1719 Rushmore V694, 1-8-21, by Mead Rushmore S1719. To 2D Farm & Ranch, Parnell, Iowa. $4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. Mead R1669 Of 5223 M663, 9-11-17, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Rebred to WCF Mr Silver Gun 467. Bull calf, 11-25-21, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Alan Peace, Lee’s Summit, Mo. $4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. Mead S480 Of 8060 Q593, 11-8-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Rebred to Mead Rushmore V665. Bull Calf, 1-15-22, by Mead Rushmore Q798. To Leonard Froemling, Ava, Ill. $4,000 – Bull. Mead S1719 Rushmore V695, 1-9-21, by Mead Rushmore S1719. To 2D Farm & Ranch.

23rd Annual The Sale of Excellence College Station, Texas  May 7, 2022 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Services, College Station, Texas

Orlando, Okla.  May 1, 2022 Auctioneer: Matt C. Sims, Edmond, Okla. Sale Manager: MCS Auctions Inc., Edmond, Okla.

Averages: ½ Bull ............................................ $10,000 1 Pick of the Herd .......................... $26,000 12 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $3,942 3 Cow-Heifer Calf Splits .................. $10,300 1 Cow-Bull Calf Split ......................... $6,800 5 Bred Cows ..................................... $3,650 6 Bred Heifers .................................. $4,133 17 1/2 Open Heifers ......................... $3,814 2 Open Cows..................................... $4,400 5 ET Heifer Calves ............................ $3,640 53 Lots ........................................ $4,770

Averages: 8 Open Heifers ................................. $5,450 1 Cow/Calf Pair ................................. $7,500 1 Bred Cow ....................................... $4,500 10 Lots ........................................ $5,560

Not included in above averages: 4 Pregnant Recipients ....................... $2,375 36 Embryos ......................................... $318 56 Units of Semen ................................. $31 Total Sale Gross ............................ $275,500

J&J Beef Genetics Head of the Class Sale

Not included in above averages: 1 Flush ............................................. $6,750 2 Pregnancies ................................... $4,500 Total Sale Gross .............................. $71,350 By: Cody Beck High-selling lot: $9,500-Open Heifer. J&J Angelina 1034, 10-11-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 ET Pld. To Webb Family, Tecumseh, Okla.

High-selling lots: $26,000-Pick of the Female Herd. From Fink Beef Genetics, Randolph, Kan. To Ankony Land, Inc., Clarkesville, Ga. $14,500-Cow-Heifer Calf Split. LCC Texas Margaret 1747, 9-3-17, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Heifer calf, 9-1-21, by ABJR New Hank 595 P. From Lehmann Cattle Co., Lathrop, Mo. Cow to LG Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga. for $11,000. Calf to Daniel Wendland, Taft, Texas for $3,500. $9,700-Cow-Heifer Calf Split. SC Ms Cool Patriot 654 P ET, 9-12-16, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Bred to DC/BHD Magillah H33 P. Heifer calf, 9-15-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. From Sparkman Cattle Co., Ennis, Texas. Cow to Link Charolais, Center, Texas for $7,200. Calf to Daniel Wendland for $2,500.


$6,800-Cow-Bull Calf Split. SC Ms Cool Patriot 653 P ET, 9-12-16, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Bred to DC/BHD Magillah H33 P. Bull calf, 9-15-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. From Sparkman Cattle Co. Cow to Kelly Stretcher, Liberty, Texas for $3,800. Calf to Godwin Charolais, Montogomery, Texas for $3,000. $6,000-Cow-Calf Pair. AFG Braxton 0801 B2011 ET, 1-23-20, by Sparrows Braxton 519C. Heifer calf, 2-25-22, by JBC Smokester 816. From Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas. To Shepherd Charolais, Stuart, Iowa. $6,250-Open Heifer. RE Ms B2011 Kincsem 172 P, 1-28-21, by BHD Kincsem B629. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas, Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas, and Rocking S Ranch, Bristow, Okla. To Cole McCurdy, Decatur, Texas. $6,000-Open Heifer. RE Precious Germaine 124 P ET, 1-5-21, by BHD Kincsem B629. From Evans Charolais. To Isaac Hughes, Golden, Miss. (1/2 interest).

2022 Appalachian Classic Sale Knoxville, Tenn.  June 4, 2022 Sale Sponsor: Mountain Empire Charolais Association Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Averages: 3 Two-Year-Old Bulls ....................... $2,867 8 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $2,500 7 Cow-Calf Splits ............................... $2,857 11 Bred Cows ................................... $2,673 14 Bred Heifers ................................ $2,032 13 Open Heifers .............................. $1,865 56 Lots ....................................... $2,334 Not included in above averages: 18 Embryos ......................................... $363 10 Units of Semen ............................... $25 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $5,000 – Bred Heifer. Reaves Ms Fronie 2067, 11-2-20, by RBM Fargo Y111. Bred to Reaves Braxton 2049. From Reaves Charolais, Greeneville, Tenn. To Testerman Charolais, Hinton, W.Va. $5,000 – Bred Cow. OHF Smoking H816 ET, 8-16-18, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. Bred to Welcome Grove Rave 1824 ET. From OakHill Farm, Dawsonville, Ga. To Bella Angel Farms, Yantis, Texas. $4,000 – Bred Cow. OHF New Windy H831 ET, 8-31-18, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. Bred to Welcome Grove Rave 1824 ET. From OakHill Farm. To Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, Texas. $3,600 – Cow-Heifer Split. CMF 94E Windy 128G, 9-21-19, by LT Affinity 6221 Pld. Heifer calf, 9-11-21, by FTJ Cascade 1508. From OakHill Farm. Cow to Bradford Agriculture, Thomasville, Ala. for $2,200. Heifer calf to Bradford Agriculture for $1,400. $3,500 – Bred Cow. OHF Vanessa G825 ET, 8-25-17, by LHD Cigar E46. Bred to M6 Law & Order 577 P. From Reaves Charolais. To Bruce Roy, Mansura, La.

