JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.
Our approach is focused
maximizing multiple trait genetics and proven cow families to create multiple options.
At the conclusion of our Board Meetings on April 19th, David Hobbs and I boarded an airplane in Kansas City and flew to Detroit, Amsterdam and Prague in the Czech Republic to attend the 2023 World Charolais Technical Congress. We arrived on Thursday evening, April 20th, just in time to join a group of Charolais enthusiasts from around the world who, like us, had arrived in Prague for the opening dinner together. It was fun to reunite with friends we met last year at the 2022 World Charolais Congress in the UK. This year’s Technical Congress brought together delegates from 13 countries, including: Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States.
After breakfast, we embarked on a 7.5 kilometer walking tour through the streets of Prague, one of the best “Eastern“ European cities you can imagine. Architecturally, and in terms of city sites, Prague is a revelation with some 600 years of architecture virtually untouched by natural or war disaster. To start the walking tour, we were joined by a well-informed tour guide who helped us learn about the many beautiful castles, cathedrals, museums, and other historic buildings that make-up the skyline of Prague. After the walking tour, we boarded a boat on the Vltava River that runs through the city and enjoyed a leisurely lunch with plenty of time to visit with new friends.
After lunch we boarded the tour bus and rode to Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic (population of approx. 400,000 people). We enjoyed dinner in the hotel where we would stay for the next five nights. The next morning, we loaded the bus and headed to our first Charolais herd visit at Agrochyt Mohelno Charolais Family Farm where we saw several high quality Charolais, Limousin, and Simmental cattle. On our way to this farm, we drove past one of two nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic, Dukovany.
On April 22nd, we visited a corporate
Charolais Farm called REDU. This expansive operation runs approximately 640 head of Charolais cattle. While most of the cattle were horned, they are making a concerted effort to add polled genetics to the herd. The nucleus of this herd originated from French genetics. We saw several outstanding Charolais bulls who were very muscular and some of them were polled. The barns and working facilities at this farm were very impressive. After a tour of the REDU farm, we drove to the Czech Association of Beef Cattle Breeders’ Bull Test Center where bulls of several breeds were being gain tested. Most of the bulls were Charolais and several of these bulls were quite good. David and I agreed that a heterozygous polled Charolais bull (sired by Ottawa PP) was our favorite. This bull was sound on his feet and legs, round in his rib and very muscular. This bull was also one of the top gaining bulls on the test.
On Day 4, we walked from the hotel to the Brno Exhibition Ground to watch the Czech National Show of Livestock. This exhibition features over 800 beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, horses, sheep, and swine. Most of the animals were stalled and shown in the Brno Exhibition Center. This modern facility offered excellent conditions for exhibitors, visitors, and animals alike. Also included in the expansive facility were numerous vendor booths where farmers, breeders, veterinarians, and other experts could view and discuss innovations, products, and the latest Agriculture technologies. This show featured approximately 350 head of beef cattle, including 70 head of Charolais cattle from top Czech breeders. The Champion Charolais heifer and bull were both polled animals from French genetics. They were exhibited by REDU. The Charolais judge was Sebastien Cluzel, President of the French Herd Book Charolais and a Charolais breeder. We distributed AICA booklets and fliers at the Charolais booth during and following the show.
Continued on page 20
The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA.
Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.
Female enrollments for 2023 are open January 1, 2023. Regardless of the program you choose, your active females should be enrolled. There are 2 enrollment programs:
WHR – Each active female is enrolled at $16 until April 1. For the $16 you get the registration and transfer of the calf born in 2023. You will also get EPDs on unregistered calves with weight data in valid contemporary groups. The enrollment fee goes up after April 1.
PPR – Each active female is enrolled, however there is no fee attached to the enrollment. You will pay the traditional registration and transfer fees as you register and transfer the calves, depending on the age of the calf. EPDs on unregistered calves is not part of the PPR program.
Advertising Deadline
The deadlines to place advertising in the August 2023 Charolais Journal is July 10. Contact your field representative about these and other advertising opportunities.
Under the “tools” tab, you will find a new “Data Export” button. This data export gives you the flexibility to export data on animals in your herd and use those data files in your own management packages. You can download and save the files directly to your computer in a CSV (can be opened in Excel) format. There are many options within this feature including selecting the type of animal to export and specific data.
Year letter for 2023 is L
Record your 2023 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born; continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by adding their name.
If an animal is registered online and held in the system, you can transfer that animal at any time. If an animal was registered online, but wasn’t held in the system, it will not be able to be transferred online. You will need to fill out the back of the certificate that was mailed to you and send it back to the office to be transferred.
As of January 1, 2023. Samples recieved at the lab after 12-15-22 will reflect the new price.
100K - $40
H/P - $20
BPA- $5
of June 1, 2023)
If an animal needs to be registered with in a day or two a rush fee of $75 ($150 non members) will be added to work. Once the animal is registered you can pull it up online to view the registration number. The new certificate will be mailed out the following day. We also offer FedEx mailing for additional $75 ($150 non members).
Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by July 14 to be included in the August 2023 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.
11700 NW Plaza Circle Kansas City, Mo 64153
Phone: (816) 464-5977
Fax: (816) 464-5759
E-Mail: Info@Charolaisusa.com
Website: www.charolaisusa.com
Executive Vice President
Dr. Clint Rusk • Ext. 101 Crusk@Charolaisusa.com
Recording Secretary
Maggie Smithee • Ext. 401 Msmithee@Charolaisusa.com
Vice President of Operations
David Hobbs • Ext. 200 Dhobbs@Charolaisusa.com
Youth Activities & Foundation
Kaitlyn Chism • Ext. 201 Kchism@Charolaisusa.com
Chris Kendall • Ext. 300 Ckendall@charolaisusa.com
Asst. Recording Secretary
Sarah Page • Ext. 402 Spage@charolaisusa.com
Communications & Events Coordinator
Samantha Corn • Ext. 102 Scorn@Charolaisusa.com
To Use The Extension Numbers
Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.
Southeast Representative
Floyd Wampler 294 Peoples Road Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 612-2144
Southwest Representative Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 (765) 719-1622
North Central Representative
Hadley Schotte
2811 South Lancaster Drive, Apt. 9 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 (785) 562-6632
West Representative
Clint Sexson 77714 S Edwards Road Stanfield, OR 97875 (541) 609-0167 clint.sexson@msn.com
Other Regions
Call The AICA Office. (816) 464-5977
Commercial Advertising
Jay Carlson
Carlson Media Group, LLC
Beef Breed Group (913) 268-5725 office
Michael Sturgess
407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Vice President
Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave. Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113
Chad Zehnder 982 397th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612)554-2154
David Hubert
510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540
Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 404-4332
CPI Board
Dr. Clint Rusk
Board Of Directors
Eddy Loggains
Michael Sturgess
Donnie Leddy
David Hubert
AIJCF Board of Trustees
Chairman & Trustee
Larry Lehman
Bill Nottke
Kim Coudron Schwecke
Dr. Clint Rusk
Kaitlyn Chism
Fundraising Chairman
Larry Lehman
Larry Ludeke
Vice President
Bob Tibbs
Area 1
Scott Eaton
113 Georgetown Dr Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 852-3205
term expires 2024
Area 2
T. Lane Grau
1680 CR 37 Grady, NM 88120 (575) 760-6336
term expires 2023
Area 3
Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave
Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113
term expires 2024
Area 4
David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540
term expires 2023
Area 5
Mitch Thomas P.O. Box 717
Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 535-0936
term expires 2024
Area 6 Eric Dennis
170 Rock Bluff Rd
Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792
term expires 2023
Area 7
Chad Zehnder 982 397th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612) 554-2154
term expires 2024
Area 8
Jim Husz
22790 Icon Road
Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151
term expires 2023
Rod Smith
Treasurer Ray Franz
AICA Committee Chairmen & Vice Chairman
Jeff Bunker 13080 Janus Ave Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 633-53342
Donnie Leddy
Vice President
Frank Ellis Jr.
Area 12 Director
Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873
Affiliate CHAIRMAN
Frank Ellis
Area 12 Director
Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
Area 9
Tyler Davis PO Box 935
Ashdown, AR 71822
(903) 908-5913
term expires 2024
Area 10
Troy Bertsche 4328 E 1800 N Road
Flanagan, IL 61740
(815) 674-1244
term expires 2023
Area 11
Jeff Harrod 645 Evergreen Rd Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 330-6745
term expires 2024
Area 12
Frank Ellis Jr. 250 Ellis Road
Letohatchee, AL 36047
(334) 315-8927
term expires 2023
Area 13
Kyle Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245
term expires 2024
Area 14
David Clark
10165 Log Cabin Road
Denton, MD 21629
(410) 924-3521
term expires 2023
Area 15
Dan Eversole
3250 Litton-Reaves Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-4738
term expires 2024
Mike Schumacher
Dr. Clint Rusk
Kaitlyn Chism
Breed Improvement CHAIRMAN
Jim Johnson
812 Patteson School Rd. Appomattox, VA 24522 (434) 546-2341
Dan Eversole
Area 15 Director
Dennis Metzger
205 E Hill St
Whitman, NE 69366 (816) 519-8208
Mitch Thomas
Area 5 Director
Larry Ludeke
P.O Box 186
Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666
David Hubert
Area 4 Director
Junior Council CHAIRMAN
Larry Lehman
P.O. Box 700
Tioga, TX 76271
(972) 529-8723
David Clark
Area 14 Director
Long Range Planning
Larry Ludeke
Mike Schumacher
14809 Pike 139
Bowling Green, MO 63334
(573) 324-2528
Rules & Ethics
Cheryl Lux
P.O. Box 348
Augusta, MT 59410
(406) 562-2021
Donnie Leddy
Vice President
Day five was the Charolais Charbray International Annual Meeting and the Charolais technical conference. After the business meeting, each country was asked to present a 15-20-minute talk about Charolais activities and events going on in their home country. I presented a similar talk to the one I gave during our board meetings in Kansas City. I found the talks to be very educational and enlightening. While some country representatives discussed the number of Charolais cattle and the number of breeders in their country, others discussed current events and issues facing Charolais breeders in their country.
On Day 6 we toured the Hatlak Family Charolais Farm located about an hour from Brno. Mrs. Jitla Hatlakova, the matriarch, is the current President of the Czech Charolais Breeders. The eldest son spoke to our group (in very good English) about their farm and their very functional herd of Charolais cattle. While many were horned, an emphasis is being made to add polled genetics. David and I were impressed with the quality of this herd and the beauty of their farm. Later in the day, we traveled to the Valec Castle owned by the same folks who own REDU where we toured on Day 3. We enjoyed a walking tour of the castle/ mansion and the surrounding gardens. We then enjoyed a farewell dinner and numerous presentations to our hosts. It was encouraging to see Charolais enthusiasts from 13 countries visiting, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company.
The next morning, David and I joined Craig Scott, General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association, and César Cantú, Charolais Charbray Herd Book of Mexico Technical Advisor for a final night in Prague. Thank you for sending David and me on this trip of a lifetime. We both learned a lot about the Czech Republic, about the Czech people and about Charolais cattle in eastern Europe. Most importantly, we made good connections with Charolais breeders and executives from around the world. We discussed Charolais cattle and promoted U.S. genetics to representatives from Australia, Canada, Estonia, Mexico, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.
AICA was one of the first breed registries to establish a show program, Roll of Excellence (ROE) that provides national level competition on a regional basis across the United States. The AICA ROE Sire program recognizes sires for the achievement of progeny in National ROE Shows, Class A ROE Shows and Class B ROE Shows. A sire qualifies as a ROE Sire when progeny have accumulated a minimum total of 400 ROE points. A minimum of 200 points must be Class A ROE points.
TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2022 Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show.
Carbon Copy is a March 4, 2017, son of RBM TR Rhinestone Z38 and M&M Ms Carbine 1567 Pld. He was bred by Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S. D. He is currently owned by Thomas Ranch, Cagney Effling, Highmore, S. D., Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, N.D., and Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, Sask.
TR Mr Outkast 6605D earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the 2022 North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE Show.
Outkast is a March 8, 2016, son of M&M Outsider 4003 Pld and TR Ms Diablo 3631A. He was bred by Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S. D. He is currently owned by Thomas Ranch, Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio, Midwest Genetics, Hennepin, Ill., and Randy Schuring, Andover, S. D.
Long-term, unwavering loyalty and perseverance are the pillars used to describe Rex Ricketts. A man who was “married into” the Charolais breed in 1964 seemingly never looked back. However, his commitment to the American-International Charolais Association (AICA) and its’ breeders can only begin to scratch the surface when referencing his benevolence and devotion to anything he has been a part of in his lifetime.
Rex Ricketts grew up on a 160-acre registered Jersey farm in Fair Grove, Missouri. Throughout high school, Rex and his two brothers succeeded at various cattle shows and continued to do so after high school. In the beginning of July, they would enter in as many shows as possible. By the end of the summer, they each had earned enough money in winnings to fulfill their tuition requirements for the coming semester at the University of Missouri.
Though his showing days came to an end, Rex continued to immerse himself in various Agricultural pursuits during his higher education
experience. While in Columbia, at the University of Missouri he served as President of the Agriculture and Student Dairy clubs. From 1962-1963 the MU College of Agriculture named him the Outstanding Senior. Along with this, Rex served as a member to many honor societies and played an integral role while being a part of Mizzou’s Dairy Judging Team in 1961. Ricketts went on to obtain his bachelor’s degree in Agriculture in 1963, Master’s degree in 1964, later reigning in his Ph.D in Dairy Husbandry in 1970, all from the University of Missouri. During this time, he was employed by Cargill
Nutrena Mills and Ralston Purina. In 1970, he became the MU Extension state dairy specialist, where in 1985 he was named chair of the MU Department of Dairy Sciences. Following these achievements, in 1989, he became the MU Commercial Agriculture coordinator.