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 



AIJCA MEMBERSHIP Ohio Cattlemen’s Association BEST

Division II and Third Overall Champion Owned Heifer: DCC Ms Rosie 2113, 10-20-21, by CAG CC Sideline 7063E ET. Jayden Mata, Asherton, Texas

Marysville, Ohio  May 10, 2022 Champion Heifer: Painter Cathy J10, 3-11-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Olivia Wood, Long Bottom, Ohio. Reserve Champion Heifer: RCF Blue Fire, 3-1-21, by LHC Bell’s Fire 9035 P. Ellis Davis, Hillsboro, Ohio. Champion Percentage Heifer: BDCC AGRF Viola 90J, 3-27-21, out of PZC Diva 6139 ET. Gabe Montgomery, Newark, Ohio. Champion Charolais Steer: Trenton Braska, Shelby, Ohio. Reserve Champion Charolais Steer: Kendra Marty, Creston, Ohio.

Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show Bryan-College Station, Texas  May 29-30, 2022 Judge: Kyndal Reitzenstein, Fort Collins, Colo.; Owned Heifer Show Judge: Jim Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. Division V and Grand Champion Owned Heifer: LJR Ms Jill 3144J ET, 4-20-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Jaycee Hueske, Dayton, Texas Division VI , Reserve Grand Champion Owned Heifer, Division IV and Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: JF BHSC Cardi Brightside 02J, 2-28-21, by DTR Mr Brightside 1107G2. Jase Fortner, Hillister, Texas

Reserve Division V and Fourth Overall Champion Owned Heifer: LJR LL Ms Jungle Juice 3089JET, 3-30-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Emily Fraser, Alvord, Texas Division IV and Fifth Overall Champion Owned Heifer: LJR Ms Tiger 3164J ET, 5-2-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lexi Huse, Elm Mott, Texas Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull: F5 Buzz 136 ET Pld, 10-4-21, by JAB Around Here Buzz 657 Pld. Audrey Field, Telephone, Texas Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull: RSD Better Than Gold 6721, 6-7-21, by GC Mr Gold Rush 805 P. Raley Downing, Troy, Texas Prospect and Grand Champion Steer: Zane Potter, Porter, Texas Progress and Reserve Grand Champion Steer: Cannon Potter, Porter, Texas Reserve Prospect Steer: Grace Potter, Porter, Texas Reserve Progress Steer: Jayden Mata Grand Champion Composite Heifer: LJR Ms Rumor Wrecker 93J, 7-27-21, out of LJR Ms Randi 2716G ET. Jade Stone, Stanton, Texas Reserve Grand Champion Composite Heifer: LJR Ms Misinterpreted 2823J, 9-30-21, by LJR Mr Culture Shock 2498E. Molly Hackstedt, Needville, Texas

Division III and Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: JF BHSC Cardi Brightside 96J, 6-30-21, by DTR Mr Brightside 1107G2. Jase Fortner, Hillister, Texas. Reserve Division III and Third Overall Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: RWDE Impressive 712, 6-14-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kynan DeMoss, Bowie, Texas Division V and Fourth Overall Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: MSL Ms Oakley 017, 9-12-20, by SHF Absolute 1508. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas Division I and Fifth Overall Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: CNH Nova 01K, 1-6-22, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas Showmanship: James K Greer Supreme Showmanship Grand Champion - Jaycee Hueske and Reserve Grand Champion – Carson Carter, Iola, Texas; Senior Division – Champion: Carson Carter; Reserve Champion: Naomi Browning, Houston, Texas; Intermediate Division – Champion: Jaycee Hueske; Reserve Champion: Harlie Groom, Rio Vista, Texas; Junior Division – Champion: McKenna Mutson, Brigg Jones, Pecan Gap, Texas;

Indiana Junior Charolais Preview Show Veedersburg, Indiana  May 21, 2022 Judge: Doug Thurnau, Ramsey, Ill. Grand Champion Heifer: AAHH Miss Resource 9J, 3-10-21, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Jack Witter, Bath, Ind.

Texas Junior Charolais Association Show

Grand Champion Female

Grand Champion Steer

Grand Champion Bred & Owned

Grand Champion Percentage Female

Grand Champion Bull

Supreme Showman


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2


Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: 1924 Legends Flower Pld, 5-5-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld. Hayden Neagle, Fountain City, Ind. Grand Champion Born & Raised Heifer: KC Miss Randi 2129 Pld, 11-13-21, by D&D Firepower 1910 Pld ET. Clint Krug, Wingate, Ind. Grand Champion Composite Heifer: SCC Peaches 1034, 9-13-20, out of SCC Nicole 779D. Bryson Snyder, Reelsville, ind. Reserve Grand Champion Composite Heifer: SCC Dana 1055, 4-5-21, by SCC White Walker 822E ET. Bryson Snyder. Champion Steer: Logan Downey, Hope, Ind. Reserve Champion Steer: Aubrey Neagle, Fountain City, Ind. Grand Champion Bred & Owned Steer: Madilyn McCain, Delphi, Ind. Grand Champion Bull: KC Powerstorm 2104 Pld, 2-9-21, by D&D Firepower 1910 Pld ET. Clint Krug. Showmanship: Senior Champion – Clint Krug; Intermediate Champion – Jack Witter, Reserve – Madysen Bush, Darlington, Ind.; Junior Champion – Logan Downey, Reserve – Aubrey Neagle; Novice Champion – Parker Hadden, Reelsville, Ind., Reserve – Madilyn McCain.

to breed quality Charolais





Smokester daughter


Working Together

C H A R O L A I S B R E E D E R S www.tennesseecharolais.com

Welcome Grove Impressive (1321)

BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 Donor Female

Cigar Daughter

EJ Impressive Smoke 881P

The Cattleman’s Source

Commercial Cowman’s directory on where to buy Charolais Bulls

Deadline: August 1

GP Ms Cigar L02 ET

B&B Farms

Carl J. Boynton 984 Will Blankenship Road Pikeville, TN 37367 423-290-9458

Garrett Charolais Billy Garrett 5087 HWY 70E Crossville, TN 38555 931-456-5600

M6 Ms New Fire 3105 P

M6 New Phelps 1104 P x M6 Nancy Water 1168 Genetics Include: Rio Bravo; New Standard; Gain & Grade; Fire Water; 0383, Nancy 6100. Welcome Grove choice from M6 Dispersal - Donor Female

Silas Maxwell

1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072

Little W Farm Contact Your Field Representative or the Charolais Journal Office Today!