Though he received many accolades during his time at Mizzou, he also met his wife, Sondra, whom he wed in 1964. In 1975 they purchased the land they live on today in Hallsville, Mo. This would become the property where they built their home and raised their three children, Chad, Trina, and Neysa. Today, Rex
and Sondra maintain a select herd of Charolais and Angus brood cows with an extensive AI program utilizing performance Charolais bulls. Ricketts Ranch also still participates in performance and consignment sales across the state of Missouri. While relaying the story of this time in their life, the biggest decision seemed to be where to build their home. This choice came easily when they found themselves on top of a hill at the front of their property. They decided to break ground in the place, “… where we could see the Columbia lights”. During the construction of said home, an incident unraveled where a group of cattle broke in and left hoof prints on the drying concrete, from then on, everyone referred to their home as “Cow Palace”. A comedic story finds a place as a fitting name when looking back on not only all of Rex’s accomplishments but to his children’s as well.
All three of their children grew up
within the American-International Junior Charolais Association, showing, competing and later receiving scholarships. They also each attended the family Alma Mater, the University of Missouri. The trend of loyalty seems to be generational when it comes to the Ricketts family. Since being raised within the AIJCA and the University of Missouri, each child has now gone on to lead their own impactful life. Chad was the first graduate of the MU Food Engineering Program and now runs a food engineering program of his own. First daughter, Trina, is an attorney in Kansas City, Mo. Their youngest, Neysa, a Pharmaceutical Representative. All his children and grandchildren are still involved in agriculture today.
Backtracking a bit to discover how Rex became the Charolais enthusiast we know today; we can attribute much of his start to Sondra’s father, Max Rainey. He raised Charolais
cattle during the late 1950’s, crossing them with Hereford cattle, until later forming into a purebred Charolais operation. When it came time for his kids to get involved their grandfather played a large role, as he gifted them their first sets of Charolais, a cowcalf pair with a bred heifer. You can still find these genetics within the herd on their farm today.
Rex says the first time he felt he really stepped into the breed on his own was when he became involved with the AICA. From 2002 to Spring of 2023, Rex served as the Chairman of the Breed Improvement Committee for the Association. Ricketts attributes his loyalty to “The amount of progress and dedication that the AICA staff and Charolais breeders display shows their true passion for the breed. It makes you want to get involved and stay involved”. It can
Continued on page 82
Rex says the first time he felt he really stepped into the breed on his own was when he became involved with the AICA.
July 2023 marks our 20th year breeding Charolais. Thanks to all who have helped us along the way with advice and friendship, and to those who have invested in our cattle.
Cattlemen need access to highly homozygous consistent parent lines that contribute the greatest commercial benefit at the least possible expense and labor. To that end, our mission is to produce cattle with adequate calving ease and growth, and with exceptional carcass quality, muscle, and yieldalways in a sound, long-lived, docile package. Our program has always been based on linebreeding to M6 Grid Maker 104. This is still our program. We are also incorporating Avignon 1106 and Till 2000 genetics, two French bulls that are among the most used bulls ever in the breed worldwide.
It's not an ordinary program, but it makes sense to us.
Give us a call anytime—just text or email first to let us know you’re calling.
Conference Call - April 4, 2023
Chairman: Jeff Bunker
Par�cipa�ng: Jeff Bunker, Donnie Leddy, Kerry Cli�, Lane Grau, Spencer Schrader, Alan Leifeste, Dale Jedlicka, Will Blankers, Jeff Harrod, Ma� Bauerlein, Naomi Farmer
AICA Staff: David Hobbs.
Chairman Jeff Bunker called the mee�ng to order. Roll Call was taken with 11 members par�cipa�ng. Reviewed the March 28, 2023
Conference Call Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
1. The committee established the Final List of AICA Approved Judges.
2. The committee selected the 55th National Charolais Show Judge and Alternate Judge. (2023 North American International Livestock Exposition)
3. The committee selected the 20232024 National Roll of Excellence (ROE) show judges: American Royal Livestock Show; National Western Stock Show; Fort Worth Stock Show; National Western Stock Show Pens (and alternate.)
4. Donnie Leddy moved to update the AICA Show Classification – Special Rules regarding AICA Colored Division Registry animals to read – Animals registered in the AICA Colored Division Registry (QF and QM initialed registration numbers) must meet the qualifications of the AICA Rules and Regulations. Dale Jedlicka seconded. Discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Alan Leifeste moved to recommend that EPDs not be utilized at National
ROE shows. Naomi Farmer seconded. Discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED.
6. David Hobbs updated the committee on the procedure to select the 55th National Show Dedicatee and the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress Class A ROE show judge.
7. Hobbs updated the committee on the 55th National Show to be held in conjunction with the November 2023 North American International Livestock Exposition.
8. Meeting Adjourned.
Chairman: Frank Ellis Jr.
Members present: Frank Ellis, Jr., Alabama Charolais Associa�on; J. Robert Tibbs Jr., Colonial Charolais Associa�on; Kyle Reaves, Mountain Empire Charolais Associa�on; Troy Bertsche, Illinois Charolais Associa�on; Dan Eversole, Virginia Charolais Associa�on; Jeff Harrod, Kentucky Charolais Associa�on; Eric Dennis, Charolais Associa�on of Texas.
Chairman Frank Ellis Jr. called the mee�ng to order. Six states were represented. Reviewed the March 22, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
1. Frank Ellis Jr. reviewed activity reports submitted by four affiliate associations. Discussion followed.
2. David Hobbs reviewed AICA staff involvement with affiliates. An updated affiliate listing will be included in the June/July 2023 Charolais Journal; the Affiliate Committee is exploring a Zoom call program for affiliates in 2023.
3. Meeting adjourned.
President: Larry Ludeke
Members present: Larry Ludeke, J. Robert Tibbs, Jr., Mike Schumacher, Dr. Clint Rusk, Kaitlyn Chism.
President Larry Ludeke called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the October 19, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
1. Larry Ludeke reviewed the investments and account balances of the American Charolais Foundation.
2. Kaitlyn Chism provided an update on current and future projects.
3. Bob Tibbs moved to award $5,000 from Youth & Education to the AIJCF or its scholarship recipients. Chism seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Meeting adjourned
Chairman: Michael Sturgess
Members present: Michael Sturgess, J. Robert Tibbs Jr., Donnie Leddy, Eric Dennis, Chad Zehnder (sub), Jim Husz (sub), Tyler Davis (sub), Troy Bertsche, Jeff Harrod (sub), Frank Ellis, Jr., Kyle Reaves (sub), Dan Eversole (sub).
Chairman Michael Sturgess called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members present. Reviewed the October 19, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
Meeting #1
1. Advertising campaign presentations
from two companies: Rhycom, Rick Rhyner; Livestock Launch, Brett Spader.
Meeting #2
1. Advertising campaign presentation from AdFarm, Les Kahl.
2. Chad Zehnder moved to proceed with Brett Spader on the AICA advertising campaign. Tyler Davis seconded. Discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Donnie Leddy moved to allocate for the rest of 2023 up to $50,000 for the AICA advertising campaign. Troy Bertsche seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Larry Lehman
Members present: Larry Lehman, Jim Husz (sub), Dr. Clint Rusk, Kaitlyn Chism
Chariman Larry Lehman called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 4 members present. Reviewed the March 22, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
1. Chairman Larry Lehman provided a review of AIJCF financials. As of December 31, 2022, the AIJCF funds total $708,772.64. The total available amount for 2023-24 scholarships is $27,269.27.
2. Kaitlyn Chism moved to approve $4,211.26, the interest from the Raymond Hicks Junior National Endowment, for the 2023 Junior National Leadership Conference activities. Dr. Clint Rusk seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Chism moved to recommend Larry Lehman to serve as an AIJCF Board of Trustee 3-year term. Jim Husz seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Rex Ricke�s
Members present: Rex Ricke�s, Dan Eversole, Bob Wagner, Donnie Leddy,
Joe Epperly, Michael Sturgess, Eric Dennis, Tom Cannon, Jim Husz, Tyler Davis, Ron Nord, Jeff Harrod, Frank Ellis, Jr., Kyle Reeves, John Dellinger.
Chairman Rex Ricke�s called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 15 members present. Reviewed the October 19, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Actions Taken
1. Donnie Leddy moved to approve the agenda. Dan Eversole seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Will Fiske, Neogen, gave an update on the Commercial Platform on 2000 Genotypes.
3. Maggie Smithee gave an update on AICA software additions.
4. Kelli Retallick gave NCE Update.
5. Joe Epperly moved to not run interim EPDs on animals with Genomic EPDs. Frank Ellis Jr. seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Bob Wagner moved to remove the capping of ratios on all phenotypic data. Epperly seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Retallick will assist AICA staff in identifying anomalies in data submission.
7. Retallick gave AICA/CCA joint run update.
8. Smithee discussed Bovine Progressive Ataxia (BPA), reporting that all but 14 of the top 100 AI sires have been BPA tested to date. The number of BPA and Genotypes tests conducted in the last two years was provided.
9. Epperly moved that AICA Breed Improvement Committee recommend that the AICA Board of Directors suspend the requirement of having 21 day intervals between breeding for the transfer of exposed females subject to and with knowledge of the buyer that the progeny of exposed, transferred females will require a genotype for sire verification to register the animal. (rules and regulations refer to VIII.M.) Leddy seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
10. Leddy moved to have AGI and the AICA staff evaluate TSI for the September NCE run. Wagner
11. Meeting adjourned.
President: Dr. Clint Rusk
Members present: Dr. Clint Rusk, Eddy Loggains, Michael Sturgess, Donnie Leddy, David Hubert, Mike Schumacher
President Dr. Clint Rusk called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 6 members present.
Action Taken
1. Dr. Clint Rusk reviewed the Charolais Publications, Inc. 2023 budget.
2. David Hobbs updated the committee on publication activity. Discussion followed.
3. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Dennis Metzger
Members present: Dennis Metzger, Cheryl Lux, Lane Grau, Bryce Lindskov, Mitch Thomas, Jason Li�leton, Chad Zehnder, Jim Husz (sub), Eddie Loggains (sub), Sharlene Bullard, Jeff Harrod(sub), Frank Ellis (sub).
Chairman Dennis Metzger called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members present. Reviewed the October 20, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. Dr. Clint Rusk gave an update on the Genetic Merit Pricing (GMP) Task Force.
2. Rusk gave an update from the Task Force working to increase consumer demand for Charolais-Influenced beef.
3. Bryce Lindskov moved to direct the AICA Executive Vice President to promote and market Charolais product at the retail and consumer level and budget accordingly the cost of such promotion and marketing.
And further, it is the recommendation of the committee that the Executive Vice President retain a staff member dedicated to this task. Jim Husz seconded. Discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Meeting Adjourned.
President: Eddy Loggains
Members present: Eddy Loggains, Michael Sturgess, Donnie Leddy, David Hubert, Michael Schumacher, Dr. Clint Rusk
President Eddy Loggains called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 6 members present. Reviewed the October 20, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. Michael Sturgess moved to move item #4 on agenda to the end and add Neogen Pricing. Donnie Leddy seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Mike Schumacher moved to hire Colt Keffer, CK Sales & Marketing as sale manager for 45th National Sale in Denver, Co, January 2024. David Hubert seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Schumacher moved to have the fall 2023 meeting in Louisville, Ky., November 11th and 12th. Hubert seconded. MOTION DENIED.
4. Hubert moved to have fall meetings in Louisville, Ky., November 12th and 13th. Leddy seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Leddy moved to forego Neogen storing AICA samples and dispose of them after 12 months. Schumacher seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Hubert moved to charge $40 for 100K (TSU, blood, and semen) and $5 for BPA. Schumacher seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Sturgess moved to go into Executive Session. Leddy seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Larry Ludeke
Members present: Larry Ludeke, David Hubert, Cheryl Lux, Bob Wagner, Donnie Leddy, Michael Sturgess, Jason Li�leton, Bre� Terhaar (sub), Bill No�ke (sub), Tyler Davis, Troy Bertsche, Chad Bradford (sub), James M. McDonald, Jr. (sub), Rob Farmer (sub), Mike Schumacher.
Chairman Larry Ludeke called the mee�ng to order.
Roll call was taken with 15 members present. October 20, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes were reviewed. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. Commerce Bank representatives gave an update on investments.
2. Dennis Metzger read a motion from the Commercial Committee Meeting to move forward to promote marketing.
3. Mike Schumacher moved to amend the budget by $125,000 for a new commercial marketing employee for 2023. Bob Wagner seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Donnie Leddy move to increase the CPI advertising budget to $520,000 for 2023. Tyler Davis seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Michael Sturgess moved to accept the CPI Budget for 2023. Frank Ellis Jr. seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Motion made by Sturgess to amend the 2023 AICA budget with the changes presented by the AICA Controller to the committee, resulting in a negative budget of $163,000. David Hubert seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Sturgess moved to add the line item to the budget reflecting the move of $163,000 from the operating account to the general checking account. Chad Zehnder seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Larry Lehman
Members present: Larry Lehman, David Clark, Jason Li�leton, Linda Hickam, Ben Hayden.
Chairman Larry Lehman called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the October 20, 2022 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. Kaitlyn Chism provided the 2023 Junior National Show & Leadership Conference update. Minnesota/ Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois junior associations are hosting July 2-7, 2023 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2. Chism provided the 2024 Junior National Show & Leadership Conference update. The Texas Junior Charolais Association will be hosting in Belton, Texas, June 23-28, 2024.
3. Chism shared states that are exploring hosting in 2025.
4. Chism provided an update on the 2023 VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Leadership Conference, July 31-August 3 in Oklahoma.
5. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Larry Ludeke
Members present: Eddy Loggains, Dr. Clint Rusk, Michael Sturgess, Jim Husz, Mike Schumacher, Larry Ludeke
Chairman Larry Ludeke called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 6 members present. Reviewed the October 20, 2022 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
1. Eddy Loggains moved for the chairman to review the Operational and Long Range Plans in detail and report back to the committee with recommendations on a Zoom call. Michael Sturgess seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Michael Sturgess moved to nominate Chad Zehnder as a Board Member representative and Larry Lehman as a member at large. Jim Husz seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Troy Bertsche Troy
Charolais breed is truly a family breed, and that is why I love it and have dedicated so much of my life to making it better. With junior national week being over the Fourth of July, it was very easy for the planning committee to settle on the patriotic theme: “The Char Spangled Banner.” This theme seems absolutely perfect to me because it combines two of my favorite things: Charolais cattle and The Fourth of July!
President Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429 devben@hotmail.com
Vice President Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390 weston.schrader@gmail.com
Secretary Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com
Treasurer Mattie Harward Richfield, NC (704) 463-5828
Ex-Officio Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-6263
Hi everyone! My name is Shade Bunker, and I am your Area 7 Director and Junior Board Secretary. I was born and raised in Sparta, Wis., where my family owns and operates J&A Charolais. I just completed my freshman year at Iowa State University, majoring in Agricultural Business with a minor in Animal Science. I am so excited to have you all travel to the Northland to have a great week of celebrating Charolais cattle and highlighting our outstanding junior members this July!
While being on the Charolais Junior Board and my family being heavily involved with the Junior National planning committee, one could imagine that my life has been all about Junior National preparation for quite a while now. From fundraising, to running contests, and planning activities, it seems that the to-do list for the event is never ending. All of that aside, I cannot wait to share all of our hard work with you at the 2023 Charolais Junior National “The Char Spangled Banner.” Get excited for a week full of all the usual fun activities, plus a few new ones including a brand new kickball tournament, an inspiring talk from Survivor contestant - Holly Hoffman, a visit to the University of Minnesota’s Meat Lab, and the Raptor Center!
When I sat down to write this, all I could think about was how grateful I am for the opportunity to be a part of this great breed organization and have the honor of serving you all on the junior board. The
As we all know, the Fourth of July marks the day that the United States officially became its own nation. Every year millions of Americans across the nation get together to celebrate and say “Happy Birthday America!” Whether you celebrate by grilling out, spending the day on a lake, or watching fireworks, the Fourth of July holiday brings people together. Even more so this year, because during the holiday Charolais juniors from all over America will come together to celebrate both our country’s birthday and our special breed of Charolais cattle. The Fourth of July is my absolute favorite holiday, and I cannot wait to spend it with my ever growing Charolais family!
Area 1 Maddy Rohr Elbert, CO (720) 467-3302 maddy23@ksu.edu
Area 2
Dillon Borg Concord, NE (402) 369-2676 dborg802@gmail.com
Area 3
Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390 weston.schrader@gmail.com
Area 4
Jaycee Littleton Simms, TX (903) 701-2129 jayceelittleton02@gmail.com
Area 5
Carter Hoge Good Hope, IL (309) 255-4131 hogekatie@gmail.com
Area 6
Area 7 Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270
Area 8
Mattie Harward Richfield, NC (704) 463-5828 mattieann8@gmail.com
At Large
Austin Alexander Bremen, AL (256) 287-1166 austin.alexander.2022@gmail.com
At Large
Nissa Olsen Manhattan, KS (785) 313-2975 nco.charolais@gmail.com
At Large
Ethan Shoemake Warner, OK (918) 424-8703 ethan.shoemake2004@gmail.com
At Large
Lucas Crutcher Fair Grove, MO (417) 766-3278 crutcherlucas@gmail.com
Jenna Tlach Prole, IA (515) 393-0841 jntlach@gmail.com
C o m m i t t e e C h a i r m e n
Mattie Harward Programs & Activities
Weston Schrader
Membership Shade Bunker Junior National Devon Benes
A I J C A M e m b e r s h i p
Membership in the nationwide American-International Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.
As all of our Charolais juniors and their families make their final preparations for traveling northward to St Paul, I hope you all have a safe and blessed trip! I cannot wait to see you all in the northland to celebrate the birthday of the greatest nation in the world! Even if you are not making the upcoming drive to Minnesota, all of the Charolais breeders across the nation will still be celebrating this great day together. The American International Charolais Association is possible because of the freedoms we are granted in this country, and that is truly something for all of us to celebrate together this and every July!
With that I want to again wish you all safe travels across our great nation as we meet together in Minnesota for my favorite week of the year. I know it’s going to be an unforgettable week and I cannot wait to see you all! It truly will be an honor to spend my favorite holiday with my Charolais family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
July 31–August 3, 2023
Monday, July 31, 2023
3-4 PM Conference Registration in Stillwater, Oklahoma
Kick-Off at Oklahoma State University
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Oklahoma Capitol Tour Express Ranches, Yukon, Oklahoma
Leadership Training with Rhett Laubach
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Oklahoma State University Breakouts
Breeding & Selection, Meat Taste Panel
Industry Tour stop in Tulsa
Fox Hollow Farms, Hulbert, Oklahoma
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Closing Session
9:30 AM Departures begin from Stillwater, Oklahoma
MEMBER FEE: $250 Includes all expenses except travel to Conference
Registration Fee includes event t-shirt, goodie bag, lodging at hotel, meals and travel during the conference.
Airline travel should be booked into Oklahoma City – Will Rogers World Airport (OKC) or Stillwater Regional Airport (SWO). Complimentary shuttle service from Oklahoma City to Stillwater will be arranged prior to registration.
Registration forms and complete schedule online at www.CharolaisUSA.com!
Added pounds at weaning means, more money back in your pocket. Our bulls are proven to add pounds to your calves. Our range ready bulls will be able to handle a large ranch or small operation and cover every cow in between. They are stout made, big boned bulls out of an extremely maternal cow herd. If you are looking for a terminal cross or replacement females, we have what you need. We feed out many of our customers’ calves in our feedlot and have seen the results of our genetics. You can’t beat a KR Charolais cross, in rate of gain and muscle volume.
“Whether you want one bull or a truck load, maternal traits or terminal traits, there is a bull for everyone’s needs at Bill King’s Ranch.”
- Roylee CriswellIt was a sweltering August day at the 2015 Greene County Fair in Greeneville, Tenn. when I first met Silas Maxwell. My FFA members had two commercial heifers there, and I had outfitted the show team in dark gray polo shirts, sporting a white show calf insignia.
We were not even showing anything of Charolais influence, but white was the color that stood out best on the polos. It was enough to catch Mr. Maxwell’s attention, and I thank God for the friendship that began that day.
Moving forward to 2016, the Daniel Boone FFA Show Team was exhibiting 10 head for an Angus breeder. Then in 2017, we showed a combination of Angus and commercial calves. Additionally, a few of my students had begun showing Charolais for Silas, and I assisted them in getting their animals ready at shows.
Finally, in 2018, Silas’s persuasion got to me. He called and asked for us
to show a cow/calf pair at Tennessee Beef Agribition. Unexpectedly, we won Grand Champion in the sale show, which thrilled Silas who was at home recovering from a knee replacement. That was likely the beginning of my addiction to the Charolais breed, and I cannot be thankful enough for that moment in time! It was in 2018 that I also attended my first Charolais Junior Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa with the Weiberg family. From that time forward, there have always been Charolais cattle on the farm at Daniel Boone High School.
In the years to come, we also started working with Mike Davis and Kyle
Reaves. All three of these wonderful gentlemen provided cattle and paid for feed, hay, and veterinary care. That allowed me to simply focus on the kids and cattle. I cannot begin to explain how much these cattle and this relationship changed the lives of these youth.
One of the most dramatic changes I was honored to witness was for Gracie Weiberg. Gracie and two more of my students began showing for Silas before we began keeping any of his cattle at Daniel Boone, and I partially have Gracie to thank for bringing us into the Charolais fold. I saw her transition from a timid, unsure girl to
a confident, well-spoken young lady. Not only did she find success with Charolais in the show ring, she served as an AIJCA Junior Board member, and is now flourishing as a veterinary technician at Mountain Empire Large Animal Clinic.
“I have learned what hard work and compassion can get you,” said Weiberg when asked about her experience in knowing and working with Silas. “Also, when you put God first in life, everything will work out, maybe not as we have planned, but as He has planned.”
As I asked Silas Maxwell, Kyle Reaves, and Mike Davis for their input when writing this article, a very noticeable trend emerged in each of their stories. Each one had encouragement and support from someone else when getting started with Charolais, and they all three felt compelled to do the same for others.
and Silas had a lot to do with that. Currently, two out of the five heifers there belong to him. One is a September 2022 homegrown result of his ET program, Welcome Grove Bell ET. He has also supplied cattle to the Holston United Methodist Home for Children in order to help distressed youth.
Each one had encouragement and support from someone else when getting started with Charolais, and they all three felt compelled to do the same for others.
“Dr. Richard Clark called a meeting and I showed up. That day I became one of the charter members of the Tennessee Charolais Association,” said Silas, who first joined the AICA in 1973. “Dr. Clark was always an encouragement to the whole group.”
Once established in the Charolais breed, Silas wanted to share his love for these wonderful white cattle with others. As a past member of FFA and 4-H, he especially wanted to help these groups. Silas’s son, Scott, was one of the first to show his cattle and to this day continues to help Silas maintain his herd and farm.
Later on, he had Alesha Ridley and Lakesha Graham (then Alesha and Lakesha Kite) show his cattle in addition to some of their own Charolais. Now all of the cattle at Daniel Boone High School are registered Charolais,
When asked what he sees Charolais cattle do for young people, he said, “Oh, they mature! They start out as kids, sorta shy. They just develop. Instead of kids, they have become adults and think like adults. It keeps them out of trouble, and they are with the right friends instead of the wrong friends. They learn to love the cattle, take an interest in them and just grow from the whole process. There is a big difference in doing something because you love to do it and because you have to do it.” (Mr. Maxwell will turn 91 this summer, and still has a mind sharper than mine will ever be!)
Mike Davis also received inspiration from Dr. Clark when starting in the Charolais business. He had grown up with Herefords, but was in awe of the Charolais herd owned by the uncle of his wife, Libby.
“I saw them and immediately knew that is what I wanted,” said Davis, who began his herd in 1995 by getting one to two cows at a time from Dr. Clark. “He was a mentor to me the whole time and helped me a whole bunch.” He was also part of his inspiration for getting young people involved with Charolais. “We are blessed to raise good cattle. I may not have high dollar cattle, but I really love them. I am happy to help kids get started, especially when they cannot afford cattle of their own. I love the breed. I have always been a Charolais person since
I got my own cattle. I have never changed, even when the markets have changed.”
Rieley Peacock, one of my students, currently shows a wonderful fall yearling heifer, OHF Lady A302 for Davis Charolais. Together, they have collected several banners in shows throughout Tennessee.
Kyle Reaves got his start in the Charolais breed from Bill and Don Oliver of Billydon Farms in 1985. “I have always preferred Charolais over any other breed,” said Reaves, who first started supplying cattle for kids to show at the urging of Silas Maxwell. The first ones he offered were an impressive set of ET daughters of M6 Cool Germaine 1145. Those heifers performed well in the show ring, the most notable of which was Division Champion at the Tennessee State Fair. Kyle also supplied our first National Charolais Show class winner, Reaves Barbara Jo Resource 820, with student Rebecca Tipton at the halter.
With all of these positive happenings, there is still concern for the future of the Charolais breed in Tennessee. Nevertheless, I have faith in the committed Charolais breeders in our state to pass down the passion to a new generation of Charolais enthusiasts. For as long as I am alive, I plan to pass down the legacy of love for Charolais cattle to young people. Kyle Reaves and Silas Maxwell set me up to become a breeder and helped me start out with good quality stock. Now I feel as if I owe it to them to stay loyal to Charolais. Reaves, Maxwell, Davis and many other devoted Charolais breeders in Tennessee all want to see a brighter future for the breed in our state, and will continue to do what it takes to help it grow. Silas had this to say, “We need to work on increasing the number of small breeders in our area. The youth HAVE to be part of the answer. Not all kids who show will become Charolais breeders, but a few will and that’s why we have to keep trying.”
The data you collect from your animals carries a lot of weight. Our cloud-based Weigh Systems make all your information instantly accessible on your computer and smart device – anywhere and anytime – and make the transfer of accurate data that much smoother. And, we are always ready to help. Gallagher can provide support anytime you need it. What could be easier?
As we make our way back into the breed, we have found females worthy of the task. We are excited for the influence of these females as they join our herd. Their proven genetics combined with other breed standouts is certain to result in progeny to get excited about.
Top 1% for: WWT, YWT, SC, CW, REA, TSI
Top 4% for: MARB
TSI: 303.97
Top 1% For: CW Top 2% For: WWT
Top 4% For: YWT Top 8% For: TSI
TSI: 274.71
$9,500 - Yearling Bull. JBARW Mr Night Ranger 2302, 1-3-22, by WC Monumental 5524 P. To Scott Ziebart, Plankinton, S.D.
$6,750 – Yearling Bull. JBARW Mr Monumental 2310, 1-19-22, by WC Monumental 5524 P. To Joe Garcia Donalsonville, G.A. and Matt Powers, Marshallville, G.A.
$6,500 – Yearling Bull. JBARW Mr Silver Gun 2312 ET, 2-8-22, by WCF Mr Silver Gun 467. To Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, S.D.
$6,500 – Yearling Bull. JBARW Mr Silver Gun 2322, 3-8-22, by WCF Mr Silver Gun 0304 ET. To Chad Gibson, Donalsonville, G.A.
Please contact the ranch for genetic opportunities. We look forward to displaying our next live offering for appraisal on March 18, 2024.
Selling full interest in #0155 that started one of the most successful cow families for M6 and the breed. She ranks in the top 6% for WW, 2% for YW, 5% for REA & 1% for TSI! She is the dam of Ms Jewel 428 and Ms Sun Jewel 5117. Selling a pregnant recip carrying a Heifer calf sired by Mayfield due in December, a bred heifer granddaughter by LT Authority out of 428 and also 9 embryos out of LT Sundance (full sibs to Sun Jewel 5117), LT Atlas & M6 Cool Rep (full sibs to Jewel 428).