A Quality Program M6 Law & Order 577 P

BC E46 Duke B01 P ET Cigar x Duke 914


EPDs: 5.9 0.9 59 97 15 5.8 45 1.1

Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler

Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program! Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040

M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100

CE 7.8

BW 0.2

WW 64

YW 118

M 30

TM 62

REA Marb 0.87 0.13

High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale!

M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET (EF1149859) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow CE 8.9

BW 1.5

WW 69

YW 124

M 39

TM 74

The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush.

Our Choice to head up our ET Program.

MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET (F1022001)

CCF/Bamboo Smokin Joe 5334 ET

VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET


Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais

CE 2.1

BW 1.4

WW 57

YW 106

M 35

TM 63

es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves

5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245 Kyle.reaves63@aol.com J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 




Carol, daughter of Oscar and Nettie (Nelson) Casper, was born December 19, 1940. She grew up on a farm south of Lake Preston and graduated from Lake Preston High School in 1958. A week after her high school graduation, Carol married, Arnold Wienk, on June 1, 1958 at the Lake Preston Lutheran Church. That same year, they purchased their first Charolais, and Arnold would often say, “In 1958, I got the two loves of my life.” Together, Carol and Arnold established Wienk Charolais, and raised five daughters, Deb, Kim, Peggy, Jody, and Amy, on the farm where Arnold was born and raised. For decades, Arnold and Carol hosted a bull sale on the farm, with friends and customers gathering to look over their Charolais cattle and spend time with the Wienk family. Attendees loved Carol’s potato salad and pumpkin bars, served alongside burgers cooked over an open fire. The family’s Charolais business took Arnold and Carol around the world. Together, the couple visited Spain, France, England, Holland, Belgium, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, and across the United States. They often took the girls along as they attended AICA events over the years. Carol was passionate about promoting beef, and she was an active member of the SD Cattlemen’s Auxiliary, SD Beef Industry Council, American National CattleWomen, SD Charolais Association, and she was one of the founders of the Charolais Dees. Arnold and Carol always had an open invitation for visitors at the farm, and Carol loved welcoming foreign exchange students, collegiate livestock judging teams, and countless guests to her home over the years. As a member of the Lake Preston UCC, she was a Sunday school teacher and was involved in the church fellowship group. Carol’s five children, 16 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren would often find her in the kitchen or out in the garden. She loved to be surrounded by her peacocks and beautiful flowers. Arnold and Carol found joy in growing food together for the family, as well. Carol’s Christmas Charolais cut-out sugar cookies simply could not be beat, and her mouse ornaments gifted to each grandchild will be enjoyed for generations. Carol and Arnold moved to Brookings in 2017, and they enjoyed attending SDSU basketball games together and spending time at the cabin surrounded by family at Lake Poinsett. Grateful for having shared her life is her husband, Arnold; her daughters, Deb (Al) Vedvei, Lake Preston; Kim (Scott) Jensen, Lake Preston; Peggy (Dave) Nolz, Mitchell; Jody (Jeff) Eschenbaum, Lake Preston; Amy (Russ) Bailey, Custer; her grandchildren, Corrie, Stacie, Melanie, Danielle, Dannica, Amanda, Courtney, Kaley, Sterling, Ty, Calder, Stetson, Rhett, Rheann, and Rheo; her 23 great-grandchildren; her brother, David (Roxann) Casper; her twin sister, Caren (Roger) Hoyer; her in-laws, Gloria Wienk, Vince (Micky) 148

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

Wienk, Jerry Fyler, Susan (Ken) Everson, and Janet (John) Koller; and many nieces and nephews. Carol was preceded in death by her parents, Nettie and Oscar Casper; her in-laws, LeRoy and Frances Wienk; her brothers, Richard Casper and Roger Casper; and her grandsons, Denton Jensen (passed in infancy), and Calder Eschenbaum. Obituary

Donald Russell Mellott was born June 5, 1944, in Seymour, Indiana, and went to be with the Lord on May 20, 2022, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the age of 77. Don was preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Gloria (Bradshaw) Mellott. Don is survived by his wife, Janet, whom he married on May 29, 1964; his children: Janette (Sam) VanMeter, Angela Davis, Stephen (Michal) Mellott, and Christina (Kevin) Harris; his grandchildren: Sarah Davis, Bradley (Shelby) Davis, Dane VanMeter, Samantha (Chris) Erickson, Lilly Mellott, Madeline Mellott, Ella Harris, Olivia Harris, Emmi Harris, Luke Harris, and Leia Harris; great grandchildren: Kennedy Davis, Lincoln Davis, and Harper Davis; his sister, Sheryl (John) McGuire; mother-in-law, Wanda Nye, brother-in-law, Monte (Susan) Nye, and nieces. Don graduated from Will Rogers High School in 1962 and earned honors as an Oklahoma high school all-state football player and high school AllAmerican running back. He received a full, four-year football scholarship to the University of Oklahoma. In 2015, Don was inducted into the Will Rogers High School Hall of Fame. Throughout his lifetime Don was a successful entrepreneur and businessman. Don has been a principal owner in five businesses. In 1988, he started Heater Specialists (HSI), an integrated single-source manufacturer of refinery equipment. In 1993, Don started Mohawk Field Services (MFSI) specializing in the erection, revamp, repair and installation of heaters, boilers, and other refinery equipment. Don’s experience and leadership grew HSI and MFSI to the industry leading companies they are today. In 1978, Don and Janet started Fox Hollow Farms, a purebred Charolais seedstock operation. Fox Hollow has had many champion animals, including the 1986-87 Show Heifer of the Year, and the 43rd Role of Excellence sire. Don was the Charolais Superintendent at the Tulsa State Fair for many years. Fox Hollow continues to be a premier breeder of Charolais genetics. Along with being a successful businessman and rancher, Don had a heart for service and philanthropy and gave to many ministries and individuals. He served as a deacon at Glad Tidings Assembly and Faith Assembly of God. He helped start and was a board member of New Life Christian Academy, a private school in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. He also served on the Peggs school board and was a founding Board Member of the Tulsa Dream Center.






Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168



JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail: bbr@citlink.net www.brokenboxranch.com

BJR Summerford Charolais

Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934

OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”

OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534 oakhillfarmga@tds.net www.oakhillfarmga.com

Cattle For Sale Private Treaty

Robert A. Summerford II 148 West Pike Road Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5255 Bus. (256) 758-0653 Cell Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: bjrsummerford@charter.net www.bjrsummerford.com

C O L O R A D O Chris Matthew • 719 468 8100 Malinda Matthew• 719-980-2852 31213 CO Rd MM • LaJunta, CO 81050

BJR Register 6132 ET P


horsecreekcharolais.com Annual Bull Sale Last Tuesday in March Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama

Your Herd Bull Source

Keahey Charolais Quality Charolais Since 1987

Bull Sale • Nov. 5, 2022 Letohatchee, Ala.

BW 0.5

WW 70

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 134 31 5.1 66 1.3

CW REA FAT 37 .90 .009

MB .13

Bred For

Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345 prewittranch@gmail.com


Herd Sire Limited Semen

RDK Samson 037P ‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Downey Charolais CE 4.6

15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733

TSI 275.37

WCR Ranger 115 P‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Wienk Charolais CE 9.4

BW -0.7

WW 66

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 132 25 9.0 58 1.0

CW REA FAT 34 .71 .010

MB .03

TSI 272.97

WCR Primed 1132 P ‑Owned with Downey Charolais, Sykes Farm, Wienk Charolais CE 13.5

BW -3.0

WW 61

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 113 25 4.3 55 1.2

CW REA FAT 24 .50 .012

MB .13

TSI 256.24

Heart J Royal Ranger 1743‑Owned with Heart-J Charolais, Chad Bradford CE 7.2

BW -1.4

WW 77

YW MILK MCE MTL SC 134 21 6.6 59 .8

CW REA FAT 40 1.10 .040

MB .04

TSI 271.80

Bobby & Pam Keahey

H 251-275-8137 P.O. Box 207 C 334-456-2547 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail: bobby@williamskeahey.com

MV Limestone

Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523

Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 





Curfman Farms


Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty SAT LT Ridge 9238 P PVF Ridge 7142 x LT Brenda 2184 Pld

Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (641) 990-3065 martylewis81@gmail.com

Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340

64 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213


Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711







Breeding Charolais since 1956

BAR S Ranch

InnovativeSince Beef1945Production

Bullard Cattle

24502 N. 1050 East Road Cornell, IL 61319

Paul Cell: 815-343-9380 Sharlene Cell: 815-343-9381 Email: bullard@crtelco.net



“Charolais Since 1960”

Producing quality breeding stock for 62 years.


bars@gorhamtel.com Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335

Fancy Creek Charolais

1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269




Charolais • SimAngus • Composites

Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell


Females and bulls for sale private treaty www.schraderranch.com

Purebred Charolais Since 1968

The Don Olsen Family

17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 785-313-2913 • 785-313-2975 fancycreek@kansas.net www.fancycreekcharolais.com

Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas

On Facebook:

The Bertsche Family 17052 N 400 East Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740

Megan, Lori & Galen Fink

Dale (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 674-2397 Trent (815) 992-0282 Nick (815) 822-4417 “We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”

15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 finkbull1@twinvalley.net www.finkbeefgenetics.com Bull Sale • Oct. 15

Beef Genetics

T&S Strnad Charolais

785-794-2471 home 785-243-8600 mobile

tsstrnad@nckcn.com www.tsstrnadcharolais.com

WOODEN CROSS CATTLE CO. Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712

Hubert Charolais Ranch Raising Charolais Since 1962 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell




510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-2540



PUREBRED CHAROLAIS ­– ANGUS Corey Vaughan – (316) 213-5484 14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037 Corey@3Ncattle.com vaughanfamilyranch.com


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

TS Derringer H038

Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873

3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078 shadowspringsfarm@comcast.net


...building a program around proven genetics

28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 • www.beaverscharolais.com



BC BEAVERS CHAROLAIS Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers

557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063 woodencross@fhrd.net www.WoodenCrossCattleCo.com

Hanover, Kansas 66945


LeAnna Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896

14806 National Pike Clear Spring, MD 21722 301.331.7300



Wagon Wheel Charolais Ray D. Winz & Sons

ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or


Dybdal Charolais

72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.

Larry & Krista Dybdal

88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 kldybdal@nntc.net

West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 750 - 8708 78939 Hwy 10 • Loup City, NE 68853

Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.



Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE Females, Embryos, Semen Private Treaty 402-273-4236 • jkfred@sscg.net


M I N N E S O T A Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 Family Farming Since 1937


Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield • (507) 402-4640 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072


Ranch Phone (308) 458-2540 Matt Hebbert (308) 458-8812 Lacy Hebbert (308) 458-8823

www.HebbertRanch.com Rifle Creek Cattle Company, LLC.