A one-quarter embryo interest in her topped the 2022 WIA Sale at �20,000 selling to Serhienko Cattle in Canada. She was a National Reserve Champion and the 2017-18 AICA Show Heifer of the Year. She is the dam of the popular National Champion Bull WIA Backwater Jack 060 whose progeny are captivating the breed! We will be selling an outstanding fouryear-old daughter WIA Ms Diablo Dory G71 P due to calve this fall to the poweful Jehu son Artic Wolf.
She topped the 2021 WIA sale when one-half interest sold for �23,000 to Ankony Farms. She ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, REA & TSI! Her daughter WIA Ms Jewel 121 sold for an undisclosed price before the 2023 Denver Show where she was the Grand Champion Female. Selling three ET January, 2023 born daughters sired by Monticello and Jehu.
She sold the 2022 WIA sale when she commanded �22,000 from Jim Sladek in Iowa, as a bred cow. Her yearling open heifer daughter sold in the same WIA sale last year for �15,000 going to Holloway Charolais in Kansas. Firefly is a past Grand Champion Female in Kansas City and Denver. WIA & Sladek will be selling a guaranteed successful flush, an ET March 2023 daughter sired by LT Atlas 0251 Pld and three frozen embryos sired by Mayfield.
The dam of the breed wide hot sire FTJ Monticello 1806! She sold in the last National Sale for �36,000 to Tom Greco’s Aristo Farms in Kansas. Wild Indian Acres and Cannon Charolais Ranch will offer the #2 highest ranked TSI female in the entire breed! CCR-WIA Ms Shandy 2109 P, born 9-9-22 is sired by JMAR Benaiah 1E66. This unbelievable numbered up female ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, MCE, MTL, CW & TSI. She also ranks in the top 2% for REA and top 6% for MARB. Want to try and put that together.
Wild Indian Acres added this tremendous donor to the program this past January out of the National Charolais Sale from Wagonhammer Ranches. She was one of the most prolific donors in that herd with 24 registered progeny. Her son, WR Relief J4604, sired by Redemption topped the WR bull sale at �17,000 selling to Boyert Show Cattle in Ohio. Many other previous progeny have also rung the bell for Wagonhammer. Selling will be one guaranteed successful flush.
• Quality performance bulls in volume
• Bulls also available private treaty
• 200+ Head Cowherd
• Feedlot data from our commercial herd
• Proven Bloodlines
• Show heifer prospects and female packages available private treaty
• Customer Satisfaction
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Selling 75+ Bulls including PF Red Hots (Red Angus x Charolais). Complete Performance data and bulls guraranteed Trich and BVD Free.
KEYS Redbone X Pro-Char Clyde
BW: 74 • YW: 1,301
Calving-ease deluxe, he ranks in the top 10% for BW and top 5% for CE. This dude is a total outcross to most popular red genetics that have crossed the border from Canada. His first calves came easy, have plenty of vigor and show a lot of promise. This could be the herd bull that provides low birth coupled with true performance.
Owned with Effertz Key Ranch
Semen $50 per unit. No signing fee.
JACK Foundation X Tri-N Captain Morgan
BW: 90 • AWW: 728 • AYW: 1,444
UREA: 16.64 • UIMF: 3.80
Homo Polled
Non-Diluter • PAF
White or red, he is a “Wanted Man” because he checks all the boxes—performance, carcass and look. Even though he hails from Canada, this powerhouse traces to well known U.S. genetics from the famed Michaelis Ranch and the Germaine line. Change or something different is always a good thing.
Semen Syndicates Available.
Contact Mitchell Management for details.
Clifford C. Mitchell
(405) 246-6324
e-mail: ccmosu@msn.com
Mountain Grove, MO
Luke Peterson: 417.259.0036
Brush Mitchell: 815.238.4083
• Tim Peterson: 417.988.3388
• Jacob Mitchell: 417.259.6377
Looking back on 60 years of the Missouri Charolais Breeders Association, it is evident of the quality of Charolais cattle Missouri has produced and continues to produce throughout the state. Whether it is bull sales or female sales, MCBA members continue to host a variety of successful sales across the state, with three of the breed’s Top 10 Female Sales taking place right here in Missouri. If you are interested in the genetics Missouri Charolais herds have developed, please reach out to any of our breeders!
Looking back on the successes of 2022, Missouri sponsored the 2022 Royal Collection Sale which ranked #3 for Overall Sale Average in the nation. The Royal Collection Sale was hosted by Missouri breeders in conjunction with the 54th National Charolais Show at the 2022 American Royal, where ninety-nine exhibitors from 20 states exhibited. Missouri breeders bred or owned the National Grand Champion Bull, the Reserve National Grand Champion Female and eight additional Division Champions and Class Winners. The MCBA Royal Breeders Bull Classic also takes place at the American Royal with 23 Classic Club members from 8 States. Missouri is also home to the nation’s largest Class A ROE show for the 2022-23 show season at the Missouri State Fair that happens annually in August.
While shows and sales are important, Missouri is a leader in the production of Charolais cattle. 10 Missouri Breeders rank in the breed’s Top 100 for Female Enrollments for 2022, with the state ranking #5 for Enrolled Females with 5,529 head. Missouri breeders are proud to be #2 for Active Adult and Junior Members.
The last 60 years of Missouri Charolais have been packed with great genetic advancement and highly involved members, only leading us to believe the next 60 will be even better. We are happy to present valuable, high-quality cattle that can work in purebred and commercial cattle herds. Adding Missouri Charolais genetics will help make your operation more profitable and add high performance genetics that will show an impact for years to come.
Bruce Bradley MCBA PresidentAlsup, Denver
18 Alsup Lane
Fair Grove, MO
(417) 345-7794
Aschermann, Larry & Peggy
Aschermann Charolais
734 Belle Air Place
Carthage, MO 64836
(417) 358-7879 / (417) 793-2855
Bartholomew, Kerry & Todd
Long Branch Ranch
20704 Village Ave
Mendon, MO 64660
(660) 676-2173 (Karen)
(660) 654-5864 (Todd)
Bauman, John & Chance
Bauman Show Cattle
20161 Lawrence 2180
Aurora, MO 65605
(307) 630-0336
Bonacker, David & Annette
Windy Hill Charolais
6975 Cedar Hill Rd.
Cedar Hill, MO 63016
(314) 974-5230 (David)
(314) 974-0551 (Annette)
Bonacker, Daniel & Rachael
7130 Burgess Ford Road
Cedar Hill, MO 63016
(314) 974-5239 (Daniel)
(314) 974-3341 (Rachael)
Booth, Kyle & Tara
Rocky Ridge Charolais
1173 State Road AA
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 830-0721
Bradley, Bruce
Bradley Cattle
PO Box 165
Marshfield, MO 65706
(417) 848-3457
Bricker, Jay & Linda
J & L Charolais
18631 County Road 441
Preston, MO 65732
(417) 399-6758
Campbell, Scott
Campbell Charolais Farms
10983 County Road 397
Hartsburg, MO 65039
(573) 619-8387
Carr, Ryan & Ashley
Carr Cattle Company
12144 County Road 240
Webb City, MO 64870
(417) 388-0562
Cassady, Jerry & Ellen
5745 State Hwy 96
Reeds, MO 64859
(309) 212-0488
President: Bruce Bradley
Vice President: Derek Ridder
Secretary: Judy Shaffer
Treasurer: Annette Bonacker
Past President: Chris Peuster
Cassett, Shannah
25105 State Hwy 96
Webb City, MO 64870
(417) 827-1115
Chrislaw, Charles & Logan
Chrislaw Farms Charolais
461 State Route CC
Fayette, MO 65248
(660) 202-0024 (Chris)
(660) 202-0037 (Logan)
Connell & Henley
C & H Farm
4 Opie Road
Olean, MO 65064
Cook, Gail, Chad & Brandon
Cook Charolais Farms
18562 Hwy +Y
Jamestown, MO 65046
(573) 338-2560/ (573) 338-0888/
(573) 821-2478
Corman, Dan & Connie
Corman Charolais
5303 C R 2320
Pomona, MO 65789
(417) 252-1373
Crutcher, Matthew & Amanda
Crutcher Cattle Company
8808 N. Gramercy Lane
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 766-3278
Curtis, Steve & Kathy
Tiger Country Charolais
15101 Hwy D Mexico, MO 65265
(573) 721-2122 scurtis@ktis.net
Darby, Robert
Darby Ridge
5701 E Parks Lane
Hallsville, MO 65255
(573) 442-6457
Davis, Alan and Julie
Davis Charolais
2911 Stonehouse Road
De Soto, MO 63020
(636) 208-4509
Dicken, Curtis & Bobby
Dicken Charolais Farm
380 CR 323
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
(573) 718-4796
(573) 778-7428
Dickinson, John & Missey
J&M Charolais
P.O. Box 398
Londell, MO 63060
(314) 808-5169
Directors: Brandon Cook
Jim Husz
Jeannine Doughty
Ashley Carr
AICA President: Michael Sturgess
AICA Area 8 Director: Jim Husz Refer to membership listing for contact information.
Jason Hankins
Dixon, Cheyenne & Heather
Fiddle T Cattle Company
41 NE Highway O
Trenton, MO 64653
(660) 654-1-63 – (660) 654-1549
Doughty, Jeannine
Big Creek Charolais
P.O. Box 523
Harrisonville, MO 64701
(816) 616-8838
Duepner, Kevin
Cedar Creek Cattle Company
121 Courtside Dr. Festus, MO 63028
(314) 581-5989
Dunnenbrock, Kenneth & Marilyn Giglio
Double D Charolais
10015 WE Highway C
Lowry City, MO 64763
(417) 644-1046
Eldred, Bill & Rosemary
Eldred Charolais
4006 S.W. Co. Road 1008
Butler, MO 64730
(660) 679-4372
Faussett, Darrell
4384 Sringcreek Road
Billings, Missouri 65610
(417) 744-2776
Fountain, David & Linda
Fountain Charolais
14042 Hwy FF
Thompson, MO 65285
(573) 682-3470/ (573) 819-9469
Gibson, John & Family
Clear Creek Farm
18371 County Road 1210
St. James, MO 65559
(573) 265-8687 / (573)263-4259
Gillig, Ken
Gillig Genetics
21948 Lawrence 1240
Aurora, MO 65605
(417) 466-6499
Graber, Timothy
Y&M Charolais
2269 Hwy YY
Larussell, MO 64848
(417) 437-8119
Green, Marvin & Luanne
Green Plains Polled Charolais
4402 State Rt. AB
West Plains, MO 65775
(417) 256-3232
Hale, Rick
Hale Farms
54 Hosier Lane
Louisburg, MO 65685
(417) 838-7251
Haley, Mike & Carol
Snowy River Charolais
18334 State Hwy 72
Sedgewickville, MO 63781
(573) 866-3231
Hankins, Jason & Pam
Hankins Farms
8802 W. Farm Road 146 Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 861-2316
Haslag, Donald Sr.