--Purebred Charolais Since 1980-Riley (308) 880-0828 Steph (308) 880-0681 Ranch (308) 749-2553


Schurrtop Angus & Charolais

Franz Ranch 47 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business

Ray, Jon & David Franz

Sure Performance Cattle


13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740


Rambur Charolais

Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April

RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: rc1@midrivers.com website: www.ramburchar.com

40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941 Jerry (308) 530-9652

Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178

Total Performance Brand www.wagonhammer.com

Total Outcross Performance Genetics


Wagonhammer Ranches RC Denver

Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505) 220-9909 • bill@billkingranch.com Tom Spindle–Foreman (505) 321-8808


Female Sale November 18


Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico

T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 | tlgrau@hotmail.com

Colten Grau 575-760-4510

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 








Production Sale • October 29 30

Your Source for White & Red Factor Genetics Lawton, North Dakota Since 1979 Denae: 605-237-0526

Lane: 701-351-3298


2234 State Hwy 7 East Center, TX 75935 (903) 754-0764

NIPP CHAROLAIS, LLC Curtiss & Brenda Nipp P.O. Box 239 Wilson, OK 73463 (580) 668-3332 nippcharolais@yahoo.com


Bull Sale • Oct. 30 President- Chris Link

Office Manager- Caroline Link


P E N N SY LVA N I A Caleb Boscamp

DAREN STATLER, DVM 6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453 darenstatler@centurylink.net www.descocharolaisfarm.com

Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959

Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office

(830) 857-5189

Julie Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959

(830) 857-5129


Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104 ekrinc@srt.com


SOUTH CAROLINA Nubbin Ridge Farm

Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694

Castleberry Hill Top C Charolais LLC Pasture Proven Genetics Since 1962 Kirk & Peggy Castleberry 873 County Road 1440 Ninnekah, OK 73067 405.574.2685 Cell

Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Mr Donald Trump 716 P M863369 - Smokester x Full Sister 914 NRF Sir Ledger 736 P M876349 - Ledger x Smokester x Rich Lady 6198 West Oak Hwy Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell

WC VULCAIN 422 P ET EM854233

BJCFHAMM Anderson Mogo J810 B1 P Full French French Full Outcross Dam Bulls for the Gulf Coast!

Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P


CE: 3.5 BW: 1.3 WW: 71 YW: 131 M: 20 MCE: 4.4 TM: 56 TSI: 268

Visitors Welcome

Full French & Purebred Genetics

Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com

David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756 Email: webbcharolais@gmail.com

Registered Charolais

DPC Copy White 087C ET Ethan Propp

Adair, Oklahoma 918-864-6567 epropp11@gmail.com


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

Herd Sires SAT Fargo 8017 P DC/JDJ Armored G258P WIA Forman 010P Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584

Michael & Lauren Sturgess Ranch located near LaRue, TX 407 Breesport St • San Antonio, TX 78216 Mob: 210-867-6863 Email: msturgess@southernlivestock.com Jay Sturgess – 903-681-0725 www.SturgessDoubleS.com Ranch located 12 miles Southeast of Athens, TX on US Hwy 175, then 1 mile South on FM 2588.



Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale

Agricola Knoll Farm

Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers

Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 841-2792

40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female

Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (281) 467-4710 • (713) 444-5708 • (713) 204-4903 ramro@comcast.net

Rafael Ortega • Owner Striving towards excellence in Charolais since 1996

Billy Stein, Manager (979) 200-1300 Tyson Hann (979) 324-6659 • tyson@svrtx.com • Roy W. Hann Jr. www.svrtx.com • Ranch Located Near Gause


Registered Charolais Cattle Mike & Terri Suchodolski 3676 Elon Road Monroe, VA 24574 Agricolaknoll@aol.com 434.384.5832 home 434.660.2793 cell

Raul Montez • Manager

Time Proven Genetics

39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (832) 331-6800

1824 Comal Ridge Dr • College Station, TX 77845


Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent

CF Ms Duke 996

Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771

Duke K09 x Ali Mark


S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais

Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans


1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240 David_Skeans@hotmail.com www.skeanscattle.com


2020 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794

(936) 439-0270 Reed (281) 889-2626 reed.dees@att.net

K&K Charolais Ranch Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas

Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673

Don & Kathy Schill • (903) 388-1342 465 FCR 781 • Donie, TX 75838


4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791 mattamos44@hotmail.com

Luke Amos 360-749-3330 oldtimer828@q.com Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais

Hang’n A Cattle Company TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College

R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285 www.tvcc.edu/agriculture

(972) 529-8723



Fall Bull Sale • October 20 P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: thomasra@gte.net Web: www.thomascharolais.com Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936

Castle Rock, WA

Dennis Charolais

...easy calving...    ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P

Alan & Leslie Alexander Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151 - Alan www.hangnacattle.com Follow us on Facebook

CCC Resurrection 840 P

Rancher’s Choice Bull & Female Sale 4th Saturday in February Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle

Reach Potential Customers Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $35/issue $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $365 $313 2 inch - 11x rate: $70/issue $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $730 $627

• Each additional inch: $35/issue $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 











580 FM 1810 Decatur, Texas 76234 Mobile (972) 839-6485

S U P P L I E S Tommy Barnes Auctioneer

189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004

will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!

SULLIVAN SUPPLY Livestock Grooming Products

Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154 www.sullivansupply.com


SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)

ELECTRIC FENCING • MIRACO WATERERS • WEIGHING & EID 1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.


Video Production & Editing Photography Editing Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 • crutchercattleco@gmail.com

Download Linde’s App!

Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More!

Order Photos www.lindeslivestockphotos.com


J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers www.gallagherusa.com 1-800-531-5908


Office: 817.562.8980 Cell: 815.762.2641 Fax: 817.562.8981 4812 McBreyer Place, Fort Worth, TX 76244-6083


Results Matter!