Haslag Farms
2421 Hwy W
Bonnots Mill, MO 65016
(573) 897-2664/(573) 291-0348
Hobbs, Annaleigh
10018 Mackey Circle
Overland Park, KS 66212
(913) 609-0234
Hoover, Mishell
1744 CR 150
Carthage, MO 64836
(417) 850-3346
Husz, Jim
Chateau Cattle Company 22790 Icon Road
Maryville, MO 64468
(660) 582-9151
Jedlicka, Mike & Dale
J & S Ranch 1599 CR 334
Koshkonong, MO 65692
(417) 331-5139 / (417) 331-5140
(417) 331-1410
Johansen, David & Eileen
5J Charolais 11218 County Line Road
Syracuse, MO 65354
(660) 473-2945
Johansen, Kevin & Jamie
5J Charolais 189 Mockingbird Lane
Lebanon, MO 65536 (573) 289-1061
Johnson, David 308 E Central Road
LaMar, MO 64759 (417) 682-1514
Julian, Larry & Norma
L&N Charolais 1955 Farm Road 1247
Crane, MO 65633 (417) 536-6582
Kinney, Jim & Karen
Kinney Charolais
324 NE 20th Road
Lamar, MO 64759
(417) 682-6103
Kisner, Mike & Sara
Wild Indian Acres
5805 Perkins Road
DeSoto, MO 63020
(636) 236-0306
Kleinman, Kevin & Neysa
Cork Cattle Company
3979 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873
(417) 850-5676
Lehmann, Jerry & Michelle, Alex Sauer& Suzie Theriault
Lehmann Cattle Company
9376 SE V Highway
Lathrop, MO 64465
(860) 459-9337
Mallet, Gary RR1 Box 19 Baring, MO 63531 gmallet@marktwain.net
(660) 892-4532
Martin, Caleb
Hodges Family Farms
P.O. Box 8 Clarksburg, MO 65025 hodgesfamiyfarms2019@gmail.com
(660) 888-1958
McClure, Elliot & Leah
6/20 Ranch
12994 Hwy 97 Stotts City, MO 65756
(217) 202-3939
McElrath, Kirk
KM Charolais
P.O. Box 8 Irondale, MO 63468 kirkmcelrath@yahoo.com
(573) 760-4544
McWiliams, Lonnie
P.O. Box 73
Liberal, MO 64762
(417) 843-3875
Mead, Alan Mead Farms
21658 Quarry Lane Barnett, MO 65011
(573) 216-0210
meadangus@yahoo.com www.meadfarms.com
Mesko, Alfred
1100 Honeysuckle Lane
Rolla, MO 65401
(573) 578-3629
Meyer, Eugene
Sar-Mey Charolais
1285 CR 70
Sarcoxie, MO 64862
(417) 850-4045
Mitchell, Brush & Jacob
Generation Two Charolais
10201 Tucker Drive
Mtn. Grove, MO 65711
(815) 238-4083/(417) 259-0036
(417) 926-5336
Mitchell, Bonnie & Clifford
Mitchell Management
362 Co. Rd 6800 West Plains, MO 65775
(405) 246-6324
Mueller, Tim & Jeff Mueller Charolais
9051 Main St. Altenburg, MO 63732
(573) 824-5428 / (573) 803-8052
Northwest Missouri State University
Department of Agriculture
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468-6001
(660) 562-1155
Nordwald, Roy & Linda
Nordwald Charolais
18326 Audrain Road 949
Mexico, MO 65265
(573) 581-5247
(573) 544-5259 (Roy Cell)
Nottke, Bill
Riverdale Land & Livestock
11027 Chateau Chura
Sunset Hills, MO 63128
(314) 378-3255
Owings, Tad, Angela & Matthew
2877 Hwy A
Huntsville, MO 65259
(660) 998-2557
Peace, Alan
Standard P Enterpirses, LLC
2424 SE Ranson Road
Lee’s Summitt, MO 64082 alantpeace@gmail.com
(816) 510-9327
Peterson, Steve & Sandy Peterson Farms Charolais
8767 Outer Road
Mtn. Grove, MO 65711
(417) 259-1493/(417) 926-5336
Peterson, Luke & Victoria
L&V Cattle Company
P.O. Box 781
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 259-0036/ (417) 849-4430
lvcattlecompany@gmail.com www.lvcattlecompany.com
Peterson, Tim & Larae
T&L Cattle
10201 Tucker Drive
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 988-3388
Plank, Curtis & Mary Ann
Zoe Charolais
1410 County Road 2110
Huntsville, MO 65259
(660) 670-4721
Rhea, Barry & Teresa
Rhea Charolais
3565 W Farm Road 68
Springfield, MO 65803
(417) 773-6095
Ricketts, Rex
Ricketts Charolais
14800 Tucker School Road
Hallsville, MO 65255
(573) 808-6286
Ridder, Dale & Derek
Ridder Farms
1585 Little Bay Road
Hermann, MO 65041
(573) 680-4692
Rice, Larry
New Life Charolais Farm
9810 State Road AE New Bloomfield, MO 65063 (573) 590-2933
Roth, Alex & Michaela
AMR Cattle Company
11742 Hwy A Frohna, MO 63748
(573) 275-2756 / (573) 576-5141
Schumacher, Michael & Lois
MBS Charolais
14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 fdrsgrn@sbcglobal.net
(573) 470-5411
Shaffer, Doug & Judy
Shaffer Cattle Company
9668 State Hwy 96 Carthage, MO 64836 judyshaffer@aim.com
(417) 825-4067/(417) 825-4252
Simpson, Robert, Melody & Teanna
J & S Ranch
59 County Road 364 Thayer, MO 65791
(417) 331-1410
Sparks, Gordon, Kay, James & Jamie
Sparks Charolais
19125 Jones Road
LaMonte, MO 65337
(660) 347-5520/ (660) 287-4149
Stephenson, Dennis & Gloria
Stephenson Charolais
1854 N. Route J Rocheport, MO 65279
(573) 445-3321
Stolle, Michael & Jace
Stolle Charolais
27400 Hwy M Middleton, MO 63359
(573) 470-3043
Stone, Jeff & Julia
488 SE 500 Road Clinton, MO 64735 stoneshowcattle@gmail.com
(660) 351-4502
Story, Austin & Courtney
8 Story Farms
29143 175th St
Altamont, MO 64620
(660) 663-5048
Taylor, Travis
Taylor Farms Charolais
21067 Hwy C
Lawson, MO 64062
(816) 592-3000
Thomas, Sally & Russ
Angell Thomas Charolais
17445 MCR 817
Paris, MO 65275
(573) 682-7348
Thompson, Bob
Gast Charolais
12590 E. Osage Nation
Nevada, MO 64772
(816) 582-8363
Thompson, Lendell & Trevor
Thompson Charolais
19847 State Rt. N. St. Mary, MO 63673
(573) 543-2350/ (573) 535-0964
Wimsatt, Paul & Janet
Double W Charolais
22357 Highway W
Verona, MO 65769
(417) 737-0991
Wheatcraft, Tom, Karen & Scott
Wheatcraft Farms
1205 Sunset Hill Road
Brookfield, MO 64628
(660) 258-2715
(660) 375-5136 (Scott)
Woehrman, Dan & Debbie
4D Charolais
12290 Hwy E. Camden Point, MO 64018
(816) 280-3253
Wright, Marilyn
Mona Wright & Stephen Harp
Wright Charolais
9668 Highway N
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
(417) 466-8158
Wright, Derry & Mary
Peuster, Chris & Kelsi
Wright Charolais
42922 Old Hwy. 10 Richmond, MO 64085
(816) 776-3512 / (816) 456-3792
(816) 529-2190 Chris
Wormington, Chad
C & B Charolais
5047 FR 2095
Purdy, MO 65734
Refer to membership listing for contact information.
President: Emma Hankins Vice President: Tannah Cassatt Secretary: Ryanne Crutcher Treasurer: Cody Jedlicka Reporters: Eli Dehan, Annie Stewart, Kohen Garrison & Kendall Taylor Advisors: Pam Hankins, Melody Simpson
Angell, Schylar
17445 Monroe Co. Road 817
Paris, MO 65275
(573) 682-5348
Birge, Hayden, Emily & Katie
1651 Co. Road 1013
Auxvasse, MO 65231
(573) 721-7702
Booth, Braden
1173 State Road AA
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 830-0721
Braun, Bailey
1909 Osage Bend Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 694-3263
Carrender, Abe
3120 Osage Bend Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 680-4440
Cassett, Danny, Tannah & Zannah
25105 State Highway 96
Webb City, MO 64870
(417) 827-1115
Cook, Paige B. & Tucker
18895 Factory Creek Rd
Jamestown, MO 65046
(573) 338-0888
Crutcher, Lucas & Ryanne
8808 N. Gramercy
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 766-3278
Dehan, Eli & Samuel
19125 Jones Rd.
LaMonte, MO 65337
(913) 544-6128
Dicken, Mallory
1781 CR 323
Harviell, MO 63945
(573) 778-3814
Dittmer, Abby
3119 Hwy DD
Smithton, MO 65350
(660) 596- 2408
Dixon, Justin & Tyler
41 NE Highway 0
Trenton, MO 64683
(660) 654-1063
Doerhoff, Austin, Madelyn & Henry
15304 Rt. H
Henley, MO 65040
(573) 619-5356
Dowling, Cinch
10811 N. Farm Rd 225
Fair Grove, MO 65648
(417) 496-2716
Ebert, Jackson
6225 SE Perren Road
Holt, MO 64048
(334) 654-0938
Garrison, Kaden, Kallen, & Kohen
24 Highway AC Boss, MO 65440
(573) 626-1013
Hankins, Emma & Jesse
8802 West Farm Rd 146
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 861-2316
Hayes, Mason
853 E. Dade 186
Everton, MO 65646
(417) 466-8159
Hirsch, Brittany 4679 W Highway
Thayer, MO 65791
(417) 280-0061
Hoover, Caden & Jalynn
1744 CR 150
Carthage, MO 64836
(417) 758-3359 Caden
417-388-9372 Jaden
Jedlicka, Caitlin & Cody 1599 CR 335 Koshkonog, MO 65692 (417) 293-3414
Johansen, Harper 189 Mockingbird Lane
Lebanon, MO 65536 (573) 289-1061
Kisner, Cannon & Connor 5805 Perkins Road
DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299
Kleinman, Aiden & Atley 3979 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873 (417) 850-5676
Mead, Juliette 21656 Quarry Lane Barnett, MO 65011 (573) 216-0210
Meyer, Emily 1285 Co. Rd 70 Sarxoxie, MO 64862 (417) 850-4045
Miller, Michaela & Scarlett Miller Show Stock 26419 M. Highway Bogard, MO 64622 (660) 329-2365
Moyer, Mackenzie 1801 Co. Rd 1910 Jacksonville, MO 65260 (573) 356-3919
Mueller, Seth
585 Redbird Lane
Altenburg, MO 63732
(573) 824-5470
Owings, Thomas
2877 Hwy A
Huntsville, MO 65259
(660) 998-2557
Patrick, Adler & Atley
3448 NW HWY N
Chilhowee, MO 64733
(573) 433-6241
Peuster, Gates
42922 Old Hwy. 10
Richmond, MO 64085
(816) 529-2190
Schoen, Gus & Oakley
5750 SE Hilltop Rd.
Holt, MO 64048
(816) 519-3199
Stone, Jackson & Jillian
488 SE 500
Clinton, MO 64735
(660) 351-2408
Stewart, Annie & Jacob
11904 Schulte Lane
St. Thomas, MO 65076
(314) 614-9586
Taylor, Clara & Kendall 178 Taylor Road
Eldon, MO 65026
(573) 434-1614
Pictured Center: Ron Geddes; L-R Miss Charolais USA, Emma Hankins; MCBA Presenter, David Bonacker; Marlene Geddes; Anita Geddes Vanderwert; Ethan Vanderwert
Pictured L-R: Gregg Alsup; Presenter Jesse Bolin
Stan & Mary Bonacker Windy Hill Charolais Farms Cedar Hill, MO
Tom & Karen Wheatcraft Wheatcraft Farms Brook eld, MO
Bob Barnard Barnard Charolais St. Joseph, MO
Dick & Jeanne Fanning ousand Oaks Ranch Carthage, MO
Carl Ahrens ABC Ranch Martinsburg, MO
David Fountain & Dr. Linda Hickam Fountain Charolais ompson, Missouri
Rex Ricketts Ricketts Charolais Ranch Hallsville, MO
John & Bonnie Mitchell Mitchell Management Koshkonong, MO 2017
Carol Doughty Big Creek Harrisonville,Charolais MO
Jack & Pat Phelps Phelps Charolais Ranch Holden, MO
Frank Wesson Wesson Charolais Koshkonong, MO
e Late Donnie Gast Gast Charolais Nevada, MO
Bill Nottke
Riverdale Land & Livestock Sunset Hills, MO
American Royal Liv tock Show Wagsta Sale Center | Kansas City, MO
Nomination Deadline: AUGUST 15
Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC
Wes Chism (281) 761-5952
Sale Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association
Friday, October 20, 2023
American Royal Hale Arena Kansas City, Missouri
July 20-22 — Ozark Empire Fair Gold Buckle Extravaganza, Springfield
July 28 — Ozark Empire Junior Show, Springfield
July 29 — Ozark Empire Open Show, Springfield
August 12 — Missouri State Fair 4-H & FFA Shows, Sedalia
August 13 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show, Sedalia
August 24 — Wright Charolais Fall Bred Heifer Online Sale
August 25 — 5J Charolais - The Next Generation Online Sale
September 4 — 30th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, Strafford
September 16 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, DeSoto
October 6 – 8 — 44th Annual Ozark Farmfest, Springfield
October 7 — Bradley Cattle & Hankins Farm Fall Colors Sale, Republic
October 14 — Wild Indian Acres Fall Bull Sale, Joplin
October 20 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, American Royal, Kansas City
October 20 — Royal Collection Charolais Sale, American Royal, Kansas City
October 21 — American Royal Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show, Kansas City
October 21 — American Royal National ROE Show, Kansas City
October 21 — Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Paris
October 21 — Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield
October 28 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Versailles
November 4 — Wright Charolais The Fall Event Female & Bull Sale, Kearney
December 2 — Ridder Farms Family Values Female & Bull Sale, Hermann
March 2 — Mead Farms Spring Performance Tested Bull Sale, Versailles
March 2 — Peterson Farms Charolais 31st Top Pick Bull Sale, Mtn. Grove
March 9 — Wright Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, Kearney
March 16 — Wild Indian Acres Annual Spring Bull Sale, Joplin
March 16 — Windy Hill 2nd Annual Open House, Cedar Hill
March 16 — Bradley Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Springfield
March 23 — 8 Story Farms 6th Annual Production Sale, Gallatin
April 13 — The Renaissance 32nd Anniversary Edition Sale, Strafford
April 19 — Wild Indian Acres Online Spring Female Sale
May 11 — Mead Farms Female Sale, Versailles Visit www.missouricharolais.com for updates.
Write Up continued from page 23
be said that dedicating time is easier when surrounded by a group of driven individuals who share a goal for success and a joint passion.
However, when business is done, comradery is essential. For Ricketts, the people played a big part in his time with the Breed Improvement committee. When speaking of those involved with the AICA and the Charolais breed, Rex says, “There are just great people, you develop friendships over time, and I can’t think of a time I was told no, everyone is always happy to do what they can to help”.
His time serving the Breed Improvement Committee has been nothing short of extraordinary as he has assisted and led many charges for evolution within the AICA and the breed. Rex has played a large role in many projects that have certainly changed
the game for not only the AICA, but Charolais breeders everywhere.
Fellow Missouri native and Charolais breeder, Jim Husz, is certainly one individual who can attest to Rex’s impact. “The influence that Rex has had on the Charolais breed is almost unmeasurable. Rex’s diligence and ambition to see the breed move forward and prosper in the beef industry has never been questioned. During his time at the helm, Rex has championed the adoption of new and innovative methods to increase the reliability and relevance of the Charolais breed’s performance programs”.
With over twenty years of service to the Breed Improvement committee, Rex had many moments that allowed him to learn more about the breed and help him grow in his position. When asked about a key takeaway from the years past, Ricketts’ explains, “Being apart of the AICA as a committee
member and Chairman gave not only me, but the rest of the committee a chance to learn about the various opportunities we have within Charolais genetics, the ability to continue learning allowed us to accomplish much together as a group”.
During his time as Breed Improvement Chairman, many pivotal improvements and tools were implemented. Jim Husz states, “… Today’s Charolais breeder has many tools to help take the guesswork out of producing quality cattle. Many of those tools were fought for and implemented by Rex”.
A major accomplishment would be the incentive for genotypes. This incentive drove the number of samples up greatly. Not only this, but another item on the list of progress made under Chairmen Ricketts would be the role he played in the implementation of the Charolais Search and Sire
His time serving the Breed Improvement Committee has been nothing short of extraordinary as he has assisted and led many charges for evolution within the AICA and the breed.
Selector in 2002. This tool has evolved to serve as a search engine option for cattlemen. It allows anyone to input parameters into the system and utilize EPD percentile rankings to find cattle that match their criteria. Rex can only describe it as the “Best one of any breed”. This tool has certainly been an influential generator of information for not only Charolais breeders, but also anyone who is looking to implement Charolais cattle to their herd anywhere.
“Dr. Rex Ricketts’ many talents served not only the Charolais family during his career, but all of agriculture. He was a joy to work with as he led the Breed Improvement Committee as it’s chair for many years. He had the ability to lead a meeting that stayed in focus, listened to everyone’s input, and brought forth sound direction.” –Robert Williams.
This passion not only guided Rex
when leading the Breed Improvement committee, but it aided many other breeds as well, especially considering his role played with the National Center of Beef Excellence (NCBE). When news broke, that Universities were going to cease running breed evaluations, many breed associations and other individuals gathered and later formed the NCBE, where Ricketts still serves on the board today. Today, the NCBE’s mission is to serve the beef industry by offering staffing, resources and software to beef breed associations, seedstock producers, commercial herds and beef industry start-ups to advance their ideas and increase their opportunity for success. Since being on the board for the NCBE, Rex has assisted in many great accomplishments of theirs throughout the years. One being his involvement with the St. Louis International Airport Livestock export project. Rex as a
part of the NCBE, were contracted to develop a new quarantine facility and a livestock export program with St. Louis airport. Since 2021, they have been shipping livestock across the world to destinations such as South America and China.
“Service empowers people to put their talents into action for good purposes” – Robert Williams. Many people go through life offering their time and service where they can or when they find the time. However, Rex Ricketts has spent most of his life dedicating his time and skills to aid the improvement of anything he became involved with. However, his devotion to the improvement of the Charolais breed has not gone unnoticed. Many generations of Charolais breeders have witnessed the impact of his headstrong passion and will be fortunate to reap the benefits for many more to come.
1 CARRS MR BURNOUT 130 P ET • EM970637 • 9-5-21 150
Breeder: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
Owners: Carr Cattle Company; Hytche Cattle, Warren, Texas.
2 BJCF CALDWELL J701 ET • EM967900 • 3-3-21 110
Breeder: Bar J Livestock Inc., Liverpool, Texas
Owner: Bar J Livestock Inc.
3 GILLIG MR PEARL SNAP 152 P ET • EM957211 • 3-7-21 65
Breeder: Gillig Genetics, Webb City, Mo.
Owner: Gillig Genetics
4 DCC PUBLIC ENEMY 2215 PLD ET • EM971792 • 5-5-22 56
Breeder: Doonan Cattle Co., Caldwell, Texas
Owner: Doonan Cattle Co.
5 KNS SANCHO 0715H • M941145 • 5-25-20 50
Breeder: Rockin’ K Cattle, Lexington, Va.
Owner: Rockin’ K Cattle
6 SVY MAYFIELD 30H • M1000000 • 3-2-20 44
Breeder: Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, Sask.
Owners: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.; Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.
6 TR LEGACY 1707J ET • EM960037 • 3-17-21 44
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harold, S.D.
Owners: Thomas Ranch; Aces Wild Ranch, LLC, Millsap, Texas; Bradley Cattle, Marshfield, Mo.
6 SKS SUPER PUNCHER 423K • EM970701 • 4-2-22 44
Breeder: Theron Skeans, Gainesville, Texas
Owners: Theron Skeans; Carson Carter, Iola, Texas
7 MJ MR YELLOWSTONE 021 • M938982 • 3-21-20 42
Breeder: Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.
Owner: Aces Wild Ranch, LLC, Millsap, Texas
7 SR SILVER BULLET 2940 P • M970015 • 3-3-22 42
Breeder: Siek Ranch, Blairstown, Iowa
Owner: Siek Ranch
8 PCC BLAIR 2270K • M977664 • 3-22-22 40
Breeder: Autumn Dietrich, Muleshoe, Texas
Owner: Prairie Cove Farm, Clive, Alta.
8 HL DIABLO’S OUTSIDER LD • M970745 • 3-10-22 40
Breeder: Kole Harris, Helper, Kan.
Owner: Kole Harris
8 F5 BUZZ 136 ET PLD • EM966748 • 10-4-21 40
Breeder: Audrey Field, Celina, Texas
Owners: Audrey Field; Siek Ranch, Blairstown, Iowa
8 CARRS MR IGNITE 222P • M973846 • 5-5-22 40
Breeder: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
Owners: Carr Cattle Company; Bar J Livestock Inc., Liverpool, Texas
9 RF FULL STRUT 0223 ET • EM954700 • 10/21/2020 38
Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
Owners: Ridder Farms; Silveria Bros., Firebaugh, Calif.; Full Strut Partners, Hermann, Mo
10 MJ BRIARWOOD 206 • M971881 • 2/2/2022 36
Breeder: Megan Johnson, Beaver, Okla.
Owner: Megan Johnson
1 M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD • M846631 • 4-1-14 953
Breeder: M&M Charolais, Perry, Okla.
Owners: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio; Aces Wild Ranch, LLC, Millsap, Texas, Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S. D.
2 BOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD • EM908904 • 3-1-18 875
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrod, S.D.
Owner: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio
3 CCC WC REDEMPTION 7143 PLD ET • EM893465 • 3-8-175 42
Breeder: Lindsey Behrends, Fredricksburg, Texas
Owners: Steve Smith Coutry Charolais, Springdale, Ark.; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; Cody Cattle Co., Scandia, Kan.
4 TR CAG CARBON COPY 7630 ET • EM896198 • 3-4-17 193
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.
Owners: Cagney A Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salen, N.D.; Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; Thomas Ranch
5 DTR MR BRIGHTSIDE 1107G2 • EM930125 • 5-3-17 176
Breeder: Madison Fischer, Hempstead, Texas
Owners: Carson Carter, Iola, Texas; DTR Livestock, Franklin, Texas
6 CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P • M846721 • 2-17-14 139
Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.
Owners: Wagner Charolais, Nunn, Colo.; Cody Cattle Co., Scandia, Kan.; Wright Charolais; Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo.; KM Charolais, Irondale, Mo.; Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.; Clear Creek Farms, St. James, Mo.
7 JAB AROUND HERE BUZZ 657 PLD • M890399 • 12-11-16 105
Breeder: Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
Owner: Eggleston Charolais, Wessington, S. D.
8 TR CC DELIVERANCE 7974 PLD ET • EM897039 • 4-20-17 103
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S. D.
Owners: Kim Courdron Schwecke, Gibbon, Minn.; Thomas Ranch; Vaughan Family Ranch, Derby, Kan.
9 TCCS SAINT CHRISTOPHER • EM865401 • 9-9-15 88
Breeder: Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn.
Owners: TC Cattle Services, Ramsey, Ill.; Skeans Cattle Co., Gainesville, Texas
10 GHC DRY TOWN 8004 • EM913290 • 2-21-18 83
Breeder: Grand Hills Cattle LLC, Fort Collins, Colo.
Owners: Grand Hills Cattle LLC; Bar L, Simms, Texas
10 WIA CONLEY INSIDER D9 P • EM881298 • 4-12-16 83
Breeder: William Conley, Sulphur, Okla.
Owners: Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo.; Dicken Charolais Farm, Poplar Bluff, Mo.; Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
1 BOY SMOKIN MONTE 200J • EF1312179 • 3-25-21 108
Breeder: Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.
Owner: Carter Hoge
2 TR MS JOSIE 1957J ET • EF1309439 • 2-1-2 84
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.
Owner: Haxton Hoffman, Thedford, Neb.
3 BOY KELLY 238K • EF1324030 • 1-14-22 78
Breeder: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio
Owner: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa
4 RBM DOTTIE J434 • EF1322119 • 9-21-21 72
Breeder: Hudson Hansen, Turton, S.D.
Owner: Kennedy Hoffman, Thedford, Neb.
5 WIA MS JEWEL 121 P • F1307961 • 4-8-21 64
Breeder: Vaughan Family Ranch, Derby, Kan.
Owner: Abree Belcher, Blakesburg, Iowa
6 RF MS IA WIND 035 • F1292630 • 1-25-20 56
Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
Owner: Hayden Englert, Washington, Kan.
JBE MS KARMEN 202K • F1321173 • 2-18-22
Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
Owner: Hayden Englert, Washington, Kan.
7 JF BHSC CARDI BRIGHTSIDE02J • EF1308314 • 2-28-21 54
Breeder: Jase Fortner, Hillister, Texas
Owner: Jase Fortner
8 BRCHE CHARLAMAGNE 0513 PLD ET • EF1294701 • 4-3-20 48
Breeder: Briggston Bertsche, Onida, S.D.
Owner: Rockin’K Cattle, Lexington, Va.
KNS CHARLOTTE 2711K • F1322724 • 5-3-22
Breeder: Rockin’K Cattle, Lexington, Va.
Owner: Rockin’K Cattle
9 OBG MS AMERICA 2021 • F1308861 • 1-12-21 44
Breeder: Oklahoma Bovine Genetics, Miami, Okla.
Owner: Justin Teets, Lost River, W. Va.
10 CCC MS SWEETHEART 1030 PLD • F1309837 • 1-3-21 41
Breeder: Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan.
Owner: Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa
*Ownership indicated by AICA records, May 22, 2022
The AICA Show Animal of the Year program recognizes the top Charolais show dam, female, sire and bull and was started with the 1984-85 show season.
The program is based on accumulating points at the National Charolais Show, Regional National Shows, designated Class A Roll of Excellence Shows and Class B Roll of Excellence Shows.
1 BOY SMOKIN MONTE 7311 • F1243378 • 5-2-13 234
Breeder: Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio
Owners: Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.; Boyert Show Cattle
2 RF MS MAKIN SMOKE 641 • F1242366 • 2-2-16 216
Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
Owner: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
3 SCR MS TURBO 7003 • F1066626 • 1-8-07 158
Breeder: Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Fullerton, Neb.
Owners: Evelyn Gay Lawton Duhon, Sulphur, La.; Bar J Livestock Inc, Liverpool, Texas; Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
4 HF MUSTANG SALLY 904 PLD • F1104171 • 3-21-09 135
LADY 336
Breeder: Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.
Owners: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.; Hudson Hansen, Turton, S.D.
5 TR MS DOTTIE 6703D ET • EF1223178 • 2-18-16 120
Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.
Owners: Bevin Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Briggston Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Autumn Dietrich, Muleshoe, Texas
6 BHSC CARDI B 005 • EF1252937 • 12-11-17 100
Breeder: Carson Carter, Iola, Texas
Owner: Jase Fortner, Hillister, Texas
7 RF MS DUCHESS 631 • F1221781 • 1-13-16 86
Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.
Owner: Ridder Farms
8 CONLEY NANCY D6 • F1223148 • 1-5-16 83
Breeder: Connor Kisner, DeSoto, Mo.
Owner: Gillig Genetics, Webb City, Mo.
9 PC SMART CHIC • F1106067 • 12-3-08 76
MAID 4350
Breeder: Dennis Pearson Show Cattle, Barnard, Kan.
Owner: Doonan Cattle Co., Caldwell, Texas
10 WGB LUCYS LEGACY 701 P • F1242184 • 2-2-17 75
Breeder: Will Blankers, London Mills, Ill.
Owners: Will Blankers; Drew Creasy, Macomb, Ill.
How long have you been in the Charolais breed and how did you get involved?
Mabry – I am very fortunate to have been born into the Charolais breed.
What other activities do you participate in?
Mabry – I am involved in my 4H club, my FFA Chapter, the Junior Hereford Association, and my youth church group
What is your favorite memory that you have made through Charolais cattle?
Mabry – My favorite moment with Charolais cattle is when I was fortunate to win Champion Charolais Heifer at the Minnesota State Fair in 2021.
What is your cattle operation based on? And how do you stay involved in the American International Junior Charolais Association?
Mabry – We have a cow/calf operation. I stay involved in the AIJCA by attending junior shows throughout the summer. I am very excited to have this year’s Junior National Show in my home state of Minnesota!
Who has been your role model in the Charolais breed?
Mabry – My dad has been my role model in the Charolais breed. He was the one that got me involved, and he has taught me all things that I know about this great breed!
What are your future goals?
Mabry – My future goals are to at some point have my own herd of Charolais cattle. Another goal of mine is to run for and hopefully get on the AIJCA National Junior Board of Directors. I want to represent the kids in my area and help the younger kids!
*Interviewed by AIJCA Board
Eligibility Requirements:
• Applicants for this must be enrolled in an accredited veterinary medicine or medical institution.
• Must be or have relation to an American-International Charolais Association member.
Questions, contact: Kaitlyn Chism, ACF Administrator, kchism@charolaisusa.com, 816-873-5265
Applications Due September 1, 2023
Find Application Online!
Presenting the 2021 award: Miss Charolais USA Emily Meyer; Miss Charolais USA 2022 Baylee Butler; Recipient Rachel Kort, Nebraska; ACF Board of Directors J. Neil Orth and Kaitlyn Chism.
With an initial gift from QuestMark Information Management, Inc., Charolais breeders Larry and Beth Ludeke of Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas and the Evelyn Gay Duhon Family of JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, Louisiana, seek to provide professional awards annually to those impacted by the Charolais breed.
Charolais Association, strives to support scientific research, development and education activities of the Charolais breed.
Members present: Troy Bertsche, Cheryl Lux, Maggie Smithee, Donnie Leddy, Tara Fountain, Tonnyre Thomas Joe, Eric Dennis, Derek Ridder (sub), Tyler Davis, Sharlene Bullard, James Hayden (sub), and Mike Suchodols (sub).
Chairman Troy Bertsche called the mee�ng to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members present. Reviewed March 23, 2022 Commi�ee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. Mike Schumacher moved to not change the percentage of ownership on animals sent in for transfer. Eric Dennis seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Cheryl Lux moved to correct the AICA Bylaws to reflect the 1/8th percentage ownership. Shar Bullard seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Eddy Loggains
Eddy Loggains called the mee�ng to order.