Greg & Brenda Hubert

P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-7449 greghubert@st-tel.net


Professional Charolais Sales Management

– averaged $4245 –


TRI N CHAROLAIS “CHANGING OF THE GUARD SALE” – average $11, 804 Canadian $’s –

“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”


Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324 ccmosu@msn.com

– averaged $4350 –


Have you planned your advertising?

– averaged $5050 –

Over 40 years of evaluation, selection and marketing!


August 2022 Junior National Issue

CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”

Home: (931) 389-6865

Deadlne: June 25

123 Earl Warren Rd Cell: Beechgrove, TN 37018 (931) 842-1234 E-mail: bob@bob-morton.com

September 2022 Deadlne: July 25

Mark Your Calender!

Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Hadley Schotte (785) 562-6632 Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104

60 Years in the Charolais Business Contact us for Sale Catalogs!


Southern Connection Sale

Deadline for Consignments: August 1

David Hobbs (913) 515-1215 J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2 


AICA Events July 27-August 4 – Charolais Charbray International Youth Program Kansas City, Mo. July 28-31 – CharFocus Inaugural Youth Leadership Conference Manhattan, Kan. August 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for September 2022 Genetic Analysis August 14 – Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show Sedalia, Mo. August 20 – Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show Des Moines, Iowa


CALENDAR July 2022

July 7–17 — Charolais World Congress, United Kingdom. Contact: David Hobbs, AICA. July 27–August 4 — Charolais Charbray International Youth Program, Kansas City, Mo. July 28–31 — CharFocus Inaugural Youth Leadership Conference, Manhattan, Kan. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA. July 30 — Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Mo.

August 2022

August 27 – Tennessee State Charolais Show & Junior Heifer Show Lebanon, Tenn.

October 6 — Virginia Tech Leading Ladies In Hokie Nation Online Sale. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole.

August 12 — Illinois State Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill. August 13 — 5J Charolais Open House, at the farm, Syracuse, Mo. Contact: David or Kevin Johansen.

August 15 — 5J Charolais Kickstart The Next Generation Sale. SC Online Sales. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing. August 15 — State Fair of West Virginia Open Charolais Show, Lewisburg, W. Va. August 20 — Iowa State Fair Class A Roll of Excellence Show, Des Moines, Iowa. August 23 — Appalachian Fair Open Charolais Show, Gray, Tenn.

J U N E/J U L Y 2 0 2 2

October 8 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A Roll of Excellence Show, Harrisburg, Pa. October 8 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Center, Knoxville, Tenn. Sale Sponsors: Georgia-Florida Charolais Association, South Carolina Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 11 — The Lineup Sale Hosted by White Rose Charolais & Hill Brothers Livestock. CK Online Sales. Contact: Roger Hinrichs or Paul Hill. October 15 — Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Female Sale. 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas. October 15 — Aschermann Charolais 35th Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann. October 15 — Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Contact: Bruce Bradley. October 15 — Cannon Charolais Ranch Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, Noon, at the ranch, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

August 31 — Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb.

October 15 — Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.

September 2022

October 15 — Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.

September 3 — Minnesota State Fair Open Charolais Show, St. Paul, Minn.

October 15 — The ONE Sale, Sulphur Springs Livestock Auction, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

September 5 — 29th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, Noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

October 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2022 Genetic Analysis.

August 5 — Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind.

August 30 — South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Huron, S.D.


October 2022

October 1 — Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tulsa, Okla.

August 27 — Tennessee State Charolais Show & Junior Heifer Show, Tennessee State Fair, Lebanon, Tenn.


October 21 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 8 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show Hale Arena, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Contact: Jeannine Doughty or David Hobbs.

August 1–3 — Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station, Texas.

August 27 — Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky.

M o r e o n t h e W e b:

September 26 — Wienk Charolais Pursuit of Excellence Female Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Contact: Jeff, Sterling, Ty or Stetson Eschenbaum.

August 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for September 2022 Genetic Analysis.

August 23–25 — JMAR Genetics & Guests Semen & Embryo Inventory Reduction Sale. CK Online Sales. Contact: Jim Johnson

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with affiliate event dates.

October 21 — L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Best of the South Black & White Pearl Female Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon, Jr., Sky Herndon or Kevin Asbury.

October 1 – Bradley Cattle & Hankins Farms Charolais & Red Angus Fall Colors Sale, Hankins Sale Facility, Republic, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.

August 14 — Missouri State Fair Class A Roll of Excellence Show & Open Percentage Charolais Female Show, Sedalia, Mo.

Affiliate Events

September 24 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus Eleventh Annual Female Sale, 1p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.

September 6 — Wright Charolais Online Fall Bred Heifer Sale. CK Online Sales. Contact: Chris Peuster or Derry Wright. September 16 — Kansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan. September 17 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

October 19–20 — American-International Charolais Association Committee Meetings & Fall Board of Directors Meeting, Kansas City Airport Marriott, Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Miranda Hoag, AICA. October 19 — Grand Hills Cattle Production Sale. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing. October 19 — Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A Roll of Excellence Show & Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Billings, Mont. October 19–20 — American-International Charolais Association Committee Meetings & Fall Board of Directors Meeting. Kansas City Airport Marriott Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.


October 21 — Royal Collection Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC. October 21 — Meadows Creek Farm Arcadia Black & White Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows. October 22 — American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show, 8:00 a.m., Kansas City, Mo. October 22 — 54th National Charolais Show, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 22 — L.G. Herndon, Jr. Farms Best of the South 4th Annual Black & White Bull Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon, Jr, Sky Herndon or Kevin Asbury. October 22 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale. Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. October 22 — State Fair of Texas Open Charolais Show, Dallas, Texas. October 25 — BJR Summerford Online Bull Sale. CK Online Sales. Contact: Robert or Alan Summerford. October 28 — Virginia Tech 28th Annual Hokie Harvest Sale. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole. October 29 — Fox Hollow Farms Fall Production Sale Volume 2, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Hulbert, Okla. Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham. Contact: Stephen Mellott. October 29 — Plyler & Son Get The Brand Volume 7 Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Southern Arkansas University, Story Arena, Magnolia, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Caleb Plyler. October 29 — Wild Indian Acres Fall Bull Sale, Interstate Regional Stockyards, Cuba, Mo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. October 30 — Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale Al Breeds Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Harrison, Ark. Contact: Luke Mobley

November 2022 November 5 — Brands of Recognition Bull & Replacement Female Sale, Savannah, Tenn. Contact: Luke Mobley. November 5 — The Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Mid-State Stockyard, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey. November 5 — The Wright Charolais Fall Event Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. November 7 — Sandmeier Charolais Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female Sale at the ranch, Bowdle, N.D. Contact: Calvin or Matthew Sandmeier. November 9 — Dynamic Z Charolais Inaugural Online Female Sale. CK Online Sales. Contact: Gib Zahren. November 12 — Oklahoma Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Union Stockyards, McAlester, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2022 ISSUE

The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.

November 18 — Wagonhammer Ranch Total Package Female Sale, Bartlett, Neb. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman, Macomb, Ill. Sale Manager: CK Sales and Marketing. November 19 — Sonderup Charolais Ranch Inc. Foundation Female Sale, at the ranch, Fullerton, Neb. Contact: Tom Sonderup. November 20 — Rennert Ranch/Heart-J CharLay Maternal Legacies Sale Volume 2, Kearney, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Printz. Consultant: Mitchell Management.

December 2022 December 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2023 Genetic Analysis. December 2 — Meadows Creek Farm 17th Annual It’s All Black & White Bull & Female Sale, Montgomery Stockyard, Montgomery, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows. December 2 — Schurrtop Ranch Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, Tri-State Livestock, McCook, Neb. Contact: Marty, Ryan, Jerry or Kay Schurr. December 3 — 31st Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. December 3 — Ridder Farms Family Values Female Sale & Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing. December 3 — Uwharrie Ridge Farms Bull Sale, Snow Camp, N.C. Contact: Mark Wilburn. December 10 — Shepherd Charolais Second Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., WCC Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.

BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White 1x   11x 1 page $750 $650 2/3 page 550 485 1/2 page (h) 450 375 1/2 page (v) 500 400 1/3 page 300 250 1/4 page 250 200 1/6 page 200 150 1 inch 50 35 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $30 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 After deadline charge 100

February 17 — R Lazy B Ranch Charolais Production Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Contact: Robert Birklid. February 25 — Shepherd-Shamburg Charolais & Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Stuart, Iowa. Contact: Sara Shepherd or Dan Shamburg.

March 2023 March 4 — Mead Farms Spring Performance Tested Bull Sale, Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. March 4 — Peterson Farms Charolais 30th Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, 1 p.m. Peterson Farms Sale Facility, Mtn. Grove, Mo. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. March 11 — Wright Charolais 16th Annual Bull Sale, Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 25 — 8 Story Farms 5th Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Daviess County Livestock, Gallatin, Mo. Contact: Austin or Courtney Story. March 25 — Wild Indian Acres Annual Spring Bull Sale, Interstate Regional Stockyards, Cuba, Mo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

April 2023 April 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for ay 2023 Genetic Analysis.

Difficult ads requiring substantial extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion.

April 1 — AICA Herd Enrollment Deadline

May 2023 May 13 — Mead Farms Female Sale, noon, Mead sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.

CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.

December 13 — Jackson Cattle Company Holiday Edition Online Heifer Sale. Contact: Jeff Jackson.

DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.

December 17 — Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.

CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.

January 2023 January 2 — Cattlemen’s Congress Class A Roll of Excellence Show and Junior Charolais & Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, 8 a.m., Oklahoma City, Okla. January 3 — Cattlemen’s Congress Charolais Heifer & Bull Pen Show, 9 a.m., Oklahoma City, Okla. January 14 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo.

ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.

January 14 — 44th National Charolais Sale, National Western Stock Show, H. W. Hutchison Family Stockyards Event Center, Denver, Colo. Consultants: CK Marketing & Sales; JWC Marketing. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. January 15 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Shows, Denver, Colo. January 16 — National Western Stock Show National Roll of Excellence Show, Denver, Colo. January 28 — Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo National Roll of Excellence Charolais Show, Fort Worth, Texas.

February 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for March 2023 Genetic Analysis. February 1–3 — The Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattleman’s Beef Association Trade Show, New Orleans, La.



February 2023

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.

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21 Ranch........................................... 152 4C Amos Charolais............................. 153 8 Story Farms....................................... 43 5J Charolais......................................... 43 Agricola Knoll Farm............................ 153 Akin Charolais.................................... 149 Allison Charolais................................ 143 Ankony........................................... 49, 50 Arlitt Ranch............................................ 5 Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi........... 43 B & B Farms...................................... 147 Barnes, Tommy.................................. 154 Bar J Charolais............................... 7, 152 Bar S Ranch....................................... 150 Beavers Charolais.............................. 150 Bella Angel Farms.................................. 5 Big Creek Charolais.............................. 43 Bina Charolais................................... 152 BioZyme...................................... 47, 154 Bill King Ranch............................ 31, 151 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch............ 152 Bovine Elite, LLC................................ 154 Bracewell Cattle Co............................ 152 Bradford Agriculture............................ 30 Bradley Cattle....................................... 43 Broken Box Ranch............................. 149 Bullard Cattle..................................... 150 C&C Farms........................................... 33 CK Sales & Marketing..................... 21, 25 Cardinal Charolais............................. 149 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais....... 152 Cattleman, The.................................. 154 Charolais Association of Texas............ 152 Charolais Banner .............................. 154 Clayford Ranch Charolais................... 152 Clifton, Greg....................................... 154 Condra Charolais Farms.................... 147 Corman Charolais ............................... 43 Crawley, Gary G.................................. 154 Crews Farms...................................... 153 Cross Mountain Cattle Co..................... 40 Crutcher, Matt.................................... 154 Curfman Farm................................... 150 Dal-Dav Charolais................................ 30 DeBruycker Charolais.......................... 40 Dennis Charolais Farm...................... 153 158