1. Eddy Loggains gave the President’s report.
2. Dr. Clint Rusk gave the Executive Vice Presidents’ report.
3. Donnie Leddy gave the Secretary’s report.
4. David Hubert gave the Treasurer’s report.
5. Recording Secretary, Maggie Smithee presented the Top in Registration awards by area.
6. Meeting adjourned.
President: Eddy Loggains
Members present: Eddy Loggains, Michael Sturgess, Donnie Leddy, David Hubert, Mike Schumacher, Dr. Clint Rusk, Sco� Eaton, T. Lane Grau, Eric Dennis, Chad Zehnder, Jim Husz, Tyler Davis, Troy Bertsche, Jeff Harrod, Frank Ellis Jr., Kyle Reaves, David Clark, Dan Eversole.
President Eddy Loggains called the mee�ng to order. Minutes from the fall mee�ng were approved as presented. Roll call was taken with 17 members present.
1. AIJCA Vice President, Weston Schrader gave the report on AIJCA.
2. Frank Ellis Jr. presented the Affiliate Committee minutes. Donnie Leddy moved to accept the minutes. Lane Grau seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Larry Ludeke presented the ACF minutes. Grau moved to accept the minutes. Jeff Harrod seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Larry Lehman presented the AIJCA Board of Trustees minutes. Michael Sturgess moved to accept the minutes. Grau seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Leddy presented the Activities Committee minutes. Ellis moved to accept the minutes. Sturgess seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Eddy Loggains presented the Executive Committee minutes. Mike
Schumacher moved to accept the minutes. Ellis seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Rex Ricketts presented the Breed Improvement Committee minutes. Tyler Davis moved to accept the minutes. Joe Epperly seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Dr. Clint Rusk presented the CPI Committee minutes. Ellis moved to accept the minutes. Grau seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
9. Sturgess presented the Advertising and Marketing Committee minutes. Ludeke moved to accept the minutes. Grau seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
10. Lehman presented the Junior Council minutes. Sturgess moved to accept the minutes. Dan Eversole seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
11. Dennis Metzger presented the Commercial Committee minutes. Grau moved to accept the minutes. Ellis seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
12. Ludeke presented the Finance Committee minutes. Davis moved to accept the minutes. Ellis seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
13. Ludeke presented the Long Range Committee minutes. Sturgess moved to accept the minutes. David Hubert seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
14. Troy Bertsche presented the Rules and Ethics Committee minutes. Eversole moved to accept the minutes. Schumacher seconded. MOTION FAILED. Eric Dennis moved to accept #1 in minutes and table #2. Sturgess seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
15. Meeting adjourned to Executive Session.
It’s been a joy from the start for Greg Hubert, who along with his wife, Brenda have been selling Charolais cattle professionally since 1986.
High school sweethearts, Greg and Brenda were married in 1974 and attended Kansas State University. They returned to the family farm in Oakley, Kan. after college before taking off on their own adventure –Hubert Cattle Sales.
Growing up as part of the Hubert Charolais Ranch, stepping into the sales management business was a natural choice, as Greg had been managing sales for both the Kansas Charolais Association and his dad at Hubert Charolais before he and Brenda officially launched their sales management firm. For most of the past three decades the Hubert’s have relied on Charolais Publications Inc. to design and print many of their catalogs and have developed long-lasting friendships with the Charolais Journal staff.
Encouraged by many, including Stanley Stout and Buzz Gary, managing Charolais sales has been a way
of life for the Hubert’s, who have managed nearly 900 sales over the past 36 years.
“Stanley told me, if you can’t have fun and enjoy yourself while working a job, you probably shouldn’t be doing it,” he said, “and we have enjoyed it completely.” Greg also recognized, “Buzz was the most well-known Charolais sale manager in the United States. I didn’t start until I knew he was going to retire.”
During the 80s, Greg served eight years on the AICA Board of Directors and was on the land committee when the association’s current headquarter location was purchased and a new office built in Kansas City. Sale of the old property at the AICA’s former location in downtown Houston paid for that move.
Greg and Brenda are the parents of two children, who both actively showed Charolais cattle while growing up. Since that time, son Mark and his wife, Andrea; and their daughter, Loralea and husband, Jeremy, have provided the Hubert’s with five grandchildren ranging in age from one to 13.
Delegates from thirteen countries traveled to the Czech Republic for the Technical World Congress. Activities included herd tours, technical presentations and the Czech National Charolais Show.
4.2 million hectares of agricultural land make up the Czech Republic with 1.1 million hectares of permanent grassland and pasture. Charolais is the leading breed of 25 beef breeds represented in the country. The 2024 World Charolais Congress will be hosted by Canada, June 21 – July 6.
Fullerton, Neb. - April 13, 2023
Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell, Neb.
86.75 Yearling Bulls $4,156
Total Sale Gross: $360,500
By Hadley SchotteHigh Selling Lots:
$7,000 – Yearling Bull. SCR Summit 2127, 2-16-22, by HBC Summit 1H. To Greg Bishop, Hayes Center, Neb.
$7,000 – Yearling Bull. MR IKE Cheyenne 2086, 2-6-22, by IKE Tuffy 0119. To Larson Family Ranch, Hamill, S.D.
$7,000 – Yearling Bull. SANDCREEK Inferno K827, 1-26-22, by WC Inferno 6561 P. To T&S Strnad Charolais, Formoso, Kan.
Harrisonburg, Va. - April 14, 2023
Auctioneer: Dale Stith, Mayslick, Ky.
Sale Managers: Rob Farmer, Catlett, Va.; Brian Kidd, Roseland, Va.
Sale Sponsor: Cross Mountain Charolais & Virginia Charolais Association
18 Females
29 Lots
Total Sale Gross: $80,200
By Floyd WamplerHigh-selling lots:
$6,250 – Bull. DVF Moses of Jim 2DVF, 8-2-21, by M6 Gridmaker 010 P. From Dunkard Valley Farm, York, Penn. To Charles & Connie Garrett, Farmville, Va.
$6,250 – Cow-Calf Pair. HCC Bella’s Stella 800F, 1-9-18, by LT Blue Valve 7903 ET, ET. Bull Calf, 2-8-23, by WC Intention 1231 P. From Hat Creek Cattle Company, Roseland, Va. To Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo.
$5,000 – Bull. CMC Cannon 212 P, 1-31-22, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET, From Cross Mountain Cattle, Catlett, Va. To Valley View Farm, Mount Solon, Va.
$3,500 – Open Heifer. AKF Smokin Verna 09K, 3-1122, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. From Agricola Knoll Farm, Monroe, Va. To Brian Lester, Buchanan, Va.
Isabel, S.D. - April 15, 2023
Auctioneers: Lynn Weishaar, Reva, S.D.; Seth Weishaar, Belle Fouche, S.D.
207 Bulls
Not Included in Above Average:
107 Angus Bulls
Total Sale Gross: $3,885,500
By Hadley Schotte
High-selling lots:
$150,000 – Yearling Bull. LT JJ Legendary 232, 3-12-22, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. To Darin Gabriel, Northwood, N.D.; Leddy Cattle, Stockholm, S.D.; and Sturgess Double S Cattle, LaRue, Texas.
$100,000 – Yearling Bull. LT General 2510 Pld, 1-2922, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Full Circle Cattle Co., Lakin, Kan. and J&J Trust, Parkston, S.D.
$75,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Combat 2591 Pld, 2-722, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Kenmere Charolais, Holbrook, NSW, Australia.
$75,000 – Fall Yearling Bull. LT Dynamic 1975 Pld, 9-1-21, by LT Ransom 8644. To Kenmere Charolais.
$52,500 – Yearling Bull. LT Dynasty 2206 Pld, 3-822, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, Sask.
$45,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Uptown 2545 Pld, 2-322, by LT Ransom 8644. To Miller Land and Cattle, Bloomfield, Neb.
$43,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Inspiration 2262 Pld, 3-10-22, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Grimmius Cattle Co, Hanford, Calif.
Volume Buyers: Gary Siverson, Bismarck, N.D. – 12 bulls; Wooward Ranch, Dupree, S.D. – 11 bulls; Jayde Starr, Faith, S.D. – 11 bulls; A.J. & Justin Lindskov – 11 bulls.
Great Falls, Mont. - April 15, 2023
Auctioneer: Dennis Metzger - Whitman, Neb.
Total Sale Gross: $254,990
ByClint Sexson
High-selling lots:
$8,500 – Bull. K204, 03-30-22, by ABC Hidalgo Nikki H069 Pld to Gary Olson, Woonsocket, S.D.
$8,250 – Bull. K292, 04-08-22, by ABC Aquilino’s E246 Son to Gary Olson.
St. Francis, Kan. - April 17, 2023
Auctioneer: Tracy Harl, Wellington, Neb.
15 Percentage Charolais Open Heifers $1,766
Total Sale Gross: $204,500
By Hadley SchotteHigh-selling lots:
$7,750 – Yearling Bull. Raile P007F K043 P, 3-3-22, by Leachman Margin P007F. To James Witt, Oberlin, Kan.
$7,750 – Yearling Bull. Raile F044 K029 P, 3-4-22, by Raile 6221 F044. To Roundtree Livestock, Eckley, Colo.
$7,750 – Yearling Bull. Raile E108 K061 P, 3-6-22, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Roundtree Livestock.
Paxico, Kan. - April 21, 2023
Auctioneer: Doak Lambert, Decatur, Texas
68 Bulls $5,680
Not Included in Above Averages:
92 Beefmaster Bulls $6,036
21 Beefmaster Females $9,095
Total Sale Gross: $1,141,500
By Hadley Schotte
High-selling lots:
$13,500 – Fall Yearling Bull. NG Strike Eagle 012J6, 8-16-22, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, Texas.
$10,000 – Yearling Bull. NG Badge 202K, 2-22-22, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To John Goode, Acadia Valley, Alta.
$9,000 – Fall Yearling Bull. NG Badge 101J, 12-24-21, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Rhett Gleue, Leroy, Kan.
$8,000 – Fall Yearling Bull. NG Badge 102J, 12-26-21, by LT Badge 9184 Pld. To Wal-Mar Charolais, Canton, Kan.
April 21, 2023
Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan.
Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout, Overland Park, Kan.
4 Open Heifers $2,925
13 Bred Cows $2,862
15 Cow-Calf Pairs ......................................................... $3,290
32 Lots ................................................................................. $3,070
Not reported in above averages:
1 Pregnant Recipient $6,500
1 Semen Package $400
1 Embryo Package ........................................................... $850
Total Sale Gross: $108,500
High-selling lots:
$7,800 – Bred Cow. Orr’s Ms Tradition 674 P, 9-2-16, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. Bred to WC Uncharted 7328 P. To Hale Farms, Louisburg, Mo.
$6,500 – Pregnant Recipient. VPI Free Lunch 708T X FTJ Monticello 1806. To Aristo Farms, Topeka, Kan.
Knoxville, Tenn. - April 22, 2023
Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas
Sale Manger: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas
Sale Sponsor: Mountain Empire Charolais
7 Bulls $3,164
45 Females $2,467
2 Recipients with Bull Calves $3,500
1 Recipient with Heifer Calf .................................... $6,000
55 Lots ..................................................................................$2,677
Not included in above averages:
32 Embryos $366
3 Pregnant Recipients $3,167
Total Sale Gross: $168,450
By Floyd WamplerHigh-selling lots:
$6,000 – ET Heifer Calf/Recipient. SXC Jehu 233E x SOS Desire 141J, 4-6-23, Red Angus recipient. From Aristo Farms, Topeka, Kan. To Texas Syndicate.
$4,500 – Bred Cow. Reaves Ms Rene 935, 9-15-19, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Bred to WCR Gambler 1167
P. From Reaves Charolais Greenville, Tenn. To Ryan Milhouse, Bristol, Tenn.
$4,300 – Cow-Calf Pair. Reaves Ms Tank 2007, 1-1020, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. Heifer calf, 2-26-23, by KC
Jack 0891P. From Reaves Charolais. To Ryan Milhouse.
$4,250 – Bred Cow. OHF Vanessa K902 ET, 9-2-20, by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld. Bred to JMAR Jubal
5P01. From Oak Hill Charolais, Dawsonville, Ga. To Bill Garrett, Crossville, Tenn.
$4,000 – Open Heifer. AFG Clarice 2214 PCD ET, 3-1-22, by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A. From Aristo Farms. To Phillip Wickline, Gap Mills, W. Va.
$4,000 – Open Heifer. AFG New Jewel 2155 0155 PMET, 3-5-22, by Keys Powermax 57G. From Aristo Farms. To Matthew Brent, Alton, Kan.
$4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. Reaves Ms Smokester
Lady 550, 12-21-16, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Bull Calf, 4-12-23, by WCR Gambler 1167 P. From Reaves Charolais. To Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas.
$4,000 – Bull. Reaves Carbon Germaine 2126, 12-1-21, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. From Reaves Charolais. To Roy Harlan, Loretta, Tenn.
$4,000 – Bull. OHF Tank Man 1921 ET, 9-28-21, by DC/ CRJ Tank E108 P. From Jonathan Jenkins, Marble, N.C. To Rick Head, Tollesboro, Ky.
Lake Preston, S.D. - April 29, 2023
Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman, Macomb, Ill.
85 Yearling Bulls $5,968
Total Sale Gross: $484,300
By Hadley SchotteHigh-selling lots:
$27,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Tank 245 P, 1-29-22, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Dybdal Charolais, Newcastle, Neb.
$14,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Sir Blackjack 276 P, 2-1-22, by Elder’s Blackjack 788B. To Smoky Hill Charolais Farm, Hays, Kan.
$11,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Scout 2209 P, 2-24-22, by Elder’s Blackjack 788B. To Koepsell Charolais, Canova, S.D.
$9,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Ruger 285 P, 2-1-22, by Cederlea Howitzer 49H. To Soreide Charolais, Bowman, N.D.
$9,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Gauge 2134 P, 2-17-22, by Elder’s Blackjack 788B. To Allen Walth, Glenham, S.D.
$8,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Sir Tank 2315, 3-9-22, by DC/CRJ Tank E108 P. To Stout Charolais, Kadoka, S.D.