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DESCO Charolais Farm................ 16, 152 Domek Charolais............................... 151 Double R Dees .................................. 153 Dybdal Charolais................................ 151 Eaton Charolais........................ Inside Front ECP Cattle...............................................152 EDJE.........................................................40 Effertz Key Ranch .............................. 152 Eggleston Charolais............................ 138 Elder Charolais.................................... 33 Endsley’s Charolais Farm.................. 151 Evans Charolais..................................... 5 F Bar Five............................................. 22 Fancy Creek Charolais........................ 150 Fink Beef Genetics............................. 150 Fox Hollow Farms.................. 14, 15, 152 Franz Ranch ...................................... 151 Fred Ranch........................................ 151 Full Circle Cattle Co.......................... 8, 33 Gallagher...................................... 48, 154 Garrett Charolais................................ 147 Geyer Cattle Co................................... 138 Grau Charolais Ranch........................ 151 Gulf Coast Cattle................................. 149 Gulf Coast Cattle Services................... 155 Guston Ranch...................................... 36 Hang’n A Cattle Co............................. 153 Harrod Farms.................................... 143 Haslag Charolais Farms....................... 43 Hayden Farm............................... 48, 143 Hebbert Charolais.............................. 151 Horse Creek Charolais....................... 149 Hubert Cattle Sales............................. 155 Hubert Charolais Ranch ................... 150 J & J Trust Charolais Cattle..................... 2 J & M Ranch....................................... 138 James F. Bessler Inc........................... 155 JMAR Genetics...................................... 16 Jorgensen Charolais........................... 149 Justin B. Stout Auction Service........... 154 JWC Marketing................................... 155 K & K Charolais Ranch....................... 153 Keahey Charolais.......................... 30, 149 Kentucky Charolais Association......... 143 Keppen Charolais............................... 138 L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Inc.... 12, 13, 149

LaFraise Farms.................................. 150 Lambert, Doak................................... 154 Laue Charolais Ranch........................ 150 Legacy Custom Meat Processing............. 7 Lehman Charolais............................... 153 Linde’s Livestock Photography........... 154 Lindskov’s LT Ranch....................... 33-36 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch............ Back Cover Little W Farm.................................... 147 Long Hall Cattle.................................. 143 Los Pinos Cattle Co........................... 153 MBS Charolais..................................... 43 McNickle Charolais Ranch................. 150 Mead Farms......................................... 43 Missouri Charolais Breeders..... 43, 51-86 Mitchell Management ....................... 155 ML Lewis Charolais............................ 150 Montgomery Charolais....................... 143 Morton, Bob....................................... 155 Mountain View Charolais................... 149 Myers Charolais................................. 150 NextGen Cattle Company...................... 10 Nipp Charolais................................... 152 Nord Farms........................................ 150 Nubbin Ridge Farm............................ 152 Oak Hill Farm................................ 6, 149 Odden Charolais Ranch..................... 138 Outfront Cattle Service....................... 155 Peterson Farms Charolais.................... 43 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc.................... 138 Priefert............................................... 154 R Lazy B Ranch........................ 11, 33, 34 Rambur Charolais, Ltd...................... 151 Ramro LLC......................................... 153 Reaves Charolais.......................... 37, 147 Reich Charolais Ranch....................... 138 Ridder Farms....................................... 43 Rifle Creek Cattle Co.......................... 151 Rio Ranch.......................................... 153 Riverdale Land & Livestock.................. 43 Rocking S Ranch.................................... 5 Rogers Bar HR....................................... 9 Rolling Hills Charolais....................... 143 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron................150 SW&S Cattle Co.................................. 153 Sandmeier Charolais.................... 20, 138


Sandusky Farms................................ 143 Satterfield Charolais & Angus .......... 3, 33 Sayre Cattle Service............................ 155 Schrader Ranch................................. 150 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais............. 151 S.E.A.N.A. Charolais........................... 143 Sellhorst, Glenn................................... 33 Shadow Springs Farm........................ 150 Shepherd Charolais.............................. 41 Skeans Cattle Co................................. 153 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.......138 Spring Valley Ranches.................. 33, 153 Stewart’s Charolais............................. 138 Sturgess Double S Cattle.................... 152 Sullivan Charolais ............................ 143 Sullivan Supply.................................. 154 Summerford Charolais, BJR.............. 149 Sure Champ................................. 47, 154 Sykes Farm.......................................... 30 T and S Strnad Charolais.................... 150 Tennessee Charolais Breeders........... 147 Testerman Charolais............................ 16 The Quality Group................................ 16 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX).............. 153 Thomas Ranch (SD).......................... 138 Three Forks Farm.............................. 143 Trinity Valley Community College Rch... 153 Vaughan Family Ranch...................... 150 Vedvei Charolais Ranch...................... 138 VitaFerm....................................... 47, 154 Wagner Charolais................................. 35 Wagonhammer Ranches.............. 23, 151 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch .......... 151 Wakefield Farms................................. 151 Webb Charolais Farm......................... 152 Weber Charolais Farm........................ 138 Weishaar, Seth.................................... 154 Welcome Grove Charolais ................. 147 West Fork Ranch................................ 151 Wienk Charolais Ranch.......................... 1 Wild Indian Acres................................. 43 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.................. 43 Wooden Cross Cattle Co..................... 150 Wright Charolais............................43, IBC Zehnder Waage Partnership................. 21 ZOE Charolais...................................... 43

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