College Station, Texas - May 6, 2023
Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas
High-selling lots:
$25,000 – Pick of 2022 Fall Heifers. From Fink Beef Genetics, Randolph, Kan. To Ankony Farms, Clarkesville, Ga.
$11,000 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. LCC Texas Star 2747 ET, 9-5-17, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Bred to ACEORR Lock N Load. Heifer calf, 8-8-22, by JMAR Hosea 2M70. From Lehmann Cattle Co., Lathrop, Mo. Cow to Cawley Cattle Co., Ashburn, Ga. for $7,000. Calf to Cawley Cattle Co., for $4,000.
$10,000 – Pregnant Recipient. Pregnancy by SCR Triumph 2135 x SCX Miss Magnum 109X. From Aristo Farms, Topeka, Kan. To Sara Shepherd, Stuart, Iowa.
$10,000 –Pregnant Recipient. Pregnancy by VPI Free Lunch 708T x FTJ LTRB905 LTBV Shandy 1527. From Aristo Farms. To Cannon Charolais Ranch, Newton, Iowa.
$10,000 – Open Heifer. RE First Lady Clarice 202
ET, 1-7-22, by CJC Mr President T122. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas. To McCurdy Cattle Co., Decatur, Texas.
$10,000 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. LCC Texas Jewel 1580, 9-2-20, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Bred to M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Heifer calf, 8-3-22, by JMAR Hosea 2M70. From Lehmann Cattle Co. Cow to Lexi Huse, Elm Mott, Texas for $5,000. Heifer calf to Lexi Huse for $5,000.
$6,200 – Bred Heifer. BARA B2011 Lady Pres 43H P ET, 12-21-20, by CJC Mr President T122. Bred to DC/ CRJ Tank E108 P. From Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas. To Cordell Dartez, Abbeville, La.
Versailles, Mo. - May 13, 2023
Auctioneers: Jerry Lehmann, Lathrop, Mo.; Wes Tiemann, Hallsville, Mo.
14 Cow-Calf Pairs $3,363
29 Bred Cows ................................................................. $2,467
5 Fall Bred Heifers .......................................................... $2,310 48 Females $2,712
Total Sale Gross: $147,475
By David HobbsClarkesville, Ga. - May 16, 2023
Auctioneer: Eddie Burks, Park City, Ky.
Sale Manager: Cotton & Associates, Howell, Mich.
1 ½ Herd Sire Prospects ......................................... $16,667 18 Females $9,722
19 ½ Lots $10,256
Not reported in above averages: 1 Flush $7,000
Total Sale Gross: $207,000
By David HobbsJuly 29 Ozark Empire Open Charolais Show, Springfield August 13 Missouri State Fair A ROE Show, Sedalia
August 24 Wright Online Sale
August 25 5J Online Sale
September 4 Autumn In The Ozarks, Strafford
September 16 Wild Indian Acres Female Sale, DeSoto
October 7 Bradley & Hankins Fall Colors Sale, Republic
October 14 Wild Indian Acres Bull Sale, Joplin
October 20 Royal Breeders Bull Classic, Kansas City
October 20 Royal Collection Sale, Kansas City
October 21 American Royal National ROE Sale, Kansas City
October 21 Angell-Thomas Production Sale, Paris
October 21 Bradley Bull Sale, Springfield
Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213
Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923
Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711
Sharlene Cell: 815-343-9381
Email: bullard@crtelco.net
Steve (815) 674-2395
Larry (815) 674-2397
Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas 785-794-2471
5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058
269-945-5531 or endsleyscharolaisfarms.com
Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.
Larry & Krista Dybdal 88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 kldybdal@nntc.net
Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE
Ray D. Winz & Sons
72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949
Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941
Steve (308) 567-2286
Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.
Roseann Wilson (308) 750 - 8708 78939 Hwy 10 • Loup City, NE 68853
Deadline for submitting performance information for August 2023 Analysis
JULY 2-7
AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, St. Paul, Minn.
VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Leadership Conference Registration Deadline
VitaFerm CharFocus Leadership Conference, Stillwater, Okla.
Deadline for submitting performance information for August 2023 Analysis
Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show, Sedalia, Mo.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with affiliate event dates.
M O R E O N T H E W E B: www.charolaisusa.com/calendar.html
July 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for August 2023 Genetic Analysis.
July 2-7 – 2023 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, St. Paul, Minn.
July 3-6 – 2023 Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium & Convention, Calgary, Alta.
July 10 – VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Leadership Conference Registration Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
July 19 – California State Fair Open Charolais Show, Sacramento, Calif.
July 23 –– North Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Minot, N.D.
July 25 – Ohio State Fair Open Charolais Show, Columbus, Ohio.
July 29 – Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Mo.
July 30 – Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind.
July 31 – August 3 – VitaFerm Charolais Youth Leadership Conference, Stillwater, Okla. Contact Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
August 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for September 2023 Genetic Analysis.
August 7-9 – Texas A & M Beef Cattle Short Course, College, Station, Texas.
August 11 – Illinois State Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill.
August 13 – –Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show, Sedalia, Mo.
August 14 – State Fair of West Virginia Open Charolais Show, Lewisburg, W. Va.
August 19 – Iowa State Fair Open Charolais Show & Open Charolais Percentage Heifer Show, Des Moines, Iowa.
August 22 – Appalachian Fair Open Charolais Show, Gray, Tenn.
August 24 – Wright Charolais Fall Bred Heifer Online Sale, CKOnlineSales.com. Contact: Derry Wright or Chris Peuster.
August 25 – 5J Charolais The Next Generation Online Sale. SC Online Sales. Contact: Kevin or David Johansen.
August 25 – New York State Fair Open Charolais Show, Syracuse, N.Y.
August 26 – Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky.
August 26 – Tennessee State Fair Open Charolais Show, Lebanon, Tenn.
August 26 – West Virginia University Reymann Memorial Farms Summer Performance Test Field Day & Open House, Wardensville, W. Va.
August 27 – Maryland State Fair Open Charolais Show, Timonium, Md.
August 29 – South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Huron, S. D.
August 30 – Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb.
September 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for October 2023 Genetic Analysis.
September 1 – ACF Ludeke-Truax Veterinary/Medical Student Scholarship Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
September 4– 30th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.
September 12 – Boyert Show Cattle Online Steer Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jared, Jake or Clayton Boyert.
September 16 – Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
September 16 – Kansas State Fair Class A ROE Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan.
September 19 – Big House Show Cattle Show Heifer Sale, Iola, Texas. Contact: Braden House.
September 20 – Benes Cattle Company Online Steer & Heifer Sale, Valparaiso, Neb. Contact: Mitch Benes.
September 24 – Oklahoma State Fair Open Charolais and Composite Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.
September 29-30 – NextGen Cattle Company Fall Flint Hills Classic, at the ranch, Paxico, Kan. Auctioneer: Doak Lambert.
September 30 – Harlin & Sue Hecht Double-H Charolais Retirement Party, at the farm, Paynesville, Minn., Contact: Harlin or Sue Hecht or Mark Hecht.
September 30 – Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais & Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, Tulsa, Okla.
October 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2023 Genetic Analysis.
October 3 – Double-H Charolais Retirement & Online Complete Dispersal, SC Online Sales, Sale Manager: JWC Marketing, LLC.
October 5 – Boyert Show Cattle Spring Born Heifer Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jared, Jake or Clayton Boyert.
October 7 – Bradley Cattle & Hankins Farms Charolais & Red Angus Fall Colors Sale/Hankins Farms Complete Charolais Herd Dispersal, 6 p.m., Hankins Sale Facility, Republic, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Innovation AgMarketing LLC.
October 7 – Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Charolais Show, Harrisburg, Pa.
October 7 – Southern Connection Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Knoxville Livestock Market, Knoxville, Tenn. Sponsors: South Carolina Charolais Association; Georgia-Florida Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
October 8 – Keystone International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Harrisburg, Pa.
October 10 – Bertsche Cattle Show Heifer & Genetics Sale, CKOnlineSales.com. Contact: Brandon Bertsche.
October 12 – JMAR Genetics & Guests Quality
Over Quantity Bull & Heifer Online Sale. Contact: Jim Johnson.
October 14 – Wild Indian Acres Fall Bull Sale, Joplin Regional Stockyards, Joplin, Mo. Auctioneer: Bailey Moore. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 14 – Thomas Charolais Inc. Annual Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Joe.
October 17 – Jackson Cattle Company Spring Born Online Heifer Sale, Walnut Springs, Texas. Contact: Jeff Jackson.
October 18 – Northern International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Show, Billings, Mont.
October 18 – Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Charolais Show & Composite Charolais Show, Billings, Mont.
October 20 – Aces Wild Ranch Southern Belles Fall Female Sale, At the ranch, Millsap, Texas. Sale Manager: Innovation AgMarketing LLC
October 20 – South Carolina State Fair Open Charolais Show, Columbia, S.C.
October 20 – Meadows Creek Farm Arcadia Black & White Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla.
Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.
October 20 – Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 8 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show Hale Arena, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Contact: Jeannine Doughty or David Hobbs.
October 20 – Royal Collection Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC
October 21 – American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show. 8 a.m. , Kansas City, Mo.
October 21 – American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show , Kansas City, Mo.
October 21 – Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan.
Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.
October 21 – Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.
October 21 – Angell – Thomas Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas.
October 21 – Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Contact: Bruce Bradley.
October 24 – Dybdal Charolais 10th Annual Friends In Low Places Elite Show Heifer Online Sale. Contact: Ty or Larry Dybdal.
October 27 – 29th Annual Hokie Harvest Sale, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole.
October 28 – L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Best of the South 5th Annual Black & White Bull & Female Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon Jr., Sky Herndon, or Kevin Asbury.
October 28 – Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Auctioneers: Jerry Lehmann and Wes Tiemann. Contact: Alan Mead or Scott Wall.
October 28 – Nipp Charolais and Friends Production Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Wilson, Okla. Contact: Curtiss Nipp.
October 31 – BJR Summerford Online Bull Sale, CKOnlineSales.com. Contact: Robert or Alan Summerford.
November 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for December 2023 Genetic Analysis.
November 4 – Fox Hollow Farms Fall Production
Volume 3, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Hulbert, Okla. Contact: Stephen Mellott.
November 4 – The Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Mid-State Stockyard, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey.
November 4 – The Wright Charolais Fall Event Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
November 4 – The ONE Sale, 1:00 p.m., Tenroc Ranch, Salado, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
November 7 – ECP Cattle Live Online Sale, Live on CCI. Live. Contact: Ethan Propp.
November 11 – OK Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at McAlester Union Stockyards, McAlester, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
November 11 – North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky.
November 12 – 13 – 2023 AICA Fall Board of Directors Meeting & Committee Meetings, Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, Ky. Contact: Samantha Corn, AICA.
November 13 – 55th National Charolais Show, North Amercian International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Ky.
November 17 – Wienk Charolais Ranch Legends of Fall Bull Sale, at Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Jeff, Sterling, Stetson or Ty Eschenbaum.
November 17 – Wagonhammer Ranches Total Package Female Sale, at the ranch, Bartlett, Neb. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
November 18 – Sara Shepherd Charolais Annual Female Sale, Location-TBA, Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
November 19 – Rennert Ranch/Heart-J Char-Lay Maternal Legacies Sale Volume 3, 1:00 p.m., Kearney, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Printz. Contact: Kristian Rennert.
November 22 – Benes Cattle Company Online Steer & Heifer Sale, Valparaiso, Neb. Contact: Mitch Benes.
November 30 – Charolais Charbray International Virtual Show Entries Close, www.charolaisinternational. com
November 30 – 2023 International Virtual Show Entry Deadline. Contact: David Hobbs, AICA.
December 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2024 Genetic Analysis.
December 1 – Meadows Creek Farm 18th Annual It’s All Black & White Bull & Female Sale, Mid State Stockyards, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.
December 2 – Dennis Charolais Farm Spring Calving Dispersal, Marietta, Okla. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
December 2 – 32nd Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
December 2 – Ridder Farms Family Values Female Sale & Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
December 3 – Boyert Show Cattle Online Bred Heifer & Cow Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jared, Jake or Clayton Boyert.
December 14 – Jackson Cattle Company Holiday Edition Female Sale, Walnut Springs, Texas. Contact: Jeff Jackson.
December 31 – AIJCA National Junior Merit Program Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with your Classified Advertising.
The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.
word, $30 min., paid in advance.
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A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.
All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.
The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.
Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices.
Aces Wild Ranch, Jed Watje - Millsap, TX
Bill King Charolais, Bill King - Moriarty, NM
Hang’n A Cattle Co., Alan Alexander - Pasco, WA
Cawley Cattle Co., LLC, Buddy Cawley - Ashburn, GA
Sturgess Double S Cattle, Michael & Lauren Sturgess - LaRue, TX
Darin Gabriel - Northwood, ND
Leddy Cattle, Donnie Leddy - Stockholm, SD
Full Circle Cattle Co, Taylor & Lyndee Stabel - Lakin, KS
Cody Lundgren - Winthrop, WA
Roster Charolais, Mike Roster - Spencer, SD
Fred Ranch, Kay Fred - Rose, NE
Cannon Charolais, Tom Cannon - Newton, IA
Hubert Charolais Ranch, David Hubert - Oakley, KS
Hebbert Charolais, Mickie, Matt & Lacy Hebbert - Hyannis, NE
J&J Trust Charolais, Jon Proehl - Parkston, SD
Kenmere Charolais, Matt Collins - Holbrook, Australia
Sliding Hills Charolais, Carey Weinbender - Canora, SK Canada
Effertz Key Ranch - Velva, ND
Domek Charolais, Duane & Seth Domek - Wibaux, MT
Footprint Farms, Travis Foot - Esther, AB Canada
Grimmius Cattle Co., Randall Grimmius - Hanford, CA
Brandon Neely - Berkeley Springs, WV
Miller Land and Cattle, Mark Miller - Bloomfield, NE
Wilgenbusch Charolais, Craig & Tricia - Midale, SK Canada
Johnson Charolais, Shane Johnson - Bruce, SD